
阅读的帮忙翻一下,谢谢一1.He was a Frenchman by birth and was destined for the priesthood.
Numbers play an important role in Chinese culture and the use of numbers can be found in almost every aspect of people's lives.
No single force has been responsible for shaping the background of American history, but of the many that have contributed, none played a more important role than the land itself.
The old man was thin and gaunt with deep wrinkles in the back of his neck.
Fertilizers and chemical pesticides used by farmers can also be washed by rainwater into rivers and streams. They can kill fish and other water animals and plants. 二1.
From deep inside a bull-headed resolution welled up.2.
The problem with the greenhouse effect began about 100 years ago when people started using fuels like oil and petrol on a large scale. 3.
Many foreign visitors can't help but exclaim that the Chinese are really creative and can line numbers up so "auspiciously." 4.
After finishing the task, the little boy stood there as if awaiting a "thank you".5.
In America many people are ignorant of the horrible crimes committed by the Japanese Imperial Army during their invasion of China. 三1.
Usually she acted younger than her years, if anything. 2.
But choosing a gift is an art in itself, and you can rack your brains and spend a whole day shopping, and you still won't know if the other person will like it or need it. 3.
Through legend, the beginning of the Olympic Games can be found in religious celebrations that were held to show respect to the gods of the Greeks.4.
Forests have disappeared, river courses have been changed, and large areas of natural vegetation have turned into farmland and cities. 5.
Societal pressures to work more and at odd hours have reduced our sleep time over the past century by about 20 percent.
一1. 他生来是法国人,并注定从事神圣事业。(就是主教)2. 数字在中国文化当中起到很重要的作用,人们几乎在他们所有的生活领域当中用到数字。3. 美国的历史背景不是被一件事情或一个力量所造成的。在其所有的因素当中,美国大陆土地是最重要的。4. 那个老人瘦若柴骨,脖子与后背上有深深的、数不清的皱纹。5. 化肥和杀虫剂也会被雨水冲刷到河流里去。这会杀死河中的鱼类,和水生态动植物。二1. 一个冲牛般的决定在思想深处形成了。2. 温室效应在一百年前就开始了,当时人们大量使用石油和汽油。3. 很多外国的来访者不得不承认,中国人确实很有创造力,并且对数字的认识是很成功。4. 当任务完成以后,那个小男孩站在那里,就像在等一句“谢谢”一样。5. 在美洲,很多人都对于日本侵华的种种行径无知。三1. 不管干什么事情,她的一举一动都比她的实际年龄年轻。2. 但单单挑选礼物就是一门艺术,你可以一整天边购物边设计,最后仍猜不出那个人会不会喜爱这个礼物。3. 通过传说,奥林匹克运动的最早形势曾在宗教盛典上所进行,来展示对希腊众神的崇敬。4. 森林已经消失,河流领域已经变动,大面积的野生植物也被变成了努天和城市。5. 社会所造成的压力会使我们更多地工作和加班。上世纪以来,因这种原因而减少的睡眠已经达到了20%。总算翻完了。。


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