
6/7 = 0.86...根据观察第1000位的数字是1
ic strip and welcome to the unit学习目标&知识目标&掌握本课时的重点词汇。&能力目标&能辨别颜色并向朋友介绍彩虹的颜色。 &情感目标& 通过学习有关颜色的词汇,更加热爱绚丽多彩的世界。学习重点& 理解描述颜色的词汇。学习难点& 正确运用描述颜色的词汇。课前自学一、用颜色描绘这些空格,使句意完整。1.You can’t cross the road until the traffic light turns g________.2.Look at the b_______sky and the w________clouds! What a fine day!3.I like the p________flower called forget-me-not.4.What’s wrong with him? His face is turning w_______.5.Many people like b______coffee without any sugar or milk in it. 彩虹很美,那么你还记得它有哪几种颜色吗?请写下来:______________&&&&&&&&&& 二、完成下列短语1. 想要做某事________________&&&&&&&&&&& 2..宁愿__________________3. 穿在某人身上很好看________________&&& 4.天上的彩虹___&&&&&&&& 5一件粉红色的女式外套______&&&&&&&&&&&& 6.蓝天__________________三、列出所学过的颜色的单词。说说周围有那些东西是有颜色的?它们是什么颜色的?四、.说说自己所喜欢的颜色,并想一想颜色跟心情有没有联系。五、.自主做一些带有颜色的卡片。六、.根据对话找出问题的答案&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& (1) Which colour does Eddie want to wear ?(2)What is Hobo’s idea about wearing pink ?(3)What is Hobo’s idea about Eddie’s wearing blue ?& 课堂交流展示1.&自主交流展示预习一和二的答案。(教师给予评价)2.&教师向学生出示两张图片(黑白和彩色各一张),问学生它们之间有什么不同。学生分组讨论。(得出答案:one is black and white, another is colorful )教师问:Which picture do you like better ?&&&&&& 师:I like the colourful one better than the black and white one .&&&&&&& =I would rather choose the colourful one than the black and white one .宁可……也不。鼓励学生学着表达自己的爱好。(尽量用上would rather……than )并把自己的答案说给同伴听。3.出示另一张图片:What is this in the sky ? It is a rainbow (彩虹 )师出示问题:1). Have you ever seen a rainbow ?When can we see a rainbow in the sky ?2).How mang colours are there in a rainbow ?What are they ?&学生分组讨论,后与邻组进行核对答案,看谁说的最好。4.核对A部分的练习。让能力强的同学向能力一般的同学解释 indigo 与 violet 的区别。5.让学生分角色朗读B部分的的对话,并进行扮演。提醒学生按照正确的顺序说出彩虹的颜色名称。6.让学生拿出课前准备好的彩色卡片,一问一答,准确的描述颜色,看哪组表现最棒。7.已经学过很多颜色并知道自己喜欢的颜色,Eddie和 Hobo 也在谈论颜色,8.根据课前预习,请听听它们在谈论些什么。完整的播放录音后问。(1) Which colour does Eddie want to wear ?(2)What is Hobo’s idea about wearing pink ?(3)What is Hobo’s idea about Eddie’s wearing blue ?同组内讨论答案。每组有代表公布答案。1.He would rather wear blue than pink.& (它宁愿穿蓝色也不穿粉红色)2.There is nothing wrong with pink .(粉红色没有什么问题)3.He thinks blue looks good on Eddie . (它认为爱迪穿蓝色好看)9. 再放录音让学生跟读,注意文中所用的语音语调。围绕文章自己编写一个小对话在班级进行表演。& 课堂达标检测一、 英汉互译(14)1. colours of the rainbow&&&&&&&&&&&& 2. nothing wrong&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 3. would rather wear blue than pink&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 4. 天空中的一道彩虹&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 5. 穿在你身上看起来很好&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 6. 当然&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 7. 往窗外看&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 二、根据对话完成下列文章。(12)Eddie wants to ____ clothes. Hobo brings him two clothes, one is ____, the other is ____. Eddie thinks he _____ ______ wear ____ than ____ because ____ is girl’s colour. Hobo ays there is ______ wrong ____ pink and helps Eddie put on a blue ____. Eddie feels shamebut Hobo says blue _____ good __ him.三、翻译下列句子。(8)1.与外出相比我宁愿看电视 2.与待在家相比我宁愿去购物3.这个人的左腿有问题4.这件毛衣穿在你身上看起来很美 课& 题&9A unit2 color Reading (1)学习目标&知识目标&掌握文中四会词汇以及描述颜色的短语和句型&能力目标&了解不同颜色以及所代表的心情&情感目标&通过了解颜色对心情的影响,在生活中学会适当用颜色来调节心情学习重点& 通过阅读,了解不同颜色对情绪产生的不同影响。学习难点& 1.将颜色与性格准确的搭配起来。& 2.准确表达出文章的大意。课前自学一、&我们的世界充满着颜色,说说你最喜欢什么颜色?你知道关于它的趣事吗,试着讲一讲?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 二、&找出本课时重要的语言知识点(生词、短语、句型和语法),边读边画线并查词典和有关资料解释其意义及用法,举例句或例题说明。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 三、阅读文章,试着从文中找出问题的答案。。1)How many kinds of colours are mentioned in the text? What are they?2) What colour represents sadness?3) What moods can both blue and white create?4) What colours do people live in cold areas prefer to use in their homes? Why?5) Should people who wish to have a sunny mood often use yellow?6) Does green represent different characteristics? What are they?四、阅读文章,判断以下句子正确与否,正确的打(F)错误的打(T)1) Different colours may represent characteristics.(&&& )2) Blue is a calm colour. It can creat the feeling of joy. (&& )3)White will make you feel stressed. (&& )4) Orange and yellow are warm colours. (&& )5)If you feel tired or weak, you should wear green. (&& )6)Red represe it can help you take actions. (&& )五、理解并概括每段文章的大意。