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UPDATE: The brand new season of Alaskan Bush People kicks off in November 2015. As the season progresses I will try to document some of the shows. If you would like to document each episode email me at
and I will allow you to do so through blog posts or articles.
If you want to talk about a group of people that is as far removed from the Internet and social media as possible the Alaskan Bush People have to be close to the top of the list. I watched this show for the first time in early 2015 and was shocked at how far removed the Browns were from society. If you haven’t watched the show, check it out on the Discovery Channel. It is truly interesting to see how this family reacts to a completely different lifestyle. It reminds me a bit of the life of
in Robbinsville, NC.
One of the most popular family members is Noah “N.D.” Brown. He is the youngest of five boys and is quite smart when it comes to building things. In fact, he reminds me a lot of my own brother that is really good with electronics but has no desire to actually read up on how things are configured. In the show I watched, Noah “N.D.” Brown create an arm radio that allowed him to listen to the radio from his arm. In modern society we call this an iPhone or a smartphone but he has yet to see something like that.
Does Noah Brown Have Access to a Computer?
It is interesting that many of the children of the Alaskan Bush People Brown family have uploaded videos to YouTube. In April of 2008, Noah uploaded a YouTube video discussing the autobiography his father published. Here is the video:
Throughout the show we hear Matt, Bam Bam, Bear, Gabe, Snowbird and Rain discuss how they would rather be out in the wilderness than in the big city. Remember, a big city to them is any place with a couple hundred people. There are a few other YouTube videos that were uploaded around 2008, well before the Alaskan Bush People show was filmed and aired on the Discovery Channel.
Interestingly, at the end of every YouTube video completed by the children they promote the book “One Wave at a Time” by Billy Bryan Brown, the father of the family. They also discuss the fact that you can buy the book
and Barnes and Noble. Does anyone else find it unusual that these children are aware of a Barnes and Noble
yet they do not know what a microwave is? Obviously, they are reading from a script but how can you promote a book on the Internet when you have supposedly never been on a computer?
I do not think Noah or any of the children have the desire to access the Internet or social media on a daily basis. That said, Noah obviously has many interests when it comes to engineering so how could he not want to see what modern technology has to offer? We won’t see Noah on , Snapchat, Twitter or Facebook anytime soon but it will be interesting to see if any of the future shows show him on a computer, laptop or smartphone computer. He is a very smart kid when it comes to electronics so we will likely see him working on old flip phones or other pieces of modern technology.
Alaskan Bush People Teeth
One of the first thing almost everyone notices when they tune into an episode of Alaskan Bush People is the teeth of the children. Both Rain and Snowbird, the girls, have teeth that could use braces or some type of care. The parents of the family do not seem all that concerned when it comes to the teeth of the children.
Noah’s teeth are not the worst of the children but they are not what I would call straight. Over the last few decades we have learned that lack of care for teeth can cause major health concerns as human beings age. In fact, some have died from complications caused by cavities and other types of gum disease in the mouth. Hopefully, the Browns realize the importance of dental care and do something about the teeth of the children.
With a show on the Discovery Channel one would think they could afford some type of dental care. Now that Obamacare offers dental care for almost everyone at an affordable price doesn’t it stand to reason that Billy Bryan Brown would use some of the money made from his book to take his children to a dentist? Maybe I am crazy.
Noah’s Letter to Christy
At the beginning of the Noah dating Christy episode there was a focus on Noah writing a letter. His penmanship wasn’t the best but I would imagine some of his brothers cannot write at all. Noah thinks Christy might be the one for him. It will be interesting to see how this second date plays out. He thinks a girl is for him after one date. Obviously Noah has not dated all that much.
“I’ve never met an intellect to match my own.” Well, Noah is a little bit cocky, isn’t he? Noah is considering going from dating to “courting” with courting meaning marriage.
