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TPO 1 LECTURE 1主题: 现代艺术 Contemporary ArtGlossarylittle hints of: 少量的 electric blue 铁蓝色的 Impressionism 印象主义的 realism 实现主义的 accessible 可得到的,易接近的 brushstrokes 绘画技巧 背景知识:<
br />内容精要:1. 文章的主旨(main purpose ) ? To introduce an artist’s work to the class 2. 为什么教授提到Frantzen的乡村作品? (farm scene) ? It was painted in the Impressionist style 3. 为什么去谷仓?(Sales Barn) ? To study human form and movement4. 为什么提到被黄瓜围绕的女人画像? 爱荷华土生土长的Rose Frantzen,在芝 (young woman surrounded by pump加哥美国艺术科学院毕业.她的画象是一 kims) 个个象征性的寓言,在一个抽象的或超 ? It combines Impressionism with Realism. 现实的背景下,展现一个沉醉在自我内心的原型人物。她也十分喜欢刻画她周 围的小人物和小镇风光。Rose Frantzen5. 为什么讨论他境遇很不容易? (Frantzen’s difficulties as a young painter) ? He thinks her example can inspire the students in their own lives. 6. 何出此言? [I find Frantzen to be a very accessible artist. I mean, some artists, to appreciate them, you have to know their life story. But…]?The students can understand Frantzen’s art without knowing about her life. TPO 1 LECTURE 2主题: 地质学 GeologyGlossarydating technique 年代确定技术 sandstone 砂岩 solidify 团结,凝固 flatten out 平击,变平内容精要: 1. 文章的主旨(main purpose ) ? To introduce a particular dating technique ―― Uranium-Lead Dating2. 为什么教授提到大峡谷?(Grand Canyon) eye-opening 令人瞠目的,使人开眼界的 ? Give an example to explain Uranium-Lead grain type 颗粒类型 Dating techniquemolten 熔化的 magma 岩浆 mountain range 山脉 granite 花岗岩 zircon 【矿物】锆石背景知识:3. 为什么提到阿巴拉契亚山脉? (Appalachian Mountain Range) ? Assume “half of the sand from Grand Canyon was once part of Appalachian Mountain Range” 4. 如何用Uranium-Lead Dating求证3假设? ? Looked at the grains of Zircon in the sandstone 5. 3中提到的假设是否正确? ? WRONG! (Because sandstone in Grand Canyon and Appalachian Mountain Range were formed at the same time) 6. Uranium-Lead Dating 的劣势和发展前景 如何? ? It wasn’t very “efficient” or “accurate,” but technical advances facilitate it to become an increasingly popular dating method.uranium-lead dating铀铅测年法 (Uranium铀 Lead铅) 通过测量铀235和铅-207以及铀238和铅206的比例测量石 头,可以测量大约一百万到超过45亿年的年代, 精度大约为测量范围的0.1-1% Grand Canyon 美国大峡谷是一个举世闻名的自然奇观,由于科 罗拉多河穿流其中,故又名科罗拉多大峡谷,它 是联合国教科文组织选为受保护的天然遗产之一 TPO 1 LECTURE 3主题: 考古学 ArchaeologyGlossaryNeolithic period 新石器时代 Stone age 石器时代 obsidian 黑曜石 volcanic 火山岩 flake 剥落 hatchway 舱口,天窗 plaster 石膏;涂以灰泥 hearth 灶台 soot 煤烟,烟灰 excavation 挖掘 artifact 人工制品,手工艺品 背景知识: Catalhoyuk 加泰土丘, 音译作卡塔胡由克或恰塔霍裕克, 是安纳托利亚南部巨大的新石器时代和红铜时 代的人类定居点遗址 Obsidian 黑曜石, 是一种常见的黑色中低档宝石,又名 天然琉璃,是一种自然产生的琉璃。它的成因 是因为火山熔岩迅速地冷却凝结,非晶质结 构。因为熔岩流外围冷却的速度最快,所以黑 曜石通常都是在熔岩流外围发现。黑曜石通常 呈黑色,但是也可见棕色、灰色和少量的红 色、蓝色甚至绿色的材料的黑曜石内容精要: 1. 文章的主旨(main purpose ) ? To introduce to introduce the town building of Catalhoyuk 2. 为什么介绍加泰土丘?(Catalhoyuk) ? Concentrate on this site to understand agricultural settlement 3. 在加泰土丘,人们用什么材料建造城 镇? ? They did with just stone, plus wood, bricks, that sort of thing. And the stone is Obsidian. 4. 城镇房屋建设特点 ? 房屋形状:The houses are all rectangular, one storey made of sun-dried bricks. There are no spaces between houses (so there is no streets). ? 房屋构造: The houses have no doors, and people enter into the house through a hatchway on the roof. There are one main room and several small rooms for storage. ? 通风排烟问题:There are hearths in the main room for cooking and heating, but the smoke went out through the same hatchway that people use for going in and out. 5. 为什么房屋排列如此紧凑? ? Burial custom (the graves have all found under the houses)---- they wanted to live as near as their ancestors’ graves and be buried near them themselves. TPO 1 LECTURE 4主题: 生物学 BiologyGlossary marmot 旱獭,土拔鼠 rodent 啮齿动物 habitat 栖息地 hibernate 冬眠 growing season 生长期,生长季节 loner 孤独的人,不合群的人 vegetative 植物的,植物人状态的 offspring 后代,子孙 meadow 草地,牧场 背景知识: Marmot土拨鼠, 也叫旱獭. 土拨鼠平均体重为4.5公 斤,最大可成长至6.5公斤,身长约为56公 分。土拨鼠主要分布于北美大草原至加拿大等 地区,与松鼠、海狸、花栗鼠等皆属于啮齿目 松鼠科内容精要: 1. 文章的主旨 (main purpose) ? Review the case study (Eastern marmot, Olympic marmot) on how some animals have behaviorally adapted to their environments2. 土拔鼠(marmot) 是什么? ? Marmot are rodents. They are large ground squirrels, about the size of an average house cat. 3. Eastern marmot的生长环境和后天行为 ? 生长环境:They reside throughout the eastern region of North America where there is a temperate climate. ? 后天行为:They mature quickly. Roughly six weeks after birth, Eastern Marmots are just old enough to take their chances of surviving. 4. Olympic marmot的生长环境和后天行 为 ? 生长环境:The Olympic marmots inhabit meadows high in the Olympic Mountains where the weather conditions are much harsher. ? 后天行为:They live together as a family and take care of their young until they are at least two years old. TPO 2 LECTURE 1主题: 心理学 PsychologyGlossary Behaviorism 行为主义 manifestation 展示,显示 laryngeal 喉部,喉的 larynx 喉头 electrode 电极,电焊条 ideomotor 观念运动的 背景知识:内容精要:1. 文章的主旨(main purpose) ? To explain how muscular activities manifest thinking 2. 为什么提到laryngeal habits (喉习惯,日 常生活中不自觉的喉部动作)? ? Because this is one of muscular habits that John Watson studied 3. John Watson得出了什么论点? ? Watson argues that problem solving, or thinking, can be defined as a set of behaviors- a set of responses 4. 使用手语的聋哑人会有喉部动作吗? ? They have muscular changes in their hands when they are trying to solve a problem 5. William James提出了什么概念? ? Ideomotor action- an activity that occurs without our noticing it, without being aware of it (such as eye movement towards a certain direction when thinking about a location) 6. Watson认为“muscular activities are equivalent to thinking”,教授认为还有其 他解释吗? ? YES!John Watson约翰?华生。 20世纪初,华生出版了《一 个行为主义者心目中的心理学》一书,主 张心理学的价值在于对行为的研究,而不 是研究意识。这根本性的推翻了当时将内 省作为主要研究方法并轻视行为研究的构 造论心理学界。与他们相比,华生研究人 体之于环境的变化,或者更明确的说:研 究特定的刺激会引导人体做出何种反应。 TPO 2 LECTURE 2主题: 植物学 BotanyGlossaryfiber 纤维 textile 纺织品 hemp 大麻,麻类植物 rope 绳,绳索 degrade 降解,降级 moor 系住 zinc 锌,镀锌于…… bundle 束,捆 breaking strength 抗断强度内容精要:1. 文章的主旨(main purpose) ? To talk about useful plant fibers, specifically Manila hemp. 2. 马尼拉麻(Manila hemp)是麻类植物 吗? ? NO!It’s actually a member of banana family (蕉科植物)- it even bears bananashaped fruits 3. 马尼拉麻(Manila hemp)的特征是什 么? ? Long, strong, flexible, and resistant to salt water (very important)背景知识:Manila Hemp马尼拉麻,或者叫做蕉麻,是从麻蕉中 得到的一种具有商业价值的纤维。马尼 4. 基于以上特征,人们用马尼拉麻来制作 拉麻可以用来制造绳子,海缆,麻线, 什么? 和粗布。马尼拉麻长度可能超过12英尺 ? Ropes- especially for ropes that are gonna (3.7米),常为白色或微黄色。马尼拉 be used on ocean-going ships 麻非常坚韧,对盐水有很强的抗腐蚀 性。 麻蕉主要生长于菲律宾和中美洲。5. 旧金山的金门大桥(Golden Gate Bridge)是红色的,为什么? ? It’s red because of the zinc paint that goes on those stainless steel cables 6. 怎样制作马尼拉麻绳? ? Take several of these fibers, and group them into a bundle. Take that bundle of fibers and twist it, and then group those bundles and twist them into bigger bundles. TPO 2 LECTURE 3主题: 哲学 PhilosophyGlossaryethical 伦理的,道德的 extrinsic 外在的 intrinsic 内在的 productivity 生产力 amateur 业余的 frustration 挫折,懊丧 criterion 标准,条件 contemplation 沉思内容精要:1. 文章的主旨 (main purpose) ? To discuss Aristotle’s ethical theory 2. Ethical theory的核心思想是什么? ? How to be happy- what true happiness is 3. Extrinsic value和Intrinsic value的区别在 哪? ? Extrinsic value: value something as a means to something else (e.g. Health is important because it ensures a person’s productivity) ? Intrinsic value: value something not as a means to something else, but for its own sake (e.g. Health is important because it feels good) 4. 是否存在所有人都重视的一样东西? 内在价值还是外在价值都高? ? Aristotle thought the answer is yes- it’s happiness 5. 亚里士多德(Aristotle)认为,什么是 happiness? ? True human happines true happiness should be something that I
