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Powered by求exo 《call me baby》的中文歌词分配_百度知道call off的翻译中文意思-在线英汉词典
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&&英文单词:call off
简明英汉词典call offv.叫走, 放弃, 使转移走, 依次叫名美国传统词典[双解]callcallAHD:[k?l] D.J.[k%8l]K.K.[k%l]v.(动词)called,,及物动词)(1)To announce:呼唤,叫喊:用大嗓音说;宣布:called my name fr calling out numbers.从街对面呼唤我的姓名;报数(2)To demand or ask for the presence of:召唤:要求或请求出席:called th call the police.召集孩子们来吃饭;叫警察来(3)To demand or
convene or convoke:召集:要求或请求参加会议;集会或召集会议:call the legislature into session.召集议会开会(4)To order or request to undertake a particu summon:征召:命令或要求参加某一特别活动或工作;传唤:She was called for jury duty. He was called to the priesthood.她被征召去参加陪审团工作。他被召去当牧师(5)To
order:下令,命令:call a work stoppage.下令歇业(6)To communicate or try to communicate with by telephone:打电话给:用电话联系或试图通过电话联系:called me at nine.九点钟打电话给我(7)To lure (prey) by imitating the characteristic cry of an animal:模仿动物叫声以引诱(捕获):call ducks.模仿鸭子叫声以诱猎(8)To cause to come to the mind or to attention:使想起:导致几进入意识或引起注意:a story that calls to mind an incident in my youth.这则故事让起我想起少年时发生的事故(9)To name:命名:What will you call the baby?你们将给这孩子取什么名字?(10)To consider or regard as being of a par characterize:称作:考虑或认为是某一特殊类别或种类;表示…特色:Let's call the game a draw. I'd hardly call him a good manager.就称这比赛是练习吧。我很难称他为一位好的经理(11)T label:指明;标明:Nobody calls me a liar.没有人称我为说谎者(12)To demand payment of:要求还清:call a loan.讨还借债(13)To require the presentation of (a bond) for redemption before maturity.在未到期之前要求偿还(债券)(14)Sports 【体育运动】 (15)To stop or postpone (a game) because of bad weather, darkness, or other adverse conditions.停止或延期比赛:由于天气不好、天黑或其它不利条件而停止或推迟(一场比赛)(16)To declare in the capacity of an umpire or referee:判定:以促裁人或裁判员的资格宣布: ca call a penalty for holding.判跑垒者出局;判定拳击手犯规;判持球犯规(17)To indicate a decision in regard to:做出相关的一项裁决:calling balls and stri called a close play.(棒球赛中)在本垒板后判为好球或坏球。判决比赛不分胜负(18)To give the orders or signals for:指挥:发出命令或信号给:a quarterback who called a poor play.一个指挥得差劲的四分卫足球员(19)Games 【游戏】 (20)To describe the intended outcome of (one's billiard shot) before playing.说出撞球数:在游戏进行这前说出希望的结果(如某人的台球进袋数)(21)To equal the bet of (the preceding bet or bettor) in a poker game.叫牌:扑克游戏中抵上(以前的注或下注者)所下的注(22)To indicate or characterize a predict:预测:预先表明或准确地描述其特性;预测:It is often difficult to call the outcome of an election.See Synonyms at predict 预测选举的结果常常是困难的参见 predict(23)To challenge the truthfulness or genuineness of:要求提供证据:对其真实性或诚意提出质疑:called the debater on a question of fact.质问该辩手某一事实(24)To shout directions in rhythm for (a square dance).(在方块舞中)喊出舞步v.intr.(不及物动词)(1)T shout:叫喊:大声地说;呼喊:a swimmer who was calling for help.一个正在呼救的游泳者(2)To utter a characteristic cry. Used of an animal:鸣,啼:发出特有叫声。用于动物:geese calling in early morning.一大早鹅就在叫(3)To communicate or try to communicate with someone by telephone:打电话:联系或试图通过电话联系:I called twice, but no one answered.我打了两次电话,但无人应答(4)To pay a short visit:短暂的拜访:We called to pay our respects.我们去拜望了,以表示敬意n.(名词)(1)A a shout.叫喊:大声的叫喊;喊叫(2)The characteristic cry of an animal.鸣:动物特有的叫声(3)A sound or an instrument made to imitate such a cry, used as a lure:模拟叫声:一种声音或使用某乐器模拟的此种叫声,用于引诱:a moose call.摹仿的麋鹿的叫声(4)A telephone communication or connection.