Noah Dates Christy
On the next episode of Alaskan Bush People in mid July 2015, after Shark Week, we get to see Noah try to go on a second date with Christy. Her name might be spelled Kristi or Kristy but I guess we will find that out the next time the Alaskan Bush People are on TV. I am certain this will be an interesting “date” for this young woman.
We learn that Christy decided to head off to Anchorage and go to college. Noah thought “it was her” but obviously that was not the case. He does seem a little upset. He teared up a little bit.
Noah Brown and the Bicycle Generator for TV
Ok, I have some questions here. How did they get a welder? Also, how did they get a bicycle? If this is truly a “bush” experience should they have tools like this? A welder? In the episode on July 3rd, 2015 Noah works on a bicycle generator that is going to create electricity for the Brown family. This was the same episode Billy Brown went to get the new boat – The Integrity. Billy Brown plans to use this big boat for his hauling business. For some reason I don’t think this is going to make them any money.
The Brown kids have to ride the bicycle for around an hour for them to be able to generate enough electricity to watch TV. This was one of the first episodes I saw in which the Browns are watching TV. It is not a flat screen, LCD TV like most of us are used to. It was a box TV from the ;s from what I can tell.
So, the Brown’s have taken on huge amounts of debt to buy a boat for a hauling business in which they have zero experience. Also, they don’t even have a bank account, do that? Does anyone else see the issue with this?
Ami Brown and Alaska State Troopers
There have been a number of people asking questions related to Ami Brown and the Alaska State Troopers (AST). In the last week alone tens of thousands of searches have come to this resource looking for information related to court cases and why Ami Brown might be going to jail. In the comments, you will read plenty about different court cases involving both Billy Bryan Brown and his wife Ami. With a little bit of research you will likely find what happens in the upcoming Alaskan Bush People shows.
For some reason people are looking for Amora and Abby Brown as it relates to the Alaska State Troopers. I assume this is just a misspelling or misunderstanding of the mother’s name on Alaskan Bush People. I would imagine many will be searching for Amy as well. From what I understand, she goes by Ami.
We learn that Ami’s mother is sick and that is why the Alaska State Troopers came to find her.
Bear Gets a Date with Sara
Bear is trying to fall in love with Sara in the latest season of Alaskan Bush People. He has only talked on the phone a handful of times but talks her into a date. She works at an embroidery shop and he asks her if she has embroidered a tree. She obviously says no. He also asks her if she climbs trees and she actually says yes. In the episode that Sara and Bear going on a date they go sledding and Bear thinks he is in love. Billy and Ami are excited about the potential for grandchildren.
Bear wants to wear his camo but his little sister Rain gives him some fashion advice. Bear decides to wash his black tshirt in the frozen lake and then he uses the dryer made by Gabe. Bear is nervous and doesn’t know what to get her for the first date. He wants to give her shells or a knife. That is romantic! Bear ends up spending some money and buys her a chocolate heart.
He meets Sara at the Misty Bay Lodge. Sara has short brown hair that is highlighted wit it is basically a bob cut. Here is what she looks like:
What is interesting is the fact that Sara is actually taller than Bear. He tries to “tone” down a little bit so he doesn’t scare her. Bear is super awkward during the first date as he is “not much of a talker”. Well, Sara has teeth that will match the teeth of the Brown Family so that will work out.
Sara declines Bear’s invitation to climb a tree, but that doesn’t stop him. He decides to climb it anyway. Bear feels as if he should go on some more first dates as Bear isn’t all that interested in Sara.
Catching Chickens and Cleaning Up Shit
So we have all used the phrase chicken shit in our lives but we got to see true chicken shit in an episode of Alaskan Bush People. Gabe, Bird and Bear have to go get some chickens as a source of food. They are going to eat the eggs as protein. They have to barter for the chickens so the other family asks them to clean out an old chicken coop. The chicken coop was a vehicle that is completely full of chicken shit. After they clean that up they have to chase chickens around the yard until they get a few of them. Snowbird ends up having to catch one that almost gets away.