true happiness is the exercise of reason- a life of intellectual contemplation.背景知识:Aristotle亚里士多德,生卒年代约公元前384年- 公元前322年,古希腊哲学家,逻辑学 家,科学家。亚里士多德总结了泰利斯 以来古希腊哲学发展的成果,首次将哲 学和其他科学区别开来,开创了逻辑 学、伦理学、政治学和生物学等学科的 独立研究。其学术思想对西方文化的发 TPO 2 LECTURE 4主题: 天文学 AstronomyGlossaryasteroid belt 小行星带 tantalizingly 逗人的,撩人的 telescope 望远镜 validity 有效性,正确性背景知识:Titius-Bode Law 提丢斯-波得定则,简称“波得定律”,是关于 太阳系中行星轨道的一个简单的几何学规则。 这个公式可以表述为: a = \frac{n+4} 其中 n = 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48...(后一个数字为前一个 数字的2倍) 现代的公式把a作为行星到太阳的平均距离 (天文单位): a = 0.4 + 0.3\times k 其中k=0,1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128 (0以后数字为2 的2次方) 这个公式可以表述为:在0.4上各加以0.0, 0.3,0.6,1.2……等数,便得各行星和太阳之 间的平均距离,单位是天文单位。许多小行星 就是根据这个定律去寻找而发现的。但海王星 和冥王星的距离和按这一定律推得的数值相差 很大。 其具体数据如下: 行星 公式推得 值实测值 水星 Mercury 0.4 0.39 金星 Venus 0.7 0.72 地球 Earth 1.0 1.00 火星 Mars 1.6 1.52 小行星带 Asteroid belt 2.8 2.9 木星 Jupiter 5.2 5.20 土星 Saturn 10.0 9.54 天王星 Uranus 19.6 19.18 海王星 Neptune 38.8 30.06 冥王星 Pluto 77.2 39.44内容精要:1. 文章的主旨 (the main purpose) ? To explain how the asteroid belt was discovered. 2. 每个行星和太阳之间的距离是怎样 几何规律递增的?(参见背景知识介绍)3. 小行星带如何被发现? ? Based on Bode’s Law, there was some interest in why the 2.8 spot in the pattern was skipped. TPO 3 LECTURE 1主题: Environmental Science 环境科学Glossary: habitat 栖息地 Western hemisphere 西半球 breed 繁殖,饲养 nectar 花蜜,甘露 pollinate 对……授粉内容精要:1. 文章的主旨(main purpose) ? To talk about what happens when habitat is reduced across a large area 2. Humming bird(蜂鸟)是什么? ? An amazingly small animal that migrates over very long distances travels up and down the western hemisphere---- the Americas. 3. 蜂鸟从哪些食物中获取能量? ? It drinks a lot of nectar from flowers and feeds on some insects. 4. 蜂鸟和植物的关系是? ? Humming birds have to rely on plants in their natural habitat, plants depend on humming birds too, because there are some flowers that can only be pollinated by the humming birds. 5. 什么事情对蜂鸟数量造成威胁? ? Natural habitat along the migration routes is developed by humans for housing or agriculture or cleared for raising cattle, for instance, there is less food available for migrating humming birds. 6. 有什么方法可以保护蜂鸟的栖息地? ? Cleaning up polluted habitat areas and then replanting flowers. ? Promoting ecological tourism. ? Learn more about their breeding, nesting sites and migration routes, and also about the natural habitats we find there. ? Running a banding study, tracking them over their lifetime.背景知识:humming bird 蜂鸟 是属于雨燕目的蜂鸟科,体型 小,能够以快速拍打翅膀的方式而悬 停在空中,也是唯一可以向后飞的 鸟。蜂鸟的飞行本领高超,也被人们 称为“神鸟”、“彗星”、“森林女 神”和“花冠”等。 吸蜜蜂鸟仅重 1.8公克,是世界上最小的鸟。还有一 种典型的北美蜂鸟红喉北方蜂鸟重量 约三公克左右,身长7.6厘米。 TPO 3 LECTURE 2主题: Film History 电影历史Glossary: hybrid 杂种,混合物 fuse 融合 aquatic 水生的 mollusk (无脊椎的)软体动物 innovator 改革者,创新者内容精要:1. 文章的主旨(main purpose) ? To talk about a film-maker who began making very unique films in the late 1920s---Jean Painleve 2. Jean Painleve的电影独特之处是? ? a special way of fusing science and fiction. ? “science is fiction” 3. Painleve最喜欢的海洋动物是什么?为什 么? ? One of his favorite sea animals was the seahorse, because with seahorse, it’s the male that carries the eggs. 4. Jean Painleve和Jacques Cousteau的相似之 处在哪?不同之处在哪? ? 相似之处 both both innovators ? 不同之处 ? Painleve was about 20 years ahead of Cousteau ? Cousteau’s adventures were high-tech, with lots of fancy equipment, whereas Painleve kind of patched the equipment together as he needed it. ? Cousteau usually filmed large animals, usually in the open sea, whereas Painleve generally filmed smaller animals, and he liked to film in shallow water ? Cousteau simply investigated and presented the facts- he didn’ Painleve mixed in elements of fiction, and his films are much more artistic. 5. 为什么Painleve知名度不如Cousteau 高? ? Painleve’s film confused people, while Cousteau’s documentaries were very straightforward.背景知识:Jean Painleve让?潘勒维()法国生物 学家以及纪录片导 演,出生于巴黎, 上世纪二十年代初 开始拍摄科学纪录 片,是历史上最早 拍摄水下纪录片的人。1928年的《章鱼》是他 的处女作,而1934年由他亲自撰写解说词的 《海马》则成为科学电影史上的一座里程碑。 Jacques Cousteau 雅克?伊夫?库斯托 ()1910年6 月,雅克?库斯托出生于 濒临大西洋比斯开湾的小 镇。他的家乡位于波尔多 地区边缘,祖父买卖红酒 和香槟,因此他本该走上酿酒之路,但他爱上 了海洋和摄像.在吕克?贝松的电影《碧海蓝 天》中,杰克如海豚一般潜入深海,仿佛那里 才是他的故乡。雅克-伊夫?库斯托(JacquesYves Cousteau)是这部电影的主人公原型。 直到去世,雅克?库斯托留下了100多部纪录 片,50多本书。 TPO 3 LECTURE 3主题: Art History 艺术史Glossary:Cave art 洞穴艺术,洞穴壁画 primitive 原始的,远古的 masterpiece 杰作 Paleolithic 旧石器时代的 charcoal 木炭,用木炭画 herbivore 食草动物 背景知识: Chauvet cave 肖维岩洞也译作萧韦岩洞,也叫肖维蓬达尔克洞穴是位于法国南部阿尔代 什省的一个洞穴,因洞壁上拥有丰富 的史前绘画而闻名。洞穴位于阿尔代 什省城市瓦隆蓬达尔克附近的一个石 灰岩山崖上,于1994年被发现。部分 历史学家认为洞内岩画可以追溯至 32000年前。内容精要:1. 文章的主旨 (main purpose) ? To discuss the oldest paintings found in Chauvet Cave in France 2. Chauvet Cave里的壁画有多古老? ? No agreed answer. A number of the Chauvet paintings have been dated by a lab to 30,000 or more years ago. 3. Chauvet Cave壁画的作画时代背景如 何? ? P people live in rock shelters and shallow caves 4. Chauvet Cave是否曾今有人居住? ? No. (Paintings were made deep inside a dark cave, where no natural light can penetrate) 5. 旧石器时代壁画(Paleolithic cave art)和Chauvet Cave art的作画题材 是? ? Paleolithic cave art: large herbivores (horse) ? Chauvet cave art: large dangerous animals (lots of rhinoceros, lions, mammoth, bears); they DIDN’T paint PEOPLE! TPO 3 LECTURE 4主题: Astronomy 天文学Glossary: spectroscopy 光谱学 prism 棱镜 radiation 辐射 Uranium (化学)铀 spectrograph 光谱仪,摄谱仪 Helius 太阳神 Helium (化学)氦 背景知识: 内容精要:1. 文章的主旨(main purpose) ? To explain the significance of spectroscopy in astronomy 2. 光谱学对天文学最基本的意义在哪? ? It makes it possible to analyze the light emitted from stars. 3. 暴露在辐射(radiation)之下危险 吗? ? Yes and no. It’s dangerous to be exposed to radiations like Uranium. But radiation as a general term actually refers to anything that spreads away from its source. 4. 可以从光谱中得知一个行星的化学组 成吗? ? Yes. The spectrum of stars form distinct patterns, and each pattern stands for a distinct chemical elements. 5. 如何知道那种pattern 对应那种化学 成分? ? A kind of spectroscopic library of elements was complied using flame tests. 6.太阳种有一种元素至今在地球上还没 发现,是什么? ? Helium (Could be guessed from “Helius”)Spectrocopy光谱学是光学的一个分支学科,研究各种物质的光谱的产生及其同物质之间相互作用。 光谱是电磁辐射按照波长的有序排列。根据 实验条件的不同,各个辐射波长都具有各自 的特征强度。通过光谱的研究,人们可以得 到原子、分子等的能级结构、能级寿命、电 子的组态、分子的几何形状、化学键的性 质、反应动力学等多方面物质结构的知识。 但是,光谱学技术并不仅是一种科学工具, 在化学分析中它也提供了重要的定性与定量 的分析方法。 