
vi. 來; 來到 move towards, reach or arrive at a place
vi. 移動,行走 move or travel
vi. 到達,達到 reach a particular point or place by travelling over (a distance)
vi. 出現於…,位於 … be in a particular place or position in order
vi. 轉入另一種狀態 pass into another state
vi. 成為,變為; 變得,終於 become
come&:&來到, 來自 ...
come&:&來到, 發生 ...
come&:&來到, ...
come&:&來, 來臨,
the thick white fluid containing spermatozoa that is ejaculated by the male genital tract
move toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach s
"He came singing down the road"
"Come with me to the Casbah"
"come down here!"
"come out of the closet!"
"come into the room"
"She arrived home at 7 o'clock"
"She didn't get to Chicago until after midnight"
"The first success came three days later"
"It came as a shock"
"Dawn comes early in June"
reach or enter a state, relation, condition, use,
"The water came to a boil"
"We came to understand the true meaning of life"
"Their anger came to a boil"
"I came to realize the true meaning of life"
"The shoes came untied"
"come into contact with a terrorist group"
"his face went red"
"your wish will come true"
"Melons come from a vine"
"Understanding comes from experience"
"These shoes
The furniture comes unassembled"
"A scream came from the woman's mouth"
"His breath came hard"
"She hails from Kalamazoo"
"The water came up to my waist"
"The sleeves come to your knuckles"
exist or occur in a certa
"Next came the student from France"
"She came a long way"
come under, be cl
"fall into a category"
"This comes under a new heading"
"Nothing good will come of this"
"The bills amounted to $2,000"
"The bill came to $2,000"
"This idea will never amount to anything"
"nothing came of his grandiose plans"
"News came in of the massacre in Rwanda"
come to one'
"It occurred to me that we should hire another secretary"
"A great idea then came to her"
be connected by a relationship of blood,
"She was descended from an old Italian noble family"
"he comes from humble origins"
"How is she doing in her new job?"
"How are you making out in graduate school?"
"He's come a long way"
"she could not come because she was too upset"
"My family comes first"
用作動詞 (v.)
The train slowly came to the station.
He will come on time even though it rains.
They came to a river.
I've come for my book.
The film did not come up to my expectations.
She had come to see the problem in a new light.
We can see comet only when they come close to the earth.
She tried to come the innocent with me.
His family comes first.
用作動詞 (v.)
Come here!
Nobody has come yet.
Come and have some food.
Come and have a drink.
Do come and see us often.
Nobody knew whether she was coming.
He said they were coming this morning.
I've been waiting for hours and he still hasn't come!
First come, first served.
Then came the day of his examination.
The time has come for us to make a decision.
I'm very busy, but come the new year I'll have more free time.
The news came as a great shock to him.
If winter comes, can spring be far behind?
Monday comes after Sunday.
Christmas is coming soon.
Spring came late this year.
I am ready for whatever comes.
The government is coming under increasing pressure to change its policies.
The train came puffing into the station.
The sunshine came streaming through the window.
Gerhard came running in from the yard.
The lovely pupils came running to meet us.
He came hurrying to see her as soon as he heard she was ill.
The little girl came running to her mother for sympathy.
S+~+ n -A
They've come hundreds of miles to be here tonight.
Computer technology has come a long way since the 1970s.
S+~+to- v
The car skidded off the road and came to rest in a field.
When did you come to know him?
I have really come to love this city.
I wonder how you came to miss your way.
Now we have come to see how important it is to learn a foreign language.
More and more people are coming to see through their tricks.
He had come to see the problem in a new light.
But gradually they came to see the menace to themselves.
He came to realize that he was mistaken.
You will come to realize that some day.
He came to set an example with his own conduct.
This is the kind of behavior we have come to expect of him.
S+~+ adj.
His dream of winning a gold medal has come true.
Sweat glittered on the tip of her nose, and her breath came hard.
The buttons on my coat came undone.
It comes cheaper if you buy things in bulk.
Careful lighting made the scene come alive .
This great prediction is coming true.
The situation will soon come clear.
Work hard and everything will come right in the end.
v -ed as s-Compl.
Spring is come.
用作動詞 (v.)
come about (v.+adv.)
〔說明〕 come about通常不用於進行體。
come about
發生 take place
It came about in this way.
The flood came about as a result of the heavy spring rains.
Can you explain how it came about that you were an hour late?
改變方向 change direction
The wind has come about in the last hour.
come across1 (v.+adv.)
過來; 過訪 come to a place
come across
When the traffic has all passed, it's safe to come across.車輛都過去后再過馬路就安全了。
come across to sth
Why don't you come across to our house this evening?今晚你何不到我們家來坐坐?
