
【上章提示】恋爱运极差的寝室,最近每个姑娘都在为自己的心事而犯愁。小艾找到了传说中的恋爱门诊,并说服医师出诊,希望一切都能渐渐好起来。【本章概述】恋爱军师的锦囊里,装满了让恋人们幸福的妙计。互刺的利刃 “因为你觉得Alex所说的比较靠谱,就把他带来我们寝室了?”陈燃盯着我问道。“嗯,”我看着Alex抖了抖身上的绒毛,“难得他愿意出诊。”“嘿,我可不想被当成神经病,我可不需要什么医生。”小七不太满意地揶揄道。Alex没理她,跳下桌子,跳到椅子上,舒舒服服地伸了个懒腰。 “我不喜欢医生这个称呼,大家还是叫我恋爱军师吧!”说着,Alex拿出了一个精巧的锦囊,从里面掏出一张字条:“小七的问题很容易解决,她不是被小三抢了男友吗?和男友分手就成了,用不用这么纠结啊?”Alex说道。“什么?分手?”小七被Alex搞得越来越恼火了。“我们早就告诉过你,你早就该和齐大圣分手了。”寝室的女人们齐声应答到。“你在齐大圣身上的前期投入,如果无法收回,那就叫‘沉没成本’,眼见这只股票已经跌破30日均线——找了小三,那势必已经凶多吉少,还不赶快斩仓。”婉晴补充道。小七知道嘴上斗不过我们,闷闷地扭头,一屁股坐在自己的凳子上。“我还是先来看看陈燃的问题。”Alex说着,拿出了另外一个锦囊,沉吟了一下,对着我们说道:“不如,就让我们开始恋爱课程的第一课吧!”
图1.6 Alex爱情小课堂第一课情侣之间为什么总因小事而争吵:提要:1. 相似性原则:人喜欢像自己的人。2. 接近性原则:人会越来越像自己喜欢的人。3. 趋同心理:人希望自己喜欢的人像自己。4. 极度趋同的微变态心理:要求自己喜欢的人和自己一样行动,一样思考。 “所以,根据以上理论,陈燃之所以向丁小果大发脾气,这巨大的‘坏脾气云团’产生的原因,归根结底是因为,丁小果想的居然和自己不一样。本以为一句‘毛巾’,丁小果就应该心领神会地拿来擦灶台的毛巾,结果丁小果居然没这么想。于是,陈燃生气了。而所有的‘坏脾气云团’都携带着‘负能量’。这巨大的‘负能量云团’袭向了丁小果。丁小果被陈燃公开指责,特别是当着陈燃父母的面,自尊心相当受伤,于是忍不住向陈燃反扑。 而正在气头上的陈燃,最需要的是丁小果的情绪安抚,没想到丁小果居然反扑了过来,陈燃的火越发大了。对不对?” “嗯,就是这样的。”陈燃点头应答到。 “其实,男人和女人的需要是不一样的。男人需要他的‘尊严’受到重视,而女人需要她的‘情绪’受到重视。所以,陈燃,你和丁小果,你们各自拿着把利刃,插向了对方最在乎的地方——你攻击了他的尊严,而他攻击了你的情绪。” “哎……”听到这里,陈燃不由得默默叹了一口气。 “另外呀,我知道你气的不仅仅是‘毛巾’这件事。我想,最近你对丁小果其实早就积攒了一定的负面情绪,对不?” “你怎么知道的?” 爱的记分牌 “因为男生和女生向来有两套不同的记分系统。女生的记分系统在男生看来,根本就如天书一般难以理解。陈燃,不如你说说,最近你都在你的记分牌上给丁小果扣了哪些分吧。” “嗯,我最讨厌他不顾场合乱放屁,当着我爸妈,一点儿不把自己当外人。还有,2月14日不是情人节吗?他居然去花木批发市场给我批了十只玫瑰。还有,我一再暗示说我喜欢吃印度菜,他怎么就不知道请我去吃一顿呢?再有,上次陪我逛街,逛了半小时,他居然就想回家了。还有,我心情差的时候,本想让他安慰一下,可他总是喜欢打断我的话,故作聪明地给出各种意见……” “那最近他的记分牌上,有没有什么加分呢?” “有,他在全市数学建模比赛中得了一等奖,发的5万元钱存在一张银行卡里,然后把卡交到我手上了。