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>微信有哪些隐藏功能 你不知道的微信实用隐藏代码
微信有哪些隐藏功能 你不知道的微信实用隐藏代码
  输入 //testwaitsms​ 并发送后会要求验证手机号码,在进度条走完之前你可以点返回键取消操作。不知道验证手机号码为哪般,关键这手机号码还不是我的,所以无法得知下一步要做什么。
  输入 //setshakecarddata​ 并发送后,摇一摇功能中会多出一个「礼券」选项。然而并不能摇出什么礼券,只有一句「活动已结束,多陪陪家人」的温馨提示。该功能的取消方法与前面所述的不大一样,需要输入 //clearshakecarddata 并发送。
  输入 //checkcount​ 并发送,可以查看当前聊天窗口总共有多少条消息。
  输入 //pickpoi 并发送,可以定位自己当前的位置,这与微信中的「发送位置」的功能是相同的。
  //fullexit 相当于退出功能,输入并发送后,微信会自动退出。再次进入微信时,需要输入登录密码。
  输入 //testsetpageowner 并发送,会跳转到一个 Weixin JS API Demos 页面,不过该页面仅支持公司内网访问,对咱来说没什么用。
适用固件:Android 4.0+
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I am new to Mac OS (2014 Macbook Air).
I am looking at the arrow on top right corner of windows, when I click it, it maximizes window over the top menu and in order to switch back I need to hold mouse in top right corner in order for menu to appear and the button with arrows appears again to [kind of] minimize back as it was.
Is there a shortcut key to switch between these modes ? I could only find the Command+M shortcut which completely minimizes the window.
The button in the top right of each window is not for minimizing and maximizing the window, but for putting it in and out of fullscreen mode (which is why it covers the menu bar, as you said).
The keyboard shortcut to toggle fullscreen depends on the application.
Most applications that I use on a daily basis (such as Google Chrome, Terminal, Mail, and Safari) use ^+?+F (Control+Cmd+F) to toggle fullscreen mode.
Unfortunately, not all developers use this shortcut in their applications. iTerm, for example, uses ?+Enter to toggle fullscreen mode. If the application you refer to does not use either of these shortcuts, you should look for the fullscreen option in the View menu or by searching for "fullscreen" in the Help menu.
I am not aware of a direct way of achieving what you are looking for. Perhaps some more details or screenshots will help understand your challenge better.
In the mean time try this app called spectacleapp you should be able to download it .
I started using it about 6 months back and now I can't live without it.
Take 3 fingers and swipe across your trackpad from left to right.
That will get you back to the desktop real quick..not minimize the window completely. it accomplishes the same thing though and i prefer this method better cuz you can get back and forth from page by just a swipe back and forth..
This is very possible.
I did the following and chose CMD+CTRL+F as shortcut and worked on OSx 10.8 and upwards.
Open System Preferences and click on the”Keyboard” icon Select the
“Keyboard Shortcuts” tab and choose ‘Application Shortcuts’ from the
list on the left
Click on the + icon to add a new keyboard shortcut
for all applications and type the following exactly:
Enter Full Screen
(This is the label as shown in the menu of the application)
Now you need to assign it a keyboard shortcut, I chose Command+Control+F because it's the same as the general default that correctly mentioned
Click “Add” and then click on the + icon again, this time typing:
Exit Full Screen
Choose the same keyboard shortcut as you chose before which in effect creates a toggle, and click onto “Add” again
Lastly click on the + icon again, this time typing:
Toggle Full Screen
Again, assign the same key combination of Command+Control+F
As you rightly said, applications like iTerm use this menu option, rather than Enter/Exit Full screen, but assigning to the same key makes it somewhat universal.
If you find an application that has full screen and isn't covered by the above shortcuts, add the menu item as above for that Application and again assign to the same short-cut key and all should be good.
Mine is set to fn+F1 to toggle fullscreen on/off.
I can't remember if I set it as this, or if my mac came with it set as this.
I have a Macbook Pro 13" Retina with Mavericks.
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