wired memorywiredssid怎么设置的减小

In this week's tutorial we are going to look at a simple hardwired
CPU, to demonstrate that the control logic in a CPU can be built using
some simple gates and multiplexors.
The example CPU is one that I designed and implemented in Logisim
over about a week at the end of 2010. The goal was to create a reasonably
traditional architecture but with as little control logic as possible.
The CPU has an 8-bit data bus and an 8-bit address bus, so it can
only support 256 bytes of memory to hold both instructions and data.
Internally, there are four 8-bit registers, R0 to R3, plus an Instruction
Register, the Program Counter, and an 8-bit register which holds immediate
The ALU is the same one that we designed last week. It performs the
four operations AND, OR, ADD and SUB on two 8-bit values, and supports
signed ADDs and SUBs.
The CPU is a load/store architecture: data has to be brought into
registers for manipulation, as the ALU only reads from and writes
back to the registers.
The ALU operations have two operands: one register is a source register,
and the second register is both source and destination register, i.e.
destination register = destination register OP source register.
All the jump operations pe there are no PC-relative
branches. There are conditional jumps based on the zeroness or negativity
of the destination register, as well as a "jump always" instruction.
The following diagram shows the datapaths in the CPU:
The dbus and sbus labels indicate the lines coming out
from the register file which hold the value of the destination and
source registers.
Note the data loop involving the registers and the ALU, whose output
can only go back into a register.
The dataout bus is only connected to the dbus line, so the
only value which can be written to memory is the destination register.
Also note that there are only 3 multiplexors:
the address bus multiplexor can get a memory address from the PC,
the immediate register (for direct addressing), or from the source
or destination registers (for register indirect addressing).
the PC multiplexor either lets the PC increment, or jump to the value
in the immediate register.
the multiplexor in front of the registers determines where a register
write comes from: the ALU, the immediate register, another register
or the data bus.
&&Instruction Set
Half of the instructions in the instruction set fit into one byte:
op1 op2 Rd Rs
These instructions are identified by a 0 in the most-significant bit
in the instruction, i.e. op1 = 0X.
The 4 bits of opcode are split into op1 and op2: more
details soon.
Rd is the destination register, and Rs is the source
The other half of the instruction set are two-byte instructions. The
first byte has the same format as above, and it is followed by an
8-bit constant or immediate value:
op1 op2 Rd Rs immediate
These two-byte instructions are identified by a 1 in the most-significant
bit in the instruction, i.e. op1 = 1X.
With 4 operation bits, there are 16 instructions:
op1 op2 Mnemonic Purpose
00 00 AND Rd, Rs Rd = Rd AND Rs
00 01 OR& Rd, Rs Rd = Rd OR Rs
00 10 ADD Rd, Rs Rd = Rd + Rs
00 11 SUB Rd, Rs Rd = Rd - Rs
01 00 LW& Rd, (Rs) Rd = Mem[Rs]
01 01 SW& Rd, (Rs) Mem[Rs] = Rd
01 10 MOV Rd, Rs Rd = Rs
01 11 NOP Do nothing
10 00 JEQ Rd, immed PC = immed if Rd == 0
10 01 JNE Rd, immed PC = immed if Rd != 0
10 10 JGT Rd, immed PC = immed if Rd > 0
10 11 JLT Rd, immed PC = immed if Rd & 0
11 00 LW& Rd, immed Rd = Mem[immed]
11 01 SW& Rd, immed Mem[immed] = Rd
11 10 LI& Rd, immed Rd = immed
11 11 JMP immed PC = immed
Note the regularity of the ALU operations and the jump operations:
we can feed the op2 bits directly into the ALU, and use op2
to control the branch decision.
The rest of the instruction set is less regular, which will require
special decoding for certain of the 16 instructions.
&&Instruction Phases
The CPU internally has three phases for the execution of each instruction.
On phase 0, the instruction is fetched from memory and stored in the
Instruction Register.
