
作者|任博 & 主播|赏新晴&在朋友圈中无意间看到书友“范范的椰子树”发布的一条动态,“再安利一次,真的很不错”并配了一张图片,过去数月的点点滴滴瞬间像潮水般涌入心头。尽管女友说我的文字水平还在小学六年级,在这一刻我依然决定写一篇文字,讲述这难忘的100天。&配图是有书共读的招募图片,“范范的椰子树”在三个月前加入时已发布了一次。&文字虽是带着调侃,但难掩对有书的认可与支持。这篇短短的图文,让过去100天所有的付出都获得了回报,让所有的劳累在瞬间化为乌有。&过去的100多天发生了什么?探路在经历了一年多的探索之后,有书积累了十多万的早期书友用户(探索的历程今天暂不详述)。&日,有书在公众号发布了“每周共读一本书”的招募计划。(感兴趣可以在有书公众号输入“1212”获得全文)&“你有多久没有读完一本书了?”&“如果你希望用时光抚平过往的遗憾,希望点燃心中的期盼,希望总结这一年的得失,那么请加入‘有书共读’”。&在辞旧迎新的关口,这几句话打动了很多人,书友们开始陆续加入进来。&&我们就这样开始了。第一本共读的图书是《少有人走的路》。为什么要这么选择?创始人雷文涛说“每个人的童年都有很多遗憾、苦楚和不完美,而过往的经历又会影响到现在和以后的生活,《少有人走的路》能让我们找到自我修复和自我超越的力量。”这一席话让我们毫无疑义地同意了。上路2016年1月4日,有书发布了新年贺词《2016,成为期待的自己》,我们正式上路了。《人类简史》,《复盘》,《断舍离》...,我们开始一本接着一本带着大家开始共读,认真而近乎虔诚。&真诚打动了越来越多的书友,有书共读的大家庭越来越壮大,我们也开始超负荷工作。一个人承担三个人的工作量。创始人累到眼睛充血,医生强烈要求休息;为了支持运营,CTO也重返一线开始编码工作;运营小伙伴们更是通宵达旦的加班,外卖和眼药水成了生活的必备品。&这正是冬天里北京雾霾最严重的日子。深夜下班我们会走到三环上等出租车,头顶是昏黄的路灯,身边是硝烟一样的雾霾,我们没有感到憋闷和压抑,反倒有一股身处战场的豪情。&我们知道,很多书友需要我们,我们在做一件有价值的事情。&春节春节终于来了,回家是早已计划好的,但此刻却变成了一个问题。最后我们决定留下来,理由很简单,有很多书友需要我们。那些日子,更多的书友以更快的速度加入我们,我们唯有更加快节奏的开展工作。窗外的烟花和鞭炮似乎根本就没有存在过。&除了SevenEleven,所有的饭店和外卖都停了,吃完几顿之后,他们就可以精确准备几份套餐了,因为没有其他人从那里订餐。&正月初五,我们下楼放了一次烟花,所有人共同期待,新的一年如烟花般绚丽璀璨。&成长春节还没有结束,琦琦同学放弃假期进来了。她也是有书共读的书友。问她为什么放弃假期提早过来,琪琪说:“这是一件有意义的事情,另外还有一句话打动了自己”。问是哪句话,她说:“你们的招聘信中的一句话:加入有书,读书是生活的一部分”。&更多的小伙伴加入进来,有书的队伍越来越壮大了,我们可以逐步进行专业分工,更加严谨的开展各项工作了。&加入书友越来越多,共读群也越来越多,有书公众号(youshucc)的阅读量等各项指标也越来越多。终于有一天,微信公众号单篇阅读量突破一百万了。&趣事春节期间,有书编辑沫寒负责拆解《天才在左,疯子在右》,她说“大过年的,&快被这本书搞得精神崩溃,昨晚梦到和一群疯子在一起吃饭聊天,一起做千奇百怪的事情,自己也是个疯子。”拆完这本书,沫寒说,“这本书毁了我的三观,却让我的思想重生了。”&三月份第一周,有书开始共读《果壳中的宇宙》,绝大部分书友对这种科学题材的图书是望而却步的。为了鼓励大家,领读中老师说“懂与不懂都是一种收获”,没想到这句话引发了广泛的讨论,很多书友互相激励一起咬牙读完了这本书,最后不由感慨“居然读完了霍金先生的这本宇宙学书籍,发现自己真是有无尽的潜能,无尽的满足感”。&提升2016年2月29日,在这个四年一遇的日子里,有书推出了语音版领读。我们没有做任何的提前预告,甚至正式发布也没有公开宣传。我们知道有书的力量还有限,我们担心说出去了但做得不够好,我们期望给书友的不是失望而是惊喜。&今天说这些,因为很多热心的主播书友加入进来,我们有信心做好这项工作;因为书友们都很喜欢有书的音频领读,他们可以在行走的路上或者休息的时间反复听领读的文章。