英语for younger 第一季generations 结构 介词for+adj+n复数

英语中的often ofter about.介词有什么意思,在什么句子中要加interest interested interesting 是什么意思,s除了名次复数后面要加 在动词后面什么情况下要加 a little
few a few other others the other the others是什么意思 要怎么用
回答1:often不是介词 是副词吧about是介词 关于回答2:interest 做名词 n.时 可以是:1.兴趣;关注;爱好[C][U][(+in)]I developed an interest in the machine.我对这机器发生了兴趣.I have lost my interest in chemistry.我对化学已不感兴趣.2.趣味性[U][(+to)]Local color added interest to the novel.地方色彩增加了这部小说的吸引力.3.感兴趣的事物或人[C]His two great interests in life are music and painting.他生活中的两大兴趣是音乐和绘画.4.利益;利害;同业;同行[P1]We work for our common interests.我们为共同的利益而工作.5.利息[U]I borrowed the money at 5% interest.我以五分利息借了那笔钱.6.股份,股权[C][(+in)]He has an interest in the company.他在这家公司拥有股份.7.重要性;影响[U][(+with)]Her interest with him is considerable.她对他的影响相当大.interest做 及物动词 vt.时 可以是1.使发生兴趣;引起...的关心Chemistry interests him.他对化学感兴趣.2.使参与,使发生关系[(+in)]He interested me in politics.他使我对政治发生兴趣.interested 是形容词 a.其主语一般是人1.感兴趣的;关心的[(+in)][+to-v][+(that)]I'm not interested in politics.我对政治不感兴趣.2.有利害关系的[B]He is an interested party and can not serve on the jury.他是与案件有关的当事人,不能做陪审团的成员.3.有私心的,有偏见的[B]An interested person can not make a fair decision.有偏见的人不能做出公正的决断.interesting 做形容词 a.主语一般是事物1.有趣的;引起兴趣的;令人关注的[(+for/to)]It is an interesting book for children.那是一本有趣的儿童读物.We had a long and interesting talk.我们作了一次很有意思的长谈.总结:这三个词中 你实际要注意区别interested和interesting的区别前面讲过了 interested主语一般是人 是被动地对某某感兴趣interesting主语一般是事物 是指事或物主动地令人感兴趣这块 经常出形容题 楼主注意区别哈回答3:s除了名次复数后面要加 在动词后面什么情况下要加前面主语是he she或it 后面动词要加s回答4:a little little few a few other others the other the others是什么意思 要怎么用 a little 一点 一般修饰不可数名词 little 只有一点 一般修饰不可数名词 有否定意味 few 只有一些 一般修饰可数名词 有否定意味 a few 有一些 一般修饰可数名词other 其他的 形容词性质others thers 是复数代词,泛指其他的人或物the other特指两者中的另一个 the others特指的其他一些人回答5:第一第二第三人称单复数指什么 这个和回答3其实是差不多的其实是指主语是第一第二第三人称时 后面谓语动词的单复数第一人称 我 I 第二人称 你 you 第三人称 他 he 她 she 它 it 一般现在时中 当主语是第一人称 我 I 和第二人称 你 you时 谓语动词不用加s一般现在时中 当主语是第三人称 他 he 她 she 它 it 时 谓语动词要加s
兴趣, 嗜好, 利息, 股份
有趣的,令人感到有趣的【注,interested 和 interesting的区别在于 前者是过去分词 后者是现在分词 前者多直接形容人 如 interested look
1.作名词 兴趣,2.作动词 使……感兴趣interested 1.动词interest的过去分词 2. 作形容词 感兴趣interesting 形容词 有趣在第三人称单复数时,动词后要加s。第一人称 我I me my第二人称 你 you your 第三人称 他 he him his 她 she her 它 it it...
often 是副词而不是介词,意思是:常常,一般用作时间状语,在句子中有often这个状语的,通常我们用一般现在时,表示经常重复的动作。after (在...之后)about (大约)这两个是介词,当用作时间状语时,前者表示一个时间点之后,后者表示一个时间点的左右。要问为什么?没什么为什么,就是大家都这么用!1.interest 一般用作名词,have in...
1. Rome Wasn't Built in a Dayp.1.English is an international language. Therefore, it is necessary for us to learn it. It can be rewarding or just a waste of time. It's up to you. It depends on how you study it. Here are some tips about learning English. First, don't be afraid to make(of making) mistakes. You will learn from them. Second, you must not be shy. Be thick-skinned and speak up! Finally, you mush be patient. Remember, &Rome wasn't built in a day.& empire 帝国 type 打字 discourage 泄气 saying 谚语 universal 环球 Mandarin 普通话 necessary = important just = only Excercise is very rewarding for our health A pays to excercise Some advice 建议 tip Fits 一阵 三分钟热度 by fits and strats ☆foul language 下流话 Mandarin 普通话,国语 ☆Your stay here is just(or only) a waste of time. ☆rewarding a.有(获)益的;修得做的,划算的. Teaching is a very rewarding profession.教书是一种很有价值的职业. Exercise is a rewarding for our health. ☆by fits and starts. adv.间歇地,断断续续地,一阵一阵地 My brother studied accounting by fits and starts, so he failed. ☆tip n. ①建议②小费 ③提示,技巧 give sb. tips on/about sth. vt.给某人关于某事的建议 tip (about) = advice (on) a good piece of advice 不说: a good advice ☆stink vi.臭 stingy ☆be patient with sb. 对...有耐心 ☆thick-skinnned a.厚颜的 Eg:If you want to be a good salesman,you must be thick-skinned. ☆Don’t be afraid to make mistake. 别怕犯错. ☆It depends on how you study it.那要看你如何去学习. It depend on when you do it.那要看你何时去做.2. How to Improve Your English p.9. Mack is talking to his friend Don. M: Hi, Don! How are you doing in your English class? D: Not so well, I'm afraid. M: What's the problem? D: I'm not improving. Tell me, how come your English is so good? M: Well, uh…I have an American girlfriend. D: Aha! That's it. Now I know what to do. (He runs off.) M: Hey, Come back! I was just kidding! ☆funny farm 疯人院 正式:mental asylum ☆improve sth = make a lot of improvement in sth ☆how come(口) 无需要倒装=why ☆talk to(with) sb. about sth. vi. talk sb. into doing vt.说服 ☆When he gave a speech, we realized that he was just talking nonsense. ☆He is a problem studnet. ☆greeting 招呼语 How are you doing in ...? or: How are you getting along? 近来怎么样? 久违的老朋友还可以说:How are you? or How have you been? Howdy 美国南部招呼语 answer: Howdy ☆blind date 相亲,盲目约会 ☆I am afraid (that 省略) it is going to rain, so we can't go on a picnic. 我认为...(弱语气) ☆What's the problem (with)? = What's wrong? = What's the matter (with)? ☆goof around 浪费时间,混时间 ☆Aha, that's it. = Aha, I get it. = I understand. ☆kidding = joking3. The City of Songp.13Listening to music is the favorite pastime of many people all over the world. This is especially true for people living in Vienna, the city of song. Being the home of Mozart, this city is the birthplace of classical music and the waltz. Music fills the air in Vienna. Going to public concerts is often free of charge. And don't forget, Vienna is also home to the world famous Vienna Boys' Choir. No wonder people say Austria is always alive with the sound of music. ☆Austria Australia jog 慢跑 chore 杂物(可数) potbelly 大肚皮 He is a potbelly. ☆the world over adv. = around the world = throughout the world = all over the world ☆maestro 艺术大师,名作曲家 ☆birthplace 发源地,诞生日 classical 古典的 classic 经典的 ☆be free (of charge) 免费的 This sample is free of charge. ☆be enslaved by 被...奴役 be enslaved to a bad habit 改不掉坏习惯 ☆be home to 某地是…的所在地/出产地/聚集地 be the home of 某地是…的故乡/老家 ☆no wonder + clause(主+v.) adv.难怪 Eg:No wonder Bruce is in such a good shape, he excercises. No wonder you’re so thin, you eat so little. ☆be alive with a.活的,充满的 Eg:The room is alive with children’s laughter. sth. fill the air 充满着某物 Eg: Romatic love songs fill the air in that cozy Italian restaurant. 那家温馨的意大利餐馆充满着罗曼蒂克的情歌.4. He Who Hesitates Is Lostp.21Mike is in Vienna with his girlfriend Daisy. M: Are you having a good time, Daisy? D: Are kidding? I'm having the time of my life. I loved the concerts. M: Concert going is fantastic but what else can we do? D: Biking along the banks of the river Danube could be fun. M: It sounds like a great idea! D: Let's do it then. M: You're right. As they say, &He who hesitates is lost.& ☆He who(引导表语从句) hesitates is lost. 迟疑着将丧失良机. hesitates to … 做…犹豫不决 He who …+单数动词 D凡是…的人….‖ = one who.. = those who +复数动词 Eg:He who works hard will be successful. &He& means anyone. or: one, those ☆I was lost in that music. "沉醉于" = be absorbed in one's work ☆While on vacation last year, I visited France and Italy. 渡假 ☆Chinese character D中国字‖ 不说 Chinese words ☆The artist will put on (hold) an exhibit next month. (put on 娱乐) ☆fantastic = wonderful, great, awesome, terrific (cool for the young) aweful = terrible 糟 ☆Biking along the bank could be/can be/must be/is fun. ☆have 做D有‖ 无进行时态 Eg:I have a car. I have time. 即,无法说"正在"的词,无进行时态 I love you.5. Bungee Jumpingp.26Bungee jumping looks like fun. It makes me nervous just to watch someone do it. It certainly takes a lot of guts to jump one thousand feet above the water with only a rope tied to your legs. It scares me just to think about it. However, it is something I really want to do one day. Some people think I'm crazy. They say to jump is foolish enough, but to have to pay for it is madness. I don't agree. For me, to live a short and exciting life is far better than to live a long and boring one. What do you think? ☆wild boar 野猪 ☆Paper originated in China. 