电话联络:电话通讯或联系(5)Need or occasion:必要,理由:There was no call for an apology.已没有道歉的必要了(6)Demand:需求:There isn't much call for buggy whips today.今天已不那么需要赶马车的鞭子了(7)A claim on a person's time or life:召唤:对某人的时间和生活作出要求:the call of duty.职责的召唤(8)A short visit, especially one made as a formality or for business or professional purposes.拜访:短暂的访问,尤指礼节性的或为商业和职业目的而进行的(9)A summons or an invitation.召集或邀请(10)A signal, such as that made by a horn or bell.信号:一种信号,如由角或钟发出的(11)The sounding of a horn to encourage hounds during a hunt.号角声响:狩猎时为鼓动猎狗冲出而用角吹出的声音(12)A strong inn a vocation:感召:一种强烈的内在渴求或促进力;一种天职:a call to the priesthood.感召成为教士(13)The strong attraction or appeal of a given activity or environment:强烈的魅力:某种既定活动或环境的强烈的吸引力或期求: answered the call of the desert.原野的召唤;响应沙漠的召唤(14)A roll call.点名(15)A notice of rehearsal times posted in a theater.排演通知:剧院里贴的预演次数的通告(16)Sports A decision made by an umpire or a referee.【体育运动】 判决:由公断人或裁判员作出的决定(17)A direction or series of directions rhythmically called out to square dancers.舞步指导:跳方块舞的人发出的有节奏的一项或一系列指挥动作(18)A demand for payment of a debt.催付:还债的要求(19)A demand to submit bonds to the issuer for redemption before the maturity date.催交:在到期之前将股款交给股票发行者以供兑现的要求(20)An option to buy a certain quantity of a stock or commodity for a specified price within a specified time.期货承购:一种可在特定时间按特定价格购进一定数量的股票或商品的选折权(21)A demand for payment due on stock bought on margin when the value has shrunk.当股票价格下降并低于承购价格时付款的要求常用词组call back(1)To communicate the need for (someone) to return from one situation or location to a previous one:召回:通知需要(某人)从现状或位置返回到先前的状况或位置:Management called the laid-off workers back.经理召回了被解雇的工人们(2)To telephone or radio (a person) who has called previously:回电话:打电话或回信号给先前曾打来电话的(某人):I called her back at noon.中午我回她电话(3)To recall (a defective product) for repair:收回处理:调回(有缺陷的产品)以供修复:The company has called back all such models built in 1990.公司已收回所有1990年的机型以便修理call down(1)T reprimand:挑剔:找麻烦;斥责:The teacher called me down for disobedience.因我不听话,老师训斥了我(2)To invoke, as from heaven.保佑:祈求,比如向上帝call for(1)To appear, as on someone else's premises, in order to get:去拿:出现在他人房舍内以图有所得:My chauffeur will call for you at seven.我的汽车司机七点钟会到你那儿去取(2)To be an appropriate occasion for:适合采取:是一恰当的机会:This news calls for champagne.这个消息值得开香槟酒庆祝(3)T demand:要求;需要:work that calls for patience.需要耐心的工作call forthT elicit:唤起,振奋:a love song that calls forth sad memories.一首引起我悲伤回忆的爱情歌曲call in(1)To take out of circulation:回收:使退出流通:calling in silver dollars.回收银币(2)To summon for assistance or consultation:邀请:召来做助手或顾问:call in a specialist.邀请一个专家(3)To communicate with another by telephone:打电话:用电话与别人联系:Has the boss called in today?老板今天打电话来了吗?call off(1)To cancel or postpone:取消:取消或延期: called the trip off.取消旅游;推迟旅游(2)To restrain or recall:叫住:制止或叫回:Call off your dogs.叫住你的狗call out(1)T summon:召集:使集中;召唤:call out the guard.将卫兵集合起来(2)To challenge to a duel.挑起斗争call up(1)To summon to active military service:征召:召集服兵役:called up reserve troops for active duty.征召后备役军人服役(2)To c bring to mind:唤起:使人忆起;带入心中:stories that call up old times.使人怀旧的故事(3)To bring forth for
