
14:43:20 来源:新东方在线
  新东方在线网第一时给大家带来了Part2答案:你喜欢的亲戚。我们都知道Part2的话题是时间最长的,需要考生balabala说一分半钟到两分钟。为了防止大家在考场时无话可说,同学们在备考阶段一定需要多积累一些口语话题哦~新东方在线雅思网将第一时间为大家发布最新、最全、最专业的消息和雅思考试真题及解析,供大家参考。  &&&更多请点击:???  参考答案1:  I like many of my relatives and among them I'd like to pick my Grandma whom
I really love and admire. She is a loving woman who always loves me. She lives
with us and very close to me. I share lots of my own stuffs with her. She cares
me like a mother does for her own kids. She tells me stories, some of her own
and some of them are from her young time. She has a good heart and she is nice
to others.  In the morning she wakes me up and we go out for morning walk. All of our
family members take our breakfast together. Sometimes I read her books and watch
religious TV programs together. Sometimes I urge my wish to her and then she
bargains it with my parents. In a way she is a very close friend of mine.  My grandma is very fond of me and I like her very much as well. We have a
good bonding between us that makes our relationship easy and soothing.  参考答案2:  I like many of my relatives who are very compassionate, lovely and friendly
to me and among them I would pick my younger uncle as the best relative in terms
of our mutual understanding, closeness and communications. In fact, we share so
many common interest and activities that he is more like a friend to me than a
guardian. I am very close to him and we share our books, thought and views on
different issues like two close friends would do.  I like him because of his authentic compassion, support for me and because
of the common interest he shares with me. I personally find him very benevolent
and talented and he is a good counsellor for me. I respect him and it surprises
me the way he treats me. I have never found him to ignore me and treat me as a
younger nephew ever and that’s something I really like about him.  We often discuss our family issues, our thoughts of the politics, religion,
books writers, movies, music and on many other issues. We share our books and
recommend books to each other. I find his taste very much similar to me and that
makes us do lots of things together including travelling, watching movies,
spending holidays together and many more activities someone would like to do
with friends. He even spends time with my friends without any hesitation.  I am the only child of my parent and from my childhood I found that my
younger uncle was living in our house. This was the main reason we became close
and apart from that the shared interests, his personality and behavior actually
made us close. He took care of me in my childhood and supported me in many ways
in my teenage and with time I became very close to him.  Tips for answering this cue card speaking topic:  For this cue card, talk about any close or distant relative you have whom
you like. This includes, your uncles, aunts, grandparents, cousins, relatives by
bloods. Try not to talk about your parents, siblings, friends, neighbors and
specifically exclude the friends and neighbors as they are not treated as
relatives at all.  For the first question &Who the relative is and how close you are to him/
her& say your relationship with him/her, then name and for how long you know
this relative. Then to describe how close you are, mention one or two events you
did together to prove that you are actually very close to this relative.  For the next question &What makes you like your relative?& describe the
common interest you two have, how you treat each other, his/her personality and
good quality, your memory about him/ her and finally the support you got from
this relative.  You have already mentioned one / two activities you two do together, now
for the third question you should give a series of activities you two do
together including the conversation you have.  Now that you have said that this person is very close to you, cares you,
fri the time has come for you to describe why s/he is close
to you. If you are talking about a close relative like younger aunt, uncle etc.
mention that s/he lives with your family. If it is a cousin you can say you two
live in the same community and thus meet each other daily. Finally if it is a
distant relative, mention you often visit each other. Now talk about your common
interest, activities, his/her excellent personality and talent, helpfulness etc.
made you two very close. Actually people get close for two reasons: one, if
their common interests and notions have similarities or if they live together.
Obviously there are other parameters as well but mentioning these two reasons
for your closeness would be convincing for the question &and describe why this
person is close to you&.  Similar cue card topics that you should be able to answer as well:  1. Describe one of your relatives.  2. Describe one of our family members.  3. Describe someone you like.  4. Describe someone you like to spend time with.  5. Describe a person you would like to travel with.  6. Describe a person you like to talk for a long.
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Describe a creative person that you admire.
You should say:
Who this person is
How do you know this person
What creative things this person likes to do
And explain why you admire this person.
1. I would like to talk about a rising star, Antoine Griezmann, a French professional footballer who played in the 2016 Euro Cup.
2. He is not a tall player, yet he always runs pretty fast during the matches.
3. Antoine Griezmann impressed me with his amazing performance on the pitch during this Euro Cup.
4. I would say he is a creative and exceptional player as he always scored unexpected andmiraculous goals.
5. He is really like a dancer on the field.
6. Actually, he began his career at Real Sociedad, making his debut in 2009.
7. This year, Griezmann won the Golden Boot as the tournament's top scorer, with six goals and two assists in seven games.
8. Also, in the semi-finals against Germany, he scored twice to lead France to their Championship final.
9. More importantly, he always appeared confident. I find highly skilled players sometimeslack the mental strength to win.