起源于 ☆have the guts(口语)/courage to be. 有做…的勇气/胆量. pluck up one's courage 鼓起勇气 muster up one's courage Eg:Bill does not have the guts to ask Marry to go out for a date. ☆be tied to = be bound (bind) to 被...绑在 That poor dog is tied/bound to the fence, he can not run away. ☆be scared of = be frightened of Peter is scared of snakes. scare sb. to death 把某人吓的要死. He scared me to death. ☆He looked into the mirror and found he looked much older. 照镜子 ☆cockroach(es) 蟑螂 lunatic n.adj 疯子 luna 月亮(拉丁文) ☆get somewhere 有出息 get nowhere 没出息 If you work hard you get somewhere someday. ☆I agree with you on this point, but I disable agree with you on that point. ☆agreeable 相处容易的: I like Marry, because she's a very agreeable personality. ☆live/lead + a/an +a. life 过着…生活 The famous sight lives/leads a simple life. ☆boring a.令人厌烦的,无聊的(指事) So boring 真无聊 boring day be bored with a.感到厌烦的(指人) =be fed up with =be sick of =be tired of D受够了‖ D对…感厌烦‖ ☆What do you think? 你认为呢? ☆looks /tastes /sounds like(prep.) 后接名词 D象‖ ☆知觉动词 vt. 看:see, watch,look at(注视) 听:hear,listion to 感觉:feel 1)vt.+宾+宾补(动原) 强调确有事情发生,表进行时态 2)vt.+宾+宾补(现在分词) 强调事情正在发生 3)vt.+宾+宾补(过去分词) 强调被动的状态6. Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gainedp.35Lisa and Bill are talking about their future. L: What's your goal in life, Bill? B: To fly in the sky and feel as free as a bird. L: That's easy. B: What do you mean? L: Go bungee jumping. B: You mush be kidding. It's too dangerous. L: Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained. ☆If nothing is ventured, nothing will be gained. ☆Everybody shoule have a goal in life. My goal is to learn English better one day. ☆Growing up is learning experience. ☆pearl 珍珠 Pearl 女人名 ☆carve out 雕刻出,开创出 Eg:By going to school and studying hard, Sam carved out a good career of his future. ☆attain/reach/fulfill one's goal ☆Peter and Bruce are as busy as bees. Ever since sam lived on his own, he has felt as free as a bird. 山姆自从独立生活以来觉得自由极了. To fly in the sky and feel as free as a bird.象鸟儿一样在天气自由翱翔。 ☆What do you mean by calling me at midnight? 你深夜打电话给我是什么意思? ☆1&take it easy(ad.) 放松点 2&easy(a.) Eg:easy come,easy go. / That’s easy. ☆feel +a.(主补) go +doing 从事某种短暂的活动 go shopping go fishing7. Doctor Death p.39 Whether very sick people should be helped to end their own lives is a question many people cannot answer. However, Dr.Kevorkian is an exception. That he has done this more than twenty times is known to everyone. Some say what he is doing is immoral. They call him Doctor Death. Others say what he is doing is merciful. They call it mercy killing. Whether Dr.Kevorkian should be allowed to continue doing this is a real problem for the government. There seem to be two sides to the argument. Which side are you on? ☆be known as +身份 为人所知 be known to sb. 为某人所熟知 be known for sth. Eg:Don’t you know? 你难道不知道? Eg:The old man is known for his generosity.那个老人以慷慨闻名。 ☆One is known by company he keeps. 观其友,知其人 ☆spooky 幽灵般的 Halloween 万圣节 ☆end one’s life 结束某人的生命 to end one's own life = to put an end to one's own life ☆When the movie came to an end, many people were crying. 结束 ☆I helped Mother wash(=do) the dishes last night. ☆Every rule has its exception. = There is an exception to every rule. with the exception of .... 除…之外 ☆inconvenient 不方便 不说:Are you convenient? 而说:Are you free new? ☆That he doesn't study makes me angry. 名词从句 that 不能省 ☆mercy killing 安乐死 ☆be faithful to sb. [sth.] 忠实于某人[某事] Eg:It’s immoral to be unfaithful to your girlfriend.对女友不忠实是不道德的。 ☆agrue over….为…争论 The old couple argued over trivial matters all day long. 那对老夫妇成天为一些芝麻蒜皮的小事争吵。8. No Hearts or No Brains? P.52 Helen and Dick are talking about the previous article. H: I don't understand how people can think Dr. Kevorkian is doing the right thing. D: Well, helping people die with dignity is not that bad, in it? H: Don't you know ? Where there is life, there is hope. D: Come on. Be realistic. Those people who want to die are suffering. It's better that they go quickly and painlessly. H: All you men have no hearts. D: And all you women have no brains. ☆We teach our children to momerize/remenber their telepphone number by heart. 默背 Peter is really a kind of man at heart. at heart 本性上 ☆beat one's brains 绞尽脑汁 I stayed up all night and beat my brains, but I couldn't think of the answer. ☆understanding = considerate = thoughtful 体谅的 ☆To my understanding, .... = To my knowledge, .... (放句首)就我所知 ☆kangaroo 袋鼠 ☆that bad = so bad ☆Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成 ☆stay up / sit up 熬夜 ☆suffer from +疾病 D长期(患)…的疾病‖ Eg:My mother suffers from migraine headaches. (偏头痛)9. Be Thoughtfulp.58Being thoughtful simply means thinking of others before yourself. What you say or do will have an effect on others. So it is important that you think before you say or do anything. In this way, you can avoid hurting others' feelings. Moreover, a thoughtless act or remark can spoil a perfect relationship. Remember these rules, If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything. Likewise if you think what you do will hurt others,don’t do it After all,what goes around comes around. ☆Children should be considerate of old people. 体谅 ☆mean to do 打算做 mean doing 意味着 When I say I mean to do it, I mean it. ☆essential = necessary / important It is important that he (should) be punctual. ☆a piece of cake = It is cinch(俚 easy). ☆feeling 感觉 feelings 感情 ☆scold 责骂 undermine 破坏(少用) ☆likewise 同样地 =by the same token Yesterday was a lousy day. By the same token today does't look any better. ☆What goes around comes around. 种什么因,得什么果。 What 是复合代词=the things which “所…东西” Eg:What you ordered is not available. 你所点的东西卖完了。 What the child needs is love. 孩子所需要的是爱 ☆疑问词引导的名词从句 p4510. What Are Friends For? P.65 Jane meets her old friend, Fred. J: Hi, Fred! How's everything? F:Not so good(well),I'm afraid. Supporting a family is becoming more and more difficult these days. J: What you say can't be more true. Everything is so expensive. I can hardly make ends meet myself. F: Oh, really? Do you need any money? What I have is not much, but I can loan you some. J: I'm OK. Thanks for being so thoughtful anyway. F: What are friends for? 要不然要朋友干嘛? ☆flatter 奉承 flattery n. ☆1&meet with trouble 遇到麻烦 in trouble 2&meet sb 3&The chinaman presided over the meeting. 4&meet you halfway 折衷 meet sb. halfway v.在半路迎接某人, 迎合某人 Let's compromise 妥协 to reach a compromise ☆polite behavior ☆Peter is afraid/scared/frightened of snakes. ☆cockroach(es) 蟑螂 ☆support a family 养家 back you up 支持 ☆I couldn't careless. 不在乎 ☆hardly = almost not ☆be becoming/getting + 比较级 a. + and + 比较级 a. “变得越来越…” = be becoming/getting increasingly(日益,愈加)+ a. …. Eg:I find that people are becoming more and more materialistic. = I find that people are becoming increasingly materialistic. 人们变得越来越物质了. The weather is getting hotter and hotter.= The weather is getting increasingly hot. ☆主+cannot be +比较级 a. “再…也没有了;…到极点了” What you say can't be more true. 你说的对极了。 Eg:The answer you gave cannot be more wrong. 你的答案大错特错. The remark he made could not be more sarcastic. 他所说的话讽刺到极点了. ☆Today many city couples both have to work, or they can't make ends meet. 