raise.提交,提出:拿出来供采取行动或讨论;提出call upon(1)T require:命令;要求:I call upon you to tell the truth.我要求你说真话(2)To make a demand or a series of demands on:需要:一项或一系列的需要:Social institutions are now being called upon to provide assistance to the homeless.社会机构现在被要求向无家可归者提供帮助习惯用语call a spade a spadeTo speak directly, precisely, and forthrightly.直言:直截地、精确地且直率地说call in question或call into questionTo raise doubts about.质疑:对…提出疑问call it a day【非正式用语】To stop whatever one has been doing, for the remainder of the day or at least for the present.到此为止:对这一天的剩余时间或至少是现在,停止正在做的一切事情call it quits【非正式用语】To st quit.退出:停止工作或尝试;退出call namesTo speak to or about another in offensive terms.骂人:用冒犯性的词语对他人说话或谈论他人call (someone's) bluffTo challenge another with a display of strength or confidence.接受挑战:接受他人挑战以示力量与自信call the shots或call the tune 【非正式用语】T be in charge.掌管:行使权力;负责,掌管on call(1)Available when summoned for service or use:随叫随到:需要服务或使用时一叫即到:physicians who were on call for 48 hours.48小时随叫随到的医生们(2)Subject to payment on demand.承索必付within callClose enough to come if summoned:随时可回身边待命:挨得很近,可以一叫就到:The nurse is within call if you need him.护士就在旁边,你如需要,一叫即到语源(1)Middle English callen 中古英语 callen (2)probably from Old Norse kalla * see gal- 可能源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 kalla *参见 gal- 参考词汇(1)call, convene, convoke, muster, summon(2)The central meaning shared by these verbs is “to demand or request to appear, come, or assemble”: 这些动词的共同含义为“要求或请求出现、到来或集合”: 叫医生; 召集会议;con 召集议会;m 召集义勇军;summon a witness. 传证人 现代英汉词典call[kC:l]vt., vi.(1)(常与out连用)叫喊to call for help呼救Can you hear someone calling in the neighbourhood?你能听见附近有人在喊叫吗?Someone is calling for help.有人在大声呼救。He called out to the children and threw the ball back to the bank.他大声招呼着那些小孩,并把球抛回到岸上。There is no call to be anxious.没有焦急的必要。'Hello,' the young man called.'你好!'年轻人大声招呼道。The teacher called me over to his desk in class.老师在上课时叫我到他的书桌那儿去。Mother is calling me.母亲在喊我。The teacher called the naughty boy out to the front of the class.老师把那调皮的男生叫出来,站在全班面前。The mayor called the union leaders of the factories to a meeting.市长召集工厂的工会领导人开会。Some people on the bank called out to the man in the boat, but he did not hear them.岸上的一些人对着船上的人大声叫喊,但是他没有听见。The relatives and friends who came to say good-bye called after the departing coach.来送行的亲友跟在开动的大客车后面叫喊。She stood at the door calling my name several times.她站在门口叫了几声我的名字。(2)打电话He seems to call me this morning but I was out.早上他好象给我打过电话,但我出去了。Call me (up) this evening, if it's convenient to you.如果方便的话,今天晚上打个电话给我。Please call me up this evening.请今晚给我打电话。The office called to find out where you were this afternoon.办公室的人下午打电话来找过你。I'll call you back soon.我会很快给你回电话的。Call me (up) this afternoon.今天下午给我打个电话。(3)(常与at, in, on连用)拜访,作短暂访问(或停留)Call in, or ring us up. It's up to you.你可以亲自来访,也可以打电话来,由你定。Let's call in on the old granny for some minutes.我们花几分钟去看看老奶奶吧。Do you think we should call at Frank's when we go to New York?我们去纽约的时候,你看要不要去看看弗兰克?The teacher has called to know if the students who were absent for the week have any difficulties.教师来过,问起上周缺课的同学有没有困难。This long-distance coach calls at every stop along its journey.这趟长途汽车沿线每站都要停靠。An old friend called on me the day before yesterday.前天一位老朋友来找过我。The retired director called on at your office yesterday.已经退休了的董事昨天到你办公室来看过你。We can call on our former teacher tomorrow.我们明天可以去拜访过去的老师。Do you think we should call at Frank's when we go to New York?