TPO 4 LECTURE 1主题: Biology 生物学Glossary:out of place 不合适的,不相称的 displacement 取代,移位 disinhibition 去抑制,抑制解除 ruffle 弄皱,触怒 wood thrush 画眉鸟 beak 鸟嘴 groom 打扮内容精要:1. 文章的主旨(the main purpose) ? To talk about animal behaviors 2. 什么是 Displacement Activity? ? Displacement activities are activities that animal’s engaging in when they have conflicting drives. For example, a bird that&#39;s in the middle of a mating ritual, and suddenly it stops and preens, and then returns to the mating ritual. 3. 什么是Redirecting? ? The animal redirects its behavior to another object. For example, an animal, instead of fighting its enemy or running away, attacks a plant or a bush. 4. Displacement 发生的关键因素是什么? ? The animal get two conflicting drives---two competing urges. For example, an object that the animal was afraid of was put next to its food. The animal is was conflicted between confronting the object and eating the food, so instead, it just fell asleep. 5. 什么是Disinhibition? ? Two drives inhibit/ hold back a third drive. 6. 什么是comfort behavior? ? The displacement activities, such as feeding, drinking, grooming, even sleeping. These are most accessible things an animal can do, and they don’t have to think very much about those behaviors.背景知识:Wood Thrush 画眉鸟When the “wood thrush” is in an attack-escape conflict, that is, it’s caught between the two urges to escape from or to attack an enemy. If it&#39;s sitting on a horizontal branch, it’ll wipe its beak on its perch. If it’s sitting on a vertical branch, it’ll groom its breast feathers. TPO 4 LECTURE 2主题: Literature 文学Glossary:conviction 定罪,确信 conformity 一致,合适 zigzag “之”字形 attest to 证明,证实内容精要:1. 文章主旨 (the main purpose) ? To talk about some important thoughts that the professor believes the students deserve to keep in mind while doing tonight’s assignment. 2. 学生们晚上的作业是什么? ? They will be reading one of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s best-known essays “SelfReliance” and comparing it with his poems and other works. 3. 爱默生对真理(truth)的理解是什 么? ? Each person believe his or her own thought (the thought or conviction that’s true for you) ? “universal truth”―― something that everyone knows but doesn’t realize they know 4. 爱默生对于“顺从”(conformity)的 态度是什么? ? He criticizes that people of this time for abandoning their own minds and their wills for the sake of conformity and consistency. 5. 爱默生的non-conformity是什么意思? ? Not conforming with yourself or your past. (If you’ve always been a certain way or done a certain thing, it’s not working for you any more)背景知识: Ralph Waldo Emerson拉尔夫?沃尔多?爱默生(1803年-1882 年),生于波士顿。 美国思想家、文学 家,诗人。 爱默生是确立美国文化精神的 代表人物。 。1836年出版处女作《论自 然》。他文学上的贡献主要在散文和诗歌 上。美国前总统林肯称他为“美国的孔 子”、“美国文明之父”。日 出生于马萨诸塞州波士顿附近的康考德村, 日在波士顿逝世。他的生命几 乎横贯19世纪的美国,他出生时候的美国热 闹却混沌,一些人意识到它代表着某种新力 量的崛起,却无人能够清晰的表达出来。 TPO 4 LECTURE 3主题: Geology 地质学Glossary: Desert plain 沙漠荒原 bulldozer 推土机 tilt 轻轻摇晃 meteorology 气象学内容精要:1. 文章的主旨(The main purpose) ? To know about moving rocks. 2. 死亡谷除了干燥炎热,还有什么特点? ? They MOVE! They leave long trails behind them, tracks you might say they move from one point to another, but nobody has been able to figure out how they are moving because no one has ever seen it happen. 3. 理论怎么解释石头的移动? ? A. Some researchers think powerful windstorms might move the rocks (the ground becomes extremely slippery after rain so that the high winds can move the rocks) ? B. It’s possible that rain on desert floor could turn to think sheets of ice when temperatures drop at night. If rocks become better than ice, a piece of ice with rocks in it can be pushed around by the wind. 4. 上述理论有什么问题? ? A. You need winds of at least five hundred miles an hour to move just the smallest rock, and winds that strong have never been recorded. ? B. Rocks trapped in ice together would have moved together when the ice moved, but that doesn’t happen. The rocks seem to take separate routes.?背景知识:Death Valley在美国加利福尼亚州与内华达州相毗连 的群山之中,有一条特大的“死亡 谷”。它长二百二十五公里,宽约六至 二十六公里不等,面积达一千四百多平 方公里。峡谷两“岸”,悬崖绝壁,地 势十分险恶。这里也是北美洲最炽热、 最干燥的地区。几乎常年不下雨,更有 过连续六个多星期气温超过四十摄氏度 的纪录。每逢倾盆大雨,炽热的地方便 会冲起滚滚泥流。5. 还有什么用于解释rock moving? the ground itself is shifting, the rocks are moved by a magnetic force TPO 4 LECTURE 4主题: United States Government 美国政府Glossary: Depression 大萧条时期 gallery 画廊 subsidy 补贴,津贴 altruistic 利他主义的 patron 赞助人 plaque 匾,血小板 背景知识: The Federal Art Project (FAP) wasthe visual arts arm of the Great Depression-era New Deal Works Progress Administration Federal One program in the United States. It operated from August 29, 1935, until June 30, 1943. Reputed to have created more than 200,000 separate works, FAP artists created posters, murals and paintings. Some works still stand among the mostsignificant pieces of public art in the country内容精要:1. 文章的主旨(The main purpose) ? To talk about government support for the arts. 2. 政府官方对艺术的支持是从什么时候开 始? ? There wasn’t really any official government support for the arts until the twentieth century, but the first attempt the United States government made to support the arts was the Federal Art Project. 3. Federal Art Project 的主要目的是? ? It started in the 1930s to employ out of work artists. 4. Federal Art Project是否成功? ? Yes. This project established a lot of community art centers and galleries and places like rural areas where people hadn’t really had access to the arts. It also provided jobs for thousands of unemployed artists. 5. 1965年,National Endowment for the Arts(NEA)创立是出于什么原因? ? It was felt by a number of politicians that the government had a responsibility to support the arts as sort of the soul or spirit of the country 6. 公司企业(corporations)是怎么支持艺 术领域的? ? Corporations might not support the arts unless the government made it attractive for them to do so, by offering corporations tax incentives to support the arts, that is, by letting corporations pay less in taxes if they were patrons of the arts. 7. 为什么有艺术家不想要政府支持? TPO 5 LECTURE 1主题: Sociology 社会学Glossary:alligator 短嘴鳄 sewer 下水道 twinkle 眨眼 transmission 传输 replica 复制品,复制物 replicator 复制基因 fecundity 繁殖力 fidelity 保真度 housefly 家蝇 mutation 突变内容精要: 1. 文章的主旨(The main purpose) ? To introduce memes 2. lecture 开头给出的两个说明memes 的例子是? ? The reproduction of alligators in sewer system of New Y the spread of “twinkle, twinkle little star” song. 3. 模因(meme)是怎么被定义的? ? A meme is defined as a piece of information copied from person to person. (ideas, skills, stories, songs are all memes) 4. 成功的复制基因具有什么特点? ? Longevity: A replicator must exist long enough to b the longer a replicator survives, the better its chances of getting its message copied and passed on. ? Fecundity: Fecundity is the ability to reproduce in large numbers. ? Fidelity: Fidelity means the accuracy of the copying process. (If a copy of a gene is a bit different from the original, that’s called a genetic mutation)背景知识:Meme 模因模因类似作为遗传因子的基因,为文化的 遗传因子,也经由复制,模仿,变异与选 择的过程而演化。