It can be unfolded to become acheesy chairr or a small table.中的unfolded是形容词还是动词?

There was a cushion on the seat of the chair.
Seeing that he had chosen history she fetched herworkbasket, drew up an arm-chair to the green-shadedstudent lamp, and uncovered a cushion she wasembroidering for his sofa.
He grabbed a small seat cushion from an old chair and threw it at the dagger. It triggered a howling sound and a concurrent gust of wind, both of which sent him scurrying up the stairs.
He grabbed a small seat cushion from an old chair and threw it at the dagger. It triggered a howling sound and a concurrent gust of wind, both of which sent him scurrying up the stairs.
- 来自原声例句
  *ST兴业2012年年报称,2012年公司实现营业收入348.07万元,实现归属于上市公司股东的净利润为1764.47万元,扭亏为盈。不过,公司表示,扣除非经常性损益后,公司仍然亏损643.87万元,公司的资产负债率高达799.52%,远远超过了其他公司,公司年报也因此成为2012年最资不抵债的年报。凤翔县看男科医院  不过,绿城方面的上述人士同时表示,“本着为客户负责的态度,公司将尽最大努力,促成新疆鸿远投资公司保客户的合法利益,公司也会承担作为股东应该承担的责任”。宝鸡尖锐湿疣  按照正常的财务逻辑,上述4项科目属于发生额,是流量概念。也就是说都应该是累计发生的,半年报到三季报再到年报,上述4科目数额应该呈递增趋势,即使下半年都没发生也至少应该等于而不会小于半年报中的数额。昨日,关于红罐凉茶包装的诉讼案第三次在广东省高院开庭审理,广药加多宝再次对簿公堂。宝鸡西大医院割包皮图片
宝鸡包皮包茎的治疗费用宝鸡市陈仓医院包皮手术多少钱  在两个当事方均无明确回应的情况下,昨日18:00左右,辗转从中信券投行人士处获悉,西南券保荐的天和众邦确实在抽查中被查出了问题。  显然,这些来自一线的鲜活调查,是对中联重科去年在销售一线疯狂而激进的销售甚至虚增的销售的无情揭露,这也扯掉了披在中联重科身上的“遮羞布”。宝鸡专治生殖器的医院  在走访过程中,还见到了旭光股份部分将出口至德国的发射管产品,据称该产品用于射频切割机,而德国也是目前世界上在该领域技术最好的。此外,公司发射管还有少量供国内高校使用。宝鸡西大医院咨询电话当前位置: >
You can't judge a book by its cover: Hong Kong designer launches a revolutionary book that transforms into furniture in the 'blink of an eye'
A Hong Kong-based designer has launched a revolutionary book that transforms into a piece of furniture.
The unique book-shaped creation – called Bookniture – can be unfolded to become a chair or small table.
Made from fully-recyclable kraft paper, the book transforms into furniture in ‘a blink of an eye’.
People can either carry it around for a portable chair, or can store it in their homes to use as extra furniture.
Designer Mike Mak, 30, came up with the idea after never having enough seats for his friends at his home in Hong Kong.
‘I love having friends at my place, but I have never had enough seats for everyone – we would always end up just sitting on the floor.
‘I really wanted a seat that didn’t take up any floor space when I don’t need it.
‘One day, however, the empty space on my bookcase drew my attention. Then came the spark of a new idea – Bookniture – furniture hidden in a book.
“一天,我书架上的空间引起了我的注意。我突发奇想,想发明一种‘书家具’ ——隐藏在书里的家具。”
‘It unfolds from a book into a piece of multifunctional furniture in a blink of an eye. I think it’s the only stool or desk in the world made using a book.’
The book, which measures just 33cm x 18cm, expands to 14 times bigger once it’s opened, and can support up to 1,000kg of weight.
It comes in two colors, brown and black leather, and can be bought for between ?55 and ?57 from crowd-funding website Kickstarter.
kraft paper: 牛皮纸
in a blink of an eye: 眨眼间
stool: 高脚凳
crowd-funding: 众筹
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Framax pouring platforms can be unfolded very quickly and slotted
into place ready for pouring to begin.
Framax 浇注平台可以很快地安装好,以
便开始浇 注。
Conclusions can therefore be drawn on how the entire operation has unfolded.
因此,现在我们即可从总体上对工程 进 展情 况提出一些结论性意见了。
The disenchantment of young people
facing unemployment and exclusion is reflected in many ways, not least through the protests that have unfolded in countless cities and countries
in recent months.
面临失业和排斥的青年的不满反映在许多方面,例如 最近几个月在无数的城市和国家发生的抗议活动。
Many other elements
reflecting MMM’s characteristics are woven into this edition, waiting to be unfolded by the readers’ very own hands.
The free flow of information and knowledge can be further strengthened by promoting multilingualism and diversified local
信息和知识的自由流动可以通过促进多种语言的使用和多 样化的地方内容得到进一步加强。
We recognize that it was essential for the Organization to respond immediately to an institutional policy priority which unfolded at the close
of a financial period.
