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Musical Prodigy Vanessa Mae 音乐天才陈美
 上面是视频的下载链接,以下是听写稿:Musical Prodigy Vanessa Mae 音乐天才陈美ANCHORThis week, an Asian prodigy, who's known for putting some electricity into the classical violin. Vanessa Mae was born in Singapore to a Chinese mother and a Thai father. Her mother brought her to England at the age of five when she was already winning awards for playing the piano. But by age eight, it was the violin Vanessa Mae knew she wanted to play professionally. By age 14, she was featured soloist with the London Mozart Players. And at age 16, her first album, The Violin Player, was on the top 40 charts in dozens of countries. 主播本周的嘉宾是一位亚裔音乐天才,她因把电子音乐融入古典小提琴而闻名。陈美出生在新加坡,母亲是中国人,父亲是泰国人。她在5岁的时候,被母亲带到英国,当时她弹钢琴已经获过奖。8岁的时候,她就知道将成为一名职业小提琴手。14岁的时候,她就是&伦敦莫扎特演奏家&中的主要独奏者。16岁的时候,她的第一张专辑《小提琴手》就排名在数十个国家的前40名。ANCHORThen and now, Vanessa Mae's sexy image has caused some classical music purists to choke on their pipe smoke. And her quest to fuse pop and classical elements has won her fans, critics, and imitators. Well, Vanessa Mae is about to reach the wise old age of 24, she's already done more than some musicians do in a lifetime. But she's taking some time out to talk with us today. Vanessa Mae, welcome to &Talk Asia&. Thank you so much for coming. 主播陈美的性感形象经常把那些嘴含烟斗的古典音乐纯粹主义者噎得够呛。但是,对她融合流行与古典音乐的追求,既有人追捧,也有人批评,还有人模仿。嗯,陈美快满24岁了,一个智慧的年龄。她做的事情比某些音乐人士一辈子做的还多。而今天她抽空和我们聊聊天。陈美,欢迎到《亚洲名人聊天室》节目。感谢你的光临。ANCHORYou have been in Hong Kong a few times, we were saying. The last time, or one of the other times, was performing for the handover here in Hong Kong. Was that special to you as it was to so many people? 主播据说你到过香港数次。上次,或许是其中一次,你是在这儿为香港回归而演奏。你是否和大多数人一样感觉这场演出很特别?Vanessa Mae Oh absolutely! I mean, that was in '97, and I remember I was in the middle of making an album. But when I got the invitation, I was just thrilled, because I thought, &Wow! How could I be invited to such a special event?& And you know, be invited to perform, at midnight, at Happy Valley Race Course. So I decided I really wanted to do a special work for that, so together with my producer, in the studio, we worked on something together. 陈美哦,当然。我想那是1997年,我记得我当时正在制作一张专辑。当我收到邀请的时候,我很激动,因为我想,&哇,我怎么会被邀请参加一项这么不同凡响的活动?&&被邀请午夜子时在跑马地赛马场演奏。于是我决心一定要为此献上我的绝活,于是我和我的制片人一同在摄影棚开始为此做准备。Vanessa Mae And premiered it at the handover. But I just felt that it was really cool, because I had grown up in a very cross-cultural environment, you know, being born in the Far East, moving to England. So in a way it was a really nice occasion to be a part of because, you know there was something kind of bittersweet about it, but optimistic. And I felt it was great to be invited at such a special time, so I was exactly, you know like everybody else out there, I was incredibly thrilled. 陈美在香港回归仪式上初次公演。我感觉非常&酷&,因为我是在一个具有东西方双重文化的环境中长大的,我生在远东,后来移居英格兰。从某方面来说,参加这次活动真是很美妙,其中有苦也有乐,当然是乐观的。我觉得在这么特殊的时刻收到邀请非常棒。我同当时在场的其他人一样,无比地激动。ANCHORAt the tender age of four or five, I mean you were pretty young, did you ever figure you were slightly different from the other kids? 主播在你4、5岁的时候,我的意思是你很小的时候,你曾经想感觉到你与其他孩子有所不同吗?Vanessa Mae Different? No, because I felt that I really enjoyed my time at school. You know it was just a pure academic school that I went to, so music was not the focus of my life until I was about eight years old. But it was a bit odd, how, you know teachers started paying me a bit more attention, you know the musical teachers, and started calling my parents up. You know I thought I was getting into trouble or something, but they were just saying things like, &We really think you should enroll your child in more classes, because we think she's got some potential.& So that was incredibly rewarding for me, and I was an only child so, you know, when my parents started to focus on me, I felt kind of proud of myself. 陈美不同?没有,因为我真的喜欢在学校的时光。我上的是一所重学术教育的学校,因此在我8岁之前,音乐不是我生活的中心。不过有点奇怪,老师开始注意我了,音乐老师打电话要我父母到学校去。我原以为我惹麻烦了,但是他们说了一些诸如&我们认为,你们真的应该让孩子上更多的音乐课,因为我们觉得她有潜力&之类的话。这对我是极大的鼓舞,我是家里的独生女,当我的父母开始把注意力放到我身上的时候,我为自己感到自豪。Vanessa Mae It was just not the idea that I had in my head that I would ever become a musician. But I knew that somehow, through music, I was getting more attention doing music, from the adults you know. But I never felt different from my friends, because they just weren't interested in music really, so we didn't talk about music, we didn't discuss music obviously, when we were on the playground. But when it came to adult sessions, they were always interested in what I was getting up to music wise. It wasn't until I was a bit older, age 8, that really the whole thing came in, which was &Do I want to be investing in music, I mean my time and energy is going there, or do I want to be doing sleepovers at my friends houses,& and I chose music at age 8. 