
范文一:四年级英语教案U5 Dinner’s ready part B Let’s learn教学目标:1.能够听说认读chopsticks,bowl,fork,knife,spoon。2.能够运用句型pass me the knife and fork,please!就餐时需要的餐具。3.能够让学生体会中西方饮食文化的差异,对如何使用刀叉有基本的了解。教学重难点:1.能够听说认读chopsticks,bowl,fork,knife,spoon。2.能够运用句型pass me the knife and fork,please!就餐时需要的餐具。 教学用具:ppt教学过程:一,、revision课件呈现食物图片,进行操练句型 What would you like?I’d like some
二、presentation1.呈现bowlT:Would you like some noodles?S:Yes,please 引出pass me the bowl出示词卡并领读单词,学生书空。 操练:大图大声,小图小声2.同理呈现chopsticks,出示并领读单词,学生书空。操练:课件出示各种颜色不同的筷子。指名学生看图说短语,结合颜色。3.呈现knife和forka看图T:Would you like some beef? S:Yes,please引出pass me the knife出示词卡,引导学生用学过的i-e拼读规则拼读单词,领读单词,学生书空。
b同一图片引出fork,从for到fork,领读单词,指名读,学生书空。结合图片引导学生说出use the fork。操练:课件快速呈现图片,请学生说出相应短语pass me the knife4.课件出示图片T:Would you like some soup? S:Yes,please引出spoon
oo/u:/。结合图片引导学生说出use the spoon。操练:出现red spoon读2次,blue spoon 1次,green spoon
clap your hands。三、consolidation and extension1.Listen and repeat2.
Talk about the picture in let’s learn3.
play a game “what’s missing?”4.
Let’s do四、homework1.Make a salad for your parents2.完成作业本及每课一练练习U6 Meet My Family Part B Let’s talk教学目标:1.能在图片帮助下理解对话大意。2.能用正确的语音语调朗读对话并能进行角色表演。3.能够在情境中运用句型Is this your…? Yes, it is
What’s your job?
He’s/ She’s…询问并回答某人与说话者的亲属关系及其职业情况。4.能在语境中理解生词football player,nurse的意思教学重难点:1.理解会说对话。2. .能够在情境中运用句型Is this your…? Yes, it is
What’s your
He’s/ She’s…询问并回答某人与说话者的亲属关系及其职业情况。 教学用具:ppt教学过程:一、warm up1. Let’s play a game“sharpen eyes”复习关于家庭成员的单词2. 复习句型This is…二、Presentation1.呈现Is this your…? Yes, it is /No,it isn’t教师随机点名,指着该名学生问其他学生Is this …? 引导学生作出回答S: Yes, it is /No,it isn’t3. 呈现what’s your job?教师问学生:What’s your job? S:I am a student,学生两两进行操练。课件展现图片What’s her job? 引导学生回答She’s a nurse看图片进行操练,男女生合作完成。4. 利用图片引出What’s his job? 引导学生回答He’s a football player用构词法帮助学生猜出词义foot ball。补充basketball,baseball。将player分为两个音节教学。5. let’s chant 课件展示what’s your job?what’s your job?I am a student. I am a student.What’s her job? What’s her job?She’s a nurse, She’s a nurse.What’s his job? What’s his job?He’s a football player. He’s a football player.6. 呈现What’s your aunt’s job?重点强调aunt’s 引导学生回答She’s a nurse.利用图片进行话论操练。三、consolidation and extension1. Listen and answera What’s Sarah’s uncle’s job?b. What’s Sarah’s aunt’s job?2. Listen and number3.Draw and say四、homework1.熟读并背诵对话。2.根据家庭成员职业情况,编一段新对话。原文地址:
At the farmPartB Let's talk教学目标1、能听、说单词“ those”“animal”“horses”“hens”,.进一步巩固名词复数。2、能够在情景中灵活使用句型:“What are those?” “ Are they..?” “ Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. ”。3、能理解“Let’s
talk”对话大意,并能以正确的语音语调朗读,提高口语交际能力。教学重难点重点:能灵活使用句型:“ What are those?” “ Are they ,,?” “ How many,,do you have?”。难点:名词复数及其读音规则。教学准备单词卡片、动物图片、课件教学过程一、目标导入播放Part A中的“Let’s chant”,学生一边chant,一边做动作二、自学置疑请打开课本,快速看图,然后回答问题:1、In the text,how mang people? Who are they?(对话中有几个人,他们是谁?)2、Where are they?What are they talking about?( 他们在什么地方?他们在谈论什么?)3、自己完成导学案自学检测:Read and number.三、小组讨论1、跟录音朗读,注意模仿语言语调2、小组内分角色朗读对话,并进行对话表演四、展示点拨小组内选出三名同学上台给大家表演Let's talk 的对话五、拓展训练1、出示图片,让学生两人一组用“what are those?
Are they.......?
Yes they are.
No,they aren't . ”的句型进行对话练习。2、导学案巩固练习:read and choose.(读句子,选择合适的答案。)六、小结反思学生谈收获师生一起总结本节课所学的内容板书设计Unit4
At the farmPartB Let's talkhorses
范文三:四年级英语教案Unit 8
What are you doing?一、Teaching content:Words and Text二、Teaching objectives:By the end of the class, students are able to:1.pronounce the new words correctly , eg 2.use sentences to describe people’s activities:三、Important points:1. The understanding of the new words.四、Difficult points:eg: 五、Teaching methods:1.The Grammar Translation Method2.Situational Language Teaching3.The Audiolingual Method六、Teaching aids:PPT, blackboard ,chalk, pictures, tape七、Teaching process:1.Warming up :Race to be the first to answer:a) Teacher divides the class into two groupsb) Teacher shows seven pictures of all kinds of activities(Students have learnt)on PPT one by one, asks students toanswer.C) Which group answer one question quicker correctly get onepoint,teacher writes the answers and scores on the blackboard.Step 1:1.Learn the text and practice the sentences:a)Students listen to the tape of “ Let’s talk”, and then readafter Teacher about the text.b) role playT chooses three pairs to role play to show the text .c)Teacher write the main sentences on the blackboard:d)T shows four pictures which are used in the warming upand asks students to answer.Step2:1.Listen and matcha) Ss listen to the tape and do the exercise in the bookb) T shows answers .Step3:Person’s changes :1. T’s demonstration : “? ”a) T asks a boy to do an action, and T asks him/her : “b) T asks the whole class: “the question down on the blackboard.c) T chooses another girl to do the same demonstration.2. More practice:a)form two Ss in one pairb)T gives out pictures about different themes(have a picnicor in the park) to each pair, makes every pair to make sentencesas much as possible.c) Ss volunteer to show.Step 4Homework : read the text five times.Step 5Board design:Unit 8
What are you doing ?1. have a look
Group one : X
Group two :Y pointsswimming…2. What are you doing?
I am doing…3. What is he/she doing?Step 6Teaching reflecting:Unit 8 What are you doing?一、教学内容:Unit 8 What are you doing ?
Let’s talk and Fun with language
.二、教学目标:(一)语言知识目标:1.单词:四会掌握短语have a look.2.句型:What are you doing ? I am …May I have a look at …? OK .(二)语言技能目标:1.能听说读单词、短语。2.能运用现在进行时描述某人正在做什么。(三)学习策略目标:1.在学习过程中提高有效注意力,在学习交流活动中注意倾听、积极思考,勇于表达。2.积极参与小组学习,乐意与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。(四)情感态度目标1.通过多种形式的学习活动,培养学生的英语学习兴趣,增强英语学习的自信心。2.帮助学生养成良好的英语学习习惯——乐于模仿、勇于开口,积极参与,主动请教。3.在语言训练活动中,让学生体验英语学习的乐趣,享受学习的快乐与成就。三、教学重、难点:(一)教学重点:1.四会掌握单词表中本模块的所有词汇和短语;2.能在情景中运用下列功能用语:(1)能够正确运用现在进行时描述某人正在进行的动作:What are you doing ? I am …(2)理解和运用下列日常交际用语:May I have a look at …? OK .(二)教学难点:1.结合二年级学习现在进行时句型,进一步在真实的情境中运用现在进行时。2.通过流动已学知识,综合运用语言,进一步描述人物的特征。a)教学策略的探讨1.开展丰富多样的学习活动形式。如对话、角色扮演等需要多感官结合完成的活动,以最大限度地吸引、激发及满足不同学习风格的学生,同时也期望通过语言的学习,促进学生多才多的发展。2.发挥合作精神,开展小组合作学习。四、教学方法:游戏法、情景创设法五、教具准备:PPT、卡片六、教学过程:1.Preparation :(1)Let’s sing .(2)Let’s talk .2.Input and intake:(1)创设情境,引入课文的图片,进行课文学习:1.通过呈现课文图片,根据问题讨论图片的内容。2.听对话,回答问题。3.听对话,边线。4.研学任务:小组合作,读对话,找出文中的三个含有one的句子,小组内讨论选择每个one的意义。5.跟录音读对话。6.齐读对话。7.根据提示背诵课文内容。8.小组分角色表演对话和自编对话。3.Output :(1)通过呈现图片,师生共同讨论图片。(2)完成书P46听力练习。(3)老师通过呈现自己所带的相片,引导学生进行对话。(4)小组内讨论自己所带的相片,根据提示,完成调查表。(5)Homework:1.读Unit 8 课文两次。2.与同桌改编对话。3.完成调查表。(6)板书设计:Unit 8 What are you doing?1.What are you doing ? I am …2. May I have a look at …? OK.(7)教学反思:Unit 8
What are you doing?一、教学目标 :(一)语言知识目标:1.“四会”掌握词组:watching cartoons, fishing, swimming, flying a kite, singing and dancing2.能正确理解及运用句型。句型: The boy/the girl/the lady/the man is /are…ing.
