
1 句首字母
2 人名.姓和名两个单词第一个字母都大写.
3 称呼或头衔的第一个字母要大写.
4 国家,地名等专有名词第一个字...
A bad beginning makes a bad ending.
A bad thing never dies.
答: 这样的可以去死了
大家还关注背单词 句子
背单词 句子
学习啦【英语短语】 编辑:长思
  一口流利的英语离不开大量的词汇积累,掌握一定数量的词汇是学好英语的基础,否则,阅读、翻译、交流都无法顺利进行。单词的学习是在不断操练和积累中发展起来的,下面小编分享背单词 句子给你们,希望对你们有用。
  背单词 句子如下:
  With my own ears, I clearly heard the heartbeat of the nuclear bomb.
  (1)With my own ear: 用我自己的耳朵,with 作状语,表示&用,随着&等意思,my own 强调我自己的, own&自己的&.
  (2)Clearly 是形容词 clear的变形,表示&清楚地&的意思,修饰动词hear。(补充知识,大多数单音节形容词+ly变副词,不再形容名词,而是用来形容动词或形容词等)
  (3)Heard 这里用的是过去式,注意 hear的变形是+d,而不是一般加ed.
  (4)Heartbeat 名词心跳,由heart(心)+beat(拍子,敲击)这两个词组成,英语中很常见。
  (5)The nuclear bomb 原子弹, nuclear 原子能的,bomb 炸弹(游戏中会很常出现吧?这么低级的词都不出现的游戏,果断鄙视吧。敢不敢不玩中文游戏,低级,没档次!)
  (6)这里的语法点是 the +名词1+of+名词2,意思解释为名词2的名词1.
  The son of my mom 怎么解释?我妈妈的儿子。当然也可以说my mom&s son. 不过,前一种说法很书面,很正式,很有品位。名词&s的所有格很初级,不用常用。
  Next year the bearded bear will bear a dear baby in the rear.
  (1)next year,&明年&,这你肯定知道,但是 这个词非常重要,直接限定了这个句子的时态,是将来时。当然,next year 也可以放在句子后面,意思不变,但是这句话放在前面,就是为了强调是明年!!有木有?不是今年也不是前年,所以你必须用将来时。
  (2)bearded,&有胡子的&这里又是有趣的用法,上一个句子,我解释了形容词clear+ly变成副词,词意相近,但用法改变。这里bearded 是由beard + ed 变来。Beard什么意思?名词&胡子&的意思,名词+ed瞬间变成形容词,&胡子的&?当然你翻译的有水平一些,就是&有胡子的&。。。。这里的用法是,单音节的名词+ed,变成形容词,修饰名词。当然,不是所有名词都能加ed变形容词,这个你要通过背句子,自己体会了。。。。。所以,写作中这一种变形不确定千万别用,但是英语阅读中,你可以尽情地用,这个单词,看着眼熟,就是+ed等前缀,那就往与名词相近的以及上解释,只要你语文学好了,那就没问题了。
  (3)bear 名词&熊&。。。。动词:&结果实,有&born这个词熟不熟?I was born in Mars&我出生在火星。。。其实born就是bear的过去分词。
  (4)a dear baby~&可爱的宝宝& 你原来也是~~哈哈哈
  (5)in the rear &在后方,在后面&rear 这个词有很多解释,所以你就记这个in the rear , 固定搭配,&在后方&。
  Early I searched through the earth for earth ware so as to research in earthquake.
  (1)early&早的,早地&这个词即是形容词,也是副词。I get up early every &.这里是副词。我每天起得很早。He would go to the house in June or early July.他将在六月或七月上旬去到那所房子。这里early就是形容词。
  (5)ware &陶器,器皿&earth ware 表示土陶器。两个名字连在一起的方式不很多,但并不少见,earth hour&地球一小时,你知道吧,就是在一个时间里,大家都不实用电器,为地球节省宝贵资源。
  (6)so as to &以便,以致&这是固定搭配,你记好就好。在英语里,我最喜欢的就是这些固定搭配词,只要你记下了,下回使得时候,照单原抄,又不用注意时态变化,又把英语说得相当地道。
  (8)research in sth &研究某事&研究小介词in,记牢啊
  (9)earthquake &地震&这个词有眼熟了吧,earth表示地啊什么什么的,quake是震动的意思,所以加起来地震。。。。
  I learn that learned earnest men earn much by learning.
