what you doinga() doing printing with me?填什么

A blog for Ph.D. study of Demography. esp. eng&professional article.
ps. post some articles on premier Wen for inspiring.
blogTitle:'internet 对我们的头脑做了什么?What the Internet is doing to our brains',
blogAbstract:'by Nicholas Carr \r\nIs Google Making Us Stupid? \r\nIllustration by Guy Billout \r\n\r\n',
hostIntro:'A blog for Ph.D. study of Demography. esp. eng&professional article. \r\nps. post some articles on premier Wen for inspiring.',
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{list a as x}
{list a as x}
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{list a as x}
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{if first_option==false},{/if}&&“${b[voteToOption_index]}”&&
{if (x.role!="-1") },“我是${c[x.role]}”&&{/if}
{if x.userName==''}{/if}
{list x.l as y}
{if defined('wl')}
{list wl as x}{/list}A can’t do-but do-是英语中的一个习惯表达方式——精英家教网——
A can’t do-but do-是英语中的一个习惯表达方式 【】
  Sociologists(社会学家), working in western countries, have found that a large number of women wished they had been born men. The number is said to be as high as 60% in Germany.   &Women often wish they had the same chances as men have, and think it is still men's world. & said Dr. James Helen, one of the sociologists who did the study.   Many men say that they have more duties than women. A man has to make money to support his family and to make the important decision, so it is right for men to be paid more. Some are even against their wives working at all. When wives go out to work, they say, the home and children cannot be taken good care of. If women take full-time jobs, they won't be able to do what they are best at doing: making a nice home and bringing up the children.   Some women disagree. They say they want to get out of their homes and to have freedom to choose between work and home life. Women have the right of equal pay and equal chances.   Anne Harper has a very good job. She also believes in &Women's Liberation&, &I don't wish I were a man,& she says, &and I don't think many women do. But I do wish people would stop treating us like second-class people. At work, for example, we usually do the work that men do but get paid less. There are still a lot of jobs only to men—usually they are the best ones. If you are a man, you have a much better chance of living a wonderful life. How many women scientists are there…or engineers?& Many men think ______.     A. women can't do what men can     B. men have to work much harder than women     C. men can make money more easily than women     D. women's duty is mainly to do housework at home  Some women have different ideas. They say that ______.     A. women need chances to go out of the home more often     B. women want more freedom in deciding the kind of life they want     C. if women are given equal pay, they can do everything instead of men     D. women are no longer interested in taking care of their homes    Anne Harper thought that ______.     A. women should live a better life than men     B. women should be really liberated     C. women should be given better jobs than men     D. women should live a more wonderful life than men
Student:I’ve been learning English for a long time.And I still can’t speak
good English.I got really disheartened.
Teacher:Take your time.Anyway(1)R________ wasn’t built in a day.
Student:Can you give me some(2)a_________?
Teacher:Ok.English is really important.But like(3)a________ else-you
really need to practice and practice(4)b________ you can do it
Teacher:Well-you know when people first learn to drive a car-they
can’t do it well.They’ll make(5)l________ of mistakes.But that’s
(6)n________.That happens to everyone.
Student:I know what you mean.
Teacher:Learning English is just(7)l________driving a car.All you have to
do is to practice and don’t be afraid of making mistakes because the
more mistakes you make-the(8)q________ you can speak good
Student:It’s easy to say-but(9)h________ to do.
Teacher:I’m always glad to help you and don’t forget:language is not about
those words or grammar rules.Cultural background plays a vital
role as(10)w_________.
Student:Jesus.What could I do before I can speak good English?
Teacher:Just pick up the phone and practice with me.I’m sure I can better
your English.
  A large number of women in Western European countries wish that they were born men.The number is said as high as 60% in West Germany.
  “Women often wish that they had the same chance as men have, and believe it is still men's world,” said Dr.James Holden,one of the scientists who did the study.
Anne Harper has a very good job for an international oil company.She also believes in“Women's Liberation”.“I don't wish that I were a man,” she says,“and I don't think many women do.But I do wish that people would stop looking down upon us women.At work,for example, we often do the work that men do but get paid less.There are still a lot of jobs that are usually the best ones and open only to men.If you're a man,you have a much better chance of leading an exciting life.How many women pilots are there...or engineers or scientists?”
1.A lot of women in ________ wish that they were born men.
