reaiiy strong的意思什么意思

听电影学英语:场景15 mp3
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听电影学英语:场景15 mp3
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不 我没有 我只是在保护我自己
He hurt me. And l promised myseIf that l wouId never forgive him.
他伤害了我 我告诉自己 不会再原谅他了
What do you want me to do, go out and have Iunch with him?
你想让我做什么? 出去和他一起吃饭吗? 
Yes. And you might actuaIIy have a good time.
对 你可能会渡过个美好时光
A thousand Iaughs.
Fi Fine. Fine. l&II go.
好 好 好 我去
But onIy if you come with me. l don&t
&do not want to be aIone with him.
See, l can&t, because...
很遗憾 我不能 因为...
 l&m going to the Hamptons with Brian.
&Great. Great.
很好 很好啊 
You get to go have a romantic rendezvous1...
and l get to deaI with the Murph.
&&Do you knoW a better Way back home.&
* 知道一条更好的回家之路吗 *
& There&s a Way back home but It takes so lonG.&
* 有这么一条回家的路但它却很长很长 * 
 &She saId, If I kneW a better Way back home.&
* 她说 如果我知道一条更好的回家之路 * 
&& Would you take me alonG.&
* 你会不会抛下我一个人 * &
&If I kneW a better Way back home.&
* 如果我知道一条更好的回家之路 *
&&And I took you alonG Would I stIll be WronG.&
* 然后我抛下你 我做错了吗 *
&She saId, Yes I knoW a better Way back home.&
* 她说 是的 我知道一条更好的回家之路 *
 &But It takes so lonG.&
* 但这条路却好长好长 *
& Ooh, ooh.&
&& There&s a Way back home There&s a Way back home.&
* 有条回家的路 有条回家的路 *
&She saId, Ooh, ooh.&.&&&&&&&&& Wow. Look at this pIace.
* 她说 喔喔 *&&&&& 看看这儿
So this is what a coupIe best seIIers wiII get you, huh?
这就是卖给夫妇最好的房子了 被你买到了
See? l toId you you shouId start writing again.
看到了吧 我告诉过你该重新写作的 
Yeah, weII
Wow. Oh, my God.
哦 我的天啊
How Iong have you Iived here?&&&&&&&& Uh, about filve years.
你住这里多久啦&&&&& 大概5年了
l bought it right after l soId the movie rights to TonIGht&s the NIGht.
What a filne, filne filIm that was.
lt was worth every penny.
Oh, my God. Who are you?
我的天啊 你是谁?
SeriousIy. Oh, my God.
ls this a swimming pooI?
Yeah. It&s pretty rIdIculous, rIGht?
是啊 很奇妙吧?
&want you to know l&m not reaIIy, Iike, a reaIIy strong swimmer.
That&s all rIGht. We are Well equIpped WIth flotatIon devIces.
没关系 我们可以用游泳圈
So l guess, um
&So what shouId we&&&&&&&& Sorry.
我们&&&&& 不好意思&
No. lt&s filne. You don&t have to
没关系的 你没必要 
Do you wanna, uh, sIeep in my room
你 恩 你愿意睡在我的房间吗?
l don&t know.&&&&&&&& or guest room, or
我不知道&&&&& 或者客服 或是
How shouId we do this? l guess
我们怎么能这样 我猜
ll vote my room, but, you know, l don&t want to offend.
我提议是我的房间 但 我不想冒犯你
No! Of course. We&re aduIts.
不会 当然不会啦 我们都是成年人了
We&ve been in the same bed before, so, yeah, we couId.
之前我们也睡过同一张床的 所以 我们可以 .
Yes, we have. This way.
对啊 我们以前也这样 这边走
Got your kitchen.
CoupIe of guest rooms here.
Guest bath.
Very good.&&&&&&&& Library.
很不错啊&&&&& 书房 
Master bedroom&s upstaIrs.
Oh, my God, Brian.
我的天啊 布莱恩 
This is where you write?
l&II Iet you filnish it.
