
Women Who Changed the World
Literary mastery, pioneering science, life-saving discoveries and actions for peace and human rights - achievements of women around the world awarded the Nobel Prize.
See them all in this video.
Awarded for "the Greatest Benefit to Mankind"
Eleven persons were awarded Nobel Prizes in 2016. See a short presentation of them here.
Information for the Press
Nobel Laureates Facts
All Nobel Laureates
Between 1901 and 2016, the Nobel Prizes and the Prize in Economic Sciences were awarded 579 times to 911 people and organizations.
Nobel Prize Awarded Organizations
The Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded 26 times to organizations.
Nobel Prizes to Women
The Nobel Prize and Prize in Economic Sciences have been awarded to women 49 times between 1901 and 2016.
Youngest Laureate
Youngest Nobel Laureate ever is 17-year old Peace Prize Laureate Malala Yousafzai.
Featured Nobel Laureates
Marie Curie - Awarded the Nobel Prize Twice
Marie Curie discovered the elements radium and polonium. She is the only woman to have been awarded two prizes, one in Physics and one in Chemistry.
Rabindranath Tagore - From Unknown to Famous
Fairly unknown in Europe at the time, Bengali poet and Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore attracted western readers with his aura of mysticism.
Karl Landsteiner - Discovered the ABO Blood Groups
Human blood groups were discovered in 1901 by Karl Landsteiner, later awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
Albert Einstein - Not Only the Theory of Relativity
Although famed for his theory of general relativity, it was his law about light that gave Albert Einstein the Nobel Prize in Physics.
Popular Videos
They Unlocked the Secrets of Our Cells
This documentary recognises four of the 2012 Nobel Laureates whose discoveries has have led to huge leaps forward in the understanding of medical research.
"The Poorest of the Poor Are Our Brothers and Our Sisters"
Watch Mother Teresa delivering her acceptance speech after being awarded the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, Norway.
"This Honor Belongs to All the Survivors "
"I swore never to be silent". Listen to Holocaust survivor and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Elie Wiesel's speech at the Nobel Peace Prize award ceremony.
"I Knew I Had a Good Idea"
In this interview, John Nash, 1994 Laureate in Economic Sciences, talks about the impact the Prize had on his life, his talent for mathematics as a child, and shares his thoughts about the movie on his life, A Beautiful Mind.
Nobel Prize Nominations
2017 Peace Prize Nominations
The Norwegian Nobel Committee received 318 candidates for the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize. 103 of these are organizations.
Who Can Nominate for a Nobel Prize?
No person can nominate herself/himself for a Nobel Prize. But who may submit a candidate?
The Nomination Process for the Peace Prize
Olav Nj?lstad, Director of the Norwegian Nobel Institute, answers questions about the nomination of Nobel Peace Prize Laureates.
Mahatma Gandhi - Nominated but Never Awarded
Mahatma Gandhi, the strongest symbol of non-violence in the 20th century, was nominated for the Peace Prize a few days before he was killed on 30 January 1948.
(C) Nobel Media AB. Photo: Pi Frisk
Alfred Nobel Established the Nobel Prizes
On 27 November 1895, Alfred Nobel signed his third and last will at the Swedish-Norwegian Club in Paris. When it was opened and read after his death, the will caused a lot of controversy both in Sweden and internationally, as Alfred Nobel had left much of his wealth for the establishment of a prize.
(C) David Chipperfield Architects
A New Home for the Nobel Prize
Nobel Center is to be built on Blasieholmen, on a wonderful site along Stockholm's central waterfront. Through its broad public activities, the Nobel Center will invite people into the Nobel Prize's unique world of natural sciences, humanities and peace efforts and become a meeting place that inspires curiosity and creativity.
Educational Games
Save the Dog
Help your dog to cope with diabetes.
Learn about human blood types and blood transfusions!
A Drooling Game
Train a dog to drool on command! It's all about conditioned learning.
All about Laser
Collect a star and answer its laser question correctly.
Lord of the Flies
Have you read the well-known book by William Golding? How much do you remember?
Find the Authors!
Can you find the hidden names of Literature Laureates in the ocean of letters.
Tell us about your favorite book by a Nobel Prize-awarded author.
Test Your Nobel Knowledge
In Memoriam
Caribbean Poet Derek Walcott Passes Away at 87
Derek Walcott was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature 1992 "for a poetic oeuvre of great luminosity, sustained by a historical vision, the outcome of a multicultural commitment".
Hans G. Dehmelt Passes Away
Hans G. Dehmelt, awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics 1989 for the development of the ion trap technique, passed away on 7 March, age 94.
George A. Olah
George A. Olah, George A. Olah "for his contribution to carbocation chemistry", passed away on 8 March, age 89.
Kenneth J. Arrow Passes Away
Kenneth J. Arrow, awarded the Prize in Economic Sciences 1972 for contributions to the renewal of the general equilibrium theory, passed away on 21 February, age 95.
Copyright & Nobel Media AB 2017


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