两个向量的点乘和叉乘叉乘为何得到的是他们的法向量的点乘和叉乘 高等数学

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(A dot B = mod(A) * mod(B) *
(A dot B = mod(A) * mod(B) *
Vector Math is easily one of the most used forms of math in 3D game
programming. Here are some examples of the basics of vector math,
and some of its uses in games. In the following examples we'll be
referring to three dimensional vectors. They're represented by
three numbers, each one corresponding to a dimension. E.g. (-2, -3,
16) can represent a point that lies at -2 in the x coordinate, -3
in the y coordinate, and 16 in the z coordinate. Vectors can also
represent distances, force, velocity, and other fun stuff.
Vector subtraction
Vector subtraction is as easy as simple arithmatic. You simply
subtract each component of one vector from the other.
Vector a = (3, -5, 7)
Vector b = (5, -2, -9)
Vector c = (3 - 5, -5 - -2, 7 - -9) = ( -2, -3, 16)
So, what does vector subtraction get us? A couple of useful things.
It gives us the direction from one vector to another. In this
example, 'c' is a vector that points from the point represented by
vector 'b' to vector 'a'. Using vector 'c' we can determine a
direction and distance from b to a, which we shall show in the next
two examples.
=&new&Vector3(3, -5, 7);
=&new&Vector3(5, -2, -9);
// There are a few ways we
can do this, XNA has many Vector math functions built
Vector3&c = a -
This places the result of a - b into c.
=&new&Vector3(a.x -
b.x, a.y - b.y, a.z - b.z);
If you were to draw vectors 'a' and 'b' from (0, 0, 0) to their
respective points, then vector 'c', would connect the end points of
each of those vectors.
Distance between two points
Given two points, we can easily determine a distance between them.
Subtracting Vectors 'a' and 'b' in the previous example we were
able to determine that Vector 'c' = (-2, -3, 16). Vector 'c'
represents a line between points 'a' and 'b', so if we can
determine the distance of the line, then we're done. The formula
for this is:
d = √(x^2 + y^2 + z^2)
given our example we have:
d = √(4 + 9 + 256) = √269 = 16.4012
So the length of vector c, and the distance from 'a' to 'b' is
16.4012 units. You'll notice that we have 269 before we do the
square root operation. This number is referred to as the 'squared
length' or 'length squared'. As we'll see later, this number can be
useful as well.
=&new&Vector3(3, -5, 7);
=&new&Vector3(5, -2, -9);
Vector3&c = a -
// XNA has a distance/length
float&distance =
// Or we can do it ourself,
by taking the square root of the squared
=&Math.Sqrt( c.x * c.x + c.y * c.y
+ c.z * c.z );
Unit length direction from one point to another
Given two points, we can easily determine direction from one to the
other. Continue with our original example, we subtracted vector 'b'
from vector 'a', which gives us the direction and length together.
In vector math it is often useful to have a unit-length vector (a
vector with a length of 1), so we'll take Vector 'c' and make it
unit-length, which will leave us with a vector that represents
Once you've determined the length of the vector, you simply divide
the original vector by it's length. In the previous example
'Distance between two vectors' we determined the length, which was
~16.4012. So we'll just divide vector 'c' by that amount.
-2 / 16.4012, -3 / 16.4012, 16 / 16.4012 = ( -0.1219, -0.1829,
This gives us the direction from point 'b' to point 'a'. Unit
length vectors are useful for many purposes, such as being used to
find the angle between two unit-length vectors, or if you wanted to
move an AI unit in a specific direction and speed, you could use a
unit-vector and then scale it by the desired speed.
=&new&Vector3(3, -5, 7);
=&new&Vector3(5, -2, -9);
Vector3&c = a -
// XNA has a function to
create a unit-length vector for us.c = c.Normalize();
&&// After this line executes, 'c' will be
// Or we can do this ourself.
If we've already calculated length, this is even more
// if you've already calculated distance for something
=&Math.Sqrt( c.x * c.x + c.y * c.y
+ c.z * c.z );
You'll notice above that we calculate distance so that we can
normalize/unitize our vector. If you call the Normalize() function
that comes with XNA it does this all for you. That is convienent,
but if you've already calculated length for another use, and then
need to normalize a vector, then it is more efficient to simply
normalize it on your own. In fact, in my own programming I've come
along the cases like this, or cases where I would need the length
of a vector right before I normalized it, so I created a function
that normalizes a vector, and returns the length before
= ((vector.X * vector.X) + (vector.Y * vector.Y)) + (vector.Z *
= (float)Math.Sqrt((float)lengthSqr);
You may notice that all multiplication is done on each component
individually. For example, instead of vector *= num, I did each
component individually. This is because the overloaded operator for
multiplying vectors by a scalar value is slower than multiplying
each float value of a vector3 by another float. Also, by
calculating 'num' we can multiply by that three times rather than
doing the division by length three times. This part isn't so much a
lesson in vector math, more a lesson in efficiency with XNA, and an
explanation why this function has slightly more code than you might
Using squared lengths
As we mentioned in one of the previous examples: 'Distance Between
Two Points', squared lengths can be useful. Most of the time when
you're calculating a squared length it is almost immediately square
rooted to give length, but occasionally this isn't needed. For
example, when you want to compare two lengths to see which is
If you want to compare two lengths to see which is greater, you
could find the exact length of each, and compare them, but the fact
is that you really may not care what the exact lengths of each
vector is, you just want to know which vector has the greatest
length. In this case, you can just use a squared length.
