
你可能喜欢fry-cry - 必应 词典网络孤岛惊魂1.孤岛惊魂 ... 2005年-战地2( Battlefield 2) 2008年-孤岛惊魂2( Fry Cry 2) 2006年-战地2:现代战争( Battlefield 2: Modern Combat) ... |必应词典应用准确权威无广告下 载 手 机 版 必 应 词 典体 验 P C 版 必 应 词 典fry是什么意思_fry在线翻译_fry什么意思_fry的意思_fry的翻译_英语单词大全_911查询
fry是什么意思 fry在线翻译 fry什么意思 fry的意思 fry的翻译 fry的解释 fry的发音 fry的同义词 fry的反义词 fry的例句 fry的相关词组
fry英 [fra?] 美 [fra?] 第三人称单数:第三人称复数:现在分词:过去分词:过去式:fry 基本解释名词鱼苗,鱼秧; 弗赖伊(姓氏); 油炸食物; (口语)烦恼,愤激不及物动词油炸; 用油煎; 用油炸烤炒及物动词油炸; 油煎; (美俚)使被处电刑; 瓦解\u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006Dfry 相关例句及物动词1. She fried eggs for breakfast.&&&&她煎蛋当早餐。2. We shall fry in this hot sun.&&&&在酷热的阳光下我们会灼伤的。不及物动词1. The fish is frying.&&&&鱼在煎。名词1. We had a steak fry last Friday.&&&&上星期五我们举行了炸牛排野餐会。fry 网络解释1. 油炸:巧记 联想:我不信(trust)今晚会发生霜冻(frost)巧记 联想:时尚女孩把眉毛(brow)染成棕色(brown),他皱眉(frown)以示不满巧记 联想:油炸(fry)产生的烟熏得她直流泪(cry)巧记 联想:加满(full)燃料(fuel)巧记 联想:这顶帽子(ca2. danci.911cha.com2. 煎:中午、晚上也许用平底锅(frying pan)煎(fry)点牛扒,用锅(crock pot)煮(boil)点汤,想喝好点的汤也许还会用slow cooker慢慢熬(simmer),亚裔人免不了用电饭煲(rice cooker)做点饭,煮的时候别忘了盖上锅盖(lid).3. 炸:星期五有些基督徒因为宗教的原因,在星期五不吃肉,但是可以吃鱼,所以卖炸鱼排的店在星期五的生意特别好. Friday的同音字Fry day是鱼要被炸(fry)的日子,所以是鱼最讨厌的日子.4. 鱼苗:来年孵化的鱼苗(fry)大约为800条. 在湖泊中存活并游回大海的幼鱼(smolt )只有约200条. 经过近三年成长时间准备回游的成年鱼数量约为10条. 成功回到出生地的鱼只剩约2条.5. fry:federal re 南斯拉夫联盟共和国fry 双语例句1. YuBei distrit have a synthetically treatment engineering on the lake:Establishe the sewage system along the shore to coll Arrange plant decontamination bed to make Whole cure the lake gulf and plant the shore to p pure the lake`s bottom, implement
Arrange deep water aerate and circulation equipments which can Put the fish fry into the lake to protecte waterbody.&&&&渝北政府于年对双龙湖进行综合治理:设环湖污水截流管;截流雨水净化入湖;整治湖湾、种植岸坡护土植物;湖底清障、底泥疏浚;布置深水曝气循环活水设备;人工放养鱼苗净化水体等。2. A person dug pond pisciculture, be afraid that bird eats fry stealthily, did build to wear head large bamboo hat, body to wrap around the jackstraw of straw rain cape is put in the pond.&&&&导读:一个人挖了水塘养鱼,怕鸟儿偷吃鱼苗,便做了个头戴头笠、身披蓑衣的稻草人放在塘中。3. 3. The reason for this in China is on the one hand to try to tell you the way it cooks such as cook, fry, grill and broil in the name and on the other it has beautiful good names so that you have agood imagination and association to let you have agood appetite.&&&&这样做的原因一方面是试图告诉用餐者如何烹饪这道菜,如:炒,烤和煎等好听的名字,另一方面让您对食物有一个良好的想象而且这会大大促进你的胃口。4. fry的意思4. The reason for this in China is on the one hand to try to tell you the way it cooks such as cook, fry, grill and broil in the name and on the other it has beautiful good names so that you have a good imagination and association to let you have a good appetite.&&&&这样做的原因一方面是试图告诉用餐者如何烹饪这道菜,如:炒,烤和煎等好听的名字,另一方面让您对食物有一个良好的想象而且这会大大促进你的胃口。5. 5. It takes time for heat to move inward from the surface to the center, so the default method is to fry or grill or broil and hope that the browning time equals the heat-through time.&&&&热从食物表层进入到里层需要时间,因此常用的错误方法是炸或烤食物的时候,还希望表皮变脆的时间等于中心热透的时间。6. At present, Patinopecten yessoensisIsland marine broadcast at the end of the proliferation of seed used for the artificial cultivation fry.&&&&目前,獐子岛虾夷扇贝海洋底播增殖所采用的苗种多为人工培育苗种。