收支平衡 ☆We are in need of more parks in our city. = We need more.... ☆get by 说的过去,混过 get at = I see.11. Power without Pollutionp.69Pollution is a big problem in almost all the big cities of the world. City people are, therefore, becoming more and more worried about how they can get rid of pollution. They are also concerned about whether the government is doing enough to protect the environment. However, people in Ireland don't have these worries. They are sure that they have found the answer to the problem. They use windmills. These windmills can create power without creating pollution. This method is so successful that other countries are thinking of doing the same. Why not? What works for Ireland can work for any other country. ☆I am ready. = I am all set. ☆Don't pollute this river. ☆Yesterday afternoon we had a power failure for two hours. 停电 ☆During the power failuer, the lights usually go out. ☆a big problem = a serious problem ☆You should rid youreself of that bad habit of smoking. ☆concerned = worried People in ireland, however, don't have these worries. People in ireland don't, however, have these worries. ☆answer to = solution to ☆creat / produce / generate12. Stop the Noisep.77Mr. Chen is talking to his neighbor Mrs. Wang. C: May I have a word with you? W: Sure. What's the problem? C: It's about your son. I'm tired of his making so much noise at all hours of the day. W: I'm sorry. I'm sure he's not doing it on purpose. C: I'm sure he's not. But we can do without the noise pollution, you know? W: You're absolutely right. By the way, how was your party last night? It sure sounded like you had a great time. C: Uh… ☆poorly ☆My girlfriend and I had a chat at a shop yesterday ☆have a word with sb about sth = talk with(to) sb about sth have words with = argument ☆stingy 小气 ☆sure = of course = you bet ☆be in love with 状态 fall in love with 动作 ☆I am tired. 累 I am tired of sth = I am sick of sth 厌烦 I am tired of that 从句 错 变化 1: I am tired of the fact that 从句 变化 2: I am tired of sb's V-ing 所有格 I am curious about that he studies hard. 错 变化:I am curious about the fact that he studies hard. 或:I am curious about his studying hard. ☆that 不能做介词的宾语 ☆on purpose = with intention = intentionally ☆can do without 没有...也可以 ☆can't do without 没有...就不行 ☆It sure sounds like ... sure / like 口语用法13.Health Comes First p. 81 Smoking is bad in that it is harmful to one's health. In spite of the fact that doctors have even warned that it causes cancer, people still keep on smoking. In some Western countries, however, people are beginning to kick the bad habit. They realize that health should come first. To help them quit smoking, there are laws against cigarette advertising and smoking in public places. This is praiseworthy except that Western countries are now selling cigarettes in the East in greater numbers than ever. That they are doing this is immoral, don't you think? ☆put out my cigarette ☆once and for all 断然地, 坚决地 ☆Health comes first. 健康至上 Health is wealth. Health is above wealth. ☆Dogs can be dangerous, in that, they can bite. ☆be in good/poor health ☆in spite of = despite + the fact that 从句 ☆keep (on) V-ing on 可省略 If you keep studying, you will master English. ☆kick the bad habit of smoking get rid of ☆Bob realized his dream after graduating from college. ☆Peter placed an advertisemnet in the newspaper for a helper. 登广告 ☆He is a nice guy except that he smokes. ☆...than ever(before) 加不加 before 均可 ☆That they are doing this is immoral, don't you think? immortal 不朽的14. Quit Cold Turkeyp.89Jane is talking to her boyfriend. J: You promised me that you were going to give up smoking. What's that in your hand? B: I'm sorry. I really want to except that every time I get nervous, I can't help smoking. J: That's just an excuse. B: No. It's true. I've tried everything: chewing gum, biting my fingernails and even meditation, but nothing works. J: Well, if you want to be with me, you'll just have to quit cold turkey. B: That will work! ☆quit asking me so many questions quit cold turkey cold turkey(adv) = all at once 一劳永逸 stand for 代表 ☆Edward promise Sally to meey her at six. ☆You promised me that you would meet me at six, but you were late. I promise to help you with the disdes after dinner. Tom made a promise to Sally to marry her. Tom made a promise to Sally that he would marry her. ☆I can't help smoking. = I can't help but smoke. ☆I'd like to go with you except that I am too tired. ☆whenever = every time ☆Every time I go fishing, I catch nothing. ☆I'll be true to sb. = I'll be faithful to sb. ☆meditation 打坐,冥想 ☆a stick of gum = a piece of gum ☆a pack of cigarette15. Don't Rely on Luck!P.93Passing exams is every student's dream. Failing them is their nightmare. So, to realize their dreams, many students try anything. They even go to fortunetellers, buy lucky charms and follow old customs. In Korea, many students bury something personal in the university they want to enter. They believe that these things will act as magnets and &pull& them into the university. Whether it works or not, nobody really knows. At least it does ease the students' minds about passing exams. Remember, though, you can't always rely on luck. There is no substitute for hard work. ☆don't rely on luck 勿心存侥幸 ☆bill 纸钞 ☆pass the exam fail the exam flunk the exam(俚,fail) ☆dream a sweet dream 做了一个梦 I dreamed about/of you last night. dream about/of kissing sb 梦见 I had a nightmare dream last night. I have a dream. ? ☆parasol 阳伞 ☆be buried in My father was buried in military cemetery. ☆Peter is always buried in his work. ☆Do as the roman do. ☆In Austrilia I acted as Peter's interpretor. 口译员 ☆ease one's mind16. Study or Flunk p.101 Kim bumps into her classmate, Pak. K: What's the matter, Pak? You look depressed. Did someone just die or what? P: Well, someone is going to soon. K: Oh, my God! Really? Who is it? P: Me. I flunked the exam and my dad's going to kill me. K: How come you flunked? I thought you did everything the fortuneteller told you to do. P: I thought so, too. I was sure of passing. That's why I went to see him this morning. K: Well, what did he say? P: He said I flunked because I did everything very well except that I forgot one thing. K: What's that? P: I didn't study! ☆My teacher failed/flunked me. ☆Don't fail me. = Don't let me down. 不要让我失望 disappointed ☆grade 分数 You have a failing grade. ☆bump into (口) encounter 正式词 ☆I feel encouraged by his words. ☆It is hot here or what? ☆Who is it? It's me. ☆exaggerate v.夸大 ☆I don't think so.(常用) = I think not. ☆sb be sure of sth = sb be sure that 从句 ☆Bruce is a fine guy except that he is stingy.17. A Computer Car p.105 You are in a strange city. It's late at night and you're tired. But you can't find your hotel. You sigh a deep sigh. It seems like you are dreaming a terrible dream. What is happening? This situation often happens to people who travel by car. But it may become a thing of the past. New auto computers are being designed to tell you how to reach your destination. A small screen in your car displays a map of the city and shows you where you are. Just give the computer the name of your hotel. You'll see it on the map. To top it off, a voice will give you directions while you drive. With a car like this, what else would you expect. ☆He is a stranger to music. 