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What if I shoot someone with my concealed and carry permit gun? - Greg McCollum Complete Legal Defense TeamThe Answerbag question #1765185 page is not available at the moment. Queued for spidering. Please check back soon.
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Copyright 2016, Wired Ivy, LLCConcealed Carry - First thoughts about
Concealed Carry
Concealed carry, or CCW (carrying a concealed weapon), refers to the practice of carrying a handgun or other weapon in public in a
manner, either on one's person or in proximity.
Write here your first thoughts about Concealed Carry ...
27 Mar 2017 & & 21:12
A good guy with a gun rarely stops a bad guy with a gun. Say NO to National Concealed Carry Reciprocity. https:…
27 Mar 2017 & & 21:08
Arkansas will now let people carry guns in bars & on college campuses. What could possibly go wrong? ?.
27 Mar 2017 & & 20:52
now we just need congress to pass National Concealed Carry Reciprocity
27 Mar 2017 & & 20:51
In the year after Virginia allowed concealed carry in bars, the number of major crimes involving firearms at bars and restau…
27 Mar 2017 & & 20:50
So you think that if teachers carry concealed that they will become MORE of a target for school shooters? Nice buddy..
27 Mar 2017 & & 20:45
Women are designing products to make it easier, and more fashionable, to carry concealed firearms:
27 Mar 2017 & & 20:44
I can't remember if it was gun owners or concealed carry.
27 Mar 2017 & & 20:41
.NOW at Seton Hospital (Class A misdemner for licensee w./ handgun) I have to carry my concealed rifle (no license required)
27 Mar 2017 & & 20:24
As your constituent, I strongly urge you to help defeat HR38, concealed carry reciprocity!
27 Mar 2017 & & 20:21
...BILLIONS of rounds of ammo, concealed carry permits and lots of target practice!!!
27 Mar 2017 & & 20:13
Bill would allow concealed carry permit holders to have guns on UNCW campus
27 Mar 2017 & & 20:13
Time to implement concealed carry laws for lady joggers-
27 Mar 2017 & & 20:12
NWACC is holding an informational meeting to explain Arkansas' new concealed campus carry law.
27 Mar 2017 & & 20:03
Utah drops legal minimum age for concealed carry permit to 18
27 Mar 2017 & & 19:57
Check your GunDealio app today. Flash sale, good for only a few hours. 50% off regular price on our DVDs. Concealed Carry, FPD.
27 Mar 2017 & & 19:53
What is national concealed carry reciprocity? Watch the video, then tell your lawmakers to support it!
27 Mar 2017 & & 19:47
Ladies if you carry a firearm you need a like these from at
27 Mar 2017 & & 19:46
Veto of permitless concealed carry bill stands
24 Mar 2017 & & 14:19
ATTENTION LAKERS: Lake Land College will be offering a two-day Introduction to Concealed Carry classes at...
26 Dec 2016 & & 11:08
I liked a video Concealed Carry: What to do When Stopped by Police - Shooting Tips from SIG SAUER
12 Jun 2016 & & 01:50
Articles: Peruta v. County of San Diego: Ninth Circuit Ignores Second Amendment to Uphold Ban on Concealed Carry
09 Jun 2016 & & 19:58
Obama's Justice appointees are shredding the 2nd Amendment. Concealed Carry. is under fire. Please RT.
09 Jun 2016 & & 19:38
I found out the other day Sen Chuck Schumer even has a Concealed Carry license, so screw Demorat ELITES
07 May 2016 & & 02:50
Concealed carry, by definition, is carrying. Kids sometimes access. No safety makes it easy to fire
07 May 2016 & & 02:48
Because sometimes they're in glove compartments, concealed carry purses, etc. Kids find things.
07 May 2016 & & 02:48
I have a barista licence and carry a concealed coffee machine with me at all times
07 May 2016 & & 02:40
Gear prep for tomorrow's Practical Concealed Carry Skills class in Marietta, NY.
07 May 2016 & & 02:07
ICYMI: my article on the dangers of concealed carry while Black
07 May 2016 & & 01:52
Trump plan calls for nationwide concealed carry and an end to gun bans
07 May 2016 & & 01:52
All he's missing is concealed carry
07 May 2016 & & 01:41
Angels N Camo is having a benefit concealed carry class on May 14th at Pinetown Vol Fire Dept. Cost is $75...
07 May 2016 & & 01:39
NJ has 1.2M Gun Owners & only 1/10 of 1% of them allowed Permits those 1,212 are Politicians/Judges/Ex-LEOs
07 May 2016 & & 01:33
NH Gov. likely to veto bill that would do away w/ licensing rule for conceal carry
07 May 2016 & & 01:16
.Here is what the future looks like for states that don't require a concealed carry permit.
07 May 2016 & & 01:05
HELLO VIRGINIA - Here is your best option for CCW training htt…
08 Apr 2016 & & 10:00
Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals, USCCA Edition Written by Michael Martin, Chief Instructor for the
13 Oct 2015 & & 03:57
Those with Concealed Carry permits should be forced to conceal their guns in their butts with the safety off.
12 Sep 2015 & & 16:21
never expanded on this bc it was a pretty good night but some guy asked me if I knew what the concealed carry policy was & it freaked me out
12 Sep 2015 & & 16:08
Usually just 1 day to get your concealed carry..then u can purchase at permit for each purchase.
12 Sep 2015 & & 16:00
What would the "Right" do if a concealed carry permit was denied due to religion?
12 Sep 2015 & & 15:59
Interesting point of view. What do you think?
12 Sep 2015 & & 15:58
When will a KY clerk deny a Concealed Carry permit for religious reasons?