&悄悄地告诉大家,有书共读的APP其实也早就开发出来了,但是我们觉得还不够好所以迟迟没有告诉大家,连续打磨几个版本在这里才敢给大家汇报。现在的版本还有很多不足的地方,如有不满意的地方请指出来,你的意见和建议就是我们前进莫大的推动力。&如果你想成为有书共读app的天使用户(容忍我们的不足,帮助我们成长),可以直接在各大应用市场搜索“有书共读”下载,也可以在有书公众号(youshucc)中输入“app”获取下载链接。&选择并坚持,让时间成为朋友&有书共读发起的初衷是想通过共读方式带动更多人开始读书。每周共读一本书,一年读完52本书籍,有些书友觉得“这怎么可能做得到啊?”,其实真的可以做到。&从第一本共读的《少有人走的路》到本周共读的《如何阅读一本书》,我们已经共读了13本书。如果真的做到了,又会发生哪些变化呢?&有书共读7群林小二班长写了一段感人肺腑的文字:“这一刻躺在床上,闹钟显示22:03分,一个沉睡的男人突然苏醒过来。“我在哪?这是哪?我都做了什么?”我改变了,变得自己都不认识了,以前那个懒惰、不努力、喝酒吹牛、焦虑的男生去哪了?&这一刻为我的人生喝彩,为我这几个月的改变喝彩!这真的是我吗?&答案是确定的,我感染了身边的人,我有激情、热情、理想、愿望!我做到的,为此感到欣慰!每日清晨6点30分醒来,从前的我感觉这是多么困难的一件事情,现在只因它是一种习惯,一个声音在告诉我“该起床了,比你优秀的人比你更努力,你有什么借口不努力”!&我坚持每天阅读,坚持做好本职工作,放弃那些浮华的生活,酒吧夜总会从此与我无关!蔡澜曾经说过“世界上什么东西最好吃?跟喜欢的人在一起吃的东西最好吃”,我推掉了能拒绝的应酬,只为回家吃饭,多陪父母和爱人。为自己的改变鼓掌,为当时幸运加入有书感到开心,感谢这次选择!他让我变得更好。从《人类简史》到《果壳中的宇宙》,每一本书都是一段领悟,当我们了解过去、现在与将来,生命变得如此有意义,从没像这一刻这样热爱我的生活,我拥有的一切是那么的美好!&&《人类简史》让我感觉通透,从远古到未来,从蒙昧到发达,人类不断进化,超越自己的本能,创造更美丽的明天!&&《复盘》,走过的路如何重演,如何再一次走的更远,未来属于谦和之人!&&《断舍离》,了解内心真正的需要,断却一切烦恼,舍弃所有不需要的,重拾信心努力向前!&《高效能人士》,成功需要与人分享,每一条成功的路不是靠一个人走出来的,为你的伙伴多考虑,为你的客户多考虑,为你的家人多考虑,习惯固然重要,想做好事六个字足矣“言宜慢,心宜善”!&&《岛上书店》,一个甜蜜的爱情故事,一个博学多闻的小岛,一群有着浪漫想法人们,主角为了一个可爱的孩子做出改变,每个人都会改变,我喜欢这个感觉,不被定义,我们能走的更远!&&《拆掉思维里的墙》,什么墙?束缚我们的墙,找到属于我们自己的安全感,不要被定义。不要说没兴趣、没意思!您真正做过吗?你能知道过程是多么的有意思吗?留下的不仅仅是成就感,更多的是无尽的感慨“这一路多不容易啊”!每个人都是从不懂到懂,然后才有优秀和卓越,不要被定义,其实你一直都很好,享受它的过程吧!找对方向,跟对人!&《天才在左疯子在右》,最让我欣慰的一本书,千言万语无法表达我内心的激动,心理学、哲学、生物学、量子力学、佛学…,玛雅2012新的开端是引力波吗?我能读到这样的著作,感恩!这份福报我终身受用!&《无声告白》一口气看完的,抱着福尔摩斯的心情阅读,突然世界观就变了,变成了言情小说,亲情、爱情、友情、外遇情、同性情…,太多交织在一起,剩下的只有感慨,亚马逊销售冠军当之无愧!以爱的名义掠夺,多一点理解,多一点沟通,悲剧就不会发生!之后留下淡淡的忧伤!&《从优秀到卓越》,我自认还不够优秀,真要问我何为卓越,我的理解仅仅为不断的努力,不放弃梦想,不断给飞轮动力,让他积蓄更多的能量转动下去!&《果壳中的宇宙》,抄用我们群书友“陈颖医生”的话,懂与不懂都是一种收获!的确,有时不必什么都懂,了解透彻所以然。只要去感受去体验其中的滋味或是获悉你所感兴趣的一小部分,那么也就可以得其所愿,成为一笔不可小觑的财富!&腹中有书气自华,感谢有书,感谢自己的选择,明天属于勇敢做出选择的人!“&有一天和共读6群书友“添翼宝贝Go”聊天中,她突然提了一句:“不聊了,我要去写读书笔记了,从共读活动开始以来13本书的读书笔记,一篇都没落下!”