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& & 课堂交流展示1..自由谈论关于自己喜欢的颜色,并说说原因。(小组交流)2.对课前自学中的重要的语言知识点(单词、短语、句型和语法)在组内和班内展示并讨论,教师对表现较好进行表扬。3.让学生回忆前一节课学习的彩虹的颜色。(小组提问形式)4.告诉学生不同的颜色代表不同的心情,并出示一些图片(风景图),问当你看到这些图片时有什么样的感受。鼓励学生尽自己最大的能力去表达自己的观点。听一遍录音让学生讨论预习问题的答案:How many kinds of colours are mentioned in the text? What are they?Four kinds(calm, warm, energetic and strong colours)5.阅读文章,然后分组回答预习题第二大题的问题。(比赛的形式看哪组回答最好)1.) What colour represents sadness?2) What moods can both blue and white create?3) What colours do people live in cold areas prefer to use in their homes? Why?4) Should people who wish to have a sunny mood often use yellow?5) Does green represent different characteristics? What are they?6. 组内核对预习第三项判断题的答案。有不同意见的提出来全班进行讨论。7.再次阅读文章后完成28页B2部分练习,对于能力较差的学生由组长负责讲解。8.把学生分成几组,每组选择一个颜色进行讨论然后站到讲台前面进行描述。看哪组表现最好。课堂达标检测一、根据句意和所给的中文写出句中所缺的词(5分)1. The report explains what colours can do and the&&&&&&&&&& (特征) they&&&&&&& (代表).&2. Have you ever walked into a room and felt&&&&&&&&&&&& (放松).&3. It could be because the walls were&&&&&&&&&&&& (涂) blur, a calm and peaceful colour.&4. Shakespeare&&&&&&&&&&& (创造) many comic characters.二、词形变化(5分)1. The little girl looked&&&&&&&&&&&& (happy) at herself in the mirror.&2. Green represents new life and&&&&&&&&&&& (grow).&3. Jack prefers running to&&&&&&&&&&&&& (swim).&4. We had no&&&&&&&&&&&& (difficult)&&&&&&&&&&&&& (find) the robber.&5. After he heard the bad news, we could see the&&&&&&&&&&&& (happy) on his face.二、选用所给词组的适当形式填空(5分)look good on sb,& make sb feel,& cheer sb up,& take action,have difficulty doing sth,& hold on,& calm down&1. I’ll colour it orange&&&&&&&&&&&& . You will be happier.&2. Can you help me? I am&&&&&&&&&&&&& homework.&3.. You have&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& first when you are caught in a big fire.&4. I think this dress&&&&&&&&&&&& you than that one.&5. Green always&&&&&&&&&&&& me&&&&&&&&&&&& energetic.三、完成书中28页B1部分的练习,核对答案。教师对各组进行打分。& 课& 题&9A unit2 color Reading (2)学习目标&知识目标&掌握文中的语言点 &能力目标&能够准确的运用语言点&情感目标&了解颜色对心情的影响,能够保持一种乐观的态度。学习重点& 掌握一些重要的语言知识学习难点& 能够准确的掌握与运用语言知识课前自学1.&翻译下列短语。&&&& 1.make us feel happy or sad&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 2. cheer you up&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&& 3.be good for our mind and body&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 4.study for exams&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&& 5.have difficulty making a decision&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 6.in a deep sleep&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&& 7.affect our moods&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 8.change our moods&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&& 9.on their wedding day&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 10.people living in cold climates&&&&&&&&&&&&& 2.为课堂准备一些彩色卡片。3.把文中的知识点写在本子或纸上并查阅资料了解它们的用法。4.仔细的读两遍文章找出文中不理解的句型及语言点.5. 仔细阅读文章完成表格内容。(有不会的部分可以留到课堂进行讨论)& moodscolours&calm colours&Blue is good for the ______ and body. And it represents ________.White is the colour of _______.You should wear white when you feel _________.warm colours&These colours give you a happy and ________feeling. Orange represents ______. It can bring you _________ and _____ you up.Yellow can remind you a ______, _____ day. It is also the colour of ______.energetic colours&Green can give you _________ because it represents ______________ and ________.新-课-标-第-一-网&It is also the colour of ______ and the colour of money and _______.strong colours&Red represents ______ and it is the colour of ______ and _____ feeling.6.谈谈颜色对自己心情的影响实践运用。1. Lucy is studying for exams. Her motheris choosing stationery for her. What color of stationery will Lucy prefer, yellow or pink?2 .Sandy is sad. What color of dress should she wear?3 .Tom is going to propose(求婚) to Lily. && What color of jacket should he wear ?& 课堂交流展示1.&小组展示短语翻译。(教师给予评价)2.&用课前准备好的卡片进行抽签,抽完后准备两分钟,描述卡片颜色所代表的意义。教师可以进行提示,比如:(1).which group does this colour belong to ,calm colours ,warm colours,energetic colours or&strong colours ?