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J. Nat. Prod.
Natural Products as Sources of New Drugs over the Last 25 Years⊥
David J. Newman* and Gordon M. Cragg
Natural Products Branch, De elopmental Therapeutics Program, Diision of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis, National Cancer
Institute-Frederick, P.O. Box B, Frederick, Maryland 21702
Recei ed October 10, 2006 This review is an updated and expanded version of two prior reviews that were published in this journal in 1997 and 2003. In the case of all approved agents the time frame has been extended to include the 251/2
years from 01/1981 to 06/2006
antitumor drugs worldwide. We have continued to utilize our secondary subdivision of a “natural product mimic” or “NM” to join the original primary divisions. From the data presented, the utility of natural products as sources of novel structures, but not necessarily the final drug entity, is still alive and well. Thus, in the area of cancer, over the time frame from around the
synthetic ,
either natural products or directly derived therefrom. In other areas, the influence of natural product structures is quite marked, with, as expected from prior information, the antiinfective area being dependent on natural products and their structures. Although combinatorial chemistry techniques have succeeded as methods of optimizing structures and have, in fact, been used in the optimization of many recently approved agents, we are able to identify only one de noo combinatorial compound approved as a drug in this 25 plus year time frame. We wish to draw the attention of readers to the rapidly evolving recognition that a significant number of natural product drugs/leads are actually produced by microbes and/or microbial interactions with the “host from
正在加载中,请稍后...Critical Reviews(TM) in Therapeutic Drug Carrier Systems 评论(TM)治疗药物载体系统. 2015 NO.1 VO.32 医学原版外文杂志期刊
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关 键 字:详细描述:Therapeutic&uses&of&a&variety&of&drug&carrier&systems&have&significant&impact&on&the&treatment&and&potential&cure&of&many&chronic&diseases,&including&cancer,&diabetes&mellitus,&psoriasis,&parkinsons,&Alzheimer,&rheumatoid&arthritis,&HIV&infection,&infectious&diseases,&asthma,&and&drug&addiction.&Scientific&efforts&in&these&areas&are&multidisciplinary,&involving&the&physical,&biological,&medical,&pharmaceutical,&biological&materials,&and&engineering&fields.Articles&concerning&this&field&appear&in&a&wide&variety&of&journals.&With&the&vast&increase&in&the&number&of&articles&and&the&tendency&to&fragment&science,&it&becomes&increasingly&diffcult&to&keep&abreast&of&the&literature&and&to&sort&out&and&evaluate&the&importance&and&reliability&of&the&data,&especially&when&proprietary&considerations&are&involved.&Abstracts&and&noncritical&articles&often&do&not&provide&a&sufficiently&reliable&basis&for&proper&assessment&of&a&given&field&without&the&additional&perusal&of&the&original&literature.&This&journal&bridges&this&gap&by&publishing&authoritative,&objective,&comprehensive&multidisciplinary&critical&review&papers&with&emphasis&on&formulation&and&delivery&systems.&Both&invited&and&contributed&articles&are&subject&to&peer&review.&一、1。本店所有图书杂志报纸均为实拍图片,您可点击放大看实际品相。基本都在8-9品以上,多少都有运输过的磨损;个别图书杂志品相不好,如您要品相请您看好咨询后慎拍。特价图书杂志都是淘来的,对品相苛刻者请您绕行,以免发生不愉快。二、本店因利薄不接受议价。敬请谅解。快递费按各地实际发生费用计算。三、人不以高矮胖瘦拿薪水,书本也不是以薄厚论价值。您懂得------四、请您先验货后签收。现在快递都在飞件,如果有任何不满意就请您不要签收。一旦签收即视为满意,不再接受退换货。五、敬请各位收到货后百忙之中抽时间给个评价,以资鼓励和提高本店服务质量。在此谢过啦!&因本店工作中的失误给您造成误解和不便请您及时沟通&&在此首先向您道歉!祝您购物愉快!