一点不懂 ☆Music is closed book to Bruce. ☆lose in town 城中迷路 ☆sigh a deep sigh = heave a sigh 叹了一口气 ☆It seems like + 从句 口语中 ☆fiction story ☆In a dangerous situation, you should get away. ☆They reached the top of the mountain on foot. ☆cafe 法语 coffee shop 英语 ☆reach one's destination ☆There are many computers on display at that trade show. ☆to top it off = in addition ☆We had a great meal. To top it off, the dessert is excellent.18. Nothing is perfectp.111The computer in Dan's car is helping him reach his hotel. D: OK, computer, how do we get there? C: go one block and take a left. D: that looks easy. (He turns right.) C: Left! I said &left&, you idiot!& D: Sorry! Wow, you don't have to get so angry. C: I'm sorry. I guess I'm just having a bad day. D: a bad day? You're a computer! How can you have a bad day? C: Well, I think I've got a virus. D: Ha! And I thought computers could never be wrong. ☆Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧 ☆perfect lightbulb = make lightbulb perfect 读音不同 ☆fix = repair He is a young repairman. ☆take a left = make a left turn = turn left ☆in a good mood 心情 ☆On rainy day, I am often in a bad mood. ☆I am in a mood for dance, let's go to Disco. 想要 ☆My teacher is angry with me, because I flunked the test. ☆Today is not my day. 今天真倒霉 ☆Singing is a good way to let out one's emotion. 发泄情绪 ☆You can't go wrong studying English with Bruce. ☆She wronged him by annoying him. 伤害19. Blame it on Menp114What's the real reason women get fat? It's not chocolate or ice cream. According to a recent report, which was published in London, it's men! A magazine suggested men have a special warning written on their foreh-eads:& I can make you fat!& what do you think of that idea? The report claims that when women fall in love, they tend to eat more. When they get married, they cook more. And when they get pregnant, of course, they gain weight. They blame it on men. So, girls, if you want to lose weight, you don't have to go on a diet: just dump your boyfriends! ☆thin 更苗条 slender 苗条 ☆blame sth. on sb. 责怪,归咎于 blame sb. for sth. Eg:Mother blamed me for breaking the window, but my kid broher did it. The farmers blamed their poor crops on the weather. 怪罪 ☆two cocolates two icecreams 指种类 icecream 不可数 two scoops of icecream ☆according to me 错 应为 I think ☆have sth. done Eg:I'll have my hair cut/done this weekend. ☆How do you like this song? How do you feel about this song? What do you think of this song? ☆tend to 易于…;往往;有…的倾向 Eg: He tend to get angry.他很容易饿. ☆bulimia 贪食症 anorexia 厌食症 ☆She is expecting her baby. 她怀孕了 When is your baby due? 什么时候生下来?20 A Weighty Problemp 123 Eve and Adam are talking. E: Do you know I've put on 5 kilos since going out with you? A: Why's that? E: You're always taking me to fancy restaurants. A: Well, you don't have to eat so much when we eat out, you know. E: But I can't resist all the delicious food. A: Besides, it's not cheap. E: I guess you're right. Maybe I should start cooking again. (Adam turns pale.) A: Uh… Let's just forget about your weight problem, OK? I don't care how fat you are. E: really? ☆I wish you happy landinds. 一路平安 ☆Adam’s apple 喉结 ☆a bad cook 厨师 不应为 cooker 饭店厨师应为 chef ☆a weight problem pun n.vi.vt.双关语 ☆If you drink too much beer, you'll put on a lot of weight. ☆The word &kilo& is short for the kilogram. …的缩写 ☆date(vt.) = go on a date(n.) = go out with 约会 They are going out with each other for two years. I’m going out with/dateing Marry tornight.今晚我要与玛丽约会. ☆fancy restaurant 豪华饭馆 fancy dress 名贵的服装 fancy car 豪华车 ☆eat out 下馆子 ☆Betty can't resist my charm. ☆I don't understand it, my dog won't eat my delicious cooking. =tasty =inviting 诱人的 Anything mom makes delicious.妈妈做的任何东西都好吃. an inviting dessert. 诱人的甜食 ☆stingy miser ☆inexpensive 物美价廉 cheap 便宜货 ☆fat chance 门都没有 ☆turn pale 脸色变苍白 gray(美) grey(英) 头发白了 ☆I couldn't care less. 不在乎 I don't care for that.21 Coffee Bathing P 127. When the Japanese ask you &Would you like some coffee?& think twice before you answer. In Japan, it is quite popular to have a &coffee bath.& For about US$20, you can get
that is, they &boil& you in coffee. The coffee smells good, but you'll probably feel the heat. It sounds like fun, doesn't it? Well, the Japanese don't do it for fun. They believe it helps cure diseases. Who knows? Maybe it's true. But in spite of what they say, I'll just take my coffee in a cup, thank you. ☆fix/make/propare coffee for sb. 为某人冲咖啡 ☆bath n. take a bath 洗澡 take a shower 淋浴 bathe vi. bathing-suit 泳衣 swimsuit 女泳衣 I like to bathe in very hate the wather.我喜欢洗热水澡。 ☆stink vi.发臭 ☆Look before you leap. 三思而后行 think twice ☆Hair dyeing is popular with the youth. 受…欢迎 ☆I bought this book for ten dollars. 当作… ☆that is, 也就是说…/换言之… = in other words. ☆grind 研磨(ground/ground) ☆If you want to master English or any language, you have to put your nose to the grindstone. 如果你想精通英语或者其实任何语言,你需要孜孜不息 ☆boiled water 开水 boiling water 正在开的水 ☆sounds like fun 有趣 do sth for fun 好玩 Eg:I father studied English for fun. make fun of 取笑,捉弄 Eg:Peter making fun of me again. tell a joke 讲笑话 play a joke on sb. 开某人玩笑,捉弄 Eg: ☆soaking wet 全身湿透的 I get soaking wet in the rain.在雨中我全身湿透了. ☆next to = almost av.几乎 ☆be at breakfast = be having breakfast ☆a tube of ointment 一条/管 药膏22. Whiskey or Coffee?P135Jack and his Japanese friend, Norie, are on their way home(ad.) from school. N: what a hard day I had at school! I feel like having a coffee or something. J: Me too. N: Let's go to Rick&s Coffee Shop. J: That sounds good. (They are at the coffee shop.) N: What kind of coffee do you like? J: I feel like having an Irish coffee. N: Ok. I'll have the same. (After two cups Norie is drunk.) N: Why am I feeling tipsy? J: There's whiskey in Irish coffee, you know. N: Why didn't you tell me? Boy, it can be dangerous to have a simple cup of coffee with an American. ☆liquor 酒精饮料 alcohol 酒精 wine 葡萄酒 Wiskey is a kind of liquir,that is very high alcohol. ☆be made of 可还原 be made from 不可还原 ☆on one’s way to bejing/school ad.前不加 to, home(ad.) dwntown(ad.) There was a motorcycle in my(or &the&) way on my way downtown. 挡路 On my way home yesterday I ran into my friend’s Bruce. run into 不期而遇,碰上 Don’t stand on my way. ☆I was flunked by my teacher. I flunked my test. ☆I feel like(介) seeing(动名) the movie. 1&想要 feel like sth (n.) 2&感觉象 ☆timid 胆小的 ☆a cup of coffee two cups of coffee 口语中用 two coffee a coffee to go please 外带,外卖 口语中用 ☆I like a pizza or something. 或什么的. ☆me too = so do I = I do too 肯定句 me neither 否定句 ☆That sounds good. 或者说 That sounds like a good idea. 听起来不错. ☆How do you like your coffee? I like my coffee black. I like my coffee with cream and suger please. I have the same coffee as I usually do. ☆get drunk 喝醉了 ☆My brother is always complaining about the weather.23. Earthquake Survival TipsP140Would you know what to do during a really big earthquake? Experts have looked into the matter carefully. It may be worth your while to look over the following tips they have for us. If the ground begins shaking while you are driving, pull over and stay in your car. If you are in a building, try to get near a strong wall. The corner of a room or the space under a big doorway is the safest. As soon as the quake is over, check the gas pipe in the building. Gas fires often result from earthquakes. These tips may prove to be lifesavers. We should, therefore, keep them in mind. Remember to always hope for the best but prepare for the worst. ☆nasal adj.n.