关于unlevered equity和wacc的理解

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1)Technical Questions
&&& 投行的technical questions主要有3类:金融问题、会计问题、经济问题。对于前两类问题,可以参考一个网站:这个网站超级无敌好,里面有所有投行面试可能问到的问题以及解答,我在面试中被问到的问题无一例外地可在这个网站找到。除了这个网站,还可以参考Vault Guide,但是Vault Guide介绍的信息有点过时了,所以应以那个网站的信息为首要资源,以Vault Guide为补充资源。
&&& 【注】如果时间充裕的话自己一定要对上述两个资源的信息进行归纳总结,真正地理解知识点、而不是死记硬背(因为面试官会层层推进地深入考察一个知识点,如果没有真正理解的话是招架不住的)。第一次面投行(高盛)时我自己整理了10多页的“葵花宝典”,帮助自己理解每一个知识点。
1. 金融问题:最常见的问题有以下3类
[1] Valuation:三种主要估值方法以及估值结果比较
DCF (Discounted Cash Flow):这是每一个面投行的人都会被问到无数次的知识点。我面投行的时候还没有学过Corporate Finance这门课,所以对公司估值完全没有概念,只得自学成才。
-必须熟记DCF估值的五个步骤(Assumptions, FCF, Discount Rate, Terminal Value, NPV)
-理解每一个步骤的内涵:例如FCF (Free Cash Flow)与Cash Flow有什么区别?通常作为Discount Rate的WACC是levered还是unlevered?要学会多问几个为什么,因为面试的时候面试官会如剥洋葱一般地层层深入,直达问题本质。
[2] Enterprise Value VS Equity Value
2. 会计问题:主要是三张财报之间的勾稽关系
具体做法可在ibankingfaq上找到,大致的思路是:Start with Income Statement, which ends with Net Income. Move on to Cash Flow Statement, the first line of which is Net Income, and ends with change in Cash. Move on to Balance Sheet, the first line of which is Cash, and Retained Earnings is linked with Net Income. 这种思路最简洁明了,能够清晰地展示三张财报之间的勾稽关系。
3. 经济问题:主要是宏观经济问题,有时也会问一些微观经济学的问题。这类问题多为开放式问题、没有标准答案,考察的是平时的积累,无法一蹴而就。常见的问题有:人民币升值10%会如何影响宏观经济?你对于中国的资本市场有什么看法?最近你有关注什么经济问题?
2)Behavioral Questions
&& 投行的Behavioral Questions主要有三类:个人能力是否适合做投行,是否真的想做投行(motivation),是否适合某个投行
&&& 1. 个人能力是否适合做投行:投行所看重的skill set与其他行业略有不同,概括起来主要有五大品质:attention to details, quick learning ability, analytical skills, multi-tasking ability, communication skills. 所以在回答第一类behavioral question时要注意往这五大品质上面靠。
&&&& 2. 是否真的想做投行(motivation):很多人号称非投行不做,可却说不出令人信服的理由,这肯定是要被枪毙的。切记,motivation不是仅仅说“我想做投行”,而是在话语间是否体现出对投行的真正热爱。例如:你是否知道过去1年里有哪些主要的IPO和并购交易?League Table上的投行排名如何?一个都不愿意了解投行这个行业的人,又怎能说热爱投行?
