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保佑 基本解释保佑[bǎo yòu]词典:祝福;保佑;赞美;为…祈福。词典:护佑;保佑。保佑 汉英大词典保佑[bǎo yòu]bless and protect:  例:我们不靠老天保佑。    We don't rely on blessings from Heaven.    上帝保佑他有个好儿子。    God blessed him with a good son.    愿上帝保佑你!    God bless you!保佑 网络解释1. Blessed:一个印第安人曾说:北美洲有两处被神特别保佑(blessed)的地方:一处是新墨西哥州的的桑塔菲(Sante Fa),另一处就是华盛顿州的西雅图. 这两处令人陶醉(enchanted)的地方是宇宙的能量聚集之处,敏感的人在这里很容易被激发活力(rejuvenated).2. bless vt:bleed vi.流血 | bless vt.保佑 | Bomb n.炸弹3. 3. bless v:★blessing n. 福气, 福分 | bless v. 保佑 | God bless you! =Bless you! 上帝保佑你保佑 双语例句1. 保佑的解释1. 我拿什么拯救,情能见血封喉,谁能把谁保佑,能让爱永不朽。&&&&I take anything to save, can the sentiment the upas, who be able to bless who, can let like being forever immortal.2. 有的人家在门上贴上寿星或仙女的画像,祈求上天保佑,驱走鬼魅,赐给幸福。&&&&Some people put up on the door fairy god of longevity, or the portrait pray God bless, to drive away ghosts, give happiness.3. 上帝保佑你,我迫切地期待你的回复。&&&&God bless you as I will be looking forward to hear from you urgently.4. 4. 开工之时,密须国人纷纷前来相助,此台便像神灵保佑一般迅速建成,文王十分高兴便称此台为灵台。&&&&Started when the people have to come close to help, this will be like the gods bless Taiwan general quickly completed, Emperor Wen said this would be very pleased to Lingtai Taiwan.5. 5. 妈妈,我总是为你的英灵祈祷,上帝保佑你在天堂安息。&&&&Mama, I always pray for you soul, God rest your soul in the heaven.6. 皇家的蛇形标记(uraeus,类似中国的龙首)在他的前额,保佑他免受所有灾难。&&&&The royal uraeus on his forehead protects him against all evil.7. 兰花草 云萦雾绕,心静神宁;真作假时假亦真,假作真时真亦假。一无所有吾欲游九华,上香,忏悔,许愿,望佛祖保佑!!!&&&&I think if I have determinted to be a monk there, I will get rid off all my nuisances and may be able to make some contributions for the betterment of others.8. 神会保佑我,保佑每一个人&&&&God bIess us, every one.9. 他一直会在背后支持你,保佑你,你会永远幸福的!&&&&He will be on
bless you, you`ll be happy all time.10. 10. 后来,我流鼻血的毛病逐渐好了,母亲特意感谢那告诉她土方子的人,我自己以为是母亲的爱心感动了上天,上天就保佑我所以就康复了!&&&&Later, I nosebleeds defects gradually Well, specially grateful to my mother to tell her son who earth, I love that the mother moved to heaven, God would bless me so I recovered!11. 路是黑的,但我知道他会来救我。高贵的人是我的谢泼德,我很冷静,尽管有除上帝之外我该害怕的紧急的危险。谢谢你对我的保佑及演说的技巧。五年之间我知道这里没有了尊贵和体面。最后我在我身上看到了希望,正崛起的必须倒下。&&&&&&Nd the skils on the mic Five years we know there's no diggity Free at last see the light in me What goes up must come down I'll be around while you heading towards deathtown Allways look forward hardly never look back So many tears and the snakes on my jock Now i'm riding in my big fat ride Your ass is late so look for the line Nana in the house to let you know What i see is how?12. 12. 让我活下去。每一个人都践踏着我,哦,高贵的人请过来救我,我在这辈子做了坏事,为什么你不来拯救我?!因为你已经有了我所需要的一切!我知道我即将要付出代价。我走在晚上混乱和战争过后的大街上,我是这样一个眼含着泪寻找光明的人。路是黑的,但我知道他会来救我。高贵的人是我的谢泼德,我很冷静,尽管有除上帝之外我该害怕的紧急的危险。谢谢你对我的保佑及演说的技巧。五年之间我知道这里没有了尊贵和体面。最后我在我身上看到了希望,正崛起的必须倒下。当你往死亡之城前进的时候,我会陪在你身边,永远向前,几乎从不往后看。我的驾车上粘有那么多的泪水和毒蛇。现在我正驾驶着我高大的坐骑,你的笨驴太迟了所以小心那条线。NANA坐在房子里告诉你,我所看见的就是我所感受到的,所以让我独个呆着。&&&&&&Everybody's tripppin'on me Oh lord come help me please I did some bad things in my life Why can't you rescue me'cause you've got all i need I know i got to pay the price Cheppin'thru the streets at night after a fuss and fight Tears in my eyes i'm a man lookin'for the light Dark is the path i know he will rescue me The lord is my shepard i'm cool despite emergency Whom shall i fear exept the god Thank you for the blessin'a nd the skils on the mic Five years we know there's no diggity Free at last see the light in me What goes up must come down I'll be around while you heading towards deathtown Allways look forward hardly never look back So many tears and the snakes on my jock Now i'm riding in my big fat ride Your ass is late so look for the line Nana in the house to let you know What i see is how i feel so leave me alone I am lonely lonely lonely I am lonely lonely in my life I am lonely lonely lonely God help me help me to survive!13. 让他们在为自己所做的努力中继续得到保佑吧。&&&&&&May they be further blessed as they struggle to get back on their feet.14. 保佑什么意思14. 但愿阿拉保佑这美景免受俗眼的污染!&&&&&&May Allah protect such beauty from the evil eye of man!15. drbadshah(在 3个星期以前)很酷的人,希望我们也会有制造100%自己的战斗机的一天,伟大的安拉,保佑巴基斯坦。&&&&&&Drbadshah (3 weeks ago) Cool man, Hope one day we will make the 100% Fighter Aircraft too, Insha Allah, Pakistan Zindabad16. 还记得吗??愿上帝保佑我。&&&&&&Still remember it? ?God bless me.17. 上帝保佑,这个人实在不像有人性,好像有一种人猿似的东西在里面。&&&&&&There is something more, if I could find a name for it. God bless me, the man seems hardly human.18. 当地人称其为娘娘庙。在过去这里曾发生过天花传染病,而娘娘是神,所以人们常来此祈求娘娘保佑安康。&&&&&&The place was known locally as Niang Niang Miao, because Niang Niang was the goddess to whom appeal was generally made during small-pox epidemics, and Tien Hwa was the name for small-pox.19. 上苍必因先夫积善余庆,保佑我孤儿寡母,怜悯我家贫困,而赐此钱财。&&&&&&The Heaven must blesses my orphan and widowed mother and pities my family to be impoverished by bestowing this wealth., because the late husband accumulate good deeds.20. 保佑20. 世上所有国家都要祈祷象你的后裔那样得到保佑。&&&&&&All nations on earth shall pray to be blessed as your descendants are blessed.保佑是什么意思,保佑在线翻译,保佑什么意思,保佑的意思,保佑的翻译,保佑的解释,保佑的发音,保佑的同义词,保佑的反义词,保佑的例句,保佑的相关词组,保佑意思是什么,保佑怎么翻译,单词保佑是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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