(二)语言技能目标:1.能运用所学短语及句型描述人物。 2.能通过阅读,理解文章。 3.能在读中习得语言,写文章。(三)学习策略目标:1.通过小组合作,发挥合作精神,共同完成任务。2.通过全面理解阅读材料,形成阅读策略,学会在读中提取信息,培养初步的阅读和写作技能。(四)情感态度目标:1.体验英语学习的乐趣,乐于表达,乐于分享。2.养成良好的英语学习习惯:积极参与,主动合作。
二、教学重点与难点:1. 正确理解短文的内容,完成相应的阅读任务。 2.通过阅读,掌握初步的写作方法。
五、教学过程:I.Preparation:1.Chant.【设计意图:通过观看轻松有趣的视频,回忆动词的现在分词,激发学生的兴趣,调动课堂气氛。】2.Review the verbs.【设计意图:通过TPR游戏,滚动呈现所学的现在分词词组,学生复习和巩固旧知。】II .Input and intake 1Passage 1
(3:45 in the park )1.Skimming : Get the general idea of the passage.【设计意图:让学生通过快速阅读,找出与文章内容相符的图片,考察学生理解文章的能力。】2. Scanning: Get the specific information. Name the people inthe picture.【设计意图:学生阅读文章,在活动手册34页的图中标出文章提到的人物的名字。通过读和找的活动,检测学生正确理解文章句子的能力。】3.Third reading: Combine the words.【设计意图:通过连词成句的练习,检测学生对句子结构的理解,引导学生关注句式,为后面写作做铺垫。】4.Look and retell.【设计意图:通过看图,让学生复述图中人物的衣着,外貌及动作,检测并加强学生正确运用含有形容词,介词,动词现在进行时描述图片的能力。】III. Input and intake 2Passage 2
( 5:00 at school )1. Predicting: Look and talk about the picture.提示:1.What time is it?
2.Who is/are…?3.Where is/are…?
4.What is/are …ing?【设计意图:通过看图,用所学句型进行师生交流,引导学生对文章大意进行阅读前的推测,引起后面学生对文章相关信息点的关注。】2.Detail reading: Read and match.【设计意图:学生细读文章,根据文章内容,连线。把相应的形容词,介词,名词与活动连接起来,考察学生正确理解文章内容的能力。】3.Look and say.【设计意图:根据关键词,运用句型对人物的方位,外貌及动作对图片人物进行复述,加深学生对句子形式的关注。】4.Answer questions:1. What’s kate good at? 2. What’s Ben’s favourite subject? 3. What are Mike and Tom like?【设计意图:学生通过阅读,关注文章句式,滚动旧知,为后面写作做铺垫。】5.Assessment :通过表格,反思学习成果,进行评价。6.Homework :1. Share your writing with your friends.2.Revise your writing and make a big book of your photos.7.板书:Unit 8
What are you doing ?1. Have a look
dance2. What are you doing ?I am ……8.教学反思:阅读详情:
范文四:四年级英语教案(1)华 宁 道 小 学 教 案华 宁 道 小 学 教 案华 宁 道 小 学 教 案华 宁 道 小 学 教 案华 宁 道 小 学 教 案华 宁 道 小 学 教 案华 宁 道 小 学 教 案华 宁 道 小 学 教 案华 宁 道 小 学 教 案华 宁 道 小 学 教 案华 宁 道 小 学 教 案华 宁 道 小 学 教 案华 宁 道 小 学 教 案华 宁 道 小 学 教 案华 宁 道 小 学 教 案华 宁 道 小 学 教 案华 宁 道 小 学 教 案华 宁 道 小 学 教 案华 宁 道 小 学 教 案华 宁 道 小 学 教 案华 宁 道 小 学 教 案华 宁 道 小 学 教 案华 宁 道 小 学 教 案华 宁 道 小 学 教 案阅读详情:
范文五:四年级4单元英语教案Unit 4
It’s warm today教学目标知识与能力:能够听、说、认读本课时的主要单词:修改意见:过程与方法:能听说认读本课主要单词:warm,cool,hot,cold,weather。
情感态度与价值观:学会运用“It's cold/hot/cool/warm in...”, 要求表达准确, 语调自然。教学重点:句型:It’s
in…;词汇:cold、cool、hot、warm、weather 教学难点:单词weather的发音。教法学法: 本课的内容是与我们生活息息相关的天气的话题。教师可以就当时教室内的温度引出warm一词。然后向学生播放一段英文讲解的天气预报的实录,从而引出weather report,同时让学生感受一下描述气候的语句。weather一词教师要特别关注学生的发音时的舌位。教具准备:1. 教材相配套的教学录音带
2.单词卡课时安排:一课时 教学流程:第一课时热身、复习 (Warm-up/Revision)教师手指自己的衣服说:I am wearing a……What are you wearing?引导学生说出自己穿的衣服的名称,如: a shirt、jeans、black shoes……呈现新课 (Presentation)教师播放一段英文解说的天气预报实录。待学生看完后,教师说:This is a weather report.同时呈现单词卡片,领读weather report(把卡片贴到黑板上)1教师播放Unit 4
Let’s learn A部分的录音。教师提问:Is it a weather report?学生回答:Yes, it’s a weather report.修改意见:教师再问:Is it warm in Lhasa?点击句子It’s cool in Lhasa. 引导学生答出:No. It’s cool in Lhasa.让更多的学生重复回答。 教师将单词卡warm、cool贴黑板,请部分学生朗读单词。鼓励学生用warm和cool描述我国其他城市的天气状况:It’s warm/cool in……,如果有不符合实际的叙述,教师可以用 It isn’t warm/cool in……进行简单纠正,从而为学生进一步的学习留下悬念。请学生观察书中插图:Which city can you find?学生答出:Harbin、Hong Kong教师说:It’s cold in Harbin.
It’s hot in Hong Kong.用体态语言解释hot和cold的意思。领读单词(把卡片贴到黑板上)。教师说:It’s cool in Lhasa. It’s warm in Beijing. What’s the weather like in Harbin? 引导学生说出:It’s cold in Harbin. 提问:What’s the weather like in Hong Kong? 引导学生说出:It’s hot in Hong Kong.教师出示中国地图,边指边说:Here is Beijing. What is the weather like in Beijing?学生回答:It’s warm in Beijing.2教师问:What’s the weather like in Harbin/Hong Kong/Lhasa? 学生分别回答:It’s cold in Harbin.It’s hot in Hong Kong.It’s cool in Lhasa.引导学生用What the weather like in……?提问关于我国其他城市的天气状。修改意见:教师边回答问题边在地图上指出学生所问的城市。(三)趣味操练 (Practice)1.两人小组活动。学生A手中拿着城市名称卡片(课件中的12个城市),学生B手中拿着天气卡片。学生A随意拿出一张卡片并说:It’s…
学生B根据A拿的城市的天气状况拿出相应的天气卡片并说:It’s…,然后两人一起说:It’s …in…2.试一试给同伴、朋友、家长预报天气,并建议他们穿上合适的衣服。It’s ……
Put on your……作业设计:1、Listen to the tape2、Read the words and sentences 板书设计:教学反思:3Unit Four 第二课时教学目标知识与能力:能听懂、会说“Can I wear my...?”并能在适当情景中应用。过程与方法:在对话中复习服装类词汇,巩固描述天气的词cold,warm,cool,hot。 情感态度与价值观:听懂指令语,并按要求做出相应的动作,如:It's warm. Take off your jacket.教学重点:句型:Can I wear my…? Yes,you can./No, you can’t.修改意见:词汇:wear
can’t教学难点:Can I wear my…? 问答中的人称转换。教法学法:教师可以根据当天的天气情况和自己所穿的服装用It's warm/hot. Can I wear...?与学生进行交谈,让学生理解wear的意思,感受Can I wear...?的功能,并引导学生用Yes, you can.或 No, you can't.来回答。然后组织学生以小组的形式用Can I wear...? Yes, you can./No, you can't.进行大量操练,从而突破本课教学的重点,难点。
教具准备:教材相配套的教学录音带 课时安排:一课时 教学流程:(一)热身、复习 (Warm-up/Revision)让学生将学过的服装类名词归类:Clothes for warm days / Clothes for cold days,为下面即将学习的对话进行铺垫。 (二)呈现新知(Presentation) Ⅰ Let’s talk教师根据当时情况说:It’s hot/warm. Can I wear my
shirt(sweater, dress…)?并引导学生回答:Yes,you can.或 No, you can’t. 并进行板书。4学生分小组练习:A:Can I wear my…?B:Yes,you can.
