
马到成功是什么意思 马到成功在线翻译 马到成功什么意思 马到成功的意思 马到成功的翻译 马到成功的解释 马到成功的发音
马到成功 基本解释马到成功[mǎ dào chéng gōng]词典win success immediately upon arrival:马到成功。词典be accomplished instantly [in a moment]词典carry out one's mission quickly:马到成功。词典:马到成功。马到成功 汉英大词典马到成功[mǎ dào chéng gōng](形容迅速取得胜利) win success imme be accomplished instantly [in a moment]; carry out one' gain an immediate victory [success]; with success the moment one arrives:  例:你们一组人, 个个团结, 干起事来,马到成功。    You have good unity in your group, and success will be yours for the asking.    分别时, 他说:“但愿兄弟马到成功。”    When we departed, he said, “I wish you a speedy success.”马到成功 网络解释1. 1. achie win instant success:马大哈careless, casual and carefree | 马到成功achie win instant success | 马拉松会议marathon meeting2. 2. Wishing you every success:万事如意 Everything goes well | 马到成功 Wishing you every success | 升官发财 Promoting to a higher position3. gain an immediate:a horse galloping without a stop马不停蹄 | gain an immediate马到成功 | black sheep.害群之马马到成功 双语例句1. 拿破仑对马到成功充满自信,预言要在5个星期内攻下俄国。&&&&Napoleon, confident of a quick victory, predicted the conquest of Russia in five weeks.2. 凯普博士在实验室看起来就马到成功似的,但是他却还要进行一些临床实验才能定夺。&&&&Dr Kappe's looks promising in the laboratory, but has yet to undergo clinical trials.3. 我就告诉你一条捷径,保证你马到成功。&&&&Let me show You a shortcut to Your goal.4. 你一定会马到成功&&&&You will always get to where you are going5. 5. 记住,接受面试时的一项技巧--如果你准备得很充足的话,那么你就会马到成功。&&&&Remember, being interviewed is a skill, and if you do the preparation you should ace it every time.6. 6. 我祝你马到成功。&&&&Let me wish you every success.7. 生命的意义不在于马到成功,而在于不断求索。&&&&The meaning of life is to pursue forever but not to achieve at once.8. 祝你马到成功。。。&&&&I wish you every success.9. 祝您身体健康、马到成功。&&&&I wish you the best of health and success.10. 10. 马头人将以实际的行动回答你各种疑虑,只生产消费者喜欢的产品是我们的生产设计准则,所以对经销商来说,选择马头就意味着马到成功。&&&&Tau actual person will answer your doubts about action, only the production of consumer products are enjoy U. S. production design guidelines, so on the Distributor, the selection means Tau win instant success.11. GSI公司曾在中东和澳大利亚的大沙漠中勘探,也使用过我们莫尔厂提供的沙漠设备,但都得心应手、旗开得胜、马到成功,惟有中国的塔克拉玛干大沙漠,设备进入工区才两个多月,就已经有一多半泡病号和抛锚待料。&&&&&&GSI has conducted the seismic operation in deep desert in the Middle East and Australia. The desert equipment that used was supplied by our Mol manufacture. The equipment was suitable
But in the deep desert in Takalamaken of China, only two months, half of then broke down!12. 12. 中国将1年12个月份以各个生肖的名字命名,如:鼠、虎、猪、龙。2002年马年,寓意马到成功。&&&&&&The Year of Horse, is an energetic time which is believed to bring about success and achievement.13. 他将马到成功。&&&&&&He'll win success immediately upon arrival.14. 14. “杀手级的应用”未必马到成功,还必须匹配“杀手级的价格”。&&&&&&" The application of killer class " may not success immediately upon arrival, still must match " the price of killer class ".15. 旗开得胜,马到成功。&&&&&&(I wish you) speedy success.16. 图中的骏马寓意着“马到成功”。&&&&&&The courser in the picture means succeeding immediately upon its arrival.17. 马到成功17. 上压下层层加码,马到成功;下骗上节节掺水,水到渠成;皆大欢喜。&&&&&&Layers of increased pressure on, cheat on steadily under the Water, to the satisfaction of all.18. \u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D18. 我永远不会相信,这样大的变化,杀死老女巫等等,没有强大魔法的帮助,就会马到成功。&&&&&&I will never believe that so great an alteration, and the killing of the old enchantress, were effected without the aid of strong magic.19. 你们一组人,个个团结,干起事来,马到成功。&&&&&&You have good unity in your group, and success will be yours for the asking.20. 金马家具,一马当先,马到成功。&&&&&&King Horse Furniture, take the lead, success immediately upon arrival.马到成功是什么意思,马到成功在线翻译,马到成功什么意思,马到成功的意思,马到成功的翻译,马到成功的解释,马到成功的发音,马到成功的同义词,马到成功的反义词,马到成功的例句,马到成功的相关词组,马到成功意思是什么,马到成功怎么翻译,单词马到成功是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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