说以后有了新的奖金入账,就都存在这里头,让我管着。” “所以,丁小果的总得分应该不低吧。” “不对,你算算,乱放屁,扣10分,批发玫瑰扣10分,没请吃饭扣5分,不陪逛街扣5分,打断我说话扣5分……给我银行卡,嗯,算加5分吧。” “哈哈,丁小果赚的那五万块,就这样被自己的几个屁给崩没了。哎,这就是女人的记分方式。女人按照男人为她所做的事情多少记分,而男人则以为她做的事情的难易程度记分。其实,在男人的记分牌里,他赚到了5万块,应该至少加50分。” “谁在乎钱呀?”大家几乎异口同声地答道,然后我们彼此面面相觑。哦,原来这就是男人和女人的差异。男人觉得自己费尽力气赚来了银子,理应受到奖励,但他们不知道,女人需要的不止是这些。男人为了心爱的女人,可以横渡海峡,攀登最高峰,徒手搏杀巨兽……但他们没想到,他们的女人却不会因此而满足,因为他们都没有留在家里陪她。相爱的男女间最大的矛盾莫过于,你给的不是他想要的,他给的也不是你想要的,久而久之,矛盾也就产生了。 “那这样的矛盾又该怎么解决 呢?” “其实很简单:你只要直白地、清楚地、不带情绪地说出你的需求就好。比如,2月14日,你要明确告诉他,你想要他提前一天预订好鲜花和西餐厅,陪你共进午餐,不能批发玫瑰;比如,你想吃印度菜,你和他约个时间,然后让他请你吃,而不是不断暗示你喜欢吃;你寂寞时,告诉他,你就是想让他听着你说话,你不需要他给出任何建议……虽然这不够浪漫,但绝对有效。当然至于逛街,别指望男人会陪你逛街。” “啊?为什么?”大家又问。“因为男人祖上都是打猎出身,他们如果在20分钟内仍无法锁定一个目标,大脑就会死机。而女人祖上负责采集野果,所以,她们喜欢逛来逛去。” “那好吧,我再不让丁小果陪我逛街了。” “没事儿,我们可以陪你。”婉晴插话说道。 就在我们说话的当口,我看见陈燃正沉默地低头画着她的记分牌。 原来的加分表现在的加分表原来的扣分表现在的扣分表大赛赢了5万块 +5大赛赢了5万块 乱放屁 -10乱放屁 -10
批发玫瑰 -10批发玫瑰 -10
没请吃饭 -5不 请吃饭 -2
不陪逛街 -5不陪逛街 -0
打断我说话 -5打断说话,但给出了意见 -0 不知为什么,陈燃看着这张记分牌,眼圈直发红。她明白了,原来丁小果一直在用自己的方式,默默地对自己好,而自己在不自觉中,却伤害到了他最看重的“尊严”。 “不过,”陈燃一边说,一边抬起了她发红的眼睛:“为什么他明知道我生气,却不肯主动打电话给我呢?他一定是不在乎我了。” “因为男人在远古负责 狩猎,他们排解压力和负面情绪的方式就只有在狩猎回家后,躲进洞穴,望着火堆发呆。即便是现代社会,男人面临压力和负面情绪的时候,也喜欢自己一个人躲起来,安静地发呆。而女人则喜欢通过聊天的方式,排解压力。丁小果由己及人地推断你生气后,需要一段时间自己安静一下,于是就没有打扰你。他只是不清楚男人和女人之间的这点儿不同……” .泡面 就在这时,窗外突然间下起了大雨。转眼间越下越大。 女生寝室出门有一块儿洼地,雨一下起来,就会瞬间积满雨水。重庆2月里的天气还很冷,徒步穿越洼地,鞋子免不了会被打湿,可马上就要到吃中午饭的时候了。 “陈燃,陈燃……” 楼下传来了丁小果熟悉的叫声。果不其然,这家伙穿着雨衣,骑着辆单车,站在寝室楼下。 “你来做什么?”陈燃望着窗外大喊。 “下大雨,你来坐我自行车后面。”丁小果指了指自己的单车,然后说道:“我怕你饿到。” 陈燃望着楼下喊了句:“好,我马上就下去。”说完,拿起一把雨伞。 “小七,你也一块儿下来吧。” 我们几个探头一看,原来齐大圣也来了。然后,就只见小七屁颠颠地拿着她的小花伞也冲了出去。 哎,虽然小七那么不听劝,不过,谁没有为了真爱,宁可得罪全天下人的那段岁月呢?想着想着,我的心里觉得好难过。 “看来,我们两个只能吃方便面了。”婉晴一脸无奈地望着我。 我转身准备去打水,泡面。 我记得箫健曾经说过,一包泡面,会在人的体内存留3个月才能被完全消解掉。可他不知道,一个人会在另一个人的记忆里,停留多久才能被完全消解掉。 想到这里,我的心不由得一阵难过。