This is same method as we described earlier, but without the square
d^2 = (x^2 + y^2 + z^2)
So lets see how we could put a length comparison of two vectors
into a simple function.
= ((vectorA.X * vectorA.X) + (vectorA.Y * vectorA.Y)) + (vectorA.Z
* vectorA.Z);
= ((vectorB.X * vectorB.X) + (vectorB.Y * vectorB.Y)) + (vectorB.Z
* vectorB.Z);
& lengthSqrB;
Comparing the length of two vectors can represent more than just
distance between two points. Because vectors can also represent
velocities, this function is also useful for determining which
vector represents a higher velocity.
Dot Product
Dot product is one of the properties of vectors that you can get
when multiplying them. The dot product has many useful properties
with vectors, in fact, the Dot Product and Cross Product are
probably the two most important properties of vectors in 3D math
used in video games. A dot product requires multiplying each
component of two vectors and adding them together, as such:
Vector a = (3, -5, 7)
Vector b = (5, -2, -9)
a (dot) b = (3 * 5 + -5 * -2 + 7 * -9) = 15 + 10 - 63 = -38
You'll notice that we end up with a real number value when using
the dot product. This number can be more useful when used with two
vectors of unit-length, as we'll see in an upcoming example. The
dot product is also useful in vector projection,
vector&-&plane math, and more.
Angle between two vectors/lines
In 3D games you'll often find cases where you may want to know the
angle between two vectors. For example, you may want to know how
many degrees an AI unit will need to turn to face its target. You
may want to know how far a camera needs to rotate to face the same
direction as the player it is attached to. So how do we determine
the angle between two lines? Using the Dot Product and a little bit
of triginometry.
Vector a = (1, 0, 0)&
Vector b = (0, 1, 0)
a (dot) b = (1 * 0 + 0 * 1 + 0 * 0) = 0
arccos(0) = 1.5708
So what we did was find the dot product between two vectors, a and
b, which resulted in zero. We then find the arc cosine of zero,
which is 1.5708, or half of Pi, which is 90 degrees.
Vector3.Dot(vectorA, vectorB, dotProduct);&
It can also be useful to not only know the angle between two
vectors, but also if the signed angle should be negative or
positive. This can tell us things like which direction to turn, not
just how far. Here is a function to do just that for us.
We make sure all of our vectors are unit
= Vector3.Dot( Source, Dest );
= Vector3.Dot( Source, DestsRight );
Make sure we stay in range no matter what, so Acos doesn't fail
= MathHelper.Clamp( forwardDot, - 1.0f, 1.0f
=&Math.Acos( (float) forwardDot
( rightDot & 0.0f )&
*= - 1.0f;&
We do our initial dot product to find the angle between the two
vectors, this is what we store in 'forwardDot'. We then do another
dot product, between the source vector and a vector that is
perpedicular to the dest vector and also on the same plane to the
dest vector. (We'll learn how to do this soon when we learn about
Cross Products). The dot product we get from this is 'rightDot'. If
rightDot is less than zero then we know that the dest vector is to
the right (or clockwise) from the source vector (on a unit circle),
otherwise, dest vector is to the left. This is why we can multiply
the angle by negative one if it is to the right, this lets us
determine which direction the angle is in.
In this first example, we can see that the 'dest' vector is to the
right (counterclockwise) of the source vector:
Because the angle between S and R (dest's right vector) is greater
than 90 degrees, the dot product will be negative. The negative dot
product is our indication that the 'dest' vector is in fact to the
relative right (clockwise) to the source vector. In the next
example we can see that 'dest' is to the relative left
(counterclockwise) or the source vector:
In this example the dot product between S and R will give us a
positive number because it the angle between them is less than 90
degrees. This proves that D (dest vector) is to the relative left
of the source vector.
Knowing whether the 'dest' vector is clockwise or counterclockwise
on the same plane that S and D lie on tells use which direction to
turn, which is useful especially for AI movements.
Vector Projection
Vector projection means that you're taking a vector, and projecting
it onto another vector.
It is important to note that the length (magnitude) of a vector is
often represented like so: | b |
The formula for projecting a vector (vector A) onto another vector
(vector B) is:
projB (A) = ( (a (dot) b) / |b|^2 ) * b
Lets see an example:
Vector a = (2, 2, 0)
Vector b = (1, 0, 0)
a (dot) b = 2 * 1 + 2 * 0 + 0 * 0 = 2
( 2 / 1 ) * b = (2, 0, 0)
Vector A' is the result of the vector projection of vector 'A' onto
vector 'B'. The best way to think about this is that vector A' is
in the same direction as vector 'B', and any part of the original
'A' that wasn't in this direction is discarded. So if you look at
vector B, it is in the +X direction only, represented by 1, 0, 0.
