
胡锦涛缺席G8峰会 或影响峰会成果
Chinese Leader Hu Leaves Summit
中 国国家主席胡锦涛周三取消出席八国集团(Group of Eight)峰会,这可能令这个规模宏大的峰会难以就气候变化和经济复苏等诸多问题取得具体的成果。 胡锦涛因中国西部新疆自治区骚乱而取消出席峰会,他因此未能会晤美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)或是参加峰会
Chinese President Hu Jintao's sudden departure Wednesday from the summit of the Group of Eight largest economies dealt a potentially significant blow to the sprawling summit's ability to produce concrete results on issues from climate change to economic recovery.Mr. Hu departed to deal with rioting in China's western Xinjiang territory before he could meet privately with U.S. President Barack Obama or attend critical meetings of the G-8 plus 5, which includes five leading developing economies.Mr. Hu was also to have attended a 17-nation Major Economies Forum on Thursday, chaired by Mr. Obama and charged with reaching accord on climate-change issues.The Chinese president left behind Chinese state councilor Dai Bingguo, whom U.S. Deputy White House National Security Adviser Denis McDonough describes as a powerful figure. Still, Mr. McDonough said, 'It's a fair question' to ask whether Mr. Hu's departure will have an impact.It clearly will, said Steven Schrage, Scholl chair of international business at the Center for Strategic and International Studies and a G-8 negotiator in the Bush administration. Indeed, in economic matters, some officials have been talking about the need for a meeting between the U.S. and China, given the overwhelming influence of the two economies.China has been a driving force in international discussions about currency, debt and concerns over soaring budget deficits as nations struggle to pull themselves out of the global financial crisis.At the insistence of developing countries such as China and India, negotiators for the 17-member Major Economies Forum have dropped numerical targets for the reduction of greenhouse gasses. A draft agreement last week called for such emissions to be cut by 50% by 2050, with the developed world promising to cut 80% by then.The G-8 agreed Wednesday to the 80% cut. But without Mr. Hu at the Major Economies Forum on Thursday, a last-minute push by Mr. Obama to restore targets may be impossible, U.S. officials here say.More broadly, the G-8 as an organization, which includes the U.S., Canada, Japan, Germany, Italy, Britain, France, and Russia, has been struggling to maintain its importance as countries like China, India and Brazil rise in power. Mr. Hu has been outspoken in saying the G-20 largest economies, not the G-8, should be the forum for global economic discussions.Host Italy was trying to solve that issue with what the Europeans call a 'variable geometry.' Meetings at the summit will include the G-8, the G-8 plus 5 (China, India, Mexico, Brazil and South Africa), the G-8 plus 5 plus Egypt, and other iterations. But without the weight of China at those expanded forums, their value will be questioned, especially with a G-20 summit coming in September, Mr. Schrage said.Mr. Hu was dining with local officials and business leaders in a frescoed palazzo in Florence on Tuesday evening when the meal was suddenly cut short by a flurry of phone calls. 'In a matter of minutes everything froze, and then they left,' said Matteo Renzi, the mayor of Florence. Mr. Hu skipped coffee and tea, Mr. Renzi said, and made his way to a nearby airport in Pisa.White House officials expressed disappointment at Mr. Hu's departure, but said the summit here can produce results. They said they didn't expect currency issues to come up. And the biggest fights over fiscal imbalances and 'exit strategies' for economic stimulus programs are with European nations such as Germany, not with China.Jonathan Weisman