12 Sep 2015 & & 15:48
Technically, all canines are to be licensed in NYC. Both weaponized attack canines, and concealed carry canines. Few are.
12 Sep 2015 & & 15:19
Boy, you'd think making it impossible for citizens in DC to get a concealed carry permit would reduce…
12 Sep 2015 & & 15:13
Another great group for Concealed Carry underway! Don't miss out, we have classes in Oct and Nov we are currently registering for.
12 Sep 2015 & & 15:10
Really wish Maryland assent so strict with concealed carry permits
12 Sep 2015 & & 15:09
DC is approving concealed carry applications at a snail’s pace. 206 applications, less than 50 approved.
12 Sep 2015 & & 15:07
Strangest news story today. It's a whole new take on concealed carry.
12 Sep 2015 & & 14:54
I see he has a concealed carry license.
12 Sep 2015 & & 14:50
Ha! This is a topic of great debate here at HWH. :)
12 Sep 2015 & & 14:46
90 % do not carry. Even I did not carry all the time and I was licensed to carry concealed.
12 Sep 2015 & & 14:43
What do Jim Webb and I have in common? Both of us have concealed carry permits in Virginia .
12 Sep 2015 & & 14:05
Have you made any of these common mistakes?.
12 Sep 2015 & & 14:01
Cops: Woman concealed loaded gun in *** - USA TODAY
12 Sep 2015 & & 14:00
No Concealed and Carry Permit. “Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and...
12 Sep 2015 & & 13:55
Online Concealed Carry Permit Class: Get qualified to carry concealed in 28 states without leaving your living room.
12 Sep 2015 & & 13:30
Anyone know if Iowa has concealed carry?
12 Sep 2015 & & 13:10
You're licensed to carry and are a force to be reckoned with. Protect the badge you have to prove it!
12 Sep 2015 & & 13:08
Guns make every argument more lethal.
12 Sep 2015 & & 12:57
Exercising my 2nd Amendment right today and getting my concealed carry permit ??? @ Cave City…
12 Sep 2015 & & 12:49
David's Tip of the Day | A license to carry a concealed weapon is not a license to use it. We hope that you will...
12 Sep 2015 & & 12:48
That wouldn't work out here. Open and concealed carry
12 Sep 2015 & & 12:44
Get your concealed carry permit and you'll worry less. :)
12 Sep 2015 & & 12:36
Good info on selecting the best defensive handgun, check out our buddy, Paul's, SSA podcast!
12 Sep 2015 & & 12:26
I liked a video Proof that Concealed Carry permit holders live in a dream world, Part One
12 Sep 2015 & & 12:05
Concealed Carry Gun Owners, this is for you! Check out the video or purchase now here!
12 Sep 2015 & & 10:54
Agents ov the CIA (Cornish Intelligence Agency) are allowed to carry a pasty concealed about their person. Tissa fa…
12 Sep 2015 & & 10:50
Need some light reading this weekend? I have a holster round up in this edition of Concealed Carry Handguns. http:/…
09 Sep 2015 & & 04:36
If you're in Western Wisconsin and need or are interested in taking a Concealed Carry training, I'd recommend...
22 Jul 2015 & & 21:08
Concealed Carry is still very difficult in New Jersey, Governor Christie. "I have a democrat legislature" is not a good excuse
15 Mar 2015 & & 02:12
MT: Bills to allow concealed carry are fundamentally safe
15 Mar 2015 & & 01:48
Just posted: West Virginia OKs bill to not require concealed-carry permit
15 Mar 2015 & & 01:45
Check for indicators of concealed handgun carry. Specifically today's Open Sources column.
15 Mar 2015 & & 01:40
Since banning concealed carry has been upheld, I wonder.
15 Mar 2015 & & 01:40
WV MetroNews – Gov. Tomblin to review concealed carry bill thoroughly before taking action:
15 Mar 2015 & & 01:33
PATRIOTS: please follow & support and his efforts to pass National Concealed Carry RECIPROCITY
15 Mar 2015 & & 01:33
to show the and what happened to sex offenses at CSU when concealed carry became legal: http:/…
15 Mar 2015 & & 01:32
This couple made shopping for her concealed carry purse a whole lot of fun!
15 Mar 2015 & & 01:03
I strongly oppose SB 347 that irresponsibly removes permit and safety training requirements for people who carry concea…
15 Mar 2015 & & 00:58
Got to take part of the concealed carry class today. Half class half shooting and I only missed the middle 6 out...
15 Mar 2015 & & 00:50
Thank you for your voice of reason regarding responsible gun ownership and common sense requirements for concealed carry.
15 Mar 2015 & & 00:47
*Someone is tailgating my dad . Him: people like you make it illegal to carry concealed weapons!!! . ???
15 Mar 2015 & & 00:37
Oh yes! I'm the scary species with my preference for seal meat and inability to walk on land, pollute or carry conceal…
15 Mar 2015 & & 00:34
Discussing concealed carry bill, said he has not had great deal of requests in his office, says "It got shot out fairly quickly"
15 Mar 2015 & & 00:32
ELI5: Why can my city ban carry and concealed fire arms in public places when the states allows it?
15 Mar 2015 & & 00:28
Press just heard from he says "that's a possibility" re: concealed carry veto & says a lot can happen in the 4hrs left
15 Mar 2015 & & 00:05
Crime study of 1.2M NJ gun owners only 1,212 have been granted Permits & they're Judges/Pols/Ex-LEOs
14 Mar 2015 & & 23:58
~One of today's best concealed-carry weapons for personal protection is the memory of everything you ever did wrong in all your yesterdays~
14 Mar 2015 & & 23:48
"Missouri Republican wants to eliminate concealed carry law
14 Mar 2015 & & 23:47
Gun owners respond to passing of bill to eliminate concealed carry permit in WV
14 Mar 2015 & & 23:47
SIGN ON to oppose forcing states to recognize concealed carry permits from everywhere!