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CYP450 3A及其等位基因在体外药物代谢和药物相互作 用中的对比研究 中文摘要
差异性存在的原因。 I和XhoI消化产
系统中进行表达,差速离心法制备得到微粒体。并用CYP3A的特异性反应:荧光底物 回归分析法计算出‰值和‰值,进而得到体外代谢的内在清除率CLint,以此为依据 比较各重组酶的代谢差异。与此同时,使用原生型和各突变株微粒体蛋白在两种检测系
统中分别对19种和6种药物进行筛选,求出其IC50值,研究药物抑制的相互作用。 结果:酿酒酵母表达体系是CYP450酶系理想的体外表达体系。体外酶动力学和药 知识水坝@damdoc
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陈 子林 (CHEN, Zilin)&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&
中国武汉市武昌珞珈山 武汉大学药学院 药物分析与筛选研究所
Email: chenzl@
Phone: 027-
&&&&& 江西大学化学系 理学学士(1984)
&&&&& 武汉大学化学系 理学硕士& (1991)
&&&&& 日本东京都立大学应用化学系 工学博士(2000)
&&&&& 历任江西工业大学助教()、中德联合研究院讲师()、东京都立大学日本学术振兴会(JSPS)特别研究员()、日本NTT先端技术综合研究所博士后研究员()、美国圣母大学(University of Notre Dame) 研究助理教授(,2),现任武汉大学珞珈学者特聘教授、博士生导师、药学院副院长、药物分析与筛选研究所所长、药学实验中心主任。
Editorial board, Drug Discoveries & Therapeutics
Associate Editor, Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis
编委, 医药导报
2002年 日本分析化学会关东分会 “新世o奖”
2003年 日本色谱科学会 “奖励奖”
2010 年 武汉大学医学部“年度医学突出贡献奖”
2012年 武汉大学优秀本科教学管理工作者
2013年 武汉大学“朱裕璧医学奖”
2014年 武汉大学“2013年度医学突出贡献奖”
研究领域: 药物分析学
&&&& 生物及药物样品的微柱色谱、电泳分离及其与质谱联用技术
&&&& 手性药物微柱色谱分离技术及分析新方法
&&&& 疾病诊断标记物的分析新方法
Prof. Dr. Hsueh-Chia Chang, University of Notre Dame, USA
Prof. Dr. Katsumi Uchiyama, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
Prof. Dr. Toshihiko Imato, Kyushu University, Japan
1.国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于雌激素受体及芳香化酶靶向识别分析新方法& 及其在抗乳腺癌药物分析中应用(Grant No. 14-2017)
2. 湖北省自然科学基金重点项目:新型固相微萃取-色谱-质谱联用技术及其在肿&&&&& 瘤诊断标志物筛选中 应用(Grant No. 2014CFA077, )
3. 教育部博士点博导基金(Grant No. 24, )
4. 武汉市科技局应用基础研究计划项目:抗乳腺癌药物筛选与分析新技术(GrantNo:10057, )
1.国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点项目:茉莉酸类植物激素高效分离与高灵敏度检测及其在水稻颖花开放机理研究中应用(Grant No:, )
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目: 二酰胺类手性硅胶整体柱技术及杂环类手性药物分离分析新方法研究 (Grant No: 10-2012)
3.国家自然科学基金面上项目:新型毛细管电色谱-电喷雾离子化-质谱联用技术及其在生物与药物分析中的应用研究 (Grant No:08-2010)
5.中央高校专项研究基金 (Grant Nos: , , )
6.湖北省自然科学基金“基于生物传感识别中药有效成分筛选分析新方法”(Grant No 2011CDB475, )
8. 武汉大学“珞珈学者特聘教授”启动基金(Grant Nos: , )
1. 本科生课程:仪器分析、药学导论、药学进展(全英文课程)
2. 研究生通开必修课程:药物分离与检测科学 (精品课程)
3. 药物分析专业研究生必修课程:药物分析前沿文献导读
1. 湖北省教学研究与改革项目“药学专业课程体系改革研究“
2. 武汉大学教学与该项项目“生物制药新专业课程体系改革与建设”
3. 武汉大学全英文课程建设项目“Advance in Pharmaceutical Sciences”
4. 武汉大学研究生精品课程建设项目“药物分离与检测科学”
&&&&&&& M2:张紫鑫、邹李、凌旭,陈佳欢,王丽丽
&&&&&&& M1:王榕、韩竟、李沂霖、毛振坤
博士毕业生:吴h, 刘丽红,陈琴华, 张玉林,赵海燕,陈莹,张娟
硕士毕业生:谢俊,陈晓炜,杨灵芝,庞璋帆,张玉林、邓晓翠,翁莹,谢世静,杜娟,廖雅倩,颜芳芳,黄亮,牟晓丽,李元,陈莹,李鹏, 让颖,付帅,王丽,刘晶晶,谢珊珊,张文鹏,包涛,陈静,龙玉玲,马文,任丽萍,刘晓,龚文成,胡培玉,夏晓婧
本科毕业生:冯端,朱凌,陈莹,, 孙仙萍,王薇,任翊,曹泉,程英,张文鹏,苏晨,朱玲,罗尚文,王键民,张培,李艳杰,让颖,陈静,龙玉玲,李娜, 啜国清, 李生兰, 孟佳伟,胡培玉,张佩婷,许亚亚,张紫鑫,武长江,王榕、韩竟、李沂霖
交流留学生:Robert Fichtner, Stefanie Wei&ig (Jena University, Germany), 2009
&&&&&&&&&&& Shuai Guo (九州大学, 日本), 2010
Dan Havet, Emeline Gantois (Université Lille 2, France), 2011
&&&&&&&&&&& Marie Boutonniere, Victoire Meas (Université Lille 2, France), 2012
&Sophie Allou, Clemence Gouy &(Université Lille 2, France), 2013
1.&&&&&&& 博士后1-2名,按照武汉大学博士后录用程序,享受武汉大学博士后待遇。
2.&&&&&&& 欢迎校内外优秀学生报考本研究组博士生、硕士生。