鼻的,鼻音的 Eg:I sound a little bit nasal today. ☆under the weather 有病;不舒服;难过;心情不好 I called in sick yesterday, because I felt under the weather. 我打电话请病假,。 ☆tip 小费,方法,秘诀 give sb. some tips on sth. Let me give you a tip(n.) on how to swim better. = Let me tip(v.) you on how to swim better. ☆疑问词+不定式 (名词短语)1&做主语 2&做宾语 3&be 后做主补 why to do 无些种用法。 I know what to do. ☆look into 调查 Eg:The police looked into the case with care. ☆look over = examine 查阅,大略看一看 The teacher looked over the students' composition. ☆My brother is an expert(n.) in golf. = My brother is expert(a.) in golf. 精通于 ☆while n. =time 时间 Studying English is worth your while(n.). = It is worth your while to study English. ☆pull over (口) 把车开到路边 While you are driving, (you should) pull over and stay in your car. convertible car 无顶的敞篷车 ☆get near = approach ☆doorway 门框 ☆Quake is short for Earthquake. ☆His success resulted from his hard work. 起因于.. . = His hard work resulted in his success. 导致.. . ☆keep/bear …in mind 将..牢记在心中 . keep/bear in mind that… Eg:I always keep my father’s advice in mind. You must keep in mind that not everyone is as honest as you. 你必须牢记不是每一个人都像你一样诚实.24. Just Like a Womanp151Jenny and Andy are having a cup of coffee at a café . J: Hey, Andy. Did you feel that earthquake yesterday? A: Sure. I was at work. Some of the women in the office felt dizzy and screamed. J: You know, the ground shook so violently that I was terrified. A: That sounds just like how a woman would feel. J: I guess we women should be brave like you, Huh? A: Of course! (Jenny shakes the table with her leg.) Aaagh! Earthquake! Help! (He gets under the table.) J: Look at you -- I was just playing. You're worse than a woman. You even sounded worse than the women at the office. A: Uh… I knew it was just a joke. I was only trying to scare you. J: Ha! I bet! ☆胆小的,怯懦的 cowardly adj. 胆小的,怯懦的 coward n. ☆womanly adj.女人味 manly motherly fatherly My teacher, Mr.Brown, is very fatherly, so we all like him. ☆hi: greeting hey: paying attention to sb. ☆one's cup of tea 喜爱的东西;正中下怀 Eg:Swimming is my cup of tea.游泳是我最喜欢的事情. ☆sb. come to +n./V-ing 一谈到 Eg:When it comes to politics I know nothing. 谈到政治,我一无所知。 ☆be at work 在上班 ☆I just blew my nose. 擤鼻涕 handkerchief 手帕 ☆Poor Bruce is always at work, but lucky Peter is usually at rest. hardworking 努力的 diligent 用功的,勤劳的 ☆some of my ... 不对:some + n. ☆dizzy 头晕的,恶心的 ☆When he was young, he was free of his father. ☆TV-violence 抽象词 电视暴力 ☆The teacher punished Sam after he played a joke on her. ☆save (one's) face 挽回面子 face-saving adj.保全面子的 ☆I am scared of / terrified of / frightened of25. Restaurant Dos and Don'tsP156When you want to eat at a Western restaurant, you should first consider making a reservation. If not, you risk having to wait for a long time for a table. When eating, the Japanese and some Chinese are in the habit of slurping their food. By doing so, they show their host how much they like the food. Westerners find eating soup this way most unpleasant. They also consider picking one's teeth and putting on makeup at the table no-nos. and when it comes to tipping, they just leave some money on the table. The amount is up to you, but it's usually 15 to 20 percent of the check. ☆Don't forget dot your &i&s and cross your &t&s. 注意细节 Make sure you dot your &i&s and cross your &t&s. Make sure your all detail correct. ☆lower case 小写 ☆make a reservation (for) = make a booking (for) 预约/订 I'd like to make a reservation for a table for ten please. ☆consider + V-ing If you want to improve your English, you should consider practicing it more. ☆if not 不然的话,否则 ☆parasol 阳伞 umbrella ☆sunbathe 日光浴 ☆He is in the habit of getting up early. 有..的习惯 . ☆unpleasent 不愉快的 ☆clear soup 清汤 thick soup 浓汤 soups 复数指种类 a bowl of soup eat the soup while it is hot. 趁热喝吧 ☆no-nos 禁忌,不可做之事 可数 n. ☆check 支票,(15-20%)账单 ☆Before you study foreign language, you should know dos and don'ts 26. The Missing Tipp168Chen is in America. His American friend, Daisy, suggested having lunch with him at a restaurant. C: Why's that waiter so angry? D: Those people who just left didn't seem to give him any tip, which made him angry. C: Is that absolutely necessary here? D: Kind of. It's the custom. You can't really avoid leaving at least a small tip. C: But suppose the service is bad? D: In that case, of course, we don't leave one. C: And does the waiter know that's why you didn't give him a tip? D: Exactly. It's just like telling him off. C: No wonder he's so angry. D: Well, in fact, the people did leave him a tip, but that kid over there took it. ☆We tipped(v.) the waiter with a lot of money, beacause his service was so good. I tipped the waiter ten dollars for his excellenct service. give sb money as a tip for sth 不说:I give sb ten dollars tip 而说:give sb ten-dollar tip ☆I find my missing(a.) keys in my shirt placket. I miss(v.) you like.我好想你。 Do you miss your family?你想念家人吗? missed out on the promotion. 错过提升的机会 ☆daisy 小黄花,雏菊 petal 花瓣 ☆waitress 女服务员 ☆Are you being wait on? I am sorry sir, after I sever them, I come back to wait on you. 或用: server you 招呼 wait at table 侍候进餐 ☆口语: be angry at/with sth.混用 ☆The rude bus-driver lost his temper with the old woman. 他发脾气 ☆absolutely awful ☆it is necessary for sb. to sth.(动原) 做…对某人而言是有必要的 Eg:It is mecessary for students to understand the importance of being educeted. 学生有必须了解教育的重要性. ☆kind of (口)多多少少,有点 =a little = sort of =somewhat ☆soppose = if =what is ☆tell sb. off = scold sb. 责备(很很的骂) ☆in that case 如此一来,那样的话 in some cases 有些情况下,有时 in most cases 在大部分情形下,往往 in many cases 在许多情况下 ☆mischievous = naughty 顽皮的 ☆over there adv.那里 27. Thank Your Lucky Starsp173I remember when I was a young boy, life was tough. My parents made me do many things for them. For example, they had me do the laundry, the dishes and the house cleaning. They even got me to work part-time to help with the family expenses. If I was naughty, they would spank me. They would not let me go outside the house for days. Nowadays, life is quite different for kids. Parents can't force them to do anything. On the contrary, it seems as if children can get their parents to do anything for them. Parents and teachers are even afraid to spank children for fear of being sued. It amazes me, therefore, whenever I hear youngsters complain. Instead, they should be thanking their lucky stars. ☆dutiful son 孝子 ☆make wish on the start. 对着星星来许愿 take one’s lucky starts 谢谢带给你幸运的星星 ☆pleasant / parent / simpler ☆tough = hard 艰苦的 修饰人:凶恶的 ☆for example = for instance ☆do two loads of laundry 洗两份量的衣服 do the stadying 不说:do laundry, do dishes 要加定冠词或其他修饰词 ☆have sb. do sth. 叫..=get sb. to do sth. . have sth. done. 把.. I'll have my house painted next monday. . ☆part-time a./av. 兼职的,部分时间地 full-time make part-time 兼职的 ☆spank sb. 打屁股 spare the rod, spoil the child. 孩子不打不成器 ☆ground 禁锢 ☆filial adj.子女的, 孝顺的, 当做子女的 filial love 子女的爱 obedient adj.服从的, 孝顺的 ☆For fear of failing, Ted stayed up study/studying all night. 唯恐/以免 ☆He sued me for breaking the contract. 他控告我违约. ☆on the contrary = instead 相反的28. Going on a Dietp.184Little Johnny is talking to his mother. J: How come you always make me do things I don't want to? M: What do you mean? 你这说怎么说? J: Well,for instance,you always force me to eat steaks, pork chops and chicken, day in and day out. M: Ok. What do you want? J: All I want is vegetables and fruit from now on. M: What's wrong with you? Are you sick? J: No, but I want to go on a diet. M: Why? J: Everyone's calling me Fatty at school. M: Oh… I get it now.