14 Mar 2015 & & 23:46
LATEST: passes bill to eliminate requirement for concealed carry permits.
14 Mar 2015 & & 23:45
As a gun owner, this might be useful : Will Uniformity Prevail in Concealed Carry Reciprocity?
14 Mar 2015 & & 23:44
Authorities say concealed carry permits are up for an alarming reason:
14 Mar 2015 & & 23:42
Parents asking U-System if handgun training is required for concealed carry permit. Nope. mtleg
14 Mar 2015 & & 23:41
.And not in NH, where we don't even want to license concealed carry.
14 Mar 2015 & & 23:41
Taking the concealed carry class next Saturday. Guess I'll be legal after that.
14 Mar 2015 & & 23:39
Delegate Folk cannot give any reason why ISIS members who have yet to commit a crime in the US could not concealed carry under…
14 Mar 2015 & & 23:39
self defense needs to be normalized in our society. Every state that relaxed it's concealed carry law saw no crime increase
20 Feb 2015 & & 20:27
The Castle Doctrine is sometimes misinterpreted as defending the home. Sign up for a Concealed Carry class and...
05 Feb 2015 & & 07:08
MLK did have a concealed carry permit so he very well may have been armed, how do you know he wasn't !Not all gun owners kill
05 Feb 2015 & & 06:31
Time for the GOP to Pass ‘National Reciprocity’ for Concealed Carry Weapons Permits -
05 Feb 2015 & & 06:29
When is the last time you heard on the news that an
or Concealed Carry person committed a...
05 Feb 2015 & & 06:18
by "rig sent in by Like the kydex with extra mag holder!
05 Feb 2015 & & 06:17
If you are a Homosapien then I suggest you get a concealed carry license NOW!
05 Feb 2015 & & 06:13
Getting my concealed carry permit the end of this month. Run up on me and get dogged up ***
05 Feb 2015 & & 05:57
Daddy says, " If you don't want to learn the right way to do it why buy it.". .
05 Feb 2015 & & 05:54
Daddy says, "Know state & local laws. Know your firearm, watch your surroundings.".
05 Feb 2015 & & 05:49
Concealed Carry magazine editor Kevin Michalowski says it best, “Apparently the league known for everything from...
05 Feb 2015 & & 05:48
The majority of women concealed carry... absolutely smart move!
05 Feb 2015 & & 05:26
In Illinois, concealed carry of guns
expansion sought
05 Feb 2015 & & 05:03
So I'm surprised I don't run into this poster more often. It's titled, "The Concealed Carry Creed" and it lists a...
05 Feb 2015 & & 05:01
Major advances for concealed carry on campuses in several states
05 Feb 2015 & & 04:57
Each institution should continue to decide for themselves about allowing concealed carry.
05 Feb 2015 & & 04:33
New concealed carry laws for college campuses in Idaho is costing colleges millions in extra security http:/…
05 Feb 2015 & & 04:28
I'm from Ohio. The Buckeyes don't allow concealed carry. They have a pretty good football team.
05 Feb 2015 & & 04:27
well one thing I didn't drop out of is my concealed carry class! Come on to Texas
05 Feb 2015 & & 04:24
Thug picked the wrong man to rob: 67y/o man with a concealed carry permit sent him six feet under.
05 Feb 2015 & & 04:17
Montana State Senate narrowly endorses concealed carry of guns on college campuses: via
05 Feb 2015 & & 04:17
Specially designed belly band is a must for anyone with a concealed carry permit who wants protection nearby!
05 Feb 2015 & & 04:09
Concealed Carry individual protects diners from shooter in Houston ,TX. Again-Don't mess with Texas !
05 Feb 2015 & & 04:03
So, Nebraska will allow same-sex military spouses to carry concealed weapons … whether or not they’re vaccinated?
05 Feb 2015 & & 03:59
Finna get my concealed carry licenses ??
05 Feb 2015 & & 03:47
Deciding to take a concealed carry class on a torn rotator cuff was not my wisest decision...
05 Feb 2015 & & 03:45
Friends, tomorrow the House Education Committee will hear arguments on HB 1077 to permit concealed carry on...
05 Feb 2015 & & 03:35
I want a concealed carry license so I can walk around with got *** hip holsters. That would be ill
05 Feb 2015 & & 03:31
Lee: he's fine with concealed carry and believes people should have right to legally have a gun
05 Feb 2015 & & 03:31
Texas Senate introduces bill to allow concealed carry on college campuses
21 Dec 2014 & & 02:29
Twas a Concealed Carry permit: Eleanor Holmes Norton (DC) and I chatted at Colbert finale. She told Roll Call I focussed on "some" permit.
03 Dec 2014 & & 21:16
In 1956, Martin Luther King Jr applied for a concealed carry permit and was denied.
03 Dec 2014 & & 21:15
What's to this concealed carry? Cause to me, everyone's the enemy.
03 Dec 2014 & & 21:13
This is the reason for concealed carry! This is what will protect America!
03 Dec 2014 & & 21:11
I encourage all black men to get there concealed carry, it's real out here!