举例而言,某个人类大 脑中的观念(模因),经由模仿或是学习 复制到不同人的大脑中,而经由复制的观 念并不会与原来的观念完全相同,因此产 生变异,这些相似但又不同的观念在传播 时相互竞争,不同的内容影响其散播能 力,因此出现类似天择的现象。道金斯最 初创造模因一词,是为了在基因之外,延 伸演化的概念。这个概念后来被心理学和 社会学等学科广泛使用。一般对文化的了 解是文化如何被人相信,而模因学则认为 文化如何吸纳信徒。模因学指出很多人相 信的东西只代表强的模因,与真假并没有 绝对的关系。 TPO 5 LECTURE 2主题: Astronomy 天文学Glossary: crater 火山口,弹坑 orbit 盘旋,绕轨道环行 equator 赤道 mantle 地幔 crust 外壳 meteor shower 流星雨 crude 原油,天然物质内容精要:1. 文章的主旨 (The main purpose) ? To introduce the reasons in favor of Moon landing. 2. South Pole- Aitken Basin(SPA Basin)是 什么? ? It’s located in the moon’s south polar region. Since it’s on the far side of the moon, it can only be seen from space. 3. 怎么判断SPA盆地的年龄? ? From radio survey data, we know that the basin contains lots of smaller craters. So it must be really old, about 4 billion yeas, give or take a few hundred million years. (but it’s not very precise) 4. 即便知道了SPA盆地的年龄,是否就足 以说明可以去月球? ? There are other things worth investigating, like is there water ice on the moon? 5. 如果月球上有水,水是从哪里来的? ? Meteors that crashed into the moon or tails of passing comets may have introduced water molecules. 6. 月球上有冰,其意义何在? ? That would be a very practical value for a future moon base for astronauts. Water ice could be melted and purified for drinking. It could also be broken down into its component parts---- oxygen and hydrogen. Oxygen could be used to breathe, and hydrogen could be turned into fuel.背景知识:南极-艾托肯盆地(South Pole-Aitkenbasin) 是月球上最大地环形山,也是太阳系 内已知最大地。这环形山位于月球地 背面,接近南极地地方,直径约2,240 公里,深13公里。 TPO 5 LECTURE 3主题: Chemistry 化学Glossary:Spectroscopy 光谱学 matter 物质 curator 馆长,监护人 canvas 画布 brushstroke 一笔,画的技巧 pigment 色素,颜料 infrared 红外线的 touchup 修改,润色背景知识:伦勃朗?哈尔曼松?凡?莱因(RembrandtHarmenszoon van Rijn ,)欧洲 17世纪最伟大的画家之一,也是荷兰历史上 最伟大的画家。台湾简称为林布兰特。伦勃 朗早年从师 P.拉斯特曼 ,1625 年在家乡开 设画室。画作体裁广泛,擅长肖像画、风景 画、风俗画、宗教画、历史画等。内容精要: 1. 文章的主旨(The main purpose) ? To cover the basics of Spectroscopy 2. 什么是光谱学(Spectroscopy)? ? Spectroscopy is the study of interaction between matter and light. 3. Laser Spectroscopy 如何工作? ? Laser Spectroscopy works by measuring very precisely what parts of the spectrum are absorbed by different substances. 4. 如何判断一幅画是否为原版(比 如,是否为Rembrandt所画)? ? Make a list of characteristics the painting would have to have to be a Rembrandt. ? Discover whether he painting in question has those characteristics. 5. 如何使用Spectroscopy? ? We put an infrared microscope- a spectroscope- on tiny bits of these signatures with those of particular elements like zinc or lead, to determine what the pigment was made of. 6. 有时即使是真品看起来也像赝品, 为什么? ? Because they’ve had so many restorers add touchup layers to cover up damage, damage from the paint having deteriorated over time. TPO 5 LECTURE 4主题: Literature 文学Glossary:genre 类型,流派 folk tale 民间故事 communal 公共的,公社的 line-up 阵容,展开背景知识:内容精要:1. 文章的主旨(The main purpose) ? To introduce folk tales before talking about fairy tales. (There is a strong connection between these two genres) 2. 什么是民间故事(folk tale)? ? They are old stories, traditional stories. They were passed down orally within cultures from generation to generation, so they changed a lot over time. 3. 为什么说民间故事是communal的? ? By communal, we mean they reflect the traits and the concerns of a particular community at a particular time. Essentially the same tale could be told in different communities, with certain aspects of the tale adapted to fit the specific community. 4. fairy tale和folk tale的区别在哪? ? Fairy tales seem to be less realistic than folk tales, like they have something improbable happening- a frog turning into a prince. ? Fairy tales all seem to take place in a location that’s nowhere and everywhere at the same time. 5. folk tales和fairy tales的一般结构展开(line-up) 是怎样的? ? In the case of folk tales, each story teller would specify a particular location and time, though the time and location would differ for different story tellers. ? With fairy tales, however, the location is generally unspecified, no matter who the story teller is. 6. 可以说fairy tale是folk tale的口头版本(oral version)吗? Not exactly. A number of things happen when an oral tale gets written down: ? the language changes (It becomes more formal, more standard) ? When an orally transmitted story is written down, an authoritative version with a recognized author is created, and the communal aspect gets lost. ? Description of characters and settings can be developed more completely in fairy tales.Folk Tale民间故事是民间文学中的重要门类之一。从 广义上讲,民间故事就是劳动人民创作并传播的、具有虚构内容的散文形式的口头文学 作品,是所有民间散文作品的通称,有的地方叫“瞎话”、“古话”、“古经”等等。 民间故事是从远古时代起就在人们口头流传 的一种以奇异的语言和象征的形式讲述人与 人之间的种种关系,题材广泛而又充满幻想 的叙事体故事。民间故事从生活本身出发, 但又并不局限于实际情况以及人们认为真实 的和合理范围之内。它们往往包含着超自然 的、异想天开的成分。 TPO 6 LECTURE 1主题:Glossaryboom and bust繁荣和萧条roast 烤 hysterical 歇斯底里的 tulips mania 郁金香热 streak 条纹 Dutch 荷兰人经济学 Economics内容精要:1. 文章的主旨(main purpose ) ? To demonstrate how boom-and-bust cycles have changed overtime 2. 教授对dot-com crash持什么观点? ? She thinks that people should have realized it would happen. 3. 郁金香起源于哪里? ? The mountains of central Asia 4. 为什么教授提到了一个吃郁金香(tulip bulbs)的商人? ? To illustrate her point that Europeans were unfamillar with the flower 5. 教授提到了在1630s人们交易(promissory note)的行为,这种行为说明了什么? ? Why buyers were no longer interested in owning actual tulips. ? Why borrowing in the Netherlands increased on a significant scale. 6.在17世纪郁金香热(tulip craze)是由哪里因素 引起的? ? Century wealthy gardeners liked to complete for rare plants ? The number of people with disposable income was growing ? The tulip market was not regulated by the governmentCelestial Mountains 天山 nomad 游牧的 Istanbul伊斯坦布尔(土耳其城市) specimen标本 mortgage 抵押promissory notes 承兑票据背景知识: 郁金香泡沫 Tulip Bubble又称郁金香效应(经济学术语),源自 17世纪荷兰的历史事件。作为人类历史 上有记载的最早的投机活动,荷兰的 “郁金香泡沫”昭示了此后人类社会的 一切投机活动,尤其是金融投机活动中 的各种要素和环节:对财富的狂热追 求、羊群效应、理性的完全丧失、泡沫 的最终破灭和千百万人的倾家荡产。互联网泡沫 dot-com crash互联网泡沫(又称科网泡沫或dot泡沫) 指自1995年至2001年间的投机泡沫,在 欧美及亚洲多个国家的股票市场中,与 科技及新兴的互联网相关企业股价高速 上升的事件,在日NASDAQ指 数到达5132.52的最高点时到达顶峰。 TPO 6 LECTURE 2主题:GlossaryNightcap Oak 夜冠橡树 resemblance 相似 primitive 原始 habitat 栖息地 plum 李子 dwindle 减少 cluster 群;簇 hectare 公顷 germinate 发芽 seed dispersal 种子传播 colonize 殖民生物 biology内容精要:1. 教授主要讲了Nightcap Oak的那两个方 面? ? Factors that relate to the size of the area in which it grows ? The size of its population over the last few centuries 2. 什么导致了科学认为nightcap oak归于原 始的(primitive) ? It is similar to some ancient fossils. 3. 关于Nightcap Oak的栖息地,教授提到 了哪点? ? Its size is much larger than the area where the Nightcap Oak grows 4. 根据教授所说,导致Nightcap Oak难以 扩大(population spreading)的两个因素 是什么? ? The fact that the seed cannot germinate while locked inside the shell. ? The limited time the seed retain the ability to germinate 5. 