Help______(you)towe want some helpmilk,Mary

Healthy or Not? 5 “Health Foods” You Shouldn’t Eat3 killer recipes to alkalise your body
Heard of the alkalising diet? It’s not really a diet… it’s a way of eating. It entails leaning towards foods that help to alkalise your body. I like to lean. As opposed to doing a violent about-face with my eating. Essentially, diseases – like cancer and AI – can’t exist in a fully alkalised system. The closer you can get to this utopic state, the better you’ll be. Simple.
Alkaline Sisters’ kale salad, recipe below
I’ve done this before, when I was 21. I had
at the time. After three months of eating acid-free (nothing from a can, no deadly night shades – mushrooms, potatoes, tomatoes – etc), I was healed. Seriously. I avoided radioactive iodine treatment, put on weight again and got on with my life.
This post has been updated:
Where does this sit with my eating today? And where does it fit with Paleo eating? As per , my take on Paleo eating is this: I eat a stack of vegetables – mostly greens – dairy in moderation, and eggs and meat in moderation as well. This still fits with an alkaline mentality, but is not strictly an alkaline diet. But I don’t stick to any diet, I choose my own way. The main thing I take from the alkaline diet is lots of vegetables, especially green ones, no sugar, no processed foods, no trans fats. Which is also Paleo in it’s thinking.
I thought I’d get
to share a bit of a 101 and some recipes.
grilled Julie recently:
Why should we be alkalising our bodies?
Alkalizing or ‘balancing the pH of your body’ will provide your body with a level of nutrition that it can use to maintain optimal health.
it is vital for our survival to maintain a blood pH of 7.365
There are other varying pH levels within our body that also need to be maintained, but have greater fluctuation, like our urine. They reflect quite directly the food we consume.
A poor diet is very taxing on your body as it has to constantly maintain homeostasis, which it undergoes at all times, struggling to obtain alkalizing nutrients from organs and bones thus depleting their necessary stores.
What does too much acid do to our bodies?
A prolonged acidic diet will eventually make small incremental changes to our blood, making it more acidic. Even the smallest variation in our blood = big problems. An overly acidic body provides a perfect breeding ground for bacteria & disease.
bacteria & disease, especially cancer cells, cannot thrive in an alkaline body
Immune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis – which is an acid build up in the joints, an imbalance of the pH of the blood – can be relieved if not resolved.
How to eat alkaline – in a nutshell?
Enjoy lots of alkaline foods and minimize acidic ones.
80% alkaline, 20% acidic foods each day is ideal
unless you already suffer from disease, then one needs to super alkalize until you resolve the issue.
Our bodies were designed to heal themselves, but can only do so when they are provided with wholesome nutrients that will nuture this process.
Is it more than just food?
Those of us who eat incredibly healthy may still lead very stressful lives, which constantly leaves our bodies in a fight or flight mode of stress. This hormonal response was designed for us to deal with sudden short occasions of stress as in our ancestors when they encountered dangerour situtations ie a bear or a tiger to tackle or run from.
This fear also causes our bodies to secrete acidic fluids that then need to be balanced.
Getting a handle on your stress will make a huge difference to your health.
Activities like yoga, meditation, long walks, pampering baths, quiet reading and healthy relationships is the other half of the battle in maintaining a healthy body for a life of longevity, free of disease
What are your top five tips for alkalising?
Veggies, veggies and more veggies!
Veggies are whole foods minus the extreme sugars that feed disease, and are packed with the nutrients from the soil- that are meant to be transferred to our bodies via our crops.
Choose organic to be sure that you get the maximum nutrients possible, as organics pack 25% more nutrients than conventionally grown produce.
Enjoy a proportion of 80% veggies either raw, lightly cooked, blended and juiced and be sure to focus on lots of green chlorphyll rich veggies that convert to greater amounts of energy!
Low sugar fruits.
Lemons, limes, grapefruit, avocados, and berries are the most ideal fruits to consume.
Sugar feeds disease, so moderation is necessary to maintain health.