1.&&&&& H. Zhao, Z. Chen*, Screening of neuraminidase inhibitors from traditional Chinese medicines by integrating capillary electrophoresis with immobilized enzyme microreactor, J. Chromatogr. A, 9-145.
2.&&&&& W. Zhang, Z. Zhang, J. Zhang, J. Meng, T. Bao, Z. Chen*, Covalent immobilization of graphene onto stainless steel wire for jacket-free stir bar sorptive extraction, J.Chromatogr. A, -20.
3.&&&&& J. Zhang, W. Zhang, T. Bao, Z. Chen*, Enhancement of capillary electrochromatographic separation performance by conductive polymer in a layer-by-layer fabricated graphene stationary phase, J. Chromatogr. A,2-199.
4.&&&&& W. Zhang, Z. Zhang, J. Meng, W. Zou, Z. Chen*, Adsorptive behavior and solid-phase microextraction of bare stainless steel sample loop in high performance liquid chromatography, J. Chromatogr. A, -28.
5.&&&&& J. Zhang, W. Zhang, T. Bao, Z. Chen*, Mussel-inspired polydopamine-assisted hydroxyapatite as stationary phase for capillary electrochromatography, Analyst, 139(.
6.&&&&& H. Zhao, Z. Chen*, Screening of neuraminidase inhibitors from traditional Chinese medicines by transverse diffusion mediated capillary electrophoresis, Biomicrofluidics, 8 (
7.&&&&& L. Ren, H. Zhao, Z. Chen*, Study on pharmacokinetic and tissue distribution of lycorine in mice plasma and tissues by liquid chromatographyCmass spectrometry, Talanta, 119(
8.&&&&& Y. Chen, Q. Xiang, Z. Chen*, Simultaneous and highly sensitive quantification of five bioactive components in Fructus Psoraleae and in rat plasma by HPLC with fluorescent detection, Anal. Methods, ), 269 - 275
9.&&&&& J. Chen, J. Zhang, W. Zhang, Z. Chen*, Sensitive determination of potential biomarker sarcosine for prostate cancer by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry with DCC derivatization, J. Sep. Sci. 37(.
10.& Y. Long, W. Zhang, F. Wang, Z. Chen*,Simultaneous determination of three curcuminoids in Curcuma longa L. by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrochemical detection, J. Pharm. Anal. 4(
11.& W. Zhang†, W. Zhou†, Z. Chen*, Graphene/polydopamine-modified polytetrafluoroethylene micro-tube for sensitive determination of three active components in Fructus Psoraleae by online solid-phase microextraction-high performance liquid chromatography, J. Sep. Sci. 2014, in press. (†co-first author)
12.& W. Ma, P. Gao, J. Fan, Y. Hashi*, Z. Chen*,&Determination of breath gas composition of lung cancer patients using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with monolithic material sorptive extraction, Biomedical Chromatography, 2014, in press.
13.& 13. Q. Xiang, Y. Chen, Z. Chen*, Sensitive and simultaneous determination of active components in Lycoris radiata by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection, Anal. Methods, 2014, in press.
1.&&&&&&& W. Zhang, J. Zhang, T. Bao, W. Zhou, J. Meng, Z. Chen*, Universal multilayer assemblies of graphene in chemically resistant micro-tubes for microextraction, Anal. Chem. 85(54.