为什么教授提到了在过去的几百年中 Nightcap Oas的数目? (the size of population) ? To point out that Nightcap Oak’s limited reproductive success has not led to a decrease in its population 6. 何出此言? [Maybe those questions were actually related] ? She wants the students to think about a possible connection.背景知识: 夜冠橡树 nightcap oak夜冠橡树生长在澳大利亚,现存数量只剩 约200棵.它们生长在雨林. 它们还保有 生存在几千亿年前古老树木的形状, 且 发现有化石与此树非常相像. 夜冠橡树 被视为是活化石。 TPO 6 LECTURE 3主题: 创造性写作 creative writingGlossarycharacter sketch 人物素描 fictional 虚构内容精要:1. 教授主要讨论了creative writing的什么方 consistent 一致的 defer to 遵从 面 pitfall 缺陷 stereotype 成见 ? How to create believable character. 2. 为什么教授要学生们注意他们每天见到 cliché 陈词滥调 show off 炫耀 的人? ragged mountain dweller ? The behavior and characteristics of these 衣衫褴褛的山区居民 people can be used in character sketches. 3. 教授举了个汽车没有油的例子,这个例 背景知识: 子说明了什么? 扁平人物 Flat character ? Writers should know their characters as 扁平人物和圆形人物这两个概念,自从被爱德华 well as they know their friends. ?摩根?福斯特在《小说面面观》一书中提出以 4. 当教授讨论坐在山上的人时,他想警示 后,尽管受到不同的毁誉,但一直为人们所沿 用,而且扩大到小说以外的其他文学体裁。扁平 什么?(warning) 人物称为性格人物,而现在有时被称作类型人物 ? Avoid making characters into stereotypes. 或漫画人物。他们出现在剧里,只是为了“表现 5. 教授暗示了flat character有什么样的重 一个简单的意念或特性”,甚至简直就是为了某 要性? 一个固定念头而生活在种种的矛盾冲突之中。 ? They help reveal the main character’s personality. 圆形人物 Round character 人物是指文学作品中具有复杂性格特征的人物。 6. 教授为什么这么说?(何出此言) 这类人物在小说中往往都是多义与多变的人物。 ? Ii don’t mean a sketch like a drawing.这类人物的特点是性格有形成与发展的过程。圆 形人物基本特征是:圆形人物的塑造打破了好的 全好、坏的全坏的简单分类方法,按照生活的本 来面目去刻画人物形象,更真实、更深入地揭示 人性的复杂、丰富,具有更高的审美价值。这种 塑造人物的方法给读者一种多侧面、立体可感的 印象,往往能够带来心灵的震动。 TPO 6 LECTURE 4主题: 地球科学 Earth ScienceGlossary内容精要:drastic 剧烈的 Sahara Desert 撒哈拉大沙漠 1. 文章的主旨(main purpose ) ? An example of rapid climate change aquifer 含水层 greenery 绿色植物 2. Ice age和Sahara Desert(撒哈拉沙漠)的行程说 prehistoric 史前的 hippopotamuses 河马 明了过去什么样的气候变化? filter 过滤 tropical paradise 热带天堂 ? That some climate changes were not caused by human activity. fossilized pollen 花粉化石 monsoon 雨季 ? That some climate changes were caused by changed in Earth’s motion and position tilt 倾斜 abrupt 突然的 3. 是什么开始造成北非撒哈拉地区变成沙漠的失 Evaporate 蒸发 Nile valley 尼罗河谷 控效应(runway effect)? ? The seasonal rains moved to a different area. 背景知识: 4. 教授提出了从撒哈拉地区一名的人对埃及文明 [撒哈拉沙漠] Sahara Desert 的形成(Egyptian civilization)很重要的理论, 撒哈拉沙漠约形成于二百五十万年前,乃世界第 哪句话最说明了教授的态度。 二大荒漠,仅次于南极洲,是世界最大的沙质荒 ? It raises an interesting possibility and hopes to 漠。它位于非洲北部,气候条件非常恶劣,是地 see more evidence for it. 球上最不适合生物生存的地方之一。其总面积约 5. 不久以前,撒哈拉有不一样的天气。教授提到 容得下整个美国本土。撒哈拉沙漠气候由信风带 了什么证据支持这一点? 的南北转换所控制,常出现许多极端。它有世界 ? Ancient pollen 上最高的蒸发率,并且有一连好几年没降雨的最 ? Rock paintings 大面积纪录。气温在海拔高的地方可达到霜冻和 ? Underground water 冰冻地步,而在海拔低处可有世界上最热的天 6. 何出此言? [oh, Maybe it would, if you think 气。 about how today, in some parts of Sahara, it only rains about once in a century.] ? To emphasize the difference between the current and past climates of the Sahara. TPO 7 LECTURE 1主题: Theater History 戏剧历史Glossary:playwright 剧作家 exposition 阐述,博览会 inciting 煽动的 reversal 逆转 obligatory 义务的,必须的 背景知识:内容精要:1. 文章的主旨 (main purpose) ? To introduce an early form of drama----well-made play 2. 佳构剧(well-made play)的特 点是什么? ? Everything in the plays are logically connected. 3. 一部佳构剧的必要元素 (necessary elements)有哪些? ? logical exposition (exposition is whatever background information you have to review to the audience) ? inciting incident (a keen moment to get things moving, that really makes the audience interested in what happens to the characters) ? secrets (things that the audience knows, but the characters often don’t know) ? obligatory scene (a moment in which all the secrets are revealed)well-made play 佳构剧19世纪流行于欧洲的一种戏剧样式。特点是运用 雕琢的布局,离奇的情节和紧张的场面, 以激起观众的兴奋情绪,偏重追求剧场效 果而忽视思想内容。代表作家有法国的斯 克里布等。模式: 1.开幕后在最短时间交待出前史 2.把情节维系在一个秘密上 3.人物上下场巧妙 4.有误会发生 5.小道具对情节有重要影响 6.有激变的重要场景 TPO 7 LECTURE 2主题: Biology 生物学Glossary:infrasound 次声,亚声 ultrasound 超声,超声波 echolocation 回波定位,回声测距 self-explanatory 不言自明的 sophisticated 复杂的,精致的 clutter 杂乱,混乱 pine 松树 deciduous tree 落叶树,阔叶树 jagged 锯齿状的,参差不齐的内容精要: 1. 文章的主旨 (main purpose) ? To talk about the use of ultrasound by animals 2. 动物如何使用超声波?有什么典型 例子? ? Animals use ultrasound to detect things through sending out very high frequency sounds. Bats are good examples, who use echolocation. 3. 回声定位(echolocation)是怎么工 作的? ? The bats emits ultrasonic pulses, very high pitch sound waves that we cannot hear. And then, analyze these echoes to determine if there is wall in a cave that needs to avoid, and how far away it is. 4. 蝙蝠怎么通过回声区分不同的事 物,比如树和飞蛾? ? The echoes from a tree are going to be massive chaotic acoustic reflections, not like the echo from a moth. 5. 蝙蝠可以区分不同的树吗? ? Yes. The echo of all the leaves as whole that matters.背景知识:生物波定位蝙蝠分辨声 音的本领很 高,耳内具 有生物波定 位的结构。 蝙蝠是惟一 能真正飞行 的哺乳动 物,非常适 合在黑暗中 生活,它的 眼睛几乎不 起作用,通过发射生物波并根据其反射的回 音辨别物体。飞行的时候由口和鼻发出一种 人类听不到的生物波,遇到昆虫后会反弹回 来。蝙蝠用耳朵接收后,就会知道猎物的具 体位置,从而前往捕捉。它能听到的声音频 率可达300千赫/秒,而人类的一般在14千赫/ 秒以下。 TPO 7 LECTURE 3主题: Anthropology 人类学Glossary:birch 桦树 bark 树皮 waterproof 防水的 utensil 用具,器皿 pliable 柔韧的 canoe 独木舟 resin 树脂,松香 watertight 不漏水的 maneuverable 有机动性的,容易操作的背景知识: Birch Tree桦树木材较坚硬,富有弹性,结构均匀,心边材不明显。抗腐能力较差,受潮易变形。可作胶 合板、卷轴、枪托、细木工家具及农具用材。桦 树树皮可热解提取焦油,还可制工艺品。此外, 其树形美观,秋季叶变黄色,是很好的园林绿化 树种。桦树萃取物被使用为天然香料或皮革油, 和在化妆用品里。桦树树汁被用作为补剂或回报 入桦树糖浆,软饮料,和其它食物。桦树糖浆然而 非常难与其它糖浆比较, 使它比其它食物糖浆更 加昂贵内容精要: 1. 文章的主旨(main purpose) ? To introduce the important use of birch tree in 16th century Native American life (focus on Iroquois and Hooray peoples) 2. 桦树(birch tree)的用途? ? Birch tree has white waterproof bark, which can be used for making things like cooking containers, a variety of utensils. ? A tougher inner layer of the tree adheres to the bark, producing a stronger material. 3. 桦树的什么特点使人们可以方便地用 其制造器皿? ? Pliable (easy to bend) 4. 用桦树坐器皿装食物会串味吗? ? The taste of the birch tree doesn’t get transferred to the food. 5. 桦树最重要的使用是什么? ? Canoe. 6. 独木舟(canoe)给Iroquois人们生活 带来什么改变? ? Having an efficient means of transportation helps the Iroquois to form a federation linked by natural waterways. ? This efficiency of the birch back canoe also made an impression on newcomers to the area. TPO 7 LECTURE 4主题: Geology 地质学Glossary: glacier 冰川,河川 crystallized 结晶 basal slip 基面滑移 bedrock 基岩,根底 lubricant 润滑剂,润滑的 deformation 变形,走样 brittle 易碎的,脆弱的 ooze 渗出,泄漏 fissure 裂缝 surge 大浪,巨涌 背景知识: Flow of Glacier冰川运动指冰川的移动。冰川冰在重力作 用下自源头向末端的移动。包括塑性变形 和底部滑动两种过程。运动是冰川区别于 其他自然冰体(如河冰、湖冰、海冰和地 下冰)的最主要特点。一系列的冰川地质 地貌现象,如裂隙、褶皱等的形成,冰川侵 蚀、搬运和沉积作用都与冰川运动紧密有 关。内容精要: 1.文章的主旨 (main purpose) ? To talk about how glaciers flow. 2. 冰川运动的原因? ? Because of gravity 3. 冰川运动的类型? ? Basal slip: slipping or sliding of glacier across bedrock. ? Deformation: a very slow oozing. Depending on the stresses on the glacier, the ice crystal was reorganized, and during this reorganization the ice crystals realign in a way that allows them to slide pass each other 4. Deformation在什么条件下更容 易出现? ? Thicker ices ? higher temperature TPO 8 LECTURE 1主题:Animal Behavior 动物行为Glossary: disperse 分散,传播 offspring 后代,子孙 shellfish 贝类等有壳的水生动物 camouflage 伪装,掩饰 fledgling 无经验的人,刚会飞的鸟 warbler 啭鸟 shrub 灌木内容精要:1. 