  (1)Learn,sb learn sth. I learn you are a good guy!!!我发现你是个好人。这里强调一下,learn和know和understand的区别,中文里都说发现,知道,了解到。但是什么区别呢,这么举例子:
  lI know you are a good guy since I am your sister.我知道你是个好人,不需要什么证据,我就是知道,因为我是你姐姐。
  lI learn you are a good guy after we have a long conversation.我了解到你是一个好人,在咱俩进行了一次长时间谈话后。
  lUnderstand 这个词用起来比较灵活,介于两词之间。
  (2)Learn that 这是个定语从句,你不知道什么是定语从句?没关系,你总有一天会知道的。况且,这里你不用知道,你只用记得这样的表现式就好了。你说美国两岁小孩知道什么是定语从句么,必然不知道,但这个句子他一定说的非常流利,在于他听到别人这么说,他模仿出来了。
  (3)Learned 啊哈哈哈哈 看看看,再一次 again!!! 动词learn + ed 华丽丽的的变成了形容词,&有学问的&
  (7)Much这里是副词,形容动词earn,earn much &挣得多&
  (8)By 也是介词,与through有异曲同工之妙,具体区分之处,就是语境了,我问过我的美国同学关于怎么区分两词,我的美国同学反问我,你会用错么?我说我不会,他说me too&&.这是一种语言习惯,源于你大量背句子,听段子,到时候你就知道怎么用了,就想中文一样。你就是知道这么用对,这么用错。
  She swears to wear the pearls that appear to be pears.
  (1)Swear动词&发誓&,有一首歌叫《I swear》超好听,推荐你听听。
  (3)Pearl&珍珠&,看着里的用法,the pearls,你现在想像出来的珍珠,就不能是一颗,the在这里,是特指,特指那些像梨子的珍珠,而不是别的。
  (4)That 看这里,又是个定语从句了,that后面的词充当pearls的定语
  (6)Appear to 词组,记一下,&看起来像&
  I nearly fear to tear the tearful girl&s test paper.
  (1)nearly 看,这里形容词+ly,变副词了吧,修饰fear. Near是&接近的&变副词,就是&几乎地&神马神马的意思了。
  (2)fear 动词&害怕&,fear to do sth &害怕做某事&
  (3)tear 动词&撕掉&,名词什么意思??&眼泪&呗
  (4)tearful 又是新知识,认真学哦,名词+ful变成形容词。神奇吧,举例子,color+ful=colorful(多彩的)
  (6)test paper 考试卷子。
  The bold folk fold up the gold and hold it in the hand.
  (2)Folk:&人们& 这个词很好,好在于它很地道,很英语,偏偏中国教的英语里并不怎么提到他,但事实上,这个词在英语国家很常见。本身就是个复数名词,人们。
  (3)Fold up:&折叠起来&
  (4)Hold in the hand.hold:动词,&举着&
  The customers are accustomed to the disgusting custom.
  (1)Customer &顾客,消费者&顾客消费者还有另外一种说法:consumer,没啥大不了的区别,前者更常用。
  (2)The customers, the +名词复数形式 表示特指的一群人。那些消费者,顾客,不是随随便便的。。。
  (3)Accustom:&使习惯于&看英文中查字典总是有这样的动词被翻译成:&使。。。&这样的动词,一般将承受者放在句前用被动式,就不会错了。就像这句子里:the customers are accustomed to&..(被动式是be+动词ed着你必须知道吧,不知道快学)
  (5)Custom当名词时用的时候 &风俗,习俗&
  Ahahahahaha 某小孩今天开学啦!!!新学期,新气象啊啊啊~~加油啊啊啊~~~
  The dust in the industrial zone frustrated the industrious &man.
  (1)the dust &&灰尘&,注意,dust后面没有s,这是一个范围名词。表示灰尘这一类东西,所有灰尘,无论大小。
  (2)in the industrial zone 是个状语,表示dust的状态是在工业带,而不是别的什么地方。
  (3)industrial &工业的&
  (4)***** zone &什么什么地带,区域&绿化带怎么说?green zone
  (5)Frustrate 动词&挫败&
  (6)Industrious 形容词&勤勉的&多好的形容词,多高级。快把&hard-working&替换掉吧。
  The just budget judge just justifies the adjustment of justice.