更重要的是,他经常表现得很有自信。 我发现球技高超的球员有时候会缺乏强大的心理素质去赢得比赛。
10. But for Griezmann, it&s totally the opposite. People have also grown to respect him for his cool head and control of the ball.
pitch做名词,表示球场; on the pitch 这个固定搭配的意思就是:在球场上
exceptional这个形容词表示unusually good, 相当于outstanding
miraculous表示completely unexpected, 这里形容出乎意料地进球
debut这个词表示the first public appearance of a sports player 表示球员的初次亮相
two assists 这里的assist当名词,表示助攻
highly skilled players 技术高超的球员
lack 做动词 表示 缺乏
mental strength 强大的心理素质
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2016年5月雅思口语part2新题思路详解+范文:Describe a wedding.
日14:46 来源:小站教育作者:小站雅思编辑
摘要:小站雅思君今天跟大家分享5月雅思口语变题季part2新题Describe a wedding you have been to.(描述参加的一次婚礼)思路及范文,欢迎同学们参考!
Describe a wedding you have been to.
You should say:
Where it was
Who you went with
What you saw
and how you felt about the wedding.
Sample answer:
Ok, well I've actually been to quite a few weddings, because I'm now at the
age when a lot of my friends are starting to get married, so it was kind of
difficult choosing which one to describe, but I guess probably the easiest for
me to talk about would be the most recent one I went to, which was that of a
neighbour of mine.
Also, what I should probably make clear to you first, though, is that
weddings here in China tend to just involve the wedding reception(接待), as you
may know, without the signing of marriage documents, which is usually done in
private several months before the wedding, so it's just the reception which I'm
gonna talk about.
And, as for who was there, well, I couldn't tell you everyone, because there
were absolutely(绝对地) loads of people, you know, the hall was pretty packed, so
my guess would be that there were probably something like 250 to 300 guests, and
if I'm not mistaken, it seemed to be that the majority(大多数) were friends and
relatives of the bride(新娘) and groom(新郎), although I also noticed that they had
invited quite a few of their colleagues from work as well, because one of them,
who I think was her boss, went up on stage to make a speech at some point.
Anyway, with regard to where the wedding was held, well, it was actually in a
small city called Zhuji, which is about an hour's drive just to the south east
of Hangzhou, because that's where the bride comes from, and the reception itself
was held in quite a nice-looking hotel, which was easy to spot because it was
about 10 times higher than all the buildings around it!
So regarding how I felt at the wedding, well, to put it simply, it was a
really wonderful wedding, and there were some parts of it that moved me quite a
lot, such as when the bride broke down in tears when she was on stage thanking
her parents for all the support they had given her. It was also really clear to
see how much the bride and groom loved each other, as they couldn't take their
eyes off each other the whole evening, so I was really happy for them and was
glad that I made it to their wedding.
That's pretty much it, I think, so thanks a lot for listening.
赢,就趁现在!小站赢+雅思/托福1对1 终极提分课程
摘要: 今天环球雅思为考生们带来雅思口语part2话题解析:描述一位你的邻居,希望能给雅思考生们带来帮助。
  【Describe something that you helped your neighbor】
  You should say:
  When you helped your neighbor
  What you did for your neighbor
  How you helped your neighbor
  And explain how you felt about it.
  【雅思口语范文】Peter and I have been neighbors for more than 5 years. We often give a hand to each other, as you can imagine, we have been getting along really well.
  Still, I clearly remember that last summer, Peter&s wife, Jessica, was on a business trip to New Zealand. One afternoon, when I was sitting in the office, I received a phone call from Peter. He was asking me if I could go and pick up his 5-year-old son, Oscar, from the kindergarten for him, since he had to be busy with a meeting.
  After hanging up the phone, I drove to the kindergarten, and took Oscar back to my place. On that evening, I was cooking some fish and chips for him while he&s enjoying some Japanese animation in the couch.
  At about 9pm, Peter came back home from his company. He thanked me for taking the best care of Oscar, and was feeling sorry for having kept me being busy for the whole night. I responded, &don&t be silly again man! Have you ever heard an old Chinese saying &a distant relative is not as good as a near neighbor&?&
  【Describe an advice you received from others】
  You should say:
  What the advice was
  Who gave the advice to you
  When you received the advice
  And explain how it helped you.
  【雅思口语范文】Since my childhood, my father has been telling me that a real man has to be independent, leading to the situation where I&m planning to go to UK for my master degree studies.
  My father, once, recommended that studying and living overseas by myself will significantly make me independent, since I have to learn how to spare my 24 hours every day in a reasonable way, in terms of clothing, food, housing and transportation. Meanwhile, I need cope with any difficulty coming up in my study.
  Having considered my dad&s recommendation, I believe going to UK for further improving my education background would be a good idea to learn to be a real man.
  I&m sure, at the very beginning, moving to a new place is a big challenge for me, as I know no one there. Nevertheless, I would love to try experiencing a new life. Most importantly, I hope when I come back to China after graduation, my father will recognize that I&m an independent as well as a real man in his mind.


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