文章的主旨 (main purpose) ? To look at the effect of passive habitat selection can have 2. Habitat(栖息地)的准确含义是什么? ? There are some key elements that habitat must contain: food, water, right climate and spaces for physical protection. 3. 在plover(珩)栖息环境被破坏之后,人 类做了什么挽救措施? ? They made artificial beaches and sand bars in areas inaccessible to people and dogs. 4. Blue warbler (蓝莺) 喜好哪种栖息地? ? They clearly prefer hard wood forests with dense shrubs, bushes underneath the trees. 5. Blackcap(黑头莺)喜欢哪种栖息地? ? They preferred habitat is forests near the edge of streams. However, blackcaps also live in pine woods away from water. 6. 对于栖息地最佳选择和第二选择,动物 的繁殖成功率几乎等同,为什么? ? When the number of the competitors in the prime habitat reaches a certain point, the second rank habitat becomes just as successful as the prime habitat.背景知识:Plovers (/ ?pl?v?r/ or / ?plo?v?r/) are a widely distributed group of wading birds belonging to the subfamily Charadriinae. There are about 40 species in the subfamily, most of them called &plover& or &dotterel&. The closely related lapwing subfamily, Vanellinae, comprises another 20-odd species. The Eurasian Blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla) usually known simply as the Blackcap, is a common and widespread typical warbler. TPO 8 LECTURE 2主题: Art History 艺术史Glossary: academy 学院 salon 沙龙,画廊,美术展览馆 masterpiece 杰作 savvy 悟性,理解能力 2. 在19世纪晚期,巴黎社会大环境为女性 艺术家提供了怎样的机会? ? Around 1870s, some artists in Paris began to offer classes for female students. (for women only) By the end of 19th century, it became much more common for woman and man to study together in the same classes. 3. Rudolph Julian 所建的第一所艺术学院有 何突破? ? He had an initial trail period of mixed classes. But then he changed policy, separating the man and woman students. 4. 为什么Rudolph Julian要把学校变成女 校? ? He is a brilliant business man. He say that another small private art school where all the students were women was very popular at that time, and thus he adopted the women only classes. 5. 为什么老师要定期给班上的学生排名? ? Competition was good for women, helping them see where they needed to improve. 6. Marie Bashkirtseff的成名杰作是? ? In the Studio (The painting depicts an active crowded studio with woman drawing and painting alive model)内容精要:1. 文章的主旨 (main purpose) ? To introduce woman artists in the late 19 century in Paris背景知识: Marie Bashkirtseff (24 November 1858 C 31 October 1884) was a Ukrainian-born diarist, painter and sculptor. From the age of 13, Bashkirtseff began keeping a journal, and it is for this that she is most famous. Her personal account of the struggles of women artists is documented in her published journals, which are a revealing story of the bourgeoisie. Titled I Am the Most Interesting Book of All, her popular diary is still in print today. TPO 8 LECTURE 3主题: History 历史Glossary: vision 视力 eye glasses 眼镜 quartz 石英 magnify 放大 affluence 富裕 peddler 小贩,传播者 背景知识: A reading stone was an approximately hemispherical lens that was placed on top of text to magnify the letters so that people withpresbyopia could read it more easily. Reading stones were among the earliest common uses of lenses.内容精要:1.文章的主旨(main purpose) ? To talk about the societal attitudes towards eye glasses 2.眼镜发明之前,视力不好的人怎么 办? They have different ways of dealing with not seeing well: ? In some places, like ancient Greece for example, the wealthiest people with poor vision could have someone else read to them ? “Reading stone”: around 1000 C.E.,European monks would take a piece of clear rock, often quartz, and place it on top of the reading material. 3. 眼镜在何时何地发明? ? Glasses were invented about the late 1200’s. ? Record shows that they were invented in both Europe and China at about the same time. (We call it independent discovery) 4. 什么是independent discovery? ? Independent discovery means when something is invented in different parts of the world at the same time, and it’s not as unusual as it sounds. 5. 早期,人们对眼镜的社会态度(societal attitude)如何? ? Initially in parts of Europe and China, glasses were a symbol of wisdom and intelligence, as well as affluence. TPO 8 LECTURE 4主题: Chemistry 化学Glossary:atomic 原子的,原子能的 proton 质子 ore 矿石 technetium [化学] 锝(放射性元素, 位于元素周期表第43位) spectroscopy 光谱学 cyclotron 粒子回旋加速器 radioactive 放射性的,由辐射的 decay 衰变,退变内容精要:1. 文章的主旨(main purpose) ? To discuss how Periodic table organizes and predicts the elements. 2. 化学元素周期表的排列规律是? ? It is ranged according to increasing atomic number, which is the number of protons in each atom of an element. 3. 43号化学元素(element 43)的特 别之处是? ? It was artificially synthesized by human. 4. 为什么在原始的元素周期表上, 43号元素是空缺的? ? Element 43 it decays, and turns into other elements. 5. 43号元素在自然中是否存在? ? Yes, it does occur naturally. But because of its radioactive decay, element 43 doesn’t last very long.背景知识:锝元素符号Tc,为银白色金属,原子序数43,原子量98.9062。在元素周期表中属ⅦB 族。密排六方晶体。1937年佩里埃 (C.Perrier)和塞格雷(E.G.Segré)用回旋加速 器以氘核轰击钼发现锝。它是第一个用人工 方法制得的元素,所以按希腊文technetos(人 造)命名为technetium。 TPO 9 LECTURE 1主题: Theater 剧院Glossary:knack 巧妙手法 synthesize 合成 outdid oneself 超越自己 suspend disbelief 停止怀疑 three-dimensional三维的 foreground前景 at the very least至少 site designer 布景设计师 Drury Lane德鲁里巷(英国伦敦) 背景知识: [Eidophusikon] was a piece of art, no longer extant, created by 18th century English painter Philip James de Loutherbourg. It opened in Leicester Square in February 1781. Described by the media of his day as & Moving Pictures, representing Phenomena of Nature& , the Eidophusikon can be considered an early form of movie making.内容精要:1. 教授主要讲了些什么(mainly discuss)? ? A French painter’s innovations in set design. 2. Loutherbourg 是怎么创造出有层次感 的舞台的?(a feeling of greater depth on the stage) ? He carefully spaced separate pieces of scenery ? He used three-dimensional objects in his sets. 3. 文中可以推断出英国18世纪去剧院的 人的什么信息? ? Some of them used the theater as a substitute for travel. 4. 关于英国风景画师和Loutherbourg有 什么联系? (the relationship between English landscape painters and Loutherbourg) ? He thinks Loutherbourg and the English landscape painters probably influenced each other. 5. Eidophusikon的两个显著特征(notable features)是什么? ? It did notmake use of actors. ? It had a small stage. 6. 为什么作者提到经过Loutherbourg家 的暴风雨? ? to demonstrate the authenticity of Loutherbourg’s sound effects. TPO 9 LECTURE 2主题: 环境科学 Environmental ScienceGlossaryarctic 北极的 vegetation 植被 tundra 苔原 penetrate 渗透 windy 多风的 permafrost 永久冻土 Celsius 摄氏度 shrubs 灌木 precipitation 降雨 run-off溢流 loop 环 prairie 大草原内容精要:1. 文章的主旨(main purpose ) ? Factors involved in the increased growth of shrubs in Arctic Alaska. 2. 灌木能很好地在北极地区生长的两 个原因? (Two features) ? They absorb nutrients from the soil efficiently. ? They have a shallow root system. 