Many more people have come across to the island since the new bridge was built.自從新橋建好以後,已經有更多的人到島上來了。
被理解或接受 be understood or made clear
come across
Your speech came across very well.你的講話很成功。
He spoke for a long time but his meaning did not come across.他講了很久,但沒把意思講明白。
吐露,說出 tell
come across with sth
For hours the police questioned the man, and finally he came across with the story.好幾個小時警察都在審問那個人,最後他說出了實情。
償還…; 被迫把…交出來 provide sth, especially money, on demand or request
come across with sth
The robber told the woman to come across with her purse.攔路搶劫者勒令那個女人把錢包交出來。
He promised to pay me the arrears on time, but I don't believe he'll come across with it.他答應到時候把錢還給我,但我不相信他會這樣做。
come across2 (v.+prep.)
穿過,越過 go through
Be careful when you come across the street.
The host came across the room to greet his guests.
偶然發現,偶然遇見 find〔meet〕 accidentally
I came across him in the street yesterday.
While cleaning the attic yesterday,I came across an old photograph of my mother.
出現在頭腦中,留下印象 occur to one' arise in one' make an impression on the audience
It came across my mind that I had met him somewhere before.
A good idea came across my mind.
用於 be ~ed 結構
The papers were stored away in a secret place, and there they will probably remain until they are come across by someone who realized their importance.
come across as (v.+adv.+prep.)
像是,似乎是… seem to be
come across as sb/v-ing
She came across as a very sophisticated woman.她給人的印象是一個非常老練的女人。
He came across as being rather nervous.他好像有些緊張。
come after (v.+prep.)
跟蹤; 緊跟 follow
come after sb
He came after the thief all the way to the railway station.他跟蹤那個小偷,一直跟到車站。
The dog is coming after me.那條狗跟在我的後面。
come along (v.+adv.)
到來 arrive
come along
Do come along if you're free this afternoon.今天下午你有空一定得來!
These troubles came along all at the same time that I was at a loss.這些亂子突然一起發生,使我不知所措。
come along with sb
He came along with some friends.他和幾個朋友一同來。
Would you come along with me, please?請你陪著我,好嗎?
取得進展 make progress
come along
His work is coming along well.他的工作進展得很順利。
The patient is coming along well after the operation.手術后,病人健康狀況良好。
加緊; 趕快 hurry up
come along
Come right along!快走!
Come along or we'll miss the train.快點,不然就誤火車了。
再努一把力 make more effort
come along
Come along, let's push it to the corner.加把勁兒,我們把它推到角落裡去吧。
Come along, someone must want to know my invention.再努力想想看,肯定會有人對我的發明感興趣。
come apart (v.+adv.)
〔說明〕 come apart常不用於進行體。
come apart
破碎 fall or break into pieces
He says that the cup came apart in his hands, but I think he must have dropped it.
被拆開,被打開 be separated into parts
The machine came apart when he started it up.
The camera just came apart the first time I used it.
come around〔round〕 (v.+adv.)
〔說明〕 come around〔round〕常不用於進行體。
調轉方向 change direction
come around〔round〕
The wind came around at dawn.拂曉時風向轉了。
繞道而行 travel a longer way than usual
come around〔round〕 by sth
We had to come around by the wheat fields.我們不得不繞著麥地而過。
Since there is no shortcut, you'll have to come round by the park.既然沒有近路可走,你就得繞公園過來。
開始接受或理解 c eventually change one's mind and accept or agree with
come around〔round〕
He has come round.他已同意了。
I think he'll come round eventually.我認為他最終會回心轉意的。
come around〔round〕 to sth
They came round to my idea one after another.他們相繼接受了我的想法。
She is slowly coming round to our point of view.她慢慢地開始接受我們的觀點。
周而復始; 重又來到 come in the course of a regular rotation, or a recurrent series
come around〔round〕
I am always glad when pay-day comes round.當領工資的日子來到時,我總是很高興。
Late duty for each member of the staff comes round every ten days.工作人員值晚班每十天輪流一次。
蘇醒,恢復知覺 come to recover consciousness
come around〔round〕
He got faint, but soon came around.他昏死過去,但不久就蘇醒了。
從你家來我家 come from your house to mine
come around〔round〕
Come round when you have time.有空來玩。
He comes around to see us once or twice a week.每周他來看我們一兩次。
息怒,消氣 stop being angry or annoyed
come around〔round〕
He's very angry now, wait till he comes round.他現在正在氣頭上,等他氣消了再說吧。
come at (v.+prep.)
〔說明〕 come at常不用於進行體。
come at sb/sth
襲擊,威脅 attack, approach in a threatening way
The man came at me with a big stick.