A.European countries
B.the West
C.West Europe
D.West Germany
2.“It is still a men's world.” means “________”
A.There're more men than women in the world.
B.There're more men scientists or engineers than women in the world.
C.Women cannot live without men.
D.Women have not been given the same chance as men.
3.Anne Harper considers that women should________.
A.be really liberated
B.live a better life
C.be well paid
D.get better jobs than men
4.Anne Harper doesn't wish that she were a man because she________.
A.has got a very good job
B.believes in “Women Liberation”
C.does the work that a man can't do
D.isn't looked down upon by anyone
To find out missing children the first thing we should do is to put out an APB and this goes to all the police stations in the country. Next we contact(get in touch with)the hospitals.Often the person we are looking for has been in an accident.Then we might try parents,friends or relatives they might be with.We try to follow their movements and to find the last person they saw or were with.Then we try the media.We put photographs in local or national papers---especially papers they might read.There are other things we can do:put posters in places they might be,ask the television station for help.Here in America there is a magazine in which there are photographs of missing children.This is often the last hope,with nearly two million missing children every year,we can’t do all these things for everyone.We haven’t got the time,the money or the staff. 1.Which is the best arrangement to find missing children?
a.Try the media…..b.Try parents,friends or relatives they might be with
c.put out an APB d.contact the hospitals
A. a—b—d---c B.c—d---b---a C.c—b—d—aD.b---c---a---d 2.We contact the hospitals because the missing person_______.
A.is often sent to them for his sudden illness
B.must have been injured in an accident
C.has often been found in some hospital 
D.has often been involved in an accident    3.In order to find missing children,it is more important to______.     A.find out who their best friends are 
B.put posters in places where they might be     C.find the last person they saw or were with
D.go to local police stations    4.Which of the statements is not true according to the passage?    A.We can’t do all these things for everyone due to the lack of time,money and the staff    B.Every year,the total missing children come to two million in America    C.Printing photographs of missing children seems the last hope    D.The reason why children break away from their homes is that they wish to be free.   5.The suitable title for the passage may be______.    A.Save children in trouble    B.Work about an APB    C.How to find missing children  D.Function of the media &
A large number of women in Western European countries wish that they were born men. The number is said as high as 60% in West Germany. “Women often wish that they had the same chance as men have, and believe it is still men’s world,” said Dr James Holden, one of the scientists who did the study. Anne Harper has a very good job for an international oil company. She also believes in “Women’s Liberation”. “I don’t wish that I were a man,” she says. “And I don’t think many women do. But I do wish that people would stop looking down upon us women. At work, for example, we often do the work that men do but get paid less. There are still a lot of jobs that are usually the best ones and open only to men. If you’re a man, you have a much better chance of leading an exciting life. How many women pilots are there…or engineers or scientists?” 1. A lot of women in   
wish that they were born men.
A. European countries B. West Germany
C. West Europe D. West Germany 2. “It is still a men’s would.” Means “   
A. There’re more men than women in the world.
B. There’re more men scientists or engineers than women in the world.
C. Women cannot live without men.
D. Women have not been given the same chance as men. 3. Anne Harper considers that women should    .
A. be really liberated B. live a better life
C. be well paid D. get better jobs than men 4. Anne Harper doesn’t wish that she were a man because she    .
A. has got a very good job
B. believes in “Women Liberation”
C. does the work that a man can’t do
D. isn’t looked down upon by anyone 5. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Usually the best jobs are not open to women.
B. Women are less paid than men for the same job.
C. There’re more men pilots, engineers and scientists than women.
D. Women are looked down upon because they’re the second-class citizens(二等公民). &
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What Buyers Admire Most in a Printer
By Margie Gallo Dana
Every month at Boston Print Buyers.
Published: August 2, 2007
By Margie Gallo Dana
Every month at
I feature a different member of the Boston Print Buyers association in a 10-question profile for publication in the BPB Member News.
So far, we've profiled 13 print buyers (by the way, not one of them has that title). Most of these print buyers have around 20 years' experience in the industry. One buyer is new to the field (less than 2 years), and one owns her own graphic design firm.
Take a look at what these professional print buyers had to say when asked, "What do you admire most in a print vendor?"
The ability to partner with me to assist my nonprofit company and its affiliates in spreading our messages through print in the most cost-effective and productive ways.
I admire integrity, honesty and sincerity.
The skill to do great service recovery in the event of an error, and to learn from mistakes.