(2).what does this colour represent ?(3).what’s your favourite colour ?why ? 学生可以从问题的方向进行描述。其余同学帮助订正。4.学生拿出事先准备好的纸条,从纸条中说出知识点后让邻组起来解释。看哪组解释的最好。5. 展示预习题的表格部分答案。(每组完成一个并在邻组间进行讨论。)6.让一个学生把文章读一遍,其余同学画出不理解的,在同组之间先进行讨论,邻组进行比较,最后由老师进行订正。.采访式地对颜色的相关问题进行提问。(编写小对话尽量用文章的知识点).阅读并记忆黑板上呈现的知识点7.完成书上C1和 C2 部分的练习 ,全班进行核对答案后通读两遍。8. 谈谈颜色对自己心情的影响。(实践运用)9.总结本课时的内容。课堂达标检测一、 Millie 正在告诉她的笔友颜色与心情的关系,请帮助她完成这封emial 。(9)Dear Raymond:Did you know that colours can affect our ________? Did you know what the different&colours _________? For example, ________ can help you feel relaxed. However, it can also mean ________. I prefer warm colours such as orange. Orange can bring you ________ and _______ if you are sad.Do you like green? Green can give you _______; it also represents ______. _______ can help you when you are having difficulty making a decision.What is your favourite colour? Write back soon.Yours Millie二、完成下列句子。(11)1.当你觉得忧伤时,橙色能带给你成功,使你兴奋。&& Orange can ______________ and ________________ when you feel sad.2. 我们生活在一个充满颜色的世界里,颜色可以影响我们的情绪。&& We live in a world____________________ and colours can_______________.3.当你感觉有压力时,你应该穿白色衣服。You should wear&&&&&&&& if you are&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& .4. 这些照片使我想起了我的儿童时代。&& These old photos ________________________ my childhood.5. 我有它的地址,所以找到他的家没有遇到任何困难。&& I had his address,so I did not have any&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& his hourse .课& 题&9A unit2 color Vocaburay 学习目标&知识目标&理解什么是同义词&能力目标&学习和掌握一些新词:Satisfied& influence& realize& require& unhappiness& 和它们的同义词&情感目标&学习重点& 掌握一些形容词的同义词。学习难点& 能够准确的运用形容词的同义词。课前自学6.&复习Reading 部分的相关内容,用自己的话来描述每种颜色并说明他们所代表的意义。7.&写出以前所学过的同义词,看谁写的又多又好。(可以借助词典) 如:unhappy 与 sad8.&把下列句子变成它的同义句。&1.)He is very kind to us all. (同义句)He is very ______ to us all . 2.)Thank you for asking me to your birthday party.( 同义句)Thank you for ______ me to your birthday party. 4.把A栏与B栏中意思相同的用线进行连接。A&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B&&& &&& big&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& quick&&& small&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& cheerful&&&& fast&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& inexpensive&&& happy&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& rarely&&& seldom&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& large&&& cheap&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& little&&& wrong&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& incorrect&&& calm&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& faultmistake&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& relaxed& 课堂交流展示1. 检查阅读部分的内容(小组之间进行比赛,看哪组复习的最好,教师给予适当的奖励。)2. 把预习中的同义词写在本组的小黑板上,邻组之间相互订正,看哪组写的多。3.让学生写出预习题中同意句的答案。& (1 .good / 2. inviting .&& “kind /good /friendly”的意思相近; “ask/invite意思相近 。也就是说它们是同义词。)3.核对预习四的答案。对于能力较强的学生可以直接把同义词默写在黑板上。4.游戏。把全班分成四组,第一组的学生说出一个单词,第二组的学生说出它的同义词,说的越多越好,如果说不出来就是失败。最后由老师公布获胜组,并给予一定奖励。5.解释书中30页A部分内容,并让学生完成A部分的单词。找一个学生朗读答案,其余学生帮助订正答案以及读音。6.师生合作完成B部分的练习。学生先完成答案。老师读一个单词,学生读出它的同义词,注意正确的读音。7.学生回忆并总结本课学习的同义词。课堂达标检测一、 写出下列词的同义词。(12)1. mood ___________&&&&& 2. characteristics ___________&&&&& 3. wish ___________4. know ___________&&&&& 5. influence ______________&&&&&& 6. need ____________7. sadness __________&&&& 8. happiness _____________&&&&&&& 9. calm ___________10. energetic __________&& 11. contented ___________&&&&&&&& 12. strong _________二、根据所给词的适当形式填空(8)1.If you were born on 21st, October, you like to be a& ________ (power) person.2. John looks _______& (happy), because he couldn’t pass the exam.3. Jim is ________ (energy) and active. He often takes part in activities.4. I often share my _________ (happy) and sadness with my sister.5. Are you _______ (satisfy) with his performance last Sunday?6. Yellow is the colour of ________(wise). Some people like ________(use) it when they study for exams.7. Wearing red can help when you are having difficulty ________(make) a __________(decide).三、 找出与划线词意思相似的单词(4)1. Jim’s father was ill in hospital. He looks sad.& A. unhappy&&&&&&&&&& B. unusual&&&&&&&&&&& C. impolite2.I like the light colour because it can make me relaxed.