
sān tóu liù bì
联合式。英译用法吕岳在金眼驼上,现出~,大显神通。 ★明·许仲琳《封神演义》第五十九回来自宋·释道原《景德传灯录》卷十三:“三头六臂擎天地,忿怒那吒扑帝钟。”成语故事相关谜语人气511次好搜搜索百度搜索释义三个脑袋,六条胳臂。原为佛家语,指佛的法相。后比喻神奇的本领。例句    ①在佛教用语里;~是指佛的法相。    ②他就是长上~;也不能把这些问题全解决了。三头六臂的造句彭无望又怎样,我阵上兵强将勇,莫非他长了三头六臂,能杀到这儿来。假如今日,如果没有那么多人替我办事,我就算有三头六臂,也没有办法应付那么多的事情,所以成就事业最关键的是要有人能够帮助你,乐意跟你工作,这就是我的哲学。他们又最爱自创新招,四兄弟个个三头六臂,一心几用,奏乐同时又玩杂耍,我拨你的结他弦线,你按他的笛孔仍然合拍,又乐此不疲戏弄别人,总之绝无冷场,最紧要好玩!在佛教用语里,三头六臂是指佛的法相。即使敌人有三头六臂,我们也要和他们斗争到底。妈,他根本就有三头六臂嘛!他就是长上三头六臂,也不能把这些问题全解决了。纨绔者初出茅庐,不知所谓,便淹死在天武大陆这潭无尽深水之中;武道大能者神通广大,担山赶月、追星逐日、焚天煮海、法天象地、三头六臂……无所不能。一见倾心看到你;二话不说认定你;三头六臂讨好你;四海承风追求你;五脏六腑全是你;七步成章取悦你;八珍玉食滋养你;九九归一只为你!哪吒上阵后,变作三头六臂,手持六种兵器,朝大圣打来。本文来源:三头六臂相关分享:上一篇下一篇与 "三头六臂 " 相关的成语sāntóuliùbì第1个字是 三 的成语第2个字是 头 的成语第3个字是 六 的成语第4个字是 臂 的成语三头六臂的相关问答
与 三头六臂 相关的近反义词近义词:反义词:以上内容是否解决了你的问题:太复杂,看不懂不是我要的答案其他问题猜你喜欢相关词语相关近反义词相关歇后语相关诗词热门成语故事 1
2 &&风马牛不相及&常用来比喻毫不相... 3   【出处】好便宜!你倒会打如意算盘!十三个半月工... 4 春秋的时候,齐国有一位叫做孟尝君的人,他在家里养... 5
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三头六臂是什么意思 三头六臂在线翻译 三头六臂什么意思 三头六臂的意思 三头六臂的翻译 三头六臂的解释 三头六臂的发音
三头六臂 基本解释三头六臂[sān tóu liù bì]词典three heads and six arms:三头六臂。词典have three heads and six arms:三头六臂。词典:三头六臂。三头六臂 汉英大词典三头六臂[sān tóu liù bì](with) thre have three heads and six arms (like the deity of old, formed from a lotus, who had three heads and six arms); superhuman powers:  例:别说是女人当不来, 就是三头六臂的男人, 还撑不住呢。    No ordinary w no, not even a man with three heads and six arms!三头六臂 网络解释1. 三头六臂是什么意思1. three-headed monster with six arms:132.画饼充饥 somebody can satisfy his hunger on a cray... | 133.三头六臂 three-headed monster with six arms | 134.螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后 the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole lurki...2. 2. Three-headed and six-armed monster:Kill two birds with one stone. 一箭双雕. | Three-headed and six-armed monster. 三头六臂. | At sixes and sevens. 乱七八糟.3. superhuman powers:三三两两 by ones and twos | 三言两语 with just a few words | 三头六臂 superhuman powers4. superman:三番五次:over and over again | 三头六臂:superman | 三句话不离本行:talk shop all the time三头六臂 双语例句1. 为什么不装上三头六臂,让他们干更多的活?&&&&Why not give them four arms and settle the matter, and get more work out of them?2. 不过我现在在认真考虑我妈的建议,因为我发现自己并没有三头六臂。&&&&Well, now I`m thinking about my mom`s advice seriously because I realized that I`m so limited in time and ability.3. 我又不是三头六臂。&&&&Not enough to go around.4. 那么到底是男生的千手观音翻得对,还是女生的三头六臂更准确呢?&&&&When i am extremely busy i wish i could had three heads and six hands.5. 你知道象比大和他这样的人──他是一个三头六臂的猛兽,到处施用他的毒手。