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音标:[ klɔ(:)θ ]&&发音:&&名词复数: cloths&&&
中文翻译n.pl. cloths 〔用于 kinds of cloth之意〕, 〔用于 pieces of cloth〔之意〕)1.织物,布类,毛织品,呢绒;(一块)布;衣料;(白)桌布;擦布,揩布。2.(职业)制服,(特指)黑色教士服;〔the cloth〕牧师,教士。3.【航海】帆。4.【戏剧】布景画布。短语和例子American cloth彩色防水布,人造革。 Italian cloth 意大利棉毛呢;黑色直贡呢。 long cloth漂白细棉布。 cloth merchant 呢绒布匹商。 all cloth made 【航海】满帆,鼓着风。 bound in cloth 布面装钉的。 carry much cloth 【航海】张大风帆。 cloth of gold [silver] 金[银]线绵。 cloth of state [estate] 宝座背上的饰布。 cut from the same cloth 一路货色,一丘之貉。 cut one's coat according to one's cloth 量入为出,量布裁衣。 draw the cloth (饭后)收拾餐桌。 have [shake] a cloth in the wind 〔口语〕有点醉意;〔转〕穿破烂衣服。 lay the cloth 在餐桌上铺桌布放餐具预备开饭。 made out of whole cloth 凭空捏造。 out of the whole cloth 〔美国〕彻头彻尾(瞎说,谎言等)。 remove the cloth (饭后)收拾餐桌。 renounce the cloth (修士等)还俗。&&&&标布&&&&全布面装&&&&一匹布&&&&布面装订&&&&石棉布&&&&一段布料; 一段衣料&&&&一块布&&&&一卷布&&&&布条儿&&&&一块桌布&&&&砂布&&&&摩擦布; 砂布,擦光布; 砂皮布; 研磨布,砂布&&&&吸水布&&&&海军呢。 &&&&航空用织物&&&&飞机布&&&&布匹熟化; 布匹之熟化&&&&飞机布质蒙皮; 飞机用布&&&&阿库拉手织粗平布&&&&艾伯特大衣呢&&&&鳄鱼皮漆布&&&&祭坛罩。 &&&&阿纶纳特黑呢&&&&[leather] (做桌布用的)漆布。 &&&&布上丙稀&&&&克洛泰
例句与用法He cut off a meter of cloth from the roll .他从那布卷上剪下一米布。This kind of cloth tends to spot in the rain .这种布容易在雨中弄脏。The holes in the cloth were made by moths .布上的洞是虫子蛀的。Immerse the cloth in the dye for twenty minutes .把布浸在染料里20分钟。He mounted the picture upon silken cloth .他把那幅画裱在绢上。Insert the needle into the cloth , jane .珍妮,把针插在布上。This cloth is not inferior to real silk .这种织物不下于真丝。I heard the sound of rending cloth .我听到撕破衣服的声音。We cut paper and cloth with scissors .我们用剪刀裁纸和布。The defect of these cloths is clash of colours .这几种布的缺点是颜色不调和。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural "the fabric in the curtains was light and semitransparent"; "woven cloth originated in Mesopotamia around 5000 BC"; "she measured off enough material for a dress"同义词:, , ,
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