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-> 个人主义与集体主义
Collectivism vs. Individualism Difference within Chinese C
A Confirmatory Study on the Structure of Individualism and Collectivism in C
Individualism Versus Collectivism: Social Welfare Theory in Europe and America
Secondly,it is the crux of a good system to keep the balance between individualism and collectivism.
On the Relation Between“Individualism”and “Collective”in“New Collectivism”;
A Contrast and Analyses between American Individualism and Chinese C
The Western and Chinese Cultural Values Differences between Individualism and Collectivism
Research on Relationship between Individualism\Collectivism and Organizational Trust
The Analysis of the Individual Subjective Character and the Collectivism under the Condition of the Socialistic Market E
On Historical Characteristics of Collectivism and Its Vitality--from the View of Relations between the Collectivism and the I
S Dimensions-the Individual and Collective of Cross-cultural M
Individualism vs. Collectivism:A Cultural Study on Chinese,American and Japanese M
The Impact of Collectivism and Individualism on Business Ethical Decision P
Cultural Difference and Translative E
On Individualism and Collectivism in Cross-Cultural Psychology
A Statistical Study on Chinese Undergraduates
Values of Individualism/C
Tracing to the Source of Myth of the Collectivism and the Individualism in Sino-Western L
Freedom of the Development in Collectivism and ?Individualism Under the Circumstances of Market E
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Abstract:This paper makes an analysis of the cultural difference between America and China — American individualism and Chinese collectivism from the perspective of prisoners of war and then discusses the importance to foster the spirit of individualism in today’s China when it encounters two setbacks in its ref本orm and development. One of the two setbacks is weak ability to innovate in science and technology and the other is slow process of rule by law. With openness and positive attitude of drawing on other civilizations’ strong points, China would avoid detours in its double social transformations from the type of farming to industry and from industry to information.
Key Words:prisoners of war (POW); Am C innovation in sc rule by law
摘 要:本文试从 战俘的角度分析中美文化的不同 —
美国的个人主义与 中国的集体主义,并结合现阶段中国改革发展中出现的 科技创新能力弱和 法治建设进程缓慢两问题,探讨发扬个人主义精神的重要性。笔者相信在中国进行从农耕社会向工业社会过渡,工业社会向信息社会过渡的双重社会转型过程中,只有以开放和学习的心态积极地借鉴其他文明的优点,中国的改革发展才能少走弯路。Introduction:On July 22, 2003, after nearly four months in a military hospital, American Private Jessica Lynch finally returned home. The small town of Elizabeth, West Virginia, celebrated her arrival with a display of local pride, pomp and pageantry. Another heroic story took place in China’s H本ebei province sixty-two years before that on September 25, 1941 during the War of Resistance Against Japan (). Five Chinese soldiers committed suicide by jumping off a cliff when they ran out of ammunition and all the reachable stones. They are the later Five Warriors on Langya Mountain who are remembered and respected by Chinese people till today.Those are two completely different ways of being heroes. But what are worth of being taken notice of are soldiers’ different attitudes towards surrender and people’s different attitudes towards prisoners of war (POW) from their own country. For an American soldier, it is natural and understandable to yield when he fights to the bitter end and has no bullet. But for a Chinese soldier, to lay down his arms and surrender seems more disgraced than to die, especially when the enemies are from other countries, such as Japan.And what are the ordinary Chinese people’s attitudes towards the prisoners of war from China? Ge Zhenlin, one of the five soldiers, who has luckily survived because of the branches in the cliff, was once asked by his fellow villager, “Did you really jump off from the cliff?” according to his son. That is to say, if Ge Zhenlin did not jump off from the cliff, he has no honor to be regarded as hero, even with the fact that he had fought to the bitter end. In China, if you were a POW, still alive, you would very probably face one question “Why didn’t you die in the battlefield?” It must be an unacceptable question in the western countries, but it is a fact in China. The reason behind such phenomenon is that the core of American values is individualism and that of Chinese is collectivism. So, when there is a conflict between collective glory and individual life, Americans choose individual life while Chinese choose collective glory.This article does not aim to argue for that the five soldi
ers should not jump off from the mountain or Chinese people should not expect such heroic action from them, but to make a relatively objective discussion 本on the cultural reason behind it and then make an analysis of the importance to foster the spirit of individualism when China encounters some difficulties in its present reform and development.&I.Definitions and Explanations of Individualism and Collectivism