  (1)just &公正的,合理的&这歌词很眼熟对吧,当副词的时候,是&只是,仅仅&的意思。但换成形容词,就是&公正的,合理的,正义的&意思,句子中第二个just就是副词了,表示&只是&。
  (5)Adjustment 名词&调节,调整&
  (7)看这里,just--justify--justice 体会一下三个词的意思?
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Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?一、单词restroom /restru:m/ n.(美)洗手间;公共厕所p.17&&&&& stamp /st&mp/ n. 邮票;印章&p.17postcard /pəustka:(r)d/ n. 明信片&p.18&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& pardon /pa:(r)dn/ interj.请再说一遍;p.18 washroom /wɔʃru:m/, n. 洗手间;厕所p.18&&&&&&&&& bathroom /ba:θru:m/ n. 浴室;洗手间&p.18quick /kwik/adj. 快的;迅速的& p.18&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& rush /rʌʃ/ v. & n. 仓促;急促& p.18 suggest /sədʒest/ v. 建议;提议&& p.19&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& staff /sta:f/ n. 管理人员;职工&p.19grape /greip/ n. 葡萄&p.20&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& central /sentrəl/ adj. 中心的;中央的&p.20mail /meil/& v. 邮寄;发电子邮件n. 邮件p.20&&&&& east /i:st/ adj. 东方的adv. 向东; n.东方 p.20 fascinating /f&sineitiŋ/ a.迷人的;有吸引力的p.21&&& convenient /kənvi:niənt/ a.便利的;方便的 p.21 mall /mɔ:l/ n. 商场;购物中心&&&&& p.21&&&&&&&&&& clerk /kla:k/, /kl3:rk/ n. 职员& p.21 corner /kɔ:(r)nə(r)/ n. 拐角;角落 p.21&&&&&&&&&&&& polite /pəlait/ adj. 有礼貌的;客气的&p.22politely /pəlaitli/ adv. 礼貌地;客气地&p.22&&&& speaker /spi:kə(r)/ n.讲(某种语言)的人;发言者 request /rikwest/ n. 要求;请求 p.22&&&&&&&&&&&&& choice /tʃɔis/ n. 选择;挑选 p.22& direction /direkʃn, dairekʃn/& n. 方向;方位&p.22&&&& correct /kərekt/ adj. 正确的;恰当的&p.22direct /direkt, dairekt/ adj. 直接的;直率的p.22&&&&&&&& whom /hu:m/ pron. 谁;什么人&& p.22address / ədres/, / &dres/ n. 地址;通讯处p.22&&&&&& faithfully /feiθfəli/ adv. 忠实地;忠诚地p.24Italian /It&li ən/ a. 意大利\人的;n. 意大利人\语&&&&& Kevin /kevin/ 凯文(男名) p.20Tim /tim/ 蒂姆(男名)&&&&& p.20二、重点短语&1. turn left 向左转2. get a pair of shoes 买一双鞋子3. on one’ s right 在某人的右边4. go along Main Street 沿着主大街走5. have dinner 吃饭6. go to the third floor 去三楼7. go past the bookstore 走过书店8. a room for resting 休息室9. be special about.. . 有……独特之处10. pardon me 请再说一次11. come on 过来;加油12. hold one’ s hand 抓住某人的手13. one one’ s way to... 在去.......的路上14. pass by 路过15. a rock band 摇滚乐队16. something to eat 一些吃的东西17. mail a letter 寄信18. in the shopping center 在购物中心19. in some situations 在某些场合20. such as 例如21. lead in to a request 引人一个请求22. use proper language 使用合适的语言23. park one’ s car 停车24. an underground parking lot地下停车库25. change money 换钱26. the way to... 去.......的路27. travel to…. 28. thank sb. for doing sth. 为……感谢某人29. look forward to….期盼……30 meet sb. for the first time 第一次见到某人31in a rush to do sth. 仓促地做某事32. be convenient to do sth. 做某事很方便 三、重点句型1. not…until…You never know until you try something.凡事只有亲身经历了才能了解。2. It seems (that)…It seems a rock band plays there every evening.那里好像每天晚上都有乐队演奏。3___ do you know...Excuse me, do you know where I can buy some medicine?打扰了,请问哪里能买到药?4. Could you please tell me... ?Could you please tell me how to get to the post office?你能告诉我去邮局怎么走吗?5 .1 wonder...I wonder where we should go next.我想知道接下来该去哪里。6. sb. suggest+ 从句 The clerk suggests they go to the... museum.工作人员建议他们去……博物馆。三.&单元重点语法:直接引语变间接引语(一)直接引语变为间接引语时的变化: 1 .人称的变化规律:一随主,二随宾,三不变2. 时态的变化规律:(1)如果主句的谓语动词为一般现在时,直接引语变间接引语时,宾语从句的谓语动词的时态不变。 如:He says , “ I like math.” ----He says that he likes math.(2)如果主句的谓语动词为一般过去时,直接引语变间接引语时,宾语从句的谓语动词的时态要用过去时态的某一种(一般过去时,过去进行时、过去将来时、过去完成时,即:am / is 变&& are 变& do /does变& will 变 can 变& did 不变或变& have/ has done 变had done& )注意:当直接引语是真理和事实时,变间接引语时时态不变。(二)直接引语变间接引语变法如下:1. 直接引语是陈述句,变为间接引语时用that,that可以省略。