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  登高  重阳节首先有登高的习俗,金秋九月,天高气爽,这个季节登高远望可达到心旷神怡、健身祛病的目的。  吃重阳糕  与登高相联系的有吃重阳糕的风俗。高和糕谐音,作为节日食品,最?是庆祝秋粮丰收、喜尝新粮的用意,之后民间才有了登高吃糕,取步步登高的吉祥之意。赏菊
  赏菊  重阳日,历来就有赏菊花的风俗,所以古来又称菊花节。农历九月俗称菊月,节日举办菊花大会,倾城的人潮赴会赏菊。从三国魏晋以来,重阳聚会饮酒、赏菊赋诗已成时尚。在汉族古俗中,菊花象征长寿。  饮菊花酒  重阳佳节,我国有饮菊花酒的传统习俗。菊花酒,在古代被看作是重阳必饮、祛灾祈福的“吉祥酒”。  汉代就已有了菊花酒。魏时曹丕曾在重阳赠菊给钟繇,祝他长寿。晋代葛洪在《抱朴子》中记河南南阳山中人家,因饮了遍生菊花的甘谷水而延年益寿的事。梁简文帝《采菊篇》中则有“相呼提筐采菊珠,朝起露湿沾罗懦”之句,亦采菊酿酒之举。直到明清,菊花酒仍然盛行,在明代高濂的《遵生八笺》中仍有记载,是盛行的健身饮料。  佩茱萸  古代还风行九九插茱萸的习俗,所以又叫做茱萸节。茱萸入药,可制酒养身祛病。插茱萸和簪菊花在唐代就已经很普遍。茱萸香味浓,有驱虫去湿、逐风邪的作用,并能消积食,治寒热。民间认为九月九日也是逢凶之日,多灾多难,所以在重阳节人们喜欢佩带茱萸以辟邪求吉。茱萸因此还被人们称为“辟邪翁”。[ 下页更精彩:1 本文已影响人重阳节的传说(英文) 我的图书馆 重阳节的传说(英文) 重阳节的传说(英文) 很难确定重阳节的习俗是什么时候形成的,但是民间流传着许多关于重阳节的传说。 It is hard to say when these customs were created. But there are many stories which are closely related. 据六世纪时期的一本史书上记载,在古代,有个叫桓景的人。他跟着得道的神仙费长房学习仙术。有一天,两个人正在爬山,费长房突然站住,看上去非常忧虑。他告诉桓景:农历九月初九,一场灾难将会降临你的家乡,你必须立即回去。记得要为每一个家人做一个红色囊袋,并且折一个茱萸枝插在上面,把囊袋系在胳膊上,然后带着大家快速登上最高的山顶。最重要的是,大家都要喝一点菊花酒。只有这样做,你的家人才能躲过这次灾难。 As recorded in a historical book of the sixth century, in ancient times, there lived a man named Huan Jing. He was learning the magic arts from Fei Changfang, who had become an immortal after many years of practicing Taoism. One day, the two were climbing a mountain. Fei Changfang suddenly stopped and looked very upset. He told Huan Jing, on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, disaster will come to your hometown. You must go home immediately. Remember to make a red bag for each one of your family members and put a spray of dogwood on every one. Then you must all tie your bags to your arms, leave home quickly and climb to the top of a mountain. Most importantly, you must all drink some chrysanthemum wine. Only by doing so can your family members avoid this disaster. 听了这些,桓景赶紧回家,按照师傅的交代做了每一件事。大家登上了最近的高山,一直呆到傍晚才回家。当他们回家时,发现所有的动物都死了,包括鸡、羊、狗甚至是牛。后来,桓景把这些都告诉了费长房。费长房说:这些家禽和牲畜都是代替你的家人死去了,他们正是通过这种方式逃过了灾难。 On hearing this, Huan Jing rushed home and asked his family to do exactly as his teacher said. The whole family climbed a nearby mountain and did not return until the evening. When they got back home, they found all their animals dead, including chickens, sheep, dogs and even the ox. Later Huan Jing told Fei Changfang about this. Fei said the poultry and livestock died in place of Huan Jing's family, who escaped disaster by following his instructions. 从那以后,登山、佩戴茱萸、喝菊花酒成了重阳节的传统习俗,用来驱灾避祸。 Since then, climbing a mountain, carrying a spray of dogwood and drinking chrysanthemum wine became the traditional activities of the Double Ninth Festival, to avoid evil spirits and misfortunes. 馆藏&21001 TA的推荐TA的最新馆藏


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