Father Billy Brown Gets Sick
During the February 13th, 2015 show the main plot line was the dad of the Brown Family, Billy Brown, getting sick. His wife Ami was worried because Billy had been in a coma not that long ago and the doctors never figured out why. Before taking Billy to the town to get medical treatment the family decided they needed to create a bear’s crow nest for the food in case bears came into the camp.
Noah and Snowbird were asked to create a pulley system that would allow the family to put their food in a place in which the bears could not get to it. While they were doing this the other four boys were building a raft. The raft scene was quite chaotic as Bam started to argue with Matt who was in charge. Matt ended up getting sick but the raft was finally made. Another interesting scene was when Rain was making spam at the camp fire. I cannot imagine the diet of these children is very good.
Something interesting I noticed was the weight lifting gloves Noah wears and the cross necklace around his neck. He seems to be one of the more civilized of the family but still has his quirks.
2015 Season Finale
During the 2015 season finale we get to see the Alaskan Bush Family try to live out the dream of building their own house. It looks as if winter and snow sets in a little early causing problems. Some of the boys are trying to use a chainsaw to make the house and it may cause injuries. We will have to wait until next week to see what ends up happening with the Alaskan Bush People house.
During the February 2015 Season Finale the Brown’s built a 24 x 28 home that Billy Bryan Brown promised his wife Ami over 20 years ago. It was accepted that the mom, dad, Snowbird and Rain would be the ones to live in the house while the boys would continue to find somewhere else to live.
Noah Builds Smoker for Meat
A very interesting segment of the show was when Noah was asked to build a smoker for the family. This would allow them to keep the meat safe for a longer period of time. A classic line he used was “I am the Da Vinci of our time”. I thought this was a little much but I think I will start referring to him as Da Vinci from now on.
While Noah is building the smoker Gabe goes with the father, Billy Bryan Brown, to kill a deer. I am not very intelligent when it comes to deer hunting but Gabe rips something out of the deers stomach after he kills it. I know it isn’t the liver because he picks that up and brings it back with them. Does anyone know what this was? Was it the stomach or intestines of the deer? It almost looking lick a bubble of sorts.
After killing the deer we learn that Noach has finished the smoker and he has tagged it with a cross as he tags everything he does with a cross. He mentions his strong religious beliefs but I am not certain exactly what type of religion the Alaskan Bush People are.
Matt Breaks Hand and Creates Splint
Another interesting part of the February 2015 Season Finale was when Matt broke his hand with the family trying to build the roof of the house. It is obvious his fingers are quite messed up but he builds a “Life Made Bush Splint” to help him continue to assist the family while they build the house before the snow hits. I cannot even begin to imagine how much pain he must be in with not even setting his fingers. I guess that is what it takes to be a true “bush person”.
During this particular show we continue to see the fights between Matt and Bam. I think this is something that could play out when the season picks back up in the spring of 2015. We will just have to wait and see.
The Alaskan Bush People House
Well, they built this up quite a bit during this season of Alaskan Bush People. Here it is:
One question I do have is how the heck did they get windows and how did they install windows? I am certain glass doesn’t come maybe I am wrong.
Alaskan Bush People TV Ratings
So, exactly how many people watch this show on a Friday night? One would think the viewership on a Friday night would not be that high but this happens to be one of the most watched TV shows on Discovery Channel. Here are the stats:
February 13th, 2015 &#,000 viewers
February 6th, 2015 &#,000 viewers
January 30th, 2015 &#,000 viewers
January 23rd, 2015 &#,000 viewers
January 16th, 2015 &#,000 viewers
January 9th, 2015 &#,000 viewers
January 2nd, 2015 &#,000 viewers
Matt Brown Home in a Tree
At the end of the Alaskan Bush People TV Show on Sunday, February 15th, 2015 there was a quick “Off the Grid” bit that showed Matt in his “tree house”. Unlike most tree houses, this particular tree house this house was under the tree in the roots. He explained how he heats it and sleeps in this particular establishment. It is truly amazing to see how these people live. There is no way I could live in the roots of a tree.