引号外面的said to sb 要改为 引号外面只有said时,保持不变。如:He said , “I like it very much.”--- He said that he liked it very much.练习&& He said to me , “I will learn math well. ”&& He_____ _____ that _____ _______learn math well. &&& 2. 直接引语是一般疑问句,变为间接引语时用if / whether, 变为陈述句语序。引号外的said to sb 要改为asked sb, 引号外面只有said时,said改为asked ,可以加一个me。&&&&&& 如“He said, “ Are you interested in Chinese?”&&&&&&&&&& He asked me if I was interested in Chinese.& &&&& 练习: She said to Tom ,” Do you work in the school?”&&&&&&&&&&& She _____ _____ _____ ______ ______ in the school.&&& 3. 直接引语是特殊疑问句,变为间接引语时仍用原来的疑问词引导,变为陈述句语序。引号外的said to sb要改为asked sb, 引号外面只有said时,said改为asked ,可以加一个me。如: He said to me, “ What can I do for you?”&&&&&&&&&&& He asked me what he could do for me. &&&&& 练习:He said to Tom, “How do you find it?” &He _____ ______ ______ _______ _______it以上三种变化就是变成宾语从句。&&& 4. 直接引语是祈使句:1) 肯定的祈使句,变为间接引语时,去掉引号,在动词前加to ,引号外的said to sb 要改为told / asked sb. 即构成:told/asked sb to do sth结构。&&&&&&&&& 如:She said to her son, “ Open the door.” ---She told her son to open the door.&&&&&&&&& 练习:He said to me, “ Listen to me carefully.”&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& He _____ _____ _____ ______to ______ carefully.&&&&&& 2) 否定的祈使句,变为间接引语时,去掉引号,把后面的don’t 改为not to. 引号外的said to sb 要改为told / asked sb.,即构成:told/asked sb not to do sth结构。&&&&&&&&& 如:She said to her son, “ Don’t open the door.”&&&&&&&&&&&&& She told her son not to open the door.&&&&&&&&& 练习:He said to me, “Don’t sing in class.”&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& He _____ _____ _______ ______ _______in class.巩固练习:将所给直接引语变为间接引语:1.. She said to us , “ I has been to New York.”&&&&& She _____ _____that _____ _____ been to New York.2. We said to them, “ Have you learned French?”& We ______ _____ ______ ______ _______ learned French. 3. They said to us,& “When do you do homework?” They asked ________ _________ _______do homework.4. “Keep quiet, children.” he said.&&& He _______ the children _______ _______ quiet. 5. “Don’t look out of the window,” she said to me.& She _____me _____ _______ _______ out of the window.6. The teacher said, “The sun is bigger than the moon.”The teacher ______ that the sun _______ bigger than the moon.重点点拨1. Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? 请问洗手间在哪里?=Excuse me. Could you tell me _____ _______ to the restrooms?=Excuse me. Could you tell me how _____ ____ get to the restrooms?=Excuse me. Could you tell me how _____ get to the restrooms? xK b1.C om=Excuse me. ________ ________ the way to the restrooms, please?=Excuse me. ______ ______ the restrooms, please?=Excuse me. How _____ ______ get to the restrooms, please?2. dress 的相关短语1) dress up “化装”,“穿上盛装”,“打扮” ,dress up as sb. 装扮成…2)dress sb.“给某人穿衣服”, dress oneself “自己穿衣服”&她很快给孩子们穿上衣服。She ______ _____ _______ quickly.练习:1) 他们都打扮成解放军的模样。 They all _______ ________ _________ PLA men.&&& 2)Children_____as black cat,cowboys, superman at night on Halloween(万圣节)&&&&&&& A. get dressed&&& B. put on&&&& C. dress up&&& D. are dressed&&& 3)她太小不会给自己穿衣服。She is too young ______ ________ ________.&&& 4) 他每天给妹妹穿衣服。He_______ his sister every day.3. come on快点 =be quick= hurry up& 由come构成的短语还有:come true 实现;   come up with 提出,想出;&& come out 出来;出版;花开come in 进来;&&&& come back 回来Be quick, or you will be late! =________ ______,or you will be late! 4. 一对;一双;一副a pair of 其谓语动词由pair的单复数决定&This pair of shoes__________(be) very comfortable.&Look! There______________(be)three pairs of shoes over there.