There are many differences between American culture and Chinese culture. Among them, the most important or fundamental one is on the value orientation: American culture u Chinese culture advocates collectivism. Thus, in the daily life, Americans value freedom, rule by law, individual rights and liberation of self while Chinese think highly of ethic code, moral principles and interpersonal relations. What are the definitions and ways of expression of American individualism and Chinese collectivism? Is Chinese knowledge about American individualism correct?A.& Definition and Explanation of American IndividualismThe basis of western culture is Christianity and its core is individualism.For American individualism, it refers to that individual is the foundation for the existence of collective. Everyone has his own independent personality and free will and others should not work their will upon him except that individual interests endanger public interests. What is more, individualism means two aspects: pursuit of individual interests and bearing responsibility of your own at the same time. American represents them in five rooted convictions in their daily life: everyone is
individual rights cannot be the power o Americans believe in sur Americans seek to show individuality.Individualism, which is rooted in the earliest American ideology: Puritanism, is the core of American values. And after hist本orical changes of ages, it has infiltrated into all the fields of American society.The birth of Puritanism is the achievement of the Reformation in Europe, which shattered the old rigid Christianity and liberated the individual to a large degree. As the result of such reformation, Puritanism surely inherited the achievement. It was represented in two aspects: to set the individual free from the strict discipline of Roman church and to set the individual free from the strict ideological control of Roman church.On September 16,
British puritans rode on a wooden sailing ship “Mayflower”, with the hope that they would win freedom and realize all the dreams in the faraway new continent. It might be for the luck owning to this romantic and beautiful ship’s name that they went ashore in the new continent successfully after sixty-six days, with one dead and one born. In the following days, forty-one adult men from them signed the famous Mayflower Compact 1620, which was simple in content but ushered in a new way of public life. It became an example. That means the public order should be kept by the compact but not compelled by the authority above people. So all the people are living for themselves, but no
t for somebody or something else and they are the masters of the government. That is the reason why the holy stone in Plymouth is regarded as the first symbol that distinguishes between an American and a British. And in the following years, Americans fight for the liberty in the War of Independence and at last they won the war.So, the first Americans were aware that all the kinds of government should form only with their permission. And then with the western expansion, American individualism developed a lot and till the age of Emerson, American individualism was greatly perfected.But another problem might 本emerge. That is how to deal with the conflict between everyone’s interests when the whole interests in USA and in the world are limited and everyone wants to safeguard personal interest. So the frontiers made the Federal Constitution, the cleverest constitution in the human history. It dealt with the interest conflict between individual and nation in a flexible way, which always safeguards the former to the largest degree.Thus, till now there is no state governor was elected for he intended to protect the federal interests more, rather than their own state’s interests. Different form China, nation was evolved from people, village, and state in USA. Therefore, when they keep balance with individual and national interests, they favor for the individual. They are used to thinking in this way. Then, American people’s attitudes towards surrender and POW would be understandable now.
B.& Definition and Explanation of Chinese CollectivismThe basis of eastern culture is Confucianism and its core is collectivism.To a member of the proletariat, he should act with Marxist outlook as the guide, with collectivism as the principle, with the realization of socialism and communism as the goal. There are three origins of Chinese culture: Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. What Confucianism pursues is 本the secular rank, fame and fortune and the value goal of Confucianism is collective interests.For Chinese collectivism, it refers to that collective is the foundation for the existence of individual. Public interests are the interests of individual and public values are the values of individual and what is more, public will is the will of individual. For this cultural reason, American president George W. Bush once recalled his childhood when his father was the ambassador in Beijing and for his earliest impression about China he said in the streets of Beijing, all the people wore the same clothes and rode the same bicycles. If you want to argue that there are really no human rights in China, the following historical facts can demolish your argument. During the War of Resistance against Japan () and Korean War (), Chinese government did not mistreat the POW from Japan or America, but supplied each of them with the equal even more food than a Chinese soldier. It was not because of the Geneva Convention, just for the accustomed ideas in people’s mind.