陈美我没有想过要成为一个音乐家,我只知道通过音乐我能吸引大人们更多的注意力。我从未感到与朋友们有何不同,因为他们对音乐不感兴趣,当我们在操场玩的时候,我们从来不谈论音乐。但是当这在家长会上提及时,他们对于我音乐方面的造诣很感兴趣。到我8岁的时候问题就来了,是把我的时间和精力投入到音乐上去,还是到朋友家中参加一起的过夜的聚会呢?我选择了音乐。 ANCHORVanessa, you talking about age 8, not age 18! 主播陈美,你是说8岁,而不是18。Vanessa Mae It was so long ago now. But at age 8 I felt really adult and able to think what was going to be my profession in the next few years. But it's true, now that I'm 23 going on 24, it's just true that age 8 seems incredibly young to have chosen what I was going to do in my life.陈美很久远了。我在8岁的时候就感觉自己很成熟了, 能思索往后的几年中我将以什么为职业。我现在已经23岁,快满24岁了。的确,在8岁这么小就选择以后干什么的确是不可思议的。ANCHORI know, I was just going to say &What does an eight year old know?& 主播我知道,我本想说,&8岁大的人知道什么?&Vanessa Mae Probably not very much, which is probably a good thing because then you go into training, you try your best, but as I said, you know children learn fast. I was a bit fickle, and I still am. I wanted to be a vet one day, cause I had a lot of animals. I wanted to be a zookeeper, I wanted to be a ski instructor, I wanted to be a lawyer like my parents. But in the end I chose music because that's what gave me the most pleasure. In a way that's what my parents supported me in the most. So it just music just ended up being my destiny. 陈美也许8岁小孩知道的并不多,但这也许是好事,因为你投入训练,你竭尽全力,而正如我说的,小孩子学东西很快。我以前有点善变,现在也如此。我曾想做个兽医,因为我有很多动物。我还想当动物饲养员,我还想当滑雪教练,我还想同我父母一样做律师。但是最终我选择了音乐,因为它给予我最大的快乐。我的父母给予了我最多的支持。因此是我生命中注定要搞音乐。 ANCHOROk, after the age of 8, did you ever feel that you had to sacrifice a lot of what other people were doing? 主播嗯,在8岁之后,你是否感觉牺牲了许多你的同龄人所做的事情?Vanessa Mae Well, friends of my age, yeah I think. I tried to get the best of both worlds, but somehow you just can't fool yourself. You can't have your cake and eat it. And I don't think it's fair to expect that, because why should you have a career at twelve years old. 陈美嗯,我认为与同龄人相比,是这样的。我试图同时拥有两个世界的好处,但是你不能自欺欺人。你无法鱼和熊掌兼得。我认为那样的期望不公平,为什么你12岁就拥有自己的事业。Vanessa Mae It started out classically first of all, but it was still pretty packed for me in those days. And I think it was impossible to try to combine a career at the same time going to school, my education on a daily basis. So what happened was, I had a very understanding headmaster, headmistress, sorry, and she said, &Look, you just go to school half a day, spend the rest of the day on music.& And that worked out perfectly. But somewhere, on paper that looked fine, but logistically, not being able to know which parties were going on, or having to hand in my homework a little bit later, or whatever, just was a little bit disruptive for my childhood. So when I reached the age of 15, I said to my parents &Look, I really can't juggle all these things at the same time. 陈美我最初的生活是很传统的,在那段日子里我很繁忙。我感到做一份工作而又同时每天去上学是不可能的。接下来的是,我有一个通情达理的校长,对不起应该是女校长。她说:&瞧,你可以上半天学,余下的时间花在音乐上。&这主意非常有效。但是,它表面上看起来很好,但在实际工作中却不是那么回事,你不知道该参加哪些集会,或者不得不晚交作业,经常有诸如此类的事情发生,我的孩提时代有点受干扰。因此,我在15岁的时候对父母说,&瞧,我不能同时做所有的事情。Vanessa Mae I'd rather just see my friends as friends outside of school, and I'd like to just concentrate on music.& Because I was going to school once a week or something, in between rehearsals and concerts and recordings. And it was almost like a token gesture to the school that I was still a pupil there. Which I felt was just a little bit futile. 陈美我宁愿在校外会我的朋友,我想把精力集中在音乐上&。我大约每个星期在排练演出和录音之间去一次学校。上学差不多就像一种象征,表示我还是一个学生。我感觉自己有点瞎忙呼。
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  新华网索契2月18日电 题:陈美,倒数第一的小提琴家
  记者徐征 邹大鹏
  在成为“水平一般的高山滑雪运动员瓦妮莎·法纳孔恩”之前,陈美原本的身份是“著名的小提琴家”。她在10岁举办演奏会在英国引起震动,被称为“少年帕格尼尼”(帕格尼尼:历史上最著名的小提琴大师之一);12岁的时候就开始了第一次世界巡演;在1996年推出古典专辑《Classical Album 1》,两周内售出了50万张,打破古典艺人音乐专辑销售最快纪录……
[责任编辑:请根据下面的材料写一篇短文介绍一下音乐家Vanessa-Mae。The musician: Vanessa-Mae& (陈美)1. a very good classical violinist(小提琴家)2. the first musician to use techno, dance and rock music3. born in Singapore, on Oct 27, 19784. like lots of different kinds of music5. study the violin at the age of 86. play with a very famous group of classical musician at the age of 107. play in classical concerts all over the world8. play in pop concerts with pop stars9. do one important thing: bring many new fans to classical music[写作要求]1. 词数80个左右;&&&&2. 用正确的时态写作,文中需包括所有的内容要点。短文要通顺、连贯。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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