单元重点词组:1. 取一些钱________ some money 2. 一对;一双;一副a_________of&& 3.如何到达书店______ ______get to the bookstore4. 在你的右边_______ your right&& 5. 向左/右转_________ left / right.& 6.在…和…之间________...and&7. 经过go _________8.对做某事感到兴奋be__________to do sth&& 9. 来吧come __________10. 在某人去…的路上________one’s way________& 11. 走向前;朝…走去.walk _____& _______ 12. 什么;请再说一遍;抱歉;对不起_______ me& 13.沿着这条街往东走go_______& _________this street14.基于文化知识_______& _______cultural knowledge&& 15.如何礼貌地寻求帮助how to_______& ______help_________16一家.地下停车场_________& underground __________ lot& 17.听起来不礼貌sound______________18.在某些情形下_________some_______________19.花时间导入一个请求spend time________& ________a request 20.很抱歉打扰你be________to_______you& 21.兑换一些钱________some money& 22.去…的路the________& _______...23. 盼望;期待(做)某事.look________ to sth(doing) sth&& 24.初次,第一次_______the________time25.在三楼_______the________floor&& 26.由于(做)某事感谢某人_______sb________(doing) sth
中考连接1. She told me that she______ shopping with her sister the next day.& A. will go&&&&&&&&&& B. would go&&&&&& C. goes&&&&&&& D. has gone2. The teacher told us the moon____ around the earth.&&&&& A. went&&& B. goes&& C. going&&D. move3 The teacher asked me, "Do you have a lot of homework to do during the holiday?” The teacher asked me&&&&&& I&&&&&& a lot of homework to do during the holiday.4. The reporter asked the girl.“Do you enjoy your volunteer work on weekends?”The reporter asked the girl&&&&&& she&&&&&&& her volunteer work on weekends.5. My friend asked me, " Do you help your parents with the housework on weekdays?" My friend asked me&&&&& I&&&&&&& my parents with the house work on weekdays.6.& “How do you look after your pet cat?” my teacher asked me.My teacher asked me ______& _____& ______ after my pet cat.7. “Are you going to watch the football match next Sunday?” Father asked me.Father asked me ______I _____ going to watch the football match next Sunday.8. "Did you sleep well last night?" David asked her. David asked her&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& well& last night. 9. Please tell me. Who will give us a talk this afternoon?(合并为一句)Please tell me ________________ us a talk this afternoon. (注意:特殊疑问词作主语时,如果语序本来就是“主语+谓语”结构,则语序不再变化。)10. I don't know what I should do next.(改为简单句)I don't know ______& ________& __________& __________. 11. Excuse me, could you please tell me how I can get to the bookstore?&= Excuse me, could you please tell me________& __________& _________ to the bookstore?