So the conclusion is that Chinese people can be tolerant toward POW from other countries, but they cannot be tolerant toward POW from China. The reason is that
the authority is above the individual and so the superior one should kindly treat individual.To a Chinese, collective glory is valued more than individual interests. And this kind of thought still has market in today’s China. Looking back on last year’s TV serial, two of the most popular teleplays: Plot Against and Showing Swords, the heroes of the first teleplay works in national intelligence agency and the hero of the second teleplay is the head of an independent regim本ent in the battlefield against Japanese forces and later Kuomintang forces. In Plot Against, the heroes work heart and soul for his conviction and country even with the sacrifice of their personal love and life. In the TV series of Showing Swords, both the heads of Communist Party and KMT Party show contempt for the Chinese POW in the War of Resistance Against Japan. Audiences like them very much, so they also support such attitude toward POW.& What is important is that collectivism brings patriotic cohesion, good social order but at the same time lack of imagination and undeveloped individual personality. Such disadvantages brought the lack of innovation and rule by ethics, but not by law.
C.& Chinese Misunderstanding of American IndividualismThe gist of American individualism should be emphasized in China even in today’s world, which is growing flat. The reason is that to understand is the first step to discover and learn merits from others. The knowledge about American individualism of ordinary Chinese people is that all the Americans want their own rights and interests, so there consequently is chaos in the society. In fact, this kind of thought is one-sided. To be exact, individualism can be called the origin of innovation and it relates closely to democracy, equality and justice. In the eyes of most Chinese, Americans have less respect for others and they do what they want to, not taking others’ will into consideration. That is actually wrong knowledge of Americans. Let’s take one story as an example. Chinese scholar Xue Yong once taught The Analects of Confucius in the class in a Boston university. At the beginning本, the teacher was a little worried, for Americans in his eyes are bound to resist such typical traditional Chinese ideas. But surprisingly, when the teacher explained the meaning of several sentences from The Analects of Confucius, one of his American students nodded his agreement. And then the teacher cannot help asking advice for the American student on his understanding of this selected piece. The excerpt refers to that for a dutiful child, he will certainly not offend the authority and so he will never raise a rebellion. The American student agreed with such opinion. He said that was just like the rules in a rugby team in American schools, one most popular sport in America. At the time, the topic of The Analects of Confucius changed into the hours of PE. In American schools, there are three popular ball sports: basketball, baseball and rugby. And each of them represents its distinctive style and culture. Basketball reflects bold and restrained character of the children from urban slums while rugby, prevalent in suburbs sc
hools, gives expression to the highly disciplined teamwork. To behave as Confucius said is like to behave in a rugby team. According to that student, Americans will not respect a wayward NBA star despite of his superb skill. Such NBA star has little fans, for American football teams always become inferior when they facing the well disciplined teams from Europe. Through this story, Xue Yong concluded that the American children are taught to cooperate with and respect others when they played balls in their early school years and Americans value good discipline and order, too. The rooted knowledge about American individualism in Chinese minds is at least one-sided view.
II. Two Setbacks for Chinese Present Development
A. Weak Ability to Innovate本 in Science and TechnologyIn the world, of every four copy machines, three of them are made in C half of the DVD is made in China. But the Chinese companies own only 0.03% intellectual property rights of their core technology.&& Different from China, which makes manufacturing industry the central part, India’s fast development is supported by IT, communication, banking and other industries which are based on the higher education? The view that India will become another China is shallow and superficial, for China is a ‘world factory’ while India is a ‘world office’. Now, to be creative is the Chinese government’s slogan. It alleged that by 2010, China is going to change into an innovative-oriented state. The fact is that, according to World Economic Forum, China slides down to No. 48 with regard to the ability to innovate.
To sum up, according to the present statistics and facts, we can get the message that Chinese ability to innovate in science and technology is not palatable. But the truth is that innovation in science and technology plays a decisive role in the productivity of one country.&& What is more, environment degeneration requires that labor-intensive and highly polluted foreign industries shall be not allowed to enter China, which means our own IPR will be highly depended on. By doing so, we might be able to have the strong point of having the intellectual property rights of our core technology, not only with cheap labor.At present, the “hard” environment for innovation has been established. The biggest challenge for China’s innovati本on exists in the culture, that is, the “soft” environment.