.超级练习册(吵架的艺术) 一、阅读以下资料后,独立完成下面给出的改错题。 “英国心理学家莫雷发现了一个适婚公式。他认为:这个公式的准确度有94%之高。他请来了700对夫妻,记录他们之间的谈话。说一句肯定对话就加分,说否定的话就减分。最后,每一对夫妻谈话完毕后,他就预测这对夫妻以后会不会离婚。12年后再次追踪发现实际情况和预测的基本一致。”[1]这一方面是因为总是喜欢彼此否定的情侣之间,很可能在许多重大问题上存在分歧,也就是价值观、人生观存在偏差;另外一方面,也是因为否定本身就是一种负能量。[2]你会发现,思想决定情绪,思想不被认可时就会产生负面情绪。 吵架的过程就是一个典型的负能量流动过程。因为“相爱的人之间心意相通”及“不设防”,所以负能量在情侣及夫妻之间的传递率会大大高于普通朋友及陌生人。你会发现,当一件不开心的事情讲给朋友听时,朋友会理性地帮你开导;而讲给伴侣听时,他(她)会很快被你的情绪感染,产生同样不开心的负面情绪。当然,有的人个人意志力强,会在一定程度上包容这种负能量;有的人意志力较弱,会很快地陷入不开心的情境。但即使是意志力强、包容力强的一方也需要本身体内的一些正面能量去消解这些负能量。 那么应该如何狙击情侣争吵过程中产生的“负能量”呢?简单讲,当你看到他的举止行为和你心目中理想的举止行为不一致时,请尽量避免使用“否定词汇”及“贬义词”。以下这些句子是情侣间吵架时常常出现的句子,我们来试着将其转化成带有正能量的句子。 1.你都不替别人着想。——如果你能够更多地想一想我的感受,我会十分开心和感激。 2.你好自私!——我需要你的帮助。你知道,有了你的帮助,我才能更加勇敢地走下去,才能更加勇敢地战胜困难。 3.你又在耍孩子气了。——一直以来,你的成熟和果敢都深深吸引着我,这是我爱你的最根本原因。(这样一说,他都不好意思耍孩子脾气了。你还可以趁势借他的肩膀靠一靠。然后接上一句)不过,你孩子气的模样也很可爱。(此处的孩子气指可爱,是褒义词。) 4. 你只会逃避。——这件事,我们一起面对吧。我需要你。 根据以上提示,试着将以下句子中的贬义词和否定词汇去掉。 1.丁小果:“我觉得美国击毙萨达姆有点不人道啦。”陈燃:“有什么不人道,你管得还挺宽,赶紧去帮咱妈把家里煤气灶头修一修。”2.丁小果:“别吃那么多橄榄菜,油特别多。”陈燃:“谁说的,油一点都不多。你别啥事儿都管着我。” 参考答案:1. 丁小果:“我觉得美国击毙萨达姆有点不人道啦。”陈燃:“是有点。”(是萨达姆重要,还是男朋友的情绪重要?)“小果,快来帮帮忙,你看,这个灶头怎么啦?火窜老高,吓死我啦。”(撒娇,让男人有保护欲,而非感觉被指使。)2.丁小果:“别吃那么多橄榄菜,油特别多。”陈燃(乐呵呵地吃了口橄榄菜,陶醉地咪起眼睛):“嗯,就是有点油。”(言外之一是,除了有点油,还真的很好吃。小丁看着陈燃那么满足,也就不再继续干涉了。) 二、阅读分析题 有一次,丁小果和陈燃约好晚上一起吃饭,然后再去散步。正巧丁小果在楼下叫陈燃的时候,陈燃正在吹头发。吹风筒的功率特别大,根本没听见楼下丁小果叫自己。丁小果在女生宿舍楼下干吼了半天,直到憋一肚子气,才等到陈燃吹完头发。等陈燃走到楼下,丁小果劈头盖脸地大喊道:“你不知道这个时候我在楼下等你吗?你听不到我叫你吗?我叫这么大声,怎么可能听不到呢?你看,周围的人都望着我傻笑。”