如何写好 counter gre写作argument范文

n. 辩论, 抗辩
1.an argument offered in opposition to another argument
1.N-VAR理由;论据;论点An argument is a statement or set of statements that you use in order to try to convince people that your opinion about something is correct.&There's a strong argument for lowering the price...有充分理由要求降低价格。The doctors have set out their arguments against the proposals...医生们已经陈述了他们反对这些提案的理由。It is better to convince by argument than seduce by example.以理说服强于举例诱导。2.N-VAR讨论;辩论An argument is a discussion or debate in which a number of people put forward different or opposing opinions.&The incident has triggered fresh arguments about the role of the extreme right in France...该事件引发了关于极右翼势力在法国所起作用的新一轮讨论。The issue has caused heated political argument.这个问题已经引发了激烈的政治争论。3.N-COUNT争论;争执;争吵An argument is a conversation in which people disagree with each other angrily or noisily.&Anny described how she got into an argument with one of the marchers.安妮描述了她是如何与其中一位游行者发生争执的。...a heated argument.激烈的争吵4.N-UNCOUNT异议;质疑If you accept something without argument, you do not question it or disagree with it.&He complied without argument...他二话不说就服从了。It should of course be given back. There is no argument about that.它当然应该还回去,这是无可争议的。Usage Note:Be careful with the spelling of this word, and do not confuse &b&argument&/b& and &b&dispute&/b&. An &b&argument&/b& is a disagreement between people who may or may not know each other. A &b&dispute&/b& is a serious argument that can last for a long time. &b&Disputes&/b& generally occur between organizations, political parties, or countries. Note that &b&dispute&/b& can also be a verb.请注意该词拼写,不要混淆argument和dispute。argument指认识或不认识的人之间的争论。dispute指可延续很长时间的严重纷争,通常发生于组织、政党和国家之间。注意,dispute也可作动词。counter argument是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:
名词 counterargument:
an argument offered in opposition to another argument
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