03 Dec 2014 & & 21:08
More women are concealed carrying guns
03 Dec 2014 & & 21:06
Osprey Armament will train you and up to 4 participants (of your choosing) in our custom Concealed Carry Weapons Course. Our CCW Custom Course is the most effe
03 Dec 2014 & & 21:04
What DO YOU CARRY? TAG a Brother or Sister who is all about CONCEALED CARRY and would like to SUPPORT a VETERAN OWNED company. "Wear YOUR Cause" Purchase LINK -
03 Dec 2014 & & 21:01
I need to go with a concealed carry or a buddy. Open season on a *** ***
03 Dec 2014 & & 21:01
Since the passage of SB745 and the veto override of SB656, Concealed Carry Weapons (CCW) Permits age requirements have changed. Effective October 10, 2014, residents 19 years and older who have completed and received a certificate of Firearms Safety Training Course, can apply for a CCW permit.
03 Dec 2014 & & 20:57
With the override of Governor Jay Nixons Veto on Senate Bill 656 the following are notable changes to the Missouri Concealed Carry (CCW) Law. The age limit for the Missouri CCW permit has been lowered from 21 to 19 years old. Applicants are no longer required to complete the live fire exercise with…
03 Dec 2014 & & 20:53
The Packin' Neat Purse Holster turns your standard purse into a concealed carry purse so you can easily and safely carry your gun concealed. Also acts as an organizer for all your daily items.
03 Dec 2014 & & 20:50
GP Cops use illegal chokehold, gang tackle, kill man selling untaxed cigarettes, yet I'm the one who can't concealed carry i…
03 Dec 2014 & & 20:49
Scott writes about his Glock 17. He is now using it as his conceal carry weapon. -JW
03 Dec 2014 & & 20:46
Yes, but we're okay with that, by and large. Hence the NRA, open/concealed carry and Stand Your Ground. We get to be heroes by
03 Dec 2014 & & 20:42
An 86-year-old Illinois man with a concealed carry permit fired his weapon at an armed robbery suspect fleeing police last month, stopping the man in his tracks and allowing the police to make an arrest.
03 Dec 2014 & & 20:39
I couldn't care less what you have, or what you want. I carry concealed legally, and have for 15 years.
03 Dec 2014 & & 20:39
Its hunting season out here on us. The carry concealed laws will change next. We have to protect ourselves.
03 Dec 2014 & & 20:38
This is what concealed carry is for, right Andi?
03 Dec 2014 & & 20:35
After receiving complaints that we were acting as security guards without a license, the response from Sam was fantastic "We are not acting security guards, We are welcomed guests, employees, and owners that are acting well within our rights in the state of Oklahoma. This state allows us to walk up and down the street with long gins without any kind of license. Most of us have carry licenses and can even open or concealed carry a pistol. Those that do not still have the right to carry a long gun. If we or any other private property or business owners choose to allow our patrons, employees, or friends to strap on a weapon and carry it around our private property, no license of any kind is required. We will continue to do this as it is our legal right and our decision. If there happens to be someone that takes issue with it, they ate more than welcome to stay off of our property. We will not allow people that are scared of a tool such as a firearm to prevent us from wielding our trade tools on our pro ...
03 Dec 2014 & & 20:31
Chicago crime rate drops as concealed carry applications surge. Another example of where is nonsense
03 Dec 2014 & & 20:30
Why not give EVERYONE guns? Concealed carry? Nay. MANDATORY CARRY... It'll be the Mos Eisley Cantina City.
03 Dec 2014 & & 20:24
Is concealed carry a privilege or a right? California AG loses --&
03 Dec 2014 & & 20:21
ASD: D.C. concealed carry fight could provoke Congress, contempt of court
03 Dec 2014 & & 20:21
Real peaceful folks they are! This is why I always carry pepper spray and very shortly will be getting my concealed carry!
03 Dec 2014 & & 20:20
Other thing is, I don't think these injustices would even happen to white people. White people push concealed carry, nobody bats an eye.
03 Dec 2014 & & 20:19
Concealed Carry Class in Milton for $60.00. Call 602-6572. I am thinking of going in January.
03 Dec 2014 & & 20:18
ONLY 10 days till we ship The Club Vest Brand MC Club Motorcycle Vest with Leather Trim, Gun & Ammo Pocket for concealed carry, single panel back for easy patch placement & mesh lined to breath, 100% cotton 14oz denim, with YKK zipper & hidden snap front, the most anticipated vest in 10 years, a Jimmy Lee design! UNDER $75 DELIVERED The ONLY place in the world to get this vest, pre-order yours today for Christmas delivery @
03 Dec 2014 & & 20:12
Alien Gear Holsters make the most comfortable and best priced concealed carry holsters on the planet. Backed by our 30 Day Trial and Forever Warranty, we lead in quality, comfort and price.
03 Dec 2014 & & 20:09
Calling all patriots I need your help now! I am trying to get concealed carry legalized on campus but the UAA administration is the main roadblock. I need the help of you folks to get the Republican majorities in both houses of the Legislature to pass concealed carry on campus and not back down when the UA system leadership starts yelling and screaming. Please whatever help can be provided would be awesome.
03 Dec 2014 & & 20:09
Know the gun laws in your state. Figure it out. Know whether your state is an
state or a concealed carry state. Do it quickly.
03 Dec 2014 & & 20:03
I've had positive interactions with the police. I recommend learning the law & getting a license to carry concealed.
03 Dec 2014 & & 20:02
Concealed Carry Pistol: Criteria, Comparisons, and My 9mm Choices Frequently students ask me to suggest some concealed carry pistols in 9mm for them to con
03 Dec 2014 & & 19:57
If states that banned concealed carry were right to carry states it would've prevented 1,500 homicides annually
03 Dec 2014 & & 19:56
The Beretta Pico is one of the most reliable, concealable, easy-to-use and durable handguns for concealed carry on the market.