Their knowledge of what they are selling and, above all, their honesty.
Honesty --I've been doing this too long to be given the old excuses. Tell me the truth and we can work on a solution together. Tell me a story and I will be fuming until the job delivers.
Honesty--don't lie to me about meeting a deadline. I'd rather know up-front that we&re behind schedule. My clients don't like surprises and neither do I.
Their knowledge. Most of my print vendors are seasoned and have a great deal of education to share.
(I'm assuming here you mean the rep and not the company at large.) Anybody can take an order and submit it to the people "back at the shop," but I want a partner who sees the project as their project and takes the initiative to make it a better product. One of my reps once went crawling through dusty, musty old storage shelves that lined the back room of a finisher's shop just to find the right size and finish grommet we wanted to use on a holiday card we were sending out. HE FOUND IT and was my hero for making me look like a hero at my shop!
This may surprise some folks, but I what I admire most in a print vendor is a top notch, technically talented sales force. Anyone can hire a person to sell & you know, the suit, portfolio of samples, "wanna do lunch?" It's the vendor who recognizes that my success (and my relationship with the vendor) is often defined by the dedication, knowledge and talent of my sales/CSR team that will win my business. At the speeds we work, and given the investment my company trusts me to make in purchasing printing, means my ability to rely on them to work hard and watch out for my account is critical. I love my sales contacts and their teams, and, if I didn't, I wouldn&t be working with the vendor.
The ability to admit a mistake AND the way they approach the resolution.
Honesty. When a job goes bad, let's work together to fix the problem. Along with a print vendor not wanting all the work, just their fair share.
Honesty and being realistic. I prefer to get information with the least amount of sugar coating - Tell it to me like it is. Don't yes me to death. Not being scared to say no. I respect that more.
I admire honesty and collaborative, proactive customer service. Someone who not only calls me to tell me something is not going according to plan, but who also offers alternative solutions to help me meet my objectives.
Let's sum it up: Honesty. Plus knowledge and proactive service. This list should be mandatory reading for every print sales and service person.
Whether you are a print customer or print provider, does this list surprise you? I want to know what you think.
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what a day是什么意思
what a day是什么意思 what a day在线翻译 what a day什么意思 what a day的意思 what a day的翻译 what a day的解释 what a day的发音 what a day的同义词
what a daywhat a day 双语例句1. What is even worse is that some people defy the law of the country and spoliate the resources of others. Imagine if one day someone hold a gun with it pointing to your head, asking for your food, then what will you think?&&&&更糟糕的是,有些人藐视国家法律抢夺别人的资源,假想有一天有人那枪指住你的头,问你家里的粮食放在那里,你会怎么想?2. danci.911cha.com2. Like an usual day we went to school, Toshie thought she could let kitties hanging around so she opened bedroom's door let cats could take a walk(Adan was locked in my room alone). But after I came home, I saw Toshie hold Margaret and 2ndKen and little-Ken crying, I asked her what's wrong. And realize that 2nd-Ken and little-Ken super running in the house, and crashed the jossand joss stick.&&&&有一天一如往常我们去上学,我妹想说可以让小猫们在家里走来走去,所以房门开了一点就如平常一样,结果我下课回来时,看见妹妹抱著马格丽特还有二健三健在房间里面哭,我询问之下才知道,二健三健在家里暴冲,结果把家里的菩萨的雕刻撞倒了。