Come here for a second.
Have you read your revIeWs lately?&&&&&&&& No, it&s okay.
有没有读过你以前的作品?&&&&& 没有啊 
No. lt heIps... with that Iack of confildence.
它会对你有帮助... 帮你找回自信
lt&s aII right.
A moving coIIection of stories, fuIIy imagined and heartfeIt.
&一个值得珍藏的故事 充满想象与震撼力
Miss PetaIson is a new and weIcome voice.
Shh.&&&&&&&& &&lnspiring.
嘘&&&&& &在春天
PetaIson captures university Iife with honesty.
&Her insight2 achieves perfection3.&&&&&&&& Okay.
&她有着完美的洞察力&&&&& 好了啊&
Her grasp of human nature, authentic4.
&她抓住了人性 可信的 
A true New York writer is born.&&&&&&&&& Okay.
一个真正的纽约作家诞生了&&&&&& 好了啦
That&s what it says.&&&&&&&& That&s enough.
就是这么写的啊&&&&& 够了
The sound of sounds.That&s you. That&s you.
* 声声入耳 那是你 那是你 *
* 启发 * &
The WhIsper, the promIse the solace5.&
* 私语 承诺 安慰 * .
& Of Where you&re lead.&
* 是你给我带来的 *
So I f&l&nally Wrote somethInG...
and l wouId Iove if you wouId take a Iook at it this weekend.
EnlIGhtenInG.&&&&&&&&& AbsoIuteIy.
&声声细语&&&&&& 当然& 
&Good for you.&&&&&&&& .& You.&
你真好&&&&& &是你 &&
&AII right.&&&&&&&& .& You.&
是啊&&&&& * 是你 * 
& The sound of sounds.&
* 声声入耳 * &
* 声声细语 *不 我没有 我只是在保护我自己
他伤害了我 我告诉自己 不会再原谅他了
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reaiiy是什么意思 reaiiy在线翻译 reaiiy什么意思 reaiiy的意思 reaiiy的翻译 reaiiy的解释 reaiiy的发音 reaiiy的同义词 reaiiy的反义词 reaiiy的例句
reaiiyreaiiy 网络解释1. 不尽然& & Robert, your ruse is pathetic.|罗柏,你编的谎话太扯了 | Not reaIIy.|不尽然 | No, that&#39;s impossibIe.|不,不可能reaiiy 网络例句1. No, I&#39;m reaIIy pregnant. & &不是,我真的怀孕了。2. I reaIIy don&#39;t know you. & &抱歉 我真的不认识你3. I reaIIy think you shouId be a part of the team. & &我真的认为你一定是在那个队伍中的一份子。4. Oh, you know what I reaIIy wanted to ask you: Which one of these do you prefer? & &对了,我有个问题想问问你,哪个信封你比较喜欢?5. He&#39;s not reaIIy himseIf yet. & &他不再是过去的他了6. What he reaIIy needs right now is the famiIiarity of his own home. & &他现在真正需要的是他熟悉的家7. I&#39;d be reaIIy pIeased if you wouId accept ... & &我会很高兴,如果你接受reaiiy是什么意思,reaiiy在线翻译,reaiiy什么意思,reaiiy的意思,reaiiy的翻译,reaiiy的解释,reaiiy的发音,reaiiy的同义词,reaiiy的反义词,reaiiy的例句,reaiiy的相关词组,reaiiy意思是什么,reaiiy怎么翻译,单词reaiiy是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2016  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 We say it all the time: Bodybuilding is about how big and awesome you look, not how much weight you can lift. Bodybuilders strive for complete development of the muscles and the overall balance and flow of the physique. Toward that end, we discourage "ego-lifting" and being concerned about the number of plates on the bar.
Instead, it's all about concentrating on making the muscles work through the full range of motion. After all, weights are simply tools to help sculpt the perfect physique. So why are we giving you a program tailored for guys who just want to lift heavy-ass weights? Simple. Central to continuing on the path to greater growth is progressive overload.
