
外阴奇痒 为何不及时就医 ? 青龙博爱医院 妇科专家指出,很多女性在患上妇科炎症后没有及时到正规的医院做详细的检查,并没有接受对症的治疗,最终容易导致病情严重恶化,危及到女性...[]
女性的乳腺增生 不知从什么时候开始,女性的年轻时只想着如何双峰傲人,甚至热衷于丰胸;待人到中年,各种麻烦往往接踵而至。随着生活水平的提高,女性乳腺增生的发生率日益上升,在...[]
月经不调对女性有哪些危害? 青龙博爱医院 妇科专家指出,随着现代生活节奏的加快,女性的压力也越来越大,再加上生活中各种原因,导致女性月经不调的病发率越来越高。那么,月经不调...[]
处女膜修复前的检查? 那些婚前有过性生活导致处女膜破裂的女性,需要做处女膜修复手术才能得以弥补,而手术前是否要做检查,是女性所关心的。 青龙博爱医院 妇科专家表示,手术前的...[]
治疗男性不育的医院? 青龙博爱医院 人性化的诊疗环境:华贵大气的候诊大厅,舒适洁净的家庭式病房,温馨私密的独立诊室,符合国际标准精心陪护,处处是洋溢着天使般的微笑,优美轻柔...[]
包皮过长的类型? 青龙博爱医院 男科专家介绍,包皮过长指包皮覆盖尿道口,但能上翻,露出尿道口和阴茎头。包皮过长如果不及时治疗会导致男性早泄。那么包皮过长有哪些类型呢? 【专家...[]
男性阴茎胀痛怎么办? 青龙博爱医院 专家指出,正常情况下,男性的阴茎勃起后会贴近腹部,但是随着年龄的增长,阴茎勃起后跟腹部的角度会从之前的四五十度到九十度,但是只要能维持正常的性...[]
阳痿治疗的费用和技术? 青龙博爱医院 男科专家表明患有阳痿,就意味着不能很好的进行性生活,直接影响夫妻情侣之间的感情,如果是重度阳痿,那就是不能进行性生活.所以,在日常生活中男性朋...[]
哪家治疗阳痿的医院比较好? 青龙博爱医院 男科专家指出,阳痿这样的疾病对于我们男性朋友来说是一个很是可怕的疾病,如果患上了这样的疾病,那么对于我们的男性朋友来说,不得不说是...[]
哪家医院可以做阴茎延长手术? 做阴茎延长手术一定要去正规的医院,阴茎短小是先天性的阴茎短小症,患者阴茎勃起的时候长度小于8CM,患者就是属于阴茎短小的情况,患者需要及时的进行...[]
痔疮的危害主要有哪些? 如今这个痔疮高发的时代,很多人在日常生活中往往都会因为自身不注意而患上痔疮,受到痔疮的侵害。即便如此,依旧有很多人不能用正确的态度对待它,总认为痔疮...[]
青龙博爱医院 肛肠科专家介绍,肛裂是指肛管皮肤因反复损害而全层裂开伴继发感染,肛裂典型症状为周期性疼痛,久之会形成梭形溃疡,严重影响患者的正常生活。青龙博爱医院肛肠科专家...[]
PPH微创手术多少钱? 这是很多患者及其患者家属所关心的。PPH手术多少钱?PPH微创手术贵不贵?下面就由青龙博爱医院的肛肠专家为大家来解答一下。 【医保定点单位】--博爱实行透明收费、...[]
青龙博爱医院 肛肠诊疗中心专家说,肛门湿疹的治疗要彻底,复发率高往往会给患者带来身体上的痛苦。患者害怕去正规医院治疗原因主要是治疗费用问题。相对来说,一次性治愈要比反复治...[]
青龙卫生局当前位置: &
日 07:21:09
宁国市看男科医院宣城查男士不育卡梅伦带习近平“泡吧”吃炸鱼薯条 --3 :9: 来源:
Chinese President Xi Jinping headed
a traditional British pub on Thursday, during his state visit, indulging in a beer and a portion of traditional fish and chips with Prime Minister David Cameron.中国国家主席习近平在英国进行国事访问期间,于当地时间日(星期三)与英国首相卡梅伦共赴当地一家传统酒吧,点了一杯啤酒,外加一份英国传统小吃炸鱼薯条The two world leaders, in suits but tieless, could be seen awkwardly sipping their ales at The Plough, an establishment close to the British prime minister's residence of Chequers northwest of London.这家名为The Plough的酒吧位于伦敦西北部,在英国首相所居住的契克斯庄园附近两位领导人都穿着西装但没有打领带,有点拘谨地一起喝啤酒"I dropped into The Plough at Cadsden
a pint of IPA and some fish and chips with China's President Xi," Cameron tweeted afterwards, along with a picture of him talking to Xi in which hunting guns could be seen hanging on the bare-brick wall behind them.卡梅伦随后在Twitter上发布消息,“我与习主席在The Plough酒吧点了一扎印度麦啤和一些炸鱼薯条”从他发布的照片上我们能清楚地看到两人身后砖墙上挂着的猎The pub's landlord Steve Hollings told AFP that Cameron and Xi had chatted
around three-quarters of an hour and had been "extremely friendly".酒吧的店主史蒂夫?霍林斯告诉法新社记者,卡梅伦和习近平的小酌持续了约5分钟,而且两人表现得“极其亲密友好”They drank "traditional English bitter" and "traditional English fish and chips", he said proudly, adding: "I was highly delighted".他十分自豪地向记者介绍“他们喝的是传统的英式苦啤酒,吃的也是英国传统小吃炸鱼薯条,”并补充道:“我非常高兴”The pub traces its history back to the th century when it was a staging post
London coaches.这家酒吧的历史可以追溯到十六世纪,当时它是伦敦长途马车的中转站Its website said the pub "is often host to some very famous patrons" and asks visitors to "remember, they are here
the rest and relaxation too".酒吧的网站上写着“我们经常接待一些十分有名的人物”,并且它让顾客们“记住,他们也是来放松和休息的”The atmosphere proved a little too relaxing
Cameron during a previous visit to the pub in
