at和about能due to能和so连用吗吗

about six oclock
话不多说,吃了这篇干货A1. 汤姆昨天骑车上学时出了事故。Tom had an accident while he was riding to school yesterday. 2012 包头2. 在这个岛上他们有很多奇遇。A lot of adventures happen to them on the island. 2015 宁波3. 大多数人反对建造纸厂。Most people are against building a paper factory. 2014 广州4. 我们学校有380名7到11岁的学生。Our school has 380 students aged 7-11. 2014 广东5. 现在人们坐飞机出行一点儿也不稀奇。It isn’t unusual for people to travel by air today.6. 他昨天给她发了电子邮件,但她没回复。He e-mailed her yesterday, but she made / gave no answer.7. 开车时不要接打电话。Don’t make or answer a call while driving. 2014 长沙8. 有人在敲门,你能开下门吗?Someone’s knocking. Can you answer the door?9. 她才不笨呢!She is anything but stupid!10. 每个人的脸上都露出了微笑。Smile appeared on everyone’s face. 2012 哈尔滨11. 请注意!/ 请大家听我说,好吗?May I have your attention, please? 2011 陕西12. 离运动会还有两个星期。The sports meet is two weeks away.B13. 男 / 女婴a baby boy / girl14. 我今天很倒霉。I’ve had a bad day today. 2014 西宁15. 我考试考得不好。I did a bad job in the test. 2011 武汉16. 我患了重感冒 / 咳嗽得厉害 / 头疼得厉害。I’ve got a bad cold / cough / headache.17. 去理发店;去理发go to the barber’s18. 你介意整理床铺吗?Would you mind making the bed?19. 我们通常九月份开学。Our new term usually begins in September. 2012 南宁20. 马克的英语不如班上的其他同学好。Mark was behind the rest of the class in English.21. 这些鞋是他的。These shoes belong to him. 2011 临沂22. 我是一家游泳俱乐部的会员。I belong to a swimming club.23. 我听说你是姚明的狂热崇拜者。I hear you are a big fan of Yao Ming. 2013 陕西24. 同学们,让我们为他热烈鼓掌。Let’s give him a big hand, class. 冀教七下U625. 他笑容满面地点了点头。He nodded, with a big smile. 2016 北京26. 他愿意出很多钱买这辆车。He’d like to pay quite a bit for the car.27. 我更喜欢不加奶的咖啡。I prefer black coffee.28. 他在事故中流了不少血。He lost a lot of blood in the accident.29. 您乘坐的航班正在7号登机口登机。Your plane is now boarding at Gate 7.30. 感到悲伤的人会说“我心情不好。”Someone who is feeling sad may say “I’m feeling blue.” 2011 宁波31. 我身体强壮。I have a strong body.32. 篮球运动产生于19世纪晚期。Basketball was born in the late 19th century.33. 他在班上总是倒数。He is always at the bottom of the class.34. 能在那些人面前讲话,你真勇敢。It was brave of you to speak in front of all those people.35. 他的话深深地伤了她的心。His words deeply broke her heart.36. 他通常吃丰盛的早餐。He usually eats a big / good breakfast.37. 体育运动能让我们交到朋友。Sports can bring us friends. / Sports can bring friends for us. 2013 西宁38. 她的女儿在地震中遇难了,她很伤心。Her daughter was killed in an earthquake and she has a broken heart.39. 她中等身材,一头乌黑的长发。She is of medium / average build with long black hair. 2013 江西40. 跑步有助于增强心脏功能。Running helps build strong hearts. 2014 呼和浩特C41. 他们给宝宝取名为约翰。They called their baby John.42. 收到我的电子邮件后请给我打个电话。Please give me a call when you get my e-mail.43. 开车时不要接打电话。Don’t make or answer a call while driving. 2014 长沙44. 李老师,我没听清您说什么。您能再告诉我一下我们怎么去那儿吗?Miss Lee, I didn’t catch what you said. Could you tell me how we will get there again? 2013 河南45. 比尔没得到那份工作,他肯定感到失望。Bill didn’t get the job. Certainly, he felt disappointed.46. 自2010年以来,乌鲁木齐发生了巨大的变化。Great changes have taken place in Urumqi since
乌鲁木齐47. 她的朋友圈很广,朋友们经常来看她。She had a wide circle of friends and they often came to see her. 外研八下M948. 我的窗户该擦一擦了。My windows need cleaning. 2013 长沙49. 那晚,他做家庭作业时头脑很清醒。He had a clear head as he was doing his homework that evening.50. 爬到山顶有很长一段距离。It’s a long climb to the top of the hill.51. 是该结束会议的时候了。It’s time to bring the meeting to a close.52. 他想仔细看看圣诞老人。He wanted to take a close look at Santa Claus. 2015 苏州53. 早晨,我们在泰山看到了云海。In the morning, we saw the sea of clouds on Mount Tai.54. 二班的杨柳以两秒的优势获得了第一名。Yang Liu from Class 2 came first by two seconds. 2015 成都55. 公共汽车停了下来。The bus came to a stop.56. 我的初中生活很快就要结束。My junior school life will come to an end soon. 2012 乌鲁木齐57. 坐在沙发上看电视很舒服。It is comfortable to sit in the sofa and watch TV. 外研九下M5改58. 他们都爱看电影。They share a common interest in watching movies.59. 阿拉伯人认为用左手吃饭很不礼貌。Arabs consider it very bad manners to eat with left hands.60. 彼得和雷切尔管不住他们的儿子。Peter and Rachel have no control over / of their son.61. 