&&& 【注】最近很多童鞋问我想做投行的理由,很简单,只有三条:1)It satisfies my appetite for impact.因为本科一毕业就能够参与WSJ front page的deal,并且finding myself sitting with people like CFO of a Fortune 500 company.2)投行压缩了整个人的职业发展旅程,强迫一个人在短时间学会大量的东西、挖掘最深层次的潜力,无论是将投行作为跳板还是长期做i-banker都会从中获益匪浅。3)投行的薪酬水平远远高于其他行业,具体数字不便言明,但可以透露的是目前网络上盛传的年薪30W仅是first year analyst薪酬的零头(就bulge bracket banks而言)。
3. 了解你所要面的投行:culture, precedent transactions等等,虽说面试的目的之一是了解你面试的公司,但是如果你对这个公司一点都不了解的话面试官就会质疑你的motivation。各家投行的culture大相径庭,比较aggressive的投行有Morgan Stanely和DB,而比较moderate的投行有JP Morgan和Merrill Lynch。
&&&& 1. 自我介绍:不是泛泛而谈,而是介绍自己最主要的能力、突出自己的核心价值,目的是让面试官眼前一亮、记住你的特色。
&&&& 2. 问面试官的问题:可以准备一些universal questions,例如:个人经历,为什么喜欢投行,现在在做什么deal等等
&& 面试面的好的前提是做好了充分准备,如果已经做好了充分准备,那在实战中最关键的是展现自己的自信和实力。
&&& 有些难题是stress test,看重的是你如何应对而非答案本身。我在Morgan Stanley暑期实习的终面时,一个VP让我在30s内回答一个脑筋急转弯,当我fail to give the answer时,他毫不客气地说:“You can move on to the next room. I’m done with your interview.”说这句话时,跟这位VP的30min面试时间只过去了5min,而这位VP直接下结论说Sabrina is not smart enough for Morgan Stanley and he has no interest in spending more time on me. 当时我都快哭出来了,毕竟面投行的经验严重不足(当时只是我第二次参加投行面试),但是我忍住了泪水,故作轻松地对那个邪恶的VP说:“Since you have no questions for me,&can I ask you some questions?”我心中想的是,一定要多争取一些面试时间,让这位VP能够多了解我一些,不要直接在review上写“该童鞋笨的连脑筋急转弯都答不出”……于是乎,我问了这个VP一些问题,他也还算绅士地一一作答。当时钟显示过去了15分钟时,这位VP总算把我赶去了下一个房间……我从来没有碰到过这么极端的情况,当时以为自己肯定拿不到Morgan Stanley的offer了,结果第二天一个MD就打电话给了我offer,并且特地肯定了我的从容应对,说那个VP对好几个人做了同样的事情,可只有我一个人没有被打倒、沉着冷静地通过了那个stress test。
【Technical Questions: 切忌不懂装懂】
对于technical questions,面试前要做充分准备,但面试时万一碰到不知道的问题千万不要不懂装懂。与已经学过的东西相比,投行更看重的是你是否有潜力学新的东西。所以,在面试碰到不懂的问题,要说三句话:1)这个问题我没有研究过;2)但是根据我所学的知识,我认为……;3)请问我的思路正确吗?请指点。
回答问题时(无论是technical questions还是behavioral questions)一定要条理清晰、富有逻辑,投行的面试风格是找高层来面我们这些小屁孩,这些高层们可没有时间听你的长篇大论。回答问题尽量用三段式(第一,第二,第三)
【面试结束时ask for name card】
面试结束时一定要记得问面试官要名片,因为名片上有email地址。面试之后要发thank you letter,目的是加强面试官对自己的印象。
&&& 我只面过两家投行的暑期实习――高盛和Morgan Stanley。高盛的面试官们都非常平易近人,很少刁难人,导致每个人都觉得自己面得很好,可是并不是每个人都能拿到offer;而Morgan Stanley的风格比较aggressive,不仅highly technical而且喜欢刁难人,前文中提到的那个stress test让我以为自己肯定挂了,在进行完2个小时的3轮终面之后蹲在北京的金融大街上哭了很久……可是却拿到了offer。
本文出处: 转载请注明学金融,找金程!力做您可信赖的财经培训专家!
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还有比这更全的投行Technical 面试问题么?