On phase 1, if the fetched instruction is a two-byte instruction,
the second byte is fetched from memory and stored in the Immediate
Register. For one-byte instructions, nothing occurs in phase 1.
On phase 2, everything else is done as required, which can include:
an ALU operation, reading from two registers.
a jump decision which updates the PC.
a register write.
a read from a memory location.
a write to a memory location.
After phase 2, the CPU starts the next instruction in phase 0.
The control logic will be simple for the phase 0 work, not difficult
for the phase 1 work, but complicated for the phase 2 work.
&&CPU Control Lines
Below is the main CPU diagram again, this time with the control lines
There are several 1-bit control lines:
pcsel, increment PC or load the jump value from the Immediate
pcload, load the PC with a new value, or don't load a new value.
irload, load the Instruction Register with a new instruction.
imload, load the Immediate Register with a new value.
readwrite, read from memory, or write to memory.
dwrite, write a value back to a register, or don't write a
There are also several 2-bit control lines:
addrsel, select an address from the PC, the Immediate Register,
the source register or the destination register.
regsel, select a value to write to a register from the Immediate
Register, another register, the data bus or from the ALU.
dregsel and sregsel, select two registers whose values
are sent to the ALU.
aluop, which are the op2 bits that control the operation
of the ALU.
The values for all of these control lines are generated by the Decode
Logic, which gets as input the value from the Instruction Register,
and the zero & negative lines of the destination register.
It's now time to look inside the Decode Logic to see how it creates
the values on the control lines.
&&Inside the Decode Logic
Inside the Decode Logic block, the value from the Instruction Register
is split into several individual lines irbit4, irbit5,
irbit6 and irbit7. op1 and op2 are split
out, with op2 exported as aluop. Finally, the 4 opcode
bits from the instruction are split out as the op1op2 line.
Several of the bits from the instruction register value are wired
directly to these 2-bit outputs: dregsel, sregsel and
The diagram looks a bit ugly as this is the way that Logisim splits
groups of lines out to individual lines.
In the Logisim implementation of the CPU, there are two 1-bit "constant"
lines defined: true and false, as well as several 2-bit
lines: zero, one, two and three.
We also need some logic to output the current phase of execution.
This is done with a simple 2-bit counter which is controlled by the
clock cycle, and which outputs a 2-bit phase line.
We don't need phase 3, so the two bits of the phase line can be ANDed.
When both are true, this resets the counter back to zero.
For the rest of the decode logic, we need to look at what needs to
be performed for the various phases of the CPU, and also what needs
to be performed for each specific instruction.
&&Phase Zero
On phase zero, the PC's value has to be placed on the address bus,
so the addrsel line must be 0. The irload line needs
to be 1 so that the IR is loaded from the datain bus. Finally,
the PC must be incremented in case we need to fetch an immediate value
in phase 1.
All of this can be done using multiplexors which output different
values depending on the current phase. Here is the control logic for
the irload line.
We only need to load the IR on phase 0, so we can wire true to the
0 input of the irload multiplexor, and false to the other inputs.
Note: input 11 (i.e. decimal 3) to the multiplexor is never
used, as we never get to phase 3, but Logisim wants all multiplexor
inputs to be valid.
Another way to look at each phase is the value which needs to be set
for each control line, for each instruction.
For phase zero, these control line values can be set for all instructions:
op1 op2 instruct pcsel pcload irload imload rw dwrite jumpsel addrsel regsel dreg sreg aluop
xx xx all 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 x x x x
'x' stands for any value, i.e. accept any opcode value, output any
control line value.
&&Phase One
On phase 1, we need to load the Immediate Register with a value from
memory if the irbit7 from the IR is true. The PC's value has
to be placed on the address bus, so the addrsel line must be
0. The imload line needs to be 1 so that the Immediate Register
is loaded from the datain bus. Finally, the PC must be incremented
so that we are ready to fetch the next instruction on the next phase
The imload logic is shown above. It is very similar to the
irload logic, but this time an enable value is output only
on phase 1, and only if the irbit7 is set.