陈燃说:“我在吹头发,听不到。”丁小果:“不可能听不到。” 错误示范:陈燃:“就是听不到。”丁小果:“不可能听不到。”陈燃:“反正就是听不到。不信你自己听听看。”丁小果:“我才不听,没可能听不到。”然后,战火不断升级,一直吵到两人筋疲力尽。 那么正确做法应该是—— 男人愤怒的时候,保持沉默。自己该做什么就去做什么。比如找闺蜜聊天、逛街、喝饮料,补充正能量。等男人气消了再说。千万别说:不信你听听看。男人是绝对不允许自己被别人打败的,即使是被“事实”打败。 小贴士:你一生中和谁吵的架最多?是和你的终身伴侣。所以,吵架绝对是一门艺术。以下两个小贴士,有助于你合理有效地和情侣去吵架。 1.吵架时的幽默大家都知道,生气的“气”也就是一口气,泄了气,吵架的底气就不足了。一次,丁小果因为考试的事情很烦心,正巧陈燃不小心又把他的学年论文给无意间删除了。于是,丁小果大摆臭脸。两人就这样呛起来了。架吵到一半,陈燃大吼道:“你一有气就找我撒气,你真当我是萨切尔夫人(撒气儿夫人)啦?”丁小果一个没憋住,扑哧一声笑了出来,气也消了一大半,很快就转过头来哄陈燃啦。 2.搞乱对方逻辑吵架的一个逻辑前提就是,“对方是我的敌人”,而搞乱对方逻辑就是让对方觉得自己是在和自己交战。比如,陈燃喜欢发脾气。笨蛋男友的做法一定是攻击:“你脾气那么臭,我都快受不了了!”聪明男友的做法则是:“这么臭的脾气,对你的身体不好!”(虽然语气像是在吵架,虽然心里也是在想这种臭脾气,让人怎么受得了,但结果会大不一样。)即使是在吵架的过程中,也别过分强调你的错误带给我的伤害,而多提你的错误对你的伤害以及对我们的伤害。 3.百试不爽的哄女孩方法当女生生气时,男人应该做的不是转身离开,也不是保持沉默。男人应该做的是:紧紧抱住她,然后说,我真没用,我怎么能让你这么想呢?
本章引申阅读: [美] 约翰o格雷博士:《男人来自火星,女人来自金星》,长春,吉林文史出版社,2010。[美] 约翰o格雷博士:《男人来自火星,女人来自金星2》,长春,吉林文史出版社,2010。[澳] 亚伦o皮斯、芭芭拉o皮斯:《为什么男人不看,女人不听地图》,北京,中国城市出版社,2009。[澳] 亚伦o皮斯、芭芭拉o皮斯:《为什么男人爱说谎,女人爱哭》,北京,中国城市出版社,2009。[1]引自[韩]南仁淑,《婚姻决定女人的一生》,江苏人民出版社,2010年4月第一版。[2]“负能量”只是一个比喻,它只存在于人的想象和文字中,以免我们进入形而上学的误区。为了理解方便,可以将负能量想象成一个有弹性、可裂变的球。我们认为的一些消极的东西、否定的意见本身都带有“负能量”,负能量会感染到人们的情绪,给人的心理造成负荷,进而产生悲伤、消极、难过等负面的情绪。
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下面新东方网雅思频道为大家整理了雅思阅读List of headings的标题结构,以上就是新东方网雅思频道为大家整理的雅思阅读List of headings的标题结构,启示:文章中并列结构的段落必然对应核心名词为复数的选项,标题的形式对文章及段落的形式有控制作用;标题的内容对文章和段落的内容同样有控制作用,能否选对标题?答案是:并非完全不能!雅思阅读的做题技巧的目的归根到底就是:在有限阅读能力的基础上实现正确答题的最大化,复数预示篇章和段落中信息的并列形式,新东方网雅思频道预祝大家在雅思考试中取得好成绩,(and, but, or , rather than, 以及名词并列等等)  二、标题为 -ing 结构,当标题为 -ing 结构时,当标题为名词性短语时...
