
嘹亮是什么意思 嘹亮在线翻译 嘹亮什么意思 嘹亮的意思 嘹亮的翻译 嘹亮的解释 嘹亮的发音 嘹亮的同义词 嘹亮的反义词 嘹亮的例句
嘹亮 基本解释嘹亮[liáo liàng]词典:共振的;洪亮的;回响的;能共鸣的。词典:嘹亮;响亮;一清二楚;洪亮。嘹亮 汉英大词典嘹亮[liáo liàng] loud and clear:  例:嘹亮的号角        歌声嘹亮。    The singing is loud and clear.嘹亮 网络解释1. 1. liaoliang:wanzhuan 婉转 | liaoliang 嘹亮 | huangyun 黄晕2. Brilliance:Brightness亮堂度,指中低音听音觉得 | Brilliance嘹亮 | BRKRS breakers断路器3. loud and clear:live as husband and wife同居,夫妻共同生活 | loud and clear嘹亮 | matter of life and death生死攸关的问题嘹亮 双语例句1. 达味又吩咐肋未人的族长,由他们的同族兄弟中指派一些歌咏员,叫他们用各种乐器、琴瑟和铙钹,奏出嘹亮欢乐的声音。&&&&David commanded the chiefs of the Levites to appoint their brethren as chanters, to play on musical instruments, harps, lyres, and cymbals, to make a loud sound of rejoicing.2. 一个单词可能音节嘹亮,字母很多,单就它的学术价值和新奇感来说,可能是令人叹赏的,然而把它放在具体的语境中,也可能毫无意义。&&&&A word may be a fine sounding word, of an unusual length, and very imposing from its learning and novelty, and yet in the connection in which it is introduced may be quite pointless and irrelevant.3. 嘹亮什么意思3. 36接着,合唱声和风琴奏出的嘹亮圣歌声从空中传来。这是耶稣会传教士约翰。&&&&And then there came out upon the air the sound of voices and the pealing anthem of the organ.4. 你无法取消是个坏一串嘹亮商。&&&&You Can't Cancel - Clarion developers are a nasty bunch.5. 5. 深水沉积物波及其在南海研究之现状钟广法;李前裕;郝沪军;王嘹亮·聚氨酯/ZnO纳米复合材料的制备和性能陈县萍;王贵友;徐强;胡春圃&&&&Bridging the Systematic Thinking Gap between East and West-An Insight into the Yin-Yang-Based System Theory Kuo-Hsiung L Hsiang-Ju C Yuan-Hui T Shen-Ho Chang6. 6. 背景是连绵高耸的石墙,拱形石桥,桥上行人纷纷,桥下水波粼粼,碎浪随风,和风依浪,更有那嘹亮的歌声,响遏行云。&&&&In the background was an unbroken high stone wall and an arched stone bridge crowded with crossing pedestrians. The water glistened beneath the bridge. Choppy waves responded to the p and the breeze was in harmony with the waves. A resonant song rose to the sky.7. 7. 从宽阔的胸瞠倾吐出深沉而嘹亮的声音&&&&To speak with a full and sonorous voice out of a broad chest8. 它的歌声不清脆嘹亮,不婉转悦耳,却最能引起人们的关注。&&&&It is not clear loud voice, not mildly sweet, but most cause for concern.? ?9. 嘹亮在线翻译9. 它会选择哪一边呢?以前的实验证实,和鱼一样,雌蛙偏爱绵长嘹亮的叫声。&&&&Previous experiments have shown that as with fish, female frogs prefer long and loud serenades—so this is somewhat of a dilemma for her.10. 当你将宽宏、清新嘹亮的小号之声与节奏明快的击鼓之声柔合在一起,你会感到有什么样的效果?&&&&January 25, 2010What do you get when you combine the bold and majestic sound of a trumpet with the fluid, rhythmic beat of a drum?11. 