怎么了?☆be on business 出差 go on a picnic 野餐 go/be on a trip weight 重要 Eg:I haven't seen John for a while. He is on the trip. He'll be back on the weekend. ☆How com +主+v. How come your English is so good? =Why is it that +主+v. Why is it that your …. =Why +倒装句. Why is your … ☆What do you mean by asking me to tell you sentence? What do you mean by this word? 这个字什么意思? What do you mean by calling me at midnight? 你深夜打电话给我是什么意思? ☆enable sb. to do sth. 使某人能够做某事 ☆short-circuit vt.使短路, 缩短 D秀逗‖ ☆out of one's mind 精神不正常 ☆well 嗯 ☆pork chop 猪排 chicken 鸡肉 chickens 活鸡 ☆hiking n.徒步旅行 ☆From now on, Peter will double my pay. 从现在起 daydream 白日梦 Billy had he motorcycle accident ,from then on he worn helnet(头盔). 从那时起 ☆nickname 绰号29. Just a Dreamp.188One day I was at home listening to music when suddenly I felt a pain in my neck. As I tried to turn my head, I head my neck crack. I got the fright of my life. I was so scared that I could feel my legs trembling. &What's the matter with me?& I thought to myself. Just then, I felt myself slapped by someone. I opened my eye and saw my teacher standing over me with an angry look in his face. I realized then that I had been dreaming. I didn't mind getting caught dozing off in class. I was happy what happened was just a dream. ☆I don't believe Tim, he always exaggerates(夸大)everything. ☆dream of/about sb/sth/V-ing 不说: dream sb/... ☆get the fright of one’s life 某人受到一生中最大的惊吓 ☆stiff neck 脖子硬硬的 neck crack 脖子啪啪响 ☆find another 再找一个 ☆an anagry look in one’s face 面有怒色 ☆be at home in sth 对...精通 (与家无关) ☆be lost in sth 一窍不通 ☆doze off 打瞌睡 30. Yes, Sirp.194The teacher wakes me up from my dream. T: Get up, you lazybones! M: Oh… sorry, sir, I must have fallen asleep. 一定已经/曾经 T: You bet. And we could see you shaking like a leaf. M: Really? Wow! Thank goodness I was dreaming. T: What? You were dreaming in class and you are happy about it? M: Uh…yes, sir. T: What? Do you take me for a fool? M: Yes, sir…I mean no, sir. T: As punishment you are to write, &I must not sleep in class& 100 times. M: No. Sir. T: Wrong. You should say, &yes, sir.& M: Whatever, sir. T: Oh, I give up. M:Good, sir. ☆goose egg 零分 ☆I,I,sir = yes sir ☆不说 teacher Wang 而说 Mr.Wang Mrs. ☆I stayed awake all last night. 一夜未睡 I didn't get a wink of sleep last night. 一夜未合眼 Don’t wink at me.不要对我眨眼。 ☆get up = rise 不说 rise up ☆lazybones 单复数都加 s ☆fall asleep 入睡,睡着 fall ill 生病 ☆You'll be in trouble. 你会有麻烦。 ☆stern 严厉的 = strict 严格的 flunk 不及格 ☆shake/shook like a leaf 害怕,抖得很利害 ☆thank goodnes 感谢上帝 ☆I am happy about (which) the vacation(假期) will be going on. 对…感高兴 ☆take A for B 误将 A 当 B ☆play a trick on sb 整某人 play job on v.开...的玩笑 Don’t fool me .把耍我。 ☆copy 抄写 ☆be to = must You are to washed the dishes after dinner.= You must ☆give up +n./doing 31. Good Feng Shui in New Yorkp.199Feng shui, or geomancy in English, is becoming more and more popular in America. The Chinese consider feng shui old news, but to Americans, it's something brand-new. Store and home owners are consulting feng shui masters for advice. How did this ancient Chinese tradition make its way across the seas? The answer is quite simple. Chinese businessmen have been building high rises in America. They deem it necessary to rely on feng shui experts, just as they would at home. More and more wealthy Americans are beginning to believe in geomancy. They say that geomancers in New York make US$250 an hour! In view of this, we can foresee a bright future for geomancy in America. ☆business 生意(不可数) 企业(可数) ☆geography 地理 ☆It is common 疾病流行 sth. be popular with sb. 受欢迎 ☆brand-new 崭新的 =totally new I am totally pressured with Bruce's Chinese. ☆coward 胆小鬼 I consider (Not as)him a coward. ☆old news a good piece of news 不说 good news ☆consulted the dictionary 查字典 I consulted the dictionary for the word Geomancy. ☆advice 不可数 a good piece of advice ☆make one’s way 一路赶到 make his way quickly to train station 他一路很快的赶到车站。 Make its way across the seas 远渡重洋 ☆high rise 高楼大厦 ☆deem (文绉绉) = consider ☆Buddhism 佛教 ☆believe in I believe in hard work.我认为人应该努力工作。 ☆in view of = judging from 有鉴于 ☆Word has it that… 谣传 = Rumour has it that… = It is rumored that… ☆they say that 据说 = It is said that = People say that…32. Goldfish, Souls and Coffee Tablep.208Ms. Smith, an American, is talking to Mr. Ting, an expert on feng shui. S: What changes would you suggest for my house? T: I think that you should get an aquarium with goldfish. S: Why? T: Goldfish bring good luck. S: Ok. Anything else? T: You should also get rid of that mirror in front of your bed. S: Why? T: Your soul travels at night. It must find its way back to the body. The soul might see your body in the mirror and get confused. S: Hmm…really? What else? T: Um… (He bumps into a coffee table.) ouch! And get rid of this table. S: Why? It's just a coffee table. T: It's dangerous. It will bring you bad luck. S: Uh… are you sure? ☆Superstition 迷信 symbol emblme ☆coffee table 茶几 salesman soul 灵魂 ☆critical 危机的 Mayday 紧急情况,救难信号 May Day 劳动日,五一 ☆Ms 已婚或未婚 ☆advisor or adviser 都可以 顾问 ☆two goldfish 两条金鱼 two goldfishes 两种金鱼 one sheep, two sheep sheep/ deer/ antelope(羚羊)单复数同 two cattle one head of cattle 不说 one cattle ☆information 不可 ☆I wish you good luck. bring good/bad luck ☆The lights went out,I have to fumble my way out. 灯熄了,我摸黑走出去。 He work is way, thought college. 他半工半读,走出大学。 ☆fridge 冰箱(口语) refrigerator ☆kindergarden 幼稚园 boiled dumpling 水饺 ☆get/be confused about 困惑 ☆ouch. 哎哟 aiyo ☆bump into …撞到,偶遇33. A Deadly Currentp.213It is a pity that every summer a few people drown at the beach. In some cases, these people were good swimmers. So how did it happen? Riptide! Riptide is a strong underwater current. It moves quickly away from shore and out to sea. It appears suddenly and pulls its victim under and far off shore. Therefore, people should make it a rule never to swim too far out from the beach. If you find yourself in a riptide, don't panic. And by no means should you try to go against the tide and swim back to shore. You'll tire yourself out and probably drown. Instead, swim parallel to the beach. A riptide is very narrow. So just a few strokes in the right direction and you'll be out of danger. ☆riptide 激流 ☆be all ears 洗耳恭听 ☆You are dead right. 对极了 dead adv.绝对地,完全地 deadly 致命的 die v. eager = dying to do sth. I’m dying to drink some beer come on,let’s go. 我好想喝点啤酒. We'll drink your health. 我们为您的健康干杯 ☆take pity on sth. 同情 ☆tired one’s out 使十分疲劳 ☆be at sea 迷茫 When we talked about business, I was at sea. =I am puzzled by what you said. ☆make is a rule to +动原 I make it a rule to get off early. = be in the habit of +动名 "习惯于, 有某种习惯" ☆By no means = never +倒装句 D绝对不是‖ By no means is he nice. 他决不是个好人. By no means did he tell the truth. ☆instead, ... = on the contrary ☆stroke n.(游泳的)划 ☆以原形动词为首命令句(, )+and / or +主+助动词+动原 "那么/否则" Eg:One more step and I’ll shoot.再走一步,我就开枪了 Scratch my back and I will scratch yours. 你对我好,我也就对你好. Shut up or you’ll be in trouble. 住嘴,否则你会有麻烦.34. A Lifesaving Kissp.222Tonya is a beautiful lifeguard. She has just saved Marvin from drowning in the ocean. M: I feel a little groggy. T: That's natural. You nearly drowned a minute ago. M: You saved my life! You're my savior! T: Don't get too excited. A minute ago you weren't breathing, and I had to give you CPR. M:Oh,I wish I could remember that mouth-to-mouth resuscitation with such a beautiful woman as you. T: Take it easy, OK? M: Oh, wait… I feel faint again. T: Nice try, buddy, but don't even dream about it. ☆save sb. from 解求某人免于 ☆Bill studied chemistry in college, but he ended up to become a salsman. ☆Unfortunately, every summer several students drowned at the beach. ☆groggy 感觉昏昏的(不醉) ,软弱无力,体虚 ☆My love for you is unlimited. 