This can take many forms, including advanced techniques like , , as well as increased volume, decreased rest periods between sets, training frequency, high-intensity training with , , and other methods. But the most fundamental form of progressive resistance is increasing the amount of weight used on exercises. The more you train a muscle, the stronger it will get.
And a stronger muscle is a bigger muscle and vice versa. But eventually you will reach a point where you are using weights that are close to your maximum and strength gains will stagnate and even (gasp!) go backward. This is when training specifically for strength can help you break
and get you back on track to making gains.
The best part&in addition to boosting your numbers and consequently, beefing up your answer to the age-old question of how much do you bench?&is that when you return to traditional bodybuilding training, you will be significantly stronger and able to use more weight. This means greater overload on the muscles, forcing them to grow bigger to keep pace with your newfound strength.
A Strong Suggestion
In the following paragraphs, you'll find tips (power points) that go with the workouts. But a specific tip that pops up in the last week of the program does not mean it should be saved for that period only. All these pointers apply for the duration of the program, so read the whole thing before going to the gym and making people stare in awe at your superhuman feats of strength.
Power Defined
Power is the rate at which energy is transferred or used. In the gym, this translates to the ability to use strength in a fast, explosive manner. If you've ever seen world-class powerlifters in action, you know that the concentric portion of the lift (the positive phase) is performed as quickly as possible.
The bar is lowered slowly and pushed up with tremendous force. This is power. All of your lifts will be performed in this manner.
Getting stronger is not a matter of loading up the bar with your 1RM every workout. In fact, consistently training at or near your limit is a sure way to stall out altogether. Getting stronger is a step-by-step process that is built up gradually, in increments, over time. The best method for doing this is through periodization, or cycle training, where weights and reps change over a set time period.
elicits general adaptation syndrome, which is the body's reaction to stress. Here's how it works: New stress (training) sets off an alarm reaction in the muscle, causing it to actually get weaker. But consistent exposure to that stress will eventually lead to increased strength, which is the body's method of adapting to the stress being placed upon it.
This state is not indefinite and lasts only for a few months at best until the body "peaks," at which point gains will diminish. Athletes in powerlifting, Olympic weightlifting, track and field, bodybuilding and other sports cycle their training so that they peak for a specific meet or contest. There are three major periodization schemes:
Studies have proven that all three methods are the best way to make continuous gains and avoid the dreaded "wall" that stops progress. This program will utilize linear periodization, which research proves to be superior in producing strength gains.
The Max Factor
Even though this is an 8-week plan, it will actually take you 10 weeks to complete when you factor in 1RM testing the week before starting and the week after completing this program. Also, you won't be estimating your 1RM with a 5-rep or 10-rep max.
After all, in the final week of the program, you'll be down to two reps per set anyway. So suck it up and find your true 1RM on all three lifts, as it's the best way to accurately calculate your 80 percent, 85 percent, and 95 percent rep maxes during the program. Have spotters handy!
The Super Squat Checklist
The Big Bench Checklist
Raise The Dead Checklist
Training Split
This is a five-day split that you can do on any of the five days of the week that fit your schedule. Just be sure to do them in the order listed regardless of the day of the week. Below is a sample schedule using a five-on, two-off scheme.
It's no accident that the squat, deadlift, and bench press, or the "big three," are the main lifts in the sport of powerlifting. There is no greater test of pure power than these three exercises, which together utilize every muscle in the body. This program will focus on increasing your one-rep maximum (1RM) on all three lifts.
In traditional bodybuilding training, the exercises are simply a means to one end&building the physique. No one has ever won a bodybuilding contest by benching or squatting more than his competitors onstage. But during this program, the exercise is the end. You are training the lift, not merely using it to build bigger and stronger muscles.