在休息的时候,我们每个组还互相拉歌,嘹亮和生动的声音充满了整个学校,快乐的微笑充满了我们每一张脸,幸福的感觉充满了心。&&&&&&When we took a break, we were engaged in this Group Singing. The loud and wonderful sound echoed every corner of the school. Everybody was happy and content.12. 12. 我希望你能唱出天地间中最嘹亮的歌声&&&&&&I would like yours to be the most strong of sound.13. 圣诞节是欢庆的节日,是欢声笑语和歌声嘹亮的节日,是收到美好而奇妙礼物的节日。&&&&&&Christmas is for gaiety, mirth and song, for good and wondrous gifts.14. 嘹亮14. 五月,辉煌的五月,缤纷的五月,你让劳动者的歌声更加嘹亮!&&&&&&May, brilliant in May, the May Day, you allow workers more loud and clear voice!15. 整个广场在一片嘹亮的歌声和喜悦的欢庆声中显得生机盎然。&&&&&&The whole square was alive with singing and rejoicing.16. 16. 突然一阵了嘹亮的歌声响起。&&&&&&Suddenly a burst of song, this song.17. 这里的歌声特别嘹亮!&&&&&&Singing Here Is Extremely Louder and Clear!18. 让我们和着美妙的音乐,悠扬的旋律。嘹亮的歌声,翩翩起舞,表达内心的喜悦。&&&&&&Let`s flutter to express our heartfelt happiness with the wonderful music, melodious rhythm and loud and clear voice.19. 打击乐中的锣、钗等,不仅声音嘹亮,而且上下翻动金打击乐光闪烁,演奏者随着乐曲的情绪或坐或站或跳,并有一定的亮相姿势,到高潮处,他们把手中的乐器抛向高空,随手又能接住,正赶上下一个节拍,这时也正是观众鼓掌喝彩的地方。&&&&&&Percussion of the gongs, hairpin, etc., not only sound the clarion, and the upper and lower turning golden light flashes percussion, playing music with the emotional or sitting or standing or dancing, and have a certain appearance posture, to the climax of the Agency, they have the hands of instruments thrown high, and can readily catch is to catch up with the next beat, is the concept at this time the public acclaim of applause place.<p class="p11查询·英语单词大全20. 我为死者擂鼓,我从我的号角为他们吹出最嘹亮而快乐的音乐。&&&&&&I blow through my embouchures my loudest and gayest for them. Vivas to those who have fail'd!嘹亮是什么意思,嘹亮在线翻译,嘹亮什么意思,嘹亮的意思,嘹亮的翻译,嘹亮的解释,嘹亮的发音,嘹亮的同义词,嘹亮的反义词,嘹亮的例句,嘹亮的相关词组,嘹亮意思是什么,嘹亮怎么翻译,单词嘹亮是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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简介&星光大道年度总决赛开始了!三号月冠军鸽声嘹亮组合成员资料吉林这是一对夫妻组合,丈夫叫刘亮,妻子叫白鸽,两人的名字取其中的字组合在一起叫鸽声嘹亮。他们的工作是婚礼策划,经常给别人策划婚礼,也在婚礼上演出,今天他们有什么样的精彩表现能逗笑全场呢。2014星光大道2015年度总决赛第二场冠军星光大道鸽声嘹亮组合成员资料:这是一对夫妻组合,丈夫叫刘亮,妻子叫白鸽,两人的名字取其中的字组合在一起叫鸽声嘹亮。&2015总决赛星光大道年分赛第二场微直播:《新四季歌》 鸽声嘹亮。最后一关的冲刺,大家都拼啦!星光大道年分赛第二场微直播:《家在东北》 鸽声嘹亮。浓郁的东北特色,手绢转起来!星光大道年分赛第二场微直播:《西游记模枋秀》 鸽声嘹亮。又有模仿,又有魔术,现场的老虎吓到您了么。第一首《飞得更高》鸽声嘹亮。这是一对夫妻组合,丈夫叫刘亮,妻子叫白鸽,两人的名字取其中的字组合在一起叫鸽声嘹亮。他们的工作是婚礼策划,经常给别人策划婚礼,也在婚礼上演出,今天他们有什么样的精彩表现能逗笑全场呢。 &
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