我们去纽约的时候,你看要不要去看看弗兰克?In the letter he was asked to call at the station.信中说要他到警察局去一下。I was out when he called.他来访时,我正好不在。(4)到某地取(某物);邀约The police were called in.警察被召来了。Let's go to the night school together, and I'll call for you.咱们一起去夜校吧,到时候我来叫你。In the letter he was asked to call at the station.信中说要他到警察局去一下。He asked me to call for him at four o'clock in the afternoon.他要我下午四点钟来接他。Many experts have been called in for advice.许多专家被请来商量对策。The president called on the citizens to work hard for national unity.总统号召公民们为了国家的统一而努力工作。He will call for his book tomorrow.他明天来取他的书。(5)邀请;召集,召唤His youngest son was called up in 1914.他最小的儿子在一九一四年应召入伍。You don't have to call a doctor.你不必去叫医生来。A celebration assembly is to be called for May 4.定于五月四日召开庆祝大会。to call a doctor请医生The autocratic government call out the army to suppress the workers' strike.独裁政府出动了军队镇压工人罢工。You'd better call the doctor in.你们最好请医生来。(6)取名,起名They called the baby Helen after their beloved teacher.他们以他们敬爱的老师的名字海伦为他们的婴孩命名。We'll call the baby David.我们给这婴儿取名大卫。We'll call the baby James.我们将给这婴儿取名詹姆斯。(7)叫醒;唤醒Call him if the manager doesn't wake up in time.你们经理到时醒不来,就叫醒他。Call me (up) at six tomorrow morning.明早六点叫我起床。(8)认为;估计为I don't call that a good song.我说那算不上是首好歌。They call that an honor to their collective.他们认为那是他们集体的光荣。(9)想;以为;视为It is called a clavichord.它叫击弦古钢琴。The 'taxi' is a small Swiss aeroplane called a 'Pilatus Porter'.这辆`出租汽车'是一架小型瑞士飞机,叫`皮勒特斯.波特'。Everyone called him a coward.大家都称他是胆小鬼。Mark Twin was called a writer who understood boys.马克.吐温被称为了解男孩子们的作家。Nothing can be called unknowable.没有什么事物可以认为是不可知的。'Do you call that a hat?' I said to my wife.`你把那个叫做帽子吗?'我对妻子说。He called himself an architect.他把他自己叫做建筑师。Let's call it a day.今天就做到这里,收工吧。We call it an honour to our collective that Mather got the first prize in the composition contest.我们认为玛莎在作文比赛中荣获一等奖是我们集体的光荣。Frank Lloyd Wright did not call himself an artist.弗朗克.洛德.莱特不把他自己看成是一个艺术家。She called me fat.她以为我很胖。(10)叫牌;吊牌词性变化calln.(1)喊声;叫声a call for help呼救The call of that bird is not very loud.那只鸟的叫声不很响亮。(2)邀请;召唤He answered the call to arms.他应征入伍。All the neighbours heard a call for help.邻居们都听到呼救声。(3)打电话,通话to make a long-distance call打长途电话There's a call for you, Mr. Kevin.凯文先生,有你的电话。(4)短暂拜访The ministers waited for a call to the palace.部长们等候着进宫召见。a call from the doctor医生的来访a call on a person拜访某人(5)需求;理由Sorry, there's no call for office workers now.很抱歉,现在不需要增添办公人员。There is no call to be anxious.没有焦急的必要。no call to be afraid没理由害怕(6)停靠;需要For this steamer, Liverpool is not a port of call.利物浦不是这条船的中途停靠口岸。There is no call for us to adjust the price.我们无需调整价格。(7)(交易所术语)购买权(8)催付;付款要求习惯用语give (someone) a call给某人打电话I gave the headmaster a call but he was out.我给校长打了个电话,但他出去了。on call随时待命的;待用的;准备妥当的The nurse is on call tonight.今夜护士随时待命call for需要;要求;值得:to call for bid招标The occasion calls for a cool head.这种场合需要冷静的头脑。call forth(1)唤起;引起(2)振作起call off取消The meeting has been called off.会议取消了。call on(1)拜访I'll call on him tomorrow.明天我去拜访他。(2)号召;呼吁(3)邀请call up(1)召集;动员(2)使人想起 (= call upon)现代英汉综合大辞典call[kC:l]vt.(1)喊, 叫, 大声念[说](2)叫来, 召唤; 召集; 唤醒; 号召(3)称呼, 把...叫做, 取名为...(4)以为, 看做, 认为, 估计为(5)命令, 任命, 招 聘(6)打电话给...(7)请求, 要求, 催促(8)点名(9)[俗]责备, 非难(10)引起注意(11)(打牌)要求摊牌(12)【体】判定停止(比赛), 裁定(13)要求偿还贷款, 收兑债券(14)模仿鸟、兽的叫声以引诱call the roll点名call a halt喝令停止call a doctor请医生call a meeting召集会议Please call me at 6 tomorrow morning.