Enjoy other fruits as an occasional treat to minimize your intake, and avoid fruit juice altogether unless freshly pressed in small quantities on occasion.
Consume only 20% each day of acidic foods.
This should represent only whole unprocessed foods including plant and organic animal protein, whole grains (preferrably sprouted), nuts, seeds, and some fruit.
Water, water, alkaline water.
By increasing your water intake each and every day you will increase all body functions that all require water in some way.
If this water is pure and alkalized it will optimize these functions.
Flushing toxins is vitally important and without water we can’t eliminate these properly and they become lodged and cause problems.
Shoot for 3-4 litres a day, one upon waking, two between meals and one in the evening. Adding lemon will increase the alkalinity, as will a little pinch of Himalayan sea salt, if you don’t have the means to get an alkaline filter which will filter & increase the pH of your water.
Reduce your stress and erase negative thoughts. I have to work at this daily to maintain a healthy state.
What are the biggest things we should avoid?
Sugar. One of the most acidic things to the body is sugar. It’s a poison that kills. All sugars, even those from fruit, are recognized as sugar by the body and an excess causes disease.
Dairy. It is highly mucous causing although it is slightly alkaline in nature. In the rare case that one could acquire raw dairy one might argue it’s benefits, but realistically we shouldn’t be drinking the milk of other animals that is meant to nuture the lives of their offspring as we don’t have the enzymes to break it down properly after about the age of 2. [please note, this is Julie’s opinion. I personally respond well to some dairy. I think it’s an individual thing – Sarah]
Stimulants like coffee, alcohol, sodas, chocolate, sugar – these should be avoided altogether for those in a disease state and used only on occasion otherwise.
It takes 32 glasses of alkaline water to balance 1 can of pop, and 8 glasses for one glass of wine, so imagine how difficult it is for our bodies to correct the imbalance when you have these.
Processed foods. Since the introduction of processed foods in the ;s disease rates have been climbing steadily especially the top two fatal ones like cancer & heart disease.
As tempting as they may be packaged foods are mostly poison – filled with non-food and chemicals.
Do your best to only shop the outside of the grocery store and minimize your purchases of packages.
Your cart should be mostly filled with veggies and whole foods.
In a restaurant setting do your best to include a salad and/or veggies in your choices.
Living in a constant state of unhappiness & stress.
Only you can change your life and choosing not to improve your situation is a recipe for disease.
You mentioned lemon juice in water – isn’t lemon acidic?
Many folks misunderstand the way alkaline food affects our bodies.
On the outside or our body a lemon is acidic, but once consumed it leaves an alkaline ash which supports body functions within.
Adding lemon to your water, warm or room temperature is an excellent way to alkalize your body.
How can we test our system to see how alkaline we are? And what are we aiming for?
It’s quite simple.
A stip of yellow litmus paper (availble at most health stores) will react with your urine and show on a scale the degree of alkalinity in your body fluid.
Testing your saliva is not nearly as acurate.
average pH of around 7.0-8.0 is a good place to be. Even higher is ideal for reversing disease.
Testing your urine at varying times of the day will yield varying results.
After a night of rest your body has been busy detoxing thus your first pee of the day will reflect a greater level of acidity.
The second one, before ingesting food, only water, will give you a more acurate picture.
Mid afternoon is a good time to measure especially after a balanced meal.
Be sure to take your pH for a few days and chart it and take a look at the fluctuation to see how you are doing depending on your diet.
This is an indication of how your body is correcting your pH depending on your diet.
Anything else you think we should know?
1. With an alkaline lifestyle there is no portion control or calorie counting.
Just by consuming a diet with a high proportion of veggies and a small balance of acidic foods you will see pounds melt away as you nourish your body with the food it is crying for. Conversely you will gain a couple of pounds if you are under weight as the body adjusts to it’s normal healthy weight.
2. The reason cholesterol levels soar in the body is to repair the severe damage caused to the arteries by acidic blood, which scours your arterial walls like a harsh scrub with steel wool.
