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中文翻译短语和例子round1adj.1.圆形的;球形的;圆筒形的;弧形的,半圆(形)的。2.兜圈子的,一周的;来回的。3.完全的;十足的;完整的,无零头的。4.数目不小的,巨额的。5.流畅的,嘹亮的。6.轻快的,迅速的;活泼的。7.率直的,坦白的;不客气的,严厉的;断然的,毅然的。8.【语音】圆唇音的,撮口音的。短语和例子a round face 圆脸。 a round dance 圆舞。 a round arch 【建筑】半圆拱。 a round lie 十足的谎话。 a round dozen 恰好[整整]一打。 a round number 整数〔10,100,1000等〕。 a good round whipping 一顿狠打。 round dealing 光明正大的做法。 a round unvarnished tale 坦白话,真情实话。 round hand 圆体楷书 〔cf. running hand〕;楷书书法。 at a round pace 轻快矫健的步子。 be round with 对…露骨地讲,老老实实跟…讲。 bring up with a round turn 【航海】套住索子使(船)停止;使突然停止,突然阻止。 have a round scolding 被大骂一顿。 in good round terms 直率地(说)。 in round numbers 大概算起来,大略。n.1.圆形物,球;环。2.(散步、喝酒等的)一圈,一巡,一转;(人的)一团,一伙。3.巡视,巡逻,巡视路线;巡逻区域;【军事】巡逻队。4.环行路,圆路。5.周围,范围。6.周转;循环。7.牛腿肉。8.(梯子、椅子脚等的)横档。9.【建筑】圆形嵌线;【雕刻】〔the round〕立体雕刻 (opp. relief)。 10. (工作的)一件;(比赛的)一次,一回(合),一场,一局,(谈判等的)一轮,(欢呼的)一阵,(弹药的)一发,一颗;(枪炮等的)(一次)齐发;排射;(事情、行动等的)一连串,一系列。11.【音乐】轮唱;圆舞(曲)。短语和例子this earthly round (这个)地球。 The news goes the round. 消息传遍。 the round of knowledge 知识的范围。 the daily round (of life) 日常生活[工作、事务]。 three rounds of cheers 三次欢呼。 a live round 实弹。 a training round 教学[试验]用导[飞]弹。 draw from the round 照着立体模型描绘。 go for a good round 兜一个大圈子。 go [make] one's rounds 1. 兜圈子,巡回;走遍。 2. (医生)巡视病房;(邮递员)按户投送。 go [pace, walk] the round(s) 巡回,走遍;传遍。 make the round of 巡视。 in all the round of Nature 在自然界的整个范围内,在世界各处。 in the round 雕刻成立体(的),栩栩如生的,表现无余的。 play a round 赛一次。 round after round of cheers 一阵一阵欢呼。 serve out a round of brandy to all hands 拿白兰地酒给大家都斟上。 take a round 走一转,兜个圈子;散步。adv.1.旋转,回转,团团转,循环往复,周而复始;兜着圈子。2.(在)周围,在附近;到处;在四方。3.走整整一圈;从头至尾;传遍;挨次。4.朝反方向;转过来。5.绕弯儿地,绕道,迂回。6.到某(指定)地点。短语和例子turn round 旋转,团团转。 three inches round 周围三英寸。 all the neighbours for a mile round 周围一英里以内的人们。 Glasses (went) round. 每人都给了一杯酒。 spread destruction round 向四面八方进行破坏。 all the country round 全国。 all round 周围,到处;四面八方。 all the year round 一年到头。 ask sb. round 邀人来家。 bring round 1. 使苏醒过来。 2. 说服过来。 3. 拿到…去 (to)。 come round (从某处)转来,兜回来;恢复(神志);复元;到来;来到 (Easter soon comes round again. 复活节很快又要来了)。 come round to sb.'s view 同意某人意见。 cut round [around] 〔俚语〕故意卖弄[显示]。 go a long way round 绕远路走,兜着圈子去。 go round 绕着走;迂回着走;运行;(食物等)人人分到 (enough food to go round 食品充足人人有份)。 hand round 传递给每一个人。 look round 往周围一看;回头看。 order a carriage round 叫马车过来。 right round 周围,到处;四面八方。 round about 成圆圈,在周围,在四面八方;绕着,迂回着;向相反方向;大约。 round and round= (加强语气的) round. show one round 带人到处游览。 sleep the clock round 连续睡一整天。 turn (short) round (忽然)转过身来。 win (sb.) round 把某人拉到[争取到]自己方面。在…的周围;在…的四面八方;在…各处;向…四周;围(绕)着…;绕过;在…的附近;(在时间方面)横贯过。 a tour round the world 环球旅行。 round the corner 在拐弯的地方。 the country round Beijing 北京近郊。 argue round and round a subject 只在问题表面兜圈子〔不深入问题核心〕。 get [come] round sb. 智胜某人;诱骗人。 go round the papers 报上普遍登载。 round the clock =the clock round 整天整夜;昼夜不停地。vt.1.弄圆,弄成圆形;使胀得圆圆的。2.完成,使圆满。3.环绕;(船)绕过(某处),迂回(某处);拐(弯);包围,围住;〔罕用语〕使旋转。4.骑马赶拢(畜群) (up)。5.【语音】发圆唇音。6.使成整数;【数学】把…四舍五入。短语和例子round in 【航海】(把索缆)拉上来。 round off 弄圆;完成,使成熟;使完美;使圆满;愉快地度过。 round on sb. 骂某人,说某人坏话,攻击某人;告某人的密,出卖某人。 