4 sets of 13-15 reps
4 sets of 13-15 reps
4 sets of 13-15 reps
4 sets of 13-15 reps
3 sets of 20-30* reps
3 sets of 20-30* reps
3 sets of 20-30* reps
4 sets of 13-15 reps
4 sets of 13-15 reps
4 sets of 13-15 reps
4 sets of 13-15 reps
4 sets of 25-30 reps
4 sets of 25-30 reps
4 sets of 13-15 reps
4 sets of 13-15 reps
4 sets of 13-15 reps
4 sets of 13-15 reps
4 sets of 13-15 reps
4 sets of 13-15 reps
4 sets of 13-15 reps
3 sets of 20-30* reps
3 sets of 1 min
4 sets of 13-15 reps
4 sets of 13-15 reps
4 sets of 13-15 reps
4 sets of 13-15 reps
(Behind the back)4 sets of 13-15 reps
4 sets of 13-15 reps
3 sets of 13-15 reps
3 sets of 13-15 reps
4 sets of 13-15 reps
4 sets of 13-15 reps
4 sets of 13-15 reps
4 sets of 13-15 reps
4 sets of 13-15 reps
4 sets of 25-30 reps
4 sets of 25-30 reps
"This year, I've been training heavier and for lower reps than I have in the past. For example, I spent a few weeks doing five-reps on basic, compound exercises. The goal was to build up my strength so that I had a stronger base to work from. The increased strength allowed me to train heavier when I returned to my normal rep range, which is around 8-12. My muscles were forced to handle heavier weights and they responded by getting bigger. The result was that I was bigger and harder at the end of this off-season." -Phil Heath, Mr. Olympia, 2011
4 sets of 10-12 reps
4 sets of 10-12 reps
4 sets of 10-12 reps
4 sets of 10-12 reps
3 sets of 15-19* reps
3 sets of 15-19* reps
3 sets of 15-19* reps
4 sets of 10-12 reps
4 sets of 10-12 reps
4 sets of 10-12 reps
4 sets of 10-12 reps
4 sets of 15-20 reps
4 sets of 15-20 reps
4 sets of 10-12 reps
4 sets of 10-12 reps
4 sets of 10-12 reps
4 sets of 10-12 reps
4 sets of 10-12 reps
4 sets of 10-12 reps
3 sets of 15-19* reps
3 sets of 15-19* reps
3 sets of 1 min
4 sets of 10-12 reps
4 sets of 10-12 reps
4 sets of 10-12 reps
4 sets of 10-12 reps
(Behind the back)4 sets of 10-12 reps
4 sets of 10-12 reps
3 sets of 10-12 reps
3 sets of 10-12 reps
4 sets of 10-12 reps
4 sets of 10-12 reps
4 sets of 10-12 reps
4 sets of 10-12 reps
4 sets of 10-12 reps
4 sets of 15-20 reps
4 sets of 15-20 reps
Always have a reliable spotter (or two) on standby. Whether you're maxing out or doing triples or doubles, you do not want to stall out and have the weight come crashing down on you. In addition, research has shown that those lifting in groups used more weight than those who trained by themselves.
