bulk rename utilityafter

Select No for auto rename after discovery.
对autorename afterdiscovery选择No。
They had to rename it after people kept dying when they tried to cross the street. No one crosses Jack Bauer and lives.
The client should send the files with a temporary name during transfer and rename it after is completely done to the final name.
Just five days before the opening of the world's tallest
skyscraper in Dubai, organizers were informed of the shock decision to rename the building after the ruler of Abu Dhabi.
In case of a naming conflict, you will be prompted to rename your character after the transfer is complete and you log into the new realm.
After rename the computer in the workgroup, you must run the tool again.
Just five days before the opening of the world's tallest in Dubai, organizers were informed of the shock decision to rename the building after the ruler of Abu Dhabi.
The seventh, the comparison of a company's ROE and EPS of the year before the rename with that of the year after the rename shows no improvement in its operational achievement after the renaming.
Occurs immediately after you rename a project in a solution or a project item in a project.
After building QEMU, rename the i386-softmmu version of the qemu.exe file to Knosciences.scr.
在编译好QEMU 之后,将qemu.exe文件的i386-softmmu版本重命名为Knosciences.scr。
As with all new elements you've created up to this point, you will be able to rename the new <> after its construction.
此时对于所有您新创建的元素,您已经能够在构建新 <>后对其进行重命名。
But while Avatar has many fans in China, the decision to rename part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site after a Hollywood film hasn't been quite as popular.
After placing the DB2 unit on the topology diagram, rename the unit to FURNDB by hovering your mouse cursor over the unit and clicking the pencil icon.
在拓扑图中放置DB2单元之后,通过将鼠标移到单元上并点击铅笔状的图标,来将单元重命名为FURNDB 。
After the service directory has been set up, you can rename it to remove the leading dot. svscan then starts CruiseControl automatically, and its output should appear in the log file
Files that are uploaded or downloaded can be renamed after the transfer as long as the corresponding FTP server supports the rename function.
Files that are uploaded or downloaded can be renamed after the transfer as long as the corresponding FTP server supports the rename function.
- 来自原声例句
感谢您的反馈,我们会尽快进行适当修改!当前位置: &
音标:[ 'ri:'neim ]&&
中文翻译vt.给…重新命名;给…改名。&&&&重命名文件&&&&自动更名&&&&目录更名&&&&文件更名; 文件重命名&&&&重命名&&&&对象重命名&&&&更名子句&&&&重命名文件&&&&重命名文件夹; 重新命名文件夹&&&&重命名函数&&&&禁止重命名&&&&重命名输入&&&&更改层名称&&&&重命名方法; 重新命名函数&&&&物体更名; 重命名对象
例句与用法The soviets renamed a county of their red china after himchih-tan hisen .苏区把红色中国的一个县份改名志丹县来纪念他。You might rename the file in the lib directory to您可以把lib目录中的文件改名为White feather was renamed loved by the buffalo ,“胆小鬼”被改名为“野牛使者” Lets you rename files based on simple patterns让您根据简单模式来重命名文件。 When prompted to rename the package object , click当系统提示重命名包对象时,单击Renames a folder on the ssis or sql server重命名ssis或sql server中的文件夹。 Renaming applications on application diagrams重命名应用程序关系图上的应用程序The name of the component after the rename event组件在重命名事件发生后的名称。 Using the document outline window , rename the使用“文档大纲”窗口,按以下列表将To rename source controlled folders and files重命名受源代码管理的文件夹和文件更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释 "Many streets in the former East Germany were renamed in 1990" "He was renamed Minister of the Interior"
百科解释Rename (re- + name) is a word meaning to change the name of something. Different areas, such as linguistics, relational algebra, and computer science incur renaming actions with different detailed activity, however the principles behind are all the same ? to change the name of something.详细百科解释
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All rights reservedMySQL ALTER语法的运用方法
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我们今天主要向大家介绍的是MySQL ALTER语法的实际运用,如果你对这一技术,心存好奇的话,以下的文章将会揭开它的神秘面纱。
以下的文章主要介绍的是MySQL ALTER语法的实际运用,我们大家都知道MySQL ALTER语法在实际应用中的比例还是很大的,所以了解一下MySQL ALTER语法的实际运用可以很好的选择。 MySQL ALTER语法中ALTER [IGNORE] TABLE tbl_name alter_spec [, alter_spec ...]
代码如下: alter_specification: ADD [COLUMN] create_definition [FIRST | AFTER column_name ] or ADD INDEX [index_name] (index_col_name,...) or ADD PRIMARY KEY (index_col_name,...) or ADD UNIQUE [index_name] (index_col_name,...) or ALTER [COLUMN] col_name {SET DEFAULT literal | DROP DEFAULT} or CHANGE [COLUMN] old_col_name create_definition or MODIFY [COLUMN] create_definition or DROP [COLUMN] col_name or DROP PRIMARY KEY or DROP INDEX index_name or RENAME [AS] new_tbl_name or table_options eg: mysql& alter table topics change hotico hot_count int(4); mysql& alter table topics alter hot_count set default 1;
补充: 加索引 mysql& alter table 表名 add index 索引名 (字段名1[,字段名2 …]); 例子: mysql& alter table employee add index emp_name (name); 加主关键字的索引 mysql& alter table 表名 add primary key (字段名); 例子: mysql& alter table employee add primary key(id); 加唯一限制条件的索引 mysql& alter table 表名 add unique 索引名 (字段名); 例子: mysql& alter table employee add unique emp_name2(cardnumber); MySQL ALTER语法运用:查看某个表的索引 mysql& show index from 表名; 例子: mysql& show 删除某个索引 mysql& alter table 表名 drop index 索引名; 例子: mysql&alter table employee drop index emp_ 修改表:增加字段:mysql& ALTER TABLE table_name ADD field_name field_ 查看表:mysql& SELECT * FROM table_ 修改原字段名称及类型:mysql& ALTER TABLE table_name CHANGE old_field_name new_field_name field_ 删除字段:MySQL ALTER TABLE table_name DROP field_


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