with his wife Samantha when the couple left their eight-year-old daughter behind in the pub.事实明这家酒吧的气氛确实是太放松了,以至于卡梅伦和妻子萨曼莎年来这家酒吧的时候,把他们8岁的女儿落在酒吧里了The prime minister's office was ced to admit a couple of months after the incident that the Camerons only realised their child was not with them when they got home and picked her up
minutes later.这件事发生数月之后,首相办公室不得不承认卡梅伦夫妇确实是在已经回到家之后才发现他们的女儿没有跟他们一起回来,并在分钟后回去接的女儿***文化小贴士***a pint of:一品脱一扎(啤酒)在英国口语里,pint可以直接指啤酒,如:Do you fancy a pint? (想喝一杯吗?)IPA:India Pale Ale,又称印度麦啤,或印度淡艾尔啤早在十九世纪,英国在全球殖民的鼎盛时期,为了让远在印度的大英帝国士兵喝到家乡的酒,英国酿酒公司用远洋货轮将啤酒“直供”印度但在此过程中,传统的桶装啤酒很容易腐坏变质于是有人想到用啤酒花作为天然防腐剂的酿酒方式,由此产生了一种味道和口感与传统麦芽啤酒有所区别的新品种啤酒,即今天的印度麦啤English bitter: 英式苦味啤酒苦啤酒味道中有强烈的苦涩,它的苦味来自较高的啤酒花含量,它也保了啤酒浓度,延长了在潮湿阴郁气候中的保质期浓郁的苦涩曾经是英国饭桌上的主流风味,今天的苦啤已经形成了一种饮酒风格English fish and chips: 鱼和油炸土豆条是英国民族传统的快餐食品它是在19世纪60年代流行起来的那时,铁路开始把新鲜的鱼一夜间直接从东海岸运到伦敦英国人在鱼上面裹上糊放在油里炸好,和炸土豆条一起吃人们把盐和醋的混合调料倒在炸鱼和土豆条上,用报纸包上,然后从纸包里拿着吃如今,人们经常用清洁的纸包装,并提供一个餐叉***英式“酒吧外交”***英国首相很喜欢在传统酒吧里招待客人,英国媒体干脆取了个名字“酒吧外交”除了习近平,以下外国领导人也被英国首相带去“泡过吧”:卡梅伦去年带法国总统奥朗德去了牛津郡(Oxdshire)的天鹅酒吧(The Swan Inn)两人依靠在实木的古老吧台上,喝着木桶纯麦芽(cask-ale),吃着罐头虾(potted shrimps)、虹鳟鱼(rainbow trout)聊天据说他们在酒吧里就两国合作项目达成了一致意见年,时任英国首相的布莱尔带着美国前总统小布什去了塞奇菲尔德(Sedgefield)的遁牛酒吧(The Dun Cow pub)两人喝的是不含酒精的淡啤(non-alcoholic lager),吃了炸鱼和薯条(fish and chips)、豌豆泥(mushy peas)00年,布莱尔请了法国前总统希拉克来到杜伦郡艾克利夫村的乡村餐馆(County Restaurant)据说后来希拉克跟德国前总理施罗德和俄罗斯总统普京嘲讽过英国食物,说:“食物那么难吃的国家不可信”(One cannot trust people whose cuisine is so bad.)***英国酒吧文化***中国人爱喝酒,地球人都知道然而,世界上最爱喝酒的国家却是――英国没错,气度不凡的英国绅士竟然比中国人和俄罗斯人更爱喝!英国人最爱去酒吧喝酒,街上的酒吧比比皆是,大英词典编纂者塞穆尔?约翰逊(Samuel Johnson)曾经这样赞美英国酒吧:There is nothing which has yet been contrived by man, by which so much happiness is produced as by a good tavern or inn.世间人类所创造的万物,哪一项比得上酒吧更能给人们带来无限的温馨和幸福酒吧在英国人生活中所扮演的角色,跟美国的咖啡馆、中国的茶馆一样,都是当地文化中不可缺少的一部分***Pub、Bar和Club***英国的酒吧从字面意义上来说分为pub、bar和club,但是用中文翻译过来都是一个意思:酒吧而它们在英国的真正含义,却是迥然不同的Pub在这些酒吧中,Pub是最大众,也是英国历史最悠久的酒吧类型Pub在英国大大小小地分布着八万多个,遍布英国的城市和乡村,成为英国的独特风景线这些Pub历史悠久、建筑颇具特色,名字也透露着古朴的英伦范儿,如美人鱼(The Mermaid)、红房子(The Red House)、森林古堡(Cattle in est)、快乐的水手(The Jolly Sailor)、迷人的港湾(Charming Port)等Pub是英伦乡村生活的真实写照,这里不仅提供给人们吃饭休闲,也是英国人交流聚会的场所,在英国人的生活中占据着颇为重要的地位Bar而Bar或许和中国的“酒吧”相似更多偏向于喝酒聊天,是年轻人比较喜欢的交流场所Bar一般气氛比较活跃热闹,装修也比Pub更现代化这些Bar主要分布在城市闹市区晚上是Bar的营业高峰期,尤其是有球赛的夜晚,几乎个个爆满英国人喜欢聚集在Bar看球赛,享受这种人潮涌动的气氛,也是英国颇具特色的足球文化ClubClub类似于“夜店”,开放时间更晚,可以跳舞,需购买门票,酒水价格更贵,族群也更为年轻所以在进入夜店之前先到酒吧喝几杯也成了很多人的惯例,又称之为pre-drink另外也有人会先去off-license的商店(只有贩酒执照,不能在里面饮酒的商店)买便宜的酒喝***常见酒水***英国的酒吧提供含酒精的饮料,也提供给女士不含酒精的饮料含酒精的饮料包括啤酒(beer)、果酒(cider)、雪利酒(cherry)、香槟酒(champagne)、葡萄酒(wine)、鸡尾酒(cocktail)、马丁尼鸡尾酒(martini cocktail)、苦艾酒(vermouth)及一些烈性酒(liquor or spirit),包括威士忌(whisky)、杜松子酒(gin)和白兰地(brandy)等不含酒精饮料包括各种果汁(fruit juice)、起泡酒(bubbling wine)、甜酒或玫瑰酒(sweet or rose)、可乐(cola)及矿泉水(mineral water)等苦黑啤(traditional English bitter)为英国酒吧中最传统,也最常见的酒,因为酒花的苦味而得名,带着红色或琥珀色,酒上面会浮着一层白色的沫,苦啤口感较干、酒劲较强,喝到最后会回甘,味道醇厚,以室温饮用最为常见,入口时会有苦味留于齿间卡梅伦在谈及自己的酒吧喜好时也曾称,“比起淡啤酒,我更喜欢苦啤酒”,而且什么都比不过他对看飞镖和喝吉尼斯黑啤酒的喜爱宁国市妇幼人民中医院治疗睾丸炎多少钱
首批中国奥运选手抵达圣保罗训练营 --5 :5:59 来源:
The first group of Chinese athletes from table tennis, swimming and women’s football team, arrived in Sao Paulo’s prestigious Esporte Clube Pinheiros, the training base of Chinese Olympic delegation
the coming Rio Olympic Games.7月1日,首批中国奥运代表团乒乓球队、游泳队、和女足队运动员到达位于巴西圣保罗久负盛名的皮涅鲁斯体育俱乐部,这里是中国代表团的赛前训练营According to the introduction from Chinese Olympic delegation officials, a total of