找到,得到 find, get hold of
After much discussion we came at a conclusion satisfactory to all.
Put the food where the cat can't come at it.
弄明白,弄清楚 ascertain
It was a long time before we came at the truth.
come away (v.+adv.)
離開 leave
The handle of the cup came away in my hand.我用手一拿,杯子的柄就掉了。
come away from sth
When did you come away from the party?你什麼時候離開晚會的?
The light switch came away from the wall.電燈開關從牆上掉下來了。
come back (v.+adv.)
〔說明〕 come back不用於進行體。
回來 return
I'm going away and I may never come back.我要走了,可能永遠不再回來。
Is the singer expected to come back?那個歌手還將重返歌壇嗎?
come back to sth
I shall come back to the house before I go to the station.我去車站以前會回到這所房子來的。
Now, come back to what I was saying a moment ago.現在回到我剛才說的問題。
再度時興 be popular again
Swimming has come back again.游泳運動又風行起來。
Classic music is coming back.古典音樂又開始流行了。
記起,回憶起 return to one' remember
come back to sb
It never came back to me where I saw it.我始終想不起在哪兒見過它。
Gradually, the fragments of her childhood came back to her.漸漸地,她回憶起了童年生活的一些片斷。
強烈反駁 reply vehemently
「But you're just as guilty!」Jane came back.「可你同樣有罪!」簡回擊道。
come back at sb
He came back at the judge with some sharp questions.他提出了幾個尖銳的問題來反駁法官。
come back with sth
When accused of theft, he came back with a stinging counter-accusation.別人指控他盜竊,他反咬人一口。
〈非正〉重複說; 再次發言 talk again to sb on a particular matter
I didn't hear you, could you come back?我沒聽見你說的什麼,你能重複一遍嗎?
I will now ask the first speaker to come back.現在我要請第一位發言者再次發言。
come back to sth
Having had a break, they came back to the topic again.休息一下,他們又談起了這個話題。
come before (v.+prep.)
〔說明〕 come before不用於進行體,也不用於被動結構。
come before sth
在…之上,比…重要 h be more important than sth
In his mind, his work should come before his family.
Fighting poverty and unemployment should come before all other political considerations.
Consideration of the workers' health must come before my own professional pride.
交付…討論 be presented to sb for consideration or decision
This is one of the important problems that must come before the plenary meeting.
come between (v.+prep.)
離間,使分開 cause trouble between
come between sb/sth
Don't let a little thing like that come between you two.不要讓這樣的小事使你們兩人產生隔閡。
He never lets anything come between him and his smoking.任何事情都不能使他不抽煙。
come by1 (v.+adv.)
〔說明〕 come by常不用於進行體。
經過,從旁邊走過 pass by
Just now a number of people came by.
Just then a bus came by so we got on and rode home.
〈美〉來串門,來訪 come to visit
Why don't you come by some afternoon and have coffee with me?
come by2 (v.+prep.)
come down (v.+adv.)
下來,下落 fall
The boy's temperature came down in the morning.那個小男孩的體溫在早上降了下來。
The plane came down safely in spite of the mist.儘管有霧,飛機還是安全著陸了。
The price of beer is coming down soon.啤酒的價格很快就要下跌。
come down into sth
I watched the climbers come down into the valley.我注視著爬山者下到山谷里去了。
倒塌,被拆除 collapse or be demolished
The roof came down during the night.房頂在夜間塌下來了。
That old building is coming down next year.那座舊樓明年就要拆除。
代代相傳 be passed from one generation to the next
come down from sb/sth
This ring has come down from my great-grandmother.這隻戒指是我曾祖母傳下來的。
Many folk-tales have come down from a very remote past.許多民間故事是從遙遠的過去流傳下來的。
come down to sb
The custom has come down to us from our ancestors.這一習俗是從祖輩相傳下來的。
敗落,社會地位降低 lose one's wealth or status
He has come down in my heart.他在我心目中不如以前了。
When father's business failed, the family came down.父親的生意失敗以後,家裡就敗落了。
Since he left the company, he's really come down in the world.自從他離開公司以後,他真的敗落了。
屈尊做某事 be forced to do sth
come down to v-ing
He had come down to begging when his father found him.他父親找到他時,他已淪為乞丐。
從大城市到小地方,從北方到南方; 離開大學 come from a city or large town t leave a university
She came down last year and settled in the village.去年她從城裡來就定居在這個村子里了。
The whole family are coming down to stay for Christmas in South.全家要到南方去過聖誕節。
I can't come down till I've finished my last examinations.參加完最後的考試,我才能離開大學。
精簡; 歸結起來(為…) boil down to
When it all comes down, there isn't much in his story.他的故事經精簡后,就沒什麼內容了。
come down to sth
Their quarrel comes down to money.他們吵架說到底是為錢。
The whole matter comes down to a power struggle between the trade union and the directors.整個事情歸根結蒂無非是工會與董事們之間的權力之爭。
It comes down to two choices: you either improve your work, or you leave.歸結起來有兩條出路:你或者改進工作,或者辭職。
提供錢財 make a gift of money
Do you think your uncle will come down when we need more money?我們再需要錢時,你認為叔父還肯接濟嗎?