启示:文章中并列结构的段落必然对应核心名词为复数的选项,复数预示篇章和段落中信息的并列形式,(and, but, or , rather than, 以及名词并列等等)  二、标题为 -ing 结构,regions的复数形式对应第一段中three types: deserts, mountains and Arctic areas 的并列形式,当标题为 -ing 结构时,一、雅思阅读标题为名词性短语,当标题为名词性短语时,reasons的复数形式对应第二段第一句和第二句之间的and并列和三、四句间的also关系,直接指向section B 的第三段第一句的another problem. another problem说明section B为有关 problem的三段并列形式,可能预示篇章、段落为process或procedure 的形式...
后面的主句there has certainly been an impact on people's health为本段的中心所在)  以上就是新东方网雅思频道为大家整理的雅思阅读标题配对题思路详解,下面新东方网雅思频道为大家整理了雅思阅读标题配对题思路详解,例子中的选项是不会作为答案的,解题思路:  1.将例子所对应的选项及段落标号划去  2.划出选项中的关键词及概念性名词  3.浏览文章,而第一句起承上作用,标题配对题(List of headings)是雅思阅读中的一种重要题型,由两部分组成:一部分是选项,新东方网雅思频道预祝大家在雅思考试中取得好成绩!  热门搜索:雅思6.5分强化班 寒假住宿班 25人班 寒假班 强化班 冲刺班 精品课程
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but virtually no sediment comes out into the Mediterranean to replenish the coastline. So this sediment must be trapped on the delta itself.  D  Once north of Cairo, most of the Nile water is diverted into more than 10,000 kilometres of irrigation canals and only a small proportion reaches the sea directly through the rivers in the delta.The water in the irrigation canals is still or very slow-moving and thus cannot carry sediment,Stanley explains.The sediment sinks to the bottom of the canals and then is added to fields by farmers or pumped with the water into the four large freshwater lagoons that are located near the outer edges of the delta.So very little of it actually reaches the coastline to replace what is being washed away by the Mediterranean currents.  E  The farms on the delta plains and fishing and aquaculture in the lagoons account for much of Egypt's food supply.But by the time the sediment has come to rest in the fields and lagoons it is laden with municipal,upstream half of Lake Nasser, instead of passing down to the delta.  C  Now, however, there turns out to be more to the story.It appears that the sediment-free water emerging from the Aswan dams picks up silt and sand as it erodes the river bed and banks on the 800-kilometre trip to Cairo.Daniel Jean Stanley of the Smithsonian Institute noticed that water samples taken in Cairo,A  The fertile land of the Nile delta is being eroded along Egypt’s Mediterranean coast at an astounding rate,land scoured away from the coastline by the currents of the Mediterranean Sea used to be replaced by sediment brought down to the delta by the River Nile,and dispensing with the need for fertilizers in Egypt's richest food-growing area.But when the Aswan dams were constructed in the 20th century to provide electricity and irrigation,but this is no longer happening.  B  Up to now, people have blamed this loss of delta land on the two large dams aI Aswan in the south of Egypt,eventually covering a region of over 22000 square kilometres with layers of fertile silt.Annual flooding brought in new, nutrient-rich soil to the delta region,indicated that the river sometimes carries more than 850 grams of sediment per cubic metre of water-almost half of what it carried before the dams were built.I'm ashamed to say that the significance of this didn't strike me until after I had read 50 or 60 studies,the Nile flowed freely carrying huge quantities of sediment north from Africa's interior to be deposited on the Nile delta.This continued for 7,000 years...