基础知识练习:I. 单项选择1. ___ old man in front of Tom is ___ artist.&&&&& A. An, an&&& B. A, the& C. The, an&&& D. The, a 2. Everyone was& _____when they heard the& _______& news.A. exciting&&& B. exciting&& C. exciting;excited&&& D. E excited3. ―Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow? ―Well, it all ___________ the weather.A. belongs to& &&&&& B. happens to && C .depends on && D. concentrate on4.& Sorry,I haven’t&& ____& money& _____& buy the new iPad.A.such, that&&&&&&&&& B. too, to&&&& C. enough, to&&&&&&&& D.enough, for5. 【2013山东威海】―Excuse me. Could you tell me ___ get to the nearest post office?―Sorry, I am new here.A.how can I&&&&&&&&& B. how I could&&& C. how to&&&&&&&&&&& D. what I can6. Could you please ____ such a thing again?&&&&& A. not to do&&&& B. don’t do&&&&& C. not doing&&&&&&&&& D. not do7. They ____ five days finishing the work.&&&&& A. paid&&&& B. took&& C. spent&&& D. cost8. His grade in the exam put him&&&&&& the top students in his class.&& A. between& B. over&& C. among&& D. above9.【2012 甘肃兰州】―All the workers went home yesterday ____ Mr. White. Why? ―Because he was on duty.&& A. except&&& B. besides&&& C. except for& D.beside10. The man tried several times to start the car, and he succeeded______.A. in the past& B. in the end& C. at first&&&& D. at once11.Some of my friends eat with their eyes. They prefer to order what&______& nice.A. feels&&&& B. smells&&& C. looks&&&& D. tastes12. We live _______ a supermarket. It’s very convenient.&&& A. right&&& B. far away from&&& C. next to&& D. on the right& 13. Would you please _______ the window? It’s hot now.&&& A. close&&&& B. to close&&&&& C. open&&&& D. to open14. ―Do you know _______? ―Yes, in two days. A. when will Mr Li come back&&&& B. how long Mr Li will come backC. what time will Mr Li come back&&& D. how soon Mr Li will come back15. ― Excuse me, could you please show me how to use this MP4 player? ―_______ A. Certainly! It’s here.&&&&&&& B. Yes, you can.&& C. Sure, with pleasure.&&&&&&& D. Not at all.16. Do you still remember _______?  A. that he said  B. what he said  C. did he say that  D. what did he say17. The terrible accident happened ______ the evening of October 4th, 2009.&& A. in&&&&&& B. on&&& C. from&&&&&&& D. at18. In English, my sister does ______ speaking than writing.&&&&& A. good at&&& B. better at&&& C. well in&&&& D. better in19. . Could you tell me ___________?&&& A. where do you live&  B. who you are waiting for&&& C. who were you waiting for&&& D. where you live in20. --- Do you know if she ___ back tomorrow?---Sorry, I don’t know. I’ll call you if she ___ back.A. will come, comes&& B. comes, comes& C.comes, will come& D.will come, will come21. She told me the sun ______ in the east.& A. rise& B. rose  C. rises  D. had risen22. I can't understand ______the boy alone.&&  A. why she left  B. why did she leave  C. why she had left  D. why had she left23.We are going for a picnic tomorrow. I'll call Wendy to make sure________.A.why to start  &&&&&&& B.when to start&& C.what to start&&&&&&&&&&& D.which to start24. ―Do you know sound travels very fast?―Yes. But light travels ________ sound. A.as fast as &&&&&& B.a little faster than&& C.much faster than&&&&&&& D.slower than25. [;宜昌] ―Where are you going for the coming winter camp?―I won't decide on the place ________ the end of this month.A.until      B.unless& C.though&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.through26.[;菏泽] Traveling around big cities by taxi can cost a lot of money, but it's usually ________ to take the underground train to most places.& A.amazing     B.expensive&& C.convenient&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.exciting27. ―Let's go shopping at the new mall. ―Why not shop online? It's ________. A.expensive &&&&&&&&& B.more expensive&& C.less expensive&&&&&&&&&& D.the most expensive28.[;泸州] Could you tell me ________ the cool T&shirt?           A.where you buy&&&&&&&&&&&& B.where do you buy&& C.where did you buy&&&&&& D.where you bought 29.[;济宁] ― Do you know________?―Yes, I do.& He went by skateboarding!A.whether Paul will go or not&&&&&&& B.when will Paul go to the partyC.how Paul went to the party&&&&&&& D.how did Paul go to the party 30.[;潍坊] The woman asked the policeman where ________.A.the post office is&&&& B.was the post office&& C.is the post office&&&&&& D.the post office was 31.―Do you know ________& the man with glasses is?& ―A reporter, I think.A.what&&&&&&&&& B.that&&&&& C.who&&&&&&&&&&&& D.where 32.Could you tell me________? A.what to do it&&&&& B.what to do&& C.how to do&&&&&& D.when to do 33.―Could you please tell me ________?