03 Dec 2014 & & 19:36
and yes, I am licensed to carry it concealed in public places that aren't banned. Many locations are still illegal to carry (1/2)
03 Dec 2014 & & 19:14
Ideal for concealed carry, Truglo's new… RT
03 Dec 2014 & & 19:13
I got my 9mm Sheild for concealed carry not expecting a whole lot. This thing is awesome. Shoots just as well as my M&P9 full size.
03 Dec 2014 & & 19:11
Best concealed carry handguns: I find it has too much punch for it's small size.
03 Dec 2014 & & 19:03
This is our RIGHTS. Is concealed carry a privilege or a right?.
03 Dec 2014 & & 19:03
Great if you're alone in the woods. Otherwise carry concealed. Your element of surprise is the best advantage.
03 Dec 2014 & & 19:01
when I get home I can get whatever. But if I wanna carry concealed I gotta get CCW.
03 Dec 2014 & & 18:52
. A PDF its a study about conceal carry done by CPRC that was a quick search
03 Dec 2014 & & 18:49
This is a comment some chick put about some thug that got shot by a guy who had a license to carry concealed weapon.
03 Dec 2014 & & 18:40
.It was sarcasm. I believe every rational adult capable should carry a concealed weapon. Society would calm down in a minute.
03 Dec 2014 & & 18:39
Is concealed carry a privilege or a right? | Human Events
03 Dec 2014 & & 18:33
Is concealed carry a privilege or a right? |
03 Dec 2014 & & 18:24
WJBC Radio: A violation of Illinois' concealed carry law has been charged in McLean County.
24 Oct 2014 & & 23:28
Quick ? For concealed carry naw for everybody if you were robbed and you had your gun would you shoot to kill or let them make it with your stuff
24 Oct 2014 & & 23:26
Chicago Proves Concealed Carry Works. Liberal politicians, the fascists inhabiting the United Nations and...
24 Oct 2014 & & 23:25
I'm waiting but I'm not hearing any calls to ban axes in NYC. I'm also not hearing a call for concealed carry in NYC either. Anybody got any other ideas on how to stop hatchet attacks in NYC? Maybe that 'coexist' sticker would work.
24 Oct 2014 & & 23:23
New Montana west cross body concealed carry handbag bid starts at$40 with$7 SHIPING IN THE US a little extra shipping out of the country ending saturday 3pm cst checks an paypal
24 Oct 2014 & & 23:21
2007 to 2013: CCW permits up 130%; murder rates and violent crime down 22%. -
24 Oct 2014 & & 23:21
The District’s newly minted concealed carry laws require gun owners seeking permits to complete 18 hours of firearms training. One problem: As of Wednesday, the day before a court-ordered deadline for the permitting process to begin, no instructors had been approved to teach the compulsory course.
24 Oct 2014 & & 23:21
leftist need to be in a mental institution. Stay safe. Concealed carry
24 Oct 2014 & & 23:19
Why do you CARRY? What do you Carry? Concealed Carry by VETERAN OWNED Nine Line Apparel!! "Wear YOUR Cause" PURCHASE LINK -
24 Oct 2014 & & 23:12
Register today for our upcoming IL CCL COURSE 11/15 &11/16 The IL Concealed Carry Course consists of 16hrs training both in the classroom and on the range. Come learn from a team of veterans with real world experience. We spend more time on the range teaching you how to become a more effective shooter.
24 Oct 2014 & & 23:06
OK folks...the next concealed carry class will be Nov. 8th. This will be the last class until spring. Please let me know if you plan on attending.
24 Oct 2014 & & 23:06
The Washington, D.C., city council agreed to revise an ordinance to be in compliance with a judge's order mandating a path to concealed carry for...
24 Oct 2014 & & 23:03
Hmmm. . .a sign for a "concealed carry" permit class. Now there's something to put in my garter. . .
24 Oct 2014 & & 22:58
Washington D.C. is now accepting applications for concealed carry permits but they've made it so hard to qualify, very few will.
24 Oct 2014 & & 22:58
A follow-up picture of the State Senator of Missouri's 5th District, Jamilah Nasheed, the intoxicated, anti-gun Democrap who was arrested in Ferguson, MO, carrying her 9mm handgun (for which she has concealed carry documentation). One might easily imagine a quote from this libiot elitist: "Do what I say, not what I do!"
24 Oct 2014 & & 22:57
its to the point where I'd break the rules and concealed carry on campus just to be safe.
24 Oct 2014 & & 22:54
Josh Smith and I received our concealed carry permits today! :)
24 Oct 2014 & & 22:50
you can . Nothing against it. You only need a licence to carry a concealed weapon
24 Oct 2014 & & 22:43
Trust one's neighbors that can leg given numbers have higher odds being in right place at right time.
24 Oct 2014 & & 22:43
I have to sign up for a concealed carry class like pronto - no more putting it off
24 Oct 2014 & & 22:40
If one can legally concealed carry doing so by default may save life of local policeman, soldier, reporter, or random citizen.
24 Oct 2014 & & 22:39
Citizen Jihadists: ISIS uses 'lone wolves' to mount cheap, attacks on US soil this is why we need concealed carry
24 Oct 2014 & & 22:38
The winner of the concealed carry bag is Jessica Brennan! Congratulations!