我对你的爱是无限的。 I have an ocean of love for you. ☆savior 救星 lifesaver 救生者 ☆hold one’s breath 屏息静气 catch one’s breath 喘过气来“到头来” take a deep breath 深呼吸 ☆CPR -- cardiopulmonary resuscitation 心肺复苏术 ☆stand for 代表 The moon stand for my love. ☆humble 谦虚 ☆buddy 老兄(口)35. A Sense of Securityp.227Some people take the view that sometimes in life we have to take chances in order to make progress. I admire such people. It certainly takes courage to take risks. Maybe it's due to my upbringing, but I am the type who likes to play it safe. People like me believe in the saying, & A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.& Conservative as it may be, it keeps me out of trouble. I must confess, however, that such a lifestyle may, at times, be boring. Admittedly, my life is not half as colorful or exciting as other people's, but at least it gives me a sense of security. ☆take the view that + 从句 D认为‖ ☆take chances = take risks = adventure v. D冒险‖ adventurous adj. ☆make a lot of progress 不可数 progress v.n.发音不同 ☆admirable 重音在第一音节 ☆It takes patience to be a good teacher. 从事…需要…(条件) ☆upbringing n.成长环境,教养 bring up ☆type = kind ☆play it safe 做事稳稳地来 ☆proverb = saying ☆Haste makes waste. 欲速者不达 ☆Though/Although she is beautiful,... = Beautiful as(conj.) she is,...= As(不译) beautiful as she is,.. I don’t like. 虽然她美,但我不喜欢她. ☆倍数词 + as (ad.).. as(conj.)…. D是…的几倍‖ (句中一定有 a./ad.) Eg:I’m not helf as rich as you think I am. 我没有你想的一半有钱。 This car is only one-third as expensive as that one.这部车的价格只是那部的三分这一。 He studies (twice or half)as hard as I do. ☆at times 偶尔,有时 ☆I must = admittedly 我的承认36. The Sex Maniac p.237 Randy is consoling his friend Steve, whose girl friend has just left him. R: Come on, Steve. No point in crying over spilt milk. (天涯何处无芳草) S: I shouldn't have let her go. 虚拟语气,表示与过去事实相反。 R: Forget her. There're plenty of fish in the sea. S: But there's only one that I like. R: How do you know if you haven't tried others? S: You know me. I am a one-woman man. R: You're a fool! S: And you're a sex maniac! ☆maniac n.热中者,疯子 a.疯狂的 ☆wolf 色狼 He is really wolf. 不说:colour wolf He wolfed(v.) down his dinner. 狼吞虎咽 embarrass ☆psychiatrist 精神病学家 ☆I met a man by the name of Mami. D名叫,以...的名义‖ ☆console = comfort 安慰 My father comforted me after I failed(lost) the race. ☆His girlfriend dumped him. = He was dumped by his girlfriend. ditch n.臭水沟 He's ditched(v.) his girl friend. 他抛弃了他的女友。 ☆There is no point in + V-ing D做...没有意义/没用的‖ 不说:There is no sense in ... There’s no point in repeating the question, It’s obvious no one knows the answer. ☆cry over 为...而哭泣, 哀叹 stubborn 顽固的 ☆注意: one goat, two goats one sheep, two sheep two deer ☆bosom friend 交心的朋友 ☆stick with sb 和...粘在一起 stick to principles 坚持原则 ☆punpkin head 傻子37. Garbage Could Mean Money p.241 Fashion never ceases to surprise me . Recently, a fashion designer came up with another strange creation. His idea comes straight from the garbage dump, so to speak. He makes sweaters from used plastic bottles. What a weird sweater that's going to be! This new kind of sweater will protect you from the rain and cold. They will, therefore, be especially attractive to outdoor people such as fishermen, hunters and mountain climbers. However, they're not cheap. They sell at prices ranging from US$100 to US$150. What a great idea for making money! Don't you think? ☆celery 芹菜 salary 薪水 ☆dedicated 专心的,认真的 ☆cease to do = cease doing 停止(前者用得多) ☆come up with 提出,想出,赶上 come down with 付钱,染上(病) ☆He is, so to speak, a scholar. D可以这么说,可谓‖ (放 be 动词之后,不能放句首) ☆sweater 毛衣 weird 怪异的 charity 慈善(团体) ☆rain or shine adv.无论如何, 不论晴雨 ☆angler 钓鱼者 do an angling 垂钓 ☆She is attractive to him. appeal to sb ☆costly 昂贵的 ☆range from ... to ... (范围)从…到… ☆exotic 异国的 domestic 国内的For my vacation, I am going to beach rain or shine. fishermen 职业钓鱼者balled 民歌rock 摇滚38. That's Fashionp.249Andy and Jess are at a fashion designer's party. A: My God, Jess. What's that on Betty's head? J: Beats me. How weird! I think it's a new kind of hat. A: Oh, really? If you ask me, it's more like a bird's nest. How stupid it looks! J: you think so? Hey, wait a minute. You might be right. There's something moving in the nest... I mean, hat. A: Gee whiz! It's a bird. J: Holy cow! How does she keep it from flying away? A: Don't you see! She's got it fastened to a gold chain around her neck. J: If the bird were strong enough, it could fly her to the moon, so to speak. A: That would really be funny. J: Well, that's fashion! ☆party v.大玩特玩 I am going to party all weekend. ☆My Goodness! 相当于 My God ☆sth beats sb. 难倒了 We finally beaten(v.) that team. 不说:win that team 而说 win that game I’m beat(a.).我好累啊 = exhausted ☆Gee whiz! = Gee! = Holy cow! = My God = My Goodness 表惊讶 ☆buffalo 水牛 one buffalo, two buffalo cattle 牛群 和 people 用法同 wo cattle one head of cattle 不说:one cattle oxen 阉过的牛 ox 公牛 ☆一个人”不用&a people&,应用&a person&。two people 两人 the people 意为“人民” &a people&意为“一个民族” the peoples of Africa 非洲各民族 ☆The thief was chained (fastened, tied, bound) to the tree. 这个贼被绑在树上. ☆have/get +宾语+过去分词 把...(被)... (非自己做) ☆be in fashion, be out of fashion39. At the Foreign Exchangep.259When you go abroad, what's the thing you need most? Money, of course! You'll need to go to the bank to buy some traveler's checks. Then when you arrive at your destination, you'll have to go to a bank to cash the checks. Every bank has a foreign exchange department. However, you'll have to speak with the teller in English because he or she will probably not understand Chinese. You should, therefore, brush up on some of the words and phrases that are commonly used when changing money at a bank. For example, you might want to know what(名从) the day's exchange rate is, or if(=whether) there are any handling charges, etc. worried? Don't be. Our next lesson will give you a good idea of what you need to say and how to say it. ☆department store 百货公司 ☆all aboard 上船(火车) go abroad(ad.) = go overseas ☆draft a speech 起草演讲稿 draft beer 生啤酒 ☆The pilot said we would arrive at our destination in an hour. 目的地 ☆ATM 自动提款机 automatic teller machine How much cash(n.) do you have? or How much do you have in cash? 有多少现金? ☆in exchange for 以此易彼,交换 ☆brush up on = go over = review 复习,温习 ☆When (being) tied, I don't feel like doing anything. instead of &I am tied& ☆charges = fees handling charges 手续费 ☆whatnot ☆worried? Don’t be. = Are you worried? Don’t be worried. ☆The door needs to be painted. or: The door needs painting. ☆what+名从+or+if(=werther) 是否 Eg:Please check to see if I have have any mail. 请查看一下是否有我的邮件.40.Changing Moneyp.267Ritchie Li is at a bank in Australia.He tries not to show how nervous he is about speaking English. R: Excuse me, miss. I would like to change 500 US dollars into Australian dollars, please. T: Are you changing cash or traveler's checks? R: Traveler's checks. T: Can I have a look at you passport? R: Sure. Here you are. By the way, do you charge any commission? T: Not at this bank. Please sign here on your checks. How do you want your money? R: four one-hundred-dollar bills and the rest in smaller bills, please. T: Here you are, sir. R: Thanks. You've been very helpful. T: Thank you. Have a nice day. R: You too. Goodbye. (Ritchie says to himself) Whew! That wasn't so difficult after all. ☆show = reveal ☆try to 设法 gittery ☆change ... into ... 