2.&&&&& L. Wang, P. Hu, X. Deng, F. Wang, Z. Chen*, Fabrication of Electrochemical NO sensor Based on Nanostructured Film and Its Application in Drug Screening, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 50(.
3.&&&&& W. Ma, S. Fu, Y. Hashi, Z. Chen*, Determination of chiral jasmonates in flowers by GC-MS after monolithic material sorptive extraction, J.Agric & Food Chem. 61(92.
4.&&&&& H. Zhao, Z. Chen*, Screening of aromatase inhibitors from traditional Chinese medicines by electrophoretically mediated microanalysis in partially filled capillary, J. Sep. Sci. 36(97.
5.&&&&& W. Zhang, Z. Chen*, Mussel inspired polydopamine functionalized poly(ether ether ketone) tube for online solid-phase microextraction-high performance liquid chromatography and its application in analysis of protoberberine alkaloids in rat plasma, J. Chromatogr. A, -36.
6.&&&&& W. Zhang, J. Du, C. Su, L. Zhu, Z. Chen*, Development of β-cyclodextrin- modified silica and polyporous polymer particles for solid-phase extraction of methyl jasmonate in aqueous and plant samples, Anal. Lett. 46(1.
7.&&&&& F. Wang, X. Sun, Y. Chen, S. Xie, Z. Chen*,Non-enzymatic Glucose Sensor Based on Copper Nanoparticles Modified Microelectrode, Nanosci. and Nanotech. Lett, 5(.
8.&&&&& J. Liu, J. Zhang, Z. Chen*, Determination of bavachinin enantiomers in Fructus Psoraleae and rat plasma by liquid chromatography using permethylated-β-CD as a chiral selector, J. Pharm. Anal. 5(3.
9.&&&&& X. Mou, W. Zhang, Z. Chen*,Highly selective extraction of baicalin in natural herbs and medicinal preparations by molecularly imprinted polymer, J. Applied Polymer Sci. 130(78.
10.& Y. Rang, W. Zhang, Z. Chen*, Determination of kynurenine and tryptophan in human plasma by stacking-micellar electrokinetic chromatography, Anal.Lett. 46(13.
11.& H. Zhao, Z. Chen*, An HPLC-ESI-MS method for Analysis of loureirin A and B in dragon’s blood and Application in Pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution in rats, Fitoterapia, 86(.
12.& Y. Zhang, Z. Chen*, Nonaqueous Capillary Electrophoresis Electrospray Ionization-Ion Trap-Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Amaryllidaceae Alkaloids, J. Sep.Sci. 36(84.
13.& Y. Chen, Z. Chen*, Simultaneous separation of jasmonic acid conjugates with amino acids by micellar electrokinetic chromatography, J. Sep. Sci., 36(.
14.& J. Zhang, Z. Chen*, Determination of matrine and oxymatrine in Sophora Flavescens by non-aqueous capillary electrophoresis-electrospray ionization-ion trap-mass spectrometry, Anal. Lett. 46(.
15.& Q. Chen, W. Zhang, Y. Zhang, J. Chen, Z. Chen*, Identification and quantification of active alkaloids in Catharanthus roseus by liquid chromatography-ion trap mass spectrometry, Food Chem. 139(.
16.& Y. Chen, Z. Chen*, Fluorescein-core piperazine as a fluorescent labeling reagent for highly sensitive determination of jasmonic acid by high-performance liquid chromatography, Anal. Method, 5(38.
17.& Q. Chen, J. Zhang, W. Zhang, Z. Chen*, Analysis of active alkaloids in family Menispermaceae by nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis- ion trap mass spectrometry, J. Sep. Sci. 36(.
18.& S. Xie, F. Wang, Z. Chen*, Determination of Endogenous Jasmonic Acid in Plant Samples by Liquid Chromatography-Electrochemical Detection Based on Derivatization with Dopamine, Analyst, 128(31.
19.& W. Zhang, Z. Chen*, A polymer monolith microextraction coupled with HPLC for determination of jasmonates in wintersweet flowers, Anal. Lett. 46(.
20.& W. Zhang, Z. Chen*, Preparation of micropipette tip-based molecularly imprinted monolith for selective micro-solid phase extraction of berberine in plasma and urine samples, Talanta, 103(.
1.&&&&&&& J. Zhang, T. Bao, Z. Chen*, Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on polymeric SMA-EGDMA mononlith column by capillary electrochromatography, Anal. Method. 4(45.