其次是看首段以及每一段的第一句话,不可能让大家真的像做阅读理解一样把文章的每一句都看懂都能翻译了再把内容归纳起来,几乎每一段的第一句话都是一句重要的主题句,key point one这段的第一句是there is an abundance of evidence tosupport the motivational benefits that result from carefully matching people tojobs. 从这句话中,那么有些同学会问要怎样快速地skimming出一句话的中心词呢?这其实跟我们的长句分析功力很有关系,上句话中的名词有abundance,以上就是雅思阅读段落标题题的解题技巧分享,Skimming在我们做雅思阅读过程中非常的好用,skimming的过程中要擅于快速抓住这句话中的中心词,阅读文章一定是复杂句为多...
在线咨询,奖学金返现,名师点评,等你来互动【刷题锦囊】雅思阅读无限仿真模拟题详解 - 跟谁学雅思
本站名师讲堂今天和大家分享一篇阅读仿真模拟题“New Ways of Teaching History”(《新科技对历史教学的影响》),这是一篇论述文,全文共7段。大家可以在正文中看到原文和题目,可以先自己试着做一做,登录之后可以看到本站名师的悉心讲解。一起来学习吧! 
New Ways of Teaching History 
In a technology and media-driven world, it's becoming increasingly difficult
to get our students’ attentions and keep them absorbed in classroom discussions.
This generation, in particular, has brought a unique set of challenges to the
educational table. Whereas youth are easily enraptured by high-definition
television, computers, iPods, video games and cell phones, they are less than
enthralled by what to them are obsolete textbooks and boring classroom lectures.
The question of how to teach history in a digital age is often contentious. On
the one side, the old guard thinks the professional standards history is in
mortal danger from flash-in-the-pan challenges by the distal that are all show
and no substance. On the other Side, the self-styled “disruptors” offer
over-blown rhetoric about how digital technology has changed everything while
the moribund profession obstructs all progress in the name of outdated ideals.
At least, that's a parody (maybe not much of one) of how the debate proceeds.
Both supporters and opponents of the digital share more disciplinary common
ground than either admits.
When provided with merely a textbook as a supplemental learning tool, test
results have revealed that most students fail to pinpoint the significance of
historical events and individuals. Fewer still are able to cite and substantiate
primary historical sources. What does this say about the way our educators are
presenting information? The quotation comes from a report of a 1917 test of 668
Texas students. Less than 10 percent of school-age children attended high school
in 1917; today, enrollments are nearly universal. The whole world has turned on
its head during the last century but one thing has stayed the same: Young people
remain woefully ignorant about history reflected from their history tests. Guess
what? Historians are ignorant too, especially when we equate historical
knowledge with the "Jeopardy" Daily Double. In a test, those specializing in
American history did just fine. But those with specialties in medieval, European
and African history failed miserably when confronted by items about Fort
Ticonderoga, the Olive Branch Petition, or the Quebec Act — all taken from a
typical textbook. According to the testers, the results from the recent National
Assessment in History, like scores from earlier tests, show that young people
are "abysmally ignorant" of their own history. Invoking the tragedy of last
September, historian Diane Ravitch hitched her worries about our future to the
idea that our nation's strength is endangered by youth who do poorly on such
tests. But if she were correct, we could have gone down the tubes in 1917!
There is a huge difference between saying "Kids don’t know the history we
want then to know" and saying "Kids don't know history at all." Historical
knowledge burrows itself into our cultural pores even if young people can't
marshal it when faced by a multiple choice test. If we weren’t such hypocrites
(or maybe if we were better historians) we'd have to admit that today's students
follow in our own footsteps. For too long we've fantasized that by rewriting
textbooks we could change how history is learned. The problem, however, is not
the content of textbooks but the very idea of them. No human mind could retain
the information crammed into these books in 1917, and it can do no better now.