请在明晨六点叫醒我。His name is Richard but we all call him Dich.他的名字叫理查德, 但是我们都称他狄克。Shall we call it five dollars?我们就算它是五块钱好吗?My brother called me from Shanghai last night.我的兄弟昨晚从上海打电话给我。I call that a shame.我认为那是一种耻辱。The bank called my loan.银行催我偿还贷款。词性变化callvi.(1)高声说话, 喊叫(2)拜访, 访问(on, at)(3)要求, 命令(4)(鸟兽的)鸣, 啼(5)打电话, 在电话中呼叫(6)(打牌)叫牌, 叫对方摊牌(7)(车, 船等)停靠(at)She called to her father for help.她向她父亲喊叫求救。I called at Mr. Green's house.我曾到格林先生家中拜访。calln.(1)叫声, 呼声, 鸣声(2)召唤, 邀请, 号召, 号令, 召集(3)拜访, 访问, (车, 船的)停靠(4)(一次)电话, 通话(5)付款要求, 请求(6)(电讯中的)信号(7)需要, 必要(8)吸引力(9)天职, 义务(10)叫牌, 所叫的牌(11)运动比赛中的裁决(12)(神的)感召(13)点名(14)(商业)催收股款(15)股票的限价买进(16)【计】调入, 引入give sb. a call给某人打电话make a formal call进行一次正式访问have no call for more money不需要更多的钱继承用法call-backn.(美俚)召回, 收回, 加班call-belln.电[警、信号、呼叫]铃call-boardn.(车站等处的)公告[揭示]板call-boxn.电话室, 公用电话亭callboy[`kR:lbRI]n.(1)侍从(2)唤演员按时上台的人call-in[`kR:lIn]n.外界来电节目(把听众或观众的电话提问内容直接由电台或电视台转播出的电台或电视节目)call-minuten.通话使用分钟数call-signaln.【无】呼号call-upn.召集令; 召集人数call-wiren.联络[通知]线callable[`kR:lEbl]adj.(1)召唤的(2)要求即付的(如贷款); 要求即兑的(如公债)callee[kR:`li:]n.[美]被呼唤人, 受访问者, 电话受话人习惯用语a duty call礼节上的拜访As the call, so the echo .[谚]发什么声音, 有什么回声(善有善报, 恶有恶报)。at call即期交付; 随叫随到on call即期交付; 随叫随到be called at sb.'s back完全听命于某人be called away死去be called for(邮件)存局待领be called on被迫而...; 义不容辞...clarion call战斗的号召; 强有力的召唤close call幸免; 死里逃生, 危险关头get the call当选; 被雇用have a call to做...是天职have a call upon对...有优先权have the call of the market市面繁荣, 供需旺盛house of call客栈; 酒馆make a call访问; 到pay a call访问; 到money on call[美]随要随付; 随时待命; 承索即付place of call停泊处; 所到地receive a call接见, 接待return a call回拜; 答访roll call点名(时间)there is no call for(或to)不需要...; 没有...的必要take a call谢幕the call for duty责任感the call of nature大小便within call附近call after依...名字而命名; 追呼其后call at访问; 拜访; 停泊call away请到别的地方; 分心; 改变思想等call back召回; 收回; 取消; 撤销; 回想, 回忆; 回电话call by[口]顺便到...去一下; 顺路访问call down[俗]斥责; 导致; 求降call for取; 接; 需求; 要求call forth唤起; 振起; 引起; 招致call in收集; 收回(货币)不再流通; 邀请call of more【商】再买进的权利call of the House国会内查明出席或缺席的点名call off取消; 叫走; 使转移call on拜访; 要求, 请求, 招致; 指名call upon拜访; 要求, 请求, 招致; 指名call out大声喊叫; 召集; 命令(工人)罢工; 使跃出; 向...挑战; 要求和...决斗call out at对某人高声叫喊call over点名call over to[美]打电话给call round拜访call up提醒; 使忆起; 传人到法庭; 召集; 应征入伍; 打电话; 使起立发言; 要求股东出资特殊用法advance call预约呼叫appointment call定人定时呼叫audible call音响呼叫automatic call自动呼唤[振铃]automatic trunk call自动中继呼叫bell call振铃呼叫broadcasting call广播电话buzzer call蜂音呼叫cell call单元调用code call编码呼叫, 选码振铃collect call受话人付费电话commercial call商用通话compiler call编译程序调入complete call完成呼叫conference call会议电话cross call相互调用cum call附催缴款项通知单day call日拆delayed call延迟呼叫direct call直接呼叫[调用]distress call求救[遇险]呼号effective call有效呼叫emergency call紧急呼叫equated call等值通话exchange call市内呼叫extension bell call分铃呼叫final call最后催缴股款first call第一次缴付fixed time call定时呼叫[通话]function call函数引用[调用]general call全呼international call国际通话[呼叫]inward call来报交换junction call郊区[区间]通话, 中继呼唤lamp call灯光呼叫local call市内呼叫long haul call长途通话long-distance call长途电话loss call未接通的呼叫magneto call手摇[磁石]发电机呼叫manual call手摇呼叫margin call补充保证金通知, 增收保证金, 征收保证金的要求mating call交配鸣叫[唤叫]messenger call传呼电话monitor call监督程序调用no-charge call免费通话official call公务通话ordinary call普通呼叫overflow call溢呼, 全忙呼叫paid call自费电话preference