No, you can’t.出示单词卡片:wear,让学生朗读,并引导学生说出意思。教师说:Mike has a new shirt. He likes it very much. Can he wear 修改意见:it?播放Let’s talk部分教学录音。 教师提问:(前两幅图) Can Mike wear his new shirt?学生回答:No. Why?
学生回答:It’s cold.(第三幅图)
Is it cold?
学生回答:No, it’s warm. Can Mike wear his new shirt? 学生回答:Yes. Can Mike wear his T-shirt?
学生回答: Yes.学生模仿跟读。教师对学生的语音、语调进行必要的指导。学生分角色朗读,表演对话。教师可以先与一个学生进行示范性表演,以降低本项活动的难度。 (三)趣味操练(Practice)教师把单词卡片:shirt、T-shirt、jacket、sweater、coat、skirt、dress、jeans、short、pants摆在黑板上。教师口令:Put on the……! Take off
the……!学生以小组竞赛的形式听指令做动作:听到Put on
the……!的指令迅速拿起相应的卡片举在胸前;听到Take off
the……!的指令后立刻将卡片放回原位。动作快的为赢家。5作业设计:1、Listen to the tape2、Read the words and sentences 板书设计:教学反思:6修改意见:Unit Four 第三课时教学目标知识与能力:掌握单词jeans,pants,socks,shoes的拼写。过程与方法:会应用,书写句型:It's warm today. Let's play football. 情感态度与价值观:听懂指示语,并按要求做出相应的动作,如:It's rainy. Open up an umbrella. It's windy. Hold on your hat.教学重点:单词:jeans,pants,socks,shoes, 句子:It’s warm today.
Let’修改意见:s play football的正确使用和拼写。教学难点:朗读、理解对话;教法学法:学生在第三册已经学过字母的正确书写,所以单词的书写对学生来讲不难,应把单词的拼写作为重点。教师可以适当的讲一些字母或字母组合的发音规律,如:jeans中ea发[i:], ck发[k]......帮助学生记忆单词,然后再开展一些课堂活动,来巩固单词的拼写。句子的书写是本册教材的新项目,教师要随时提醒学生句子开头的第一个字母大写,单词之间应有一定距离,句尾别忘写标点,让学生尽快养成良好的书写习惯。教具准备:教材相配套的教学录音带 课时安排:一课时 教学流程:热身、复习 (Warm-up/Revision)复习上节课Let’s talk中对话。A:It’s …Can I wear my…?
B:Yes,you can./No, you can’t. (二)新课呈现(Presentation)教师在黑板上画一个football:What is it? 学生答: It’s a ball. 教师说:Yes,it’s a football.领读单词:football。教师说:It’s warm today. Let’s play football.
(做踢足球的动作)引导学生说::OK!Let’s play football.教师出示单词卡片:warm、football、It’s、 Let’s、today、play,7然后说句子:It’s warm today. Let’s play football.请两个学生到黑板前来用单词卡片拼出以上两句话。全班学生在作业本上抄写句子。(教师提示学生句子开头的第一个字母大写,单词之间应有一定距离,句尾别忘写标点,并巡视指正。)热身、复习 (Warm-up/Revision)复习上节课Let’s talk中对话。A:It’s …Can I wear my…?
B:Yes,you can./No, you can’t.(由师生对话过渡到学生之间对话。) 学生跟录音说唱上节课儿歌。 (二)新课呈现(Presentation)教师在黑板上画一个football:What is it? 学生答: It’s a ball. 教师说:Yes,it’s a football.领读单词:football。教师说:It’s warm today. Let’s play football.
(做踢足球的动作)引导学生说::OK!Let’s play football.教师出示单词卡片:warm、football、It’s、 Let’s、today、play, 然后说句子:It’s warm today. Let’s play football. 请两个学生到黑板前来用单词卡片拼出以上两句话。全班学生在作业本上抄写句子。(教师提示学生句子开头的第一个字母大写,单词之间应有一定距离,句尾别忘写标点,并巡视指正。)教师:It’s warm today. Zoom and Johny want to play football. But Zoom can’t find his shoes.Let’s see where his shoes are.播放录音。8修改意见:教师提问:Where are Zoom’s shoes?提问:What can you see in the picture?鼓励学生说出插图中的任何内容。当学生说到单词jeans,pants,socks,shoes时,教师随时拿出相应卡片领学生大声拼读。适当讲解字母(组合)的发音规律:jeans中ea-[i:],socks中的ck-[k],shoes中的sh-[s],pants中的a-[ae]。让学生在作业本上每个单词抄2遍,教师在行间巡视,进行必要指导。 播放对话录音,学生跟读对话,注意模仿录音中的语调。学生两人一组读对话。(三)趣味操练(Practice)教师拿出雨伞、帽子、太阳镜、靴子、雨衣分别介绍说:This is an umbrella.This is a hat.These are sunglasses. They are boots.It’s a raincoat. 板书设计:教学反思:9修改意见:Unit Four 第四课时教学目标知识与能力:能够听、说、认读本课的重点单词:windy,sunny,rainy,snowy、cloudy。过程与方法:能够看懂/听懂天气预报中关于气候特点语句的报导,并会用所学知识简单表达天气情况。情感态度与价值观:学会将所学句子运用到实际生活中。教学重点:词汇:windy,sunny,rainy,snowy,cloudy。句型:It’s … in… 修改意见:
教学难点:所学句子在情境中的应用。教法学法:教师可以用上节课的Let's do中的内容引出重点单词:windy,sunny,rainy,snowy,cloudy,让学生正确朗读。然后将世界地图呈现出来,引导学生认识几个城市的地理位置和名称,并及时进行巩固操练。最后通过观看课件以及相应天气特征的符号的提示,引导学生用It's...in...说出各城市的天气特征。教具准备:教材相配套的教学录音带 课时安排:一课时 教学流程:教师提问:What’s the weather like in Beijing(Harbin/ Hong Kong/ Lhasa)?学生回答:It’s
warm(cold / hot / cool). (二)呈现新课 (Presentation)教师适时出示单词卡:rainy、windy、sunny、snowy、cloudy,学生认读。教师出示世界地图:This is Beijing,the capital of China. This is Moscow,
the capital of Russia.This is London,
the capital of Britain.Here is Sydney,
a city in Australia.Here is Singapore, the city is a small country.教师指图领读城市的名称:Moscow、London、Sydney 、Singapore。10请学生打开书,教师说城市名称的单词,学生在地图上指出城市的位置。一个学生说城市名称的单词,其他学生在地图上指出城市的位置。同桌两个同学一组,一人说单词,一人在图中指位置。教师提问:Is it rainy in London?学生回答:Yes,it is rainy in London. 修改意见:学生跟录音读课文。 教师提问,学生看插图回答:教师问:Is it cloudy in Sydney?学生答:Yes, it is. 教师问:Is it windy in Beijing?学生答:Yes, it is.教师问:Is it rainy in Moscow?学生答:No. It’s snowy in Moscow. 教师问:Is it snowy in Singapore?学生答:No. It’s sunny in Singapore. 学生两人一组问答:A:Is it… in …?
B:Yes./No. It’s … in… 学生用It’s … in…报导地图上五个城市的天气情况。 (三)趣味操练 (Practice) Let’s find out● 教师提问:I like to watch TV on snowy days. What do you like to do on snowy days?(rainy、sunny、cloudy、windy)学生回答:I like to…on …days.(目的:巩固天气形容词,复习所学动词短语)学生根据自己的实际情况完成表格。 (四)扩展性活动(Add-activities) Story time打开书带领学生阅读故事,讲解以下句子的意思:11作业设计:板书设计:教学反思:12Unit Four 第五课时教学目标知识与能力:能听、说、认读本课时的主要句型:What's the weather like 修改意见:in Beijing?
How about New York? 过程与方法:能够分角色朗读对话。情感态度与价值观:听懂并独立完成Let's check.教学重点:句型:What’s the weather like in Beijing?
How about New York?教学难点:What are you doing?
