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BEC V 剑桥商务英语中级真题集 第三辑第四辑第五辑合并 Word版 附答案及听力原文
? Now listen, and fill in the spaces.
Woman: Hello. This is Alison in Head Office.
Man: Oh, hello.
Woman: The CEO has asked me to contact you about the memo you sent everyone yesterday ...
where you asked for comments on the bid you've just put together - for Stratford Electronics.
Man: Oh, right.
Woman: Well he's very happy with it on the whole, but does think the introduction is rather
lengthy and includes more statistics than are necessary.
Man: No problem, I can shorten it easily.
Woman: And most of the contents of the actual bid are fine, but you do refer to the annual
report which won't be out until May.
Man: Oh, right... I'll get rid of that.., yes. And I was thinking there's enough with the section
on the existing contracts we have, so I could take out the stuff on the new contracts ... the ones we're about to start.
Woman: In fact, he specifically said that he thought mentioning them was a very good selling Man: point. OK.
Woman: And he'd like you to have something in your concluding remarks about the growth in
overseas sales, not just the stuff on domestic markets.
Man: Yes, I was wondering about that.
Woman: And that's all really. Easy to adjust I think.
Man: OK, well thank the CEO for looking at it. It's very helpful.
? Now listen to the recording again.
Conversation Three.
Questions 9 to 12.
? Look at the notes below. You will bear someone in the Production department of a company phoning a colleague in the Human Resources department. You have fifteen seconds to read through the notes.
? Now listen, and fill in the spaces.
Woman: Human Resources.
Man: Nina, this is Malcolm, from Production.
Woman: Hi. What can I do for you?
Man: We've just had a big order, to be finished in May. I'm going to need all the people I
can get to do overtime.
Woman: OK, I'll put out a notice for applications. What's the pay rate?
Man: It'll be the usual rate of one and a half times, except for Saturdays and Sundays. Then
they'll get double rate.
The Production Manager?
Man: Better to hand them to their line managers, then they can bring up any questions. And
I'll need the names by the first of December.
Woman: OK, I'll do that straight away.
Man: Oh, and ask them to put down which shifts they'd prefer. We'll work out the hours we
need later.
Woman: All right.
Man: Thanks, Nina. Bye.
Woman: Bye.
? Now listen to the recording again.
? That is the end of Part One. You now have twenty seconds to check your answers.
Woman: Right, I'll get some application forms organised. Who should the staff send them to?
Part Two. Questions 13 to 22.
Section One.
Questions 13 to 17.
? You will hear five short recordings. The speakers are presenting awards to companies that have excelled in different aspects of business. For each recording, decide what the company is receiving its award for. Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording. Do not use any letter more than once. After you have listened once, replay the recordings. You have fifteen seconds to read the list A-H.
? Now listen, and decide what each company is receiving its award for.
? Thirteen
Woman: This chain of clothing stores has been a household name in this country and abroad
for a century. But some years ago, it lost market share and closed most of its overseas branches. Its goods declined in quality, and became dull and out of touch with modern taste. After a period in crisis, the company hired a new team of designers and re-launched its entire range. The upgrading in quality and style have put this store back on the fashion map.
? Fourteen
Man: This has been an inspirational success story. Five years ago, the Ty-Ban cheese
company didn't exist. They now supply more cheese to the foreign market than any other cheese company their size. Originally, Ty-Ban was a small farm rearing cattle and sheep, but the family realised they would have to diversify or go out of business. They started experimenting with some
old recipes for organic cheese, in spite of warnings that the market was saturated, and came up with a winner.
Woman: Business consultancy is one of the most competitive areas in the service sector. Huge
fees are charged to the customers, but the customers have huge expectations in return. This has led to a growing feeling of disillusionment - 'What do these people do that we couldn't do for ourselves?' Well, here we have a uniquely creative consultancy company that produces revolutionary ideas for projecting a corporate image to the outside world. Their methods are startling, but they certainly get results.
Man: Some of us can remember the days when a visit to the supermarket was no fun. If you
needed information, there was never an assistant in sight. And when you did find one, they knew less than you. Well, that time is long past, and the seminar I watched recently at our award-winning supermarket was a revelation. It endeavoured to keep sales assistants up-to-date with information about food technology, how to access product information on the store intranet, and so on. And that's what gave this supermarket its edge.
? Seventeen
Woman: Has this happened to you? You've paid a small fortune to have a kitchen installed. The
fitters have gone, you switch on the dishwasher, and the next thing you know, the kitchen's flooded. Our award-winning company has a twenty-four hour phone service, seven days a week, with a reply guaranteed (by real people) within three minutes. And if it's an emergency with one of their appliances, an engineer is out to you on the same day. Service like this is rare these days.
? Now listen to the recordings again.
Section Two.
Questions 18 to 22.
? You will hear another five recordings.
For each recording, decide what the speaker is doing. Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording. Do not use any letter more than once. After you have listened once, replay the recordings. You have fifteen seconds to read the list A-H.
? Now listen, and decide what each speaker is doing.
? Eighteen
Woman: My feeling is that we should leave aside VSB's offer. It's obviously very competitive -
way below the others. But how do we know they'd complete the project on time and to the required standard? They're a small company. Would they have the skilled labour or equipment? We could request references from former customers, I suppose. That'd mean putting off the decision and personally I have very little confidence in recommendations - they're easily 'manufactured'. Let's look at the other companies.
? Nineteen
Man: You've been in this department for three months, John, and I'm very pleased with your
work. You've obviously mastered the regular things - paperwork, customer enquiries etcetera, and you've made some excellent proposals for improvements. I think it's time to see how you manage more challenging work. How would you feel about taking on my responsibility for the finance committee? It'd mean taking minutes and liaising with the chair. You'd find it interesting and I could concentrate on the end-of-year report.
Woman: From the figures, it's clear that our Canadian outlets are below target - approximately
twenty per cent below for the third quarter, if the finance report is right. Now what should we do about it? Cut our losses and close the outlets? That's the MD's view. I think it's too early to do that. We've invested heavily in Canada and we don't want to lose that investment. Let's send someone over to try to turn the position round and then make a judgment in December.
? Twenty-one
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