7. Male, mental strain, anxious, depression, higher study pressure, Pungent food, greasy food, fry explode food, menstrual disorder, menorrhalgia, sleep less than 8 hours everyday, lose sleep frequently, oily skin, mixing property skin and family history are r Eat fruit frequently, operate the computer less than 2 hours everyday, dry skin, and neutral skin are protective factors for acne.&&&&家族史、精神紧张、月经失调、经常失眠、油腻食品、男性、痛经、焦虑、睡眠<8小时、抑郁、煎炸食品、学习压力大、辛辣食品、油性皮肤、混合性皮肤为痤疮发病的危险因素;干性皮肤、中性皮肤、经常吃水果、每天接触电脑时间短为痤疮发病的保护性因素。8. 4The risk factors of acne are:family history, mental strain, menstrual disorder, lose sleep frequently, Pungent food, male, menorrhalgia, anxious, sleep less than 8 hours everyday, depression, fry explode food, higher study pressure, greasy food, oily skin, mixing property skin, among them, the OR of family history(4.695) The protective factors are:dry skin, neutral skin, eat fruit frequently, Operate the computer a short time everyday.&&&&4痤疮发病的危险因素分别为:家族史、精神紧张、月经失调、经常失眠、油腻食品、男性、痛经、焦虑、睡眠<8小时、抑郁、煎炸食品、学习压力大、辛辣食品、油性皮肤、混合性皮肤,保护性因素依次为:干性皮肤、中性皮肤、经常吃水果、每天接触电脑时间短。9. The results indicated that GFP gene expression began at the end of gastrula stage, and lasted to fry at a stable expression level.&&&&采用显微注射法将报告基因GFP基因导入蓝太阳鱼受精卵中,研究了外源基因在鱼类胚胎发育过程中整合与表达的时序。10. Though aimed at small fry, plenty of sophisticated investors would be in with a chance.&&&&尽管本次的目标人选定位于小鱼小虾,但相当多的业内巨蛟也颇有获奖可能。11. I won`t fry your head if you don`t poach my heart.&&&&&&如果你不挑逗我的心,我就不耍你。12. What you do now is literally fry it, stirring all the time so it doesn't catch.&&&&&&你现在要做的就是直接炸它,一直搅拌,这样它就不会粘住。13. Burger shop - If you fry it, they will come!&&&&&&汉堡店-如果你对南联盟的话,他们会来!14. We have almost full, but I also do not fry it a dish.&&&&&&大家都近乎饱了,可我还一个菜没炒呢。15. However if allowed to carry on too long, it could begin to fry the cells of the nervous system.&&&&&&但是如果让它开展太久,它会开始烤神经系统的细胞。16. 16. You should take a little bit of your hamburger meat and fry it - then taste it.&&&&&&你必须尝一下汉堡肉的味道,然后在煎——然后再尝。17. I honestly thought it would fry his brain, Michele said.&&&&&&我想,那会烧伤我儿子的大脑,米切尔说。18. 18. But since then, companies have been queuing up for telephone time with team CEO Nick Fry, who has knocked back Virgin's offer for title sponsorship because the proposed figure is too low.&&&&&&但自那时以来,公司一直在排队电话时间与团队CEO尼克弗莱,谁撞倒回到了美属维尔京的报价为冠名赞助商,因为拟议的数字太低。19. Popular in Central Thailand, home to the country`s capital, Bangkok, this regional dish is an intoxicating stir-fry of beef, herbs, and a ton of Thai chilipepper.&&&&&&这道菜主要流行于泰国首都曼谷地区,主要由牛肉、和香草制成,香草包括青葱、大蒜、罗勒和大量的泰国红辣椒。20. Popular in Central Thailand home to the country`s capitalBangkok this regional dish is an intoxicating stir-fry of beefherbs, and a ton of Thai chilipepper.&&&&&&这道菜主要流行于泰国首都曼谷地区,主要由牛肉、和香草制成,香草包括青葱、大算、罗勒和大量的泰国红辣椒。fry 词典解释1. 油煎;油炸;油炒&&&&When you fry food, you cook it in a pan that contains hot fat or oil.&&&&e.g. Fry the breadcrumbs until golden brown.&&&&&&&&&&&把面包屑炸成金褐色为止。&&&&e.g. ...fried rice.&&&&&&&&&&&炒饭2. 鱼苗;鱼秧&&&&Fry are very small, young fish.