
客满是什么意思 客满在线翻译 客满什么意思 客满的意思 客满的翻译 客满的解释 客满的发音 客满的同义词 客满的反义词 客满的例句
客满 基本解释客满客满[kè mǎn]词典:卖光(sell-out的过去式和过去分词);脱销;演出(或比赛等的)满座;背叛。词典:客满。词典:全满, (非正式)吃饱, (激动得)几乎要流泪;客满。词典:三张相同和二张相同的牌。词典:客满。客满 汉英大词典客满[kè mǎn] full house:  例:电影院经常客满。    The cinema is always filled to capacity.    火车已客满。    The train was full [well-filled].客满 网络解释1. full house:出生在加利福尼亚的一个中产家庭. 两姐妹才9个月大时,曾做过芭蕾舞演员的妈妈就把女儿抱到摄影棚去试镜. 凯特和阿什莉果然没有辜负妈妈的期望,两人被导演一眼相中,交替出演热门肥皂剧<<客满>>(FullHouse)中米歇尔这一主要角色.2. full up:218. from time to time 有时,不时 | 219. full up客满 | 220. get a bargain 买到便宜货3. no vacancy:客房女服务员 chamber maid | 客满 no vacancy | 山庄别墅 mountain villa4. den ipa&#39;rhoun doma&#39;tia:今晚有没有空房=e&#39;hetee&#39;nadoma&#39;tiogia&#39;apo&#39;pse | 客满=denipa&#39;rhoundoma&#39;tia | 护照=diabatirio客满 双语例句1. 这杯调酒曾经在一晚卖出将近百杯,表示当晚每位客人都点了至少一杯,因为客满的Maybe也不过才八十个席次!&&&&This drink is so popular that the best record so far was 100 orders in one night, and Maybe's capacity is only 80 people!2. 2. 业务的波动,意味着飞机和渡船在开学期间往往不会客满。&&&&The fluctuation in business means aircraft and ferries often travel with empty seats during term time.3. 这些通常是客满,特别是当其中一个重大体育赛事正在发生,如沃尔沃的主人。&&&&These are often fully booked, particularly when one of the major sporting events is taking place such as the Volvo masters.4. 客满的意思4. 对不起,我们所有房间都客满了。&&&&I'm sorry, all our rooms are occupied.5. 附近的圣若望收容所主要以妇孺为主,数月来一直人满为患或几乎客满,每个晚上约提供100张床,但据专案经理凯莉。&&&&Nearby St. John's Shelter, which caters to women and children, has been running at or near capacity for months -- filling roughly 100 beds a night -- with a waiting list well over twice that long, case manager Kellie Dockendorf said.6. 6. 他们搭乘着民航客机飞回家,那些公司心里想着客满的航班,祈祷着好天气持续下去。&&&&They migrate back on airlines whose owners pray with their overbooked hearts that the weather will hold.7. 该tipis ,这是客满和成本800GBP聘用,被占领的节日参与者。&&&&The tipis, which were fully booked and cost 800GBP to hire, were occupied by festival attendees.8. 8. 对不起,我们这儿目前客满?我将为您推荐到另一家宾馆好吗?&&&&I'm sorry, we're rather full at the moment. can I recommend you to another hotel?9. 9. 我们很抱歉地通知你们,英国航空公司9372航班已经客满,目前没有退票。&&&&We regret to inform you that Filght BA 9372 is fullybooked, and there are at present no cancellations.10. 我们很抱歉地通知你们,英国航空公司9372航班已经客满,目前没有退票。&&&&We regret to inform you that Filght BA 9372 is fully booked, and there are at present no cancellations.11. 11. 信不信由你,这家旅馆几乎经常是客满。&&&&&&Believe it or not, this hotel is almost usually filled to capacity.12. 如果不事先预定个房间,你可能会发现所有最好的地方都客满了,那么你就只好找个地方凑合了。&&&&&&If you don't book your accommodation in advance, you may find that all the best places are full, and you'll have to take pot luck.13. 如果不事先预定个房间,你可能会发现所有最好的地方都客满了,那么你就只好找个地方凑合了。&&&&&&If you don't book your accomodation in advance, you may find that all the best places are full, ad you'll have to take pot luck.14. 他走门路,给我们在客满的旅馆里弄到了一间空房。&&&&&&He pulled wires and got us a room at the crowded hotel.15. 对不起,我们已经客满了。&&&&&&Sorry, we have no vacant room for you.16. 嗯,我想帮你忙,但是恐怕我们的房间都已经客满了。&&&&&&Well, I'd like to help you, but I'm afraid all our rooms are taken.17. 很抱歉,女士,我们已经客满了。&&&&&&Sorry, madam, but we are fully booked.18. 客满是什么意思18. 我们的旅馆已经客满,不能再接待客人了。&&&&&&Our hotel is full, we can't take in any more guests.19. 客满19. 对不起,我们已经客满了。&&&&&&Sorry, we hxdye no vacant room for you.20. 不好意思,我们现在已经客满了!&&&&&&We`re full at the moment, would you like to wait?客满是什么意思,客满在线翻译,客满什么意思,客满的意思,客满的翻译,客满的解释,客满的发音,客满的同义词,客满的反义词,客满的例句,客满的相关词组,客满意思是什么,客满怎么翻译,单词客满是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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In English, he said "She was very hospitable and always gave me a feeling of soldiers to such as belong to."
In English, "she was very hospitable, always gives me a feeling of soldiers to"
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【名】对某商品或服务有兴趣,可能成为客户的人。潜在客户,潜在客人。(ある製品を買う可能性のある人(法人) です。)
あおず 【名】
はんばいてん 销售店
なれあい 【名】
ついかんばんへるにあ 【名】
さきよみ 预知;预见;预测;高瞻远瞩。(アルゴリズムにおいて未処理の入力の一部を先に参照し
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You can only use the rooms bathroom, you cannot use the master bedroom bathroom
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