By simply following an alkaline diet cholesterol levels have been known to drop with in days and weeks.
3. Most diseases and inflammation are caused by an acidic body. They can be reversed by alkalizing the body, and will not occur in an alkaline body. Any nasal drip in an alkaline body is a natural oriface for detoxing and is a sign that your body is highly efficient in eliminating any toxins you may be exposed to or may have ingested.
This is not a cold, it is the natural detox process.
4. If you’re wanting to read some more, check out some of these articles:
Dr. Robert O. Young, author of The pH Miracle has a site .
Ross over at Energize for Life has a
that will help you.
And a few (more complex) scientific studies:
3 killer alkaline recipes
Kale caesar salad
1 very large bunch of curly Kale
1 cup sunflower seeds (save a few for a garnish if desired)
1/3 cup almond nuts, raw
1/8 tsp chipotle powder or to you liking – it’s spicy
1/2 tsp smoked paprika
2 garlic cloves
1 1/4 filtered water
1 1/2 tsp agave syrup (substitute to rice malt syrup if you’re sugar free)
1/2 tsp sea salt
Wash and pat dry kale leaves, removing center membrane just up to where it thins out, tearing kale leaf into bite size pieces. Place in a very large bowl.
Measure remaining ingredients into blender and combine until creamy and smooth.
Pour half the mixture over the kale leaves.
Using two spoons or your hands, toss kale to coat, adding remaining mixture and ensuring that leaves are coated in folds and curls,working the mixture thru the leaves really well. Allow to stand for 10 minutes to tenderize the kale leaves.
Plate the greens and sprinkle with sunflower seeds if desired.
Fennel, jicama and macadamia salad
This is a super pretty salad. For the recipe, click .
Coriander and avocado soup
A great cooling lunch. For the recipe, click .
Have you tried alkalising? Did you notice a difference in your health?
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I'm a journalist + TV presenter. I write about how to make life better. If I had a resume it would list the following: editor of Cosmopolitan magazine, host of MasterChef Australia, Sunday Life columnist, host + producer of the Lifestyle YOU channel (under "hobbies" it would say: eating + riding a bike).
I'm on a mission to find ways to make life bigger, more meaningful, nicer, smarter, heartier.
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for(var i=0;iBBCDC试题分析:这篇短文主要描述了一个病人听从医生建议,病好之后去看望医生的故事。1.根据The doctor examined and said, “ Medicine can’t help you. You must have a good rest.可知一生不让他吃药。故选B。2.根据A month later old John came to the doctor again. ……said old John, “I feel quite well now.可知选B。3.根据and the one cigar a day nearly killed (杀) me at first.可知约翰以前吸烟很多。可知选项C,描述错误。4.根据You look much younger.” Said the doctor.推理可知他病后看起来很老。故选D。5.这篇短文主要描述了一个病人听从一生建议,然后康复的故事。故选C。考点:关于一个病人和医生的记述文点评:本文浅显易懂,各个小题都能在文中找到适当依据。只要认真阅读短文,注意前后联系,就能顺利完成阅读。文章所设试题主要考察细节查找,做题关键是找出原文的根据,认真核查小题和原文的异同。
I have been in Hong Kong for three
days, and I’m h__1___ a great time. Yesterday morning, my good friend,
Tony, came to my hotel. After breakfast, he showed me a__2___ the city.
It was a very busy day, but I saw many places of i__3___. First we
visited the Ocean Park. After that we took a taxi to St. John’s Cathedra(教堂)l. I think it is a very old b__4___. Then we went
to Victoria Peak(太平山顶). There we could s__5___all Hong Kong. It was really w__6___. After dinner, we caught a bus to a s__7___,
where we bought some food. On the bus back to the hotel, we b__8____
felt tired but h__9___. Tony didn’t leave until l__10___ at
night. We enjoyed ourselves very much.