B. Slow Process in Rule by LawIt is widely accepted that there are two social genes China lacks: democracy and science. In Lu Xun’s words, they are Mr. De and Mr. Sai. And till now, Chinese culture still lacks the spirit of democracy, which is decisive for the improvement of rule by law.You might have watched the film Qiuju’s Fighting the Legal Battle, directed by big-named director Zhang Yimou. This film told a story about a village woman Qiuju who was engaged in a legal dispute with the head of the village and at the end she won the case against village head but she was grateful for the village head for his helps. This film is the true mirror of the legal situation in China that although after many years’ efforts on legal sys
tem, China is traditionally more a country governed by ethics than a country governed by law. In the Bible, Adam and Eve were seduced by the serpent and ate the fruit from the forbidden tree. Therefore, western people insist that man is born with the original sin and through one’s life, there must be some temptation. Thus, they try to prevent people’s evil deeds with law.On the contrary, Chinese traditional culture holds that man is good by nature and the job for the government is to lead the people to be inclined to goodness. So, ancient China was a country ruled by ethics. Such type of ruling has two advantages: low cost and getting a complete cure. But it has two disadvantages at the same time: pliability and being bound to cause the rule by people. That is also the deep-seated reason for the corruption in China, for the officers have very great power which is not effectively restricted. What is more, the rule by people or ethics confo本rms to the needs of farming society but it does not conform to the needs of industry and information, for the market economy calls for good legal system.
III. Positive Roles of Individualism
A.& Ability to InnovateIn one talk show, famous singer Li Lingyu shared her experience in America with the audience, “When I was in America, I went to Broadway everyday. You can feel the passion from the actor’s performance there, even though he stands in very corner of the stage with only his back in the audience’s sight. I did not get such strong and wonderful feeling in China before. That is what I got in America: the passion for work and love for life.” What is the reason for such difference between Chinese and American attitudes to work and life? The deep reason must relate to social and cultural fields. Chinese all agree that education is the foundation stone of one country. So let’s look at the difference on education.The goal for the American education is to cultivate mentally and physically healthy citizens while the Chinese elitist managers. The outcome of such education for elites is that the students lack of vitality for their innovation. American university professors reveal that, for Chinese students, they always achieve high scores in exams but when you ask them to give some suggestions and assumptions the本y will be silent. That is to say, Chinese students are not accustomed to imagine daringly but are good at remembering knowledge. But imagination is the origin of creation. The focus falls to how to encourage the students to imagine and be innovative. There are three suggestions.First, people should encourage the ordinary students to show themselves. One of the writer’s teachers studied in America in 2006 and she luckily was given several opportunities to take part in college activities during that time. In the college-opening ceremony, she recalled one special experience with her students of English major when she participated in a college activity. According to her, the audience gave a little girl a veritable ovation. What is special is that the piano performance of this little girl was not so good. My teacher was deeply touched especially when she was told that th
e girl has performed for some community parties where she gained the same reaction. In China, the public would not be so tolerant and respectful to such ordinary performance. That is why Chinese students do not like to show their character and be unconfident. For the students’ imagination and confidence, the public is responsible to encourage the ordinary people to show their personality. Second, people should accept students with specific character. An old saying goes like this in China: “The bird which takes the lead gets shot first.” That means the person in the limelight bears the brunt of attack. The person with specific character always suffers setbacks from the society in China. Sha Zukang, Chinese ambassador in UN and the newly appointed Under-Secretary of the UN, once del本ivered a speech in the UN conference for the resistance against unwarranted charges from America on Chinese human rights.& He revolted that America should shut up and look in the mirror itself before it made any judges on other countries. And in the conference he promised to buy America a mirror even though China is poor. The mirror is the report of American human rights investigation provided by China. For a Chinese ambassador in UN, to do like this is reasonable because everyone has the right to protect his own country in whatever way he chooses. But Sha Zukang told the journalist from CCTV-News in February 2007, that among the people who opposed his style, Chinese were much more than foreigners. Such kind of straight ford character has little market in China. People are more likely accustomed to common person with ordinary character. That is very harmful to cultivation of the ability of creation.Third, college students should leave the ivory tower and grow up in an open environment. To a university student, success requires two essential factors: to be open-minded and be the master of yourself. College students in China are like pandas. Their teachers, parents and relatives think of them as children and their only task is to study but never touch anything outside the campus lest they should be influenced and unable to concentrate on study. College students are the future managers of the country, but more importantly they are the future citizens of this country, especially there are more and more university graduates. When they are faced with the various problems in actual world, they will make deep considerations of those problems and try to seek the solutions. Thus, all kinds of imagination emerge.
B.& Rule by LawIt is almost a truth universally acknowledged in China, that the weakness of the rule by law is due to the historical r本eason: federal centralized authority ruled China for thousands of years and it would naturally take a long time to establish the legal system governed by law, but not by people. This kind of view exaggerates the influence of historical restraints on people’s mind but loses sight of the reason caused by their own interests they are striving for. It is actually another way to shirk responsibilities of contemporaries and the present government. We do not believe that the longer the history is, the harder the reforms ar
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