call优先呼叫press call新闻电话private call私务电话radio call无线电呼叫return call回答呼号roll call点名routine call程序调入selective call with dual voice frequency双音频选叫sequence call顺序呼叫service call业务通话short haul call短距离通话, 近程通话subroutine call子程序调用, 子例(行)程(序)调用subscription call特约通话supervisor call请求[访问]管理程序, “进管”system call系统调用[调入]telephone call电话呼叫through call直接通话toll call长途电话费touch call接触叫号trunk call长途呼叫; [英]长途电话unit call通话单位unscheduled call意外停靠[停泊]urgent call加急电话, 紧急呼叫virtual call虚拟调用[呼叫]will call(大商店的)预订售货部wireless call无线电通话[呼叫]wrong number call错号呼叫参考词汇call&&&& summon&&&& invite&&&&都含“召唤”、“邀请”的意思。(1)call系常用词, 意思是“叫唤某人”,“请...来”, 如:He called the waiter over.他召唤侍者过来。(2)summon属正式用语, 指“来自权威人士的召集或传唤”,尤指用于正式的集会或职务方面, 如:The judge summoned me to give evidence.法官传我(出庭)作证。(3)invite 指“有礼貌地邀请”, 如:We invited her to our dinner party.我们邀请她赴宴。美国传统词典callcallAHD:[k?l] D.J.[k%8l]K.K.[k%l]v.called,, announce:called my name fr calling out numbers.(2)To demand or ask for the presence of:called th call the police.(3)To demand or
convene or convoke:call the legislature into session.(4)To order or request to undertake a particu summon:She was called for jury duty. He was called to the priesthood.(5)To
order:call a work stoppage.(6)To communicate or try to communicate with by telephone:called me at nine.(7)To lure (prey) by imitating the characteristic cry of an animal:call ducks.(8)To cause to come to the mind or to attention:a story that calls to mind an incident in my youth.(9)To name:What will you call the baby?(10)To consider or regard as being of a par characterize:Let's call the game a draw. I'd hardly call him a good manager.(11)T label:Nobody calls me a liar.(12)To demand payment of:call a loan.(13)To require the presentation of (a bond) for redemption before maturity.(14)Sports (15)To stop or postpone (a game) because of bad weather, darkness, or other adverse conditions.(16)To declare in the capacity of an umpire or referee: ca call a penalty for holding.(17)To indicate a decision in regard to:calling balls and stri called a close play.(18)To give the orders or signals for:a quarterback who called a poor play.(19)Games (20)To describe the intended outcome of (one's billiard shot) before playing.(21)To equal the bet of (the preceding bet or bettor) in a poker game.(22)To indicate or characterize a predict:It is often difficult to call the outcome of an election.See Synonyms at predict (23)To challenge the truthfulness or genuineness of:called the debater on a question of fact.(24)To shout directions in rhythm for (a square dance).v.intr.(1)T shout:a swimmer who was calling for help.(2)To utter a characteristic cry. Used of an animal:geese calling in early morning.(3)To communicate or try to communicate with someone by telephone:I called twice, but no one answered.(4)To pay a short visit:We called to pay our respects.n.(1)A a shout.(2)The characteristic cry of an animal.(3)A sound or an instrument made to imitate such a cry, used as a lure:a moose call.(4)A telephone communication or connection.(5)Need or occasion:There was no call for an apology.(6)Demand:There isn't much call for buggy whips today.(7)A claim on a person's time or life:the call of duty.(8)A short visit, especially one made as a formality or for business or professional purposes.