What’s the matter? 的表达;I have to….含义教法学法:教师应准备好图片:rainy、snowy、sunny、winday、cloudy和实物:sunglasses、umbrella、hat、boots、raincoat。组织学生进行听指令做事情的比赛,让学生在活动中感悟单词rainy、snowy、sunny、winday、cloudy的读音和意思。教具准备:教材相配套的教学录音带 课时安排:一课时 教学流程:热身、复习 (Warm-up/Revision)学生唱歌曲“Thunder”;说唱Let’s chant部分歌谣。启发学生将歌谣中的warm、hot、cool、cold根据后一句话的内容替换为:sunny、windy、snowy、cloudy。改编儿歌。教师播放世界城市天气预报的录像,然后提问:What’s the weather like in ……?13学生根据实际内容回答It is…(学生既可以从气温的角度回答,也可从气候特征的角度回答,此项活动主要是巩固What’s the weather like in ……?的功能结构。) (二)呈现新课 (Presentation)教师提问:What’s the weather like in New York?(同时将录像内容定在New York的界面)教师继续将录像界面定在某一城市,问:How about…?引导学生根据实际来回答。(三)趣味操练 (Practice) Let’s find out教师提问:I like to watch TV on snowy days. What do you like to do on snowy days?(rainy、sunny、cloudy、windy)学生回答:I like to…on …days.(目的:巩固天气形容词,复习所学动词短语) 作业设计:板书设计:教学反思:14修改意见:Unit Four 第六课时教学目标知识与能力:掌握单词sunny,warm,cold,snowy的拼写。 过程与方法:能够规范书写It's cool. Is it cold?能够正确朗读Pronunciation 中的单词,并能分析出读音规则。 情感态度与价值观:能够以小组合作的方式完成Task time 中的任务。 教学重点:单词:sunny,warm,cold,snowy.句子:It’s sunny and warm. 修改意见:It’s cold and snowy. 教学难点:Is it….?的问答;教法学法:教师可以先利用让学生回家完成的Task time 部分作为切入点,组织学生看表格根据记录内容用What's the weather like in...? It's...进行问答,然后书写课后句子It's cool.从而让学生在任务活动中复习巩固本单元的功能结构和单词,开始进入本课学习。接着教师要趁热打铁,提问:Is it...in ...?引导学生看着表格中的记录用Yes, it is. 或No, it isn't. 回答,从而引出对话中猜测天气的语句,然后指导学生在问答中进行大量操练,继而书写句子Is it cold? 让学生在巩固中记忆。在学生掌握了本课的重点句子后,教师在利用课件、录音等素材指导学生阅读对话。四个重点单词的拼写,教师可以先在对话学习中渗透,然后通过组织一些有趣的活动或竞赛促进学生对单词的记忆。教具准备:教材相配套的教学录音带 课时安排:一课时教学流程:出示单词卡:warm,hot,cool,cold,rainy,snowy,windy,sunny,cloudy,学生集体朗读。请学生打开书P52,看记录回答教师问题:教师提问:What’s the weather like in Beijing?
What’s the weather like in Shanghai?请4位学生分别提问Harbin,Lhasa,Urumqi,Hongkong的天气,大家回答。请学生朗读P51对话后的句子:It’s cool.在本上认真书写句子It’s cool. 教师要巡视检查。 (二)呈现新课 (Presentation)Lead-in请学生继续看记录,教师提问:15Is it warm in Beijing?Is it snowy in Harbin?Is it cool in Shanghai?Is it windy in Lhasa?Is it cold in Urumqi?Is it hot in Hong Kong? 教学反思:
引导学生根据记录用Yes, it is. 或No, it isn’t. 回答。请学生用Is it…?分别猜一猜London,Sydney,Singapore,Moscow的天气,教师前一天根据天气预报情况用Yes, it is. 或No, it isn’t. 回答学生的提问。请学生朗读P51对话后的句子:Is it cold?并说出意思。学生在本上规范书写句子Is it cold?教师提示学生注意标点是?。 教师分别把It’s和Is it并排写在黑板上, 并且把单词卡片:sunny,warm,cold,snowy,cool,cold, cloudy, hot, rainy, windy贴到黑板上, 教师说句子:It’s sunny and warm.It’s cold and snowy.
It’s cool.
Is it cold?
Is it windy?
Is it cloudy?
Is it rainy?学生根据听到的句子分别将单词卡放到It’s .或Is it …?后。 B. Input: Read and write教师打开课件主体图,说:Look,here’s a mountain. It’s high. It’s long. Let’s climb it. wait! What’s the weather like there? What shall we wear? (运用适当的体态语言帮助学生理解以上句子) Now, listen. 教师放录音,学生在视听中理解对话意思。 学生跟录音模仿朗读对话。学生分小组表演对话,教师要适时点出对话中所体现的同学之间应相互帮助的主题。(三)趣味操练 (Practice) 作业设计:板书设计:16修改意见:阅读详情:
范文六:四年级英语教案5(3)潘桂芝Teaching Plan of Grade
1? Topic: School things? Language systems:1. Lexis:playground, canteen, garden, teacher’s office, library, art room, music room, computer room, TV room, gym, wash room2. Grammar:一般疑问句的问与答:Is this ...? Do you have a ...?3. Function:能够简单介绍学校校舍分布情况,说出每个教室的不同功能。4. Phonology:能够正确朗读出含元音字母a的单词,并能分析出读音规则。? Language skills:1. Listening:(1)能听懂学校校舍名称的单词、,(2)能听懂一般疑问句的问与答。(3)能听懂read and write中的词句,以及Pronunciation中元音字母的发音。(4)能听懂关于学校规章制度的英语说法。2. Speaking:(1)会说本单元表示校舍及课室功能名称的单词。(2)会说会运用本课的句子介绍学校校舍分布情况,说出每个教室的不同功能。(3)会说出含元音字母a的单词。3. Reading:(1)能正确读出本单元关于校舍名称的三会、四会单词,能朗读课文的单词和对话,并能理解对话的内容。(2)能正确认读出含元音字母a的单词。4. Writing:能正确书写课室物品名称的单词,并能按英语书写规则写出般疑问句。 ? Objectives:1.能力目标(1)能够简单介绍学校校舍的分布情况,如:This is the teacher's office.That is my classroom.(2)能简单说出每个课室的不同功能,如:Go to the library.Read a story-book.(3)能听懂并回答一些问题,如:Is this the library? Is that the TV room?(4)会唱歌曲,Our School'。2.知识目标(1)掌握A、B部分Read and write的单词和句子并能做到会听、说、读、写。(2)认读A、B部分Let's learn、Let's talk中的单词和句子。(3)理解Let's do、Let's chant等部分的内容。(4)了解Story time、Good to know等部分的内容。3.情感、策略、文化等有关目标(1)情感态度:能以得体的方式向客人介绍自己的学校。(2)学习策略:注重合作学习,鼓励学生大胆想象,构思未来学校的蓝图。(3)文化目标:了解在不同场合应该遵守的公共道德,培养学生对学校的热爱之情。? Evidence:学生能够熟练运用目标语言与他人进行交际活动,能通过操练,独立完成课本、活动手册和同步练习册相关的练习及检测练习,使听、说、读、写技能有所提高。? Procedures:1st Lesson:A Let's learn
C Let's sing2nd Lesson:A Let's talk
Let's play
C Let's sing3 Lesson:A Read and write
B Let's chant
C Good to know 4th Lesson:B Let's learn
B Let's play
C Task time5th Lesson:B Let's talk
C Let's check6th Lesson:B Read and write
C Story time. PronunciationrdFirst LessonSpecific vocabulary: playground, canteen, garden, teacher’s office, librarySpecific target sentences: This is.... That is .... Where is the...? It’s on the 1st floor.Specific functional exponents:1.能够听、说、认读本课时的主要单词:teacher's office, canteen, garden, playground, library。2.听懂指示语,并按要求做出相应的动作,如:Go to the garden.Water the flowers.3、学唱英文歌曲,Our school',培养学生的学习兴趣。Source of material: 本课时的五张单词卡、录音机、录音磁带Assumptions: 学生在学习了四年级上册,My School'这一主题的知识后,学会了关于学校的居室名称,根据已有的知识背景,展开教学,以旧引新。 Step 1: Warm-up教师播放第三册学生用书第五页的歌谣,Work and play ',让学生跟随录音机说唱。Step 2:RevisionTalk,What’s in the classroom? A board , two lights , many desks and chairs .'自然过渡到学习学校各课室的名称。Step 3: PresentationLet’s learn(1) 从讨论教室自然过渡到学习学校各课室的名称。教师接着问: How many rooms are there in our school?Where do we have English/ Music/ ... class?接下来教师借助单词卡片教授生词。教师在教学过程中引入句型,Let’s do',结合动作使学生进一步明白语义。(2)通过对学生进行提问:,Where is the ...?'导入句子,It’s on the ... floor.'的教学,,同时根据学生的回答,拼出校园分布图(4)通过教师领读和听音跟读,让学生掌握本课时五个生词的正确读音。在练习library 的发音时,可复习已学过的含辅音连缀的单词,如ice-cream , brother , friend , hungry 。(5)听,跟做,Let’s do'(6)学生自己通过语音知识,为所给的图片配上英语单词。然后打开书跟读录音并进行检查,教师对于错例要通过音素进行讲解。(7)Listen to the tape again.Step 4:Practice:(1)Let’s doA、要求学生发出及听懂指令,做出相应的动作。(小组竞赛的方式。)B、教师或学生做动作,让其他的学生猜并说出该单词。Step 5:Extension1、小组比赛。教师出示一张词卡,如garden ,组内学生依次说出与该词有关的其他单词,如:flowers , red , colour , trees 等,这样既复习了学过的单词,也能巩固本课所学知识。2、完成《同步》的相关练习。Step 6: Homework:设计自己的学校,并谈谈自己的学校。【板书设计】Unit 1 Our schoolLet’s learnplayground