根据短文内容和首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整。&&&& John's a fourteen-year-old boy. His family is very rich, so John d__1__ think it's necessary (必要) for him to work hard. He spends lots of time and money o__2__ computer games. He often plays them three hours except doing his homework every day. &&& Usually his father's d__3__ takes him to school in his father's car. Then he drives John's father to his office. O__4__ evening, his father tells John that he has to go to the airport (机场) early tomorrow morning, so he will n__5__ the car at the same time when John goes to school. John asks, "Oh, well, h__6__ can I go to school tomorrow if you need your car?" His father wants John to know how d__7__the life is for the poor people in the world. He answers, "I think you'll go in the same w__8__ as other children in the world…". "Daddy, b__9__ taxi." John suddenly says, "I know it's the b_10__ and fastest way." His father shakes (摇头) his head and says softly " on foot, I mean".
根据句意和首字母提示填空,完成下列句子。 1. His bike is broken, he has to walk to school i_______ of riding. 2. Little Tom is t_______ of speaking aloud, he's shy. 3. When we heard the bad news, we couldn't help s_______ laughing. 4. A spider is a kind of i_______. 5. He became very i_______ in music at the age of five. 6. Annie used to be quiet, but now she's very o_______. 7. I didn't go to bed u_______ nine yesterday evening. 8. Lucy used to have short hair, but now her hair is l_______ than before. 9. Sorry, I can't join you. I h_______ to study for a test. 10. She is u_______ to the life here. 11. Don't w_______ about things so much. Take it easy. 12. It seemed that she has c_______ a lot. She's more outgoing.13. He's f_______ to us. We're very thankful. 14. Don't you r_______ me, I'm John, your old classmate. 15. The teacher looks so s_______. What happened? 16.& He still argues, t_______ he knows he's wrong. 17.& They can't a_______ to buy a new TV set.
根据句意填词。1. Deng Yaping is one of the most o_______ table-tennis players. 2. She's very c_______; She writes and paints a lot. 3. Robert Frost w_______ the Pulitzer Prize (普利策奖) four times in , . 4. The Olympic R________ of the high jump was broken by a young athlete. 5. The p_______ received a warm welcome as soon as he returned back from space.6. "I can't find my pen. Have you seen it?" "No.You must have put it s_______.&&&&&Look for it more carefully and I'm sure to find it." 7. In order to keep f_______, she jogs every morning. 8. "What are you going to do this afternoon?" "_______ much. I'm quite free." 9.& Which animal do you like _______, monkeys or tigers?10. John is a college student, but he has a _______ job in a shop.11. The old woman was 55 years old. After she r_______, she looked after her grandson.
Number 1&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
M: Hey, Betty! How do you study for a test?
W: I study by listening to tapes.
Number 2&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
M: Sally, did you use to be afraid of tigers?
W: Yes, I did.
Number 3&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
M: I think we should be allowed to play soccer after
W: I agree.
Number 4&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
M: It’s Celia’s birthday tomorrow. I don’t know what I
should get her.
W: If I were you, I would get her a scarf.
M: Hi, Maria! Whose
backpack is this?&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
W: I don’t know.
Look, there is a hair band in it. So the owner can’t be a boy.
M: It could be Lily’s
hair band. She has long hair.
W: You’re right. The
backpack might belong to Lily.
W: Have you done your homework, John?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
M: Not yet.
W: Then why are you watching TV now?
M: This is my favorite baseball game.
W: You can watch it after you finish your homework.
M: But the show will be over.
W: There will be another game next week.
M: Please?
W: You know the rules, John.
M: I hate the rules! I can’t wait till I grow up.
W: Hi, Lewis! I’m so glad the holiday is finally here.
M: Me too.&Imagine!&We’ve got three days in a
W: So, where’re you going?
M: I don’t have any plans yet.&I’ll just play it by
ear.&How about you, Tina?
W: We’re going hiking and camping in the mountains.
M: That sounds exciting!
W: Would you like to join us?
M: Hmm, let me think about it.&I’ll let you know
M: Gina, I was invited to a party. I don’t know what to
wear and I need your help.&
W: Well, what kind of party is it?