(9)A summons or an invitation.(10)A signal, such as that made by a horn or bell.(11)The sounding of a horn to encourage hounds during a hunt.(12)A strong inn a vocation:a call to the priesthood.(13)The strong attraction or appeal of a given activity or environment: answered the call of the desert.(14)A roll call.(15)A notice of rehearsal times posted in a theater.(16)Sports A decision made by an umpire or a referee.(17)A direction or series of directions rhythmically called out to square dancers.(18)A demand for payment of a debt.(19)A demand to submit bonds to the issuer for redemption before the maturity date.(20)An option to buy a certain quantity of a stock or commodity for a specified price within a specified time.(21)A demand for payment due on stock bought on margin when the value has shrunk.常用词组call back(1)To communicate the need for (someone) to return from one situation or location to a previous one:Management called the laid-off workers back.(2)To telephone or radio (a person) who has called previously:I called her back at noon.(3)To recall (a defective product) for repair:The company has called back all such models built in down(1)T reprimand:The teacher called me down for disobedience.(2)To invoke, as from for(1)To appear, as on someone else's premises, in order to get:My chauffeur will call for you at seven.(2)To be an appropriate occasion for:This news calls for champagne.(3)T demand:work that calls for forthT elicit:a love song that calls forth sad in(1)To take out of circulation:calling in silver dollars.(2)To summon for assistance or consultation:call in a specialist.(3)To communicate with another by telephone:Has the boss called in today?call off(1)To cancel or postpone: called the trip off.(2)To restrain or recall:Call off your out(1)T summon:call out the guard.(2)To challenge to a up(1)To summon to active military service:called up reserve troops for active duty.(2)To c bring to mind:stories that call up old times.(3)To bring forth for upon(1)T require:I call upon you to tell the truth.(2)To make a demand or a series of demands on:Social institutions are now being called upon to provide assistance to the homeless.习惯用语call a spade a spadeTo speak directly, precisely, and in questionorcall into questionTo raise doubts it a dayInformalTo stop whatever one has been doing, for the remainder of the day or at least for the it quitsInformalTo st namesTo speak to or about another in offensive (someone's) bluffTo challenge another with a display of strength or the shotsorcall the tune InformalT be in charge.on call(1)Available when summoned for service or use:physicians who were on call for 48 hours.(2)Subject to payment on demand.within callClose enough to come if summoned:The nurse is within call if you need him.语源(1)Middle English callen (2)probably from Old Norse kalla * see gal- 参考词汇(1)call, convene, convoke, muster, summon (2)The central meaning shared by these verbs is “to demand or request to appear, come, or assemble”:
con m summon a witness. 英汉船舶大词典call off n.命令停止,取消 英汉法学大词典call off v.停止 英汉航海大词典call off vt.取消,转移开 英汉化学大词典call off vt.叫走,使转移开,放弃
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