come down with sth
He had to come down with 10 pounds to her favorite charity.他不得不為她熱愛的慈善事業捐款10英鎊。
〈非正〉申斥; 抨擊 criticize severely
come down on〔upon〕 sb/sth/v-ing
The principal came down hard on the boys for breaking the window.校長把那些打破窗戶的男生狠狠地訓了一頓。
Examiners come down pretty heavily on mistakes in spelling and punctuation.主考人對拼寫及標點符號方面的錯誤批評得相當嚴厲。
He came down hard on drinking in his speech.他在演說中激烈地抨擊飲酒。
粗暴地向…索取(錢財) make a payment demand on
come down on〔upon〕 sb
What will you do if the debt collector comes down on you?要是討債人來向你要錢,你怎麼辦?
患病,病倒 fall ill
come down with sth
He came down with pneumonia last week.上星期,他得肺炎病倒了。
She's got a good constitution and never comes down with any illness.她的體質很好,從不生病。
(降)落到(某人)頭上 fall in sb
come down on sb
Things like this don't come down on one suddenly.這類事並非一下就落到一個人的頭上。
come for (v.+prep.)
向…衝去 move towards quickly in a threatening way to attack
He took a knife and came for his enemy.
They came for the crowd with sticks.
來取; 來找; 來接 come to get sth/sb
His cousin just came for him.
He came for his books.
come forth (v.+adv.)
出來,湧現 appear, emerge
come forth
I went to his talk with great interest, but to my disappointment, nothing very new came forth.我抱著極大的興趣去聽他的講話,但使我失望的是講話中沒有什麼新東西。
come from (v.+prep.)
來自某處 come from a certain place
They came from all parts of the country.
These raisins come from Xinjiang, they taste delicious.
出生於 originate in
What part of South America did she come from?
出身於 have a particular family background
He came from a very good family.
由…造成,源自 result from
Knowledge comes from practice.
That's what comes from trying to be a good neighbor.
come in (v.+adv.)
進來,進入; 來到,到達 arrive
Come in, please!請進!
Diseases come in at the mouth.病從口入。
There's not much money coming in at present.目前沒有賺多少錢。
His grandfather started the factory, and he came in when he was very young.他的祖父創辦了這家工廠,他很年輕的時候就進廠任職了。
The news about the incident has just come in.關於那個事件的消息剛剛收到。
The mail has come in early this morning.郵件今天一早就到了。
come in on sth
He's decided to come in on our excursion.他決定參加我們的郊遊行列。
Since you came in on the ground floor, you must have a better idea of the whole affair than me.既然你一開始就參加了,你對整個事情的了解一定比我清楚。
come in with sb
If you come in with us, we're sure to enjoy your company.假如你加入我們,我們一定非常歡迎。
(天氣)開始變得… (the weather) begin to become
come in adj.
It' we had better go home.天冷了,咱們還是回家吧。
上市 mature and produce a harvest
When do strawberries come in?草莓什麼時候上市?
(潮水)漲 (the tide) to rise
The tide is coming in.漲潮了。
The children got ashore before the tide came in.漲潮時,孩子們已經上岸了。
流行 begin t come to be fashionable
This style is certain to come in this year.這樣式今年一定流行。
當選; 就任; 上台 assume offici gain power
The party came in at the last election.上次大選中該黨獲勝執政。
When the present government came in, the country was in a difficult financial situation.現政府在國家財政情況十分困難時上台。
回復; 回話 return
Calling all stations, come in please.各站注意,請回答。
就位,上場 take a turn in a game, especially of a batsman
The batsmen came in.板球手們參加比賽了。
The next player was very nervous as he came in.另一個球員上場的時候很緊張。
接受; 遭受 suffer
come in for sth
She came in for a sum of money when her father died.當她父親去世時,她接受了一大筆錢。
His conduct came in for much criticism.他的行為招來了不少批評。
come into (v.+prep.)
〔說明〕 come into不用於被動結構。
come into sth
進入 enter
Come into my house, please.
Your suggestions will come into consideration.
We don't often come into contact with our former neighbours.
He had been very poor, but one day he came into a fortune.
加入; 參加 join
Several new members have come into the club since last year.