&我很惊奇,开始去翻之前群聊天记录,她每周的读书笔记真的一篇都不差,每篇都写得很认真。看到她偶尔在群里吐槽:这周要读的书很难懂啊,这本书不喜欢等等。我便问她,“不喜欢的书为啥也坚持读了,还写了读书笔记?”,她说,“嘿嘿,借用你说的一句话,‘懂与不懂都是一种收获’。”&其实遇到那些不喜欢的书、难懂的书,当我们推迟满足感,挑战去读懂它的时候,突破了对自我以及世界的既有认知,往往会破有茧而出的惊喜。&选择坚持下去,做时间的朋友,成为期待的自己。这在“添翼宝贝GO”身上发生了,相信也会在越来越多的书友身上发生。你愿意成为下一个吗?你的阅读水平还在小学六年级吗?很多人可以轻松阅读小说,但面对稍微结构严谨的图书就阅读不下去了,按照《如何阅读一本书》中的评价标准,这类人的阅读水平还停留在小学六年级。对照一下,你还是小学六年级的水平吗?你或许会心头一紧。&有书在调查中也发现,绝大部分不怎么读书的人其实有着强烈的阅读愿望,没有找到读书乐趣的一个重要原因是没有完整读过几本好书。“每读一本好书,就是和一个高尚的人对话”,如果真的读完了几本好书,兴趣自然也就有了。&如果你还没有培养起读书的习惯,想想是否完整读过几本好书?&基于上述原因,有书的重要工作就是帮助书友度过阅读的最艰难的时间:读完几本好书。&我们的时间总会有限,总会有各种各样的事情干扰,但是请迈出第一步,只要走出这一步,你就能发现阅读的无穷乐趣!&最近这周共读的图书是《如何阅读一本书》,有书创始雷文涛决定自己来领读,就是希望认真拆解带领大家读好这本书,帮助更多书友正确认识阅读并找到好的阅读方法。&关于有书共读不得不说的&为何要发起有书共读?有书是一种生活状态,如果一个人还保持规律性的阅读,说明他还有学习的动力,还在有意识地提升自己,还有自我进化的可能。一个持续阅读的人,一定是不断向上提升的;一个普遍阅读的社会,一定会持续变得更好。&基于这样的理念,我们发起了有书共读,希望带动更多人把愿望转变成具体的行动。&有书如何选择书单?这是很多人好奇的问题。一个好的读书人对自己的要求很高,他在阅读时会很主动,碰到超出自己能力的内容也会坚持不懈去钻研;他敢于挑战超出自己能力的书籍,并能在阅读过程中从不懂到懂,获得自我突破。这也是《如何阅读一本书》的基本观点。&有书希望带动更多人成为一个好的阅读者,因此并不依照当下的热度来确定书单,而是从认知、思维、方法和情感等几个维度来选择,希望书友每完成一本图书共读都能获得显著的提升。&小成绩。全国政协开会期间,我们收到《人民政协报》要求采访的邮件,最后竟然以整版大幅报道了有书共读。一路埋头向前,忽然有一天朋友电话给我说,你们有书好厉害,竟然上了新榜了。进入榜单一看,自己也很吃惊,真的进入排行榜前列了!&有书团队深知,有书已经成为一个大家庭,在这里基于“每天更好一点”的共同愿望,一起读书、互相激励、共同提升。能有这样的成绩,在于众多有书书友的认可和支持。&有书团队也同样知道,这只是一个还不错的开始,未来的路还很长,挑战还很多,但有你们的支持我们就会有信心坚定地走下去。无论有书走到哪里,都不会忘了一切从用户出发,真正把用户当朋友。期待着我们都能以自己是有书共读的一份子而自豪。&在移动互联网时代,关注就是力量,参与就是推动,而个体的微小力量也能够汇聚成巨大的变革力量。或许,就因为我们联合起来一起行动,就能够实现书香中国、全民阅读的中国梦!&如果你认可有书(youshucc),如果你希望带动更多的书友开始读书,如果你希望我们的社会更美好,除了在文末点赞之外,可以分享此文,也可以在有书公众号后台输入“招募”获取招募图片,发布到朋友圈并配文“再安利一次,真的很不错”。&因为真诚,因为喜欢,因为认可,在这个资讯泛滥的时代,还会有些事情值得我们在朋友圈“再安利一次”。&有你,有我,我们一起改变。
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  by Mary Shelley