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& A. stressed&&&&&&&&&& B. excited&&&&&&&&&&&& C. calm3.Air pollution can affect people’s health.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& A. effect&&&&&&&&&&&& B. influence&&&&&&&&&& C. make4. If you need help, please call me at any time.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& A. have&&&&&&&&&&&& B. solve&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. require&课& 题&9A unit2 color GrammarA&B学习目标&知识目标&学习‘would rather …than …和’prefer … to …的用法。&能力目标&用‘would rather …than …和’prefer … to …来表达个人的喜好。&情感目标&通过学习能够更多的了解自己和别人。学习重点& 学习‘would rather …than …和’prefer … to …的用法学习难点& 流利地用‘would rather …than …和’prefer … to …来表达个人的喜好。课前自学1.复习词汇部分的同义词。2.搞懂‘would rather …than …和’prefer … to …的用法以及它们的区别,并举例说明。3.谈谈自己的爱好,试着用英语表达出来,看看有几种表达方式。如:a. go skating / go swimmingb.buy books / buy clothesc.eat Chinese food / eat Western foodd.walk to the mall / take the buse.go to the cinema / watch TVf.wear jeans / wear formal clothes4.根据预习内容,试着完成书后习题。& 课堂交流展示1. 比赛默写同义词,评出优胜组。2.呈现一些图片,让他们进行选择并问“which one would you like to buy?”学生自由讨论。告诉学生我们可以用“ would rather…than”的结构来谈论个人的偏好,即与别的东西相比我们更喜欢某物。比如:(1)I would rather sing than dance .&&&& (2)I would rather wear trousers than a skirt .3.提醒学生:我们可以在than 后面用不定代词或者名词;当我们要表示“喜欢做某事时”可以用would rather如:I would rather stay at home .当我们给朋友写信或与它们交谈时,可以用缩略形式:I’rather …’ 4. 核对预习题3答案。每组将自己的答案写在黑板上,其余同学帮助修改。1. go skating / go swimming2.&buy books / buy clothes3.&eat Chinese food / eat Western food4.&walk to the mall / take the bus5.&go to the cinema / watch TV6.&wear jeans / wear formal clothes5.解释书31页A :Amy and Millie are chatting on the Internet. They want to go shopping&tomorrow and are trying to decide where to go. They are talking about where they like to shop and what they want to eat for lunch.6.小组合作正确地完成书上31页练习,两人一组阅读对话,相互纠正读音。7.学生自主完成‘work out the rule’部分的填空。8.告诉学生我们也可以用‘prefer… to …’的结构来谈论我们喜欢的事物,给学生一些例子来解释一下。e.g. Jimmy prefers chocolate to ice cream.&Jimmy prefers bananas to apples.Kate prefers singing to dancing.告诉学生使用这种结构时,前面是你喜欢的东西。在prefer… to …后面,既可以用名词,也可以用动名词。当我们只表示“愿意做某事”时,可以用prefer 加上动词不定式。.9.学生完成32页 B 部分的练习,小组核对答案,阅读答案。10.活动。让各组之间用所给的例子进行对话。&& e.g& A: Simon, do you prefer bananas or mangoes?B: I prefer mangoes to bananas.11.总结本课重点知识。课堂达标检测一、 选择合适的词填空(8)1. I _____ (would/could) rather go swimming than _____ (to go/go) shopping.2. I’d rather ___ (eat/to eat) Chinese food ____ (to/than) Japanese food.3. Many men prefer blue __ (than/to) red.4. I prefer _______ (listening/to listen) to music to playing computer games.5. Bob prefers _______ (to send/ sending) e-mails to ______ (write/ writing) letters.二、 选择题(10)1. He would rather ______in Sunshine Town than _______in Moonlight Town..A. shop&&&&&&&&&& B. to shop& C. to shop&&&&&&&& D. shop2. He _______apples ________oranges in the past.& A. prefers…for&& B. preferred...than& C. preferred...to&& D. prefered…to3. She prefers________ to ________after supper.& A. walk…run&&& B. walking…running& C. to walk…run& D. walking…run4. I would rather wear a T-shirt ______a shirt.& A. to&&&&&&&&&& B. as&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. for&&&&&&&&& D. than5. He would rather _________to school than _______________________.& A. take a bus&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. by bus&& C. takes a bike&&&&&&&&&&& D. to take a bus三、用 ‘prefer’ 或者‘would rather’进行填空。.9Most Grade 9 students _______(prefer, would rather) skating to bowling. However, Grade 7 students _________(prefer, would rather) go bowling than skating. The survey also showed that students from Beijing _________(prefer, would rather) go shopping at the& weekend than on weekdays. Half of the students said they _________(prefer, would rather) Chinese food to Western food. The girls ____________(prefer, would rather) go to the cinema than watch TV, but the boys _______(prefer, would rather) watch TV than go to the cinema. Most students ________(prefer, would rather) listening to pop songs to singing& karaoke. Theyalso _________(prefer, would rather) wearing jeans to formal clothes.All students _________(prefer, would rather) taking the bus to walking.
