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Is it true the first year is the hardest pls respond
I just got married in march then got pregnant end of June since then I've been happy with love but financially in shambles I feel like I'm steady falling deeper into poverty. I faught so hard to come from that, I opened a salon in 9/ 2012,now this is my last week!im shutting down by Nov 1 2014; I was homeless 6 months before I opened it up,but God made it possible . my husbands bizz took a hit last winter all his equipment has been stolen and wasn't insured. he makes ends meet hustling everyday and any way legally possible from construction ,auto mech, to landscaping. he has a good job opportunity waiting in Atlanta but we can't seem to save enough to get there comfortably I'm tired of being broke I'm not use to this anymore the devil wants me to have regrets and its hard not to pls pray for us if you really know God I'm sad as hell and I'm hiding it so he don't lose faith me believing in him is what keeps him fighting
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Hang in there and trust God. He won't give you what you can't handle. My hubby and I will be marry for 2 years come November and looking back at what we went through our first year we sometimes can't believe we got this far. We have 5 kids total. I have 3 from my ex and he has 2 from his. This baby will be our first total. Scary yes because last year we loss a baby to a bad miscarriage on top of that my dad pass away too and I was a wreck but you know what we came over all that with trusting God. Hang in there. I truly believe you guys will be ok.
Hang in there and trust God. He won't give you what you can't handle. My hubby and I will be marry for 2 years come November and looking back at what we went through our first year we sometimes can't believe we got this far. We have 5 kids total. I have 3 from my ex and he has 2 from his. This baby will be our first total. Scary yes because last year we loss a baby to a bad miscarriage on top of that my dad pass away too and I was a wreck but you know what we came over all that with trusting God. Hang in there. I truly believe you guys will be ok.
Hang in there...the first year is most definitely the hardest.'s like you get a crash course of pushing the for better o however,&&it will not last...keep the faith despite the situation and appearance ...God will reward you all for your faithfulness and will not forsake you no matter how rough it gets or seems. Things will definitely begin to turn around...just stay prayed up and keep your mind from drifting down the negative lane because after every has always proven that the sun does come out. I know its hard to stay strong for hubby and you're pregnant and got a million mom worries to contend with...I've definitely been there and its easy to say but hard to whatever you do...please hang in there because when it pours like have to know you all are on the brink of something great to come. Your baby is a blessing and God will ensure that the baby is well provided for, so, in the meantime try not to stress too much but just focus on staying calm and enjoying that trillion dollar gift you have in your tummy.
Congrats on baby, best wishes and when hubby and I have our prayer session tonight we will definitely pray for your family and be in agreement for a warp speed turnaround for financial deliverance and overall prosperity.
Hang in there...the first year is most definitely the hardest.'s like you get a crash course of pushing the for better o however,&&it will not last...keep the faith despite the situation and appearance ...God will reward you all for your faithfulness and will not forsake you no matter how rough it gets or seems. Things will definitely begin to turn around...just stay prayed up and keep your mind from drifting down the negative lane because after every has always proven that the sun does come out. I know its hard to stay strong for hubby and you're pregnant and got a million mom worries to contend with...I've definitely been there and its easy to say but hard to whatever you do...please hang in there because when it pours like have to know you all are on the brink of something great to come. Your baby is a blessing and God will ensure that the baby is well provided for, so, in the meantime try not to stress too much but just focus on staying calm and enjoying that trillion dollar gift you have in your tummy.
Congrats on baby, best wishes and when hubby and I have our prayer session tonight we will definitely pray for your family and be in agreement for a warp speed turnaround for financial deliverance and overall prosperity.
Prayers said for you and your family. Keep faith, its at these hardest times itll serve you the most. I pray you and your family are doing well by the end of the year and that you'll have some help or change in your lives. Me and my hubby have been there before, we had to short sell our house and had over 100k in dept from trying to hold onto it for too long. This was all in 2010, we moved into a tiny place, worked our rumps off, didnt go out to eat or a movie for a really long time (almost 2 years) and paid it all off last year. We didnt know if we were going to have to give up our cars at first. We pulled through, it was tough at times. We even managed to help my mom out who lost her job and apartment, she came to live with us and foid stamps was the only thing she had for awhile. Have faith, I thank God we pulled through and we are doing okay. Let me tell you, i became one heck of a bargin shopper prayers are with you, things will turn in your favor &3
Prayers said for you and your family. Keep faith, its at these hardest times itll serve you the most. I pray you and your family are doing well by the end of the year and that you'll have some help or change in your lives. Me and my hubby have been there before, we had to short sell our house and had over 100k in dept from trying to hold onto it for too long. This was all in 2010, we moved into a tiny place, worked our rumps off, didnt go out to eat or a movie for a really long time (almost 2 years) and paid it all off last year. We didnt know if we were going to have to give up our cars at first. We pulled through, it was tough at times. We even managed to help my mom out who lost her job and apartment, she came to live with us and foid stamps was the only thing she had for awhile. Have faith, I thank God we pulled through and we are doing okay. Let me tell you, i became one heck of a bargin shopper prayers are with you, things will turn in your favor &3
^^^ Pp said it so much better :)
^^^ Pp said it so much better :)
Omg thank all of you ladies for the prayets and encouragement the devil is a lie glad to know you all ate in a blessed state it is encouraging thx again
Omg thank all of you ladies for the prayets and encouragement the devil is a lie glad to know you all ate in a blessed state it is encouraging thx again
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Is it true the first year is the hardest pls respond
I just got married in march then got pregnant end of June since then I've been happy with love but financially in shambles I feel like I'm steady falling deeper into poverty. I faught so hard to come from that, I opened a salon in 9/ 2012,now this is my last week!im shutting down by Nov 1 2014; I was homeless 6 months before I opened it up,but God made it possible . my husbands bizz took a hit last winter all his equipment has been stolen and wasn't insured. he makes ends meet hustling everyday and any way legally possible from construction ,auto mech, to landscaping. he has a good job opportunity waiting in Atlanta but we can't seem to save enough to get there comfortably I'm tired of being broke I'm not use to this anymore the devil wants me to have regrets and its hard not to pls pray for us if you really know God I'm sad as hell and I'm hiding it so he don't lose faith me believing in him is what keeps him fighting
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