3. 为什么Shrub 会长更多更大? ? Increases in average winter temperatures have permafrost permeable to water. 4. 为什么春季径流不会带走土壤中的 营养? (nutrients carried away by spring runoff) ? Most nutrients are not in the area of the soil most affected by runoff. 5. 为什么教授提到灌木扩张到例如半 干旱的草地的其他环境中?(shrub expansion to semiarid grasslands) ? To suggest that new shrub land may not convert back to tundra. 6. 何出此言? [Ok, so what’s the puzzle? Warmer temperatures should lead to increased vegetation growth,right? ? The phenomenon is more complexompermeable 不能渗透的 insulating effect 保温作用 semiarid 半干旱的 背景知识: 北极苔原 是北冰洋海岸与泰加林之间广阔的冻土沼泽带,总面积1300万平 方公里。它最大特点是有一层很厚的永久性冻 土,厚达488米,最厚可超过600米。所以北极 苔原也可与世界其他地区的高原冻土带一起通 称为冻土带。灌木 是指那些没有明显的 主干、呈丛生状态的树 木,一般可分为观花、观 果、观枝干等几类,矮小 而丛生的木本植物。常见 灌木有玫瑰、杜鹃、牡 丹、 称为冻土带。 TPO 9 LECTURE 3主题: 地理 GeologyGlossaryArabian Peninsula 阿拉伯半岛内容精要:1. 文章的主旨(main purpose ) ? A hypothesis for how some ancient dedesolate 荒凉的 ridge山脉 sert lakes formed. barren 贫瘠的 clam 蛤 2. 教授对于近期关于鲁卜哈利沙漠 monsoon 季风 run-off 溢流 (Empty Quarter)石灰岩形成的结论的观 basin 盆地 torrential 汹涌的 点? ? They need to be confirmed by additional limestone 石灰岩 silt 泥沙 studies. sand dune 沙丘 3. 沙丘(sand dunes)的什么特点使得河流 背景知识: 鲁卜哈利沙漠 意为“空旷 的形成成为可能? 的四分之一”,由于其面积占据阿拉伯 ? The presence of clay and silt particles in 半岛约四分之一而得名,是世界上最大 the dunes. 的沙漠之一,覆盖了整个沙特阿拉伯南 4. 怎么判断河流是在哪个雨季(rain peri部地区和大部分的阿曼、阿联酋和也门 od)形成的? 领土,面积约65万平方公里,超过荷 ? By examining the location of the lake 兰、比利时和法国面积总和。 沙漠为 bed. 1,000公里长,500公里宽,贝都因人既不 ? By identifying the types of fossils found 在此居住,也不穿越这里。 in the limestone. 5. 缺少水牛(water buffalo)和河马 (hippopotamus)的化石暗示了什么? ? The level of water in the lakes was not sufficient for these animals. 6. 何出此言?[No fossils of fish. We’re not sure why. Maybe there is a problem with the water. Maybe it was too salty. That’s certainly true of other dessert lakes.] ? Lack of suitable water TPO 9 LECTURE 4主题: 语言学 LinguisticGlossaryHoney bee 蜜蜂内容精要Primate 灵长类的动物 1. 文章的主旨(main purpose ) 大猩猩?Features that distinguish language from animal communication prairie dogs 土拨鼠 Rodent 啮齿动物 2. 为什么学生提到了她在一门生物课的研 Discreteness 不连续性 Coyote 草原狼 究项目? ? To introduce an instance of an animal Displacement 移位性 Bark 狗叫 species that might have language 背景知识 3. 教授对最新草原土拨鼠(prairie dogs) [语言的区别性特征] features of 的研究持有什么观点? languages ? She thinks that some claims made by the researchers are not supported by ? 任意性 arbitrariness 指语言符号 their findings. 和它代表的意义没有天然的联 4. 提到了语言构成的个别单元 系. (individual unites)时,教授说了些什 ? 二重性 duality 指语言由两层结 么? 构组成. ? They can be combined to create an infi? 创造性 creativity 指语言可以被 nite number of new messages. 创造. 5. 教授使用这个句子“Move the large coyote fast”是为了说明了语言的哪两特 征? ? Productivity ? Discreteness 6. 何出此言?[Now, who in this class heard me use this word “language”?] ? To suggest that the student is using the wrong terminology.Orangutans/chimpanzee/gorilla TPO 10 LECTURE 1主题: Marine BiologyGlossary whale 鲸鱼 mammal 哺乳动物 skull 头骨 limb肢 ocean dweller 海洋居民内容精要:1. 文章的主旨(main purpose ) ? Difficulties in determining the evolutionary history of whales. 2. 发现陆行鲸(the discovery of Ambulocetus) 对研究者们意味着什么? ? It fills a gap in the fossil evidence for whale evolution. 3. 什么证据说明鲸鱼是河马的后代? ? Whale are descendants of the hippopotamus. 4. 教授关于对鲸鱼进化(evolution)的基 因研究(genetic studies)持何观点? ? They present evidence that conflicts with fossil evidence. 5. DNA的证据表明了鲸鱼间的关系如何 (relationship among whales)? ? Not all toothed whales are closely related. 6. 走鲸化石的什么的哪三方面使得走鲸 成为陆生哺乳动物和海洋哺乳动物的桥 梁? ? It had limbs that could have been used for walking ? It had an elongated skeletal structure. ? It had an unusual kind and thin tail for a whale. ? It had limbs that could have been used for walkingfossil 化石aquatic 水生的 Pelvis骨盆mouthful 一口气难读完的长词(或词组) Ambulocetus natans 走鲸 Basilosaurus 龙王鲸 Hippopotamus河马 背景知识[陆行鲸] Ambulocetus natans有一具几乎完整的全身骨骼化石,提供 了早期鲸类生物学的主要信息。大小似 大的雄性海狮。头大,吻突长,眼位于 头部背侧面。头、 颈部的肌肉强大。 下颌的形状显示在 下颌与中耳间有软 组织相连接。在现 代齿鲸类,连接下 颌与中耳的脂肪块 具传递声波的作 用。长桨状的足可 在水中划水。 TPO 10 LECTURE 2主题:欧洲历史 European HistoryGlossary squash 南瓜属植物内容精要restrain 抑制 1. 文章的主旨(main purpose )?To describe the introduction of American food crops to Europeans. nightshade family 茄科 restrain 抑制 2. 关于茄科植物(nightshade),教授暗示 belladonna 莨菪 maize玉米 了什么? ? They are dangerous when eaten by huAndes Mountains 安第斯山 man beings. Hungarian goulash 匈牙利烩牛肉 3. 关于托马斯?杰斐逊(thomas jefferson)对西红柿(tomatoes)的态度,教 背景知识 授暗示了什么? [茄科] nightshade family ? It was typical of his unconventional 是一年生植物,多年生植物,灌 way of thinking. 木,矮灌木及攀缘植物的属之一。 4. 把美国的玉米(corn)和土豆介绍到 它们多拥有美丽的花朵和果实,但 欧洲,有什么长久效应?(long-effect) 不少均带毒,只有少数可供人们食 ? It contributed to a shift in the balance 用,例如番茄、马铃薯、茄子等。 of power from southern Europe to northern Europe. 5. 土豆在爱尔兰(Ireland)变得流行的其 中一个原因是什么? ? Potatoes were more nourishing than native Irish food crops. 6. 何出此言?【but, have they really played any kind of important role in European history?】 ? She thinks that she knows what the student was going to ask.French fries 法式炸薯 yummy 美味的 TPO 10 LECTURE 3主题: 生态 EcologyGlossary nutrient 营养 scarce 稀缺内容精要:1. 文章的主旨(main purpose ) ? To explain how phosphorus gets recycled in phosphorus 磷 weather 风化 the environment 2. 教授提到了哪些人类活动应影响了磷循环? mine 开采 fertilizer 化肥 ? Fishing ? Making and using fertilizer clog 阻塞 algae 藻类 3. 为什么教授要讨论海底火山? submerge 淹没 ? To describe a step in the phosphorus cycle. 4. 关于教授对磷元素被冲入河水的看法,暗示 背景知识: 了什么? 磷循环 phosphorus cycle ? She is concerned about the quality of phosphorus entering the waterways. 自然界的磷循环的基本过程是:岩石和土 壤中的磷酸盐由于风化和淋溶作用进入河 5. 教授做了个怎样的磷和氮(nitrogen)的对 流,然后输入海洋并沉积于海底,直到地 比? ? The atmosphere contains more nitrogen than 质活动使它们暴露于水面,再次参加循 phosphorus. 环。这一循环需若干万年才能完成。 6. 何出此言?[Yes, that’s such a difficult point, isn’t it?] ? She thinks that the answer to the question is obvious. TPO 10 LECTURE 4主题:Psychology 心理学Glossary childhood amnesia 幼年失忆症 repressed 压抑的 imitation 模仿 prop 道具 cognitive 认知的 背景知识 幼年失忆症(childhood amnesia)最早使用幼年经验失忆症这个名词者, 是精神分析论创始人佛洛伊德。佛洛伊 德发现,当病人回忆生活经验时,都无 法说出三岁(甚至五岁)以前的旧事。 按佛洛伊德的解释,这段时间正是恋亲 情结形成的阶段,儿童因心理冲突而生 的压抑,结果导致了对记忆的压抑。此 一解释相当勉强。新近的研究,确定了 人类3岁以前的经验成年后不能记忆的事 实。按现代认知心理学中信息处理理论 的解释,人在三岁以前并非没有长期记 忆。只是因为幼儿在当时对信息处理 时,尚不能使用语音作为心理表征的工 具,即未将语音的声码、形码、意码输 入到长期记忆之内,长期记忆中自然句 贮存不下语文信息,因而不能用语文去 检索记忆以回答问题。此种解释已为一 般人所接受。内容精要1. 文章的主旨(main purpose ) ? To discuss possible explanations for childhood amnesia. 2. 为什么教授要问学生他们最早的记忆(earliest memories)? ? To help students relate to the topic she is about to discuss. 3. 关于对幼年失忆症(childhood amnesia)的一 些解释,教授暗示了什么? ? They were formed without proper evidence. 4. 如何测试没有语言能力的孩子的回忆 (recall)? ? By having children imitate an ordered sequence of actions. 5. 教授提到了1980s对3岁一下儿童记忆测试的研 究,研究者从该研究得出了什么结论? ? Piaget’s theory linking language development to memory was incorrect. 6. 