Frankenstein is written in the form of A frame story that starts with Captain Robert Walton writing letters to his sister. It takes place at an unspecified time in the 18th century, as the letters' dates are given as &17―&.
Frankenstein is infused with elements of the Gothic novel and the Romantic movement. At the same time, it is an early example of science fiction. Brian Aldiss has argued that it should be considered the first true science fiction story because, in contrast to previous stories with fantastical elements resembling those of later science fiction, the central character &makes a deliberate decision& and &turns to modern experiments in the laboratory& to achieve fantastic results. It has had a considerable influence in literature and popular culture and spawned a complete genre of horror stories, films and plays.
  Fahrenheit 451
  by Ray Bradbury
Fahrenheit 451 is a dystopian novel by Ray Bradbury, published in 1953. It is regarded as one of his best works.
In a 1956 radio interview,Bradbury stated that he wrote Fahrenheit 451 because of his concerns at the time about the threat of book burning in the United States.In later years, he stated his motivation for writing the book in more general terms. In 1954, Fahrenheit 451 won the American Academy of Arts and Letters Award in Literature and the Commonwealth Club of California Gold Medal.
It has since won the Prometheus &Hall of Fame& Award in 1984 and a 1954 &Retro& Hugo Award, one of only four Best Novel Retro Hugos ever given, in 2004.
  A Room with a View
  by E. M. Forster
A Room with a View is a 1908 novel by English writer E.M.Forster, about a young woman in the restrained culture of Edwardian eraEngland.Set in Italy and England, the story is both a romance and a critique of English society at the beginning of the 20th century. Merchant-Ivoryproduced an award-winning film adaptationin 1985.