Alaskan Bush Boys Look for a Girlfriend and Love
At the end of the February 15th episode three girls came to see the boys. There was a blonde and two brunettes. I didn’t catch their names but the boys seemed to be very interested in these girls. Bear, Matt, Noah, Gabe and Bam put them through an obstacle course and a few of the boys explained that these particular girls were not extreme enough.
If anyone caught the name of the girls please feel free to comment below. I am not certain if these three girls have been on the show before or not. What a plot it would be if one of the boys fell in love and had to deal with the struggles of dating a woman without having a cell phone, a computer or any type of Internet connection. How great would it be to see Noah using Snapchat on a brand new iPhone? That would be glorious.
Alaskan Bush People Message Boards and Discussion
After reading the comments below, I wanted to do more research on Billy Bryan Brown and the Alaskan Bush People. I scoured the Discovery Channel website and other websites for message boards or discussion forums and came up with nothing. It is shocking to me that a show that gets three to five million viewers a week does not have a single message board on the Internet.
Well, if that is the case, I want to open up the comments to any type of discussion you so desire. If there is no where else to have the discussion we might as well have it here. Do not hesitate to leave comments asking questions or simply leave your thoughts on this Discovery Channel TV show. The hot topic right now is how much do the Alaskan Bush People get paid per TV show? Do you think Billy Bryan Brown is keeping the money that is paid to the children?Too Guilty To Leave: Are You Delaying A Breakup Out Of Guilt?Cold cures: Why everything you thought you knew is wrong | Daily Mail Online
Why everything you thought about colds is wrong! Scientists have finally separated fact from fiction about those sniffles
08:15 BST, 12 October 2010
An early morning nip in the air signals the start of the colds and flu season. During the average lifetime each of us will suffer from around 200 colds — lasting, on average, nine days each — which works out at a staggering five years of congestion, coughing, headaches and sore throats.Colds are the most common infections in the world, but that’s just an average. Some people suffer more than others, succumbing every winter to an exhausting succession of runny noses, while others seem barely to catch a sniffle.
At risk: Teenagers catch more colds than older people because they haven't developed as many anti-bodies to protect themselves
Why is that so? Scientific research
over the past ten years has revolutionised our view of the common cold - what causes them, what they do to our bodies, how to stifle them -
and when to leave them alone. Now
a leading science writer, Jennifer Ackerman, has talked to leading
experts and trawled through endless studies to reveal the truth - and
the myths - about the common cold. Her research makes for surprising -
and sometimes bizarre - reading... A WEAK IMMUME SYSTEM DOESN'T MAKE YOU VULNERABLECold symptoms do not result from the -destructive effects of viruses but rather from how strongly your immune system reacts to them. In other words, terrible cold symptoms are the product of a strong immune system, rather than a weak one. So bear this in mind the next time you read an advertising slogan for a dietary supplement which promises to help you fight colds by -boosting your immune system. VITAMIN C WON'T STOP A COLDNo cure for the common cold has been better studied than vitamin C, which, it is claimed, helps by increasing infection-fighting white blood cells. However, more than 30 clinical trials involving more than 10,000 people have examined the effects of taking daily vitamin C and have shown that it does not prevent colds. At best, it only slightly reduces the duration of symptoms. The only time it might help is if you’re engaged in extreme physical exercise or exposed to extreme physical cold. Several studies have shown that soldiers, skiers and marathon runners in these situations who down a daily dose of 200mg of vitamin C have the risk of a cold reduced by half.CUTTING OUT ALCOHOL IS NOT THE ANSWEROne or two drinks a day actually diminishes the likelihood of catching a cold, according to studies at the Common Cold Unit in Salisbury, Wiltshire. Non-drinkers were at far greater risk, though scientists don’t know why. ‘It could be that the types of people who drink are less -susceptible for other reasons,’ says Sheldon Cohen, who led the research.Or there could be a direct link. Alcohol might somehow limit the replication of the viruses. Either way, Cohen doesn’t encourage drinking as a prophylactic or cure for the common cold, as the risks of consuming more than a drink or two a day to general health far exceed the benefits in cold reduction, he says.