e to the Unit & Vocabulary学习目标&知识目标&&能掌握并使用四会词汇:a TV superstar, Do you know who I am?/why don’t you stop daydreaming?/You should be realistic& cowboy.&能了解电影拍摄时的有关术语, e.g., stand by, action, take two &good take。&会使用should等词语来提出自己的建议。&能知道并使用各种类型的电影的词汇。&能力目标&&能通过图片中情境猜测导演拍摄电影时的专业用语的意思。&能谈论电影事业的不同职务(actor, actress, director等),并能通过上网等途径查找更多的电影职业培养学生自学的策略。&能通过英文解释猜测词汇意思。&能通过交流培养听说能力。&情感目标&增强对电影事业的了解和关注。学习重点&了解电影拍摄时的有关术语。能运用should,why don’t you…?等词语来提出建议。能知道并使用各种类型的电影的词汇。学习难点&运用should,why don’t you…?等词语来提出建议。用英语交流电影行业的不同职业和不同类型的电影。课前自学一、&借助音标预习单词的读音,并发现积累元音字母在单词中的发音规律;了解单词的汉语意思。二、&预习漫画,找出以下问题的答案:Who does Eddie think he is?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Does Hobo think so?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& What is Hobo’s advice?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 尝试翻译对话意思。三、&预习Comic strip对话,找出对应英语内容。A.&停止做白日梦&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &你知道他是谁吗?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &你为什么不更现实点了?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.& 假设你是导演,你能拍摄的电影类型有哪些?(英文单词)&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C.& 你在导拍电影时常用的英文术语有哪些?&预备 !&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &开始!&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &再来一次!&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &很好的镜头!&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 四、&A.通过询问同学、查词典、网络搜索或其他方法尽可能多地知道电影事业的不同职务的英文称呼,并了解其负责的具体工作。如表:汉语称呼&导演&&&&英文称呼&director&Actor/actress&cameraman&producer&scriptwriter汉语称呼&&&&&英文称呼&Make-up artist&Lighting manager&Set designer&Costume designer&Props manager汉语称呼&&&&&英文称呼&Sound mixer&stuntman&Film editor&Publicity manager&B. 通过询问同学、查词典、网络搜索或其他方法尽可能多地了解不同电影类型的汉语及对应的英文说法。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 五、&借助预习作业四,模仿课本P81编对话,将电影类型词汇用来丰富其对话内容。Sample:A:&& Would you like to be a director/an director/a costume designer…?B:&& Yes, I’d love to. What about you?/ No, I’d like to be a/an…A:&& Why?B:&& Because…, what about you?A:&& What kind of film would you like to film?B:&& I like filming romantic films/action films/…A:&& Why?B:&& Because…, what about you?&课堂交流展示一.&展示交流单词预习成果。单词读音,元音字母发音特点。二.&1.PPT展示Hollywood图片,引入films的话题。2.PPT展示一些国内外著名导演、演员图片或视频,初步引入本单元的话题任务:谈论电影演员。三.1.学习、展示电影类型的词汇。(预习作业三B)多媒体展示所谈到导演导拍和演员参演的电影画面或视频片段,组内讨论电影的不同类型的词汇。班内展示电影的类型的词汇。独立完成Vocabulary B部分练习,组内核对,班内展示答案。2.组员讨论Vocabulary A 部分,通过英文释义猜测电影类型的词汇。班内展示核对答案。3.组内展示、讨论其他(预习的课外)电影类型的英文说法。(预习作业四B)班内展示其他(课本外)电影类型的英文说法。&&& 4.猜谜游戏:一组代表用英文解释不同类型的电影,其他所有组竞猜电影类型的词汇。由此方式各组以接龙方式进行。两轮后比较成绩。四.组员之间对话,谈论彼此喜欢的电影类型并述其理由。班内组间展示对话。五.1.To play a lead role of a film may make you become a superstar.2.学习Comic strip 的对话,展示预习作业二和三的A 部分。六、&To play a lead role of a film directed by a famous director can make you be a superstar easier. So if you want to be a famous actor or an actress, you may listen to or learn from a famous director.反馈预习作业中的三C的翻译。阅读巩固。完成P81 A实践运用:以Comic strip内容为表演题材模拟拍摄现场,渗透导演专业用语。七、&展示,反馈预习作业四。学习P81 B对话。分组展示课前查找出的电影职业的英文称呼。师生演绎P81B部分的对话。分组展示课前准备的对话。班内展示表演对话,加入电影类型词汇的对话内容。八、&采访组员,完成调查。利用本节课的对话下位置自由交流,记录同学的愿望填入表格。Name&would like to be a/an&Because &What kind of film would you like to film?&because&&&&&&&&&&&&九.课后作业:将上面表格内容编写成一篇短文(80词),介绍班上同学对电影的愿望。下一节课开始时,展示部分优秀作文。&课堂达标检测一.根据句意和提示写单词。1.&Many students want to be TV&&&&&&&&&&&&& (超级明星)when they grow up.2.&Why don’t you stop&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& (做白日梦)?You should be realistic.3.&Anny would rather be a director than an&&&&&&&&&&&&&& (女演员)。4.&I can’t find my pen, so I use my pencil i&&&&&&&&&&&&& .5.&How l&&&&&&&&& you are ! You didn’t hurt yourself at all in the accident.6.&Murder in a Country House is a film. It’s a ______ ________(恐怖片)with new actors.7.&The film usually makes people ________ ________(感到害怕)8.&John and Rose is a ________ _________ _________(美丽的爱情故事) 9.&关于将来的想象故事_________________________________10.&科幻片_____________________二.用正确形式填空。1.&You are so&&&&&&&&& (luck) that you can pas the exam.2.&Why don’t you&&&&&&&&& (paint) the wall white?3.&She’d rather&&&&&&&&&& (is) an actress.4.&You should&&&&&&&&&& (listen)to your teacher carefully in the class.What about&&&&&&&&& (go) to see a film?三.同义句转换。1.&Would you like to be an actress?Do you&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& an actress?2.&Why don’t you stop daydreaming?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Stop daydreaming?3.&We don’t have English lessons on Friday, but we have Maths lesson.We have Maths lesson&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& English lesson on Friday.4.&When he was 16 years old, he went to college.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ,he went to college.&学习感悟:
e to the unit学习目标&知识目标&1、掌握cruel、medium height等单词与词组及句型:My food has gone missing.2、了解罪行的线索。&能力目标&1、阅读关于四个嫌疑犯的笔记,判断谁最有可能是罪犯。2、画一幅嫌疑犯的画像,描述画像。&情感目标&通过师生、生生合作探究,体验合作的愉悦,增强乐于合作的意识。学习重点&1、能运用所学词汇和句型进行比较顺畅的交谈并能表明自己的观点。2、阅读关于四个嫌疑犯的笔记,判断谁最有可能是罪犯。学习难点&画一幅嫌疑犯的画像,描述画像。课前自学一、用正确的语音语调流利的朗读Comic strip三遍,回答问题。1. Is Eddie looking for a murderer?2. Why is Eddie dressed like that?二、用正确的语音语调流利的朗读Welcome to the unit,回答下例问题。1. Where did the murder happen?2. Who was murdered?3. When did it happen?4. Who murdered the young man?三、翻译下列词组。1、打扮成&&&&&&&&&&&&& 2、寻找&&&&&&&&&&&&& 3、发生在一个城镇4、失踪,丢失的&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 5、作关于……笔记6、因……被通缉&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 7、中等身材8、做些重要的工作&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 9、更加严重得多10、查出&&&&&&&&&&&&& 11、不得不&&&&&&&&&&& 12、看侦探故事&&&&&& 13、在上星期六夜里&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 14、最可能&课堂交流展示一、&小组分角色朗读并表演Comic strip部分对话,根据自己的想象添加内容。二、&学习Comic strip对话内容,完成短文。One day, Eddie was d_______ like a detective. He was d_____ some important w______. Hobo didn’t k_____ what he was l______ for. When& Eddie said his food had gone m_______. Hobo was ________.三、&学习Welcome to the unit, 自己画出图片,展示各自的判断并说明理由。(一个学生扮演侦探,一组内其他同学扮演“嫌疑犯”)四、&根据Welcome to the unit 内容,完成对话并小组合作编写新的对话,组间竞赛展示。A:Who do you think may be the murderer?B: I think Jimmy White is (1)m______ likely to be the murderer.A: Why?B: (2)B__________ he is tall and strong. He is good at fighting perhaps.A: I don’t think he’s the murderer. He’s always (3)h___________.B: Then (4)w______ else do you think is the murderer?& A: I think Frank Johnson is the murderer because he is nervous and (5)c______.五、&讨论:What will I do if there is a crime?&课堂达标检测一、选出与画线部分有相同或相近含义的选项。1. My purse is missing. would you help me find it?&& A. lost&& B. missed&& C. losing&& D. loss2. This problem is much more serious than that one.&& A. many&& B. far&& C. very&& D. quite&& 3. What’s the man’s occupation? Do you know?&& A. job& B. age&& C. working&& D. action4. The old woman was at home alone. She didn’t feel lonely.&& A. lonely& B. along&&& C. by herself& D. by themselves5. The reward of ¥10,000 is very high. You can buy an expensive car.&& A. good&& B. useful& C. dear&& D. cheap二、根据要求完成句子,每空词数不定。1. He has to do much homework every day.(否定句)& He __________ do much homework every day.2. Last year he was a salesman(提问)____________he last year?3. They have to find out. Who is the murder.(合并一句)& They have to find out_____________________三、根据汉语提示完成句子。1. ---What is your father doing?& ---He’s ____________________________________(做一些很重要的工作).2. --- What does Eddie think is much more serious?& ---He finds his food _____________________________(已经没有了).3. Eddie ___________________(像那样穿) because he wants to be a detective.4. I’m a detective, I need to _________________________(记关于他们所有人的笔记)& 5. ---What was Emily Smith doing at 8 p.m. last Sunday night?& ---She______________________________________(在餐馆工作).&学习反思:课题&9A& Unit6&& Reading(1)学习目标&知识目标&1、&掌握四会单词与整理重要词组 2、&学习一篇关于谋杀案的新闻报道&能力目标&1、&掌握阅读技巧,形成阅读策略能理解新闻报道中的长句子&情感目标&热爱生活,热爱生命,关爱他人。学习重点&1、&掌握重要词组,理解新闻报道中的长句子2、&养成阅读技巧,形成阅读策略学习难点&理解新闻报道中的长句子课前自学一、阅读课本,回答问题:a)&Who was murdered last night?b)&Where was the body of the young man found?c)&Was there any blood?二、阅读课本Reading 部分,按前后顺序重新排列。____________a.&The victim died.b.&The victim’s parents offered a reward for information.c.&The victim struggled with the attacker.d.&The victim left his office in New Town.e.&The police checked the scene for clues.f.&The body was found in the doorway of a clothes shop.g.&The victim was charged with computer crimes.三、划出重要的语言知识点(单词、短语、句型和语法),查词典和有关资料解释其意义及用法,尝试举例句。四、翻译下列词组1.一个二十二岁的男人&&&&&&&&&&&& 2.被看见离开他办公室3.在案发现场&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 4.其它的某地5.和某人联系&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 6. 受到某人的来信7.用刀袭击某人&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 8. 流血而死9.进行奋力搏斗&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 10.犯……罪11.被指控闯入&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 12.使他树敌13.衬衫上带血&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 14.提供酬金&课堂交流展示一、课前自学中划出的重要的语言知识点(单词、短语、句型和语法)在组内交流讨论。二、全班展示课本第102页B1和B2 部分练习。三、听教师解释背景知识,形成阅读文章的语境,学习体会阅读策略。四、完成分步阅读任务,各组阅读竞赛,教师或组间及时评价。任务(1)阅读课文第1-2段,回答问题。a)&Who was killed last night?b)&What was the victim’s job?c)&When did the murder happen?任务(2)阅读课文第3-6段,完成表格,每空一词。What is known&What is unknown____1___of death (9p.m.—1a.m.)&___2_____of the murder____3___of death (attacked with a knife and bled to death)&___4_____for the crime__5___and occupation of the victim(22, computer programmer)&&&&____6_____of murdererscriminal ____7____of the victim(broke into several computer systems over the last year)&if the victim had ___8____任务(3)阅读课本第7-8段,回答问题。a)&Are there any suspects so far?b)&Did the suspects kill the young man?c)&What have the victim’s parents offered?d)&How can people contact the police if they have any information?五、组内讨论:1. Why was the young man killed?2. Why was the only suspect not guilty? 3. Who else can be the murderer? Why?&