We can run our own business without all the lawyers coming into it.
come of (v.+prep.)
由…引起 result from
come of sth/v-ing
Skill comes of practice.熟能生巧。
That comes of being careless.那是由於粗心造成的。
No harm can come of trying.試一下不會有什麼壞處的。
come off (v.+adv.)
〈非正〉成功 prosper, succeed
The play doesn't quite come off.
He made several attempts but none of them came off.
表現 come into a good position as a result of the happening
He came off well by comparison with the others.
How will that come off, do you think?
come on1 (v.+adv.)
前進,出擊 move onward, continue to advance
The general ordered the soldiers to come on.將軍命令士兵進攻。
The soldiers came on in the face of heavy fire.戰士們迎著烈火前進。
隨後登程 travel later
You go first. I'll come on in a minute.你先走,我隨後就來。
開始工作 begin working
The cooling unit hasn't come on yet.冷卻裝置還未工作。
Just as I entered the house, all the lights came on.我剛走進房門,所有的燈都亮了起來。
登台,出場 appear on stage, at a sports ground, etc. in order to perform
The new play comes on tomorrow.這出新戲明天上演。
The election is coming on this autumn.選舉在今年秋天舉行。
come on to sth
Their best man came on to bowl.他們的最佳球手上場了。
開始; 來到 start, arrive
The rain came on again while we were working in the fields.我們在田裡正幹活的時候,又下起雨來了。
W you can feel it in the air.冬天要來了,你從空氣中就能感覺到。
come on to-v
It came on to rain soon after midnight.剛過午夜,就下起雨來了。
come on toward sth
Rain came on toward morning.快到早上時開始下起雨來了。
快點; 趕緊 hurry
Come on, it's getting dark!快點,天就要黑了!
加油; 振作起來 work better
Come on, be a sport.拜託!拿出男子漢大丈夫的氣概來!
Come on. It isn't the end of the world.你要振作起來!天不會塌下來的。
提出討論,審問 arise for discussion
come on for sth
The case will come on for trial tomorrow.這個案件明天將開庭審理。
He has been waiting for his case to come on.他在聽候審理他的案子。
進步,發展 improve
His farm is coming on well.他的農場辦得不錯。
How has he come on recently?他近來進展如何?
上班 go to work
The new man doesn't come on till midnight.新來的人午夜時分才上班。
come on2〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
〔說明〕 come on〔upon〕常不用於進行體,也不用於被動結構。
come on〔upon〕 sb/sth
偶然發現 meet or find sb/sth by chance
As we turned the corner we came on a group of men who were waiting for the public house to open.
I came upon this idiom in the newspaper.
發生於,降臨於 happen to or have an effect on sb
Fear came upon him as he stood in the empty house.
攻擊,襲擊… make a surprise attack on
The enemy came upon the town by night.
回到記憶中來 return to the memory of sb
At last the name of the book came on her.
come out (v.+adv.)
出來 emerge from a place
Come out and get some fresh air.出來吸點新鮮空氣。
My tooth has just come out.我的牙剛掉下來。
come out of sth
He came out of the room.他走出屋來。
We met each other coming out of the concert hall.從音樂廳出來時,我們碰到一起了。
come out against sth
Why is it that you've come out against the proposal he put forward?為什麼你要反對他提出的建議呢?
說出 utter
The meaning comes out as you read further.你接著往下讀意思就清楚了。
come out with sth
Sure enough, he came out with all the news we wanted.果然,他把我們想要的消息都講出來了。
At the meeting last night he came out with a very good suggestion.他在昨晚的會議上提出了一項很好的建議。
There was silence for a few moments, then someone came out with a most useful suggestion.沉默了一會兒,於是有人提出了一項極有用的建議。
come out for sth
They came out for building the hospital.他們宣布贊成建造醫院。
A s nobody was willing to give in, he came out for another voting.大家各持己見,他同意再投一次票。
可去掉 fade, vanish, go away
Do you think that dirty mark will come out?你說那塊污跡能去掉嗎?
