
等级:书童 |
  1.It’s hot enough to melt hell. I hope it will be cooler soon.   现在热得足以把地狱熔化了,希望很快能够凉快一点。   2.It’s stifling! I can hardly breathe.   天气太闷热了!我都没法呼吸了。   3.I can’ I am leaking!   我受不了这么热,我浑身都在滴水!   4.I am sweating like a pig, and I’m not doing anything.   虽然我什么都没做,但还是汗流浃背。   5.Let’ you could fry eggs on the sidewalk.   我们呆在家里吧,人行道上都可以煎蛋了。   6.I don’ it’s raining fire!   我不想出去,天气火热火热的!   7.It’s too hot to think. I need to find someplace to cool off.   热得我都没法思考。我需要找个地方凉快凉快。   8.Today is a thermometer breaker! Let’s go swimming.   今天热得温度计都要爆了!我们去游泳吧。   9.It’s hot with a capital "H". Turn up the air conditioner!   今天是最热的一天,快把空调打开!   10.It’s not just hot, It’s Africa hot! This wather is terrible.   不止是热,是像非洲一样热!天热得吓人。   为了能方便自己获得更多英语学习资料,建议大家收藏,我们会及时为您呈现更多地英语资料。
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2016年6月英语四级 写作+翻译真题及解析
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作文一For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to express your thanks to one of your friends who helped you most when you were in difficulty. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.&解析:从题目中的内容可以了解,这是写给朋友的一封感谢信,而且是感谢在最困难的时候朋友给出的帮助。所以我们可以设定场景,想象你在最困难的时候发生的一些事情,设置为我们的写作背景,然后表达自己对朋友的感谢。文章大纲:一:表明写信目的或缘由,表达感谢二:说明原因三:再次感谢,祝福&&范文:A& Letter to Cui YuanDear Cui Yuan:&Thank you so much for your help during those days when I was travelling in your city.(直接表明目的,表达感谢之情) I would not have known how to pass the last 9 days without your kind words to comfort me and your company to help me find my wallet back.I still remember that day clearly when my luggage with all my personal belongings was lost while preparing to get off the train.(直接叙事,说明感谢的原因) I knew nothing about what I was going to do next because I was travelling alone that time and my phone was gone with my luggage. I had no money, no friends and no cards including my ID card at that moment. You couldn’t even imagine how I felt after I was told by the trainman that I might not find my luggage back again. It’s you who told me to calm down and went to the police station with me. You are like an angel to me and I really appreciate it.I would like to invite you to visit my hometown for a vacation and wish to see such a kind person like you again.(做出邀请) I am looking forward to your reply.Sincerely,Jenny&万能引导句:&直接表示对收信人的感谢,后面详细说时间和具体事件Thank you so much for your help during those days when...回忆当时事情经过,铺陈叙事&I still remember that day clearly when…发出邀请,再次表达自己的感谢I would like to invite you to visit my hometown for a vacation…&作文译文:亲爱的崔源:很感谢我在你所居住的城市旅游时你所提供的帮助。如果没有你的安慰的话语和陪我找到钱包,我真不知道自己要如何度过那剩下的9天时间。我仍然清楚地记得当我准备下火车时发现我装着所有随行物品的行李找不到的那一天。我不知道接下来要怎么做了。我这次是独自出来旅行而且我的电话和行李一起丢了。没有钱,没有朋友,没有卡,包括我的身份证。你甚至想象不到乘务员告诉我可能再也找不回我的行李时我的感受。是你安慰我去保持冷静,并和我一起去了警察局。你当时对我来说就像一个天使,让我很感激。我想邀请你去我的家乡游玩,希望可以再次见到这么善良的你。我期待着你的回复。真挚地,珍妮&作文二&For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to express your thanks to one of your school teachers upon entering college. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.&解析:从题目中的内容可以了解,这是写给老师的一封感谢信,而且是进入大学以来想要感谢的一个人。求学生涯这么长,相信大家总有一个要感谢的人吧。找出一个科目的老师,以及要感谢的原因,表达出自己内心的感谢,真情流露可以写的更畅快。文章大纲:一:表明写信目的或缘由,表达感谢二:说明原因三:再次感谢,祝福&&范文:&A Letter to Miss Wu&Dear Miss Wu,I am writing this letter to express my thanks for your help on my English learning during this term.