teams from the country will use the club in Brazil’s most populous city to train and acclimatize as well as recovering from jet lag ahead of the August 5-1 Games.本次奥运会将于8月5日到8月1日举行,据中国奥运代表团官员介绍,在此之前,陆续有个项目的运动队将提前到这个位于巴西人口最多的城市的俱乐部进行集训,并适应时差About half of the Chinese delegation’s athletes will go to the training base. The number of people in Sao Paulo is expected to total around 00, including athletes, coaches, officials and supporting staff.约有近半数的运动员会到这里进行训练,运动员、教练、官员和后勤人员总人数约为00人After their preparation in Sao Paulo, the delegation will travel 30 kilometers northeast to Rio, where they will stay in the Olympic Village during competition.结束在此的训练之后,中国代表团将前往里约入住奥运村里约距圣保罗30公里左右,在其东北方Esporte Club Pinheiros covers an area of 0,000 square meters, equivalent to about
football pitches.该俱乐部占地面积万平方米,相当于个足球场那么大The training base was decided following 18 months of negotiations between Chinese officials and the club’s administrators.经过中国政府和俱乐部长达一年半的协商,中国代表团最终选定这里为训练大本营Esporte Clube Pinheiros is prepared to welcome Chinese athletes in the coming days as they recruited several volunteers to better serve the delegation.在接下来的日子里,皮涅鲁斯体育俱乐部已做好准备迎接中国运动员的到来,为了更好的为代表团务,他们雇佣了多名志愿者Meanwhile, to minimize disruption to its 38,000 members, the club will schedule times
which its facilities will be available exclusively to China’s athletes.同时,皮涅鲁斯体育俱乐部拥有约3.8万名会员,为了不影响中国队备战,该俱乐部在租用期内将对会员出入俱乐部进行相应的时间限制The facilities have aly been rented and will be at the disposition of China between July
and August .该大本营的租期为7月日至8月日The club aly houses facilities
sports: table tennis, artistic gymnastics, swimming, badminton, football, tennis, rugby, water polo, volleyball, fencing, boxing, athletics, synchronised swimming, modern pentathlon and taekwondo.皮涅鲁斯体育俱乐部可为乒乓球、体操、游泳、羽毛球、足球、网球、橄榄球、水球、排球、击剑、拳击、田径、花游、现代五项、跆拳道共个项目提供训练场地设施China has also reserved a hotel close to the venue, booking most of the rooms available.中国奥运代表团还在皮涅鲁斯体育俱乐部旁边预订了一家酒店的绝大多数房间China is not the only team preparing
the Games outside Rio. Britain will use the Minas Tenis Clube in Belo Horizonte as their pre-Games base.并非只有中国代表团在里约之外的地方选定了训练营,英国也选择在贝洛奥里藏特的米纳斯网球俱乐部训练China will send
athletes, including 35 Olympic champions, to the Rio Olympics. This is the largest ever Olympic delegation China has sent overseas.中国里约代表团将派出名运动健儿出征,包括35位前奥运冠军这是中国代表团境外参加奥运会规模最大的一届The Asian country had the second-highest number of podium finishes at the London Olympics with 88, including 38 gold medals. The ed States, which had 530 athletes, led the medals tally with 1 medals, among which 6 were golds.在年伦敦奥运会上,这个亚洲国家在总奖牌榜上排名第二,其中有38枚金牌排名第一的美国共有530名运动员,揽得1枚奖牌,其中金牌6枚苹果公司新品发布 iPad Air 更轻、更薄 -- :36:3 来源:
  There were three big dates on Apple’s calendar this year. The first was June’s WWDC, where it presented iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite, the second was a surprise event last month that presented us with the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus and the Apple Watch. Thursday marked the third, and Apple got out the big guns in the run up to the holiday shopping tablet rush C the iPad Air