The colors in these materials are guaranteed not to come out.這些料子保證不褪色。
出獄; 獲釋 be released from prison
It's been a long year, but he will come out next Friday.這一年的時間真長啊,但他下星期五要出獄了。
出現 appear
The child has got measles. The spots have come out.孩子得麻疹了,已出了疹痘。
The sun came out as soon as the rain stopped.雨一停,太陽就出來了。
A new model will come out this summer.今年夏天將有新的型號面世。
come out in sth
I came out in cold sweat.我出了一身冷汗。
The curtain came out in spots with the light shower.輕微的陣雨在窗帘上留下斑斑水跡。
開花 bloom or flower
The tulips have come out early this year because of the mild winter.鬱金香今年開得很早,因為冬天不很冷。
出版; 發表 be published or produced, and become available to the public
When this masterpiece came out, nobody cared for it.這部傑作在它問世時沒人注意它。
come out with sth
That year they came out with another article.那一年他們又發表了一篇文章。
顯像 (of a photograph) produce a clear picture, used of camera film
You come out well in that photo.你那張相片照得很好。
The photographs haven't come out very well.相片沖洗得不很好。
結果是…; 得出答案 produce an answer, especially of a calculation, problem, etc. be in the position or state described at the end of a process or event
Let me know how the voting comes out.告訴我投票結果如何。
I spent at least an hour adding, dividing, multiplying and subtracting, and then the whole thing came out wrong!花了我至少一個小時的時間加減乘除,可算出的結果竟是錯的!
拒絕工作,罷工 go on strike
The coalminers have come out for about two weeks.煤礦工人已罷工約兩周了。
初入社會 formally enter society
She came out last season.她在上個季節里踏入社會。
come over1 (v.+adv.)
〔說明〕 come over常不用於進行體。
過來; 從遠處來 come (to visit) from a distance
Come over! Here's a seat for you.過來,這兒有個座位。
come over from sth
He came over from France last week, just to see us.他上周從法國專程來看我們。
come over to sb
You are welcome to come over to us.歡迎你到我們這方面來。
在上空或上方經過 pas pass over
It's terribly noisy liv planes are coming over all the time.在機場附近住吵死了,飛機總是從上空飛個不停。
順便來訪 make a short informal visit
You really must come over sometime and have dinner with us.你確實應該找個時間來串個門,跟我們一起吃頓飯。
come over to sth
Why don't you come over to our place one evening?你何不找個晚上到我們這裡來坐坐?
逐漸變得 turn gradually
come over+adj.
The sky came over dark as a thick cloud passed before the sun.烏雲蔽日,天色一時昏暗起來。
被理解並完全接受; 被通過 be understood and accepted
Did his speech come over?他的講話通過了嗎?
come over to sb
Did my points come over to you?我的觀點你理解了嗎?
come over2 (v.+prep.)
發生於,降臨於 suddenly happen to sb
come over sb/sth
A fit of dizziness came over her so she had to lie down.她突然感到頭暈,不得不躺下來。
A strange feeling came over me.我突然產生一種奇怪的感覺。
A look of surprise came over her face.她臉上露出一種驚訝的神色。
Quiet came over the small town at twilight.暮色蒼茫,那個小鎮籠罩在一片靜謐之中。
〈口〉擺架子 pretend that one is (a kind of person) for effect on (sb)
come sb/sth over sb
He's been coming the great political leader over us all since he won the election.他競選獲勝后總在我們大家面前以偉大的政治領袖自居。
Don't try to come it over me!別對我神氣活現的!
come through1 (v.+adv.)
到達 arrive
come through
Has the train come through?火車到達了嗎?
傳來,接通 get connected by telephone
come through
Listen, a message is just coming through.注意,電報來了。
I was just going out when a call came through on the phone from Tom.我正要出去時,湯姆打電話來了。
明顯地表現出來 be clearly shown by what is said or done, especially after some procedure has been carried out
come through
His ability came through after he began to work.他參加工作后,開始表現出他的能力。
穿過; 穿透 pass through
come through
The sun came through after days of rain.下了幾天雨之後,太陽出來了。
come through to sth
The flood came through to my garden.洪水直湧入我的園子。
獲准 be passed〔agreed〕 to by the authorities
come through
Well, last week, when I was sure that the parole was coming through,I wrote her again .噢,上個禮拜,當我得知就要同意我假釋出獄時,我又給她寫了封信。
(健康)恢復; 脫險 recover fr survive
come through
I hope he will come through all right.我希望他能安然無恙。
He became so weak from loss of blood that at one time we started to think that he would not come through.他因失血過多而變得非常虛弱,以致我們以為他不行了。
come through2 (v.+prep.)
倖存下來 continue to live in spite of danger〔difficulty〕
come through sth
He came through countless fights.他身經百戰。
come to1 (v.+adv.)
蘇醒; 清醒 r realize what's happening
In a few moments she suddenly came to.過了一會兒,她突然蘇醒過來。
come to2 (v.+prep.)
到達; 達成 arrive at
Please come to me.
He has come to our college.
After much talk they came to an agreement.
It comes to this that I shall never trust him in the future.
We come now to the main business of the meeting.
共計 reach〔amount〕 to a total
Ask the waiter what our bill comes to.
突然想起 ent occur to
I was already on my way when it suddenly came to me that I hadn't hung out my washing.
come to that (v.+prep.+pron.)