M: It is an important party for all junior students.
W: When is the party?
M: 8:00 pm, next Friday evening.
W: Oh, that is one week from
today. You have enough time to get prepared. And if I were you, I
&would wear a shirt and
tie. But don’t wear a suit. That makes you look old.
M: I agree. But what if I don’t know anyone?
W: Well, if I were you, I would talk to someone first.
It is not good to be too shy, right?
M: Yes, you are right.
W: Don’t worry. Everything will be fine. Have a good
time at the party.
M: Thanks.
Hello, boys and girls. Welcome to our Summer Camp Day! It is a team competition taking place once every year both at the festival and on
our website!
There are four teams: red, yellow, blue, and
purple. You can join a team by joining the team’s Facebook group. Within each
group, team members work together on how they can win the competition, and
decide more fun things like team songs, team flags and so on.
Each year, one team will be named the Summer
Camp Day Champion. The winning team will be decided at the end of the festival,
and we will fly their flag that day. The winning team will also get a party.
As a team member, you have to wear your team color
and encourage your teammates, or join in games. The games include spelling
game, guessing game, water ball game and soccer game. If you win a game, you
will get prizes like T-shirts or some other souvenirs. Most of the games will
be during the day on Saturdays, and the winning team’s party will be on Sunday
I hope you will enjoy yourself in our summer
W: Hello, Hoffman Travel Agency.
Hello. I’d like to book a flight from Beijing to Shanghai, please.
see. May I have your name, please?
Thomas Green. T-H-O-M-A-S. Thomas. G-R-E-E-N, Green.
it. So when are you travelling?
like to fly next Monday, November 25th.
W: Wait a moment, please. (Pause)
We have one ticket left.
M: Perfect!
How much is the ticket?
W: It is only 840 RMB.
M: Well, that’s a pretty fair
W: A ticket to Shanghai for next
Monday, November 25th. OK, your ticket has been booked. The flight
number is CA1589 from Beijing International Airport Terminal Three to Shanghai Hongqiao Airport. The departure time is 8:30 p.m.
you so much! By the way, can I bring my pet with me?
sorry. Pets are not allowed.
see. Thanks.
are welcome. Goodbye.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
5. What’s in the backpack?
notebook.&&&&&& B. A pencil
box.&&&&& C. A hair hand
6. Whose backpack could it be?
& A. Jack’s&&&&&&&&&&&
B. Lily’s&&&&&&&&&& C. Maria’s
& 请听一段对话,完成第7至8小题。
7. What is John doing now?
& A. Watching
TV.&&&&&& B. Doing
homework.&&&&& C. Playing baseball.
8. What does John hate?
shows.&&&&&&&& B. The
rules&&&&&&& C. The games.
& 请听一段对话,完成第9至10小题。
9.How long will the holiday be?
& A. Two days.&&&& &&&&&&B.
Three days.&&&& C. Four days.
10. What is Tina going to do during the holiday?
& A. Go hiking and camping.&&&&&&
B. Go to the beach.&&&&& C. Visit the museum.
11. When is the party?
& A. Next Sunday evening.&&&&&
B. Next Saturday evening.&&&&& C. Next Friday evening.
12. What will the boy probably wear for the party?
& A. A shirt and tie. &&&&&&&&B.
A suit and shirt.&&&&&&& C. A suit and tie.
13. What can we know about the boy?
& A. He has no friends.&& &&&&&&&&B.
He needs more time.&&&&& C. He wants some advice.
& 请听一段对话,完成第14至16小题。
14. How can you join the team?
& A. By joining a party on Saturdays.&&&&&&
B. By joining a group on Facebook.&&&
C. By joining games on the Internet.
15. Which game is not talked about?
A. Guessing game.&&&&&
B. Spelling game.&&&&& C. Dancing game.
16. What does the speaker want to do?
& A. To tell us about a competition.&&&&&&
B. To introduce a competition team.&&&&&
C. To encourage us to win the game.


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