(直接表达感谢) Thanks to you that I get the confidence back to learn my English well.To be honest, I have failed in almost all my English exams since I started to learn it in primary school.(背景铺垫) English has been my worst part among all my compulsive courses before I attend your classes. Your teaching style is different than others, which draws all the students’ attention to the contents to remember well. I have really benefited from it a lot.(感谢的原因)What surprised me most is that I could get an A in my finals.(故事情节继续推进) I just want to convey my heartfelt gratitude again for your splendid work. If it’s not you, I couldn’t believe English could be such an easy part to me.I wish you all the best, my dearest English teacher.(祝福语结尾)Yours sincerely,Betty&亲爱的吴老师:写这封信是想要表达我的感谢之情,感谢这学期你在我英语学习上的帮助。多亏了你,我才能够重拾信心学好英语。说实话,我自从小学开始学英语就从来没有考试及格过。在上你的课之前英语一直都是我所有必修课程中最差的那一科。你的教学风格不同于其他人,可以吸引所有学生的注意力并且让大家记得很牢,这让我很受益。 最让我惊讶地是在期末考试中我的成绩是A。我特别想为你的付出表达我衷心的感谢。如果不是你,我都不敢相信英语对于我来说可以如此简单。 祝你一切安好,我最亲爱的英语老师。 此致,贝蒂万能引导句:I am writing this letter to express my thanks for your help on…书信中表达感谢的方式,直接说明写信的目的是表达什么样的感激之情。To be honest, I have done something…坦白的说,我做了什么什么… 这句话可以用来铺陈背景,或者直接叙事What surprised me most is that…最让我吃惊地是… 可以表示情节的推进,或者转折I wish you all the best“祝一切安好”。书信常用寒暄语& 作文三&For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to express your thanks to your parents or any family members upon making memorable achievement. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words。解析:从题目中的内容可以了解,这是写给父母或者其他家人的一封感谢信,而且是关于获得难忘的成就方面。和父母朝夕相处,总是会有一些难忘的故事发生,具体在一些小成就小收获方面的内容应该会很多,事情可以小到学到了一些处事方法,大到在某个领域获得了可观的成就或奖项。主要侧重家人在这件事情上所给予的支持以及成效,以表示自己的感谢。文章大纲:一:表明写信目的或缘由,表达思念和感谢二:说明原因三:再次感谢,祝福&范文:A Letter to My Parents&Dear Mom and Dad:It’s been 2 months since the last time I went home from school(背景说明,表达对父母的思念). I miss you both so much. Each time when I entered into this college, I could recall what you had done for me last year.(回忆,引出下文要描述的事件)I feel very grateful for that you give me all you have just to make sure I could reach my goal to enter into this university someday.(表达感谢,后面说明细节) Because of what you have done for me, my dream comes true. &So Mom, you don’t have to get up very early in the morning to prepare the breakfast for me and drive me to school in time. Dad, you don’t have to stay all day out to ensure me a quiet learning circumstance each weekend. You have done so much for me that I will try my best to never let you down.(表达对父母的感恩之情)I am so lucky to have you as my parents and to enter into my dream school.(再次感谢,结束文章) Thank you so much again for your love on me. I love you both.Yours,Kate亲爱的爸爸、妈妈: 距离上次从学校回去家里已经有两个月了。很想你们。每次我进入这所大学时,我都会回忆起去年你们为我所付出的一切。我很感激你们毫无保留的付出,只为有一天我能达成自己的目标顺利进入这所大学。现在我的梦想成真了,所以妈妈,你不必很早起床在早上为我准备早餐,送我上学,爸爸,你不需要每周末都留在外面,确保我能有一个安静的学习环境。你们为我付出了这么多,我也会尽我所能不让你失望的。我很幸运有你们做我的父母,以及进入我梦想中的学校。再一次谢谢你们的爱。我爱你们。你们的,凯特&万能引导句:Each time when I entered into this college, I could recall…“每当我…我就会回忆起…”可以通过这样一句回忆的话去引出下面要讲的内容I feel very grateful for…“我很感激…” 后面可以直接表述出来感激的原因,for something.You have done so much for me that I will try my best to never let you down.“尽我所能不让你们失望”表达对父母的付出最好的回报就是做出成绩,做他们的骄傲。卷一 翻译功夫(Kung Fu)是中国武术(martial arts)的俗称。中国武术的起源可以追溯到自卫的需要,狩猎活动以及古代中国的军事训练。