4 sets of 7-9 reps
4 sets of 7-9 reps
4 sets of 7-9 reps
4 sets of 7-9 reps
3 sets of 10-14 reps
3 sets of 10-14 reps
3 sets of 10-14 reps
4 sets of 7-9 reps
4 sets of 7-9 reps
4 sets of 7-9 reps
4 sets of 7-9 reps
4 sets of 10-14 reps
4 sets of 10-14 reps
4 sets of 7-9 reps
4 sets of 7-9 reps
4 sets of 7-9 reps
4 sets of 7-9 reps
4 sets of 7-9 reps
4 sets of 7-9 reps
3 sets of 10-14 reps
3 sets of 10-14 reps
3 sets of 10-14 reps
"When I first started, my chest was really weak, but through powerlifting, I was able to bring it up to where it's now one of my best body parts. I think getting stronger is definitely the best way to pack on muscle. Let me put it this way, when was the last time you saw a really big guy who couldn't handle a decent amount of weight in any exercise? If you are struggling to get big, along with eating plenty of good food, I would definitely recommend doing some powerlifting or powerlifting-style training. The stronger you get, the bigger you'll get. The two go hand in hand." -Branch Warren, , Arnold Classic winner
4 sets of 7-9 reps
4 sets of 7-9 reps
4 sets of 7-9 reps
4 sets of 7-9 reps
(Behind the back)4 sets of 7-9 reps
4 sets of 7-9 reps
3 sets of 7-9 reps
3 sets of 7-9 reps
4 sets of 7-9 reps
4 sets of 7-9 reps
4 sets of 7-9 reps
4 sets of 7-9 reps
4 sets of 7-9 reps
4 sets of 10-14 reps
4 sets of 10-14 reps
Several muscles play key roles in assisting or stabilizing the prime movers in each of the three lifts. You will perform assistance exercises to strengthen the "role-players" so that there are no weak links. Typically, you will do fewer sets and slightly higher reps for these exercises than you will in the bench press, squat, and deadlift.
4 sets of 4-6 reps
4 sets of 4-6 reps
4 sets of 4-6 reps
4 sets of 4-6 reps
(on Smith Machine)3 sets of 7-9 reps
3 sets of 7-9 reps
3 sets of 7-9 reps
4 sets of 4-6 reps
4 sets of 4-6 reps
4 sets of 4-6 reps
4 sets of 4-6 reps
4 sets of 7-9 reps
4 sets of 7-9 reps
4 sets of 4-6 reps
4 sets of 4-6 reps
4 sets of 4-6 reps
4 sets of 4-6 reps
4 sets of 4-6 reps
4 sets of 4-6 reps
(on Smith Machine)3 sets of 7-9 reps
3 sets of 7-9 reps
3 sets of 75 sec
"One of the easiest ways to measure progress, especially for beginning athletes, is to record how much weight you are lifting. During the early years of this lifelong journey, I used that as a reflection of my training progress. Looking at pictures of my heroes in the magazines and watching the big guys in the gym, I realized that they were using what, to me at that time, seemed like an impossible amount of weight. It made me work hard to get stronger so that I could put the same number of plates on the bar or use the dumbbells that were at the far end of the rack, a place where very few people ventured. Through trial and error and always keeping an open mind, I learned that bodybuilding is more than lifting weights, but those early days of focusing on heavy weights did help lay the foundation that I would build upon through the the years." -Kai Greene,
Arnold Classic winner.
4 sets of 4-6 reps
4 sets of 4-6 reps
4 sets of 4-6 reps
4 sets of 4-6 reps
(Behind the back)4 sets of 4-6 reps
4 sets of 4-6 reps
3 sets of 4-6 reps
3 sets of 4-6 reps
4 sets of 4-6 reps
4 sets of 4-6 reps
4 sets of 4-6 reps
4 sets of 4-6 reps
4 sets of 4-6 reps
4 sets of 7-9 reps
4 sets of 7-9 reps
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听电影学英语-紫罗兰 15
  [00:02.85]不 我没有 我只是在保护我自己 No, l&m not. l&m protecting myseIf.
[00:07.52]他伤害了我 我告诉自己 不会再原谅他了 He hurt me. And l promised myseIf that l wouId never forgive him.
[00:11.46]你想让我做什么? 出去和他一起吃饭吗? What do you want me to do, go out and have Iunch with him?
[00:14.03]对 你可能会渡过个美好时光 Yes. And you might actuaIIy have a good time.
[00:16.70]好啊 Oh, yeah.
[00:18.97]乐开花 A thousand Iaughs.
[00:23.37]好 好 好 我去 Fi Fine. Fine. l&II go.
[00:25.77]但你必须陪我一起 But onIy if you come with me. l don&t
[00:27.78]我就是不想和他单独呆一块 l do not want to be aIone with him.
[00:29.88]很遗憾 我不能 因为... See, l can&t, because...