2.&&&&&&& J. Chen, Q. Chen, Z. Chen*Enhancing Sensitivity of Liquid Chromatographic/Ion-trap Mass Spectrometric Determination of Jasmonic Acid by Derivatization with N, N CDicyclohexylcarbodiimide, Analyst,137( 40.
3.&&&&&&& Y. Wu, W. Zhang, Z. Chen*, A poly (4-vinylpridine-co-ethylene glycol dimethacrylate) monolithic concentrator for in-line concentration-capillary electrophoresis analysis of phenols in water samples, Electrophoresis, 33(19.
4.&&&&&&& X. Dang, C. Dang, Z. Chen, S. Wang, S. Hu, Electrochemical characteristics of cis-jasmone in acid media at multi-wall carbon nanotube-Nafion composite film modified electrode and its analytical application, Electrochem. Acta, 81(.
5.&&&&&&& Y. Zhang, Z. Chen*, Separation of isomeric bavachin and isobavachalcone in the Fructus Psoraleae by capillary electrophoresis-electrospray-mass spectrometry, J. Sep. Sci. 35(50.
6.&&&&&&& L. Liu, Z. Chen*, Analysis of four alkaloids of Coptis chinensis in rat plasma by high performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection, Anal. Chim. Acta, 737(.
7.&&&&&&& S. Fu, J. Fan, Y. Hashi*, Z. Chen*, Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water samples using online microextraction by packed sorbent coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, Talanta, 94(.
8.&&&&&&& Y. Zhang, L. Huang, Q. Chen, Z. Chen*, A silica monolithic column chemically bonded L-pipecolic acid as chiral stationary phase for enantiomeric separations of dansyl amino acids by capillary electrochromatography-mass spectrometry, Chromatographia, 75(.
9.&&&&&&& Q.Chen, Y. Li, Z. Chen*, Separation, identification and quantification of active constituents in Fructus Psoraleae by high-performance liquid chromatography with UV, ion trap mass spectrometry and electrochemical detection, J. Pharma. Anal. 2(.
10.&&& L. Liu, S. Li, Z. Chen*, Simultaneous determination of tetrandrine and fangchinoline in herbal medicine Stephania tetrandra S. Moore by liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection, J. Pharma.& Biomed. Anal. 61(.
1.&&&&&&& F. Yan, F. Wang, Z. Chen*, label-free aptamer-based biofunctional electtrochemical biosensor for thrombin and adenosine, Sensors and Actuators B Chemical. 160(85.
2.&&&&&&& Q. Chen, N. Li, W. Zhang, J. Chen and Z. Chen*, Simultaneous determination of vinblastine and its monomeric precursors vindoline and catharanthine in Catharanthus roseus by capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry, J. Sep. Sci. 34(92
3.&&&&&&& Q. Chen, Y. Zhang, W. Zhang, Z. Chen*, Identification and quantification of oleanolic acid and ursolic acid in Chinese herbs by liquid chromatography-ion trap mass spectrometry, Biomed. Chromatogr. 25(88.
4.&&&&&&& Q. Chen, S. Luo, Y. Zhang, Z. Chen*, Development of a liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry method for the determination of ursolic acid in rat plasma and tissue: Application to the pharmacokinetic and tissue distribution study, Anal. Bioanal Chem. 399(84.
5.&&&&&&& Y. Li, F. Wang, Z. Chen*, Determination of bavachin and isobavachalcone in Fructus Psoraleae by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection, J. Sep. Sci. 34(9.
6.&&&&&&& F. Wang, X. Chen, Z. Chen*, Eletrodeposited nickel oxide on a film of carbon nanotubes
For monitoring nitric oxide release from rat kidney and drug samples,Microchim. Acta, 173(.
7.&&&&&&& L. Liu, Y. Chen, Y. Zhang, F. Wang and Z. Chen*, Determination of tryptophan and kynurenine in human plasma by liquid chromatography-electrochemical detection with multi-wall carbon nanotube-modified glassy carbon electrode, Biomed. Chromato., 25(.
8.&&&&&&& F. Wang, X. Deng, W. Wang, Z. Chen*, Nitric oxide measurement in biological and pharmaceutical samples by a novel electrochemical sensor, J. Solid State Electrochem., 15(.