Some of the pcload logic is shown above. The PC is always incremented
at phase 0. It is incremented at phase 1 if irbit7 is set,
i.e. a two-byte instruction. Finally, the PC can be loaded with an
immediate value in phase 2 if we are performing a jump instruction
and the jump test is true. We will come back to the jump logic later.
We can tabulate the values of the control lines for phase 1. This
time, what is output depends on the top bit of the op1 value:
op1 op2 instruct pcsel pcload irload imload rw dwrite jumpsel addrsel regsel dreg sreg aluop
0x xx all x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x x x x
1x xx all 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 x x x x
&&Phase Two
Here, the values of the control lines depend heavily on what specific
instruction we are performing. Here's the table of control line outputs
depending on the instruction:
op1 op2 instruct pcsel pcload irload imload rw dwrite addrsel regsel dreg sreg aluop
00 00 AND Rd, Rs x 0 0 0 0 1 x 3 Rd Rs op2
00 01 OR Rd, Rs x 0 0 0 0 1 x 3 Rd Rs op2
00 10 ADD Rd, Rs x 0 0 0 0 1 x 3 Rd Rs op2
00 11 SUB Rd, Rs x 0 0 0 0 1 x 3 Rd Rs op2
01 00 LW Rd, (Rs) x 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 Rd Rs x
01 01 SW Rd, (Rs) x 0 0 0 1 0 3 x Rd Rs x
01 10 MOV Rd, Rs x 0 0 0 0 1 x 1 Rd Rs x
01 11 NOP x 0 0 0 0 0 x x x x x
10 00 JEQ Rd, immed 0 j 0 0 0 0 x x Rd x op2
10 01 JNE Rd, immed 0 j 0 0 0 0 x x Rd x op2
10 10 JGT Rd, immed 0 j 0 0 0 0 x x Rd x op2
10 11 JLT Rd, immed 0 j 0 0 0 0 x x Rd x op2
11 00 LW Rd, immed x 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 Rd x x
11 01 SW Rd, immed x 0 0 0 1 0 1 x Rd x x
11 10 LI Rd, immed x 0 0 0 0 1 x 0 Rd x x
11 11 JMP immed 0 1 0 0 0 0 x x x x x
To make the control line logic as simple as possible, a CPU designer
is always striving for regularity. However, this is often in conflict
with the desired CPU functionality.
From the table above, the ALU instructions (op1=00) and the
jump instructions (op1=10) are nice and regular. All the op1=1x
instructions use the Immediate Register, while the op1=0x instructions
We can always tie dregsel to Rd from the instruction,
and the same goes for sregsel = Rs and aluop
= op2. And irload and imload are always 0 for
With the remaining control lines, the regularities cease.
&&Read/Write Logic
The read/write line out to memory only needs to be enabled when we
are performing SW (store word) operations, and only in phase 2.
The op1op2 values for the two SW instructions are 0101 and
1101, so we can treat this as x101, and set readwrite true
when irbit6 is on, irbit5 is off and irbit4 is
&&Register Select Logic
Now we get to the control lines which are messy. The first one is
the regsel line, which selects the input to be written into
the destination register. This can be:
00 (zero) Immediate Register
01 (one) sbus, i.e. the source register
10 (two) datain bus
11 (three) ALU output
Consulting the big table in the Phase Two subsection, all the ALU
instructions set regsel to 3, but apart from that there is
no simple logical rule to output all the possible values.
Also, for the regsel 'x' values in the table, we can choose
to output any value, as the register won't be loaded on these instructions.
The easiest solution here is to use one multiplexor for the phase
of operation, and a second multiplexor for the instruction's opcode,
i.e. op1op2 is used to select the value to output.