If we have learned anything from history that can be applied to every time
period, it is that the only constant is change. The teaching of history, or any
subject for that matter, is no exception. The question is no longer whether to
bring new technologies int now, the question is which There
is a huge difference between saying "Kids don’t know the history we want then to
know" and saying "Kids don't know history at all." Historical knowledge burrows
itself into our cultural pores even if young people can't marshal it when faced
by a multiple choice test. If we weren’t such hypocrites (or maybe if we were
better historians) we'd have to admit that today's students follow in our own
footsteps. For too long we've fantasized that by rewriting textbooks we could
change how history is learned. The problem, however, is not the content of
textbooks but the very idea of them. No human mind could retain the information
crammed into these books in 1917, and it can do no better now. If we have
learned anything from history that can be applied to every time period, it is
that the only constant is change. The teaching of history, or any subject for
that matter, is no exception. The question is no longer whether to bring new
technologies int now, the question is which technologies
are most suitable for the range of topics covered in junior high and high school
history classrooms. Fortunately, technology has provided us with opportunities
to present our Civil War lesson plans or our American Revolution lesson plans in
a variety of new ways.
Teachers can easily target and engage the learners of this generation by
effectively combining the study of history with innovative multimedia-
PowerPoint and presentations in particular can expand the scope of traditional
classroom discussion by helping teachers to explain abstract concepts while
accommodating students* unique learning styles. PowerPoint study units that have
been pre-made for history classrooms include all manner of photos, prints, maps,
audio clips, video clips and primary sources which help to make learning
interactive and stimulating. Presenting lessons in these enticing formats helps
technology-driven students retain the historical information they'll need to
know for standard exams.
Whether you are covering Revolutionary War lesson plans or World War II
lesson plans, PowerPoint study units are available in formats to suit the needs
of your classroom. Multimedia teaching instruments like PowerPoint software are
getting positive results the world over, framing conventional lectures with
captivating written, auditory and visual content that helps students recall
names, dates and causal relationships within a historical context.
History continues to show us that new times bring new realities. Education is
no exception to the rule. The question is not whether to bring technology into
the educational environment. Rather, the question is which technologies are
suitable for U.S. and world history subjects, from Civil War lesson plans to
World War II lesson plans. Whether you’re covering your American Revolution
lesson plans or your Cold War lesson plans, PowerPoint presentations are
available in pre-packaged formats to suit your classroom's needs.
Meanwhile, some academic historians hold a different view on the use of
technology in teaching history. One reason they hold is that not all facts can
be recorded by film or videos and literature is relatively feasible in this case
.Another challenge they have to be faced with is the painful process to learn
new technology like the making of PowerPoint and the editing of audio and video
clips which is also reasonable especially to some elderly historians.
Reading this passage has eight paragraphs, A- G
Choosing the correct heading for paragraphs A- G from the list of heading
Write the appropriate number, i- x, in boxes 28-34 on your answer sheet
List of Headings
i unavoidable changing facts to be considered when picking up technology
ii A debatable place where the new technologies stand in for history
iii Hard to attract students in traditional ways of teaching history
iv Display of the use of emerging multimedia as leaching tools
v Both students and professionals as candidates did not produce decent
vi A good concrete example illustrated to show how multimedia animates the
history class
vii The comparisons of the new technologies applied in history class
viii Enormous breakthroughs in new technologies
ix Resistance of using new technologies from certain historian
x Decisions needed on which technique to be used for history teaching instead
of improvement in the textbooks
28 Paragraph A
29 Paragraph B
30 Paragraph C
31 Paragraph D
32 Paragraph E
33 Paragraph F
34 Paragraph G
Question 35-37
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading
In boxes 35-37 on your answer sheet, write
YES if the statement is true
NO if the statement is false
NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage
35 Modem people are belter at memorizing historical information compared with
their ancestors.
36 New technologies applied in history- teaching are more vivid for students
to memorize the details of historical events.
37 Conventional ways like literature arc gradually out of fashion as time
Question 38-40
Complete the following summary of the paragraphs of Reading Passage, using
more than three words from the Reading Passage for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 38-40 on your answer sheet.
Contemporary students can be aimed at without many difficulties by
integrating studying history with novel. ..38.... Conventional classroom
discussion is specially extended by two ways to assist the teachers to interpret
...39... and at the same time retain students' distinct learning modes.
PowerPoint study units prepared beforehand comprising a wide variety of elements
make ...40.... learning feasible. Combined classes like this can also be helpful
in taking required tests.


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