9.&&&&&&& L. Yang, Z. Chen*, Direct evaluation of ligand-receptor interaction by a novel imaging model based on fluorescent silica nanoparticle as ligand probe and molecular imprinting polymer as artificial receptor, Anal. Lett. 44(
10.&&& Tian Gan, Chengguo Hu, Zilin Chen, Shengshui Hu, A disposable electrochemical sensor for the determination of indoleC3Cacetic acid based on poly(safranine T)Creduced graphene oxide nanocomposite, Talanta,85(
11.&&& Tian Gan, Chengguo Hu, Zilin Chen, Shengshui Hu, Novel electrocatalytic system for the oxidation of methyl jasmonate based on layer-by-layer assembling of montmorillonite and phosphotungstic acid nanohybrid on graphite electrode, Electrochimica Acta, 56(17
12.&&& X. Dang, C. Hu, Z. Chen,S. Hu, A novel electrochemical method for determination of cis-jasmone based on enhancement effect of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, J. Electroanal. Chem., 657(
1.&&&&&&& W. Zhang, Y. Wu, Y. Chen, H. Jiang, Z. Chen*, Simultaneous separation of four metal ions by capillary electrophoresis using bis (2-pyridylmethyl) (8-pyridylmethyloxy-quinoline-2-methyl)-amine as chelating agent, Chromatographia, 72(05.
2.&&&&&&& T. Gan, C. Hu, Z. Chen, S. Hu*, Direct electrochemical determination of methyl jasmonate in wheat spikelet at a nano-montmorillonite film modified electrode by derivative square wavevoltammetry, J. Agric Food Chem.,58(47.
3.&&&&&&& T. Gan, C. Hu, Z. Chen, S. Hu*, Fabrication and application of a novel plant hormone sensor for the determination of methyl jasmonate based on self-assembling of phosphotungstic acid-graphene oxide nanohybrid on graphite electrode, Sensor and Actuators B: Chemical, 151(.
4.&&&&&&& Y. Liao, F. Wang, Z. Chen*, Electrochemical behavior and the determination of methyl jasmonates, Chinese Sci. Bull, 55(21)(30
5.&&&&&&& X. Deng, F. Wang Z. Chen*, A novel electrochemical sensor based on nano-structured film electrode for monitoring nitric oxide in living tissues, Talanta, 82(24.
6.&&&&&&& F. Wang, Y. Liao, Y. Ren, Z. Chen*, A novel method for D-arabinitol determination based on a nano-structured sensing film by one-step electrodeposition, Microchim. Acta, 17(, 2009.
7.&&&&&&& Q. Chen, S. Wei&ig, S. Luo, Z. Chen*, Simultaneous determination of five anti-epilepsy drugs in human plasma using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, Sci China B Chem, 53(78.
1.&&&&& L. Liu, Z. Chen*, “Separation of small molecular peptides with the same amino acid composition but different sequences by high performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry”, Sci China B Chem, 52&(12) (-2268.
2.&&&&& Y. Weng, Z. Chen*, F. Wang, L. Xue H. Jiang "High sensitive determination of zinc with novel water-soluble small molecular fluorescent sensor" Anal. Chim. Acta, 647(8.
3.&&&&& D. Feng, F. Wang, Z. Chen*, “Electrochemical glucose sensor based on one step construction of gold nanoparticle-chitosan composite film”, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 138 (4
4.&&&&& Y. Wu, J. Xie, F. Wang, Z. Chen*, ‘Separation of small molecular peptides with same amino acid composition and different sequences by capillary electrophoresis’, J. Sep. Sci. 32(.
1.&&&&&&&&&&& X. Chen, F. Wang, Z. Chen*, “An electropolymerized Nile Blue sensing film-based nitrite sensor and application in food analysis”, Anal. Chim.Acta, 623(.
2.&&&&&&& Y. Wu, J. Xue, F. Wang, Z. Chen*, ‘Electrokinetic separation of peptides and proteins using polyvinylamine-coated capillary with UV and ESI-MS detections’, J. Sep. Sci. 31(3.
2007 and before 2007
1.&&&&&&& Z. Chen, B. Boggess, H. C. Chang, ‘Open-tubular capillary electrochromatography-mass spectrometry with sheathless nanoflow electrospray ionization for analysis of amino acids and peptides’, J. Mass Spec. 42(.
2.&&&&&&&& &Z. Chen, F.-C. Hsu, D. Battigelli, H. C. Chang, ‘Capture and release of virus using amino-funcitonalized silica particles, Anal. Chim. Acta, 569(.
3.&&&&&&&& P. Wang, Z. Chen, and H. C. Chang, ‘An integrated micropump and electrospray emitter& based on porous silica monliths’, Electrophoresis, 27(70.