期将近结束时公布的机构政策性优先 事项立即作出反应是必要的。
The Special Rapporteur noted that a Member State had expressed the view that the rule in draft article 11 was too rigid and that the perceptions
and matter of
survival of treaties could change as an armed conflict unfolded, and that, accordingly, the circumstances that led to the loss of the right to put an end to a treaty could sometimes only be appreciated once
the armed conflict
had produced its effect on the treaty, which was not necessarily the case at the outbreak of the conflict.
特别报告员指出,一会员国表示第 11 条草案的规定过于僵化,随着武装 冲突的展开,对条约存
续问题的看法也可能改变,因此,可能有些时候只有当武 装冲突对条约已产生影响时,才能认识到决定丧失终止条约权利的条件,而不一 定在冲突爆发之际就能如此。
However, even
as the crises unfolded, evidence emerged to show the important role of pre-emptive policies and reforms in strengthening the resilience and sustainability of economies, and highlighted a range of responses that are effective in
mitigating the social
downside of crises and laying the foundation for inclusive recovery.
出现了一些证据显示,加强经济复原力和 可持续性的先发政策和改革发挥了重要作 用
些证据还突出显示,一系列对策 能有效减轻危机造成的社会衰退风险并为包容性复原打下基础。
As those events unfolded, my Personal Envoy, as did a number of other international actors, found himself operating in crisis-management mode to prevent the situation
from deteriorating any further.
随着这些事件的发生,我的个人特使和若干其他国际行为 体一样,发现自己处于应付危机的局面,以防止局势进一步恶化。
2: &Heaven and earth, as well as
Israel, shall be rene the former shall be folded together like a book or a garment and then unfolded,and Israel, after
having tasted death,
shall rise again on the third day.
But given the global reach of news stories, people are sometimes thought to be reach in view of the natural human tendency to focus on a few high-visibility emergencies, the Department of Public Information (DPI) has launched a list of stories that unfolded in the course of 2007 that the world may wish
to hear more about.
播到全球各个角落,我们常常会认为人们达到了接受信息量的饱和状态。考虑到人们很自然地倾向于关注少数几个 曝光率较高的紧急事件,联合国新闻部(新闻部)列出了在2007年发生的世界应该更多倾听的十个故事。
The notable exception has been Mexico, where the
exchange rate is 22 per cent higher in real
terms than it was before September 2008 when the international crisis unfolded.
墨西哥是一个明显的例外,该国的实际汇率比 2008 年 9 月 危机发生时上升了 22%。
While we are moving into the implementation of the &3-3-4& academic
structure, we must wait
and see how it unfolds and it certainly takes time to adapt to the new structure or consider how it should be developed. I do hope that the entire education system will provide education not merely for the sake of economic development, but also with the aim of achieving whole-person development, so that our young generation can have holistic, proper and appropriate development in respect of ethics, intellect, physique, social skills and aesthetics, and there can be a healthier,
better and ideal society in future.
雖然我們現時轉往“三三四”學制,要看看情 況
當然要時間適應,或要時間考慮怎樣發展,但我真的希望整個教育制度 不是單是為了經濟發展而辦教育,而是能做到全人發展,令我們的年青 一代在德、智、體、羣、美方面,能得到全面、正確和恰當的發展,令 將來可有一個更穩健、良
The inordinate length of translation times, especially in cases of selfrepresented appellants, calls for greater explanation than suitable for a report of this size, but it can be said that efforts are under way to more effectively liaise with the supervisors in the Conference and Language Services Section on a continual basis in order to assess progress and determine the need for requesting prioritization of specific translations, and to readdress the internal requirement of the Conference and Language Services Section that the revision process for translation
of a judgement must be accomplished as a whole, rather than volume by volume (which would allow for gradual release of translated portions).
翻译工作需要如此长的时间,特别是自我辩护上诉人的情况下,对此本应作 出更多解释,然而本报告限于篇幅而不能做此解释,但可以说的是,正在作出努 力,以更有效地与会议和语文支助事务科主管不断联系,以评估进展情况并确定 是否需要对具体的翻译要求分轻重缓急,并重新探讨会议和语文支助事务科的内 部要求,即判决书翻译的审校工作必须整体一起完成,而不是分卷完成(这样做 可以逐步公布翻译好的部分)。
Advisory Committee was provided with information on the activities undertaken by the Department in support of the Secretary-General’s good offices efforts, as events have unfolded in the recent
past in the Middle East and North Africa.
二.12 咨询委员会获得了有关
该部开展活动支持秘书长随着最近中东和北非事 件的发生而进行的斡旋努力的信息。
Although this instrument concerns a
specific form of the reservations dialogue, the principles that it establishes can easily be applied to the phenomenon as a whole, regardless of the context in which the dialogue unfolds.