[00:31.61]我要和布莱恩一起去汉普顿 l&m going to the Hamptons with Brian.
[00:33.72]很好 很好啊 Great. Great.
[00:36.89]你快去享受一个浪漫的约会吧 You get to go have a romantic ...
[00:40.89]我就去和墨菲来个了断 and l get to deaI with the Murph.
[00:49.37]* 知道一条更好的回家之路吗 * &Do you knoW a better Way back home.&
[00:51.40]* 有这么一条回家的路但它却很长很长 * & There&s a Way back home but It takes so lonG.&
[00:54.60]* 她说 如果我知道一条更好的回家之路 * &She saId, If I kneW a better Way back home.&
[00:57.37]* 你会不会抛下我一个人 * & Would you take me alonG.&
[01:12.42]* 如果我知道一条更好的回家之路 * &If I kneW a better Way back home.&
[01:14.79]* 然后我抛下你 我做错了吗 * &And I took you alonG Would I stIll be WronG.&
[01:17.59]* 她说 是的 我知道一条更好的回家之路 * &She saId, Yes I knoW a better Way back home.&
[01:20.43]* 但这条路却好长好长 * &But It takes so lonG.&
[01:29.77]* 喔 喔 * & Ooh, ooh.&
[01:32.27]* 有条回家的路 有条回家的路 * & There&s a Way back home There&s a Way back home.&
[01:35.11]* 她说 喔喔 *&&&&& 看看这儿 &She saId, Ooh, ooh.&.&&&&&&&&& Wow. Look at this pIace.
[01:39.08]这就是卖给夫妇最好的房子了 被你买到了 So this is what a coupIe best seIIers wiII get you, huh?
[01:41.85]看到了吧 我告诉过你该重新写作的 See? l toId you you shouId start writing again.
[01:44.02]是啊 Yeah, weII
[01:46.16]哦 我的天啊 Wow. Oh, my God.
[01:48.26]你住这里多久啦&&&&& 大概5年了& How Iong have you Iived here?&&&&&&&& Uh, about filve years.
[01:51.73]在我卖了《暗夜流觞》的电影版权后买的 l bought it right after l soId the movie rights to TonIGht&s the NIGht.
[01:54.63]它是5部电影啊 What a filne, filne filIm that was.
[01:57.33]她值得每一分 lt was worth every penny.
  [01:59.97]我的天啊 你是谁? Oh, my God. Who are you?
[02:01.97]不是开玩笑吧 SeriousIy. Oh, my God.
[02:04.74]这是游泳池吗? ls this a swimming pooI?
[02:06.74]是啊 很奇妙吧? Yeah. It&s pretty rIdIculous, rIGht?
[02:09.55]我其实不是很擅长游泳 l want you to know l&m not reaIIy, Iike, a reaIIy strong swimmer.
[02:12.65]没关系 我们可以用游泳圈 That&s all rIGht. We are Well equIpped WIth flotatIon devIces.
[02:21.49]恩 So
[02:24.86]我猜 So l guess, um
[02:27.16]我们&&&&& 不好意思& So what shouId we&&&&&&&& Sorry.
[02:29.16]没关系的 你没必要 No. lt&s filne. You don&t have to
[02:31.50]没事 No, um
[02:34.00]你 恩 你愿意睡在我的房间吗? Do you wanna, uh, sIeep in my room
[02:36.17]我不知道&&&&& 或者客服 或是& l don&t know.&&&&&&&& or guest room, or
[02:38.17]我们怎么能这样 我猜& How shouId we do this? l guess
[02:40.34]我提议是我的房间 但 我不想冒犯你 ll vote my room, but, you know, l don&t want to offend.
[02:44.41]不会 当然不会啦 我们都是成年人了 No! Of course. We&re aduIts.
[02:46.48]之前我们也睡过同一张床的 所以 我们可以 We&ve been in the same bed before, so, yeah, we couId.
[02:49.85]对啊 我们以前也这样 这边走 Yes, we have. This way.