teacher’s officeSecond LessonSpecific vocabulary: first floor, librarySpecific target sentences: This is.... That is.... Do you have lunch at school?.Specific functional exponents:1、能听懂、会说:,This is the teacher’s office .That is my classroom .'并能在实际情景中进行运用。2、能跟唱歌曲,Our school'。3、了解英美国家关于楼层的不同表达方式。4、学唱英文歌曲,Our school',培养学生的学习兴趣。Source of material:1.教师准备陈杰的头饰。2.教师准备该课时的教学挂图。3.教师准备录音机、录音带或VCD。4.如有条件,学生可以准备金黄色假发套。Assumptions: 本课时的两部分内容都是通过情景对话来完成的,教师应积极鼓励每一个学生参与对话,为学生创造更多的语言训练机会。在学生积极参与表演对话时,不要求学生都必须按照课文内容表演,可根据实际情况或对基础较好的同学,鼓励他们用学过的相应词汇进行替换,如:两个男孩表演第一个对话时,学生就可以将对话中的Teacher’s office替换成canteen, library等,这样更符合学生的实际,学生更容易进行真实的交流。为了便于学生更加熟悉两个句型的使用,在课文的基础上有目的地多设计一些交际活动,如:Ask and answer等,为学生提供更广阔的交际空间。 Step 1: Warm-up(1)教师播放本课时A部分Let’s do 的录音带,学生听音做动作。(2)教师慢慢出示canteen 等词的图卡,让学生猜出该单词。(3)教师播放本单元歌曲,Our school',先让学生听然后鼓励学生跟唱。Step 2: PresentationLet’s talk教师首先和学生进行自由交谈,主题是Why do you like our school ? 鼓励学生用简单的句子作出回答,即使只能说只语片言,教师也要给予表扬。顺着这一话题,教师说:Yes , our school is really very nice .Today some friends from America are coming to see our school. Chen Jie is showing our school .Let’s watch .有此导入新课。(1)看与听学生看Let’s talk部分的插图,教师提一些问题,如:How many American friends are there ? What do you do in the playground ? 在提问与回答的过程中,将难点各个击破。(2)模仿分说,注意指导,this'和,that '中,th'的发音。(3)和的操练可以在排列卡片、复习单词的过程中渗透,如:也可以让学生听指令排列卡片,如:然后引导学生仔细观察挂图,正确理解和运用短语。(4)分角色朗读与表演分组表演 先示范------大众化表演Step3 Extension(1)完成《同步》的相关练习。(2)和同学一起表演课文对话。Step 4: Homework:和爸爸妈妈一起谈谈自己的学校。【板书设计】Unit 1 Our schoolA Let’s talkThis is the teacher’s office.Third LessonSpecific vocabulary: board , light , fan , computer.Specific target sentences: This is my computer.That is your computer Specific functional exponents:1、能够听、说、读、写单词:board , light , fan , computer.2、能够理解并吟唱出歌谣的内容。3、了解学校的有关规章制度用英语怎么说。4、能够在四线格中的正确书写句子。Source of material:1.教师准备本课时相应的挂图。2.教师准备一台录音机和录音带。3.教师准备相应的动物头饰。Assumptions: 既然是阅读部分,就应当让学生自己朗读,借助图画帮助理解。教师应当先给学生足够的时间充分的朗读,使学生先扫除朗读中的障碍,再进行阅读理解,培养学生阅读理解的能力,坚持下去,学生定会在阅读理解文章方面有所收获。Step 1: Warm-up & Revision1、学生跟录音演唱C部分的歌曲,Our school'。2、请一组学生表演A部分Let’s talk 的对话,复习所学的新句型 Step 2:Preview1、引导学生复习第三册学生用书第一单元A部分的let’s learn ,巩固学习六个单词并请学生用该部分的句型:What’s in the classroom ? A board ……来介绍自己的教室。2、播放Book 3 Unit 1 A部分Let’s do 的录音带,引导学生听听、做做。 Step 3: PresentationLet’s chant播放B部分的歌谣,引导学生将学校场馆library , art room , canteen , gym 和动词read , draw , eat , play 对应起来认读。Read and write1、在跟唱Let’s chant之后,教师对内容进行提问:Where do you read ? Where do you draw? 等等,学生作答后,教师继续提问:Where do you play computer? 学生会比较容易地答出:In the computer room。这时教师可出示挂图说:This is a computer room.2、师生之间对挂图上的内容进行简单的交际性回答后,教师请学生阅读课文并设计几个简单的问题检查学生的理解程度。3、教师在四线格中示范书写四会掌握单词和句子,并讲解书写规范。(1) 句子的打头单词的第一个字母要大写;(2) 句子末尾要加标点。需要特别指出的是英语中的句号为实心点,汉语中的句号是空心小圈。(3) 句子当中的单词间距为一个字母宽。Step 4:Practice:1、角色表演。巩固本课时的新句型。2、听音判断。教师根据图的内容说一些句子,如:There are three computers in the room .请学生根据记忆中的图的内容判断正误。Step 5: Good to know首先让学生思考:Can we drink in the computer room? Can we eat in the computer room? 由此引出其他的学校常规。Step 6 Homework: 抄写,四会'单词和句子。【板书设计】Unit 1 A Read and write(四线格)computer board fan lightThis is my computer.That is your computer.Fourth LessonSpecific vocabulary: gym, TV room, art room, computer room, washroom,music room.Specific target sentences: Where is the...? It’s on the... floor. Specific function exponent:能询问各功能室的位置并说出各功能室所在的楼层。Source of material:
1.教师可自己制作该部分的挂图。2.教师准备相关的词卡。3.教师准备录音机和录音带或VCD。4.教师准备一幅大楼的框架图。Assumption and Anticipated problems: 学生在part A Let’s learn 中已经学习了新句型:Where is the canteen? It is on the first floor. 本节课继续学习此句型,并在应用句型的同时学习本节课的新单词。Step 1.Warm upSs sing the song 《Our school》with computer.Step 2. Presentation1. T: Boys and girls, do you like our school?Yes, our school is so big. Look,this is a map of our school .Let’s see2. 多媒体猜出示学校的地图并介绍学校各功能室。(让学生带着问题听介绍两次。)Eg: Hello, welcome to our school. This is the music room .We can sing the song in the music room. This is the gym. We can play sports in the gym. This is the TV room. They are on the first floor. That is the art room. That is the computer room. They are in the second.
Oh, where is the washroom? It’s on the second floor, too.3. 听完介绍后,让学生尝试说出各功能室的名称。老师并用此句子问学生:Where is the ....’s room ?
学生尝试回答:It ‘s on the second\first floor.4. 教师出示单词卡片(出示单词卡片时,把单词卡片的书写部分用卡纸挡住),教授本节课新单词。5. 让学生根据单词的读音猜猜新单词的书写形式。(板书新单词)6. 学生听录音、跟读、模仿。Step3 Practice1、将全班分为2个小组,进行小组竞赛。(1) 教师示范:T: Where do we play Ping Pong?S1: In the gym.(2)小组派代表进行问答。(检查中上生)能正确猜出的可为本小组加分。(3)同桌之间练习(优生带差生),教师检查。2. 教师把一副教学楼的框架图贴在黑板上,让两名学生站在讲台前。T:The washroom is on the second floor .让学生在讲台上选出washroom 的单词卡,并将它贴在正确的位置。速度快的可为本小组加一分。3、把贴在黑板上的六张图片分别翻过来并打乱顺序,问学生:Is this the music room?
让学生回答。猜对的可为本小组加分。Step4. Story time1.出示story time 第四幅挂图让学生猜:Is this the computer?\Is this the teacher’s office?2.学生带着以上的两个问题看本部分的动画。3.学生回答问题,4.再看动画,引导学生注意Is this \that 句型在什么情况下用。5、学生跟读录音后,分角色朗读。Step 5 ConsolidationFinish let’s learn .Part B. Activity Book.Step 6. Homework1. Listen to the tape and read after it .(p7. p13 )2.
Unit 1 Our schoolPart B Let’s learnart room
computer room
washroommusic room
TV roomFifth lessonSpecific vocabulary :Specific target sentences: Is this the art room? Yes , it is .Is that the TV room? No, it isn’t.Specific function exponents:能正确识别句型Is this…和句型Is that …。的不同用法并在真实情景中的正确使用能较好的完成Let’s check 部分的评价活动。Source of materials: 1.教师准备该部分的挂图。2.教师准备相关的词卡。3.教师准备录音机和录音带或VCD。Assumption and Anticipated problems:学生已经能正确的使用句型This is … 和That is ….进行描绘周边的事物,本节课时让学生在学习这两个句型的基础上学习特殊疑问句:Is this/that …以及它们的肯定回答和否定回答。.Step 1 Warm up1.Sing the chant (P 7)注意引导学生正确吟唱句子:What a lot of fun.2. Free talk . What’s in our school?(引导学生说出本单元的新词汇并会用以下句子进行描述:This is… \That is …\It is on the first\second….) 在学生描述Step 2. Presentation1. T: There are many students and teachers in our school. Who is he ?(多媒体出示学校校长的照片)Yes,he is our headmaster. Do you want to be a headmaster? Today Wu Yifan is a headmaster. He has a new school . Do you want to have a look?2. 教师在黑板上画出Wu Yifan 学校的地图框架,让学生观看动画后回答以下问题,并把正确的图片贴在相对应的位置。(1)Is the art room on the second floor? Where is it?(2): Is the music room on the second floor?(3) Is the computer room on the third floor?(4) Is the library on the fourth floor?(拓展让学生感知third floor 和fourth floor,通过提问题帮助学生理解对话.)3. 将六张图卡反面贴在在黑板上,教师指着某张图片问:Is this \that… , 让学生翻过来作答.4. 呈现教学句子:Is this the library? Yes it is . Is that the art room? No it isn’t .5. Read after the tape.(注意升降调的朗读)6. 四人小组练习对话并表演。Step3. Practise1. 让学生把设计好的学校图片拿出并把各功能室用纸条遮住,同桌之间用Is this…Is that…相互询问。2. Let’s check(1)引导学生观察图片并听录音。)(2)Listen and tick.(3)Check the answer.(教会学生的看图听力技巧)Step 4 Add-activities.活动手册配套练习。(检查学生是否掌握本课学习的内容)Step5. Homework:Listen to the tape and read the dialogue to parents.【板书设计】Unit 1 Our schoolB Let’s talkIs this the library?