and iPad mini 3.  今年苹果公司有三个重要的日子第一个是在6月份苹果公司全球软件开发者年会上,发布了新一代移动操作系统iOS 8以及新版Mac系统;第二个是在上个月发布了iPhone 6和Apple Watch,带给大家各种惊喜而本周四是第三个大日子,苹果公司在这天发布了平板电脑iPad Air
和iPad mini 3  We went hands-on with the two new tablets to find out what’s new.  我们通过亲自体验,来为您介绍这两款平板电脑的创新之处  The first thing you notice when picking up the iPad Air
is that it’s a lot slimmer and lighter than previous models. The iPad Air was last year’s best-designed tablet, but Apple has improved on it by carving 1.mm from the aly slender slate. It feels like a tablet you can hold
hours without getting tired, and it’s perfectly balanced whether you’re in portrait or landscape mode.  拿到iPad Air 后你的第一感觉是比之前那款更轻、更薄iPad Air被认为是去年设计最佳的平板电脑,但是苹果公司没有满足于此,在原有Pad Air的基础上又将厚度减小了1.毫米这样轻薄的平板就算你拿着它几个小时都不觉得累,而且不论你带着它去哪里,它都能保持相当好的平衡度  Battery life is always a worry with slim tablets because they have less room , well, batteries ― but Apple promises that the Air
will have the same -hour stamina of its predecessor, a claim we couldn’t verify during our limited hands-on time Thursday.  平板电脑越轻薄人们,会越担心它的电池续航时间,毕竟轻薄就意味着没有足够的空间放大容量的电池但是苹果公司承诺iPad Air 和其之前推出的平板电脑一样,电池续航时间都能达到个小时但因为周四体验新品的时间有限,所以这点我们目前还无法实  It’s not just the body that’s had a tweak. The screen has also had a major upgrade, but not the one many observers thought was coming. The resolution remains the same, and that’s no bad thing C the iPad Air is plenty sharp. What Apple has done is fuse the different components of the screen together, eliminating all air gaps. So what, you might ask? Well, aside from helping reduce the thickness of the overall body, that process also means the screen is less reflective. Coupled with an anti-reflective coating, Apple claims that the iPad Air
is the least reflective tablet in the world. That’s good news if you like using your tablet outdoors, and it also makes images look like they’re almost painted onto the glass.  除了机身方面有所调整外,iPad Air 的屏幕也有了较大的升级虽然分辨率没有变化,但这不是问题,因为iPad Air已经足够清晰了苹果公司对iPad Air 重点改进的是将LCD屏幕、触屏玻璃、触控传感器紧密融合在一起,使其没有任何缝隙你可能会觉得这没有什么大不了的但其实这样做不仅有助于减小机身的整体厚度,还可以降低屏幕反光率再加上一层特殊的抗反射薄膜,苹果公司宣称iPad Air 是世界上反光率最低的平板电脑如果你喜欢在室外使用平板电脑,那iPad Air 绝对更适合而且这种屏幕还能让画面看起来像直接涂在玻璃上的那样  All these, however, are iterative improvements ― there’s nothing radically innovative on the new iPad. One new feature
the iPads is Touch ID, a feature Apple introduced on the iPhone 5S that lets you access your phone with your thumbprint rather than a four-digit passcode. On an iPhone, Touch ID is fantastic, and within a few days of use you wonder how you ever lived without it. We’re not convinced it’s quite as compelling on a tablet, though. You don’t unlock tablets with as much regularity and they’re not at constant risk of loss or theft like your phone, which is always out and about with you.  当然所有这些改变都只是在之前的基础上更进了一步,新版iPad并没有什么根本上的创新iPad系列的一个新特点就是Touch ID,这是苹果公司在发布iPhone 5S时提出的功能,这个功能能代替之前的四位数字密码,而通过你的指纹来解锁手机Touch ID这个功能在iPhone上使用既有趣又有用,使用几天后你会发现自己根本离不开它可是在平板电脑上,似乎并没有达到同样的效果因为平板和手机不同,平板不需要频繁的解锁,也不像手机那样因为一直随身携带、随手拿着容易丢失所以需要保安全性  But Apple hasn’t included Touch ID on the iPad Air
and iPad mini 3