虽然该文书只述及一种 特定形式的保留对话,但其中确立的原则同样可以搬用于所有这类现象,不论这 一对话是在什么样的情况下进行。
Although the Statement of Purposes in the Arbitration Act referred to the flexibility of arbitration proceedings, it was undoubtedly the case, according to the Court, that
such flexibility was
not intended to be used by either of the parties as a means of ensuring that the arbitration proceedings unfolded in such a way
as to suit their own personal convenience.
虽 然《仲裁法》的宗旨说明中提到仲裁程序的灵活性,但法院认为,毫无疑问, 本案中任何一方都无意将这种灵活性用作确保以符合自身便利的 方 式
展开 仲裁 程序的手段。
Niger also ventures to
hope that the pattern of sudden socio-political shifts that have unfolded in some parts of the world will result in an end to the embargo against
Cuba by the end of 2011.
因此,尼日尔希望,在世界一些地区发生突发社会政治变动情势后,2011 年会实现终止这一对古巴的封锁。
For the next four laps, a
dramatic battle unfolded for the lead
between Zaugg and Piguet.
在接下来的四个圈中,Zaugg 与 Piguet 之间为争夺首位展开了一场戏
The outcome of the vote was the election of the country’s first President, His Excellency Mr. Manuel Pinto da Costa, paving the way for a period of cohabitation that has so far unfolded in a climate of
dialogue and harmony.
第一任总统曼努埃 尔·平托·达科斯塔阁下的胜利,为迄今为止在对话和协商气氛中的共存共治铺 平了道路。
In the farce of the Chief Executive
Election that has unfolded thus far, the behaviour of the candidates has been a disgrace, so
this self-deceptive
small-circle election should end immediately.
人的行為丟人現眼,一 場自欺欺人的“小圈子”選舉應該立即停止。
I should also like to stress several important points regarding the political and technical context of the Mission's mandate — the difficult circumstances of which present
formidable and complex challenges — and
developments that have unfolded in Syria since
the League of Arab States began to address the crisis.
关于观察团执行任务的政治和技术背景(困难的条件给其工作带来了艰巨和 复杂的挑战)以及阿拉伯国家联盟开 始应
That concrete fact is deeply symbolic for my country, particularly given the conditions in which the war in Iraq unfolded and the subsequent establishment
of the multinational force.
对我国 来说,这一具体事实具有深刻的象征意义,尤其是考 虑到伊拉克战争启始以及随后多国部队建立的情况。
More important, they can provide an immediate, insider’s view of a conflict or catastrophe, whereas professional journalists may not be granted access to places where hostilities unfold or may have to
travel for days before
reaching a disaster zone or area.
更重要的是,他们能提供有关冲突或灾难的直接和内部观 点,而专业记者可能无法获准进入 开展 敌
动的地方,或者需要旅行数日时间 才能到达灾区。
That’s why I’ve
asked the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to do a comprehensive review of the safety of our domestic nuclear plants in light of the natural disaster that unfolded in Japan.
这就是为什么我要求核管理委员会(Nuclear Regulatory Commission)根据日本目前自然灾害的灾情,对我国国内的核电厂进行全面评估。
Through the implementation road map, a structured and effective organizational plan can be created to link the substantive work of the various annual meetings of States, supporting the idea of undertaking these discussions within specific sessions dedicated to the 2011 open-ended meeting of governmental experts and the 2012 Review Conference, respectively (which could be interlinked to discussions proposed under proposal number 1), and taking into
account that the Biennial Meeting of States will consider the implementation of the programme of action and the Review Conference will review the progress made in its implementation and its structure.
建一个系统和有效的组织计划, 以
各国年度会 议的实质性工作联系起来,从而支持在专门用于 2011 年不限成员名额政府专家 会议和 2012 年审查会议的具体会议中开展这些讨论(可以与建议 1 中提议的讨论 相互联系),并考虑到双年度会议将审议行动纲领的执行情况,审查会议将审查 其执行情况进展及其结构。
It was suggested that the States Parties reflect on how they can enable the necessary in-depth analysis and discussion of the requests in order to ensure that high quality requests continue to be the norm.
就请求 开展必要的深入分析和讨论,以确保提出高质量的请求仍然是规范做法。
It can also be a present obligation arising from past events that is not recognised because it is not probable that outflow of economic resources will be required or the amount of obligation cannot be measured reliably.
或然負債亦可能是因已發生的事件 引致之現有責任,但由於可能不需要有經濟資源外流,或責任金額未能可靠地衡量而未予 確認。
A financial asset or a group of financial assets is impaired and impairment losses are incurred only
if there is objective evidence of impairment as a result of one or more events that occurred after the initial recognition of the asset (a ‘loss event’) and that loss event (or events) has an impact on the estimated future cash flows of the financial asset or group of financial assets that can be reliably estimated.
只有資產在初始確認後發生了某項或多項事件(「虧損事件」)而出現減值的 客觀證據,且能夠可靠地估計虧損事件對金融資產或一組金融資產的估計未來現金流 量構成影響時,方可確定金融資產或一組金融資產出現減值並產生減值虧損。
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