它是中国传统体育运动的一种,年轻人和老年人都练。它已逐渐演变成了中国文化的独特元素。作为中国的国宝,功夫有上百种不同的风格,是世界上练得最多的武术形式。有些风格模仿了动物的动作,还有一些则受到了中国哲学思想、神话和传说的启发。解析:第一句:功夫(Kung Fu)是中国武术(martial arts)的俗称。普通版:主系表结构。主语“功夫”,表语“俗称”,可以用common name来表示,这句话可译为:Kung Fu is a common name of Chinese martial arts.高配版:“是…的俗称”有一个短语,is commonly known as, 可译为:Chinese martial arts is commonly known as Kung Fu, 第二句话中也是介绍中国武术,我们可以考虑合译,用一个非限制性定语从句将它们串联起来。“自卫”,self-defense,“狩猎活动”,hunting activities, “军事训练”,military training. 这两句话合译为:Chinese martial arts is commonly known as Kung Fu, the origin of which can be traced back to the needs of self-defense, hunting activities and military training in ancient China.第二句:中国武术的起源可以追溯到自卫的需要,狩猎活动以及古代中国的军事训练。普通版:主谓宾结构,主语:“起源”,beginning,谓语动词“追溯”,date back to, 宾语“…的需要”,the needs of…因此这句话可译为:The beginning of Chinese martial arts can go back to the needs of self-defense, hunting activities and ancient Chinese military training.第三句:它是中国传统体育运动的一种,年轻人和老年人都练。普通版:并列句。前半句是一个主系表结构,“传统体育运动”, traditional sports, “…的一种”one kind of. 前半句可译为:It is one kind of the Chinese traditional sports.后半句是一个主谓宾结构,主语是“年轻人和老年人”,the young and the old,谓语“练习”,practice,后半句可译为:both the young and the old practice it. 两个分句是并列结构,用and连接。高配版:前后两个分句都是与功夫相关的,我们可以借助非谓语动词将其中一个分句转换为状语。Being one kind of the Chinese traditional sports, it is always practiced by both the young and the old./ It is one kind of the Chinese traditional sports,practiced by both the young and the old.第四句:作为中国的国宝,功夫有上百种不同的风格,是世界上练得最多的武术形式。普通版:“作为…”用“as…”,国宝Chinese national treasure. 第二个分句,主谓宾,Kung Fu has hundreds of different types, 第三个分句,主系表,Kung Fu is the most practiced forms of martial arts,合并译为:As a national treasure of China, Kung Fu is the most practiced forms of martial arts and has hundreds of different types.高配版:类似于第三句的高配版翻译,我们同样可以将普通版翻译中的and并列结构转化为一个从句来引导。因此可译为:As a Chinese national treasure, Kung Fu is the most practiced forms of martial arts, which has hundreds of different styles.第五句:有些风格模仿了动物的动作,还有一些则受到了中国哲学思想、神话和传说的启发。普通版:前半分句,主谓宾结构,主语“有些风格”,some of the styles,谓语“模仿”,copy,宾语“动物的动作”,animals’ movements,后半分句,“受到了启发”,be inspired by, 哲学思想,philosophy, 神话,myth, 传说,legend, 整句话可译为:Some of the styles copy the animals’ movements, and others are inspired by Chinese philosophy, myths and legends.高配版:模仿,用imitate. 启发,enlighten. Some of the styles imitate the movements of the animals and some are enlightened by Chinese philosophy, myths and legends.普通版:Kung Fu is a common name of Chinese martial arts. The beginning of Chinese martial arts can go back to the needs of self-defense, hunting activities and ancient Chinese military training. It is one kind of the Chinese traditional sports and both the young and the old practice it. It has gradually become a special element of Chinese culture. As a national treasure of China, Kung Fu is the most practiced forms of martial arts and has hundreds of different types. Some of the styles copy the animals’ movements, and others are inspired by Chinese philosophy, myths and legends.