作者: 浏览数:0 用手机扫描二维码
随着MBA和大学本科的新的一个学期即将要开始,面试这个令人头疼的问题又要摆在大家的面前了。下面是我们为大家挑选的10个投资银行最经典的技术问题。1.如何去衡量一个公司的价值对于这个问题以及变体问题,我们应该用两个最基本的估值方法来回答:第一个是内在价值(Discounted Cash Flow Valuation,以下简称DCF),第二个是相对估值(comparable/multiples valuation)。内在价值(DCF)这种方法相对学术化。DCF要求通过对未来现金流的折现来衡量一个资产的投资价值。这种方法要求我们预测未来5到20年的现金流,并且根据现在所能得到的信息以及信息的可靠程度,来预测现金流的终值。然后通过选择合适的投资回报率(对于Unlevered DCF我们选择加权平均资本成本(WACC),对于Levered DCF我们选择cost of capital,股本成本)对现金流的终值以及预测的现金流进行折现。在Unlevered DCF中,(这是比较普遍的方法)我们得到的是公司的企业价值。要扣除净借贷来计算出股票价值。对于派发股利的股票,我们要计算被摊薄后每股收益来计算每股平均价值相对估值法(comparable/multiples valuation)第二个方法中需要选定同一类的公司,一般这类公司与要估值的公司处于同一个行业,有相似的经营环境,成长率,风险,以及投资回报率等。在现实情况里面,完全相同的公司是不存在的,但是我们要尽量找到相类似的企业从而计算出相对准确的industry multiples,通过计算几个同类型企业的平均multiples,来算出目标企业的价值。比较常用的乘数有:EV/Rev, EV/EBITDA,P/E,P/Book。尽管一些行业会比较只强调某几个multiples,另外一些行业会同时使用很多industry multiples。在你去面试之前,通过学习一个行业或者两个行业(阅读sell-side的研究报告是最好的方法),来准备有可能的会遇到面试问题(告诉我哪个行业你比较有兴趣,以及他们普遍使用的估值乘数是什么)一个不错的方法。2. 在Unlevered DCF的分析过程中, 什么才是合适的折现率?由于在Unlevered DCF中自由现金流是pre-debt的(举个栗子帮助你理解这个问题,想象无杠杆现金流(unlevered cash flow)就是无举债的公司的现金流-所以公司没有利息支出,也无法从利息支出中获得税收利益),现金流的成本涉及到放贷者和资本股本的提供者。因此,折现率就是向放贷人和股本提供者借钱的成本,即加权平均资本成本。债务成本(cost of debt)可以从市场上同级风险的其他收益债券而得知,而股本成本(cost of equity)则相对难以估计。股本成本通常通过资本资产定价模型(即CAPM)模型来预测。该模型将股本预期收益与它和市场的敏感度联系起来(详细的股本成本计算分析请见WSP的贴现现金流模块)。3. 哪个通常更高-是债务成本(cost of debt)还是股本成本(costof equity)?通常股本成本比债务成本更高,因为与借债相关的成本(利息)是税收减免的,也就是产生了税盾效应。另外,通常股本成本(cost of equity)更高是因为不同于放贷,股本投资者不被保证有固定的收入,并且当公司破产清偿时,他们是最后一批得到索赔的。4.怎样计算股本成本?估算股本成本可以使用数种竞争模型,其中业内最常用的是资本资产定价模型(CAPM)。CAPM建立了证券预期回报与其市场敏感度之间的联系(通常以标准普尔500指数为参考)。公式如下: 股本成本(re)=无风险利率(rf)+β*市场风险溢价(rm-rf)。无风险利率理论上,无风险利率应当反映无违约同期政府债券的到期收益与每个贴现现金流期限之间的关系。实际上,由于长期债券缺乏流动性,美国公司更常使用美国十年期国债的当期收益率作为无风险利率的参考值。市场风险溢价市场风险溢价(rm-rf) 表示以无风险利率投资股票所获得的超额收益。从业者通常使用历史超额收益法,对标普500指数收益与十年期国债收益的历史差价进行比较。Beta(β)Beta用来估算资产的系统风险(不可分散化的风险)。Beta等于资产预期收益与股市预期收益的协方差,除以股市预期收益的方差。如果一家公司股本的Beta值等于1.0,即与股市具有同等风险,投资者收益的波动情况与股市相同。如果股本Beta值为2.0,投资者收益的波动情况为市场的2倍。5.怎样计算一家公司的Beta值?由于估算误差,如标准差导致Beta可能取值范围较大,无论通过历史收益计算Beta的原始值,还是计算projected beta,都无法Beta值进行完全准确的衡量,因此推荐使用行业Beta值。显然,杠杆率不同会导致可比公司的Beta值失真,因此我们需要对可比公司的Beta值进行去杠杆化方法如下:β Unlevered = β(Levered) /[1+ (Debt/Equity) (1-T)]然后,计算出平均去杠杆化Beta值之后,再根据目标公司的资本结构对该Beta值进行杠杆化:β Levered = β(Unlevered) x[1+(Debt/Equity) (1-T)]6.如何计算DCF分析中的unleveredfree cash flows?Free cash flows = Operatingprofit (EBIT) * (1 –tax rate) +depreciation & amortization – changes in networking capital – capital expenditures7.选用什么值作为营收倍数(revenue multiple)的分子?答案就是企业价值(enterprise value)。这个问题主要测试的是你是否理解资产价值(equity value)和企业价值(enterprise value)的区别,还有他们与营收倍数(revenue multiple)的关系。Equity value = Enterprisevalue – Net Debt (where net debt = gross debt and debt equivalents – excesscash).