mountmounty11 中文下载是什么意思

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中文翻译vt.1.登,上(山、梯、王位等)。2.骑,乘(马等)。3.使人骑上(马),扶上(马);使做骑兵。4.安装,装配,架(炮等);装置,装备;裱(画、地图等);镶(宝石等);封固,(把检物镜)固定在载(玻)片 (slide) 上,剥制(动物)。5.准备服装、道具,上演(剧本)。6.穿,戴。7.测定,确定;规定。vi.1.登,上;(血)上面孔。2.骑马;乘(on)。3.(数量等)增长;增高;上升。短语和例子mount the stairs 上楼梯。 mount a horse 骑上马。 mount insects 制昆虫标本。 be well [poorly] mounted 骑着好[劣]马。 mount (an offensive) against 对…发动(攻势)。 mount guard 站岗。 mount guard over 守望,守卫。 mount (gems) in 镶(宝石)在…。 mount (a gun) on 把(大炮)安在…上。 mount the high horse 趾高气扬;自大。 mount up to ... (金额)增加到…。n.1. 坐骑〔马,骡;自行车等〕;〔俚语〕(尤指赛马时的)骑马的机会;登,爬上;骑马。 2. (衬托相片等用的)硬板纸,衬托纸,裱画纸;(家具的)边饰;(镶宝石的)宝石托;(显微镜的)载(玻)片;踏脚台;炮架,支架。 3. 扇把,扇骨。 4. (电子管)管脚。 短语和例子get down from one's mount 下马。短语和例子mount2n.1.〔书面语〕山,丘;〔M-〕…山,…峰〔通常略作 Mt〕。2.【手相】宫〔掌肉隆起处〕。&&&&把……安装在……上; 把……架在&&&&吸盘支架&&&&阿达姆斯山&&&&空中摄影支架&&&&空气弹簧&&&&地平装置&&&&斜角架&&&&安森?蒙特; 芒特&&&&天线架; 天线支架&&&&高射机枪架; 高射炮架; 高射炮炮架&&&&高射机枪架&&&&阿波火山&&&&汽车装配&&&&轴向安装&&&&球架; 球形炮塔; 拖车臂
例句与用法He mounted the picture upon silken cloth .他把那幅画裱在绢上。I can mount his enthusiasm at a word .我只要说一句话就可以激发他的热情。Mount chomolungma lifts its cone into the clouds .珠穆朗玛峰顶高耸入云。The complete unit is mounted on legs .整套设备装在几个柱脚上。The colour mounted to her cheeks and temples .红晕涌上了她的双颊和鬓角。Mount qomolangma is the world 's highest peak .珠穆朗玛峰是世界第一高峰。Meanwhile our losses had been mounting steeply .这时,我们的损失急剧上升。Mount baker periodically heats up internally .贝克山有周期性内部发热现象。He mounted his car and sped on his way .他上了车,飞驰而去。He was the first to mount the breach in the city wall .他首先登上城墙豁口。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释the act o "it was a difficult climb to the top"同义词:, a lightweight horse kept for riding only同义词:, , something forming a back that is added for strengthening同义词:, a mounting consisting of a piece of metal (as in a ring or other jewelry) that
"the diamond was in a plain gold mount"同义词:, a land mass that projects well ab higher than a hill同义词:, fix onto a backing, setting, "mount slides for macroscopic analysis" "Sales were climbing after prices were lowered"同义词:, , ,
"They mounted the aerator on a floating" "The bull was riding the cow"同义词:,
"mount a campaign against pornography"prepare and supply with the necessary equipment for exec "mount a theater production"; "mount an attack"; "mount a play"同义词:, go upward with gradual or "Did you ever climb up the hill behind your house?"同义词:, , , g "mount a horse"同义词:, , , , , ,
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mount: [ maunt ]& &n. 山峰,乘用马,框,衬纸v. 增长,装上,爬上,乘马词形变化:形容词:mountable 名词:mounter 动词过去式:mounted 过去分词:mounted 现在分词:mounting 第三人称单数:mounts &例句与用法:1.Mount Jolmo Lungma is the highest mountain in the world.&珠穆朗玛峰是世界上最高的山峰。2.He mounted the horse and rode off.&他骑上马走了。3.Concern is mounting over the fate of the lost expedition.&对失踪探险队命运的担心与时俱增.4.The policemen were mounted on (ie rode) black horses.&那些警察骑著黑色的马.5.The climbers mounted higher and higher.&攀登者越爬越高.6.He quickly mounted (his horse) and rode away.&他迅速上马疾驰而去.7.He mounted the boy on the horse.&他把孩子抱上马.8.The death toll mounted (to 100).&死亡人数上升(至100). 英英解释:名词mount:1. a lightweight horse kept for riding only同义词:saddle horse, riding horse2. the act of climbing something同义词:climb3. a land mass that projects well ab higher than a hill同义词:mountain4. a mounting consisting of a piece of metal (as in a ring or other jewelry) that holds a gem in place同义词:setting5. something forming a back that is added for strengthening同义词:backing动词mount:1. attach to a support2. go up or advance同义词:wax, climb, rise3. fix onto a backing, setting, or support4. put up or launch5. get on the back of同义词:hop on, mount up, get on, jump on, climb on, bestride6. go upward with gradual or continuous progress同义词:climb, climb up, go up7. prepare and supply with the necessary equipment for execution or performance同义词:put on8. copulate with同义词:ride
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