我国商业银行投资产品可靠吗银行业务研究 小结怎么写

目前我国商业银行内部经营管 理、风险内部控制等方面并不完善,这种情况下开展投资银 行业务存在很大风险,因此,商业银行开展投资银行业务的 风险管理,对商业银行实现...
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从而做出了我国商业银行开展投资银行业务的现状和发展前景的 预测。 【关键词】...金融理论与实践,2008 [5]姚远 张金清:对与美国投资银行风险管理缺陷的思考[J]...
进一步发展我国商业银行中间业务的思考:以投资银行业务为例进行分析_金融/投资_经管...收益并且降低银行风险是的结论, 充分证 明我国商业银行开展投资银行业务的可行...
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全文总结 本文首先对我国商业银行开展投资银行业务的背景及战略意义 进行了介绍,...对证券公司风险管理制度建设的思考[J].当代财经, -61. [18] ...
对我国商业银行开展并购贷款业务的思考_金融/投资_经管营销_专业资料。对我国商业...51-525.4 晋商银行并购贷款业务组 织结构与人才建设 52-545.4.1 职责分工 ...
随着国际金融业的发展,国内逐渐放松了对商业银行业务发展的监管,商业银行开 展投资银行业务已经从更不可能变为可能,于商业银行而言,开展投资银行业务对其发展影响 ...上传用户:rzcddfmhez资料价格:5财富值&&『』文档下载 :『』&&『』学位专业:&关 键 词 :&&&权力声明:若本站收录的文献无意侵犯了您的著作版权,请点击。摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。)贸易银行展开投资银行营业是统一金融机构经由过程资本整合,同时运营贸易银行营业和投资银行营业,完成银行营业和投行营业之间的穿插运营,以有用进步竞争才能,并充足应用金融资本,到达进步金融机构立异才能和高效运营的目标。这类混业运营的形式活着界金融范畴的伟大变更中,代替分业运营成为弗成逆转的潮水。特殊是美国自1999年经由过程《金融办事古代化法案》,标记着活着纪之交猛攻60多年的分业运营形式时期的结束,进入了混业运营的新纪元,世界蓬勃和较蓬勃国度都撤消了分业运营的管束,许可贸易银行实施混业运营。跟着中国金融开放过程的加速与金融体系体例改造的推动,金融混业产物日益增多,完成综合运营成为贸易银行进步焦点竞争才能的内涵请求,贸易银行展开投资银行营业是顺应运营情况变更的计谋选择。国外贸易银行赓续地经由过程组织、技巧和营业立异进入投资银行等本钱市场营业范畴,成长投资银行营业已成为古代贸易银行向综合化、万能化演化的必定选择。我国金融治理政府也逐步熟悉到贸易银行展开投资银行营业的实际意义,并出台了一些相干的政策,如2001年7月中国国民银行公布了《贸易银行中央营业暂行划定》,明白贸易银行经央行审批后,可以解决金融衍生营业、署理证券、投资基金托管、信息征询、财政参谋等投资银行营业。这注解,贸易银行在现有的政策和司法框架内摸索投资银行营业具有伟大的理论空间。本文剖析国际金融业的成长趋向和我国贸易银行展开投资银行营业的需要性、可行性、优势、近况和制约身分,并联合我国金融现实,研讨提出贸易银行在现有金融轨制支配下展开投资银行营业的战略选择和留意的成绩,具有主要的实际意义。重要从以下五个方面停止剖析第一部门重要是选题思绪、国际外研讨近况、研讨内容及办法的配景引见等。第二部门贸易银行展开投资银行营业是国际金融业的成长趋向。该部门对贸易银行和投资银行营业作一简介,剖析贸易银行与投资银行阅历了合业一分业一再融会的成长过程,对东方重要国度的贸易银行运营形式及营业演化轨迹停止了详细剖析,进一步指出贸易银行展开投资银行营业是国际年夜银行运营的主导形式。Abstract:Commercial bank expansion investment banking business is the uniform financial institutions through the process of integration of capital, also operating commercial banking business and investment banking business, operations interspersed between bank and investment banking business, to useful to improve the competition ability, and full use of financial capital to reach progress financial institutions innovation ability and efficient operation of the target. This kind of mixed operation in the form of the great changes in the financial category of the world, instead of separate operations become impossible to reverse the tide. Special is the United States since 1999 by the Financial Services Modernization Act, which marks the alive in the turn of the century onslaught 60 years of the separate operation of the end of the period, has entered a new era of mixed operation, vigorously worldwide and is booming country are withdrawn separate operation of the tube bundle, permitted commercial banks to implement the mixed operation. Along with Chinese financial opening process accelerated and the financial system style transformation driven, mixed financial products is increasing, completed a comprehensive operation to become the connotation of trading banks to increase the focus of competition to request, bank trade expansion investment banking business adaptation operations change the strategic choice. Foreign bank trade ceaselessly through organizational processes, skills and business innovation into the investment bank capital