YOU CAN'T CATCH A COLD BY KISSINGThis will surprise many people, but a kiss won’t give you a cold. The largest family of viruses causing colds are rhinoviruses, and these rarely enter our bodies through the mouth, according to research at the University of Wisconsin Medical School. When infected, volunteers kissed cold-free volunteers for a full minute and a half, but only one case of cross-infection occurred in 16 trials. Estimates suggest that it takes as much as 8,000 times as much virus to cause infection by way of saliva than by other routes. So kissing or sharing drinks is unlikely to spread a rhinovirus. For most cold viruses, the nose and eye are the main points of entry, spread by coughs and sneezes or by touching an infected surface with your hands.
Disgusting: 19 per cent of men at Newcastle Central Station had gut bacteria on their hands
Washing infected clothes may be one of the major transfer points in the home for germs, according to research by Charles Gerba, a microbiologist at the University of Arizona. Even the simple act of putting underwear in the machine or transferring clothes from a washer to a dryer could put you at risk of E.coli (a common gut bacteria) on your hands. Washing eliminates 99 per cent of the bacteria, but if there are a million to begin with, that leaves some 10,000. And viruses — like those responsible for causing a cold — are even harder to wash out of fabric than -bacteria. Cold viruses can lurk in places such as the tucks and folds of clothing, with handkerchiefs and c-hildren’s shirtsleeves particularly likely repositories. GREEN MUCUS ISN'T A SIGN OF BACTERIAL INFECTIONContrary to popular belief, green mucus is not a sign of bacterial infection, but a sign the immune system is working properly. As the body recruits more and more virus-fighting white blood cells to the nose, the colour of the mucus changes from clear to -yellow to green. This is because these cells carry green iron-containing enzymes. The greener the colour, the more robust the immune response.STAYING INDOORS WON'T PROTECT YOUOne of the most likely sources of cold viruses is your computer mouse or desk at work. A study of the cold virus in offices found that 47 per cent of desktops, 46 per cent of computer mice and 45 per cent of telephones had cold viruses on them. The same research found that professions most at risk from cold germ spread included lawyers, teachers, accountants, bankers, radio DJs, doctors and TV producers.BLOWING YOUR NOSE HARD DOESN'T HELPThe stuffy, blocked feeling that -stifles breathing during a cold is not the product, as one might expect, of excess mucus, but -swelling blood vessels in the nasal passages. These normally swell anyway in a rhythmic alternating cycle, so one nasal passage always has a little less airflow than the other.But colds exaggerate the asymmetry of rhythm — completely closing one nasal passage. So the urge to blow forcefully is increased, though it doesn’t relieve the stuffy feeling. Perhaps more importantly, studies show that forceful nose blowing -propels viscous nasal fluid, with its load of viruses, bacteria, and inflammatory chemicals, into the sinuses, where secondary bacterial infections may take hold. So it’s best to blow gently, one nostril at a time. ANTIBACTERIAL SOAP CAN'T ZAP VIRUSESThe germs which cause a cold are viruses, not bacteria — which is why antibiotics have no effect on colds. Antibiotics kill bacteria by preventing them from building their cell walls. Viruses are not cells and have no cell walls, so they’re utterly -unaffected by the drugs — this is also why anti-bacterial soaps, shampoos and lotions have no effect on cold germs.An alcohol-based hand sanitiser, however, is a decent alternative. In one 2010 study at the University of Virginia, alcohol sanitisers were -significantly more effective at -removing rhinoviruses than hand washing with soap and water.CATCHING A COLD ISN'T JUST BAD LUCKThe more years your parents had been able to afford to own their own home before you turned 18, the lower your risk of getting a lot of colds in the future, say U.S. researchers. As Professor Sheldon Cohen of Carnegie Mellon University, explained: ‘The most critical years are ages zero to six. If your parents did not own their home during these early years, you’re at high risk. All of this is true no matter what your -socioeconomic status may be.’ It’s thought the link is stress — albeit second hand. People under stress produce more of the str one of cortisol’s jobs is to turn off the production of cytokines, molecules that encourage an aggressive immune response. If there’s too much cortisol, this process goes haywire triggering a greater response to colds.WRAPPING UP WARM WON'T PROTECT YOUExposure to the cold has nothing to do with catching a cold, says Ron Taylor of the University of Virginia. Colds are more common in autumn and winter because the cooler, wetter weather drives people indoors, where viruses may more easily jump from one person to the next. The distinct peak in colds in September and early January is likely due to the return of students to schools and colleges after the summer and winter break. OLD WIVES ARE RIGHT ABOUT CHICKEN SOUPTouted as a cold remedy by grandmothers since time immemorial, recent research shows there may be some scientific fact behind the legend that chicken soup helps a cold. Stephen Rennard, a pulmonary specialist at the University of Nebraska Medical Centre, conducted an informal study to determine if chicken soup would reduce the movement of neutrophils, cells drawn to sites of infection and which in turn trigger inflammation. He found that it did — although he couldn’t pinpoint the components responsible. Many canned soups appeared to be just as efficient as homemade ones.
No wonder cure: The benefits of echinacea are very small
In terms of popularity, the purple coneflower is king of herbal
remedies for cold sufferers and parts of the plants are sold as
capsules, juices, tinctures and teas.
While some research suggests that the leaves and flowers of one
strain (purpurea) may have a small effect on reducing cold symptoms,
recent better-designed studies find that the herb does little to shorten
colds or relieve symptoms.
According to the latest reviews, taking Echinacea regularly won’t
protect you from catching a cold, nor will it reduce the severity or
Bottom line: experts say don’t waste your money.SOCIALISING WON'T PUT YOU AT RISKPeople who socialise with a great variety of people suffer fewer colds than those with small social circles. Although you might think coming into contact with a broad range of people could increase your risk, U.S. researchers have found that a wide social group contributes to a more positive, healthy outlook — and -sociable people produce fewer pro-inflammatory chemicals in response to cold viruses. OLDER PEOPLE DON'T GET MORE SNIFFLESIn almost everyone, susceptibility to colds declines over time. The over-50s, for instance, catch only half as many as teenagers. This is largely because they will have been exposed to more colds and therefore developed more antibodies to common cold viruses than younger people. DRINKING FLUIDS MAKES LITTLE DIFFERENCEIt's the cold-cure mantra we’ve all heard so often. But the truth is, drinking loads of fluids won’t help get rid of a cold. And there are no controlled clinical studies showing any benefit of maintaining steady fluid intake during a cold either. However, drinking normal amounts of water, juice, broth, and other clear fluids can help to loosen congestion and certainly prevents dehydration.YOU WON'T LOSE WEIGHT WITH A COLDThere are at least five -families of cold viruses, among them the adenoviruses. A shocking new finding points to some kinds of -adenoviruses being capable of triggering not just a blocked nose but obesity. Three types of adenovirus normally spur symptoms of the common cold, but in 20 per cent of people they may also affect the rate of fat-cell formation. Essentially this means they play a role in changing stem cells (essentially ‘precursor’ cells, which can turn into other cells such as fat, blood — even bone) into fat cells, so those infected with the virus gain weight faster than non-infected -people who eat the same amount. BLAME YOUR GENESOver the past five or ten years, -scientists have discovered genetic variations that may explain why some people suffer many more colds than normal. It seems there are differences in their receptor cells — to which rhinoviruses attach as they ‘invade the body’ — and in the amounts of inflammatory chemicals their bodies make. Who said life was fair?Adapted from Ah-Choo by Jennifer Ackerman, published by 12. The book is available
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