the sake of unlocking them with ease ― this is a big retail play. Touch ID is integral to Apple Pay, which is in part a slick and easy way to buy products online with the touch of a finger. Judging from how many more apps we buy since Touch ID purchasing was introduced to the App Store, we think this could eliminate multiple drop-off points in the buying process. No wonder retailers are clamoring to get on board C these tablets are the highest-tech shopping carts around.  但是苹果将Touch ID引入iPad Air 和iPad mini 3并不仅是为了增强安全性,同时也是为了Apple Pay务的推广Apple Pay是一种手指触碰的快捷移动付务,而Touch ID是这项务中的关键一环根据从指纹触摸付功能被引入苹果商店以后购买的app数量,可以看出该务非常便捷难怪众多零售商也都吵着要加入,这样的平板电脑确实是最高科技的购物车了  The iPad Air
also got a new processor. This isn’t like the slightly tweaked iPhone 5S chip we saw on the iPad Air. Instead, Apple has designed it specifically
the iPad Air , and Apple claims some staggering permance improvements C up to 0% better CPU speeds and .5 times the graphical grunt. That’s big news if you edit photos or s on your tablet or if you’re a mobile gamer.  iPad Air 还配备了新的处理器这和之前发布的仅在iPhone 5S 芯片基础上稍作调整的iPad Air不同苹果公司专门为iPad Air 设计了处理器,并宣称这会带来难以置信的改变―与之前相比,CPU快0%,GPU快.5倍这对平时喜欢用平板电脑编辑图片或视频、玩游戏的人来说是个好消息  To take advantage of the extra power, Apple has also upgraded the iPad Air ’s iSight camera. It’s now an 8-megapixel affair, but the real benefits come from additional software features. You get all the tricks that iPhone users have enjoyed
a while. There’s time-lapse, burst shooting and the impressive slo-mo
capture.  另外苹果公司还升级了iPad Air 的iSight摄像头,像素达到800万,但是最大的优势还是来自于新增加的软件特点iPhone使用者早就体验到的拍摄功能,包括延时拍摄、连拍以及很吸引人的Slo-Mo慢动作拍摄等,现在在新款平板上也可以用到了  The iPad mini 3 is less interesting than its bigger cousin ― It’s essentially last year’s tablet with the inclusion of Touch ID.  The iPad mini 3与以往相比,没有太多大变化,只是在去年的基础上引入了Touch ID功能而已  Both of Apple’s new iPads look and feel great on first play. They will likely remain the tablets to beat in terms of quality and usability, but Apple had another surprising announcement. The iMac, Apple’s all-in-one desktop, got a refresh. It looks the same in terms of design, but the highest-end model now packs an incredibly sharp 7-inch 5K Retina display. The sharpness is immense ― it will make graphic designers froth at the mouth with anticipation.  苹果发布的这两款新平板电脑刚拿在手里时,看起来感觉都很棒,它们在质量和适用性方面都堪称平板电脑的佼佼者但是苹果公司在昨天的发布会上还发布了另一款产品--全新iMaciMac是苹果公司的一体式电脑新款iMac在设计上与之前类似,其最大的特点是搭载全新的7英寸、分辨率达到 50×80像素的Retina屏幕这种屏幕清晰度超高,即使是平面设计工作者们也会对它垂涎欲滴  The new iPads are available to preorder now in 68GB models
99 respectively
Wi-Fi only. Add 暑假吃起来!中国十大美食城市出炉(双语) --30 18::5 来源:sohu
中国一项以美食而闻名,地大物,五湖四海的美食各具特色近期,中国十大美食城市出炉,快来看看你的城市上榜了吗? Top 1: 成都 Chengdu 四川凉粉
成都无疑是美食爱好者的胜地了作为中国四大菜系之一川菜的发源地,年成都被联合国教科文组织授予“美食之都”称号,成为亚洲首个获此殊荣的城市成都名吃有火锅、麻婆豆腐和宫保鸡丁 Chengdu is no doubt the most popular place
gourmet aficionados. It is the birthplace of Sichuan cuisine, one of China's four major styles of cooking. In , ChengduCapital of the World's Gourmet F by UNESCO, the first city in Asia to receive the honor. It is best represented by its hot pot cooking, spicy bean curd and Kung Pao chicken. Top :广州 Guangzhou
广州拥有众多的老字号餐厅和著名美味佳肴饮茶和喝汤都是广州人日常生活必不可缺的一部分 Guangzhou has numerous time-honored restaurants, noted dishes, and flavor food. Drinking tea and soup are daily habits of Guangzhou people. 广式早茶
Top 3: 北京 Beijing 北京烤鸭