事實上 in fact
I was not very well off at that time. Come to that, only a few of us were so.
come to this (v.+prep.+pron.)
出現這種情況 reach a condition
What you say comes to this.
I never thought things would come to this.
come together (v.+adv.)
聚會,相見 meet
come together
The family must come together for the parents' silver wedding.全家必須聚會,慶祝父母的銀婚。
They finally came together after years of estrangement.在多年不和之後,他們終於言歸於好了。
come under (v.+prep.)
〔說明〕 come under不用於被動結構,也不用於進行體。
come under sb/sth
編入; 歸入 be entered in a list
I think this point should come under the second sub-heading.
隸屬於 be managed or controlled by authority
This university comes under the Education Department.
受到; 引起 be criticized or attacked
Now he's my boss yet he came under me at our last job.
The country came under attack from both sides.
come up (v.+adv.)
上來; 走近 move to a higher level (as upstairs or above the surface of water); come close
Come up! I'm upstairs.上來! 我在樓上。
While we were talking, a man came up.我們正在談話,一個人走了過來。
come up to sb
A child came up to me and showed me the way to the station.一個孩子走上前來,指點我到車站去的路。
發生 take place
A chance may come up soon.很快就會有個機會。
There is a film coming up next week.下星期將有一部新片上映。
出席,參加 present oneself
come up for sth
He came up for interview but did not get the job.他到場接受面試,但並未得到工作。
Two of his colleagues came up for election last month.他的兩位同事參加上個月的競選活動。
升起; 長出來; 響起,颳起 rise through water above the surface
The moon was still hanging on the western sky when the sun came up.太陽升起的時候,月兒仍掛在西邊的天空。
開庭 be heard in a court
Will the case come up afresh?這個案子會重新審判嗎?
An important witness was absent when the case came up.開庭時,有個重要的證人沒有出席。
被選上 be selected
Maybe his number will come up soon.也許他的號碼很快就會被抽中的。
顯露光澤,開始發光 begin to shine
The silver has come up beautifully.那銀器顯露出美麗的光澤。
提到,提及 be mentioned or discussed
The housing problems came up at the meeting once again.住房問題又一次在會上提出來了。
用作動詞 (v.)
He at their invoking came.
When will you come to see me?
I never came a-begging for myself.
Come and see us.
出自:Oxford English Dictionary
If someone came looking for them.
出自:J. Fowles
come在祈使句中一般不接動詞不定式表示目的,而多用「come and to/ - v 」結構,在美式英語中,尤其是口語中and常可省略。
come的進行時可表示按計劃或安排即將發生的動作,這時一般有表示將來的時態或特定的上下文。若表示過去將來的情況須用was/were coming,但come通常不用be going to結構。
他來中國兩年了。[誤] He has come to China for two years.[正] He has been in China for two years.[正] It's two years since he came to China.[正] Two years have passed since he came to China.[正] He came to China two years ago.但是,在否定句中, come卻可與表示一段時間的狀語同用於完成體中,表示「沒有來」的狀態。例如:He hasn't come to China for two years.他兩年沒到中國來了。
come在對話中可用作祈使語,表示不耐煩、勸導或其他情感。例如:「Come, come,」 he said,「don't be so modest!」「好了,好了,」他說,「別那麼謙虛了。」Come, we must hurry.喂,我們得趕快。Now, come, be patient.哎,耐心點。
How came you to know him so well?你怎麼會這麼了解他?How comes it that you finished your work so soon?你怎麼會這麼快就完成你的工作?
come用於貨品時,表示「現有的、可以買得到的」。例如:These shirts come in three different colours: white, pale blue and khaki.這種襯衫有三種顏色:白的、淺藍的、土黃的。
come間或在口語中用作及物動詞,意思是「做,達到,假裝,完成」等。例如:Don't come the grand lady with me!別對我裝出一副高傲的貴婦人架勢!He cannot come that.他不能完成那件事。
come into possession of, come into the possession of
短語come into possession of指(人)佔有〔獲得〕某物,以人為主語; 而come into the possession of(物)為人所有,佔有,以物為主語。例如:
When did he come into possession of those rare books?