他们就家庭和朋友进行了交谈。They made a conversation about family and friends.62. 我和爸爸谈了很久。I had a long conversation with my dad.63. 那儿的夏天很凉快。It’s quite cool there in summer.64. 请将这份试卷复印五份。Please make five copies of the test paper.65. 这本书的价格是15元。The book costs 15 yuan .66. 他听到了呼救声。He heard a cry for help.67. 我的脚被一块碎玻璃割伤了。I cut my foot on a piece of broken glass. 冀教八下U8D68. 她舞跳得好 / 不好。She is a good / bad dancer.69. 污染威胁我们的健康。Pollution is a danger to our health. 外研九上M1270. 我们跳个舞吧。Let’s have a dance.71. 玩火很危险。It is dangerous to play with fire. 2014 安徽72. 她去世已经一年了。She has been dead for one year.73. 他突然不说话了,陷入沉思。He suddenly stopped talking, deep in thought. 2013 安徽74. 这条河有5米深。The river has a depth of five meters. / The river is five meters in depth.75. 如果你不认识某个单词,你可以查词典。If you don’t know a word, you can look it up in a dictionary. 2010 长春76. 这两件外套看起来一样,但价格大不相同。The two coats look the same but there’s a big difference in price.77. 保罗发觉学英语很难。Paul finds it difficult to learn English. 人教九U178. (我) 记生词很难。It’s difficult (for me) to remember new words. 外研八上M179. 那位老太太吃力地从椅子上站起来。The old lady got out of her chair with difficulty.80. 科学家们已有一些重大的新发现。Scientists have made some important new discoveries.81. 我来洗碗。I’ll do / wash the dishes.82. 我不喜欢寒冷的天气。I have a dislike of / for cold weather.83. 在诊所看病at the doctor’s84. 因为考试分数低,蒂姆最近情绪很低落。Tim’s been feeling down because of his low test scores.85. 昨晚我做了个奇怪的梦。Last night I had a very strange dream.86. 我想去喝杯水。I wanted to go for a drink of water. 2011 河南87. 迈克,开车出去兜兜风怎么样?How about going for a drive, Mike? 2013 青海88. 马克擦干了眼泪。Mark dried his tears. 2011 河南89. 他们非常尽责。They do their duty very well. 2010 陕西E90. 我是一个容易相处的男孩。I am a boy easy to get along with. 2013 河南91. 对他来说回答这些问题很容易。It’s easy for him to answer these questions. 2011 陕西92. 如果朋友住得很远,互联网能使他们之间的联系变得容易。If a friend lives far away, the Internet makes it easy to stay in touch. 冀教八下U493. 喝汤eat soup94. 他是我们的榜样,我们应该向他学习。He is an example to us all. We should follow his example.95. 你需要多锻炼。You need to take / do more exercise.96. 我们的教师经验丰富。Our teachers have a lot of experience.97. 我的旧相机太贵了,修不起。My old camera was too expensive to repair. 外研九上M1198. 对不起,我没把自己的意思表达清楚。Sorry, I’m not explaining myself very well.F99. 今年班上又有几个新同学。There are a few new faces in class this year.100. 世界读书日是每年的4月23日。World Book Day falls on April 23 every year. 2014 陕西101. 他重重地摔了一跤,受了伤。He had a bad fall and hurt himself.102. 一场大雨 / 雪a heavy fall of rain / snow103. 气温突然下降了。There was a sudden fall in temperature.104. 他的书一点儿也不无聊,里面有很多生动的故事。His book is far from boring. There are lively stories. 2012 南宁105. 他害怕狗。He has a fear of dogs.106. 发高 / 低烧have a high / low fever107. 上周我发高烧了。I caught a bad fever last week. 2010 兰州108. 我和我最好的朋友打了一架。I had a big fight with my best friend. 外研八下M9109. 你们什么时候参加期末考试?When do you sit / take your finals?110. 男孩们把馅饼全吃光了。The boys finished all the pies.111. 你首先要对家庭尽责。Your first duty is to your family.112. 这把钥匙打不开这把锁。This key doesn’t fit the lock.113. 关注这个问题。Keep the focus on the problem.114. 冬去春来。Spring follows winter.115. 你赞成还是反对这个建议?Are you for or against the suggestion?116. 消防员只能强行打开窗户。Firefighters had to force the window open.117. 让你的内心不再忧伤。Free your mind from being sad.118. 你自行决定。You’re free to make your own decision.119. 让我们重新开始,继续我们的计划吧。Let’s make a fresh start and go on with our plan. 2014 河南120. 她喜欢和别人交朋友。She likes making friends with others. 2012 温州121. 一些冰箱对环境无害。Some fridges are friendly to the environment. 2010 陕西122. 有很多种环保的体育运动。There are many environmentally-friendly sports. 2013 襄阳123. 她俯卧着。She was lying on her front.124. 火车上坐得满满的。The train was completely full.125. 我的生活充实、忙碌。I have a full and busy life.126. 你的朋友真逗。Your friend is great fun.127. 在雪中行走很有趣。Walking in the snow is good / great fun!128. 未来掌握在你手中。The future is what you make it!
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