e&&&&& D. reach& (&&&& )4. A. saved&&&&&& B. held&&&&&&&& C. got&&&&&& D. carried(&&&& )5. A. in&&&&&&&&& B. from&&&&&&&& C. under&&&& D. below(&&&& )6. A. hours&&&&&& B. days&&&&&&&& C. weeks&&&& D. months(&&&& )7. A. Often&&&&&& B. Only&&&&&&&& C. Once&&&&& D. Suddenly(&&&& )8. A. said&&&&&&& B. found&&&&&&& C. knew&&&&& D. thought(&&&& )9. A. While&&&&&& B. Before&&&&&& C. If&&&&&&& D. Since(&&&& )10. A. why&&&&&&& B. how&&&&&&&&& C. where&&&& D. when(&&&& )11. A. later&&&&& B. ago&&&&&&&&& C. before&&& D. past(&&&& )12. A. Somebody&& B. Anybody&&&&& C. Everybody D. Nobody(&&&& )13. A. bring&&&&& B. keep&&&&&&&& C. take&&&&& D. remember(&&&& )14. A. lets&&&&&& B. has&&&&&&&&& C. helps&&&& D. hopes(&&&& )15. A. that&&&&&& B. it&&&&&&&&&& C. them&&&&& D. this八、阅读理解&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& A生活中会有许多意外事故,懂得急救或自救是非常重要的。请阅读下面的材料,根据1—5五个小题所描述的救护方法,在A——G七幅图中找出与题意相对应的图画,并将其标号填在题后相应的括号内。(本题共有七幅图,你只能选五幅)&1.If the person has stopped breathing, you must try to start his/her breathing at once. The best thing is to use the mouth-to-mouth way. Lay the person on his/her back and breathing into his/her mouth. (&&& )2If the person is bleeding(流血) badly, you must try to stop the bleeding.Press on the bleeding point with a piece of clean cloth and hold up the part of the body which is bleeding.(&&& )3.If you are bitten (cut by teeth) by an animal, wash the cut under cold running water. Cover the broken part, if there is any , with a piece of clean cloth.Then see a doctor as soon as possible.(&&& )& 4.If you are burnt (hurt by fire or something very hot), cool the burnt part at once.Run cool (not cold) water over the burn until it is less painful. Put a piece of dry clean cloth over the burnt part.(&&& )5. If there is a fire, never use a lift in the building, because it’s very dangerous.The lift may get trapped between floors. Use the stairs and leave the building at once.(&&& )B根据短文内容判断正误,正(T)误(F)Mr. Green worked in an office. He had no wife or children.And he lived in an old house alon e.He liked nothing but drinking. He almost spent all his money drinking.Sometimes he was hungry, he had to borrow some money from his friends to buy a little food. One evening he met a friend of his in the street.The man asked him to have dinner in a restaurant& He was glad and drank a lot.When they left there at midnight, he couldn’t stand. The man had to stop a taxi and asked the driver to take him home. Soon they got to the door of his house, with the help of the driver, he got out of the car.“Thank you, sir.” said Mr. Green.“Now I can open the door myself.”The taxi went away, but he couldn’t put the key into the keyhole. He was trying to do it when a policeman came.“Can I help you put the key into the keyhole, sir?”“Thank you, sir.” said Mr. Green.“The house is circling now. If you can stop it now, I can open the door myself.”(&&&& )1.Mr. Green liked drinking very much.(&&&& )2.Mr. Green couldn’t stand because he drank more than he could.(&&&& )3.A friend asked Mr. Green to have dinner because he was so hungry.(&&&& )4.The taxi driver sent Mr. Green home and helped him out of the car.(&&&& )5.The house turned round and round, so Mr. Green couldn’t open the door himself.CHelen, 12,went to see a doctor. She had a bad cough , so the doctor gave her some cough medicine. These are the words on the bottle of medicine:&(adults: 成年人& teaspoonful: 茶匙)&Cough Medicine&Shake(摇晃)well before use.&Take three times a day after meals.&Adults: 2 teaspoonful&Children: 8—14 1 teaspoonful&Children: 4---7 0.5 teaspoonful&Not for children below the age of 4.&Keep in a cold place.&Use before October, 2006.&根据短文内容完成句子,词数不限。Helen didn’t&&&&&&&&&&&&& and the doctor gave them some medicine to take.Helen should take&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& a day.Children at the age of 3&&&&&&&&&&&& take the medicine.The medicine shouldn’t be kept in&&&&&&&&&&& .Helen or her parents should&&&&&&&&&&&&&& the left medicine after the tenth month of 2006.