Is that the art room?Yes, it is.
No, it isn’t.Sixth LessonSpecific vocabulary:
Read and write 中的四会单词以及问句Is this ateacher’s desk ? Yes, It is .Specific target sentences:能理并阅读Read and write正确读出pronunciation中的单词和明白其发音规律。Specific function exponents:能正确书写本节课的四会单词和句子。Source of material: 挂图、字母卡、阅读填空材料、录音带和录音机、多媒体。
Assumption and Anticipated problems: 学生之前对本节课的单词和句子已经掌握了,而且能正确的读出这些单词和句子,本节课重点是引导学生正确书写这些单词和句子。在教学时要落实中下生的书写。Step1 .Warm upLet’s talk 针对课文的一般疑问句展开对话。Step 2. Presentation设置情景,引出课文内容。(出示Read and write 的挂图)1. T: Class, I have some friends. Do you want to know who are my friends?Yes, they are ants. What are they talking?2. 让学生发挥想象力,说说他们所说的内容。(引导,鼓励学生用句型:Is this….Is that ….)3. 出示Read and write 的对话,把书写部分空出,让学生阅读对话,并在练习本上完成对话。4. 教师检查答案并板书示范本节课的四会单词和句子。注意:(1,句子开头,特殊单词用大写。2 单词之间有间隔。3.句末句号用实点。)5. 让学生听录音并模仿跟读。Step 3.Practise1. 阅读对话根据上下文完成对话。(1)A:Hello,Ben, Is this your
?B: Yes, It is my picture. I can draw picture(2)A:
this your music room ? B: No,
.It is my art room.
(3) Is the computer on the
?No, it is not on the teacher’s desk. It is on the floor.(4) Is that a bee on the wall? Yes, It is a bee on the
.(巩固学生的阅读能力和检测学生的书写情况。)2、Pronunciation(1) 让学生听录音,感受字母a在单词中的发音。(2) 让学生自己读单词,小组讨论,找出规律,然后向全班汇报。(3) 学生根据规律,学生读出其它开音节和闭音节的单词。 Step 4. Homework(1)Listen and read the text 3 times.(2)Activity book EX【板书设计】
Unit 1 A Read and write(四线格)阅读详情:
范文七:四年级英语Module1-6教案课时教学设计课 题 授课时间 Module 1 Unit 1 2012 年 9 月 3 日 教案序号 课 型 1 New1、能听说读写英文数字 13—20,复习颜色单词教 学 目 标2、掌握并理解颜色单词:purple, pink, white, orange, 3、能运用句型:Here’s____. This is a_____. a green one And this is教 学 重点 难 点Important: 能听懂、会说英文数字 number thirteen to number twenty Difficult: 注意单词 one 的用法.教学准备Word cards, recorder, pictures板 书 设 计Module 1 Here’s____.Unit 1This is a_____. And a green()教 学 过 程教学环节 Warm up Review 例如:表述年龄:I' m ten .I'm eleven. 表述时间:I get up at seven o'clock . I go to bed at ten new o'clock. 表述物品的个数:Nine boys. Twelve pupils. 设计“How old are they?”的游戏。老师对学生说: “Now, let’ s have a competition. Please say the ages as fast as you can. You can win a star for your group if you begin.” (例如:Li “How old is Li Dahua ?How .Presenta Dahua:15;Wang Ping:20;),询问学生: old is Wang Ping?”如果学生不会回答,老师可以说: “You don’ tion t know how to say it . And then we can go on to play this game. We can find out which group is the winner!” 呈现课放录音文内容,再次放录音,请学生边听边看书, 从 Panpan 数积木“,,ten eleven, twelve,,”的情节开始,逐个 Practice 向学生教授 12 以上的数字 按顺序练习一段时间以后,可以打乱顺序练习。 例如:老师将 1-20 的阿拉伯数字写在黑板上,随意指同数字 Homework Write the new words and new sentences Make a new dialogue and practice with your partner. words, 集 体 备 课(师生活动) Ask the Ss to sing the song of book 1 热身活动后,老师根据歌曲的内容把话题引入数字,根据已经 学习过的数字 1-12 引导大家回忆数字的用法。 增加兴趣 Lead to the 个性化设计sentencesLearn the new wordsThey can understand the dialogue我的设计非常关注启发性,不足的是忽略了活动的趣味性。尽可能关注启发性 教 学 反 思 和创造性,促进学生的“主动学习”,注重学生智力的开发和能力创新的培养。这 将会使学生更好地培养能力,发展素质。()课时教学设计课 题 授课时间 Module 1 Unit 2 2012 年 9 月 5日 教案序号 课 型 2 New教 学 目 标1.基本能听懂,会读,会说 20-30 的单词以及表达方法。 2.本能听懂,说出并读出“ Number +and +number +is+ number.” 这一数字相加的英语表达法; 3.听懂、 会说句子: Have you got,,?及答语 Yes , I have.或 No , I haven’ t.教 学 重点 难 点Important: Understand the text fluently. Difficult: Grasp the words and sentence教学准备Word cards, tapes,板 书 设 计Module 1Unit 1LondonI have got twenty-six points I am the winner.()教 学 过 程教学环节 WarmUp ReviewPresentat ion 集 体 备 课(师生活动) I say “hello, boys and girls.” “Good morning, everyone.” 1, review the words, sentences. read 2. play the tape. This is a red one. And a green one. Recite, check, listen, Recite, check, listen, read 个性化设计PracticeThis is a red Ask the students to read the text. Ask two students to practice with each other using the words, sentence one. Ask them to read the text in groups. Ask them to read with desk-mates. And a green Recite Write the the text words and one. Here is a blue one.Homeworksentences.Make up a new and short dialogue. Try to recite. Recite the new wordsPractice with each other教 学 反 思小学生学习英语不是英美的移民学习英语,则只有不断学到语言知识,提高 语言能力,满足他们的成就感,才可能培养持久的兴趣。培养兴趣主要是为了学 习英语。()课时教学设计课 题 授课时间 Module 2 Unit 1 2012 年 9 月 10 日 教案序号 课 型 3 New教 学 目 标1:4-skill words: go straight on, live, road, excuse me, supermarket, turn left, turn right, next to. 2:4-skill drills: Where s the ,,? right. Go straignt on.Turn left. Turn点 难 点 教 学 重Important: How to ask: Did you/ they ...?Difficult: The words and sentences教学准备computer, recorder, some cards and so on .Module 2 unit 1 Where s the ,,? Go straignt on. Turn left. Turn right.板 书 设 计()教 学 过 程教学环节 WarmUp 集 体 备 课(师生活动) 个性化设计 ctivate the atmosphere Do the game “I say, you act.” Review 1. Ask the Students to look at the screen: This is our school. And this is my house. I live in Pan Yang Road. Learn: live , road Ask the Ss to read in different ways. fast/slow way. Presentat My house is next to a supermarket. ion Learn: next to , I’ll explain “next to ”. A sits next to B. I stand next to C Ask the Ss /sju:p ma:kit/& /su:p ma:kit/are both right. Practice Ask the Ss to read in different ways. fast/slow way. Read by themselves 2.Ask Ss: “How can I get home?” Say:“Go straight on ,turn left. Then turn right ” Listen to teacher. Grasp the sentences Read the text Then teach straight. /ei/ /ei/ --go straight on . Ask Ss to read with different ways high/low. Read the words and phrases Where s the ,,? Go straignt on. Turn left. Turn right.lead to the sentences newHomeworkreview words practice skill listeningthethe of教 学 反 思对于上节课的单词和句子掌握较牢固,同学们可在教师指导下 进行替换练习,并自编对话。 不足之处:拓展练习太仓促,让同学们展示的时间太少。()课时教学设计课 题 授课时间 Module 2 Unit 1 2012 年 9 月 12 日 教案序号 课 型 4 New教 学 目 标1.认知目标: 单词 house,supermarket, road ,excuse me ,lost , next to , live(能听懂,会说)句型 go straight on , turn left , turn right(能 听懂会说) 2.情感目标:a.养成良好习惯,礼貌问路,学会表示感谢。 3.能力目标:,培养用英语思维的能力教 学 重点 难 点Important points:4-skill words and drills Difficult points: A Describing the directions.教学准备tapes, pictures板 书 设 计Module2 Unit1 go straight on 直着走 live 居住 road 道路 excuse me 对不起 supermarket 超市 turn left 向左转()教 学 过 程教学环节 集 体 备 课(师生活动) 个性化设 计 Review the words: go straight on, live, road, excuseme, Review supermarket, turn left, turn right, next to. Do thegame Ask the questions of part1 Presentat Did ling ling go to the “I say, you ion Park? Teach“Turn left” and “Turn right” 1) Show left hand and turn left. act.” Tciket card: Practice turn left 1. Ask the Ask the Ss to read it . Listen to the tape,Then answer the questions. a. What did they do? Students to b. Where does Doudou live in ? Homework c. How did Sam and Amy ask the way? screen: This Show a card. Lost Ask the Ss to read in different ways: Lost, lost, lost. I’ m lost is our Make up a dialogue using the sentences Excuse me. Where’s the,,,please? school. And Go straight on/ turn left/ turn right this is my house. Ask the Ss to read in different ways. look at the使学生能在真实的情景中运用所学的语言知识,以学生的发展为主。 