北京不仅是中国各种美味佳肴的聚集地,而且也是世界各地美食的聚集地不出国门,你几乎就可以尝到任何你想吃的美食传统小吃和异国风情应有尽有 Beijing is not only a gathering place
food and delights in China, but also all over the world. You can taste almost anything you want without going abroad. Traditional food and exotic food provides you many choices. 北京炸酱面
Top : 厦门 Xiamen 大排档
作为闽南菜系的重要分,厦门菜主要采用蒸、炸、炖为做法厦门菜通常讲究食材的新鲜和口味的清淡,但也有些口味微辣特色菜主要是海鲜和素食 As an important branch of Southern Fujian cuisine, Xiamen cuisine is mainly served steamed, fried and stewed. Dishes are usually fresh and light in flavor, and are sometimes slightly spicy. Famous offerings include seafoodand vegetarian treats 厦门有0 余个品种的小吃,像特色粽子、鱼丸汤、牡蛎和烧烤酱面条都是最受大家欢迎的 There are more than 0 varieties of Xiamen snacks, with rice dumplings, fishball soup, oysters and barbeque sauce noodles proving most popular. Top 5: 上海 Shanghai 汤包
腌鱼、腌肉在上海是过春节的重要食品这座现代的城市也以它的汤包和汤饺而闻名 Salted fish and meat feature important food at the Spring Festival in Shanghai. The modern city is also famous
its tangbao, or soup dumplings. Top 6: 杭州 Hangzhou
杭州菜注重新鲜的海河水产品,相比北方偏重的口味来讲,杭州菜的味道更清淡鲜香你永远都不会在杭州菜里看到黏腻的棕色酱汁或是大量的八角和孜然 Hangzhou cuisine places emphasis on fresh sea or river produce, and the seasonings are all lighter than strong northern preferences. You will never see a dish covered in sticky brown sauce, or heavily spiked with star anise or cumin. Top 7: 南京 Nanjing
鲜美的口味和精巧的厨技相结合,使长江地区的美食广受青睐 Fresh flavors and artful kitchen skills combine to make the food of the Yangtze region a universal favorite . Top 8: 西安 Xi'an
西安作为历史名城,已有几千年的小麦种植历史,是许多特色面食的发源地即使是简单的面条也有不同的口味和形状,如大家广为流传的裤带面而泡馍也是陕西菜的特色 With thousands of years of history growing wheat, Xi'an is home to many kinds of flour-based food. Even the simple noodle has different shapes and tastes. Paomo is a specialty of Shaanxi cuisine. 羊肉泡馍
Top 9: 重庆 Chongqing
火锅可以说是重庆的名片红油辣汤翻滚,肉和各种蔬菜放入锅中煮,而食客可以随吃随涮随捞重庆火锅以其麻辣的口味而闻名 Hotpot is popular in Chongqing. While the soup is simmering over a flame, meat and vegetables are placed into the pot to cook, and diners can pick out the items when they are y to eat. Chongqing hotpot is famous
its spicy flavors. 重庆火锅
Top : 长沙 Changsha 长沙臭豆腐
长沙以各种辣味美食而闻名生辣椒、 炒辣椒、腌辣椒和干辣椒,各种做法的美味佳肴都与辣椒有关 Changsha is known
its connecti one important connection is the endless array of dishes prepared with raw, stir-fried, pickled and dried red chili peppers. 湖南口味虾
English Source: China Daily on top if you have a hankering
G connectivity. The Retina iMac will run you $,99.  目前,新款的平板系列有6 8GB三种容量版本,WiFi版售价分别美元(国内定价人民币元)如果想要G网络版,则需再加0美元,即售价分别69美元79美元89美元(约合人民币3856356元)Retina iMac的售价为99美元(约合人民币3元)宣城专业治疗膀胱炎的医院
宣城做包皮包茎手术费用父母必知:想要牙齿好 有机果汁喝得少 -- :9:37 来源:
  Tens of thousands of young children are suffering from rotting teeth caused by drinking fruit juice and squash, a major study has revealed.  最近一项研究称,儿童长蛀牙与平时喝的果汁和汽水有关  As many as one in eight children have suffered tooth decay by the age of three C although in some parts of England the rates are as high as a third.  研究显示3岁儿童中,每8个人中就有1个患有蛀牙,在英国的某些地区甚至每3个人孩子中就有1个  Senior dentists say the problem is often caused by well-meaning parents giving toddlers sugar-laden drinks in bottles and beakers. They are now urging families to restrict children to milk and water.  