3. what a day在线翻译3. Gather round everyone, I'll tell you It's a time to help a friends There's so much love in the world So share it all around And together we'll win in the end If we all lead a hand, we'll make it And say thanks for what we've praied Look around and you'll see Such beauty in this life So reach out and don't be afraid Stay with me There'll be a Guardian Angel Just have faith and you'll see That one day You'll find your Guardian Angel waiting back Who'll guide you on your way Yes I know There'll be your Guardian Angel So have faith, it will come ture That one day You'll find your Gurdian Angel Who'll guide you on your way Let's stand tall and be united What we need is our strength and love We can all live our lives in peace and harmony And say thanks to one above Stay with me There'll be a Guardian Angel Just have faith and you'll see That one day You'll find your Guardian Angel waiting back Who'll guide you on your way Yes I know There'll be your Guardian Angel So have faith, it will come ture That one day You'll find your Gurdian Angel Who'll guide you on your way Don't let your dreams fade away Hold on and hear what I say That some day There'll be a Guardian Angel Just have faith and you'll see That one day You'll find your Guardian Angel waiting back Who'll guide you on your way Yes I know There'll be your Guardian Angel So have faith, it will come ture That one day You'll find your Gurdian Angel Who'll guide you on your way&&&&聚集回合每个人,我将告诉你资讯科技是时候帮助一位朋友在世界上有这么多爱如此分享它所有的在附近而且一起我们将会在结束中赢得如果我们所有的领引一只手,我们将会做到而且发言权谢谢对于我们已经祈祷的四处看看,而且你将会见到这生活的如此美人如此到达出并且不害怕在我家逗留 There'll 是保护的天使仅仅有信心,而且你将会见到那一个天你将会找等候背面的你保护的天使 Who'll 在途中指导你是的我知道 There'll 是你的保护天使如此有信心,它将会受到 ture 的影响那一个天你将会找你的 Gurdian 天使 Who'll 在途中指导你让我们站高并且是联合的我们需要的是我们的力量和爱我们全部能居住和平和协调的我们生命而且发言权谢谢到一在上面在我家逗留 There'll 是保护的天使仅仅有信心,而且你将会见到那一个天你将会找等候背面的你保护的天使 Who'll 在途中指导你是的我知道 There'll 是你的保护天使如此有信心,它将会受到 ture 的影响那一个天你将会找你的 Gurdian 天使 Who'll 在途中指导你不要让你的梦褪色离开把握在而且之上听到我说的那来日 There'll 是保护的天使仅仅有信心,而且你将会见到那一个天你将会找等候背面的你保护的天使 Who'll 在途中指导你是的我知道 There'll 是你的保护天使如此有信心,它将会受到 ture 的影响那一个天你将会找你的 Gurdian 天使 Who'll 在途中指导你4. 4. After a short tour of the day, we do not allow for library business card printing and membership card production has a thorough understanding of what we can do is find some fur, black dots.&&&&跋文 短短成天的观光,我们并不克不及不差典籍制卡和会员卡制作不入产有全背澈底的不懂,我们所能怠工的只是管洋窥豹,发掘一些外相。5. 5. He said there against what you body does not check, I said no, but also examined to what he says I have inflammation, inflammation cured first, he said that after eating drugs, he said that if a That is to say that he has the drugs, three or four hundred a day of flowers, may be the last so that we did not think that he said it was not only so small, he said you are not urgent, it is checked in, there is no problem I do not want the door just started looking at that, may I wish it did not matter how much money to spend, the most important to bear in the end, I insist on seeing it on the door, who can think, what a day of high consumption, could eventually I have not pregnant, and now there is no way I am the door, if the doctor does not say that I am able to eat that bad on the quasi-drugs, we do not get the drug of interest, in order to buy this kind of inter-provincial, I Internet search portal, we hope to see.&&&&到那他说你这抗什么体的检查没有,我说没有,又检查了那几向,他说我有炎症,先把炎症治好,他说之后在吃那药,一听他说那话就是说他那有那药,每天三四百的花,可到最后让我们没有想到的是他说没有只能等,他说你还小又不急,在那都查了,都没有问题,我门刚开始也不想在那看,可一想花多少钱不要紧,最主要的到最后能怀上,我门就坚持看了下去,可谁想到,每天着么高的消费,居然最终我还没有怀上,到现在我门也没有办法,要是那医生不说我吃那药准能坏上,我们对这种药也不会这样的感兴趣,为了买这样的要跨省,我门在网上查,结果我们就看到希望了。6. I dare that you will disappear. Perhaps you don't know it and you can't understand. To get a baby I had paid a high price. I think you will understand it in the future. I don't to fetter you with the baby, because you are always free. Recently as if we havn't have anything to talk to each other. I don't know what you are thinking. I'm worried about it. I am in low spirits everyday. I wept the day you were out of home. I will be contented, even though the things I did just can give me a little consolation.