&&&&You know Beda and such as he--he is a thousand-headed monster, darting venom on every side.6. 6. 他们的对手是三头六臂的妖怪。&&&&They were fighting a hydraheaded monster.7. 我不可能有三头六臂,但我很想帮助那些需要帮助的人。&&&&Topsail is a famous boat, It has sailed across the Atlantic many times.8. 那学期我修五科加一课实验,纵有三头六臂也难应付。&&&&Certainly my wife and my child needed to be taken care of.9. 记得从前,科学课是我们探究的时刻,看着一个个奇妙的实验,我们心生快乐,但现在,那些个打着星号和三角的重点题型搞得我们晕头转向,我这才深刻体会到,脑子的用处,我们一个个恨不得长出三头六臂,有着哪吒那样的本事,来对要求背的知识应付自如。&&&&I remember the past, science lessons are we explore the moment, looking at one a wonderful experiment, we may feel happy, but now the name of those asterisks and a triangular kinds of questions the focus of putting us off our confused and disoriented, this way, I have realized that the, the usefulness of the brain, we have a month wait for them to grow superhuman powers, has us kind of ability to cope with the knowledge of the request back comfortable.10. 纵使我有三头六臂,这个问题我也没办法解决。&&&&Even if I got Superman powers, such a problem is beyond me.11. 比如:一琴一鹤、二三其德、四亭八当、五光十色、三头六臂、七上八下、九死一生、十羊九牧、百发百中、千金一掷、万岁千秋,等等。&&&&&&For example: 1-Qin Yi-he, 23 of its German, 4 Pavilion 8 when, colorful, superhuman powers, perturbed, Nine Lives, 10 sheep, nine animal husbandry, crack shot, daughter spend as much, long live the future generations, and so on.12. 道森饰的姑娘搅局,特拉维斯和贝克同时爱上了她,而此时,当地的土霸王海切也得知了神秘宝藏的消息,海切自视为这块蛮荒之地的统治者,他当然不会坐视宝藏白白落入两个外来者之手,贝克就是长了三头六臂恐怕也没法把所有这些麻烦一一摆平&&&&&&Dawson decoration the girl bothers, Travis and Baker has simultaneously fallen in love with her, but this time, local local tyrant Wang Hai cut had also known the mystical buried treasure's news, the sea cut considered oneself as place's of for this barbarian uncultivated land ruler, he will certainly not look on perhaps the buried treasure fell into hands of the two outcomer, Baker is in vain superhuman also has had no way all these to be troublesome steadily 11 levels13. 别说是女人当不来,就是三头六臂的男人,还撑不住呢。&&&&&&No ordinary w no, not even a man with three heads and six arms!14. 你一定是三头六臂那么厉害。&&&&&&That you would be something.15. 全是三头六臂,比人家多个心,心里多几个窍,肠子都打结的。&&&&&&All of you are three-headed, six-armed, and have an extra heart with a few more openings and an intestine all tied in knots.三头六臂是什么意思,三头六臂在线翻译,三头六臂什么意思,三头六臂的意思,三头六臂的翻译,三头六臂的解释,三头六臂的发音,三头六臂的同义词,三头六臂的反义词,三头六臂的例句,三头六臂的相关词组,三头六臂意思是什么,三头六臂怎么翻译,单词三头六臂是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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