24 Oct 2014 & & 22:35
DC Sets Impossible Hurdles for Concealed Carry Gun Applications – We need to allow people to carry everywhere vote
24 Oct 2014 & & 22:34
CONCEALED CARRY – CHANGES EFFECTIVE November 1, 2014. The new OK Handgun License laws go into effect Saturday, November 1, 2014. Come and kill two birds with one stone, get your OK Handgun License and receive the latest information regarding the changes to the Self Defense Act codified by the state of OK. OK Handgun License class (formerly concealed carry) Sunday 10/26/14. Time: 8 am – 5 pm. We will take an hour for lunch Cost: $54.95 if you shoot your gun and ammo, + $10 if you shoot my gun and ammo. Location: Tulsa Gun Club – 56th St. North and Mingo road, just north of the Tulsa Intl Airport. With these changes, your Certificate of Achievement will be good for thee (3) years. Call Dan Detmer 918.627.2006 or email at danto register. Sorry, no online registering at this time. The class is filling up. I have 5 spots left. Three free range passes included in the class, that is you can come back and shoot three times for free. That is a $30 value.
24 Oct 2014 & & 22:34
For information about Central Illinois Concealed Carry License Peoria IL Class, call us today! Central Illinois Class to get a Concealed Carry License to Carry a Concealed firearm in Illinois
24 Oct 2014 & & 22:32
Hubby got me to get a "concealed carry" so that I can protect myself. Now he's mad cuz of gunshot holes in the house. W…
24 Oct 2014 & & 22:31
yes...but if you have a Gadsden Flag on your bio and have a concealed carry permit, but killed no one, your a "TERRORIST".
24 Oct 2014 & & 22:29
Obama's open door policy - Come on in! Potential Ebola carriers - the airports are open - Doctors returning from west Africa - lets go bowling! Islamic terrorists - the borders are open Illegal immigrants - the borders are open Obama doesn't believe in Islamic Jihadists so we have. Major Hussein - Work place violence Beheading - disturbing violence Hatchet killer - senseless violence Yes sir in Obama land the doors are always open and no one is ever a terrorist. This keeps up he's going to need some more "Benghazi" movies As for me a concealed carry permit means I'm available to help any Jihadi running down my street to an early pass to paradise.
24 Oct 2014 & & 22:28
For those who question why concealed carry is important. Just watch or read today's news in the last 12 hours. Anything can happen to anyone.
24 Oct 2014 & & 22:25
They're the fat ones with the concealed carry permits.
24 Oct 2014 & & 22:24
Still have space available in the Concealed Carry Handgun Class tomorrow, Oct 25th from 8-5:00 PM. It's $100 and...
24 Oct 2014 & & 22:23
If you have a concealed carry permit, it could be that we need you out there now. Get some training though.
24 Oct 2014 & & 22:21
Missouri approves concealed guns at schools and
24 Oct 2014 & & 22:19
We have several Concealed Carry Handgun classes planned over the next few months. Let me know if you are interested.
24 Oct 2014 & & 22:14
Everyone should do what I am doing next week. Obtaining a permit to carry a concealed weapon. We won't be so easy
24 Oct 2014 & & 22:06
Missouri allows "specially trained" teachers to carry concealed firearms while at school...
24 Oct 2014 & & 22:05
- Murder rate in Chicago fell after Illinois concealed carry law backed by NRA passed. Explain that.
24 Oct 2014 & & 21:52
Then probably your elementary school teachers wouldn't make good candidates for concealed carry. Or, teachers.
24 Oct 2014 & & 21:48
Would you also pass laws that minors can't have concealed weapons, carry at school or murder? They all exist already.
24 Oct 2014 & & 21:47
Another happy ending courtesy of concealed carry.
24 Oct 2014 & & 21:46
Watch out thieves... My pops is concealed carry.
24 Oct 2014 & & 21:33
I think we are hitting a bursting point. I can see concealed carry weapon apps multiplying and taking it in our own hands.
24 Oct 2014 & & 21:29
Concealed carry would most likely work, but in NY I'm not holding my breath.
24 Oct 2014 & & 21:24
I wanna get a concealed carry license when I turn 21.
24 Oct 2014 & & 21:22
The NRA was right. The change necessary is concealed carry in schools. And parents that secure their firearms.
24 Oct 2014 & & 21:22
Training for new concealed carry holders: via
24 Oct 2014 & & 21:21
State’s attorney to discuss concealed carry law |
24 Oct 2014 & & 21:20
I'm a feminist speaker & had a gun pulled on me at an event in my home state of TX, a concealed carry state. did t…
24 Oct 2014 & & 21:19
'lone wolf' terrorism will result in many Citizens exercising rights-
or Concealed.
24 Oct 2014 & & 21:17
Chuck Norris has to carry a permit for concealed weapons every time he wears long-sleeved shirts or pants.
24 Oct 2014 & & 21:11
Violet Township trustee convicted of accidentally shooting student in concealed-carry class
24 Oct 2014 & & 21:11
A shooting where gunman WASN'T stopped by a concealed carry "good guy with a gun" *AND* Honey Boo Boo gets cancelled? Bad day for rednecks.
06 Oct 2014 & & 23:27
What do you CARRY? SHARE or TAG a FRIEND!! Concealed Carry by NINE LINE APPAREL - VETERAN OWNED Purchase LINK-
06 Oct 2014 & & 23:25
Executive Editor of Concealed Carry Magazine Kevin Michalowski recently participated in an ammunition workshop that tested the performance of various types of ammo against select barriers. These photos show 9mm Federal HST fired through auto glass and still reaching nearly 12-inches into ballistic gel! We think this proves 9mm ammo has definitely improved, what do you think?
06 Oct 2014 & & 23:22
Although it was not featured in the concealed carry list we posted earlier, here's a very affordable little guy...