If you took vector 'A' and took out anything not in the +X
direction, then you you be left with (2, 0, 0), and that is what we
get with the vector projection. It is easy to look at this visually
in this example because vector 'B' runs exactly along one of the
three major axes. But in most cases it isn't as easy to visualize,
and that is why the formula helps.&
Here is how we'd do it in XNA:
Target, dotProduct);
= (dotProduct / Target.LengthSquared()) * T
Cross Product (under construction)
Cross product is another product of multiplication of vectors.
<font COLOR="#、
VECTOR v1=(5. 0 , 5. 0 , 0. 0);
VECTOR v2=(1. 0 , 0. 0 , 0. 0
float p1=DotProduct(v1,v2);&//
lenght = sqrt (5*5,0*0,5*5); //& 7. 0710678.
5 / 7. . 7071067; //这就是角度的余弦值
float angle=acos(0. . 7853981; // 0.
DotProduct=cos_angle=0. 7071067(cosine of 45 degrees) * 7. 0710678
(length of v1) =5;&
Vector edge1=v2-v1;//由v1指向v2
Vector edge3=v3-v1;
Vector Normal=CrossProduct(edge1,edge2);
为了演示起见,我们已经利用上面讲到的叉积生产了多边形的法线n,平面如红色线表示与x轴成45°.他的法线可以表示为(-0. 707,0.
707,0. 0);
Find Distance to Plane&
VECTOR L1=vertex-
Distance_to_plane=DotProduct(L1,Normal); // =8. 4852 which is
correct so far according to figure d.&
Calculate the Projected Line
VECTOR line_direction=(lineend-linestart); // gives us a vector of
float linelength=DotProduct(line_direction,Normal);//
linelength=-12. 72 which is correct. Trace the line down with you
finger on figure d.)
float percentage = - Distance_to_Plane /
&// =0. 66667 or 66 percent of the way down the
line. Lets try that and see if its
intersect. x=linestart. x+line_direction. x*
// = - 2 + 6 * 0. 66667 = - 2 + 4= 2(X)&
intersect. y=linestart. y+line_direction. y*
// = 4 + - 12 * 0. 66667 = 4 + - 8 = -4(Y)&
intersect. z=linestart. z_line_direction. z*
// = 0 + 0 * 0. 66667 =0 (Z) not being used in this example
计算结果是&( 2 , -4 , 0
那么下面我们写一下得到射线与平面的交点的函数:bool Get_Intersect
(VECTOR linestart,VECTOR lineend,VERTEX vertex,VECTOR normal,VECTOR
* intersection)//(起始点,终点,顶点,法线,返回的交点)
VECTOR direction,L1;
float linelength,dist_from_plane,
// calculate the lines direction vector (Green line in 图 d)
direction. x=lineend. x-linestart.
direction. y=lineend. y-linestart.
direction. z=lineend. z-linestart.
// This gives us the line length (the blue dot L3 + L4 in figure
if (fabsf(linelength)&0. 00001)
L1. x=vertex. x-linestart. // 计算向量L1 calculate vector L1 (the
PINK line in figure d)
L1. y=vertex. y-linestart.
L1. z=vertex. z-linestart.
dist_from_plane=DotProduct(L1,normal); //得到点的面的距离
// gives the distance from the plane (ORANGE Line L3 in figure
percentage=dist_from_plane/ //计算百分率
// How far from Linestart , intersection is as a percentage of 0 to
if (percentage&0) // The plane is behind the start
of the line
if (percentage&1) // The line does not reach the
// add the percentage of the line to line start返回交点
intersection-&x=linestart. x+direction.
intersection-&y=linestart. y+direction.
intersection-&z=linestart. z+direction.
// ooh yes ^_^,产生碰撞了
下面,我们按顺序求两者的点积,例如DotProduct( L1 , L2 ) DotProduct( L2 , L3 )
DotProduct( L3 , L1
bool hit_polygon (VECTOR plane_intersection , POLYGON
VECTOR Lines[triangle. Number_Of_Vertices];
float total_angles,result,
for (int a=0;triangle. Number_Of_Vertices&a;a++) //
Lines[a]. x=plane_intersection. x-triangle. vertex[a]. //
Lines[a]. y=plane_intersection. y-triangle. vertex[a].
Lines[a]. z=plane_intersection. z-triangle. vertex[a].
vlength=sqrt( (Lines[a]. x*Lines[a]. x)+(Lines[a]. y*Lines[a].
y)+(Lines[a]. z*Lines[a]. z) ); // 单位向量化
Lines[a]. x=(lines[a]. x/vlength);
Lines[a]. y=(lines[a]. y/vlength);
Lines[a]. z=(lines[a]. z/vlength);&
total_angles=0. 0; // 得到角度之和
for (int a=0;a & triangle.
// Loop through and calcuate the angles between each Vector
// Last Vector done out side loop.& ( L2 , L0
if (fabsf (total_angles-6. 28)&0. 01)//
// 撞在了多边形的外边


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