<p class="p1查询·英语单词3. fries 同 French fries&&&&Fries are the same as French fries.4. (尤指为尽快做好便饭)煎一下,炸一下&&&&If you fry up food, you fry it, especially in order to make a quick, casual meal.&&&&e.g. I fried up the beef...&&&&&&&&&&&我把牛肉煎了一下。&&&&e.g. She cuts and fries the mixture up into a potato doughnut called Quin-Kuria.&&&&&&&&&&&她把混料切好后放进油里炸成一种叫做Quin-Kuria 的土豆炸面圈。相关词组:fry 单语例句1. Dissolve 2 Tbsp olive oil and 2 ozs butter in a frypan, add sprouts and chestnuts shake and fry until sprouts are tender.2. Cut the mushrooms into halves or quarters then fry them in the casserole till they go golden and slightly sticky.3. Add the morning glory stems and fry till they turn color and are cooked.4. Ferrari have been boosted by the arrival last year of former McLaren chief engineer Pat Fry and Red Bull strategist Neil Martin.5. The fry were forced to swim near the surface for oxygen after the cloudburst swelled the water but reduced its oxygen content.6. Drain the soy beans well and slowly deep fry in oil over medium heat until they stop sizzling and become really crisp.7. Heat up a little oil and fry mustard seeds and cumin until the spices pop.8. Steam them in chunks, cut them up for a stir fry or make them into a creamy soup.9. Shuler Hensley won as featured actor in a musical for his role as the brooding, despondent Jud Fry in''Oklahoma!10. They plan to introduce artificial repopulation measures such as discharging more than 6 million fish fry into the Pearl River.fry 英英释义noun1. a young person of either sex&&&&e.g. she writes books for children&&&&&&&&&&&they're just kids&&&&&&&&&&&`tiddler' is a British term for youngster&&&&Synonym: verb1. cook on a hot surface using fat&&&&e.g. fry the pancakes2. kill by electrocution, as in the electric chair&&&&e.g. The serial killer was electrocuted&&&&Synonym: 3. be excessively hot&&&&e.g. If the children stay out on the beach for another hour, they'll be friedfry是什么意思,fry在线翻译,fry什么意思,fry的意思,fry的翻译,fry的解释,fry的发音,fry的同义词,fry的反义词,fry的例句,fry的相关词组,fry意思是什么,fry怎么翻译,单词fry是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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...fried rice.
Fry are very small, young fish.
fries 同 French fries
Fries are the same as French fries.
If you fry up food, you fry it, especially in order to make a quick, casual meal.
I fried up the beef...
She cuts and fries the mixture up into a potato doughnut called Quin-Kuria.
她把混料切好后放进油里炸成一种叫做Quin-Kuria 的土豆炸面圈。
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牛津词典免费使用! 立刻扫码下载
"disappointed expectations and thwarted ambitions"
"their foiled attempt to capture Calais"
"many frustrated poets end as pipe-smoking teachers"
"his best efforts were thwarted"
用作形容词 (adj.)
I'm feeling rather frustrated I need a change.
They often feel frustrated at school, too.
Mary was frustrated by the lack of appreciation shown of her work.
Yet I was very frustrated and very lost.
We can infer from his expression that he is frustrated.
When I get frustrated and angry, I have to vent my spleen on someone.
Film directors are sometimes frustrated actors.
frustrated&:&挫败的;失 ...


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