06 Oct 2014 & & 23:18
Next concealed carry class October 11th and 12th at the Mt.Vernon Holiday Inn. 8a-5p. $150 for the full 16 hour class, $125 for 12 hour, and $100 for 8 hours. Message me if you would like to attend. Thank you
06 Oct 2014 & & 23:15
Walmart policy states you may have a gun in the store if you have a concealed and carry. If others see if you can move it or
06 Oct 2014 & & 23:12
A breakdown of Illinois counties with the highest and lowest percentages of residents with concealed carry permits and permits issued per county
06 Oct 2014 & & 23:10
CONCEALED CARRY CLASS Virginia Beach Gun Show, Oct 12, Historic Arms will have a trailer on the premises for concealed carry classes. Check details at link provided here.
06 Oct 2014 & & 23:07
TO MY FELLOW MICHIGANIACS: It's finally happening -- I'll be presenting my very first Michigan CPL (Concealed Pistol License) CLASS!!! To all who asked and/or has an interest in attending my premier Concealed Carry class, here's the deets: THE DATE: Sunday, October 19th THE TIME: 8:00 AM CLASSROOM PORTION LOCATION: IFA Tactical, 35506 Mound Rd., Sterling Heights (one block north of 15 Mile Rd on east side of road).
RANGE PORTION LOCATION: Target Sports, 30482 Woodward Ave, Royal Oak. This one-day course meets and, in many aspects, exceeds all legal requirements. My class is focused on the small business men and women, especially those involved in high-profile and/or risky types of business, as well as those who want to take charge of their personal safety, yet don't want to make guns their whole world! (Of course, gun afficionados are also very welcome!) Being the first one, the class fee will never be lower OR repeated! Feel free to call, e-mail or IM me for the one time only rate. .. ...
06 Oct 2014 & & 23:05
CONCEALED CARRY CLASSES. Historic Arms will have a trailer at the Virginia Beach Convention Gun Show, . Oct 11 and...
06 Oct 2014 & & 23:05
Do you have your Colorado concealed carry permit yet? If you don’t, make sure you sign up for one of RMGO’s CCW...
06 Oct 2014 & & 23:04
Up-to-date information regarding concealed carry licenses in the U. S. -- concealed carry reciprocity, handguns, tactical maneuvers, and accessories.
06 Oct 2014 & & 23:00
Our next Coldwater Creek Handgun School Concealed Carry Permit Class starts October 18th at 9:00 at the Best...
06 Oct 2014 & & 22:48
A look at some of the most popular 9mm concealed carry pistols and a side by side analysis of each's strengths and weaknesses.
06 Oct 2014 & & 22:43
DivaShop has a little bit of everything for the Divas and Divos! There's huge purses at great prices (Even concealed carry purses!), jewelry, make up, kitchen gadgets and tools, aprons, even hand made baby clothes! Tons of awesome goodies! Check out my eStore =)
06 Oct 2014 & & 22:41
Alien Gear Holsters designs concealed carry gun holsters made of durable leather and quality materials. Our products are made in the USA with a low price, money back guarantee.
06 Oct 2014 & & 22:40
Instead of the self defense classes...I think I'm just gonna get a concealed carry permit.
06 Oct 2014 & & 22:39
WTT armscor m206 snub nose revolver comes with ammo and bear whitetail compound bow for a concealed carry gun or shotgun (TRADE ONLY) im located in white city
06 Oct 2014 & & 22:32
Get your Arizona Concealed Carry Certificate online and take the first step in protecting yourself and your family today.
06 Oct 2014 & & 22:30
Get CCW Guardian (Concealed Carry Gun Log) on the App Store. See screenshots and ratings, and read customer reviews.
06 Oct 2014 & & 22:30
Ready to get your concealed carry? Join us this Friday night and learn from professionals!
06 Oct 2014 & & 22:21
Im taking my concealed carry weapons (CCW) course saturday so I can star) If any of you girls need yalls then hollar at me and I will get you signed up.
06 Oct 2014 & & 22:16
GunsAmerica enters an already heated debate with our top five picks for the best, most reliable .45 ACP concealed carry pistols. Read our picks.
06 Oct 2014 & & 22:15
EVEN IN THEIR POLICE STATIONS The Attorney General’s Office spells it out twice now in two opinions that a city has no authority to regulate firearms except those places listed in MCA 45-9-53 like public parks, board meetings, etc. and they know of no authority that even allows a city to ban openly carried firearms even in police stations or courtrooms. Many of us might read the new opinion issued to a City Attorney David Ringer in Florence on September 18, 2014 and think there is no way this is true. But what we are so accustomed to doing is accepting authority without questioning authority. We accept the “fact” that laws exist when they really don’t because somebody in authority says it does or posts a sign. We think laws exist that don’t exist. We think there are hundreds of thousands of illegal weapons in our state under Mississippi Law. The fact is, there are NO illegal weapons in our state under Mississippi Law. Fully automatic weapons ...
06 Oct 2014 & & 22:14
Think I'm gonna start looking into getting my concealed carry permit.
06 Oct 2014 & & 22:02
I saw in last weeks paper that when Illinois allowed concealed carry permits and over 65,000 people got them that they now have the lowest crime rate in records.
06 Oct 2014 & & 21:52
Get your Arizona Concealed Carry Certificate online and legally carry in 29 states (35 states for AZ Residents)!
06 Oct 2014 & & 21:31
Good list of concealed carry handguns:...
