关于Major Revision 绝地求生for macReconsideration,求帮助

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CriteriaArticle Reject Major Revision Minor Revision Accept
内容提示:CriteriaArticle Reject Major Revision Minor Revision Accept
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CriteriaArticle Reject Major Revision Minor Revisi
官方公共微信Version.MajorRevision 属性
MajorRevision 属性
Version.MajorRevision 属性
Visual Studio 2008
更新:2007 年 11 月
获取修订号的高 16 位。
mscorlib(在 mscorlib.dll 中)
public short MajorRevision { get; }
/** @property */
public short get_MajorRevision()
public function get MajorRevision () : short
16 位的有符号整数。
假定您发布了应用程序的一个临时版本,以便在发布永久解决方案之前临时纠正某个问题。该临时版本不一定有新的修订号,但确实需要被标识为一个不同的版本。在这种情况下,分别对 32 位修订号的高 16 位和低 16 位部分中的标识信息进行编码。使用
属性来获取整个修订号,使用 MajorRevision 属性来获取高 16 位,使用
属性来获取低 16 位。
从 .NET Framework 版本 2.0 开始,Windows NT 操作系统使用 MajorRevision 属性对 Service Pack 号进行编码。
构造函数以及 、、、、MajorRevision 和
// This example demonstrates the Version.Revision,
// MajorRevision, and MinorRevision properties.
class Sample
public static void Main()
string fmtStd = "Standard version:\n" +
major.minor.build.revision = {0}.{1}.{2}.{3}";
string fmtInt = "Interim version:\n" +
major.minor.build.majRev/minRev = {0}.{1}.{2}.{3}/{4}";
Version std = new Version(2, 4, 1128, 2);
Version interim = new Version(2, 4, 1128, (100 && 16) + 2);
Console.WriteLine(fmtStd, std.Major, std.Minor, std.Build, std.Revision);
Console.WriteLine(fmtInt, interim.Major, interim.Minor, interim.Build,
interim.MajorRevision, interim.MinorRevision);
This code example produces the following results:
Standard version:
major.minor.build.revision = 2.4.1128.2
Interim version:
major.minor.build.majRev/minRev = 2.4.
Windows Vista, Windows XP SP2, Windows XP Media Center Edition, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Windows XP Starter Edition, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2000 SP4, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 98
.NET Framework 和 .NET Compact Framework 并不是对每个平台的所有版本都提供支持。有关支持的版本的列表,请参见。
今天一大早收到来自三个多月前投稿的一个journal的审稿回复:revise and reconsider。。。给老板看了具体的letter后觉得这就是Major Revision。
Revison Notes:
301~308 分别针对reviewer的5点意见,查找相关文献,修改文章中的相关段落,想办法解释其提出的问题。308晚将初步修改稿和response Email给Zhong。
309 晨收到Zhong的意见,提出的意见较多。
310~313 针对进一步的修改要求,对response进行了又一次逐条的修改。在perforamnce部分,找到新的一些较为适合的dataset,重新做了实验(预处理,修改程序,测量效率),对paper中的相关内容也进行了小幅度的调整。313晚,将进一步修订后的内容提交给Zhong审阅。
314 晨收到Zhong的进一步意见,意见较少,再次简单修改后,将论文提交!
* 以上用户言论只代表其个人观点,不代表CSDN网站的观点或立场
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&&关于Major Revision for Reconsideration,求帮助!!!
关于Major Revision for Reconsideration,求帮助!!!
Thank you for submitting the above manuscript to International Journal of Biological Macromolecules.&&We have now received the reviewers' reports, and regrettably I must inform you that the manuscript is not acceptable for publication in its present form, and requires major revision before it can be reconsidered for publication.
For your guidance, reviewers' comments are appended below.&&I believe that the comments/suggestions made by the reviewers are self-explanatory.
If you decide to revise the work, please submit an itemized list of changes which have been made in response to the reviewer's comments/suggestions or a rebuttal of why a particular comment/suggestion was not acted upon. In order to expedite publication of the manuscript, I would appreciate receiving the revised manuscript by Dec 15, 2012.
To submit a revision, please go to /ijbiomac/ and login as an Author.
On your Main Menu page is a folder entitled "Submissions Needing Revision". You will find your submission record there.
Please note that the revised manuscript will then be sent to reviewers for further consideration.
Thank you for your assistance and co-operation in the above matter. I look forward to receiving the revised manuscript.
Kind regards.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
Reviewers' comments:
Reviewer #1: The manuscript * is an original paper research on the structure features of three kinds of nanoparticles. The preparation and structure of G-NPs was novel and very interesting. PLGA-NPs and C-NPs were commonly reported, but it was rarely reported on the preparation of G-NPs. Maybe it has good potential in the controlled release delivery as the author described. The self-assembly behavior and hydrolytic erosion were important information for the application of chitosan modified PLGA NPs. So I recommend the paper for publication in International Journal of Biological Macromolecules after revision.
1)& &&&Line 26,213 and 221.
All "mv" should be indicated as "mV".&&
2)& &&&Line 115:"The excess linking reagents were removed by centrifugation and dialysis"
The expression of medium and dialysis treatment time is not clear.
3)& &&&Line 210:" C-NPs had larger size due to the chitosan layer coating the surface of PLGA NPs. G-NPs had a mean diameter of 187.5±17.6nm, which was not significantly different with C-NPs."
Please represent the diameter of C-NPs and the statistical value.
4)& &&&Please note the spacing mistakes and capital letters. Go over the paper and correct it.
Ex, Line 192: "The peaks at1650cm-1 and…"Please note the spacing.
"fig.3…emulsifying …" and "self-assembled… " Initial should be uppercase.
Line 300:"…(Grant No.2012DFB50140), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. ), and the Science and Technology Projects of Shandong province (Grant No. 2011GSF12124)" The spacing should be unified.
5)& &&&In "Measurement of the hydrolytic erosion", the nanoparticles were dispersed in PBS without string? Please described clearly.


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