九、综合填空&&&&& It was December25,1972, Marie Orr, a 13-year-old Australi an girl, was happy. It was C& 1&&& and Marie’s mother made an unusual cake. She put four small coins into the c& 2&&& . The four small coins were for good luck. After dinner Marie and her family ate the cake.When they f&&& 3& the cake, there were three coins on the table. One coin was m&& 4&& . Marie’s mother didn’t notice.& After Christmas Marie got i& 5&&& . She coughed and couldn’t speak. Six weeks later she felt better, but she s& 6&& couldn’t speak.So Marie went to hospital.Doctor in the hospital looked at Marie.They took an X& 7& . Marie’s mother asked the doctor, “ Why can’t Marie talk?” The doctors said, “We don’t know. Maybe she will speak again. Maybe she won’t. We’re sorry,but we can’t help her.”& For twelve years Marie didn’t speak. She grew up and got a job. But she never speaks.One day when Marie was 25 years old, she got ill. She began to cough. She coughed up a lot of b& 8& . She also coughed up s& 9&& small and black from her t& 10& . What was it ? Marie didn’t know.She took it to the hospital. A doctor said,“This is a coin.” The doctor told Marie,“I think you can speak again.”Soon Marie began talking.1. ______&&& 2. ______&&& 3. ______&&& 4. ______&&& 5. ______ 6. ______&&& 7. ______&&& 8. ______&&& 9. ______&& 10. ______十、书面表达仔细观察下面的四幅图画,假如你是图中的那个女孩,请你根据图画中所表达的内容,用英语写一篇60-80字的日记,描述当天发生的事情(假定图中的那个男孩叫Jim),日记开头已给出。(给出部分不计字数)Satur day , June 5th , 2006&& Early in the morning, Mum and Dad went out to visit their friends. Only grandpa and I stayed at home. Suddenly Grandpa fell down and …
Unit 8 Loud music makes me tense.教学案第一课时& Section A (1a—Grammar Focus)一、教学目标:1.学习谈论事物对你的影响。2.make,rather than 的用法。二、超前检测&(一)& 翻译短语& 糟糕的图片& 轻音乐& 蓝湖餐厅& 想要做某事& 不 舒服的& 等候& 如此…以至于& 玩得高兴&& 影响(二)翻译句子&&&& 1、大声的音乐使我紧张。2、等她使我生气。&&&&&&&&&&&&& 3、它是如此的忧伤以至于使我想哭。4、悲伤的电 影使我想要离开。&&& 5、昨晚你跟Mary玩得高兴吗?三、重难点突破(一) make的用法(根据给出的例句,总结make的用法)1、&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 赚钱&&&&&&&&& 做饭&&&&&&& 作计划&&&&&&&&&& 谋生&&&&&&&&&&&&& 做鬼脸2、&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 足球使我疯狂。过大声音的音乐使我紧张这使她感到难过。 3、&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& I made myself understood by& all the students. You must make yourself respected.4、&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& The party made her a good t eacher. 他们让他当队 长。5、&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &红色使人们吃得更快些。大声的电影使我想要跳舞。悲伤的电影使我想要离开。注意:当make 用于被动语 态时,必须带不定式符号to.6、&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 我恰好赶到班级。很遗憾错过你的音乐会,但我当时不在而且不能及时赶回来。7、与make有关的短语(二)would rather+V.& /& rather than& / would rather…than…的用法1、我宁愿打网球而不想游泳 。2、我宁愿去蓝湖餐厅, 因为我吃饭时喜欢听轻柔的音乐。3、这颜色是绿的,而不 是蓝的。(三)so…that… 与so that 的区别1、so that 的意思是in order to,"为了,以便"2、她是如此善良以至于所有的学生都喜欢她。3、他太小了,不能去上学。4、这个女孩足够大可以去上学了。四、习题检测1、Loud& music may make people ____ fast.& A. to eat&& B. eat&& C. eated&& D. eats2、The children were made ____ homewor k first.&A. do&&& B. to do&&& C. did&&& D. doing3、There was so much noise,the speaker couldn’t make himself&& . A. hearing  B. to hear  C. heard   D. being heard4、那天我起的很早以便能赶上第一班火车。&That day& I got up early __________________________.
烟台二十中课时教学设计课题Unit 6 How long have you been collecti ng shells?&课型&教学目标知识与能力& Vocabulary collect, shell, marathon, skate, a pair of, since, Hilltop s choo l Target language How long did you sleep last night? When did you start class today? How long have you been in clas s today? &过程与方法Audio-lingual methods &情感态度与价值观In this un it students learn to talk about how long you have been doing things. &教学重点 &教学难点&教学方法&教学用具&板书设计&教学过程教师活动 学生活动Activity 1. Revision Task1. Check the homework. Ask and answer. How long have you been slee ping? How long did you sleep last night? How long have you been skating? Activity 2. Listening and checking . Task1.Read the instructions. Read the questions and the answers. Task2. Play the recording twice and students the questions they hear. Then check the ans wers. Activity 3.Listening Task 1. Read the instructions. Task 2. Play the recording again and check the answers. Activity 4. pairwork Task 1.Read the instructions for the activity. Task 2.Role play the interview. Task 3. Have the students work in pair s. Activity 5. Grammar Focus Review the grammar box. Make sure the students can tell the difference between the following: 1.I have been skating since nine o’clock. I skated for two hours. 2.for, since Homework Review the conversation and the vocabulary. Wri te the sentences in grammar focus. &&教学反思&&&


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