换钱 ☆write a check for sb. 开支票 cash in one's checks 把筹码兑成现金; ☆charge commission 索取手续费 charge n.收费 He charged me twenty doller for the service. ☆ID card 身份证 (identification) compulsory adj.必需做的, 必修的,被强制的, 义务的 ☆incidentally = by the way ☆two ten-bills 两张十元的纸钞 ☆after all 必竟 confidence41. Getting a Tanp.271Both my brother and I are outgoing people. He as well as I likes being in the sun. It goes without saying, therefore, that we spend a lot of our free time at the beach. We go there to relax as well as to keep fit. To be frank, though, he no less than I enjoys looking at the beautiful &scenery& around the beach. However, if you are anything(强调) like us, we have a piece of advice for you. Don't forget to rub a good amount of sunscreen lotion all over your body. Not only does it protect you from getting skin cancer, but it also helps to keep you nicely tanned(过分做 a.). Both my brother and I forgot to do that and now we look like Afro-Americans rather than Chinese. ☆tan tanned/ tanned mongolian 人种 v.晒太阳 I like to tan at the beach in summer. n.黄褐色 I like to have a tan in summer. The girl lay in the sun to tan her body. 那女孩躺在阳光下将她的身体晒成古铜色. ☆outgoing a.坐不住的,爱外出的 easy-going 随和的 ☆What do you do relax on weekends? ☆He as well as I is a student. no less than = as well as 以及,都 ☆keep fit 保持健康体魄 = remain fit Jogging is a good way to keep fit. ☆to be frank = frankly John hurt Sally’s feelings by being too frank. ☆a lot of scenery 永远不可数 scene 风景(可数) breathtaking 扣人心弦的 ☆an advice 错 应为:a piece of advice, some advice, a lot of advice advice 不可数 take one’s advice 接受建议 ☆apply=rub 涂,敷,抹 suntan lotion = sunscreen lotion Apply medicine to his wound. 在他伤口上涂药。 ☆Never is he quite. = He is never quite. 倒装 ☆Afro-Americans 美国黑人/非裔美国人42. Roast Beefp.282 My brother, Luke, goes to see his girlfriend, Daisy. D: What on earth happened to you? 你到底/究竟怎么了? L: Oh, I just had a lazy day at the beach. D: My goodness! You're really burnt. Are you alright? L: Well, yes, but I feel like I've been roasted. D: In that case, let's eat in rather than go out for dinner. L: Up to you. D: What would you like to eat? L: Uh… D: How about your favorite: roast beef? L: Uh... Not today(ad.), please. D: Ok. I understand. ☆roast beef 烤肉 ☆burn vt. 燃烧 burned/burnt, burned/burnt burnt a.灼伤的,烧焦的 ☆a grill 烤肉架 charcoal 木炭(不可数) ☆n.吃烤烧肉的野餐 barbecue n.吃烤烧肉的野餐 ☆pork 猪肉 mutton 羊肉 lamb 小羊肉 chicken 鸡肉 rebbit meat 兔肉 ☆on earth = in the world adv.究竟,到底 (礼貌用语) Who the hell is he? adv.the hell (粗俗用语) ☆fell like +主+v. = as if = as though ☆eat in 在家吃 eat out = go out for dinner 吃馆子 to go 外卖 ☆lazy days = relaxing days 好词 lazybones 贬义 ☆rather than 连词,而不 ☆skip my breakfast 不吃早餐 ☆He fainted at the sight of his father. 他一见到他父亲就昏倒了. ☆What about = How about = What do you sthing to.43.Hi-tech Romancep.286Both Charlene and Robert are librarians. Charlene is from America and Robert is from Australia. Four days after they met face to face for the first time, they got married. &That was quick,& you might think. Actually, they had known each other for nine months before they met. Thanks to e-mail (electronic mail), they had been corresponding with each other through their computers. It all started when Charlene came across Robert's note in her computer. She replied to it. From then on, they would not only get in touch but flirt with each other. That was how this &hi-tech& romance began. Sound interesting? Well, if you're looking for a spouse, why not give it a try? Who knows? You might be just as lucky as Charlene and Robert. ☆what’s love? He loves himself only. ☆In an interview,you have to got talk to him face to face.(ad.) 面对面的 intervieser 会见者 interviewee 被邀请者 ☆She is craze for(or about) chocalate. ☆I first got acquainted with Herry for a year ago. 我第一次跟 Herry 认识是在一年前。 ☆get married 结婚 relpy to 答复 ☆from then on 从那时起 form now on 从现在起 ☆for the first time 第一次 ☆thanks to …幸亏…由于… = due to. ☆correspond with sb. 通信 ☆It all started ... all 习惯写作 ☆come across = happen on 偶遇 = bump into 撞上 I came across an old high school friend while in town yesterday. ☆a company 公司 company 同伴 accompany 伴奏 ☆flirt with 调情 ☆spouse 配偶 get in touch with 与…联络 ☆left hand = lefty 左撇子 ☆give…a try = give/have …a shot 尝试…44. Better off with E-mail?P.295Steve is chatting with his sister, Diana. S: Gee, Diana, you're always at home. Don't you have any friends to go out with? (不定式短语作 a.修饰前面的 n. friends. 该 n.做不定式短语动词的宾语.) =Don’t you have any friends that you can go out with. (表从) D:Sure,I do.But all my friends are either out shopping or they're boring.And you know I hate shopping. S: Get a boyfriend. I'm sure you won't be bored then. D: Actually, I want to meet some interesting guys but I don't know how to. S: Why don't you try E-mail? You might get lucky. D: I don't think so. Besides, dating through e-mail is neither personal nor romantic. Why don't you introduce me to some of your friends? S: Why didn't I think of that? How about my best friend, Fred? D: Uh… maybe I'll be better off with e-mail. ☆be better off + 介词短语/现在分词 …处境更佳/境遇更好 ☆well off 富裕的,处境好的 He is well off with his small house. ☆grocery 杂货店 lazy English 省去音节 sociable a.好交际的 ☆chitchat 闲谈,聊天 shoot the breeze v.吹牛, 闲谈 chat with … 和…聊天 ☆I am bored with watching TV, let's go out and play. broing 无聊的 =I am fed up with ... 厌烦…. ☆strike, struck He struck up a conversation at the party. 打开话匣子 ☆lowercase 小写 capital 大写的 ☆personal, private a.亲切的,私人的 ☆go on a date with sb. 和某人约会. ☆introduce A to B ☆bald 秃头 ugly twin ☆hate, start, begin, like, love, continue,ask +to do ,or doing 意思不变45. Tough Guys Do Dancep.301Not only is Thai boxing violent but it is also bloody. Yet it involves the arts of dance and music. It is both ugly and beautiful at the same time. That's why it's so exciting to watch. Thai boxing was created by soldiers over(=more than) five hundred years ago. The fighter use every part of their bodies, especially their feet, knees and elbows to strike their opponents. Their deadly style has earned them respect from other martial artists. Surprisingly, the fights start off with a graceful dance. The dance is in honor of the boxers' teachers. There is even a small band which plays along with the dance and during the fight. So, who says tough guys don't dance? ☆Tough guys do dance. 助词 do, dose, did 起强调作用 + 动原,用在肯定句中 "真的,的确" Eg:I did try to get him to change his mind, but he wouldn’t listen. 我真的试过要使他回心转意,但他就是不听。 ☆tough = rough 霸气十足的 a tough job 粗活 ☆bloody 血腥的 violent 暴力 ☆play around 玩耍,鬼混 ☆I am involved in a big project right now, so I don't have much time. 涉及 ☆at the same time 同时 ☆We dance to music. 随着音乐跳舞 dance with sb ☆get down on your knees 下跪 ☆mischievous = naughty 顽皮的 ☆He is back on his fit. 身体复原,东山再起,... ☆Chinese martial artists 武术家 ☆wristle 摔跤 ☆ear sb. sth. 为某人赢得某事 ☆hold sb. in (great) respect (非常)尊敬某人 show respect to sb. 对某人表示尊敬 ☆start off = begin ☆graceful 反义 awkward ☆be in honor of sb 致敬46. Anything for a Kissp.310 Martin and Sally have just watched Thai Boxing. M: How did you like the fight, Sally? S: I found it not only too violent but also very brutal. M: You're right. It's amazing how the fighters can take not only the punching but all the kicking as well. I wouldn't be able to handl


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