教 学 反 思通过感知新单词和一些新句子来学习课文学中玩,玩中学,轻松达到教学目标。()课时教学设计课 题 授课时间 Module 2 Unit 2 2012 年 9 月 17 日 教案序号 课 型 5 New教 学 目 标 点 难 点 教 学1.使学生能通过图片识记本单元单词:up, down 等。可以看图运用本单 元的目标语言进行描述:A:Where is Train 1?B: It’s up the hill. 2. 培养学生看图说话的能力Important: Grasp the new wors about position:up, down ,near ,at Difficult: Can grasp how to ask the way and express the directions . Word cards, recorder, pictures重教学准备Unit 2It’s at the station Turn left Turn right板 书 设 计Go straight onA: Excuse me. Where is the station, please? B: Go straight on, and turn left.()教 学 过 程教学环节 集 体 备 课(师生活动) 个性化设 计 Greetings. Warm Read Unit1 Read the Up 1. Review the chant: Up, up, stand up. words Preview Down, down, sit down. Here, here, come here. Back, back, sit back Read by Presentat 2. Present the new words: ion Up↑,down↓,near,at themselves Hill,near, house. 3.Repeat the words. 4. Have students look at the pictures and describe what Listen to happened. 1.Play the tape. practice 2.Ask students to follow the tape. teacher. Tell them to read together. 1. Present the structure: Grasp the A: Excuse me, Where is the supermarket, please? B: Go straight on. Turn left. 1.Ask students to work in pairs. 2. Listen and point. 3. Point and say. Chant and do. 4. Present the structure: Homework A: Excuse me, Where is the supermarket, please? B: Go straight on. Turn left. Write the new words and new sentences Make a new dialogue and practice with your partner sentences Read text the本课为方向的提问及其回答,相对于第一节课,本课课堂气氛较活跃,尤其 教 学 反 思 是英文歌曲“Where are you going?” 的 学习,既复习了方向的几个重要句型,又 引起了同学们的学习热情。()课时教学设计课 题 授课时间 Module 2 Unit 2 2012 年 9 月 19 日 教案序号 课 型 6 New教 学 目 标1.Grasp the new words about position: up, down ,near ,at 2.Can grasp how to ask the way and express the directions . 3.Ask the students to help strangers. Important: Understand the text fluently.点 难 点 教 学 重Difficult: Grasp the words and sentences.教学准备Word cards, tapes,板 书 设 计Module 2 Unit 2 Where is train 1? It is up the hill. Where is train 2? It is down the hill()教 学 过 程教学环节 Warm Up Preview 集 体 备 课(师生活动) 个性化设 计 Recite dictate ask answer recite text read the text Listen and read the text five times. the and Play a game: listen and guess. 播放火车的声音,让生猜:What’s this?引新单词 train.(使用 单词卡,教读、领读) Listen and guess. 师引导说:Today Amy will go to her home town by train, and she’ s singing a so 让生拍手跟唱,活跃课堂气氛。 ng freely, let’s listen, 《Here comes the train》 Presentat 1. 师画小山、房屋和车站的图形. ion 2. 拿出黑板擦假扮火车,从火车上山开始引 Where ’ s the train ? 让生猜引新词 hill. 师做火车上山的动作引;up the hill----It’s up the hill.(生身 子向后倾斜状声音逐渐变大) (排火车读、领读、师生分读) 3.同样的方法做火车下山的动作,引 It’s down the hill.(生做 Practice 身子向前倾斜状声音逐渐变小) 4.当火车开到房屋前面时因 5.火车逐渐慢性到车站引 station.-----It’s at the station. 6.通过驾驶火车,让生练习重点句型。 到站后下车,和 Amy 一块回家,然后师画地图(课本活动练习 3 练 习第一单元的方位词)创设情境,带新同学回学校,通过本节课内 容复习实践。 Make up a new and short dialogue. Homework Try to recite. Recite the new words 画一幅你 家附近地图,用英语来向朋友介绍如何到达某地对于四年级的学生来说生词较多并且难度较大,所以我花费时间把前面所学 教 学 反 思 重点重新巩固了一遍。单词,重点句子和对话都复习了一遍,同学们掌握不错。 不足之处: 由于内容量大,时间少,节奏太快了些,同学们有些吃力,可把 时间安排再合理一点。()课时教学设计课 题 授课时间 Module 3Unit1 2012 年 1. 2. 3. 4. 9 月 24 日 教案序号 课 型 7 New教 学 目 标She’s writing a letter She is talking to herfriends. He’s taking pictures He is playing with a toy train教 学 重点 难 点Important: words and phrases . Difficult: the present tense教学准备Tapes,pictures ,cards .板 书 设 计Module 3 Unit 1 She’s writing a letter She is talking to her friends. He’s taking pictures He is playing with a toy train()教 学 过 程教学环节 集 体 备 课(师生活动) 个性化设 计 activate the atmosphere Sing the chant Warm up Play play, play football Watch watch, watch TV 照相机做动作:I’m taking pictures. Presentat Who wants to take pictures for me? ion T: What’s he doing? S: He’s taking pictures. Students repeat the drills: Teach the following drills like above: He’s taking picture./ She’s talking to her friends./ He’ s playing with a toy train. Describe this picture one by one. 1、Act and say Ask one student to come to front to do actions, another st udent says llike this: This is my friend,,,. He’s taking, taking, taking pictures. practice 2、Let’s chant This is my sister, Amy This is my friend, Lingling. She’s writing, writing, wr iting a letter. This is my friend, Daming. He’s taking, taking, taking pictures. Picture of Panpan Picture of Yuanyuan writing a letter taking a picture Write the new words and new sentences Make a new dialogue and practice with your partnerlead to the newsentencesreview wordstheHomeworkpractice the skill of listening本课成功之处在于知识的巩固较好, 学生对所学的单词和句型较 教 学 反 思 为熟练的掌握,并可在教师引导下做替换练习,可自编新对话。 创设情境,带新同学回学校,通过本节课内容复习实践。 不足之处:缺乏趣味性,课堂气氛不够活跃。()课时教学设计课 题 授课时间 Module 3Unit 1 2012 年 9 月 26 日 教案序号 课 型 8 New教 学 目 标1、目标语句:This is my friend. She’s writing a letter. 2、单词:write letter picture friend 3、短语:take pictures talk to play with 4、 能听懂 This is my friend lingling, she’s writing a letter 同时能口头运用 Important: Understand the text fluently. Difficult: Grasp the words and sentences.点 难 点 教 学 重教学准备Tapes,pictures ,cards .板 书 设 计Module 3 Unit 1 She’ s writing a letter. She’s writing a letter. He ‘s taking pictures. take pictures.()教 学 过 程教学环节 集 体 备 课(师生活动) 个性化设 计 Students repeat the drills: He’s taking picture./ She’s talking to her friends./ He’s playing Homework . Make up a new and short dialogue. Try to recite. Recite the new words with a toy train. T: Good morning, boys and girls. I’m your friend, Miss Ye, Warm up Y-E-YE So you can call me Miss Ye. Ok, who can say ‘ Hello ! ’ to me ? Review S1: Hello, Miss Ye. T: Hello. Nice to meet you. S1: Nice to meet you, too. 1, review the words, sentences. Recite, check 2. play the tape. presentat Listen, readion Now , look at this picture , who is the boy ? S : He’s Daming. T : what is he doing ? S : he ‘s taking pictures. T : yes , he’s taking pictures. T :Now , look at the third picture , who is the girl ? T : what is she doing ? S : she’s talking to her friend . T : (出示挂图)look at this picture ,.who ‘s that boy ? S:Sam’slittlebrother---Tom T : what is he doing ? S : He’s playing with a toy train. 3 听录音,跟读课文。Recite the textPractice在教学活动中,我设计了层次分明、丰富多样的游戏和歌曲童谣等教 学 反 思活动,充分激发学生学习英语的热情和兴趣,学生不仅从中得到快乐, 还能够更容易、更轻松地掌握本课单词和重点句型。()课时教学设计课 题 授课时间 Module 3Unit 2 2012 年 10 月 8 日 教案序号 课 型 9 New教 学 目 标1、Four skills:watching TV、reading a book、listening to music、 talking to a friend。 2、Can speak and understand:What are you doing ? I’m,,,,.重点 难 点 教 学Important watching TV、 listening to music、reading a book Difficult: watching TV、 listening to music、reading a book教学准备Tapes,pictures ,cards .板 书 设 计Module 3 Unit 2 What are you doing ? I am listening to music . I am reading a book.