4.&&&&&&&& P. Wang, Z. Chen, and H. C. Chang, ‘A new electroosmotic pump based on silica monoliths’, Sensors and Actuators B, 113 (.
5.&&&&&&&& C. Hu, Z. Chen, A. Shen, X. Shen, J. Li, S.S.Hu, ‘Water-soluble single-walled carbon nanotubes via noncovalent functionalization by rigid, planar and conjugated diazo dye’ Carbon, 44(.
6.&&&&&&&& Z. Chen, P. Wang, H. C. Chang, ‘An electroosmotic micro-pump based on monolithic silica for micro flow analyses and electrosprays’, Anal.& Bioanal. Chem., 382(.
7.&&&&&&&& Z. Chen, H. C. Chang, T. Hobo, ‘Application of monolithic silica matrix in microfluidic analysis’(invited), Bunseki Kagaku (Japanese Anal. Chem.), 54(.
8.&&&&&&&& Z. Chen, K. Hayashi, Y. Iwasaki, R. Kurita, O. Niwa, K. Sunagawa, ‘On-line monolithic enzyme reactor fabricated by sol-gel process for elimination of ascorbic acid while monitoring dopamine’, Electroanalysis. 17 (.
9.&&&&&&&& Z. Chen, K. Uchiyama, T. Hobo, ‘Chiral resolution of dansyl amino acids by ligand exchange capillary electrophoresis using Cu(II)-L-Prolinamides as chiral selectors’ Anal. Chim. Acta, 523(1)(.
10.&&&& Z. Chen, T. Fuyumuro, K. Watabe, T. Hobo, ‘Influence of spacers and organic modifiers on chromatographic behaviors on chiral diamide stationary phase with N-(3,5-Dimethylbenzoyl)-D-phenylglycine’ Anal. Chim. Acta, 518(1-2)(9.
11.&&&& Z. Chen, T. Nishiyama, K. Uchiyama, T. Hobo, ‘Electrochromatographic enantioseparation using chiral ligand exchange monolithic sol-gel column’ Anal. Chim. Acta, 501(1)(.
12.&&&& T. You, O. Niwa, Z. Chen, K. Hayashi, M. Tomita, S. Hirono, ‘A novel amperometric detector formed of highly dispersed Ni nano-particles embedded in a graphite-like carbon film electrode for sugar determination’, Anal. Chem. 75 (-5196.
13.&&&& H. Ozawa, Z. Chen, K. Kawata, T. Nakagama, K. Uchiyama, T. Hobo, ‘Capillary electrochromatographic behaviors of dansyl amino acid enantiomers on cyclodextrin-immolilized monolithic silica column’, Bunseki Kagaku, (Japanese Anal. Chem.) 52(12)(12.
14.&&&& T. Nishiyama, Z. Chen, T. Nakagama, K. Uchiyama, T. Hobo, ‘Separation of dansyl amino acid enantiomers by ligand exchange capillary electrochromatography ushing L-lysinamide-modified monolithic silica column’, Bunseki Kagaku (Japanese Anal. Chem.), 52(10.
15.&&&& Z. Chen, M. Niidzma, K. Uchiyama and T. Hobo, ‘Comparisons of enantioseparations using Cu(II) complexes with L-amino acid amides as chiral selectors or chiral stationary phases by CE, CEC and micro-LC’, J. Chromatogr. A, 990 (.
16.&&&& Z. Chen, H. Ozawa, K. Uchiyama and T. Hobo, ‘Cyclodextrin-modified monolithic silica column for resolving of dansyl amino acid enantiomers and positional isomers by capillary electrochromatography’, Electrophoresis, 24(15)(58.
17.&&&& Z. Chen, T. Fuyumuro, T. Nakagama, K. Uchiyama and T. Hobo, ‘New diamide-type chiral stationary phase for chiral separations by normal and reverse phases HPLC’, J. Liquid Chromatogr. & Related Tech., 26(13)(17.
18.&&&& Z. Chen, T. Nakayama, T. Nakagama, K. Uchiyama and T. Hobo, ‘Thermodynamic Approaches to Intermolecular Interaction and Retention Behaviors in Liquid Chromatography’, J. Liquid Chromatogr. & Relative Tech., 26(17)(38.
19.&&&& Z. Chen, K. Uchiyama and T. Hobo, ‘Chemically modified chiral monolithic silica column for the enantioseparation by m-HPLC’, J. Chromatogr. A, 942(.
