SyntaxError:unexpected EOF while eof怎么用parsing的翻译是:什么意思

compile() question: SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing | Python | Python
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compile() question: SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing
Post #1 of 3
compile() question: SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing
While examining the core of medusa's, we've encountered a situation that looks on the face of it like an undesirable limitation or inconsistency of the Python compiler.
(I fully expect to hear an explanation for why this is actually a Good Thing,
but we haven't figured it out ourselves yet.)
We expected the following two sequences to produce the same exception, but they do not.
&&& good = 'if 1:' &&& compile(good, '', 'exec') Traceback (most recent call last):
File "&stdin&", line 1, in ?
File "&string&", line 1
^ SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing &&& bad = 'if 1:\n
print 1\nelse:' &&& compile(bad, '', 'exec') Traceback (most recent call last):
File "&stdin&", line 1, in ?
File "&string&", line 3
^ IndentationError: expected an indented block
Medusa's uses the "unexpected EOF while parsing"
feature to infer that additional lines of text are going to be
entered by the user (to satisfy the expected indented block for
the "if").
This is how it knows when to deliver another "..."
prompt and when to cancel entry of data and deliver a real
Unfortunately this means when it or any code which tries to use the same technique encounters the beginning of the "else:" block, it terminates with the second exception.
(A workaround appears to be to precede everything with a dummy "if 1:" block, but I'm trying to learn why the
built-in compile() doesn't consistently produce the "unexpected EOF while parsing" message in the second case.)
---------------------- Peter Hansen, P.Eng. peter [at] engcorp
Post #2 of 3
compile() question: SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing
[Peter Hansen] & While examining the core of medusa's, we've encountered & a situation that looks on the face of it like an undesirable & limitation or inconsistency of the Python compiler.
(I fully expect & to hear an explanation for why this is actually a Good Thing, & but we haven't figured it out ourselves yet.)
Na, parser error msgs have a life of their own.
You can *try* to change one, but there's no guarantee it won't change back when you stop glaring at it &0.9 wink&.
& We expected the following two sequences to produce the same & exception, but they do not. & & &&& good = 'if 1:' & &&& compile(good, '', 'exec') & Traceback (most recent call last): &
File "&stdin&", line 1, in ? &
File "&string&", line 1 &
^ & SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing & &&& bad = 'if 1:\n
print 1\nelse:' & &&& compile(bad, '', 'exec') & Traceback (most recent call last): &
File "&stdin&", line 1, in ? &
File "&string&", line 3 &
^ & IndentationError: expected an indented block & & & Medusa's uses the "unexpected EOF while parsing" & feature to infer that additional lines of text are going to be & entered by the user (to satisfy the expected indented block for & the "if").
This is how it knows when to deliver another "..." & prompt and when to cancel entry of data and deliver a real & exception. & ...
Then it's not smart enough to handle Python code.
Code that is smart enough can be found in the std library module, and people simulating interpreter loops should use the higher-level facilities in the std Getting this right in all cases is tricky (read the code); you've only bumped into one subtlety so far.
BTW, when reading the code, keep this in mind:
&&& issubclass(IndentationError, SyntaxError) 1 &&&
Post #3 of 3
compile() question: SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing
Tim Peters wrote: &
& [Peter Hansen] & & Medusa's uses the "unexpected EOF while parsing" & & feature to infer that additional lines of text are going to be & & entered by the user (to satisfy the expected indented block for & & the "if").
& Then it's not smart enough to handle Python code.
Code that is smart enough & can be found in the std library module, and people simulating & interpreter loops should use the higher-level facilities in the std & Getting this right in all cases is tricky (read the code); you've only & bumped into one subtlety so far.
(That's a "good" damn :-)
This reminds me of the time I didn't have a handy-dandy 'cal' command at my DOS prompt.
I had an intuition that Python might help.
Without checking the docs, I tried "import calendar".
That worked.
"dir calendar" and a wild guess at "print calendar.calendar(2001)". I shouldn't be surprised at this kind of thing any more.
Isn't there *anything* not already done for us with Python?
(Thank you Tim, and may I say you have a charming and elegant last name? :)
---------------------- Peter Hansen, P.Eng. peter [at] engcorp
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