markets business category, growth investment banking business has become the inevitable choice for ancient trade bank to comprehensive, universal evolution. China's financial governance also gradually familiar to Trade Bank launched the practical significance of the investment banking business, and introduced a number of relevant policies, such as in July 2001, the people's Bank of China announced the &business trade central bank Interim Provisions&, understand commercial banks after the approval of the central bank, can solve the financial derivative business, Acting securities, investment trust, information consulting, financial advisory and investment banking operations. This note, the commercial banks in the existing policy and judicial framework to explore investment banking has a great theoretical space. According to the analysis of the international financial industry development trend and our country commercial bank investment banking business necessity, feasibility, advantages, the present situation and the restriction factors, and combined with the reality of China's financial * * * proposes bank trade in under the domination of the existing financial system to expand investment banking business strategy selection and pay attention to achievement, has the important practical significance. Important from the following five aspects to analyze the first section of the first division of the main topics of thoughts, international research status, research content and methods of the introduction, etc.. The second sector banks to expand investment banking business is the growth trend of the international financial industry. The Department of trade and investment banking business as introduction, analysis of trade and investment banking experience the industry a separate repeatedly merging growth process, of Oriental important country trade bank operations and business evolution stopped detailed analysis and further pointed out that commercial banks launched investment banking is the dominant form of international banking operations.目录:内容摘要3-5Abstract5第一章 导论9-13&&&&1.1 问题的提出9&&&&1.2 国内外研究现状9-11&&&&1.3 研究内容及方法11-12&&&&1.4 本文创新之处12-13第二章 商业银行开展投资银行业务是国际金融业的发展趋势13-21&&&&2.1 商业银行与投资银行概述13-17&&&&2.2 西方主要国家的商业银行开展投资银行业务概况17-20&&&&2.3 商业银行开展投资银行业务是国际大银行选择的主导模式20-21第三章 商业银行开展投资银行业务是我国金融业的必然战略选择21-31&&&&3.1 我国商业银行开展投资银行业务的必要性21-26&&&&3.2 我国商业银行开展投资银行业务的可行性26-27&&&&3.3 我国商业银行开展投资银行业务的优势27-29&&&&3.4 我国商业银行开展投资银行业务的现实基础29-31第四章 我国商业银行开展投资银行业务的现状和制约因素31-39&&&&4.1 目前我国允许商业银行开展的投资银行业务33-35&&&&4.2 我国商业银行开展投资银行业务的法律制约因素35-36&&&&4.3 我国商业银行开展投资银行业务的环境制约因素36-37&&&&4.4 我国商业银行开展投资银行业务的自身制约因素37-39第五章 现行金融监管体制下积极拓展投资银行业务策略39-57&&&&5.1 加强对现有投资银行业务的深化和扩展39-40&&&&5.2 加大对重点投资银行业务的拓展力度40-46&&&&5.3 提前研究和介入可能的投资银行业务46-49&&&&5.4 我国商业银行开展投资银行业务应注意的问题49-57第六章 结束语57-58参考文献58-60后记60-61分享到:相关文献|(window.slotbydup=window.slotbydup || []).push({
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时间: 18:10:07&&来源:&&作者:曹凤岐 袁宏泉
& 1、投资银行业务营销应结合商业银行发展战略,发挥自身优势,实施长远规划。商业银行的投资银行业务还处于刚刚起步阶段,在业务运行和市场开发能力等方面还不成熟,客户也有一个接受和适应的过程;随着我国资本市场发展的加快,投资银行业务今后的市场潜力非常大,市场竞争将越来越激烈。因此,商业银行应高度重视投资银行业务营销工作,在投资银行业务的发展规划上,要树立长远目标,制定适合本行实际的长期发展战略;同时,要充分利用商业银行的信誉、客户资源、机构
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