高配版:Chinese martial arts is commonly known as Kung Fu, the origin of which can be traced back to the needs of self-defense, hunting activities and military training in ancient China. Being one kind of the Chinese traditional sports, it is always practiced by both the young and the old. It has gradually evolved into a unique element of Chinese culture. As a Chinese national treasure, Kung Fu is the most practiced forms of martial arts, which has hundreds of different styles. Some of the styles imitate the movements of the animals and some are enlightened by Chinese philosophy, myths and legends.语不惊人死不休:1.&&& 国宝写成Chinese baby/China baby的同学(应该庆幸你们没有写成guobao),这简直是在一本正经的胡说八道啊。说到这里,不得不提有些自以为很聪明的同学,写成了Panda, 想必是内心戏很丰富或者想到了功夫熊猫?Hmm, 因垂死听。2.&&& 狩猎写成了killing animal或者catching animal, 想必考官看到这里醉醉的,真想跑到四六级的阅卷现场去看看考官们真实的内心写照。难道不是hunting吗?写killing animal的同学太多,以至于我都怀疑到底有没有hunting这个单词!3.&&& 还有一个起码算得上纯英文的错误,中国古代,long long ago in China, 用ancient一个单词就能解决的问题,为什么要用那么多单词!这不是写作,you don’t have to care the number of words!4.&&& 神话翻译成god story,dream story???Excuse me?功夫难道是天方夜谭吗???不得不说,这篇文章中的词汇还是偏难的,抽到这篇文章的同学,过了的我们替你开心,没过的更要提醒自己好好记单词,好好练语法,一切四六级都是纸老虎!卷二翻译乌镇是浙江的一座古老的水镇,坐落在京杭大运河畔。这是一处迷人的地方,有许多古桥、中式旅店和餐馆。在过去一千年里,乌镇的水系和生活方式并未经历多少变化,是一座展现古文明的博物馆。乌镇所有房屋都是用石木建造。数百年来,当地人沿着河边建起了住宅和集市,无数宽敞美丽的庭院藏身于屋舍之间,游客们每到一处都会有惊喜的发现。解析:第一句:乌镇是浙江的一座古老的水镇,坐落在京杭大运河畔。普通版:这两个分句的主语都是乌镇,前半分句是个主系表结构,后半分句中“坐落于”,我们用be located by. “古老的水镇”,ancient water town,京杭大运河,the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. 整句话可译为:Wuzhen is an ancient water town in Zhejiang province and it is located by the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.高配版:对于两个分句是同一主语的情况,我们可以用非限制性定语从句来取代其中一个分句,这句话还可译为:Wuzhen is an ancient water town in Zhejiang province, which is located by the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.第二句:这是一处迷人的地方,有许多古桥、中式旅店和餐馆。普通版:前半句是主系表结构,表语“迷人的地方”,attractive place, 后半句是主谓宾结构,宾语“古桥,中式旅店和餐馆”,ancient bridges, Chinese hotels and restaurants, 这句话可译为:It&#39;s an attractive place and has lots of ancient bridges, Chinese style hotels and restaurants.高配版:本句与第一句的情况相同,分句都是同一主语。我们可以做相同处理,将其中一个分句转换为定语从句。另外,“迷人的”,常用fascinating. 因此这句话可译为:It&#39;s a fascinating place which has many ancient bridges, Chinese style hotels and restaurants.第三句:在过去一千年里,乌镇的水系和生活方式并未经历多少变化,是一座展现古文明的博物馆。普通版:第二分句是主谓宾结构,主语“乌镇的水系和生活方式”,the lifestyle and water system in Wuzhen,第三个分句是主系表结构,表语是“博物馆”,museum,时间状语是“在过去一千年里”,表示这一动作迄今为止已经完成,时态用现在完成时,这句话可译为:In the past 1000 years, the water system and lifestyle in Wuzhen have not changed too much.高配版:这几个分句我们同样可以使用合译。都是跟乌镇相关,情况与前两句类似,运用定语从句来将句子意思整合。译为:Without too many changes in lifestyle and water system during the past 1000 years, Wuzhen is a museum which shows the ancient civilization.第四句:乌镇所有房屋都是用石木建造。普通版:主系表结构,主语“所有房屋”,all of the houses, 表语“用…建造”built by,“石木”stones and woods. 这句话可译为:All of the houses are built by stones and woods.高配版:“用…建造”还可以用be constructed with. 这句话还可译为:All of the houses there are constructed with stones and woods.第五句:数百年来,当地人沿着河边建起了住宅和集市普通版:主谓宾结构。主语“当地人”,local people, 谓语“建造,建筑”build, 宾语“住宅和集市” homes and markets. 地点状语“沿着河边”along the river. 同样,根据时间状语“数百年来”,应选择现在完成时,这句话可译为:For hundreds of years, local people have built their homes and markets along the river.高配版:当地人还可以用居民表示,residents, 住宅,dwellings, 这句话可译为:For hundreds of years residents there have built dwellings and markets along the riverside.第六句:无数宽敞美丽的庭院藏身于屋舍之间,游客们每到一处都会有惊喜的发现。普通版:前半分句中“藏身于”用be hidden, “宽敞美丽的庭院”beautiful and spacious courtyards, “无数的”,countless, 后半句,主谓宾结构,主语“游客们”travellers, 宾语“惊喜的发现”,surprising findings. 