中国国家主席胡锦涛周三取消出席八国集团(Group of Eight)峰会,这可能令这个规模宏大的峰会难以就气候变化和经济复苏等诸多问题取得具体的成果。胡锦涛因中国西部新疆自治区骚乱而取消出席峰会,他因此未能会晤美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)或是参加峰会的重要会议。此次峰会除G8成员国外还有5个主要发展中经济体参加。胡锦涛本来还将于周四出席有17个国家参与的经济大国论坛(Major Economies Forum),此次论坛由奥巴马主持,会议的目标是就气候变化问题达成一致。胡锦涛留下国务委员戴秉国为代表。美国白宫副国家安全顾问麦克唐纳(Denis McDonough)形容戴秉国是一个厉害人物。不过,麦克唐纳说,胡锦涛的缺席是否会造成影响的确是一个值得思考的问题。战略与国际研究中心(Center for Strategic and International Studies)的国际商业主席、曾任布什政府G8谈判代表的施拉格(Steven Schrage)说,显然会有影响。事实上,在经济事务上,由于考虑到中美两国的极大影响力,一些官员一直呼吁两国之间需要进行会晤。在其他国家艰难地摆脱全球金融危机之时,中国一直推动着有关汇率、债务以及对预算赤字飙升的担忧的国际谈判。在中国和印度等发展中国家的坚持下,有17个成员国的经济大国论坛的谈判代表没有对温室气体减排设定具体的数字目标。上周的一份协议草案要求到2050年减排50%,发达国家承诺减排80%。八国集团周三同意减排80%的目标。但参加经济大国论坛的美国官员说,如果胡锦涛周四不出席论坛,奥巴马可能就无法在最后关头争取重新确立减排目标。在更广泛的层面,随着中国、印度和巴西等国的崛起,八国集团成员一直极力保持自己的重要性。八国集团成员包括美国、加拿大、日本、德国、意大利、英国、法国和俄罗斯。胡锦涛曾坦言由20个最大经济体组成的20国集团(G20)应当成为讨论全球经济的论坛,而不是八国集团。此次八国峰会东道国意大利试图以欧洲人所谓的“可变几何”方式解决这个问题。峰会议程包括G8会议,G8+5(中国、印度、墨西哥、巴西和南非)&#1+埃及,还有其他一些排列组合。但施拉格说,这些扩展论坛如果没有中国,它们的价值就会受到质疑,尤其是在9月即将举行20国集团峰会的情况下。胡锦涛周二晚间在意大利佛罗伦萨一座以壁画装饰的豪华宫殿与当地官员和商业领袖共进晚餐,结果晚宴被一连串电话打断。佛罗伦萨市长兰奇(Matteo Renzi)说,几分钟内所有的事情都停了下来,随后他们就离开了。兰奇说,胡锦涛没有用咖啡和茶就赶往比萨的一个机场。白宫官员对胡锦涛缺席峰会表示失望,但表示峰会能够取得一些成果。他们说,峰会上预计不会提出汇率问题。而在财政失衡以及经济刺激计划“退出策略”的问题上,跟美国作对的主要是德国等欧洲国家,而不是中国。
国国家主席胡锦涛周三取消出席八国集团(Group of Eight)峰会,这可能令这个规模宏大的峰会难以就气候变化和经济复苏等诸多问题取得具体的成果。胡锦涛因中国西部新疆自治区骚乱而取消出席峰会,他因此未能会晤美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)或是参加峰会的重要会议。此次峰会除G8成员国外还有5个主要发展中经济体参加。胡锦涛本来还将于周四出席有17个国家参与的经济大国论坛(Major Economies Forum),此次论坛由奥巴马主持,会议的目标是就气候变化问题达成一致。胡锦涛留下国务委员戴秉国为代表。美国白宫副国家安全顾问麦克唐纳(Denis McDonough)形容戴秉国是一个厉害人物。不过,麦克唐纳说,胡锦涛的缺席是否会造成影响的确是一个值得思考的问题。战略与国际研究中心(Center for Strategic and International Studies)的国际商业主席、曾任布什政府G8谈判代表的施拉格(Steven Schrage)说,显然会有影响。事实上,在经济事务上,由于考虑到中美两国的极大影响力,一些官员一直呼吁两国之间需要进行会晤。在其他国家艰难地摆脱全球金融危机之时,中国一直推动着有关汇率、债务以及对预算赤字飙升的担忧的国际谈判。在中国和印度等发展中国家的坚持下,有17个成员国的经济大国论坛的谈判代表没有对温室气体减排设定具体的数字目标。上周的一份协议草案要求到2050年减排50%,发达国家承诺减排80%。八国集团周三同意减排80%的目标。但参加经济大国论坛的美国官员说,如果胡锦涛周四不出席论坛,奥巴马可能就无法在最后关头争取重新确立减排目标。在更广泛的层面,随着中国、印度和巴西等国的崛起,八国集团成员一直极力保持自己的重要性。八国集团成员包括美国、加拿大、日本、德国、意大利、英国、法国和俄罗斯。胡锦涛曾坦言由20个最大经济体组成的20国集团(G20)应当成为讨论全球经济的论坛,而不是八国集团。此次八国峰会东道国意大利试图以欧洲人所谓的“可变几何”方式解决这个问题。峰会议程包括G8会议,G8+5(中国、印度、墨西哥、巴西和南非)&#1+埃及,还有其他一些排列组合。但施拉格说,这些扩展论坛如果没有中国,它们的价值就会受到质疑,尤其是在9月即将举行20国集团峰会的情况下。胡锦涛周二晚间在意大利佛罗伦萨一座以壁画装饰的豪华宫殿与当地官员和商业领袖共进晚餐,结果晚宴被一连串电话打断。佛罗伦萨市长兰奇(Matteo Renzi)说,几分钟内所有的事情都停了下来,随后他们就离开了。兰奇说,胡锦涛没有用咖啡和茶就赶往比萨的一个机场。白宫官员对胡锦涛缺席峰会表示失望,但表示峰会能够取得一些成果。他们说,峰会上预计不会提出汇率问题。而在财政失衡以及经济刺激计划“退出策略”的问题上,跟美国作对的主要是德国等欧洲国家,而不是中国。英语翻译there was much talk about the continued relevance of the G8 - a group originally established in 1975 to include then the world's six most developed economies.我只想知道continued relevance是什么意思?relevance不是相关性吗?谈论G8的什么?
continued relevance
继续关联许多谈话言及八国集团如何继续与形势关联的问题 - 该集团是一个最初成立于1975年包括当时世界上6个最发达经济体的集团.附原文及原译文:And, there was much talk about the continued relevance of the G8 - a group originally established in 1975 to include then the world's six most developed economies. Some of the leaders here in L'Aquila, including President Obama agreed that other nations must be brought in and reforms made. Many say it has become evident that while the G8 still represents some of the world's most powerful countries, they alone cannot solve global problems - not without the help of others.此外,这次峰会谈得比较多的一个话题是八国集团如何继续适应形势的问题,这个组织始建于1975年,创始国是世界上六个最发达的经济体.奥巴马总统等在拉奎拉参加峰会的一些领导人一致认为,这个集团必须吸收其它国家,而且必须进行改革.许多领导人表示,尽管八国集团仍然代表世界一些最强大的国家,但是,如果没有其他国家的帮助,光凭它们自己无法解决全球性问题.原文是意译,原意就指八国集团与世界形势的继续关联.
continued表示(中断后)持续的 继续的relevance of G8 表示 与G8峰会相关的内容G 是 英文单词“global”的缩写,即“全球”8是就是八国集团G8就是八国集团峰会 每年轮流在这8个国家举行一次八国集团指是美 英 法 德 意 加拿大 日本 俄今年的峰会是在英国的苏格兰境内举行,讨论的话题是减免贫穷国家的...


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