06 Oct 2014 & & 21:26
US citizens that left to fight with ISIS/ISIL can come back to the states LOL that's why we need Concealed carry reciprocity
06 Oct 2014 & & 21:04
All females should carry bear spray with them if they can't get a concealed carry permit
06 Oct 2014 & & 20:29
I can pretty much guarantee why that concealed carrier in TX fled: it's against the law to carry in a bar.
06 Oct 2014 & & 20:20
Don't forget that we still have openings for this Wednesday evening's class.
06 Oct 2014 & & 20:19
is 49th in state spending & first in concealed carry Worry about reality not old
06 Oct 2014 & & 20:19
I liked a video
vs. Concealed Carry: When is it appropriate? with Jerry Miculek
06 Oct 2014 & & 20:13
I was just wondering where do you carry your ccw permit for that concealed weapon you carry.This is sposta be a LOL.
06 Oct 2014 & & 20:10
Not all paranoid people carry-concealed. But most conceal-carry men are paranoid. Don't believe it?. Go 2 weeks without your "baby"
06 Oct 2014 & & 20:01
Gun rights advocates block new D.C. concealed carry law - Advertise here with BSAThe plaintiffs in the federal...
06 Oct 2014 & & 19:52
Rep. Keller to host concealed carry seminar
06 Oct 2014 & & 19:44
can't wait till November 15th I'm taking my concealed carry class. The more good people with guns the better ??
06 Oct 2014 & & 19:33
"I am allowed to carry a gun if I don't tell anybody I have it! It's called a concealed weapon." ??? just outrageous.
06 Oct 2014 & & 19:27
90% of Illinois’ 73,714 active concealed carry licenses have been issued to whites. -
12 Sep 2014 & & 10:31
A mob of Wisconsin teens attempted to rob a group of adults in Milwaukee only to be shot at by a West Allis man carrying a concealed carry weapon. Police say that a group of teens attempted to rob ...
12 Sep 2014 & & 10:27
So Utah allowed concealed carry in schools. In 2013, Utah and several other states granted people to carry. In less than a year there have been at least two accidental discharges in schools that injured teachers. In both cases the teacher shot themselves, but how long will that luck hold out? Your child' chance of being shot accidentally in school is now way higher than your child's odds of being shot by a mass shooter.
12 Sep 2014 & & 10:00
Why, in God's name, would a teacher need to carry a concealed weapon in a primary school?
12 Sep 2014 & & 09:56
Rowan County commissioners unanimously approved a motion to allow concealed carry permit holders to carry their weapons on county property. The motion was passed on Tuesday during the commissioners meeting. There
12 Sep 2014 & & 09:53
PANERA BREAD another Anti-American anti-gun restaurant to avoid. Most Americans are comfortable around guns, especially if its a concealed carry weapon. The Second Amendment is one of our most cherished rights. Liberals are the ones who are afraid to be around guns, so it’s obvious what clientele Panera is catering to.
12 Sep 2014 & & 08:35
But if he has a concealed carry permit then it gets tricky. I love my home state.
12 Sep 2014 & & 07:40
not just teachers, Utah law allows anyone with a concealed carry permit to wear a gun in a public school.
12 Sep 2014 & & 07:35
I hate when people have never shot a firearm and talk about getting a concealed carry permit! At least learn to handle one first!
12 Sep 2014 & & 07:07
Sure, letting teachers carry concealed weapons at school is a good idea. Elementary school, no less.
12 Sep 2014 & & 06:53
Utah school shooting: Teacher shoots herself in leg when concealed-carry discharges
12 Sep 2014 & & 06:33
Now that there was a mob attack in a parking lot last night, will admit that concealed carry is a good i…
12 Sep 2014 & & 06:07
You haven't heard of concealed carry,
12 Sep 2014 & & 05:45
This was nothing but a political stunt by the Liberal few in TX
12 Sep 2014 & & 05:21
Do concealed carry and the Bible really go together? . Dom the Conservative Universal Free Press...
12 Sep 2014 & & 05:05
FLORIDA -- yes, we have
and Easy Concealed Carry also here.. just an afternoon of training and pass...
12 Sep 2014 & & 04:43
Alright Ohio, the Chardon school shooter escaped prison tonight and is at large. Anybody with concealed/ - Shoot. On.…
12 Sep 2014 & & 04:32
I wonder if her opinion on the 2nd amendment and concealed carry for personal protection has changed yet? Lol
12 Sep 2014 & & 04:24
lesson here is remember If you r in
or concealed carry state Walk away2many nuts/ but no guarantee gun…
12 Sep 2014 & & 04:22
Another teacher, permitted by Utah state law to carry a concealed weapon, has accidentally shot herself:
12 Sep 2014 & & 04:21
That is why crime falls where concealed carry and stand your ground laws are in place
12 Sep 2014 & & 04:11
it's due to more concealed carry permits. In those same counties where it goes up, crime goes down. GA, et al.
12 Sep 2014 & & 04:00
She also asked me if I wanted to take a class for concealed to carry rights. ?
12 Sep 2014 & & 03:51
Missouri passes bill to allow school teachers to carry concealed guns in classrooms. Do we need or want guns with our babies in school...No!
12 Sep 2014 & & 03:47
at the moment I can't. Rather, I'm imagining what teacher in their right mind would carry a concealed weapon to school.
12 Sep 2014 & & 03:44
either way I believe that we should have the right to carry a concealed weapon with the correct permits
12 Sep 2014 & & 03:43
I strongly suggest that you get a Concealed Carry Permit (CCW) now.
12 Sep 2014 & & 03:42
This license concealed carry firearm person will take his business elsewhere.
12 Sep 2014 & & 03:35
I find this article suspect,Kroger's policy allowing concealed carry in their stores is your problem Right.


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