When did this rare books come into the possession of him?
come to, add up to, amount to, count up to, run into
1.從構成上說, add up to和count up to是動副介型短語; 而amount to, come to和run into是動介型短語。
2.從主語上說, add up to和come to相同,均多為錢、賬單、數目等; amount to和run into的主語多為loss, cost, expense, debt, sum等名詞; 而count up to的主語則僅限It。例如:
Our hotel bill added up to〔amounted to,came to〕 300 dollars.我們的旅館費共計300美元。
His debts amounted to〔ran into〕 over 3000 dollars.他的債務已高達3000多美元。
It counts up to 300 dollars.共計300美元。
3.從賓語上說, add up to, amount to, come to后一般接數字; 而count up to和run into后除可接數字外,還可接名詞。例如:
It counts up to a considerable sum.合計起來數目相當可觀。
Losses run into six figures.損失高達6位數。
4.從使用場合上說, come to最通俗, count up to不常用。
come to this, come to that
come to this是「就是這樣,出現這種情況」的意思; come to that指「事實上,無論如何」。
1.一般說來, come所表示的動作是朝向說話人或聽話人的; 而go則用於運動方向。
2.在作定語時, to come意為「即將來到的」, to go則是「剩下」的意思。試比較:
You should always think of the danger to come.
With only a few minutes to go, he went to school in a hurry.
3.表示參加到說話人的活動中去時,通常用come (with),而不用go。
come, become, go, grow, turn
<e多指向好的方向轉變; go往往指向壞的方面轉變; become指向好的(也可指向壞的)方面發展, turn是正式用語,指向好的,也指向壞的方面轉變。試比較:
When did that style of dress come into fashion?
When did that style of dress go out of fashion?
<e的主語往往是人; become的主語可以是人或物; 而go的主語多是物。
<e的表語通常是形容詞; become的表語可以是形容詞、代詞或名詞(須加不定冠詞); go和grow的表語為形容詞; turn的表語可以是形容詞或名詞(不加不定冠詞)。
come, arrive
He arrived in Beijing by the twelve o'clock train.
I have been waiting for hours and he still hasn't come.
come off, chance, take place
1.chance含有「偶然」發生的意味; take place和come off常指按計劃「發生」。例如:
On our vacation we chanced upon an interesting antique store.我們度假時無意中發現一家有趣的古玩店。
The sports meet came off in spite of the rain.儘管下雨運動會仍如期舉行了。
The talk is scheduled to take place tomorrow morning at eight o'clock.預定明早8時舉行會談。
2.take place的主語只能是事物; come off強調出現的結果。例如:
What may take place with telephones in the future?將來電話會發生什麼變化呢?
The wedding came off in spite of Jim and Mary's last minute quarrel.儘管吉姆和瑪麗結婚前最後一刻還在爭吵,婚禮還是正常舉行了。
It chanced that the winter of that year was a severe one.碰巧,那年冬天特別寒冷。
come into, enter
2.enter可用作及物動詞和不及物動詞; 而come只用作不及物動詞,後面接介詞into後方可帶賓語。例如:
He rose as we entered (the room).
He rose as we came into the room.
come this way, step this way
come back, be back, get back, go back, return
return與其他詞相比有些書卷氣; come back的意思是「回歸」「回來」,指回到說話人所在的地方; go back指回到出發點,是一種非正式說法,常用於口語中; get back是回到原來的出發點; be back意為「回來了」,表示狀態,是日常應用最廣的非正式說法。例如:
Did Duff come back?—Yes, he came back.達夫回來了嗎?是的,他回來了。
Now let's go back to the beginning of the page.現在讓我們回到這頁的開頭。
When he got back, he found that supper was over.當他回來的時候,他發現晚餐已經結束了。
I'll be back next Saturday.我將在下個星期六回來。
She had come in third.
She had come on the third.
He comes from Shanghai.
He has come from Shanghai.
誤 He came to realizing the importance of studying science.
正 He came to realize the importance of studying science.
析 表示「逐漸(認識到,懂得,明白等)」時,須用「come+動詞不定式」來表示, to是動詞不定式符號,不可把to誤用作介詞而接動名詞。
誤 All the students came out from the classroom after class.
正 All the students came out of the classroom after class.
析 表示「從…中出來」須用come out of,注意不能用from代替of。
誤 I came across with an old friend in the street.
正 I came across an old friend in the street.
析 come across表示「遇見」,可直接跟賓語,不需要再加介詞with。
誤 He came very near to be shot.
正 He came very near being shot.
析 come near後接動名詞形式,表示「幾乎到…的程度」, come near to表示「接近…」。
誤 He has come here three times.
正 He has been here three times.
析 have come(已經來),表示一個單程,即「人現在還在這兒,沒離開」; 如表示「到過」,應該說have been,含有「人現在已不在這兒」的意思。
☆ 直接源自古英語的cuman,意為來;最初源自原始日耳曼語的kewm-,意為來,來到。
[短語片語]come from
come&:&來;來到; ...
come:come vi. 來, 來臨, 到達, 出現, 來(自), 出生(於), 開始int. 嗨!vbl. 來, 到達, 合計為習慣用語as they come 按照原來的樣子 [口]非常, 極其Easy…


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