&&&&也许你不知道也不明白我付出了很大的代价来要一个我们的孩子我想你以后会明白的但我并不想用这孩子来束缚你因为你一直都是自由的最近我们之间好象都没有什么话说我不知道你都在想些什么我很担心我的心里每天都是闷闷的你不在家的时候我不知道自己哭了多少次哪怕我所做出的一切能得到一点点的安慰我都会觉得很满足我只要你有一点点的温柔分给我就好一点点就好。。。7. 7. What you may do to prepare now, to ensure that your place in this process is all that it might be, is to continue to diligently place yourself into the Love of your own Higher Self/Soul Essence, each day, in a process of meditation, or sitting in a peaceful place of contemplation bringing deep relaxation to your physical body, and placing yourself into a state of Peaceful awareness.&&&&你现在就做准备,提出你所有可能的旅程,继续把你自己置身于爱的冥想灵魂的冥想,每天,冥想的进程,或者坐在安静的地方,完全放松你的身体,把你自己带进一个完美的和平境界。8. what a day是什么意思8. What you may do toprepare now, to ensure that your place in this process is all thatit might be, is to continue to diligently place yourself into theLove of your own Higher Self/Soul Essence, each day, in a processof meditation, or sitting in a peaceful place of contemplation –bringing deep relaxation to your physical body, and placingyourself into a state of Peaceful awareness.&&&&你现在就做准备,提出你所有可能的旅程,继续把你自己置身于爱的冥想灵魂的冥想,每天,冥想的进程,或者坐在安静的地方,完全放松你的身体,把你自己带进一个完美的和平境界。9. I live in Australia and I will help to bring your songs to the local church in Sydney and see what they say and hopefully one day we can sponsor you to go overseas and sing along and spread God`s word and I think also China also look upon to Malaysians very highly and I think you have a place in China as well.&&&&所以我相信你们有机会来听的话也会喜欢。其中有一首歌我特别喜欢的就是`到时`。是讲到当我们离开这个世界的时候,我们仍然可以期待相聚。所以在这首歌里能够感觉得到,对死亡我们不再惧怕,因为我们有永生的盼望。所以希望每一个人都能够来现场体验到这种奇妙的感觉。10. I think the best way is to practise as what a football player does every day.&&&&我认为最好的办法是实行正如一名球员是否每天。11. The next day afternoon delivery master your home shop, I did not think on the signed documents, master left I opened it I did not want the kind of appearance, the performance of the paste on the power table column data are not the same (I want the 2800W to goods is marked 2000W), but written by the same models, such as Haier Yinhai products, I'll contact the Department of your home appliances stores, household appliances, head of a pass for me to explain what I would like to look kind of product has become obsolete, non-production, and power factories has dropped to 2000W, and is sent, etc.&&&&&&第二天下午贵店师傅送货到家,我也没多想就在单据上签了字,师傅走后我打开一看不是我要的那种外观,所贴性能表上功率一栏数据也不一样(我要的是2800W的,来货标明的是2000W),但所写的型号一样,是海尔银海象产品,我马上联系贵店家电部,家电部主管给我一通解释,什么我要的那种产品外观已经过时,不生产了,功率厂家已经给降到2000W了,送去的就是我要的等等。12. what a day的反义词12. With the discreet thinking, you can do with what it is. There is a BMW. You use it, but you don`t covet for a more luxury car, such as BENZ. There is a chance to have dinner in a grand hotel, you don`t decline it, as long as, the next day you have a bowl of soaked cooked rice and will not think it is difficult to swallow, that is acceptable.&&&&&&有了这种警悌之心,在日常生活上你就顺其自然,有BMW你还是使用,并不排斥,可也不会贪心,时时想换一台BENZ或更豪华的车;有机会去饭店吃饭你也不拒绝,可是隔天在我这儿吃碗泡饭也不会埋怨,认为难以下咽。13. what a day的翻译13. A day, at this time, the mood to belong to oneself all! Don't know what time, from the text will become part of my life, to the text, as his friend can laugh, can go to talk!&&&&&&不知道什么时候,文本就将成为我生活中的一部分,这篇课文,因为他的朋友可以笑,可以去谈。14. what a day的翻译14. A succeed, hope and have one good mood one whole day in you, wish you living a life in Shanghai happy, How you tell me that you have birthday latly, you know that I reached Shanghai on the 10th of August, I can Heilungkiang soon in tomorrow, really very sorry, can give you take place the model happy birthday to you too very getting good in Shanghai, I hope what you pass afterwards happy, and one hundred hundred can become good friends, Still exceed it, I hope on 3 of yours too that you have a good time!