round on one's heels 用脚后跟支住而转身,转过身来。 round out 1. 〔美国〕=round off. 2. 使胖得圆滚滚的。 round to 1. 【航海】使船掉头迎风停下。 2. 恢复健康[体力]。 round up 弄成圆球;使数目恰好;使成一个整数;赶拢,赶在一块儿;兜捕;逮捕。vi.1.变圆;弯曲。2.成熟,长饱满。3.巡视,巡逻;绕转,拐弯,回过头来。vi.,vt.〔古语〕低声讲,悄悄地说。 round sb. in the ear 对着某人耳朵悄悄地讲。&&&&对...露骨地讲, 老老实实跟...讲&&&&全面地, 圆雕的&&&&倒圆; 拉, 拉绳, 牵, 牵索; 收拢&&&&成长&&&&掉头顶风停下, 船掉头顶风停下; 开始迎风转向; 四舍五入&&&&(围绕着…)不息地旋转; 爱在旋转; 不停地转圈,一圈又一圈; 旋转不息地; ...&&&&转又转&&&&彷徨,彷徨,彷徨&&&&一圈一圈的走; 转圈圈&&&&连番喝采&&&&环行法&&&&环行耕作法&&&&花园里转圈圈儿; 围着花园转啊转&&&&圆锭圆棒挤压&&&&逐发射击精度
例句与用法There is a lot of flu going round at the moment .现在流感传染很广。The village clusters round the church .村子的房屋围绕在教堂的四周。The teacher gathered her pupils round her .老师把学生聚集在她周围。There is a wisteria twining round the big tree ..大树上缠绕着藤萝。The earth is round because of gravity .地球是由于重力而成为球形的。A man comes round regularly collecting scrap .有个男人定时来收废品。We were able to look round comfortably .我们可以自由自在地四处观光。He wagged his round red head .他摇了摇他那滚圆的,长着红发的脑袋。In hawaii there are flowers all the year round .夏威夷常年百花盛开。I've hung round and looked like an ass .我一直象傻瓜似的到处跟你转。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释having a circular shape同义词:, f "It rains all year round on Skye"; "frigid weather the year around"同义词:, , f "It rains all year round on Skye"; "frigid weather the year around"同义词:, , (mathematics) expressed to the nearest integer, ten, hundred, "in round numbers"(of sounds) "orotund tones"; "the rotund and reverberating phrase"; "pear-shaped vowels"同义词:, , , become round, plump, "The young woman is fleshing out"同义词:, ,
"round the edges"同义词:, , expre "round off the amount"同义词:, , , bring to a highly developed, finished, "polish your social manners"同义词:, , , , attack
"The editors of the left-leaning paper attacked the new House Speaker"同义词:, , , , , pronounce with rounded lips同义词:, ,
move alo "round the bend"the usual ac "the doctor made his rounds"同义词:, the activity of playing 18 "a round of golf takes about 4 hours"同义词:, (often plural) a series of professional calls (usually in a set order); "the doctor goes on his rounds first thing every morning"; "the postman''s rounds"; "we enjoyed our round of the local bars"any circular o "the machine punched out metal circles"同义词:, a charge of ammunition for a single shot同义词:, , a crosspiece between the legs of a chair同义词:, , an
"there was a round of applause"a partsong in which voic one voice starts and others join in one after another until all are singing different parts of the s "they enjoyed singing rounds"同义词:, a cut of beef between the rump and the lower lega serving to each of a group (usually alcoholic); "he ordered a second round"同义词:, a regular route for a "in the old days a policeman walked a beat and knew all his people by name"同义词:, the course along which c "the story is going the rounds in Washington"(sports) a division during which one team is on the offensive同义词:, , an interval during which a recurring seque "the never-ending cycle of the seasons"同义词:, ,
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