The Modern Library ranked A Room with a View 79th on its list of the100 best English-language novels of the 20th century (1998).
  by William Shakespear
  Hamlet is Shakespeare's longest play, and is ranked among the most powerful and influential tragedies in English literature, with a story capable of &seemingly endless retelling and adaptation by others&. The play likely was one of Shakespeare's most popular works during his lifetime, and still ranks among his most performed, topping the performance list of the Royal Shakespeare Company and its predecessors in Stratford-upon-Avon since 1879. []It has inspired many other writers C from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Charles Dickens to James Joyce and Iris Murdoch C and has been described as &the world's most filmed story after Cinderella&.
  Twelfth Night
  by William Shakespeare
  Twelfth Night is a comedyby William Shakespeare, believed to have been written around 1601C02 as a Twelfth Night's entertainment for the close of the Christmas season. The play centres on the twins Viola and Sebastian, who are separated in a shipwreck. Viola (who is disguised as a boy) falls in love with Duke Orsino, who in turn is in love with the Countess Olivia. Upon meeting Viola, Countess Olivia falls in love with her thinking she is a man. The play expanded on the musical interludes and riotous disorder expected of the occasion, with plot elements drawn from the short story &Of Apollonius and Silla& by Barnabe Rich, based on a story by Matteo Bandello. The first recorded performance was on 2 February 1602, at Candlemas, the formal end of Christmastide in the year's calendar. The play was not published until its inclusion in the 1623 First Folio.
  The Faerie Queene
  by Edmund Spenser
The Faerie Queene is an incomplete English epic poem by Edmund Spenser.The Faerie Queene is notable for its form: it is one of the longest poems in the English language and the origin of a verse form that came to be known as Spenserian stanza. On a literal level, the poem follows several knights in an examination of several virtues, though it is primarily an allegorical work, and can be read on several levels of allegory, including as praise of Queen Elizabeth I.
In Spenser's &Letter of the Authors& he states that the entire epic poem is &cloudily enwrapped in Allegorical devises,& and that the aim of publishing The Faerie Queene was to &fashion a gentleman or noble person in vertuous and gentle discipline&.
  The Spanish Tragedy
  by Thomas Kyd
The Spanish Tragedy, Highly popular and influential in its time, The Spanish Tragedy established a new genre in English theatre , the revenge play or revenge tragedy. Its plot contains several violent murders and includes as one of its characters a personification of Revenge. The Spanish Tragedy was often referred to in works written by other Elizabethan playwrights, including William Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, and Christopher Marlowe.
Many elements of The Spanish Tragedy, such as the play-within-a-play used to trap a murderer and a ghost intent on vengeance, appear in Shakespeare's Hamlet. (Thomas Kyd is frequently proposed as the author of the hypothetical Ur-Hamlet that may have been one of Shakespeare's primary sources for Hamlet.)
  Le Petit Prince
  by Antoine de Saint-Exup&ry
The Little Prince is the fourth most-translated book in the world and was voted the best book of the 20th century in France. Translated into more than 250 languages and dialects (as well as Braille),selling nearly two million copies annually with sales totaling over 140 million copies worldwide,it has become one of the best-selling books ever published.
After the outbreak of the Second World WarSaint-Exup&ry was exiled to North America. In the midst of personal upheavals and failing health, he produced almost half of the writings for which he would be remembered, including a tender tale of loneliness, friendship, love, and loss, in the form of a young prince fallen to Earth. An earlier memoir by the author had recounted his aviation experiences in the Sahara Desert, and he is thought to have drawn on those same experiences in The Little Prince.
  The Name of the Rose
  by Umberto Eco
  The Name of the Rose is the 1980 debut novel by Italian author Umberto Eco. It is a historical murder mystery set in an Italian monastery, in the year 1327, an intellectual mystery combining semiotics in fiction, biblical analysis, medieval studies and literary theory. It was translated into English by William Weaverin 1983.
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