一些牙医称这个问题常常是由父母造成的,他们好心为孩子购买瓶装含糖饮料,却“好心办了坏事”现在牙医要求家长只给孩子喝水和牛奶  Middle-class parents who buy expensive organic juices in the belief they are healthier have been warned they can contain as much sugar as a glass of coke.  有些家境不错的父母会给孩子买较贵的有机果汁,认为它们更健康,但事实上有机果汁与可乐的含糖量相当  One health official observed: ‘Posh sugar is no better than any other sugar.’  一位卫生官员曾说:“无论贵贱,只要含糖量高,都一样有害”  Earlier this year health officials urged the public to cut their sugar intake to between five and seven teaspoons a day to prevent rising levels of obesity and rotting teeth.  今年年初,卫生官员们曾督促公众减少摄糖量每天5-7茶匙即可,这样可以预防肥胖和蛀牙等问题  A 0ml glass of organic apple juice contains
grams of sugar C nearly five teaspoons C only slightly less than the same amount of coke, which has
grams.  一杯0毫升的有机苹果汁含糖量克、约5茶匙,这只比0毫升的可乐所含的糖少克   Experts, including the chief medical officer Dame Sally Davies, have called
a tax to be slapped on sugary drinks to deter the public from buying them.  包括首席医疗官戴姆?萨利?戴姆斯在内的一些专家呼吁对含糖饮料征税,以阻止公众购买  In the first study of its kind, officials at Public Health England C a Government agency C examined the teeth of a sample of 53,60 three-year-olds at nursery schools.  英国公共卫生的官员们在一项研究中检查了幼儿园5360名3岁儿童的牙齿  They found an average of
per cent C one in eight C had tooth decay ranging from small holes, needing fillings or having teeth extracted.  他们发现平均有%即八分之一的儿童有蛀牙问题,包括牙齿有小洞、需要补牙和拔牙等  Many parents give children fruit juice or squash in bottles and beakers to comt them or bee bed. They may suck them
hours on end C with the sugar slowly eroding their teeth. Officials say if children must have juice it should be from a cup which is drunk quickly, causing minimal harm to their teeth.  许多父母在哄孩子的时候或睡觉之前给孩子喝瓶装的果汁或汽水孩子们会一连喝上几个小时,这期间糖分就在慢慢腐蚀着他们的牙齿官员们称,如果孩子们非要喝果汁,那也应该倒进大口杯里并让孩子尽快喝完,这样可以把对牙齿的危害降到最低  Although the decay affects children’s milk teeth, which fall out naturally, experts say it also harms their gums making them more prone to infection in adulthood.  虽然孩子患蛀牙的是会自然掉下的乳牙,但专家称这同样会危害到孩子的牙龈,从而使他们在成年后牙龈更容易受感染宣城如何治疗淋菌性尿道炎
鸡蛋需不需要冷藏呢? -- ::7 来源:
To refrigerate or not, that is the question. When it comes to eggs, it all depends on where you live. Different nations handle this food storage issue differently.对于某些食品来说,冷藏还是不冷藏,这是一个问题而鸡蛋究竟要不要冷藏则取决于你所生活的地方不同的国家在鸡蛋储存的处理上是有区别的Here in the U.S., we refrigerate ― always ― while our neighbors across the ocean in the U.K. (and many other countries) don’t. It’s not so much a matter of custom as it is of food safety. Here’s why.在美国,我们的鸡蛋一般都是要冷藏的,但是我们大洋彼岸的邻居――英国(当然还有很多其他国家)则不冷藏这并不是因为风俗的关系,而是与食品安全有关以下就是原因In the U.S., all of our commercial eggs are power-washed bee being packaged and shipped to a local grocery store near you. The reason
power washing is to rid the egg’s exterior of any harmful bacteria ― salmonella is the big fear here ― by rinsing off all organic matter.在美国,我们所有的成品鸡蛋都是经过强力清洗后才能打包运送到您身边的本地商店通过清除所有的有机物,这种清洗方式能去除鸡蛋表层任何的有害细菌――其中沙门氏菌是最大的担忧Salmonella can contaminate an egg in two ways. One, by passing from an infected hen to its egg when laid. Or two, it can get on the outside of the shell from contact with chicken feces. Power washing does away with the manure. Untunately, it also washes away the egg’s natural protective coating called the cuticle, making it more porous and susceptible to contamination. Refrigerating the eggs helps keep potentially harmful microorganisms at bay.