可译为:Countless beautiful and spacious courtyards are hidden there. Travellers will have surprising findings everywhere.高配版:对分句的处理除了之前用定语从句之外,还可以用with的独立主格结构,将前半分句转化为原因状语,“无数的”innumerable, “游客”tourists, “发现”discoveries.这句话还可译为:With innumerable beautiful and spacious courtyards hidden among those houses, tourists will have surprising discoveries everywhere.普通版:Wuzhen is an ancient water town in Zhejiang province and it is located by the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. It&#39;s an attractive place and has lots of ancient bridges, Chinese style hotels and restaurants. In the past 1000 years, the water system and lifestyle in Wuzhen have not changed too much. So it&#39;s a museum showing ancient culture. All of the houses are built by stones and woods. For hundreds of years, local people have built their homes and markets along the river. Countless beautiful and spacious courtyards are hidden there. Travellers will have surprising findings everywhere.高配版:Wuzhen is an ancient water town in Zhejiang province, which is located by the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. It&#39;s a fascinating place which has many ancient bridges, Chinese style hotels and restaurants. Without too many changes in lifestyle and water system during the past 1000 years, Wuzhen is a museum which shows the ancient civilization. All of the houses there are constructed with stones and woods. For hundreds of years residents there have built dwellings and markets along the riverside. With innumerable beautiful and spacious courtyards hidden among those houses, tourists will have surprising discoveries everywhere.语不惊人死不休:1. 乌镇不是Wu Town不是Wuzheng(拼音拼错的同学,请自行惩罚)更不是Wu countryside(太佩服同学们的临场发挥能力)也不是wu city(已无力吐槽)。当然,还有自以为很高级的同学,写了black town. 难道不是城市名直接拼音就可以了吗?看到大家的错误,总让我质疑自己学过的英语。2. 京杭大运河写成Jinghang big river(好在你们还知道大是big, 河流是river),当然还有同学偷换概念写了jinghang lake(呵呵呵)?!还有一些可爱的baby自以为机智的写了the river named jinghang, 我只能说后置定语运用的不错,但是jinghangdayunhe又是什么鬼,考官已经笑cry了好嘛。3. 最后一句话,很多同学翻译成了:If you come here, you will say: amazing!当然,这说明同学们在考场上学会了灵活转换句子意思,将长难句和生词转换为自己能够运用的词汇。但是!大家还是多记单词吧,不要到考场上发现自己辞穷了才想起来抱佛脚,考场上就真的是叫天天不应,叫地地不灵了!看过这些奇葩翻译,你们一定在笑,不要笑,很严肃的说,一定要好好记单词,学语法,keep calm and pass CET-4!卷三 翻译在山东潍坊市,风筝不仅仅是玩具,而且还是这座城市文化的标志。潍坊以“风筝之都“而闻名,已有将近2400年放飞风筝的历史。传说中国古代哲学家墨子用了三年时间在潍坊制作了世界上首个风筝,但放飞的第一天风筝就坠落并摔坏了。也有人相信风筝是中国古代木匠鲁班发明的。据说他的风筝用木头和竹子制作,飞了三天后才落地。&解析:第一句:在山东潍坊市,风筝不仅仅是玩具,而且还是这座城市文化的标志。普通版:第一个分句是地点状语,第二个分句是主系表结构,主语是“风筝”,kites, 不是flying paper. “不仅仅”,not just, 后半分句,标志城市文化,represent the city culture. 这句话可译为:In Weifang, Shandong, kites are not just toys. They also represent the city culture.高配版:句子中有一个“不是,而是”的结构,not only, but also. “标志”这个词,最常用的是”sign”, “symbol”. 这句话可译为:In the city of Weifang, Shandong province, kites are not only toys but also the symbol of city culture.第二句:潍坊以“风筝之都“而闻名,已有将近2400年放飞风筝的历史。普通版:这是一个并列句。“以…而闻名”be famous for, “有…的历史”has a history of… 并列句用and连接,这句话可译为:Weifang is famous for “ the city of kites” and has a history of flying kites for nearly 2400 years.高配版:并列句的主语一致,都是潍坊,我们可以将其中一个分句的动词变为非谓语动词引导的状语,这句话就可以改写为:Being well-known for “ the capital of kites” , Weifang has a history of flying kites for nearly 2400 years.