息税前利润(EBIT), 扣除利息、税项及折旧前盈利(EBITD), 无杠杆现金流(unlevered cash flow), 营收倍数(revenue multiples)都应用企业价值(enterprise value)作为分子,因为他们的分母是在测量无杠杆的利润率的方式。相反,每股收益(EPS),税后现金流(after-tax cash flows),和账面价值(book value of equity)则都用资产价值(equity value)作为分母,因为其价值是杠杆化了的。8. 如何对一个有负现金流历史的公司进行估值?当利润率为负时,大多数倍数分析都变得没有意义,这时更好的方法就是DCF。9. 营收倍数(revenue multiple)或EBITDA分别应该在什么情况下作为评价公司的方法?当公司的利润和EBITDA 为负时,计算它的EBITDA倍数也会是没有意义的。因此,营收倍数(revenue multiple)会提供更多有价值的信息。10. 假设有两家拥有完全相同的收入、发展前景、资本负债比率、资本报酬率和风险的公司,其中A公司的股票以P/E 的15倍的价格进行交易,B公司则以P/E 的10倍的价格进行交易,你认为哪家公司更值得投资?答案是10 倍p/e的公司,因为理智的投资者都愿意为单股股票付更少的钱。作者Matan Feldman,版权归原作者所有翻译:Frank,Joy, Zhimu, 王迪校对:SoniaDreambigCareer翻译组独家翻译,未经许可请勿转载。合作请联系
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Unlevered Beta = Levered Beta / (1 + ((1 – Tax Rate) x (Debt/Equity)))
Levered Beta = Unlevered Beta x (1 + ((1 – Tax Rate) x (Debt/Equity)))
Debt is less expensive for two main reasons.
First, interest on debt is tax deductible (i.e. the tax shield).
Second, debt is senior to equity in a firm’s capital structure.
That is, in a liquidation or bankruptcy, the debt holders get paid first before the equity holders receive anything.
Note, debt being less expensive capital is the equivalent to saying the cost of debt is lower than the cost of equity.
In order to use the CAPM to calculate our cost of equity, we need to estimate the appropriate Beta.
We typically get the appropriate Beta from our comparable companies (often the mean or median Beta).
However before we can use this “industry” Beta we must first unlever the Beta of each of our comps.
The Beta that we will get (say from Bloomberg or Barra) will be a levered Beta.
Recall what Beta is:
in simple terms, how risky a stock is relative to the market.
Other things being equal, stocks of companies that have debt are somewhat more risky that stocks of companies without debt (or that have less debt).
This is because even a small amount of debt increases the risk of bankruptcy and also because any obligation to pay interest represents funds that cannot be used for running and growing the business.
In other words, debt reduces the flexibility of management which makes owning equity in the company more risky.
Now, in order to use the Betas of the comps to conclude an appropriate Beta for the company we are valuing, we must first strip out the impact of debt from the comps’ Betas.
This is known as unlevering Beta.
After unlevering the Betas, we can now use the appropriate “industry” Beta (e.g. the mean of the comps’ unlevered Betas) and relever it for the appropriate capital structure of the company being valued.
After relevering, we can use the levered Beta in the CAPM formula to calculate cost of equity.
