
花样huā yàng
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花样百出是什么意思 花样百出在线翻译 花样百出什么意思 花样百出的意思 花样百出的翻译 花样百出的解释 花样百出的发音
花样百出 双语例句1. 在今日的美利坚合众国,任何真诚地想要说明门``这个词的含义的人都不可能躲避到小木屋里去。近二十年来,用于关闭和打开的装置和结构花样百出,种类剧增。&&&&But one thing is certain: anyone who solemnly announces in the year 1962 that he will be guided in matter s of English usage by a dictionary published in 1934 is talking ignorant and pretentious nonsense.2. 2. 不要引人进入你的家庭,因为欺诈人的奸计,花样百出。&&&&Bring not every man into your house, for many are the snares of the crafty one3. 邱石被苏拉的清醇气质深深吸引,并倾情於她,从而开始了花样百出的追求。&&&&Shela, not disappointed, opens a women's bar of her own with the help of her former colleagues.4. 花样百出的翻译4. 你曾是我的快乐之源,花样百出&&&&You used to be a source of my fancy joys5. 我总有这样一种感觉,休伊特在比赛中善于花样百出。&&&&Q. It was pointed out that you've won 35 matches in a row on grass.6. 人的欲望是花样百出的。&&&&The desires of man are wonderfully various.7. 就像我们喝巧克力奶和热巧克力一样,玛雅人喝巧克力的方式也花样百出。&&&&Just as we drink chocolate milk and hot chocolate, they, too, drink chocolate in many forms.8. 许多杂志上的现代广告可谓花样百出。&&&&Many of the techniques of modern advertising were developed in magazine ads.9. 9. 他的鬼点子总是花样百出,没有他想不到的&&&&He's had all these ideas in his head like make you do as you wish.10. 每年的这个时候,也是农民工讨薪的时候,各种各样的讨薪办法花样百出。&&&&All registered residents of the city qualify for the free inoculation if they choose to receive it.11. 11. 更有甚者,尽管布朗对于自己施行的政府方案玩的花样百出并且有所放松,然而对他来说任然很难像他的前任者一样在进退两难的情况下还能大肆花费。&&&&&&What`s more, even though Mr Brown has played fast and loose with the rules for fiscal prudence he put in place, they nevertheless make it harder for him to spend as wildly as some of his predecessors did on finding themselves in a fix.12. 猴子也能让我们发笑,因为它们是花样百出的生灵。&&&&&&Well, monkeys make us smile, too, because they are creatures full of playful tricks.13. 实践中盗窃的花样百出,不同的盗窃对象,各色各样的盗窃手段。&&&&&&In the practice of theft, different pattern of theft object, a variety of theft means.14. 时装设计师要不停地推陈出新,力求花样百出。&&&&&&Fashion designers make every effort to show variety and create something new to attract attention.15. 15. 海洋之星新增鱼群剧情,丰富多彩,花样百出!&&&&&&Ocean Star New fish story, colorful, full of tricks!16. 16. 新增更多精彩鱼群剧情,花样百出更有意思!&&&&&&Add more exciting fish story, full of tricks is more interesting!<p class="p11查询·英语单词大全17. 他的电影中往往有着看似相悖的两种元素,即在内容上有着隐形的民族化、艺术性内核,在形式上又热衷于花样百出的世界化、商业化策略。&&&&&&The content has an adelomorphic nationalizati in the form, they are keen on a dazzling variety of the world and commercialization strategy.18. 18. 随着社会经济的发展,人或组织的权利与义务意识增强,同时这方面的纠纷矛盾造成的诉讼案件越来越多,而且案件种类更是花样百出。&&&&&&The sense of rights and obligation of human beings or organizations becomes stronger and stronger with the development of the society. Meanwhile, more and more contentious cases for these kinds of conflicts and disputes appeared with various types.花样百出是什么意思,花样百出在线翻译,花样百出什么意思,花样百出的意思,花样百出的翻译,花样百出的解释,花样百出的发音,花样百出的同义词,花样百出的反义词,花样百出的例句,花样百出的相关词组,花样百出意思是什么,花样百出怎么翻译,单词花样百出是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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