―Yes. There is one on Center Street.A.where can I buy some stamps&&&&&& B.when you will take your vacationC.when was the telephone invented&&&&& D.if there are any good restaurants around here 将下列简单句合并为复合句1.Where is my Chinese book? I don't know.&&&& I don't know ______ my Chinese book ____.2.She studies in Lantian Middle School. Jane says.& Jane says ______ ________ in Lantian Middle School.3.Do you study French? Could you tell me?&&&& Could you tell me ____ ______ ________ French?4.Was he the first to come here? Please tell me.&&& Please tell me ____ ____ ______ the first to come here.5.The earth goes around the sun. The teacher told the students.The teacher told the students ______ the earth ______ around the sun. 完成句子: 1.沿着这条路直走,然后左转。Go along/down this street and _______& _________.2.我路过那家商店的时候停了下来。I stopped when I __________ ______ the store. 3.昨天吉姆直到下午3点才回来。Jim ________& ______& ______& ______ three o'clock in the afternoon yesterday. 4.[;黄冈] Talking loudly in a library, a museum, or a movie theater is __________ (不礼貌的). 5. 你能告诉我到邮局怎么走吗? ______ you _____ me ______ ______ ______ _____the post office? 6. 你能告诉我在哪里能买到字典吗?& _______ you _______ tell me ______ _______ _______ ______ a dictionary?7. 你能告诉我中心街在那吗?Can you ______ ______ _______ Center Street _____?8. 你能告诉我在新镇上是否有一些好的博物馆?& Could you please tell me _____ ________ _____ ______ good museums in Newtown?9. 你知道在这儿附近是否有一些公共洗手间吗?& Do you _____ ____ ______ _______ _______ pubic restrooms _______ ________? 10. 你所使用的表达方式可能取决于你说话的对象或你对他们的熟悉程度。The _________ you use might _______ _____ ______you are speaking to or how ______ you know them. 11. 我想知道你是否能帮助我。I ______ ______ you can help me.
中考试题选登1. ―Why was Miss Read so angry with you this morning?―She asked me _______.&&&&& A. why I was late for school again&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. how I came to school this morningC. what did I have for breakfast&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. what time did I go to bed last night2. ―Could you tell me __________?&& ―Sure. He is in Room 303.A. how old is your sister&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&B. where is the post officeC. when did you meet Sam&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&D. where I can find Mr. Lee 3. “When are you going to Australia?” Mary asked her father. (改写句子,句意不变)&& Mary asked her father ______________ he ______________ going to Australia.4. 令我们吃惊的是,这位老人竟然天天服用这种药物。 To _____________& _____________, this old man takes this kind of medicine every day.5. 我们都为祖国的快速发展而感到自豪,但我们也必须面对许多挑战。We all take _____________ in the fast _____________ of our country, but we must also face a lot of challenges. 6. ―How long has Robert ___________?&&& ―Since 2004.A. been to Beijing&& B. become a policeman&&& C. joined the art club&&& D. studied in this school7. ―Could you please tell me _________________?―Yes. There is one on Center Street.&& A. where can I buy some stamps&&&&&&&&&&& B. when you will take your vacationC. when was the telephone invented&&&&&&&& D. if there are any good restaurants around here8. ---Do you know _________the new mobile phone last week?&&&& --Maybe 900 yuan. I’m not sure.&& A. how much she paid for&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. how much will she pay for&& C. how much did she pay for&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. how much she’ll pay for9. “Can you drive me to the office building?”she asked me.(改写句子,句意不变)&& She asked me      & I      & drive her to the office building.10. ―Could you tell me ____________?&& ―In 1971.A. when your mother was born&&&&&&&&&&&& &B. when was your mother bornC. how old is your mother&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &D. how old your mother is 11. Cindy asked me, “Do you bring your dictionary to school every day?” (改写句子,句意不变)&& Cindy asked me ______________ I ______________ my dictionary to school every day.12" Can I borrow your bike?” Tom asked me.(改写句子,句意不变)Tom asked me _______________ I could lend my bike to _______________.13. 钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿自古以来就是中国的领土。The Diaoyu Island and the adjacent islands has _______________ _______________ China since ancient times.14. ―Excuse me, could you tell me _________?&& ― Sorry, I’m not sure.&&&& A. when the next BRT arrives&&&& B. when will the next BRT arrive&&&& C. when did the next BRT arrive&& D. when does the next BRT arrive 15.―Could you tell me&&&& __&&& ?&&& ―By searching the Internet.A. how you got the information&&&&&&&&&&& B. when you got the informationC. how did you get the information&&&&&&&& D. where did you get the information 文 章 来源 莲山 课件 w w w.5 Y
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