&&&&&&阿成,希望你的每一天都有一个好心情,愿你快快乐乐的在上海生活,你怎么不早告诉我你有生日啊,你知道么我8月10号那天到的上海,我明天就要会黑龙江了,真的很抱歉,不过能在上海给你发这张帖子祝你生日快乐也很不错啊,我希望你以后都过的开开心心,和百百能成为好朋友,还有逾天,我也就你们3个朋友,希望你们过得都好。15. 15. I've saved the summer I've saved the summer and I give it all to you to hold on winter mornings when the snow is new I've saved some sunlight if you should ever need a place away from darkness where your mind can feed and for myself I've kept your smile when you were but nineteen, tiil you are older you'll not know what brave young smiles can mean I know no answers to help you on your way the answera lie somewhere at the bottom of the day but if you've a need for love I'll give you all I own It might help you down the road Till you've found your own&&&&&&我保存了夏天我保存了夏天并且我给它全部您举行在冬天早晨当雪是新的我保存了一些阳光如果您曾经需要一个地方从黑暗那里您的头脑可能哺养并且为我自己我保留了您的微笑当您是仅十九,tiil 您将更老您' ll 不知道什么勇敢的年轻微笑可能意味我不知道答复帮助您在您的途中回答谎言某处在天的底部但如果您有对爱的需要我将给您全部我拥有它也许帮助您击倒路您发现了您自己16. Oh, say such things, in fact, is to imagine, you eat, and live your house, not satisfied with what I have, although it is thought, but I feel that marriage should not be this way, I do not have a yin good wife, mother of the potential, at home and no money to support me, I can only rely on themselves, if not married can also earn a little of their own home, that no one will roll out I do not think that day will be to abandon my home.&&&&&&呵呵,说这些话,其实想象也是,吃着你们的,住着你们的房子,我还有什么不满意的,尽管是这么想,但是我感觉结婚不该是这个样子的,我不具备一个贤妻良母的潜质,家里也没有钱支援我,我也只能靠自己,就算不结婚也能够挣到属于自己的一个小小的家,那种不会有人撵我滚,不会觉得有天会抛弃我的家。17. what a day17. Friday was a really special day for sasshi, it was her birthday and what a great gift to her when the site 12岁小女孩的阴到she is supervising was finally uploaded directly from the reunion office.&&&&&&星期五对於sasshi她来说真的乐碧止汗香体喷雾是一个特别的日子,对於她来说既是她的生日,也是她负责的网站直接从重组的公司上载成功。18. 18. If a voice output record system can be designed to remind people what to do next day, it can bring convenience to the life, the study and the work of people.&&&&&&如果能够设计一种语音播报记事器,事先把第二天或是以后要做的事情记录下来,到了设定的时间语音播报记事器能够自动地将要做的事情播放出来,这样就可以起到提示的作用,给人们的生活、学习和工作带来方便。19. What is a fashion day in the life of Scott Schuman?&&&&&&什么是在斯科特舒曼生活时尚天?20. Whether U. S. troop look like a mercenary force of latter-day Hessians is now a seconda what comes first is simply finding the cash. Chiacago Tribune, Setember 19, 1990&&&&&&A luodean的参考译文:美国军队是否看上去像现代版的黑森人雇佣兵并不重要,关键课题是如何解决资金来源。what a day 单语例句1. The panel posed at least three questions throughout the day, including a clarification of the charges and what Spears had done to be charged.2. If you asked most people what May 25 or 525 means, they wouldn't have a clue but many college students know it as Mental Health Day.3. Making ends meet is what most are working toward every day despite their dream of someday landing a decent job in the big cities.4. Ivy also gave a vivid description of what a typical day is like in the working life of a practice nurse.5. This heroic deed is perhaps a metaphor for what these teachers do every day - work for which they deserve tribute.6. Barcelona put a detailed statement on their website listing what had happened throughout the day.7. The amount after all is less than what US spends on its troops in Iraq in a day.8. It's just a harbinger for the ruckus that's scheduled to erupt tomorrow on what's been dubbed " Financial Fools Day ".9. Regardless of how long the trip or what time of day one travels, we stock up for the train like we are going on a wilderness expedition.10. It is hard to determine what really happened on that fateful day in Tianjin because of lack of a witness or close circuit TV recording.what a day是什么意思,what a day在线翻译,what a day什么意思,what a day的意思,what a day的翻译,what a day的解释,what a day的发音,what a day的同义词,what a day的反义词,what a day的例句,what a day的相关词组,what a day意思是什么,what a day怎么翻译,单词what a day是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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