()教 学 过 程教学环节 Warm up 集 体 备 课(师生活动) 个性化设 计 Learn the New and I say ‘ Hello, boys and girls.” “Good morning, everyone.” “Hello, teacher.” “Good morning.” Review Review the words and sentences. Recite, check presentat Ask two groups to practice the important sentences with each ion other. Practice with each group Practice Ask students to translate I spoke . I speak Chinese, you speak English. I speak English, you speak Chinese. ask students to read text. Read the text Write the words and sentences. T : what is he doing ? S : he ‘s taking pictures. T : yes , he’s taking pictures. T :Now , look at the third picture , who is the girl ? Recite the words and sentences and make up a new dialogue Make up a new dialogue and practice with your partner. 1、Act and say Ask one student to come to front to do actions, another st udent says like this: This is my friend,,,. 2、Let’s chant This is my sister, Amy.Difficult sentencesPractice Act and say Ask one student to come to front to do actions, another student saysHomework教 学 反 思()课时教学设计课 题 授课时间 Module 3Unit 2 2012 年 10 月 10 日 教案序号 课 型 10 New教 学 目 标1、Four skills:watching TV、reading a book、listening to music、 talking to a friend。 2、Can speak and understand:What are you doing ? I’m,,,,.教 学 重点 难 点Important what are you doing? I am listening/watching TV. Difficult: what are you doing? I am listening/watching TV.教学准备Tapes,pictures ,cards .Module 3 unit 2板 书 设 计What I’m What I’m are you doing ? listening tomusic. are you doing? watching TV.()教 学 过 程教学环节 集 体 备 课(师生活动) 个性化设 计 activate the atmospher e T : Do you remember the chant: left foot, right foot , left foot , right Warm up T :Ok, let’s chant. Open your book and turn to page 9,stand up please. Review the words : Review write- writing watch-watching listen-listening presentat Read the words ion Read by themselves T : look at your book ,and turn to page 11.look at the first Practice picture , what’s panpan doing? S : panpan is taking pictures 以下共分四小组回答,全班重复回答者的话。 ) T : look at the forth picture , what is she doing ? T : and what about Tom? S : yuanyuan is talking to her friend . S : weiwei is playing with his toy . T : look at your book ,and turn to page 12.look at the first picture , what’s she doing? S : 写出学生用书活动 3 中四幅图片对应的四句话。 Homework She is taking pictures.(以下共分四小组回答,全班重复回答 者的话 Sing the song “What are you doing?” to your parents。 Read together .Try to recite. Read in groups.Make up a new and short dialogue. Try to recite. Recite the new word Write carefully Read each other words practice the skill of listeninglead theto newsentencesreview the教 学 反 思阅读详情:
范文八:英语四五六年级教案四五六年级一、字母和数字字母:A a
Z z元音字母: A a
U u例:an applean eggan orangean umbrella数字:One (一)
Two (二)
Three (三)
Five (五) Six(六)Seven(七)
Ten(十) Eleven(十一)
Thirteen(十三)Fourteen (十四)
Sixteen (十六)Seventeen (十七)
(二十) Twenty-one (二十一), twenty-two (二十二)....... Thirty-one
(一百)二、Group work (分小组练习)
回答问题并练习口语:1、——How old are you ?
(你多大了)——I'm__________.2、——How many boys can you see in the classroom ? (在教室里你能看见多少个男孩?)
——____________.3、——How many girls can you see in the classroom ? (在教室里你能看见多少个女孩?)
——____________.4、——How many desks are there in the classroom ? (教室里有多少张桌子?)
——____________.5、——How many books are there on your desk ? (你的桌上有多少本书?)——____________.三、Sing a song
Apple Song英语健康谚语:An apple a day keeps the doctor away.(一天一个苹果,医生远离我)Apple songapple roundapple redapple juiceapple sweetapple,apple,I love youapple sweet,I love to eatapple roundapple redapple juiceapple sweetapple,apple,I love youapple sweet,I love to eat四、口诀歌和练习1、Be:
are“我”用am, “你”用are,
is跟着“他她它”;单数用is, 复数用are例:1、I _____a student.
C. am2、She_____a girl.
C. am3、It_____a dog.
C. am4、You_____very beautiful.
C. am5、He______a teacher.
C. am6、This cat ______small.
C. am7、These apples_______red. A. are
C. Am2、分别用以下疑问词提问并造句:What (什么)
Why (为什么)
Which(哪一个)Who (谁)
Whose (谁的)
Where (哪里)When (什么时候)
How (怎么样)
How many(多少个)
How much(多少钱)造句:例:What's your name?你的名字是什么?五、分小组练习(Group work)1、What's in the classroom? 教室里有什么?Window(窗户)
light(灯) picture(图片) door(门) floor(地板)
classroom (教室)
fan(扇子) desk(课桌;书桌)
chair(椅子)floor(地板)2、——What is there on your desk? 你的桌上有什么?——There is a___________on my desk. 我的桌上有_________。bag(包)
ruler(尺子) pencil-case(铅笔盒)3、——What do you eat today?
(你今天吃了什么?)——I eat_________today。
(我今天吃了_______)——What do you drink today? (你今天喝了什么?)——I drink _________today.
fish(鱼)4、What do you do?
a ________.What does you mother do? (你妈妈的职业是什么?)She is a ________.What does your father do?
(你爸爸的职业是什么?)He is a _________.driver(司机)
student (学生)Worker (工人)5、————What subject do you like?(你喜欢哪个科目?)————I like _________.math(数学)
computer(电脑)6、————What do you wear today?
( 你今天穿什么衣服?)————I wear a ________today.jacket(夹克衫)
dress(连衣裙)T-shirt(T恤衫)7、————What color do you like?————I like_________.red(红色的)
December3、一年四季1. spring
4. winter阅读详情:
范文九:四年级英语同步教案复习课(lesson1-3)教学目标:Unit1的单词和句子的复习。教学重难点:表示介绍的四个句型之间的互相转换。 教学步骤:单词归类:名词:cake 蛋糕 potato 马铃薯 grape 葡萄 plate 盘子 plane 飞机 tape 磁带 table 桌子 eraser 橡皮 face 脸 date 日期 tomato 西红柿player 运动员 playground 操场 bee 蜜蜂 sheep 绵羊 key 钥匙 meat 肉动词:eat 吃 teach 教 see 看见 read 读 speak 说 play 玩 taste 尝注:让学生对学过的单词重新归类。句型转换:肯定句:This is a cake.只是一块蛋糕。变为否定句:This isn’t a cake.这不是一块蛋糕。变为一般疑问句:Is this a cake?这是一块蛋糕么?肯定回答:Yes, it is 否定回答:No, it isn’t.特殊疑问句:What’s this/that?这是什么,那是什么?注:用that把this替换掉,同时用所学过的名词来造句,每一个学生都要求会造句。Homework:lesson1—3 words 三英一汉句型转换每人三组对话。阅读详情:
contents: Unit8
Part1.2 Teaching
aims:1. The
sad、 happy、 angry、 tired、
cries、 smiles
feeling.2. The
sentences: He
sleep.3. The
song.4. The
points:1. The
words: sad、 happy、angry、 tired、 scared、cries、 smiles
them.2. The
sentences: Toby /
She,,.3. Sing
song. Teaching
aids: 1. Listening
cassette.2. Some
pictures. Teaching
steps: Step 1. Warming-up1. Hello
everybody! How
fine . Thank
you) 2. Now
actions. OK ?Stand
up./ stamp
feet. / Clap
hands ./ Snap
your fingers./
around. / Sit
down .Step 2. Presentation1. Teach
word “ happy”.(1) T:
happy.(出示笑脸图,单词,认读.) Are
now ?(举手) Ss: Yes.T:
happy. They’re
are happy.
smile. (做表情,同时出示单词 smile,认读。) (2)T:How
feeling?(出示Toby笑脸图) S1 : Toby
happy.T: Yes, Toby,s
happy,happy,happy. He smiles.(出示相应的句子,表演读。) 2. Teach
hurts !I’m
sad. ”(出示表情图、单词,认读。) (2)T: Look
feeling?(出示Toby 伤心图。) S1:
cries (出示单词 cries,做表情,认读。). 引导学生看图,引出相应的句子,表演读。 3. Teach
“angry” .(1)师做出到处找笔袋的样子,跺着脚说: My
case? I’m
angry !(出示生气脸图并出示单词,教读)。引导学生发现happy、 angry
和 sad 三个单词发音上的共同点。 (2)How
feeling ? (出示Toby 生气图)He’s
feet .(相机出示句子,表演读。)4. Teach
“tired” . (1)师做出劳累的表情说:I’m
tired . (出示表情图和单词,领读,齐读,注意读音.)(2)How
feeling ?(出示Toby劳累图) 相机出示句子,领读几次。 5. Teach
“scared”. T: Now
feeling ?生猜,相机出示生气图和单词,领读,和tired
作比较,识记单词。 Can
act ? 生表演,贴表情图。6、小结:象今天我们所学的sad、 happy、 angry、 tired、 scared 等词都属于Feeling 这一类(板书课题),学习单词feeling。7. 练习(1)Now
act . OK ? (2)Let’s
partner—Mime, watch
now ?8. Listen
game . OK ? (做抽奖游戏)练习句子She/He
is,,. Step3.
song. 1. Listen
watch . 2.
mime . Step4. 课堂小结。 Step5. Homework. 1. Copy
smile. 2. 教家长唱这首歌。板书设计:Unit 8


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