Each of the 16 inputs to the big multiplexor sets a regsel
value for a specific instruction based on the op1op2 value,
and this only gets out during phase 2. Otherwise, regsel is
set to zero.
&&Destination Register Write Logic
Following on from regsel, we need to control dwrite,
i.e. when the destination register gets written.
This can occur only in phase 2, and again there is no simple rule
that allows us to hardwire the value with simple gates: see the dwrite
column in the big table above.
Again, we can use a 16-input multiplexor, with op1op2 to choose
the correct dwrite value to output on phase 2.
&&Address Select Logic
When we want to read data from main memory, the address we want to
read from can be selected from these inputs:
00 (zero) Program Counter
01 (one) Immediate Register
10 (two) sbus, i.e the source register
11 (three) dbus, i.e the source register
The decode logic needs to output a value for addrsel which
selects the correct address to assert on the address bus for each
instruction during phase 0, phase 1 and phase 2.
As with the previous two control lines, there is no simple logic to
produce the value on this line based on the instruction opcode, so
we resort again to a 16-input multiplexor.
Cross-check the above logic diagram with the big table above to ensure
that it will produce the right output for addrsel given the
op1op2 value from the instruction.
&&Jump Logic
We have reached the last and probably the most complicated control
line in the CPU, pcload, which determines when the Program
Counter is updated.
Actually, it's not that complicated, it just looks ugly. You have
seen the logic for phase 0 and phase 1. Now we need to look at the
logic for the jump instructions.
One of the jump instructions, op1op2 = 1111, always sets the
PC to the Immediate Register.
The other jump instructions only set PC to Immediate Register when
a specific test is true:
op1op2 Test Zero Negative
1000 (JEQ) Rd == 0 1 x
1001 (JNE) Rd != 0 0 x
1010 (JGT) Rd > 0 0 0
1011 (JLT) Rd & 0 x 1
Here is the logic to set pcload for all phases:
The OR gate which connects to the phase 2 input of the right-hand
multiplexor chooses either a successful jump test (top-left input)
OR a "jump always" instruction (bottom-right input).
The "jump always" instruction is op1op2 = 1111, so a
4-input AND gate is used to select for only this opcode.
The left-hand multiplexor outputs true when the EQ/NE/GT/LT decision
is true, for any instruction (not just a jump instruction). Compare
the gate logic here with the truth table above.
But we must make sure that we only output the EQ/NE/GT/LT decision
on jump instructions, i.e. when op1op2 = 10xx. Thus we use
the 3-way AND gate and also use the irbit6 and irbit7
lines as inputs.
&&Finally ...
Putting this all back together, we now have this device:
which controls the dataflow for the whole CPU:
&&Implementing the CPU
Here are the Logisim implementation files for the CPU, along with
the memory image for the program in the following section.
Download all three into the same folder.
Run Logisim, and open the CPU.circ file. You will see
the CPU, but there are extra displays that show the values in the
registers and on some of the datapaths and control lines.
To load the RAM with the memory image, right-click on the RAM device,
choose Load Image, navigate to the cpumem.img file,
then click on OK.
To run the program, type control-T repeatedly. Each control-T performs
half of one clock cycle.
&&An Example Program
It's time to see an example program written for this CPU.
In memory starting at location 0x80 is a list of 8- the
last number in the list is 0.
We want a program to sum the numbers, store the result into memory
location 0x40, and loop indefinitely after that.
We have 4 registers to use. They are allocated as follows:
R0 holds the pointer to the next number to add.
R1 holds the running sum.
R2 holds the next number to add to the running sum.
R3 is used as a temporary register.
Here is the assembly-style code for the program.
Converting to machine code, here are the hex values to put into memory
starting at location 0:
LI R1,0x00 e4 00
LI R0,0x80 e0 80
LW R2, (R0) 48
JEQ R2, end 88 0d
ADD R1, R2 26
LI R3, 0x01 ec 01
ADD R0, R3 23
JMP loop ff 04
SW R1, 0x40 d4 40
With the CPU loaded up into Logisim, and the memory loaded with the
above data values, we can start the program running.