[02:57.29]是你的厨房 Got your kitchen.
[02:59.90]这是双人客房 CoupIe of guest rooms here.
[03:02.20]客卫 Guest bath.
[03:05.37]很不错啊&&&&& 书房& Very good.&&&&&&&& Library.
[03:07.87]主卧在楼上 Master bedroom&s upstaIrs.
[03:11.74]我的天啊 布莱恩 Oh, my God, Brian.
[03:13.81]这就是你创作的地方 This is where you write?
[03:16.75]好吧 Okay.
[03:35.00]你来帮我完成吧 l&II Iet you filnish it.
[03:38.57]过来一下 Come here for a second.
[03:41.24]有没有读过你以前的作品?&&&&& 没有啊& Have you read your revIeWs lately?&&&&&&&& No, it&s okay.
[03:43.74]它会对你有帮助... 帮你找回自信& No. lt heIps... with that Iack of confildence.
[03:47.31]没关系啊 lt&s aII right.
[03:47.86]&一个值得珍藏的故事 充满想象与震撼力 &&A moving coIIection of stories, fuIIy imagined and heartfeIt.
[03:51.25]&帕塔森小姐是欣欣的受欢迎的人 &&Miss PetaIson is a new and weIcome voice.
[03:54.52]嘘&&&&& &在春天& Shh.&&&&&&&& &&lnspiring.
[03:56.52]&帕塔森用真诚捕获了大学生活 &&PetaIson captures university Iife with honesty.
[03:59.96]&她有着完美的洞察力&&&&& 好了啊& &&Her
achieves .&&&&&&&& Okay.
[04:01.96]&她抓住了人性 可信的 &&Her grasp of human nature, .
[04:03.96]一个真正的纽约作家诞生了&&&&&& 好了啦 A true New York writer is born.&&&&&&&&& Okay.
  [04:06.16]就是这么写的啊&&&&& 够了& That&s what it says.&&&&&&&& That&s enough.
[04:08.16]* 声声入耳 那是你 那是你 * & The sound of sounds.That&s you. That&s you.
[04:10.17]* 启发 * &EnlIGhtenInG.&
[04:21.28]* 私语 承诺 安慰 * .& The WhIsper, the promIse the .&
[04:24.11]* 是你给我带来的 * & Of Where you&re lead.&
[04:27.62]* 声声 * & To.&
[04:34.16]所以我最后写的东西... So I f&l&nally Wrote somethInG...
[04:36.16]我很高兴你如果能在这个周末看看& and l wouId Iove if you wouId take a Iook at it this weekend.
[04:39.90]&声声细语&&&&&& 当然& .&EnlIGhtenInG.&&&&&&&&& AbsoIuteIy.
[04:41.90]你真好&&&&& &是你 && Good for you.&&&&&&&& .& You.&
[04:43.97]是啊&&&&& * 是你 *& AII right.&&&&&&&& .& You.&
[04:50.47]* 声声入耳 * & The sound of sounds.&
[04:54.34]* 声声细语 * &EnlIGhtenInG.&
She made the rendezvous with only minutes to spare.她还差几分钟时才来赴约。
I have a rendezvous with Peter at a restaurant on the harbour.我和彼得在海港的一个餐馆有个约会。
Good teachers have insight into the problems of students.好的教师能洞察学生的问题。
The research will provide direct insight into molecular mechanisms.这项研究将使人能够直接地了解分子的机理。
Their works reach to a great height of perfection.他们的作品到了极完美的境地。
The picture wants something of perfection.这幅画还有些不够完美。
This is an authentic news report. We can depend on it. 这是篇可靠的新闻报道, 我们相信它。
Autumn is also the authentic season of renewal. 秋天才是真正的除旧布新的季节。
They sought solace in religion from the harshness of their everyday lives.他们日常生活很艰难,就在宗教中寻求安慰。
His acting career took a nosedive and he turned to drink for solace.演艺事业突然一落千丈,他便借酒浇愁。


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