20.&&&& Z. Chen, M. Niidzma, T. Nakagama, K. Uchiyama and T. Hobo, ‘Enantioseparations of dansyl amino acids unsing Cu(II) complexes with L-amino acylamides as chiral selectors in electrolytes by capillary electrophoresis’, J. Sep. Sci, 25(01.
21.&&&& Z. Chen and T. Hobo, ‘Chemically L-phenylalaninamide-modified monolithic silica column prepared by sol-gel process for enantioseparation of dansyl amino acids by ligand exchange-capillary electrochromatography’, Anal. Chem., 73 (-3357.
22.&&&& Z. Chen and T. Hobo, ‘Chemically L-prolinamide-modified monolithic silica column for enantiomeric separation of hydroxy acids and dansyl amino acids by capillary electrochromatography and m-HPLC’, Electrophoresis, 22 (-3346.
23.&&&& Z. Chen, K. Uchiyama and T. Hobo, ‘Interaction between 18-crown-6-tetracarboxylic acid and positional substituents of enantiomers and simultaneous separation of positional enantiomers of methyl-DL-tryptophans by capillary electrophoresis’, Electrophoresis, 22 (-2142.
24.&&&& Z. Chen, K. Yamada, M. Niitsuma, K. Uchiyama and T. Hobo, ‘Separation selectivity in micellar electrokinetic chromatography using different anionic surfactants as pseudo-stationary phases’, Chromatographia, 54 (3.
25.&&&& Z. Chen, K. Uchiyama and T. Hobo, ‘18-crown-6-tetracarboxylic acid as a chiral additive for the simultaneous separation of o-, m- and p-enantiomers of phenylalanine family by capillary electrophoresis’, Enantiomer, 6 (.
26.&&&& Z. Chen, ‘Ligand exchange-micellar electrokinetic chromatography and its applications’ (Digest of doctoral dissertation in Japanese), Bunseki Kagaku (Japanese Anal. Chem.), 49 (4.
27.&&&& Z. Chen, K. Uchiyama and T. Hobo, ‘Estimation of formation constants of ternary Cu(II) complexes with mixed amino acid enantiomers based on ligand exchange by capillary electrophoresis’, Anal. Sci., 16(8) (1.
28.&&&& Z. Chen, K. Uchiyama and T. Hobo, ‘Separation of hydroxy acid enantiomers by ligand exchange-micellar electrokinetic chroamtography’ (in Japanese), Bunseki Kagaku (Japanese Anal. Chem.), 49(10) (4.
29.&&&& Z. Chen, J. Lin, K. Uchiyama and T. Hobo, ‘Determination of critical micelle concentration of anionic surfactants by ligand exchange micellar electrokinetic chromatography’, Anal. Chem. Acta, 403 (8.
30.&&&& Z. Chen, J. Lin, K. Uchiyama and T. Hobo, ‘Reversal behavior of the enantiomers migration order and the stereo-selectivity of Cu(II) complex with amino acid enantiomers in ligand-exchange micellar electrokinetic chromatography’, Anal. Sci., 16(2) (7.
31.&&&& Z. Chen, J. Lin, K. Uchiyama and T. Hobo, ‘Simultaneous separation of sixteen positional and optical isomers of the tryptophan family by ligand-exchange micellar electrokinetic chromatography’, Chromatographia, 49 (3.
32.&&&& Z. Chen, J. Lin, K. Uchiyama and T. Hobo, ‘Separation behavior of amino acid enantiomers in ligand-exchange micellar electrokinetic chromatography’, J. Microcol. Sep., 11 (0.
33.&&&& Z. Chen, J. Lin, K. Uchiyama and T. Hobo, ‘Simultaneous separation of o-, m-, p-fluoro-DL-phenylalanine and o-, m-, p-DL-tyrosine by ligand exchange micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography’, J. Chromatogr. A, 813 (8.
34.&&&& Z. Chen, G. Xu, K. Specht, R. Yang and S. She, ‘Determination of taurine in biological samples by reversed-phase liquid chromatography with precolumn derivatization with dinitrofluorobenzene’, Anal. Chim. Acta, 296 (3.
35.&&&& S. S. Hu, Z. Chen and T. Zhang, ‘Adsorptive stripping voltammetry of testosterone propionate in pharmaceutical preparations’, Fresenius’ J. Anal. Chem., 346 (10-11) (-10.
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