Watch the phases of operation. Watch the IR get loaded with an instruction.
Watch the Immediate Register get loaded with a value.
On the LW instruction, watch as the sbus value is selected
to be placed on the address bus, and the datain value is written to
the destination register.
On ALU instructions, watch the sbus and dbus values,
the aluop, and the result which is written back into the destination
On the JEQ instruction, watch the value of N and Z into the Decode
Logic, and the resulting pcsel and pcload values.
&&Other Areas of the CPU
This last section covers the remaining parts of the CPU. We probably
won't have time in the tutorial to explore these areas, but they are
documented here anyway.
&&The PC Adder
The PC Adder logic is nice and simple.
Using the built-in Logisim adder unit, take the old PC value as one
input, and the 8-bit constant
as the other input, add them
together, and output the new PC value.
&&The Register File
The logic for the register file looks ugly, so we will look at each
section in turn.
In the middle are the four registers, which are built-in Logisim units.
Each register's value is sent to two multiplexors on the right.
The top multiplexor selects one of the register values based on the
dregsel control line, and thus outputs one value on the dbus
line to the ALU.
Similarly, the bottom multiplexor selects one of the register values
based on the sregsel control line, and thus outputs one value
on the sbus line to the ALU.
There is also logic to test if the dbus value is negative.
The eight bits on the dbus are split out, and the most significant
bit is the Negative output. This implies that we use twos-complement
representation for signed values.
All eight bits of the dbus are ORed together and then negated.
When the dbus is zero, all bits are zero. The OR output is
zero, and thus the negated output on the Zero line is true.
On the left, each register takes three inputs:
a value to possibly load. All registers are hard-wired to the input
dval which holds the value to load.
the clock pulse, which tells the registers when to load.
a write enable signal. Only when the write enable signal is 1 can
a register overwrite its old value.
The demultiplexor at the top-left takes as input dwrite (i.e.
the write signal), and based on the dreg value, selects which
register to send the dwrite signal to. All other registers
will get a write signal of 0, i.e. not to perform a write operation.
File translated from
version 3.85.On 19 Dec .Instruments概述 - 简书
1. xcode:Xcode & Open Developer Tool & Instruments
3. build时执行instrument
1. 打开instruments,选择target
2. 选择跟踪模板
3. 采集数据
4. 分析、检查数据
1. target可以选择系统所有进程或者单独app
2)按住Option键,点击target -& 选择iOS设备,enable wireless;
3)target -& 选择iOS设备的无线版本;
2. Dock中开启instruments
1)System Time Profile.
2)Time Profile Specific Process.
3)Automatically Time Profile Spinning Applications.
4)Allow Tracing of Any Process (10 hours).
3. 使用iprofile收集数据
4)Event Profiler.
6)System Trace.
7)Time Profiler.
1)使用time profiler和activity monitor instrument收集所有进程的数据,最终保存为allprocs.dtps.
iprofiler -timeprofiler -activitymonitor
2)使用Time Profiler instrument收集app数据,数据采集时间为8s,数据保存为/temp/YourApp_perf.dtps.
iprofiler -T 8s -d /temp -o YourApp_perf -timeprofiler -a YourApp
3)使用leaks和activity monitor采集PID=823进程的数据,采样时间为2.5s,最终保存为YourApp_perf.dtps.
iprofiler -T 2500ms -o YourApp_perf -leaks -activitymonitor -a 823
4)使用Time Profiler 和 Allocations instruments采集app数据,采集时间为默认时间(默认时间为10s),数据保存为/tmp/allprocs.dtps.
iprofiler -d /tmp -timeprofiler -allocations -a YourApp.app
5)app的地址为/path/to,参量为arg1,使用Time Profiler 和System Trace instruments采集数据,采集时间为15s,但是只保存最后2s的数据,文件保存为YourApp_perf.dtps.
