
&Make me thy lyre, even as the forest is: what if my leaves are falling like its own! The tumult of thy mighty harmonies& 的翻译是:&琴让我于你,甚至在林:如果我离开是一样属于自己! 你的伟大和&&She said good-bye with feigned indifference. what matter could it make? Still, the coach seemed lorn.& 的翻译是:&她说再见,佯装冷淡,可能会使这个问题呢? 但是,教练似乎十分狐单。&&Go and tell them to give another blast on the hooter, and make it really long and loud this time!& 的翻译是:&去告诉他们另一个爆炸的警笛,并使其声很长,这次!&to make recommendations to the Council for Trade in Goods not later than two years after the entry into force of the WTO Agreement 的翻译是:提出建议,在货物贸易理事会不晚于0年后开始生效的《世贸组织协定》。That, I believe, is what God asks of us –not “ Be perfect”, not” Don’t even make a mistake”, but “Be whole”. 的翻译是:我相信,这就是神所要求的我们———不是&完美&,而不是&甚至不犯错”,但“整个”。We judged it Better not to make a hasty decision. 的翻译是:我们认为它不做一个仓卒作出决定。&Why, my dear mother, it is necessary, in order to make your advice turn to account, that I should know beforehand what I have to distrust 的翻译是:&为什麽,我亲爱的母亲,这是必要的,以使你的意见转到账户,我应该预先知道我有不信任Morosely, I was plotting the career change I would inevitably need to make when the phone rang. The ring startled me from my brooding. 的翻译是:morosely,我策划的职业变更我无可避免地要在电话铃响了。 我大吃一惊的铃声从我耿耿于怀。&Some tellers make their stories more lively by performing in native dress, and others act out their characters. & 的翻译是:&一些检票员使他们的故事更多活跃在本地服装,和其他人的角色行为。 &Besides, he's a bit of a backbiter, and he'd give us a bad name and make things awkward for us if we tried to force something out of him 的翻译是:此外,他的一位的一个backbiter,他想给我们一个错误的名称和要做的事情很尴尬,如果我们试图强行从他If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperrous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man.—— Mark Twain 的翻译是:如果您选择了一个挨饿狗prosperrous,使他,他也不会咬你。 这是一个主要区别在于狗和一个男人.―――马克吐温The aim of socialism is to make all our people prosperous, not to create polarization. 的翻译是:社会主义的目的是要使我们的所有人民的富裕,而不是造成两极分化。They now must make capital allocation decisions, a critical job that they may have never tackled and that is not easily mastered. 的翻译是:现在它们必须进行资本分配的决定,一个很重要的工作,他们可能没有处理,是不容易掌握。If you insist on your price and refuse to make any concession, there will be not much point in further discussion. 的翻译是:如果您坚持您的价格,也可以拒绝作出任何让步,没有太大的意义进一步讨论。The primary purpose of education is not to teach you to earn your bread, but to make every mouthful sweeter.——J. Angell 的翻译是:其主要目的是教育,不是教你赚你的面包,而是要使每一个喝了口甜.--J. 安杰尔先生Pardon, oh, pardon, thatOf all that strong divineness which I know 的翻译是:赦免,哦,对不起,是我的灵魂应;这一切强烈divineness,我知道In education we are striving not to teach youth to make a living, but to make a life. ————William Allen White 的翻译是:在教育方面我们正在努力不是要教导青年的生活,但要使一个生命。 ----威廉·艾伦内六角扳手白色&Realizing that he could not talk his mother round, Xue Pan had perforce to order his servants to make straight for the Rong Mansion.& 的翻译是:&认识到他无法谈一谈他的母亲一轮、薛潘只好命令他的仆人使直线的荣大厦.&One swallow does not make a summer(saying )a single fortunate or satisfactory incident,example,etc does not mean that all the others will be as good 的翻译是:一个忍气吞声并不使一个夏季(说)一个单一事件幸运或令人满意,例如等并不意味着所有的人将会为良好&Most people fail to realize that in life, it's not how much money you make, it's how much money you keep. & 的翻译是:&大部分的人没有认识到,在生活中,不需要花多少钱,这是多少钱您保留。 &
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