take sth for exampleresponsibility for 加人还是事物

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Take Responsibility for Your Decisions
SoFTWARE ARCHiTECTS HAvE To TAKE RESponSiBiliTy for their deci- sions, as they have much more influential power in software projects than most people in organizations. Studies of software projects show that more than two-thirds of them either are outright failures or deliver unsuccessfully (deadline slip, budget overruns, or low customer satisfaction). Many of the root causes point to improper decisions software architects made, or failures of follow-through on the right architectural decisions.
How can you become a responsible software architect who makes effective architectural decisions?
First, you have to be fully cognizant of your decision process, whether it is agile or ceremonial. You should not claim that an architectural decision has been made until the following two conditions are met:
o A decision has been put in writing because architectural decisions are rarely trivial. They must be substantiated and traceable.
o A decision has been communicated to the people who execute it and the people who will be affected directly or indirectly. Communication is all about creating shared understanding.
Second, review your architectural decisions periodically. Examine the results of your decisions against expectations. Identify architectural decisions that remain valid and those that do not.
??Third, enforce your architectural decisions. Many software projects get software architects involved only in the design phase, then they move on to other proj- ects or the consultation contract ends. How can they ensure that their deliber- ate architectural decisions have been implemented correctly? Their decisions will be at best good intentions unless they follow through with them.
Finally, delegate some decision making to others who are experts in a problem domain. Many architects wrongly assume they have to make every architec- tural decision. Therefore, they position themselves as know-it-all experts. In reality, there’s no such thing as a universal technical genius. Architects have areas in which they are quite proficient, areas in which they are knowledge- able, and areas in which they are simply incompetent. Adept architects del- egate decisions about domain problems in which they are not proficient.
Yi Zhou is currently the chief software architect in a well-known biotech company, and specializes in designing the software platform for medical devices and person- alizing disease management. He has nearly 20 years’ experience in all aspects of the software development life cycle, and excels in business-technology alignment and strategic planning, process improvement, architecture and framework design, team building and management, and consulting.
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阅读:52103take the responsibility for的用法和样例:
You should take up your responsibility.
The court has taken custody of the battered child.
I surmise that he will take the job.
It is a scandal for officials to take bribes.
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I'm having a difficult time choosing between "take + responsibility", or "take on + responsibility". Please see the following sentences(written by Chinese learners of English):
DINK couples refuse to play the role of parents and (take /take on) the responsibilities to cultivate offspring.
Mother is getting old, but I haven't (taken/taken on) the responsibility for supporting her.
She is ready to (take/take on) the responsibility of a wife bravely. (Note: Her husband is seriously ill in the hospital. )
1. Which is the right expression to use in each context: “take” or “take on”?
2. If one of them is correct, then why?
3. If both are correct, then any differences in meaning between “take” and “take on”?
Many thanks in advance!
The general difference between "taking" and "taking on" responsibilities in these three cases is:
when you take responsibility for something, it generally means that you accept responsibility and act in an appropriate way by, for example, doing your job (as a parent or a student or a teacher or a banker) as well as you can and don't rely on others to do your work for you.
when you take on responsibility for something, it generally means that you assume new responsibility for something you aren't or weren't expected to be responsible for.
There are other ways to use these terms, but all these sentences are about personal and familial responsibilities, not about social or political responsibilities.
"DINK couples refuse to play the role of parents and (take / take on) the responsibilities to cultivate offspring."
DINK couple: "". They don't have children, so I'd use take on the responsibilities (because they don't want to have them).
"Mother is getting old, but I haven't (taken/taken on) the responsibility for supporting her."
This is complicated because it's a Chinese cultural problem. If you're the eldest son, then your mother is your responsibility and you must take it (accept it) or violate cultural norms. If you're not the eldest, then you're talking about not assuming (taking on) someone else's responsibilities for your mother. In my wife's family, all six daughters (no sons) contribute equally to the support of their parents, so each has taken on a certain amount of responsibility even though she doesn't necessarily have to, and the eldest daughter cannot afford to support them on her own.
"She is ready to (take/take on) the responsibility of a wife bravely. (Note: Her husband is seriously ill in the hospital.)"
This depends on whether she's a new wife or a veteran wife of this husband. If the marriage is new and the illness is new, then I'd use take on because those kinds of responsibilities are unexpected for new marriages. If, as in my case when my late wife needed someone to be her daily caregiver during the last nine months of her life (she had cancer), after eleven years of marriage, I would use take the responsibility of a dutiful and loving husband. It's part of the marriage vows, but even though almost no one is prepared for such a thing, it seemed to me the only thing to do even though I could have afforded to pay someone else to do it. Had I paid someone else, I would have been shirking my responsibilities, but by accepting them, I wasn't adding anything unexpected to my responsibilities.
"Take on" means to rise to the challenge of something, or become something
As in, "I would take on the government if I had the chance," or "Taking on the responsibility of raising a child."
"Take" just means to obtain something in some way.
As in, "I can take your toys away," or "I would like to take you out to dinner."
All of the statements would use "take on" (or "taken on," in Number 2), as you cannot physically "take" a responsibility. Most likely, "take on" will precede the word "responsibility." This is because, by taking on the responsibility, you are rising to the challenge of that responsibility.
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