iprofiler -T 15 -I 1000ms -window 2s -o YourApp_perf -timeprofiler -systemtrace /path/to/Your.app arg1
4. 将instrument工具对数据采集的影响最小化
1)降低采样间隔可以收集更多的数据,但是高采样率也可能会导致一些问题:每个采样都需要处理,高采样率消耗处理时间;采样间隔可能不一致; 采样数据过多会消耗内存;采样间隔的设置:打开Record Settings inspector
为整个instruments设置deferred mode:instruments -& preferences & 勾选“always use deferred mode”;
为某一个trace设置derferred mode:file -& record options -& 勾选“deferred mode”;
功找到dSYM文件,可以手动设置:files -& symbols & 选择需要符号化的可执行文件或者framework &
“select dSYM or containing folder” & 找到dSYM文件(dSYM文件默认会保存在build文件夹下)。
2. 跟踪面板
1)在某一个时间点上添加标签flag:edit -&
3)查看特定时间段内的数据:选择起点/终点 -& view -& set inspection range start/end
4)隔离观察一段数据:按住option键,选择一段数据,detail panel中显示这段时间内的详细信息。
3. 详细信息面板
1)extend detail inspector: view -& inspectors &
1. 保存单个跟踪文档;
2. 保存instruments跟踪模板;
3. 导出跟踪数据,导出格式为CSV文件(注意:不是所有的instruments都支持导出为csv文件);
4. 导入数据:使用命令行工具采样数据之后,可以导入到instruments中进行查看;
5. 自定义的instruments可以导出为脚本,然后用dtrace命令行工具执行该脚本。采样数据之后,可以导入到instruments进行查看。
1. 使用activity monitor检查内存使用情况
activity monitor跟踪cpu、内存、网络,可以跟踪所有进程或者单个进程。它有一系列的系统统计信息可供选择:Physical
Memory Wired,Physical Memory Active,Physical Memory Inactive,Physical
Memory Used,Physical Memory Free,Total VM Size,VM Page In Bytes,VM Page
Out Bytes,VM Swap Used
2. 内存不合理运用
Abandoned Memory,也就是存在已分配内存的引用,但实际上程序中不会使用。检测方法是重复进行一些操作heap不会持续增长。每次重复这些操作后,点击mark Generations button,会设置一个flag,然后查看每个迭代的详细数据。
3. 内存泄漏
instruments检测。倘若对象发生内存泄露,detail panel中会看到对象的retain
4. Zombies
Zombie 问题即因程序员在代码中引用了“Zombie 对象”而导致应用程序崩溃。所谓 Zombie 对象,即已经deallocated
的对象,这些对象的 retainCount 都已经为 0,通过正常的手段我们无法在 debug 中跟踪和观察它们。zombies
1. 网络使用
activity monitor instruments可以跟踪网络,网络相关的统计信息有:1)Net Packets In;2)Net
Bytes In;3)Net Packets Out;4)Net Bytes Out;5)Net Packets In Per
Second;6)Net Packets Out Per Second;7)Net Bytes In Per Second;8)Net
Bytes Out Per Second
2. 网络连接
检测iOS app如何使用TCP/IP 和 UDP/IP。与connections instruments一起使用,可以检测app发送和接收的包数目。
1. core animation graphics:用来检测帧频率
2. OpenGL activity
3. GPU Driver
1. Performance Monitor Counters
2. 电量:Energy Diagnostics Trace Template
可以全天开启 Energy Diagnostics
将log数据传到PC上,使用energy diagnostics instruments分析该数据。
3. 线程使用Multicore Trace Template
分析多核性能,比如线程状态、调度队列、块使用情况。Multicore Trace Template包含thread states和dispatch instruments。
4. Time Profiler Trace Template检测内核使用情况
十、UI automation
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