
THE SLIM IMPACT I-52(黒鲷対応モデル)
THE SLIM IMPACT II-52(口太グレ対応モデル)
THE SLIM IMPACT I-52(对付黒鲷的样式)中部晃动少,柔软有弹性。柔软有弹性的前端和有力流畅的中部的韧性即使是纤细的设置也能很好的应对,整体有力,操作干净利落,这就是I52型号的 THE SLIM IMPACT II-52(对付口大的斑鲅鱼的样式)纤细和力量相结合,很好用。时柔和时锐利自由地操作能在捕获伪银灯鱼以及一瞬间决定胜负的大猎物时,伸展性和力量都是最好的,这就是「II-52」型号的全区域扭矩最大限度、耐性好无论何时都会发挥韧性和力量利用重量轻以及坚硬的高密度的HVF碳精棒实现了理想中的状态和真正力量结合的v接缝构造。使加在鱼身的力量上升了27%!鱼竿本身的伸展力上升了13%!在保持柔软的同时也保持了中部晃动少操作利落。鱼上钩后就V接缝整体就将鱼挣扎的力量吸收全程SIC导航……………………太专业了……真的是无能为力了只能翻译到这程度了……见谅啊……
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投了一篇英文,编辑给回复:Dear Dr Ma,
I can now inform you that the reviewers and editor have evaluated the manuscript "Characterization of the particle size fractions associated heavy metals in tropical arable soils from Hainan Island, China" (Dr Lingling Ma). I am pleased to say that it has been favourably recved and publication with minor revision is recommended (see below and on /gexplo/).
Please consider the reviews to see if revision would be feasible. To facilitate further review, add line numbers in the text of your manuscript. Should you wish to resubmit you should explain how and where (i.e. by giving line numbers) each point of the reviewers' comments has been incorporated. For this, use submission item "Revision
Notes" when uploading your revision. Also, indicate the changes in an annotated version of the revised manuscript (submission item "Revision, changes marked"). Please follow the order "Revision Notes", "Revision, changes marked", "Manuscript", etc.
Should you disagree with any part of the reviews, please explain why.
Please strictly follow the formatting requirements as presented in the Guide for Authors.
Given that the requested revisions are fairly minor the new version is required within the month.
To submit a revision, go to /gexplo/ and log in as an author. You will find your submission record under Submission(s) Needing Revision.
When resubmitting, please present any figures, tables etc. as separate files. See the Artwork Guidelines on the home page right menu for further file naming conventions, referencing and format issues.
When resubmitting, please ensure that you upload the source files (e.g. Word) of all text and tables. Uploading a pdf file at this stage will create delays should your manuscript be finally accepted for publication. If your revised submission does not include the source files, we will contact you to request them.
I hope that you will find the comments to be of use to you and am looking forward with interest to receiving your revision.
Thank you for submitting your work to this journal.
Kind regards,
Kreeti Saravanan
Journal Manager
Journal of Geochemical Exploration
Important note: If a reviewer has provided a review or other materials as attachments, those items will not be in this letter. Please ensure therefore that you log on to the journal site and check if any attachments have been provided.
You may obtain the specific comments from two reviewers for your manuscript and should revise the manuscript as well as a point-by-point reply to the comments.
After you have taken care of all the suggestions, you can resubmit the modified paper to be evaluated for acceptance for publication on JGE.
Following, some associate editor suggestions to authors:
(1) Lines 227: Pichler et al., 1996 is not in the references
Reviewer #1: This paper contains data of potential interest to an international scientific community. The English language and the general composition of the manuscript is quite satisfactory. The following comments apply to the manuscript:
- The use of decimals is generally excessive. Only one digit more than the last significant one should be listed. This applies to the Abstract (% micro-aggregates), Results and Discussion, and Table 1. As an example: If the accuracy of the Cr determination is 5% (it is hardly any better as judged from the analysis of SRMs)the numbers for this element in Table 1 should be given with only 3 significant digits (e.g. 204 instead of 204.27 and 21.2 instead of 21.21).
- In the abstract it is stated that the mobility of the metals was "analyzed". What was studied is rather the "leachability".
- In fig. line explaining the symbols used should be moved to the figure text. The figure looks to "busy" as it is now.
Reviewer #2: Soil pollution by heavy metal is getting worse with the rapid development economy in China. This ms. presented the characteristics of heavy metals in tropical arable soils in Hainan Island, China.
I considered that this ms. can be accepted for publication after a minor revision. The detailed comments are as follows:
1. What is the detection limit of TOC measurement?
2. Page 8 line 159, the section of "2.4 Statistical analysis" is unnecessary in the article.
3. The authors should add some appropriate discussion related to the source of heavy metals.
4. There are many syntax error and punctuation abuse. I suggest the authors finding native English persons to help with the ms..


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