教授提到了幼年失忆症一些常见的解释,哪三 个是这么解释? ? Early memories are repressed. ? Young children are unable to form memories ? Children lose memories at a faster rate than adults. TPO 11 LECTURE 1主题: 生物 BiologyGlossary parenting 教养内容精要1. 文章的主旨(main purpose ) ? One way hat birds protect their predator 捕食者 young 2. 当鸟类施展迷惑表演时通常都做什 sandpiper [鸟 ] 鹬 么?(Put on a distraction display) conspicuous 显著的 ? They fly in circles around their nest ? They cover their nest with their wings. swirl 盘旋 3. 鸟类什么时候会施展最明显的 distraction displays [动物学]迷 (conspicuous)迷惑表演? 惑表演 ? Just before their young become independent. 背景知识 迷惑表演 Distraction displays 4. 何处此言?[But sometimes certain species of birds do the exact opposite. 一种动物的养育行为,为了保护 When a predator approaches, they do 自己的后代不被捕食者发现而 their best to attract the attention of that predator. Now why would they do 设计引开捕食者的行为. that ?] ? To introduce an explanation. 5. 何处此言[You know, something that’ll make the predator think ah, here’s an easy meal!] ? To state the purpose of birds’ behavior. 6. 何出此言?[But not to give the impression that its wing’s broken] ? To distinguish the sandpiper’s display from another kind of display. TPO 11 LECTURE 2主题: 建筑 ArchitectureGlossary内容精要:1. 本文主要介绍了美国建筑的的什么 方面? ? The reasons for popularity of a particular type of house. 2. 本文提到了什么来说明“功能决定 形式”(form follows function)这个原 理的一种运用 ? A house’s design should reflect the inhabitant’s needs. 3. 为什么女同学提到拜访她祖父母? ? To explain why she is familiar with Cape Cod houses 4. 在16-17年代,是什么促成了新英格 兰农村地区房屋构造一致 (conformity)的态度. ? People depended on their neighbors for their own survival 5. 何处此言? [Well, in this area probably. But are we typical?] ? To indicate that the student’s answer is wrong. 6. 科德角式房屋的受到气候影响的两 个特征是什么? ? The slope of the roofs ? The size of the chimneyranch-style house 农庄式别墅 Cape Cod 科德角(美国地名) costal 肋骨的 Atlantic 大西洋的 compact 紧密地 exterior 外部的 背景知识:科德角式房屋 Cape Cod houses房子简洁小巧,易于建造、维修和改 造。在20世纪前半叶是美国最普遍的住 宅形式,现在形成的一层半住宅仍然是 退休者及一般别墅常用的形式。传统的 卧室设在一层,后来在楼上增加了卧室 及浴室。外装修是白色木板墙及木百页 窗,檐口不加装饰,往往用红砖突出烟 囱(现已多样化)。 TPO 11 LECTURE 3主题:环境科学 Environmental ScienceGlossary citric 柠檬的 marshy 沼泽的 swampy 沼泽的 frost 霜 drainage canal 排水渠 El Nino [气象] 厄尔尼诺现象背景知识: 厄尔尼诺 El Nino 又称厄 尔尼诺海流,是太平洋赤道带大范围内 海洋和大气相互作用后失去平衡而产生 的一种气候现象,就是沃克环流圈东移 造成的。正常情况下,热带太平洋区域 的季风洋流是从美洲走向亚洲,使太平 洋表面保持温暖,给印尼周围带来热带 降雨。但这种模式每2―7年被打乱一 次,使风向和洋流发生逆转,太平洋表 层的热流就转而向东走向美洲,随之便 带走了热带降雨,出现所谓的“厄尔尼 诺现象”。内容精要:1. 文章的主旨(main purpose ) ? The theory that land development affected the climate of South Florida. 2. 为什么教授提到在湿地上修排水 渠?(building of canals in the wetlands) ? To explain how the wetlands were transformed into farmland 3. 为什么教授暗示一些主要的气候模 式, 比如说厄尔尼诺现象(El Nino)? ? She does not believe they are the main cause of the changes in Florida’s climate. 4. 教授对学生强调了水体(bodies of water)的哪点? ? Bodies of water release heat back into the environment. 5. 100年前和现在的什么属于进入了 教授所讨论的电脑模型? (computer model) ? The landscape characteristics of south Florida 6. 何出此言? [Farmers moved south] ? To remind the professor of her previous point. TPO 11 LECTURE 4主题: 商业 BusinessGlossary systematic 系统的 billboard 广告牌 budget 预算 advertise 广告 give away 赠送 disastrous 灾难性的背景知识:内容精要:1. 文章的主旨(main purpose ) ? How to use advertising successfully.2. 根据教授所说,缺少好的广告计划会 导致哪两种后果? (advertising plan) ? The loss of customers ? The unnecessary spending of money 3. 为什么去教授提到老师? ? To illustrate how to select the most appropriate media for advertising a product. 4. 关于体育设备(sport equipment),关 于在广告上花钱,教授暗示了什么? ? It is better guided by good research than by good theories. 5. 教授为什么提到汤店? (soup shop) ? A poorly chosen advertising message can have negative consequences. 6. 何出此言? [You are gonna love this one.] ? She is eager to share an amusing story.系统广告策略 Systematic Advertising Plan 即”Four Ms”Market, Media, Money, Message. 市场,媒体, TPO 12 LECTURE 1主题: 生物 BiologyGlossary chromosome 染色体 telomere [遗] 端粒 telomerase 端粒酶 shoelace 鞋带 enzyme 酶 coil up 盘卷 tongue-in-cheek 不认真的 背景知识: 2. 教授对染色体中包含的遗传信息的 DNA百分比的研究看法如何? (percentage of a chromosome’s DNA that contains genetic information) ? She was surprised by its conclusion. 3. 教授讲到端粒中的DNA时说了什么? ? It is genetically meaningless.内容精要:1. 文章的主旨(main purpose ) ? Why most human cells cannot keep dividing successfully端粒 是真核生物染色体末端的一种 特 殊 结 构,实 质 上 是 一 重 复 序 4. 为什么提到鞋带? (shoelaces) 列,作用是保持染色体的完整性。 ? To illustrate how chromosomes are 细胞分裂一次,DNA 每次复制端粒 protected from damage. 就缩短一点,所以端粒其长度反映 细胞复制史及复制潜能,被称作细 5. 教授提到细胞染色体端粒长度(the 胞寿命的“有丝分裂钟”.length of the telomere)时,暗示了什么? ? Longer telomeres allow the cell to divide more times. 6. 端粒酶和端粒是如何联系起来的??It helps repair broken telomeres. TPO 12 LECTURE 2主题: 商业 BusinessGlossary preference 倾向 memo 备忘录 technique 技巧 pothole 坑洞 hang up 挂断电话 wonder around 到处看内容精要:1. 文章的主旨(main purpose ) ? A method for business to learn about the needs of their customers 2. MBWA潜在的缺点是什么?(potential drawback) ? MBWA provides information about the opinions of a small number of people 3. 教授认为MBWA和市场研究(market research)之间的关系如何? ? Information provided by MBWA complements information collected from market research. 4. 为什么教授提到Dalton的汤和Elkin的 牛仔裤(jeans) ? To give examples of how the techniques of MBWA is used in practice 5. 为什么讨论Baltimore的市长? ? To demonstrate that MBWA can be useful outside the business world. 6. 何出此言? [I mean, when Dortans of all the companies, embraces something as radical as MBWA, it really shows you how popular the theory has become] ? It is surprising that Dalton’s tried to use MBWA背景知识: 走动管理(management by wandering around,简称MBWA) 是指高阶主管利用时间经常抽空 前往各个办公室走动,以获得更 丰富、更直接的员工工作问题, 并及时了解所属员工工作困境的 TPO 12 LECTURE 3主题: 音乐历史 Music historyGlossaryplural复数 linguistic 语言 vernacular 本地话 cadence节奏 Recitative 宣叙调 opus 作品 aristocrat 贵族 Florence 佛罗伦萨 arias 咏叹调 chivalry 骑士精神内容精要:Nero尼禄(古罗马暴君) Attila匈奴王 Secularization 世俗化 Harpsichord 羽管键琴 melodramatic 情节剧的背景知识: 歌剧 opera 是将音乐(声乐与器乐)、戏剧(剧本与表演)、 文学(诗歌)、舞蹈(民间舞与芭蕾)、 舞台美术等融为一体的综合性艺术,通常 由咏叹调、宣叙调、重唱、合唱、序曲、 间奏曲、舞蹈场面等组成(有时也用说白 和朗诵).中世纪以宗教故事为题材,但真 正称得上“音乐的戏剧”的近代西洋歌 剧,却是16世纪末、17世纪初,随着文艺 复兴时期音乐文化的世俗化而应运产生1. 文章的主旨(main purpose ) ? Some changes that took place in the early years of opera. ? Italy’s musical influence throughout Europe. 2. 当意大利歌剧使用意大利语而不是拉 丁语之后发生了什么? ? Operas begin to express secular ideas. 3. 为什么教授提到了古希腊(ancient Greek)剧院? ? To point out a precursor of opera. 4. 教授提到法国歌剧的时说了些什么? ? It was secondary to the rhythmic flow of language. 5. 何出此言? [The English made a major adjustment to opera and exported what they had done to opera back to Italy.] ? To give one instance in the evolution of opera. 6. 何出此言?[George Champon wrote about opera, “If an extraterrestrial being or two appear before us and say, what is your society like, what is this Earth thing all about, you could do worse than take that creature to an opera.” Because opera does, after all, begin with a man and a woman and emotions ? He agrees with Chapman about op


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