Beta is a measure of the riskiness of a stock relative to the broader market (for broader market, think S&P500, Wilshire 5000, etc).
By definition the “market” has a Beta of one (1.0).
So a stock with a Beta above 1 is perceived to be more risky than the market and a stock with a Beta of less than 1 is perceived to be less risky.
For example, if the market is expected to outperform the risk-free rate by 10%, a stock with a Beta of 1.1 will be expected to outperform by 11% while a stock with a Beta of 0.9 will be expected to outperform by 9%.
A stock with a Beta of -1.0 would be expected to underperform the risk-free rate by 10%.
Beta is used in the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) for the purpose of calculating a company’s cost of equity.
For those few of you that remember your statistics and like precision, Beta is calculated as the covariance between a stock’s return and the market return divided by the variance of the market return.
To calculate a company’s cost of equity, we typically use the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM).
The CAPM formula states the cost of equity equals the risk free rate plus the multiplication of Beta times the equity risk premium.
The risk free rate (for a U.S. company) is generally considered to be the yield on a 10 or 20 year U.S. Treasury Bond.
Beta (See the following question on Beta) should be levered and represents the riskiness (equivalently, expected return) of the company’s equity relative to the overall equity markets.
The equity risk premium is the amount that stocks are expected to outperform the risk free rate over the long-term.
Prior to the credit crises, most banks tend to use an equity risk premium of between 4% and 5%.
However, today is assumed that the equity risk premium is higher.
The WACC (Weighted Average Cost of Capital) is the discount rate used in a Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) analysis to present value projected free cash flows and terminal value.
Conceptually, the WACC represents the blended opportunity cost to lenders and investors of a company or set of assets with a similar risk profile.
The WACC reflects the cost of each type of capital (debt (“D”), equity (“E”) and preferred stock (“P”)) weighted by the respective percentage of each type of capital assumed for the company’s optimal capital structure.
Specifically the formula for WACC is:
Cost of Equity (Ke) times % of Equity (E/E+D+P) + Cost of Debt (Kd) times % of Debt (D/E+D+P) times (1-tax rate) + Cost of Preferred (Kp) times % of Preferred (P/E+D+P).
To estimate the cost of equity, we will typically use the Capital Asset Pricing Model (“CAPM”) (see the following topic).
To estimate the cost of debt, we can analyze the interest rates/yields on debt issued by similar companies.
Similar to the cost of debt, estimating the cost of preferred requires us to analyze the dividend yields on preferred stock issued by similar companies.
In order to do a DCF analysis, first we need to project free cash flow for a period of time (say, five years).
Free cash flow equals EBIT less taxes plus D&A less capital expenditures less the change in working capital.
Note that this measure of free cash flow is unlevered or debt-free.
This is because it does not include interest and so is independent of debt and capital structure.
Next we need a way to predict the value of the company/assets for the years beyond the projection period (5 years).
This is known as the Terminal Value.
We can use one of two methods for calculating terminal value, either the Gordon Growth (also called Perpetuity Growth) method or the Terminal Multiple method.
To use the Gordon Growth method, we must choose an appropriate rate by which the company can grow forever.
This growth rate should be modest, for example, average long-term expected GDP growth or inflation.
To calculate terminal value we multiply the last year’s free cash flow (year 5) by 1 plus the chosen growth rate, and then divide by the discount rate less growth rate.
The second method, the Terminal Multiple method, is the one that is more often used in banking.
Here we take an operating metric for the last projected period (year 5) and multiply it by an appropriate valuation multiple.
This most common metric to use is EBITDA.
We typically select the appropriate EBITDA multiple by taking what we concluded for our comparable company analysis on a last twelve months (LTM) basis.
Now that we have our projections of free cash flows and terminal value, we need to “present value” these at the appropriate discount rate, also known as weighted average cost of capital (WACC).
For discussion of calculating the WACC, please read the next topic.
Finally, summing up the present value of the projected cash flows and the present value of the terminal value gives us the DCF value.
Note that because we used unlevered cash flows and WACC as our discount rate, the DCF value is a representation of Enterprise Value, not Equity Value.
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