或者Weifang is well-known for “ the capital of kites” , having a history of flying kites for nearly 2400 years.第三句:传说中国古代哲学家墨子用了三年时间在潍坊制作了世界上首个风筝,但放飞的第一天风筝就坠落并摔坏了。普通版:“传说中”即“据说”,可译为It is said that… “古代哲学家”ancient philosopher, 花费时间做某事,take time to do sth. “坠落”用fall down, “摔坏”broken. 同时有表示转折的“但是”,我们用but. 这句话可译为:It is said that an ancient Chinese philosopher called MoTze took three years to make the first kite in Weifang, but on the first day of flying, the kite fell down and got broken.高配版:“传说”用legend, 花费时间做某事还可以用spend time doing sth. 句子中出现了转折,除了用but, 还可以用although, though和even though来引导一个让步状语从句,表示“但是”。那么这句话还可译为:A legend says that although the ancient Chinese philosopher MoTze spent three years making the first kite in the world in Weifang, it fell down and got broken on the first day of flying.第四句:也有人相信风筝是中国古代木匠鲁班发明的。据说他的风筝用木头和竹子制作,飞了三天后才落地。普通版:第一句话中提到了“也有人相信…”这是一个主谓宾的结构,宾语是一句话“风筝是中国古代木匠鲁班发明的”,同时,第二个句子中还有“鲁班的风筝”,两个句子都与“鲁班”有关系,可以用定语从句来关联,我们可以这样翻译:Some also believe that the kite was invented by an ancient carpenter Lu Ban whose kite was made of wood and bamboo and finally fell to the ground after three days’ flying. 用whose引导的定语从句,将两个句子连接在了一起。高配版:第一句话还可以用强调句来实现,译为:Others believe that it was the ancient Chinese carpenter Lu Ban that invented the kite. 第二句话中同样是两个分句,主语都是“风筝”,可以将其中的分句转换为非谓语动词引导的状语结构,可译为:It is said that his kite was made of wood and bamboo, flying for three days before it fell down to the ground.&普通版:In Weifang, Shandong, kites are not just toys. They also represent the city culture. Weifang is famous for “ the city of kites” and has a history of flying kites for nearly 2400 years. It is said that an ancient Chinese philosopher called MoTze took three years to make the first kite in Weifang, but on the first day of flying, the kite fell down and got broken. Some also believe that the kite was invented by an ancient carpenter Lu Ban whose kite was made of wood and bamboo and finally fell to the ground after three days’ flying.高配版:In the city of Weifang, Shandong province, kites are not only toys but also the symbol of city culture. Weifang is well-known for “ the capital of kites” , having a history of flying kites for nearly 2400 years. A legend says that although the ancient Chinese philosopher MoTze spent three years making the first kite in the world in Weifang, it fell down and got broken on the first day of flying. Others believe that it was the ancient Chinese carpenter Lu Ban that invented the kite. It is said that his kite was made of wood and bamboo, flying for three days before it fell down to the ground.语不惊人死不休:1.第一个实在不能忍的槽点,风筝,有些小主竟然灵光一现,写了flying paper,wind zheng, 更有甚者,一拍脑袋,写了Feng Zheng,你出来咱们聊聊,考官的内心也是崩溃的,Orz…2. 潍坊是Weifang,不是Huaifang更不是Langfang. 这是汉字没认全的问题,语文难道是体育老师教的吗?3. 风筝坠落并摔坏了,kite is down and it is died. 其一,小主的词汇真真是极匮乏的;其二,died难道不是动词形式吗?最起码小主也该使用dead啊。可以,这很小主…4. 鲁班写成Luclass, 考官真的要好好扶扶眼镜了,我和考官都惊呆了,I really want to know what you were thinking about at that moment because I got totally confused (mengbi) at the first sight of your translation. You were just kidding, right?5.木匠,work with trees,那难道学生就是work with books吗?6.竹子,panda like food,一言不合就开始胡说八道了是吗?总结了这么多,无非是希望大家好好学英语,记单词,学语法,写一手漂亮的句子,四级得一个高分,作为找工作的敲门砖,希望宝宝们再接再厉,好好攻克四级!!!!&
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