沙门氏菌通过两种方式污染鸡蛋第一种方式是在下蛋的母鸡已被感染,因而鸡蛋也被感染另一种方式则是由于鸡蛋壳与鸡粪接触,导致鸡蛋感染沙门氏菌而强力清洗则能去除鸡粪可惜的是,这种清洗方式也会使得鸡蛋天然的保护层,我们称之为cuticle(护膜),被清洗掉,从而鸡蛋更容易受到感染冷藏鸡蛋则能有效地防止有害微生物的滋生In the U.K. however, eggs are not washed because it’s believed that washing can transfer harmful bacteria from the outside to the inside of the egg. Instead, hens in the U.K. are vaccinated to prevent salmonella.然而,在英国,鸡蛋是不清洗的,因为他们相信清洗会将有害病菌从鸡蛋表层带进鸡蛋里层,英国的母鸡都会注射疫苗,防止感染沙门氏菌Both methods are effective in keeping salmonella controlled ― one is not better than the other. Just be sure to be aware of the safety regulations in whichever country you happen to be buying your eggs in.这两种方法都能有效控制沙门氏菌――并没有优劣之分你只需要留意你要买鸡蛋的那个国家的食品安全规定就行As they say, when in Rome, do as the Romans do.正如有句话说得好,入乡随俗宣城包皮手术医院哪家好
芜湖市治疗阳痿多少钱今年海外首只熊猫宝宝出生啦! -- :: 来源:
A giant panda cub has been born at a zoo in Belgium, an event so rare it is being described a "true miracle".日前,比利时动物园的一只大熊猫产下了幼崽由于大熊猫产仔的几率非常低,于是这件事被称为“真正的奇迹”The healthy male cub was born at a wildlife park outside Brussels to six-year-old Hao Hao and her mate Xing Hui, both on loan from China.在布鲁塞尔外的一个野生动物园里,经过六岁大的“好好”和她的夫君“幸会”的努力,终于生下了一只健康的雄性幼崽这两只熊猫都是中国租借给比利时的The cub, which is hairless, blind and weighs just 1g (6oz), is yet to be named.这只大熊猫宝宝还没有名字,刚出生时它没有毛发,眼睛也没有睁开,体重只有1克(约6盎司)There are only 1,86 giant pandas worldwide, and about 300 live in zoos to protect the species.全世界只有186只大熊猫,其中有300只生活在动物园里,以求保护这个濒危物种"It’s a boy!" the director of the Pairi Daiza wildlife park, Eric Domb, told a news conference at the zoo in southern Belgium.位于比利时南部的“天堂野生动物公园”召开了一场新闻发布会,会上动物园的主管埃里克?多布告诉记者们说:“是个男孩!”"Everything went exceptionally well," he added.他补充说道:“一切都好”’Little pink sausage’‘粉红色的小东西’The pregnancy was confirmed only a couple of weeks ago.仅仅数周前园方才确认好好怀了But pandas struggle to reproduce in captivity, and the team was cautious, even at that point, if and when Hao Hao would give birth.在笼子里熊猫会很难生产,而且在哪个时候,动物园方面也非常谨慎,他们计算好好生产的时间,考虑自己应该做些什么The cub, described as "a little pink sausage", gave a loud squeal as it was born, according to the park’s zoological director Tim Bouts.据园方动物学主任提姆?兹透露,这个“粉红色的小东西”(指这只熊猫幼崽)在出生时发出了一声非常嘹亮的叫声Mother and baby are doing well, but Mr Bouts said the newborn was still in a risky period
any young panda.好好和这只熊猫宝宝的表现都非常好,但是兹表示这只幼崽尚处于危险期,这是所有新生大熊猫都要度过的阶段Hao Hao, whose name means "kindly", scooped up her baby and held it in her jaws to protect and clean it.好好(“亲切、友好”的意思)把熊猫宝宝护在嘴里,以此来保护它,并把它舔干净The zoo has hosted the panda parents since
under an arrangement with the Chinese authorities.年,在中国政府的安排下,这家动物园接待了好好和幸会Chinese experts also helped with the insemination of Hao Hao three months ago.来自中国的专家还在三个月前帮助好好人工授精The zoo can keep the cub
four years bee it is returned to China, if all goes well.如果一切顺利的话,这家动物园可以保留这只熊猫猫宝宝四年,在那之后它将回到中国The birth is only the third in Europe in the last
years, the other two being in Austria and Spain.这只熊猫宝宝是年里在欧洲出生的第三只,前两只分别出生在奥地利和西班牙Two pandas were born in zoos in China this year.今年,中国动物园迎来了两只熊猫宝宝的降生


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